All science & democracy resources
Voices of Scientists at the FDA
The FDA has gone far toward restoring confidence among agency scientists since 2006, but some issues persist.
Heads They Win, Tails We Lose
Corporate influence is a key driver of the political interference that obstructs, distorts and suppresses federal science.
Voices of Federal Food Safety Scientists and Inspectors
Undue influence by special interests and public officials routinely inhibits the ability of inspectors to protect our food supply.
Case Study
FDA Medical Device Approval Based on Politics, Not Science
FDA scientists have called public attention to systemic political interference in the approval of medical devices.
Freedom to Speak?: A Report Card on Federal Agency Media Policies
To assess the degree of freedom with which science is communicated at federal agencies, the Union of Concerned Scientists conducted an investigation of 15 federal regulatory and science agencies.
Case Study
Integrity of Public Toxics Database threatened by Interagency Review
In April 2008, the EPA granted greater control over a key chemical database to other federal agencies, allowing many with conflicts of interest to delay recording scientific assessments of the toxicological effects of chemicals.
Case Study
Politics Infiltrates EPA Chemical Database
One of a series of case studies produced by the Union of Concerned Scientists' Scientific Integrity Program between 2004 and 2010 to document the abuses highlighted in our 2004 report, Scientific Integrity in Policy Making.
Case Study
Beryllium Health Information Hidden From Public
The head of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration attempted to cover-up evidence of beryllium exposure among its inspectors and retaliated against a scientist who exposed the problem.
Federal Science and the Public Good
Strong U.S. investment in independent science has brought the nation economic progress, science-based public policy, and global scientific leadership.
Case Study
Administration hides true cost analysis until after passage of Medicare Prescription Drug Act
The administrator of Medicare threatened to fire his chief actuary if he communicated to Congress his cost estimates for the Medicare Prescription Drug Mobilization Act of 2003.
Case Study
Scientists Challenge Restrictions on Use of Genetic Studies for Endangered Species Review
In a forceful letter to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, scientists challenged a policy restricting the use of recently discovered genetic data in reviewing the status of endangered species.
Scientific Integrity in Policy Making
Reports: Scientific Integrity in Policy Making