Energy Resources

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Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act

Information on renewable energy, including wind and solar power; nuclear-power safety issues and work of the Union of Concerned Scientists to switch America to clean, safe, renewable, and affordable power.

Nuclear Reactor Access Zones

Nuclear power plant security warranted considerable attention following the September 11, 2001 attacks. This issue brief attempts to provide the foundation for a better understanding of the ongoing debates.

Clean Energy Blueprint

Can America develop a balanced portfolio of clean energy solutions that will stop wasting energy and also develop diverse, domestic energy supplies to increase energy security?

Common Sense on Climate Change

Mark Twain might as well have been talking about global warming when he famously remarked, "Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody ever does anything about it."
Person cutting insulation material in an attic.

Green Buildings

The federal government can shape consumer demand for whole buildings through coordinating its building-related activities into a "whole building policy."
The side of an electric vehicle.

Zeroing Out Pollution

A new technology—fuel cell vehicles—promises clean and efficient travel for the 21st century, and these cars and trucks could soon be on the roads of Asia, Europe, and the United States.