Transportation Resources

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Tailpipe with thick smoke coming out of it

Sick of Soot

The Union of Concerned Scientists promotes a cleanup strategy for diesel vehicles that includes strict emission standards, incentives for cleaning up existing engines, and replacing or retrofitting older school buses.

Climate Control

California is focusing on the largest source of heat-trapping emissions in the state—motor vehicles.

The Diesel Dilemma

Diesel is becoming cleaner, but gasoline vehicles are more cost-effective than diesel for reducing oil use and lowering global warming pollution.
Two red trucks in parking lot next to school bus

Rolling Smokestacks

The Union of Concerned Scientists promotes a cleanup strategy for diesel vehicles that includes strict emission standards, incentives for cleaning up existing engines, and replacing or retrofitting older school buses.

A New Road

In the coming years, hybrids can play a significant role in addressing several of the major problems faced by the United States and the world today: climate change, air pollution, and oil dependence.
Electric bus in California

Pollution Report Card

As they wait on the curb, play near idling buses, or even ride safely inside the bus, children may be exposed to this noxious substance every school day.

Common Sense on Climate Change

Mark Twain might as well have been talking about global warming when he famously remarked, "Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody ever does anything about it."