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Diagram of control rods in nuclear reactor

Control Rods at Peach Bottom

The workers at Peach Bottom artfully—and likely illegally—played games with safety and operating license requirements to keep the Unit 2 reactor operating despite known safety shortcomings.
Trucks driving uphill on highway

Delivering Jobs

Investing in fuel-efficient technologies for heavy-duty trucks can save their owners money at the pump, create tens of thousands of jobs across the economy, reduce the nation’s dependence on oil, and help combat climate change.
Diagram from fact sheet on verification of New START treaty

Verification of New START

The New START treaty streamlines the verification measures from START I without sacrificing any essential information, while adding the most intrusive verification system ever implemented for counting nuclear warheads.
Graph showing projected costs of biofuel tax credits

Smart Bioenergy

Bioenergy has the potential to increase energy security, promote economic development, and decrease global warming pollution. But efforts to expand its production and use could have unintended consequences.
A train transporting coal

Burning Coal, Burning Cash

We rank the states most dependent on coal imports, highlighting this annual drain on state economies, and suggest how states can keep their funds in-state through investments in energy efficiency and homegrown renewable energy.