Reports & Multimedia

Our scientists and experts produce reports, peer-reviewed papers, interactive tools, and other resources as part of our advocacy. Search or browse our resource library below.

1363 items found
This is Science with Jess Phoenix Episode 28: Strange New Worlds

Strange New Worlds

Jess talks with Dr. Dante Lauretta about collecting samples from the asteroid Bennu that are now helping us understand the origins of the universe.
Image of flooded street with Ciencia Consciente logo over it.

¿Por qué sube el nivel del mar?

Rising sea levels due to climate change affect vulnerable communities like the Canal area in San Rafael, CA. Expert Cris Criollo speaks with Ciencia Consciente, UCS's Spanish-language podcast.
This is Science with Jess Phoenix Episode 27: Food Fight

Food Fight

Food justice activist and writer Rae Gomes joins Jess to talk about what we get wrong about food in the United States, and what we can do to make things right.
The State House in California.

Follow the Money

According to new analysis, federal infrastructure investments in California may fall short of Justice40 Initiative goals.
photo of a wall plaque made of dark wood with gold lettering that reads "SR-328A Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry"

Cultivating Control

Between 2019 and 2023, "Big Ag" spent over half a billion dollars to influence food policies that are bad for people and the environment.

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