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Grey electric vehicle at electric vehicle charging station

State of Charge

Electric cars produce lower global warming emissions and cost significantly less to fuel than the average gasoline-powered vehicle.
white electric vehicle charging in a residential garage

Driving Cleaner

On average, battery-electric vehicles produce roughly half the global warming emissions of comparable gasoline-powered vehicles
Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Annapolis, MD

Diesel pollution in MD

Exhaust from diesel trucks and buses is a leading source of harmful air pollution that sends Delaware residents to the hospital every year.
Parkway in Connecticut

Diesel Pollution in CT

Exhaust from diesel trucks and buses is a leading source of harmful air pollution that sends Connecticut residents to the hospital every year.
Photo of a combine swallowing up rows of corn in a partially harvested cornfield

Tyson's Need for Feed

Tyson Foods influences farming practices on nearly 10 million acres of cropland—an area roughly twice the size of New Jersey.