Our scientists and experts produce reports, peer-reviewed papers, interactive tools, and other resources as part of our advocacy. Search or browse our resource library below.
1402 items found
The State of Science in the Trump Era
The Trump administration's pattern of undermining science is damaging our health and safety. Scientists and their allies are pushing back—and Congress should join them.
Activist Resource
Meet with your Member of Congress
Commit to stand up for science this year: Set up your first meeting with your member of Congress. We’ve got the tools you need to get started.
Decoys Used in Missile Defense Intercept Tests
The United States missile defense system hasn’t shown that it can successfully deal with decoys or other countermeasures.
Activist Resource
The PFAS Threat
The EPA must act now to protect communities from a highly toxic class of chemicals known as PFAS that contaminate drinking water and groundwater.
Measuring Ice Thickness in Antarctica: NASA’s ICESat-2 Mission
We go behind the scenes with NASA glaciologists as they prepare for a data-collecting expedition around the South Pole.
A Scientist Defending Science
Molecular biologist, Dr. Maryam Zaringhalam, left the lab to explore the intersection of science and public policy.
2018 Annual Report
How did UCS perform in 2018?
US Military Options Should Not Include Starting a Nuclear War
A no-first-use policy—in which the United States declares it will never use nuclear weapons first—would remove the ability of the United States to start a nuclear war, increasing global security.
Electric Trucks and Buses
Heavy duty vehicles play a major role in our everyday lives—but their pollutants pose many health risks.
50 Years of Science and Action
Since our founding in 1969 we've helped address some of the world’s most pressing problems.
A Dreamer’s Tale: Soil Microbes, Climate Change, and Being an Undocumented Scientist
PhD candidate Evelyn Valdez-Ward talks about her her research on soil and climate.
2018 UCS Science Defenders
UCS is proud to announce the 2018 Science Defenders—five individuals and groups who have taken a stand for science even in this hostile climate.