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A NASA Satellite hovers over planet earth

A History of Anti-Satellite Programs

More than 950 operating satellites currently orbit the Earth.As their numbers and importance increases, so do concerns about keeping them safe--because for as long as there have been satellites, there have been plans for interfering with them.
Peatland being burned to make way for palm oil in Malaysia

Recipes for Success

Over the last decade much of the land for vegetable oil production, particularly palm and soybean oil, has come at the expense of tropical forests.

Freshwater Use by U.S. Power Plants

This is the first systematic assessment of both the effects of power plant cooling on water resources, and the quality of information available to help decision makers make smart energy choices.

US Nuclear Power After Fukushima

No technology can be made perfectly safe, but the United States can and must do more to guard against accidents as well as the threat of terrorist attacks on reactors and spent fuel pools.