Rural Communities and the Transportation and Climate Initiative

Reducing Pollution, Improving the Quality of Life, Stimulating Local Economies

Paulina Muratore, Maria Cecilia Pinto de Moura

Published Oct 19, 2020

Cover of the rural communities and TCI fact sheet

For Northeastern and mid-Atlantic states, the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) presents a crucial opportunity to move toward a modern, less polluting, and more resilient transportation future.

Rural communities can benefit tremendously from the initiative’s new transportation investments if they have both strong input in designing policies to meet their transportation challenges and paths to advocate for their vision of clean, modern transportation solutions.


Pinto de Moura, Maria Cecilia and Paulina Muratore. 2020. Rural Communities and the Transportation and Climate Initiative: Reducing Pollution, Improving the Quality of Life, Stimulating Local Economies. Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists.

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