All reports
Building Community Resilience
Our policy recommendations based on community partners’ experiences of climate impacts and well-established scientific data and literature.
Cleaner Cars Cleaner Air
Driving older gasoline and diesel vehicles exposes people to a significant amount of harmful air pollution.
The Fossil Fuels Behind Forest Fires
Some of the world’s largest fossil fuel producers are now directly connected to wildfires across western North America.
Quantifying the Contribution of Major Carbon Producers to Increases in Vapor Pressure Deficit and Burned Area in Western US and Southwestern Canadian Forests
A peer-reviewed article in Environmental Research Letters.
Should High-Cobalt EV Batteries be Repurposed
A peer-reviewed article in Journal of Industrial Ecology.
Equitable Grid Principles
Guidance for energy decisionmakers and stakeholders in the Midwest.
Investing in US Farmworker Health
The people whose work puts food on our tables face a variety of hazards in their jobs, but research that would help protect their health is severely underfunded by the US government.
Understanding Perceived Climate Risks to Household Water Supply
A peer-reviewed article from Climatic Change.
Transforming the Western Power Grid
A western grid operator could improve access to renewable energy, bolster grid reliability, and coordinate transmission system planning.
Philadelphia Refinery Closure
There are many opportunities to learn from the victories and missteps associated with the PES refinery closure.
Getting Science Back on Track
The latest Union of Concerned Scientists survey of federal scientists shows the powerful, positive effects of strengthening scientific integrity policies under President Biden.
Invisible Threat, Inequitable Impact
Ethylene oxide poses a largely invisible and unrecognized threat to nearby communities.