All reports

Impacts of a Terrorist Attack at Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant
Since 9/11, the specter of a terrorist attack at the Indian Point nuclear power plant, thirty-five miles upwind from midtown Manhattan, has caused great concern for residents of the New York metropolitan area.

The Colorado Renewable Energy Standard Ballot Initiative
The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) analyzed the costs and benefits of the renewable energy standard as written in Colorado's Amendment 37.

Sick of Soot
The Union of Concerned Scientists promotes a cleanup strategy for diesel vehicles that includes strict emission standards, incentives for cleaning up existing engines, and replacing or retrofitting older school buses.

A Military Intelligence Failure?
UCS is working for a safer world by eliminating risks of nuclear arsenals and nuclear terrorism, improving nuclear plant safety, preventing deployment of anti-satellite and space-based weapons, and enhancing international dialogue on security issues.

Experimental Power Uprates at Boiling Water Reactors
Extended Power Uprate (EPU) allows aging nuclear plants to operate at power levels up to 20 percent higher than the plant's originally licensed level.

Missile Defense Agency Confusing Video Games with Reality
The recent demonstration by the Missile Defense Agency of its missile defense simulation software was a misleading exercise that failed to address key issues about the limitations of computer simulation, especially at this stage of the test program.

National Missile Defense Deployment in 2004
The ballistic missile defense system that the United States will deploy later this year will have no demonstrated defensive capability and will be ineffective against a real attack by long-range ballistic missiles.

Research Reactors Fueled by Highly Enriched Uranium
Many nuclear facilities fueled with HEU are in academic or industrial settings with inadequate security—attractive targets for terrorists seeking nuclear weapons.

U.S. Nuclear Plants in the 21st Century
The risks for catastrophe change as nuclear reactors age. Protection schemes must evolve to remain correlated with age if the threat level is to be minimized.

Climate Control
California is focusing on the largest source of heat-trapping emissions in the state—motor vehicles.

Hogging It!: Estimates of Antimicrobial Abuse in Livestock
Information about genetically engineered food, the misuse of antibiotics on farm animals, the risks and potential of pharm and industrial crops, healthier alternatives for growing food, and the work of the Union of Concerned Scientists in this area.

New Energy for America
A plan for jobs, security, and prosperity in the 21st century.