All science & democracy resources
Two Years of Attacks on Science: Holding the Trump Administration Accountable
A look at the systematic dismantling of science protections and what it means for public health and safety.
Inequitable Exposure to Air Pollution from Vehicles in California (2019)
We quantified Californians' exposure to dangerous air pollution. Particulate matter disproportionately affects Californians of color and low-income communities.
The State of Science in the Trump Era
The Trump administration's pattern of undermining science is damaging our health and safety. Scientists and their allies are pushing back—and Congress should join them.
A Scientist Defending Science
Molecular biologist, Dr. Maryam Zaringhalam, left the lab to explore the intersection of science and public policy.
2018 UCS Science Defenders
UCS is proud to announce the 2018 Science Defenders—five individuals and groups who have taken a stand for science even in this hostile climate.
Science Under Siege at the Department of the Interior
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and his political appointees have overseen relentless attacks on science and put our nation's parks, health, and wildlife at risk.
Why Science Needs Your Vote in the Midterm Elections
A discussion of some of the key issues facing science, and how your vote in the upcoming midterm elections can help.
Michigan: Electoral Reform Prospects
Michigan has implemented a more restrictive electoral system relative to other states, and heavy gerrymandering makes it more difficult for the state's citizens to hold their representatives accountable.
A Toxic Threat: PFAS Contamination at Military Bases
Military communities face serious health risks from a class of chemicals known as PFAS. The Trump administration tried to hide the severity of the risks. Now it's time to act.
Science Billboards Rise on I-95
Their stark simplicity jars drivers into considering the meaning of their words.
Building a Healthier Democracy
Restrictive election laws distort representation and weaken the ability of environmental justice communities to protect their health and safety.
Science Under Trump
We asked federal scientists what it's like to work in the Trump administration. Their answers point to widespread, serious problems that should concern all of us.