All reports
Nuclear Plant Risk Studies: Failing the Grade
Nuclear plant risk assessments are seriously flawed and their results are being used inappropriately to increase, not reduce, the threat to the American public.
A technical evaluation of the operational effectiveness of the planned U.S. national missile defense system.
Assessing Wind Resources
This report is intended to guide prospective wind farm developers through the process of site assessment.
Powerful Solutions
Seven ways to switch America to renewable electricity.
Green Buildings
The federal government can shape consumer demand for whole buildings through coordinating its building-related activities into a "whole building policy."
How the Nuclear Power Industry Handles Safety
An accident at a nuclear plant could injure people, damage the environment, and cost billions of dollars to clean up. Thus, safety at the 104 nuclear power plants operating in the United States is of vital importance.
Are Cars Still A Problem?
Real-world emission reductions from passenger vehicles over the past 30 years.
World Scientists' Call for Action at the Kyoto Climate Summit
In fall 1997, the Union of Concerned Scientists initiated the World Scientists' Call for Action at the Kyoto Climate Summit.
Zeroing Out Pollution
A new technology—fuel cell vehicles—promises clean and efficient travel for the 21st century, and these cars and trucks could soon be on the roads of Asia, Europe, and the United States.
Cattle, Cleared Forests, and Climate Change
Beef is the largest driver of tropical deforestation—and companies that buy beef from tropical countries could be doing a lot more to stop it.
Book: Cooler Smarter
A science-based guide on the most effective ways to cut your own global warming emissions.