All science & democracy resources
Tricks of the Trade
When trade groups work to block effective climate policy, we need to hold their member companies accountable. Current policies make this harder than it should be.
Toward an Evidence-Based Fracking Debate
Communities need reliable information to make good decisions about hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") and other unconventional oil and gas development technologies.
Case Study
Killer Cantaloupes
Food safety disasters like the Listeria outbreak of 2011 are more common than they should be.
Activist Resource
Science, Democracy, and Community Decisions on Fracking
The 2013 Lewis M. Branscomb Forum convened big thinkers from academia, industry, government, non-governmental organizations, and citizen groups to delve into some of the most complex challenges around fracking.
Grading Government Transparency
UCS's 2013 report, Grading Government Transparency, looks at policies governing scientists' communications through traditional and social media at 17 federal agencies.
Assessing Trade and Business Groups' Positions on Climate Change
In this 2013 study, the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists looks at the climate-related statements and policy positions of 14 industry trade groups, finding a wide range of views and behaviors.
SARS: A Pandemic Prevented
The U.S. response to the SARS epidemic of 2002-03 is a good example of the partnership between science and democracy working effectively.
Activist Resource
Improving Access to Government Scientific Information
This is the first in the Lewis M. Branscomb Science Democracy Forum series. It set out to identify and advocate for ways to improve access to governmental scientific information.
Got Science? Not at News Corporation
Representations of climate science on Fox News Channel and in the Wall Street Journal opinion pages are overwhelmingly misleading
Science and Democracy in the United States
Science and democracy have been inseparable since our nation was born. Here are some of the highlights of their paired story.
A Climate of Corporate Control
When corporations use their influence to obscure science and block effective climate policy, the public loses.
Drug and Medical Device Companies Have Outsized Influence on FDA
As Congress decides the influence that pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device companies should have over the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), industry spends big.