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Case Study

Beryllium Health Information Hidden From Public
The head of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration attempted to cover-up evidence of beryllium exposure among its inspectors and retaliated against a scientist who exposed the problem.

Federal Science and the Public Good
Strong U.S. investment in independent science has brought the nation economic progress, science-based public policy, and global scientific leadership.
Case Study

Administration hides true cost analysis until after passage of Medicare Prescription Drug Act
The administrator of Medicare threatened to fire his chief actuary if he communicated to Congress his cost estimates for the Medicare Prescription Drug Mobilization Act of 2003.
Case Study

Scientists Challenge Restrictions on Use of Genetic Studies for Endangered Species Review
In a forceful letter to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, scientists challenged a policy restricting the use of recently discovered genetic data in reviewing the status of endangered species.

Scientific Integrity in Policy Making
Reports: Scientific Integrity in Policy Making
Case Study

Bush Mandate Centralizes Regulatory Power, Endangers Public
G.W. Bush's Executive Order (EO) 13422 of 2007 injects political appointees into agency rule-making, cripples an agency's ability to issue guidance to public, and promotes free market concerns over public welfare.
Case Study

Underqualified Candidate Appointed To Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
A high-profile appointment of a scientist with questionable credentials is the selection of Dr. Joseph McIlhaney to the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS.
Case Study

Spotted Owl Research Manipulated to Promote Logging Initiative
In 2004 the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) exaggerated the impact of forest fires on spotted owl habitat in an attempt to expand old-growth logging in the Sierra Nevada.
Case Study

Political Interference in Science Undermines Medical Research
On scientific and medical issues, from childhood lead poisoning to reproductive health to toxic mercury pollution, federal government science is being manipulated, distorted, and suppressed at an unprecedented scale.

Survey: FDA Scientists
Survey of scientists at the FDA reporting significant interference with the FDA’s scientific work, compromising the agency’s ability to fulfill its mission of protecting public health and safety.

Voices of EPA Scientists
A 2007 UCS survey of nearly 5,500 scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency which shows political interference in the scientist's work, barriers to communication of scientific results, and concern's about agency effectiveness.

Science and Politics at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
A report detailing political interference in science at the EPA, combining dozens of interviews with current and former staff, analysis of government documents, more than 1,600 survey responses, and 70 pages of written comments from scientists.