Food Resources

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Transparency in Food Labeling

Despite evidence showing that food labels can help consumers make healthier choices, the food industry continues to trot out tired, misleading claims to the contrary.

Other Deforestation Drivers

While the majority of tropical deforestation is driven by beef, soy, palm oil, and wood products, many other commodities and human activities play a more limited role in the problem.
Graphic showing economic benefits of local food purchasing in Iowa

Growing Economies

Policies that foster the growth of midsize farms can bring a cornucopia of benefits: healthier economies, healthier food, a healthier environment.
Peatland being burned to make way for palm oil in Malaysia

Palm Oil

Found in everything from shampoo to donuts, palm oil is now the most common vegetable oil in the world—and also one of the world's leading deforestation drivers.
A field of brown cows.

Beef Cattle

While many commodities are driving deforestation today, all of them take a back seat to beef cattle. But there are ways to reduce beef's deforestation impact.
Providing healthy food to those in need

Fixing Food

Our failing food system presents communities with an uphill battle to ensure affordable, healthy food for all. Here are five stories of cities finding innovative ways to meet that challenge.