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Flooded picnic table with houses in background in Seabrook, NH

When Rising Seas Hit Home

There comes a threshold of chronic flooding that makes normal routines impossible and forces communities to make difficult, often costly choices.
An illustration of a satellite weapon

Space-Based Missile Defense

A spaced-based missile defense system would require many hundreds of orbiting interceptors to defend against one or two missiles, and it would have serious inherent vulnerabilities that would render it ineffective.
Cover of UCS Fact Sheet on Promises an Limits Of Biomethane

Biomethane as a Transportation Fuel

Biomethane can be used as a direct replacement for natural gas in vehicles, yet policymakers must not conflate the two fuels because they have significantly different life cycle emissions.
Smart home with electric car in driveway

Charging Smart

Drivers, electric utilities, and the environment can all benefit when electric vehicles are better integrated with the grid.