All reports
Lost in Translation
U.S. government assessments of China's military prowess are sometimes based upon shaky sources.
Digging Up Trouble
A report on health impacts of diesel emissions from construction equipment in California.
Clean School Bus Pollution Report Card
This report evaluates state school bus cleanup programs and tailpipe emissions of soot and smog-forming pollution for the average state school bus.
An Introduction to Space Weapons
An introduction to space weapons uses and policy issues.
What's in Space?
Fact Sheet discusses objects in space. Satellites by country, industry, orbit and more.
Tires and Passenger Vehicle Fuel Economy
This site discusses the National Academy of Sciences report on the fuel economy ramifications of tire performance and rolling resistance.
Workshop on the Reliable Replacement Warhead
A workshop of technical experts discussed the Department of Energy's plans to replace existing warheads in the U.S. nuclear stockpile with new warheads developed under the Reliable Replacement Warhead (RRW) program.
Greener Pastures: How Grass-fed Beef and Milk Contribute to Healthy Eating
Report explores how grass-fed beef and milk contribute to healthy eating.
AB 32: California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
AB 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act, was passed by the state legislature and signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger in 2006.
California Global Warming Impacts
A short summary of the latest scientific findings on how global warming is expected to impact California from the California Climate Action Team report to the Governor and the Legislature (2/2006).
The Economics of Pharmaceutical Crops: Potential Benefits and Risks for Farmers and Rural Communities
A 2005 report by Dr. Robert Wisner, Ph.D., professor of economics at Iowa State University, analyzing various claims about the potential benefits and risks of pharmaceutical and industrial crops.
Off-Highway Diesel Equipment
Information and access to report and database on nonroad diesel cleanup.