All reports
Voices of Scientists at the FDA
The FDA has gone far toward restoring confidence among agency scientists since 2006, but some issues persist.
A History of Anti-Satellite Programs
More than 950 operating satellites currently orbit the Earth.As their numbers and importance increases, so do concerns about keeping them safe--because for as long as there have been satellites, there have been plans for interfering with them.
Toward Healthy Food and Farms
Our food system is in trouble—but we know how to fix it. Healthy food and farm solutions require innovative policies.
Heads They Win, Tails We Lose
Corporate influence is a key driver of the political interference that obstructs, distorts and suppresses federal science.
Recipes for Success
Over the last decade much of the land for vegetable oil production, particularly palm and soybean oil, has come at the expense of tropical forests.
Increasing Public Understanding of Climate Risks and Choices
An interdisciplinary workshop to explore the underlying dynamics by which public opinion is formed and changes on climate change took place January 19 - 21, 2012, at the University of Michigan's Ann Arbor campus.
Emergency Planning for Nuclear Disasters
If a nuclear power accident occurs in the U.S., are we ready?
Freshwater Use by U.S. Power Plants
This is the first systematic assessment of both the effects of power plant cooling on water resources, and the quality of information available to help decision makers make smart energy choices.
New START Overview
Verification, force structure, and requirements for the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.
Florida and Georgia Nuclear Power Projects Too Risky, Costly
Florida and Georgia residents should be asking "what's in it for us?" when it comes to proposed construction of new or expanded nuclear power plants in their states.
US Nuclear Power After Fukushima
No technology can be made perfectly safe, but the United States can and must do more to guard against accidents as well as the threat of terrorist attacks on reactors and spent fuel pools.
Climate Change and Your Health: Rising Temperatures, Worsening Ozone Pollution
Report demonstrates how climate change could increase "bad" ozone, threatening health and economy.