Trump Administration Plan to Withhold WHO Funds a Dangerous Mistake

Statement by Kathleen Rest, Executive Director, Union of Concerned Scientists

Published Apr 15, 2020

WASHINGTON (April 15, 2020)—President Donald Trump has announced his intention to withhold funding from the World Health Organization (WHO). That’s a mistake that would undermine efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).

Below is a statement by Dr. Kathleen Rest, executive director of UCS.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis, and it can only be solved through international cooperation. The president’s plan to halt funding for WHO is shortsighted, counterproductive, and makes the world less safe. Now is the time for unity and solidarity across international lines—a time we need international institutions to be as strong and effective as possible.

“This decision fits the administration’s pattern of dismantling scientific capacity and sidelining institutions that are supposed to help us prepare for and confront crises like COVID-19. Defunding WHO will reduce the world’s capacity to manage this crisis, not to mention monitor and prepare for future disease risks.

“This decision has been condemned by health organizations here and across the world. It will fall especially hard on developing nations that rely on international institutions to protect them from infectious disease. The Trump administration should be investing in the global fight against COVID-19, not turning its back on the world.”