Meet with your Member of Congress

Commit to stand up for science this year: Set up your first meeting with your member of Congress. We’ve got the tools you need to get started.

Published Jan 18, 2019

We can’t overstate what a big impression it makes on legislators and their staff when their constituents set up a face-to-face meeting. Thanks for joining the wave of UCS supporters around the country visiting their local Congressional offices this year!

To get started…

  1. Look up your member of Congress. Go to and enter your zipcode to find your member of Congress. Click on their name to be taken to their website.
  2. Set up your meeting. On their website, there should be a “Contact” section. From there, you can call the office closest to where you live. Say your name, where you’re from, and that you’d like to talk to someone in your legislator’s office about how they plan to hold the Trump administration accountable for sidelining science.
  3. Don’t forget! Print out this postcard and fill in the details of your meeting. Put it on your fridge so you don’t forget when and where you’re meeting.

Can’t wait for your meeting? Write a letter to the editor calling on your representative to hold the Trump administration accountable for sidelining science. Learn how here.

Start preparing for your meeting with these resources: