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Invisible Threat, Inequitable Impact
Ethylene oxide poses a largely invisible and unrecognized threat to nearby communities.
Equity and Environmental Justice Assessment of Anti-Science Actions During the Trump Administration
A peer-reviewed article in Journal of Public Health Policy.
Water, Environment, and Socioeconomic Justice in California
A peer-reviewed article in Science of the Total Environment.
New England State Climate Action Assessment
A report by Fellows at UNH, focused on climate resiliency in the northeastern US.
Participating in Federal Rulemaking
Resources to help experts and others participate in rulemaking at the highest level.
West Virginia vs. EPA
A white paper on the aftermath of the US Supreme Court ruling in West Virginia v. EPA
Low-Carbon Pathways for Transportation
It is possible for the United States to transition to a decarbonized and equitable future by midcentury. In the transportation sector, decarbonization entails the phaseout of petroleum.
EV Survey on Equity
The communities most harmed by the status quo are adopting EVs at disproportionately low rates.
Diesel pollution in RI
Exhaust from diesel trucks and buses is a leading source of harmful air pollution that sends Rhode Island residents to the hospital every year.
Diesel pollution in VA
Exhaust from diesel trucks and buses is a leading source of harmful air pollution that sends Virginia residents to the hospital every year.
UCS JEDI Report 2022
An annual update on the Union of Concerned Scientists’ work to center justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) in our science-based advocacy, impact, and organizational culture.
State of Charge
Electric cars produce lower global warming emissions and cost significantly less to fuel than the average gasoline-powered vehicle.