Reports & Multimedia

Our scientists and experts produce reports, peer-reviewed papers, interactive tools, and other resources as part of our advocacy. Search or browse our resource library below.

1391 items found
An angled shot of the UCS lobby

Building Racial Equity

How the Union of Concerned Scientists is working to center justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) in our science-based advocacy, impact, and workplaces.
Wind power Maine

Clean Energy Transformation

UCS and an expert advisory committee's report that says the US can and must phase out fossil fuels from the entire economy and ramp up clean renewable energy while confronting the racial and economic inequities inherent in our present energy system.
Boy looking at model of atomic bomb model, "little boy" used in WWII

Japan on No First Use

President Joseph Biden can immediately declare that the United States will never be the first nation to use nuclear weapons without worrying about the effect of such a declaration in Japan.

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