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Scientist crouching on a hillside with ruler and notebook

Progress and Problems

A new survey of federal scientists shows that while scientific integrity has gained ground in recent years, a lot of work remains to be done.
A woodchipper truck loads poplar bits into another truck

Clean Transportation Fuels For Oregon

A pioneer in clean transportation, Oregon must continue to make progress cleaning up its transportation system in order to keep more transportation dollars in the local economy and cut global warming pollution.
Two groundwater professionals use a device to measure depth-to-groundwater

Measuring What Matters

California's Sustainable Groundwater Management Act requires local agencies to set measurable objectives for groundwater sustainability, but does not define how objectives should be set or evaluated over time.
Reporter writing in notebook

Mediated Access

Barriers between reporters and government scientists are making it harder for science writers to keep the public informed, according to a new survey.
Row of wind turbines

Financing Clean Energy

"Green banks," institutions that use innovative financing initiatives to assist customers with developing clean energy, can help states increase investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Chemical drums of assorted colors

Bad Chemistry

We need chemical policy reform for the health and safety of all Americans. Guess who's standing in the way?

The Climate Deception Dossiers

Leaked documents show that the world's largest fossil fuel companies have deliberately deceived the public for nearly 30 years about the realities and risks of climate change.