An Equity and Environmental Justice Assessment of Anti-Science Actions During the Trump Administration

Anita Desikan, Taryn MacKinney, Casey Kalman, Jacob Carter, Genna Reed, Gretchen Goldman

Published Feb 3, 2023

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A peer-reviewed article in Journal of Public Health Policy.

In the United States, science shapes federal health and safety protections, but political officials can and do politicize federal science and science-based safeguards. Many presidential administrations have politicized science, but under the administration of President Trump, these attacks on science—such as buried research, censored scientists, halted data collection—increased in number to unprecedented levels.


Desikan, Anita., MacKinney, Taryn., Kalman, Casey., Carter, Jacob M., Reed, Genna., Goldman, Gretchen T.
2023. An equity and environmental justice assessment of anti-science actions during the Trump administration. Journal of Public Health Policy. 44:1:147-162

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