Science & Democracy Resources

All science & democracy resources


Stormy Seas, Rising Risks

As climate impacts grow more severe, oil refineries face increasing risk. Fossil fuel companies need to disclose these risks to shareholders and the public.

Freedom to Bully

Open records laws are increasingly being used as a weapon against researchers whose work threatens private interests.

Abuses of Science

The UCS Scientific Integrity program has collected over 100 tales of interference, suppression of data, muzzling of scientists, the well-traveled "revolving door" between industry and public service, and the stacking of scientific advisory boards.

Sugar-Coating Science

With big budgets and deceptive advertising practices, sugar interests target vulnerable audiences and turn misinformation into profit.
Case Study

Added Sugar, Subtracted Science: Appendix D

Evidence in a recent federal district court case, Western Sugar Cooperative et al. v. Archer Daniels Midland et al providing insight into strategies sugar interests have used to mislead the public and prevent science-based policies on sugar.