Attacks on Science

Published Jan 20, 2017 Updated May 28, 2024

Science is at the core of a healthy democracy. But for years, presidential administrations have, in differing ways, sidelined scientific evidence and attacked scientific integrity.

Below is a running list of attacks on science. They include disappearing data, silenced scientists, suppressed studies, and other assaults on science-based policy. The list provides a representative sample of threats to the federal scientific enterprise—and a warning of what we face in the future. More information can be found in our peer-reviewed study and in our data repository.

Attacks on science

U.S. Surgeon General Muzzled by Political Appointees

Former Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona charged the Bush administration with unprecedented levels of political interference in his work as the nation’s doctor, compromising his ability to deliver the best available public health science to Americans.

BLM Cuts Forest Grant after Study Criticizes Tree Cutting

In February 2006, the federal Bureau of Land Management suspended an Oregon State University grant after university researchers published a study in the journal Science concluding that logging in the wake of an Oregon fire retarded the forest’s recovery.

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