Climate Resources

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Napier grass

Growing Energy on the Farm

Many farmers already produce biomass energy by growing corn to make ethanol. But biomass energy comes in many forms. Virtually all plants and organic wastes can be used to produce heat, power, or fuel.

A New Road

In the coming years, hybrids can play a significant role in addressing several of the major problems faced by the United States and the world today: climate change, air pollution, and oil dependence.

Nuclear Reactor Access Zones

Nuclear power plant security warranted considerable attention following the September 11, 2001 attacks. This issue brief attempts to provide the foundation for a better understanding of the ongoing debates.

Clean Energy Blueprint

Can America develop a balanced portfolio of clean energy solutions that will stop wasting energy and also develop diverse, domestic energy supplies to increase energy security?

Common Sense on Climate Change

Mark Twain might as well have been talking about global warming when he famously remarked, "Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody ever does anything about it."

Drilling in Detroit

A fleet that relies on continuously evolving conventional technologies could reach an average of more than 40 miles per gallon.