All reports
The Plus Side
A variety of forestry practices can be used to achieve “the plus side” of REDD+ policies, while meeting strict standards for protecting the environment and local cultures.
Carbon Stocks and Drivers of Deforestation
A technical paper and two-page summary released on November 30, 2011 at a side event of the international climate negotiations in Durban, South Africa.
Attack on the Clean Air Act
The Clean Air Act is a law with a 40-year track record of cutting dangerous pollution to protect human health and the environment.
The NRC's Reactor Oversight Process
The Reactor Oversight Process, which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission instituted to evaluate the safety and security performance of the nation’s 104 nuclear power reactors, recently passed the ten year mark.
Raising the Steaks
Beef production is a major contributor to global warming—but smart pasture management can help reduce emissions.
The Economic Impact of AB 32 on Localities
A Look at Chula Vista.
Deforestation Today
Deforestation is driven by large commercial enterprises, not subsistence farmers—and our strategies for reducing deforestation should reflect this.
Securing the Skies
Recent trends and events make clear that the space environment needs more protection, that satellites face growing risks, and that space activities may be a potential source of mistrust and tension
Automaker Rankings 2010
This analysis rates the bottom-line environmental performance of eight companies using sales and global warming and smog-forming emissions data.
The Economic Impact of AB 32 on California Small Business
This first-of-its-kind study takes an innovative approach to the controversial subject by highlighting the case study of a real-world business in the Los Angeles area.
Regulatory Roulette
This report shows that the NRC is not living up to its self-stated mission when it comes to accidental releases of radioactive liquids and gases from nuclear power plants.
The FY 2011 Budget Request for Nuclear Weapons and Nonproliferation
The Fiscal Year 2011 budget request for nuclear weapons and nonproliferation includes major increases in funding for new facilities, for warhead maintenance, and for nonproliferation programs.