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Wind Power in New England: Reducing Pollution
Wind power is an affordable option for producing some of the electricity New England needs without creating air or water pollution.

Wind Power in New England
Wind energy is among the least expensive and most abundant renewable energy sources available today.

Wind Power in New England
New England has excellent wind resources, particularly on mountain ridges and along the coast.

Wind energy is a vital climate solution
Electricity generation is the leading U.S. contributor to global warming because most of our energy comes from fossil fuels that emit CO2. Wind power is the most affordable option available today for new sources of power generation without emitting CO2.

Affordable State Renewable Electricity Standards
On average, monthly household electricity bills could increase by just 38 cents.

Futility at the Utility
Twenty years of testing resulted in a safety system that may never have been adequate.

National Call to Action on Global Warming
The impacts of global warming on human and natural systems are now being observed nearly everywhere.

Atmosphere of Pressure
Two independent investigations revealed persistent political interference in the work of federal climate scientists.

Voices of Federal Climate Scientists
Summary and supporting documents detailing survey of scientists at NOAA, NASA, NCAR, USDA, EPA, DOD, DOE, and USGS. The survey gives evidence for inappropriate political interference in their work.

Greener Eggs and Ham
Raising swine and chickens using methods that allow them access to the outdoors is good for farmers, animals, consumers, and the environment.

The Washington Clean Energy Initiative
The costs and benefits of the renewable energy and energy efficiency provisions of I-937

Walking a Nuclear Tightrope
This report identifies common themes among extended outages and steps the NRC must take to end these costly and avoidable threats to public health and the U.S. economy.