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Battery Electric and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
Both battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have a role to play in cutting U.S. oil use
Vaccines, Science, and Democracy
Evidence-based decisions can prevent needless tragedies—just ask Ben Franklin.
Strengthening the EPA's Clean Power Plan
The EPA currently underestimates the power of renewable energy. The U.S. could achieve much greater reductions in carbon emissions by strengthening the role of renewables in the Clean Power Plan.
How Clean Are Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles?
New hydrogen-powered cars produce substantially fewer global warming emissions than their gasoline counterparts.
Encroaching Tides
Tidal flooding, driven by sea level rise, will dramatically increase in U.S. East and Gulf Coast communities over the next 30 years, with serious implications for property, infrastructure, and daily life in affected areas.
Planting for the Future
Increasing demand for wood products doesn't have to mean increasing damage to tropical forests.
Driving Progress, Fueling Savings
California’s AB32 policies are saving drivers money, protecting the climate, and improving public health—but oil companies are standing in the way.
Rocky Mountain Forests at Risk
The future of Rocky Mountain forests depends on how much and how quickly we can curb heat-trapping emissions.
Fukushima: The Story of a Nuclear Disaster
A definitive, scientific retelling of exactly what happened at Fukushima—and an urgent reminder that U.S. nuclear power isn’t as safe as it could and should be.
Deforestation Success Stories
Strategies for reducing deforestation are working in many places. Understanding these stories can help us turn them into a global success story.
Automaker Rankings 2014
Hyundai-Kia is 2014's Greenest Automaker, though all automakers have improved their environmental performance.
Turning Agricultural Residues and Manure into Bioenergy
Leftover crop materials and manure can help provide clean energy—but it’ll take the right policies, practices, and investments.