Science & Democracy Resources

All science & democracy resources


Double Jeopardy in Houston

A study of four Houston communities shows that both short- and long-term chemical risks are unevenly distributed along racial and economic lines.

Transparency in Food Labeling

Despite evidence showing that food labels can help consumers make healthier choices, the food industry continues to trot out tired, misleading claims to the contrary.
Scientist crouching on a hillside with ruler and notebook

Progress and Problems

A new survey of federal scientists shows that while scientific integrity has gained ground in recent years, a lot of work remains to be done.
Reporter writing in notebook

Mediated Access

Barriers between reporters and government scientists are making it harder for science writers to keep the public informed, according to a new survey.
Chemical drums of assorted colors

Bad Chemistry

We need chemical policy reform for the health and safety of all Americans. Guess who's standing in the way?
Activist Resource

Food Justice

At a June 2015 meeting and community forum in Minneapolis, community leaders, policymakers, researchers, and students shared ideas and experiences on what it takes to forge trusted, equitable, and respectful partnerships to advance food policy reform.
Activist Resource

Community Connections

Our Lewis M. Branscomb Forum, "Community Connections," explored new ways for scientists and communities to work together to meet challenges like chemical hazards, climate change impacts, or access to healthy food.