
Activist Resource

Food Justice

At a June 2015 meeting and community forum in Minneapolis, community leaders, policymakers, researchers, and students shared ideas and experiences on what it takes to forge trusted, equitable, and respectful partnerships to advance food policy reform.
Activist Resource

Community Connections

Our Lewis M. Branscomb Forum, "Community Connections," explored new ways for scientists and communities to work together to meet challenges like chemical hazards, climate change impacts, or access to healthy food.
Activist Resource

Cooler Smarter Trivia Night Kit

The Cooler Smarter Trivia Night Kit from the Union of Concerned Scientists contains all the tools you'll need to host a successful trivia night and inspire your guests to reduce their carbon footprint with a few simple, practical steps.
Activist Resource

The UCS EW3 Energy-Water Database

This database compiles the data used by the Union of Concerned Scientists to analyze the water, carbon, and temperature impacts of US power plants for the report “Freshwater Use by US Power Plants: Electricity’s Thirst for a Precious Resource."