Governor Newsom Signs Executive Order Directing State to Take More Climate Actions

Statement by Adrienne Alvord, Western States Director, Union of Concerned Scientists

Published Sep 20, 2019

OAKLAND, Calif. (September 20, 2019)—California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order today that directs multiple state agencies and departments to evaluate, align and strengthen state policies on transportation, housing, procurement and investments with existing climate goals and carbon emission reduction targets. He also signed two bills into law that will help reduce emissions from heavy-duty vehicles.

Below is a statement by Adrienne Alvord, Western States director at the Union of Concerned Scientists. Alvord served as lead staff for California State Senator Fran Pavley during the passage of the California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), the state’s 2006 landmark climate law that established the first economy-wide carbon reduction program in the country.

“California is a global leader on climate, yet there is still much progress to be made to reduce carbon pollution from the energy and transportation sectors, hold the fossil fuel companies accountable, and prepare state infrastructure and communities for the climate risks we will face in the coming decades.

“Governor Newsom is sending an important signal that there is much more California and similarly-minded governments can do to squeeze every carbon emission out of state operations. This executive order directs state agencies to walk the walk.

"I am also pleased he signed Senate Bill 210 and Senate Bill 44 that will create stricter emission standards for the trucking industry.

“Youth striking around the world today should know that while the Trump Administration stubbornly sticks to a retrograde path and its inexcusable rejection of climate scientists’ warnings, in California we are standing up for science and taking stronger climate actions every day.”