All reports

Steam rising from nuclear power plants.

Fire When Not Ready

Because the nuclear industry cannot or will not meet fire protection regulations and the NRC does nothing about it, Americans face undue risk.
Map showing best and worst airports for flight delays

Getting There Greener

The Union of Concerned Scientists presents the first comprehensive analysis—peer-reviewed by experts—of the highest-carbon and lowest-carbon options for vacation travel.

Importing Pollution

We must take critical steps to ensure that the regional greenhouse gas initiative doesn't unwittingly contribute to greater use of coal elsewhere.
Truck crossing Golden Gate bridge

Delivering the Green

Improving truck efficiency is not only good for the bottom line but also can help California meet its global warming, air quality, and petroleum dependence goals.
Bales of biofuel crops in farm field

Land Use Changes and Biofuels

Analysis to consider the impacts that the use of agricultural, forest, rain forest, and other lands for the development of bio-based transportation fuels may have on their lifecycle global warming carbon dioxide footprint.