All reports

Eroding the Future
US farms are losing soil to erosion at an unsustainable rate. To meet this threat, we need policies that support farmers in conserving and rebuilding soil.

Clean Fuel Standards
Grappling with climate change requires transforming how we power our economy, and no sector requires more fundamental change than transportation, which accounts for the largest share of US global warming pollution.

Signed, Sealed, but Not Delivered
The evidence shows that people are having problems receiving mail.

Rural Communities and TCI
The Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) seeks to improve transportation, develop the clean energy economy and reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector.

Voters Have Higher Priorities than Nuclear Weapons
Recent polling shows voters don't support spending trillions to replace US nuclear weapons as a top federal government priority.

Troubled Waters
Climate change threatens to break California’s water system altogether, creating new vulnerabilities for which infrastructure and institutions are unprepared.

Inter-model agreement on projected shifts in California hydroclimate
A peer-reviewed article in Climatic Change

Science in an Age of Scrutiny
Scientists are increasingly subject to personal attack when their work touches on public policy debates. This UCS guide offers advice and resources to help scientists distinguish harassment from legitimate criticism and respond appropriately to both.

Climate Change in the San Joaquin Valley
A guide designed to help people living in California's San Joaquin Valley understand how climate change threatens communities, and what they can do to prepare.

Roadmap for Science in Decisionmaking
Independent science in government decisionmaking is under attack and must be restored.

Benefits From Minnesota Energy Efficiency
Minnesota is undergoing a significant energy transition, and as the transition progresses, traditional paradigms and approaches to valuing energy efficiency must evolve.

A Toxic Relationship
Thousands of Superfund sites are threatened by coastal flooding, putting the health of millions of people at risk.