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Wind turbine in Hull, MA at sunset

Wind energy is a vital climate solution

Electricity generation is the leading U.S. contributor to global warming because most of our energy comes from fossil fuels that emit CO2. Wind power is the most affordable option available today for new sources of power generation without emitting CO2.

Voices of Federal Climate Scientists

Summary and supporting documents detailing survey of scientists at NOAA, NASA, NCAR, USDA, EPA, DOD, DOE, and USGS. The survey gives evidence for inappropriate political interference in their work.
Free-range chickens in pasture

Greener Eggs and Ham

Raising swine and chickens using methods that allow them access to the outdoors is good for farmers, animals, consumers, and the environment.

Walking a Nuclear Tightrope

This report identifies common themes among extended outages and steps the NRC must take to end these costly and avoidable threats to public health and the U.S. economy.