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Solar Power on the Rise
Solar power – clean, reliable, and increasingly affordable – is experiencing remarkable growth across the U.S.
Hospitals and Healthy Food
An innovative Farm Bill program could help hospitals and community groups partner to increase healthy food access and prevent chronic illness.
Playing with Fire
Climate change is producing hotter, drier conditions in the American West, which contribute to more large wildfires and longer wildfire seasons.
Sugar-Coating Science
With big budgets and deceptive advertising practices, sugar interests target vulnerable audiences and turn misinformation into profit.
Added Sugar, Subtracted Science
This report shows how sugar interests use a variety of tactics to prevent science-based policy on sugar.
National Landmarks at Risk
Discover 30 iconic and historic sites around the country that are being threatened by the growing consequences of climate change.
Power Failure
Our electricity system is vulnerable to extreme weather events, including coastal flooding, extreme heat, drought, and wildfires—all of which are likely to increase in the years ahead.
Science or Spin?
An analysis of 2013 climate change coverage on CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC revealed that accuracy varied significantly across networks.
Partisanship, Industry Influence, and the House Science Committee
Over the past decade, the House Science Committee has called more industry witnesses and fewer independent scientists to its hearings.
China's ASAT Program
Learn about China's ASAT program, including a translation from a 2003 Chinese military textbook that outlines China's missile and space strategies.
Charting Michigan's Renewable Energy Future
Michigan has vast renewable energy resources that could affordably and reliably provide a third of Michigan's electricity needs by 2030.
Palm Oil Scorecard 2014
Find out how your favorite consumer brands are doing on deforestation-free palm oil—and let them know the answer matters to you.