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Case Study
HHS Censors STD Panel at CDC Conference
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) agreed to a politician’s request to insert a pro-abstinence speaker on a panel discussion at the 2006 National STD Prevention Conference in Jacksonville, Fla.
Case Study
EPA Findings on Hydraulic Fracturing Deemed “Unsupportable”
Several EPA scientists challenged the methodology and questioned the impartiality of the expert panel that reviewed findings of a 2004 EPA study concluding that hydraulic fracturing “poses little or no threat” to drinking water supplies.
Case Study
Climate Change Research Distorted and Suppressed
The GW Bush administration sought to undermine the public’s understanding of the view held by the vast majority of climate scientists that human-caused emissions of heat-trapping gases are making a clear contribution to global warming.
Survey: NOAA Fisheries Scientists
The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) and Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) distributed a 34-question survey to more than 460 NOAA Fisheries scientists to obtain their perceptions of scientific integrity within the agency.
Case Study
Army Science Board Nominee Subjected to Litmus Test
Engineer William E. Howard III reported in a letter to Science that his nomination to a Defense Dept. advisory panel was rejected because he had contributed Senator John McCain (R-AZ) presidential campaign.
Survey: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Scientists
Political interference in science threatens our nation's prosperity, research capacity, and leadership within the global scientific community.
Activist Resource
2004 Scientist Statement on Scientific Integrity
On February 18, 2004, over 62 leading scientists signed this statement voicing their concern about the misuse of science by the Bush administration.
Clearing the Air in the San Joaquin Valley
Poor air quality is affecting the region's residents, public health, and the economy. Without further action, the problem will only get worse.
Blog posts
Perspectives on the Election
Our experts on what a second Trump Administration means for science, democracy, the climate crisis, and other pressing issues.
Scientific Integrity Quality by Federal Agency
Out of 38 agencies examined, 27 received overall scores of either "poor" or "worst." Five received overall scores in the categories of "best" and "good."
Attacks on Science during Last Four Administrations
UCS has documented 326 attacks on science across four presidential administrations. Most took place during the Trump administration.
Analysis Sets the Stage for 2024 Election
Explore the key findings from the analysis of 2020 election data