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North Korean Missiles: A Diplomatic Approach
In 2009, UCS took part in an independent effort to examine and suggest ideas to support a diplomatic approach aimed at engaging North Korea and ending its nuclear and missile programs.
Voices of Federal Food Safety Scientists and Inspectors
Undue influence by special interests and public officials routinely inhibits the ability of inspectors to protect our food supply.
Model Year 2012–2016 Clean Car Standards
Model year 2012–2016 national standards save oil, cut emissions, and save money at the pump
The Most Expensive Thing We Can Do is Nothing
Top economists agree: Blocking California’s clean energy law will be costly.
Control Rods at Peach Bottom
The workers at Peach Bottom artfully—and likely illegally—played games with safety and operating license requirements to keep the Unit 2 reactor operating despite known safety shortcomings.
Delivering Jobs
Investing in fuel-efficient technologies for heavy-duty trucks can save their owners money at the pump, create tens of thousands of jobs across the economy, reduce the nation’s dependence on oil, and help combat climate change.
Verification of New START
The New START treaty streamlines the verification measures from START I without sacrificing any essential information, while adding the most intrusive verification system ever implemented for counting nuclear warheads.
Nuclear Power Subsidies Will Shift Financial Risks to Taxpayers
Massive new subsidies will only further mask nuclear power’s considerable costs and risks while disadvantaging more cost-effective and less risky carbon reduction measures that can be implemented much more quickly.
How to Reform Biofuels Tax Polices
How biofuels tax policies must be reformed to cut global warming pollution and save oil.
How to Get Advanced Biofuels Off the Ground
The Billion Gallon Challenge shows how new policies are needed to realize the promise of clean cellulosic biofuels.
Smart Bioenergy
Bioenergy has the potential to increase energy security, promote economic development, and decrease global warming pollution. But efforts to expand its production and use could have unintended consequences.
Burning Coal, Burning Cash
We rank the states most dependent on coal imports, highlighting this annual drain on state economies, and suggest how states can keep their funds in-state through investments in energy efficiency and homegrown renewable energy.