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Traffic near the intersection of Atlantic Ave. in Boston, MA

Diesel Pollution in MA

Exhaust from diesel trucks and buses is a leading source of harmful air pollution that sends Massachusetts residents to the hospital every year.
Skateboarder in Brooklyn, NY

Diesel Pollution in NY

Exhaust from diesel trucks and buses is a leading source of harmful air pollution that sends New Yorkers to the hospital every year.
Houses destroyed due to the Kingston coal ash spill

Coal Ash Cleanup Benefits

Cleaning up coal ash sites the right way would alleviate water contamination, address environmental justice issues, and create more jobs than current site owner plans.
Two farmers kneeling in a field

From Silos to Systems

Diet-related disease, climate change, and environmental degradation exact an enormous toll on human and planetary health. These challenges can be addressed in part by shifting what we eat and how we produce food.