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Graphic of a human brain surrounded by symbols of scientific fields

The Federal Brain Drain

The Trump administration's attacks on science damaged scientific capacity across multiple agencies. What can the Biden administration do to rebuild federal science?
Runoff from an Iowa farm pouring into a stream

Dirty Water, Degraded Soil

Overuse of nitrogen fertilizer and mismanagement of animal manure have created a costly groundwater pollution problem in Iowa. State and federal policies can help farmers control this pollution at its source.
Got Science? The Podcast - Leah Penniman

Farming While Black

Leah Penniman discusses how community farms can uproot the food system and create opportunities for Black and Brown farmers.
Soil erosion in South Dakota

Eroding the Future

US farms are losing soil to erosion at an unsustainable rate. To meet this threat, we need policies that support farmers in conserving and rebuilding soil.