"Name of Satellite, Alternate Names" Current Official Name of Satellite Country/Org of UN Registry Country of Operator/Owner Operator/Owner Users Purpose Detailed Purpose Class of Orbit Type of Orbit Longitude of GEO (degrees) Perigee (km) Apogee (km) Eccentricity Inclination (degrees) Period (minutes) Launch Mass (kg.) Dry Mass (kg.) Power (watts) Date of Launch Expected Lifetime (yrs.) Contractor Country of Contractor Launch Site Launch Vehicle COSPAR Number NORAD Number Comments Source Used for Orbital Data Source Source Source Source Source Source 1HOPSAT-TD (1st-generation High Optical Performance Satellite) 1HOPSAT NR (3/20) USA Hera Systems Commercial Earth Observation Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 566 576 7.20E-04 36.90 96.08 22 12/11/2019 0.5 Hera Systems USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-089H 44859 Pathfinder for planned earth observation constellation. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/11/indias-50th-pslv-lifts-off-with-satellites-from-five-nations/ https://www.herasys.com/ 3Cat-1 3Cat-1 NR Spain Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Civil Technology Development LEO 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.40 95 4 11/29/2018 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Spain Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096K 43728 Student built. Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Aalto-1 Aalto-1 Finland Finland Aalto University Civil Technology Development LEO 0.00 497 517 1.45E-03 97.45 94.7 5 4.5 6/23/2017 2 Aalto University Finland Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036L 42775 Technology development and education. JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/a/aalto-1 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt AAUSat-4 AAUSat-4 Denmark Denmark University of Aalborg Civil Earth Observation Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 442 687 1.77E-02 98.20 95.9 1 4/25/2016 University of Aalborg Denmark Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2.1a 2016-025E 41460 Carries AIS system. Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/04/26/soyuz-blasts-off-with-environmental-satellite-general-relativity-probe/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-025E&jazyk=pp_en "ABS-2 (Koreasat-8, ST-3)" ABS-2 NR Multinational Asia Broadcast Satellite Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 75.00 "35,778" "35,793" 1.78E-04 0.08 1436.03 "6,330" "16,000" 2/6/2014 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2014-006A 39508 "32 C-band, 51 Ku-band, and 6 Ka-band transponders. $214 million lawsuit for bad beam." ZARYA http://www.absatellite.net/satellite-fleet/?sat=abs6 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.absatellite.net/2010/10/13/asia-broadcast-satellite-signs-abs-2-satellite-manufacturing-contract-with-space-systemsloral/ http://www.spacenews.com/article/satellite-telecom/42218abs-files-214-million-insurance-claim-for-bad-satellite-beam ABS-2A ABS-2A NR Multinational Asia Broadcast Satellite Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO -75.00 "35,700" "35,700" 0.00E+00 0.00 1436.1 "1,800" 6/15/2016 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2016-038A 41588 Estimated ABS-3A ABS-3A NR Multinational Asia Broadcast Satellite Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO -3.00 "35,788" "35,803" 1.78E-04 0.10 1436 "2,000" 3/2/2015 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2015-010A 40424 Coverage of Americas Europe and Africa. http://www.absatellite.net/satellite-fleet/?sat=abs3a http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/03/17/innovative-satellites-begin-maneuvers-with-all-electric-thrusters/ "ABS-4 (ABS-2i, MBSat, Mobile Broadcasting Satellite, Han Byul)" ABS-4 NR Multinational Asia Broadcast Satellite Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 75.00 "35,780" "35,793" 1.54E-04 0.01 1436.1 "4,143" "1,700" "7,400" 3/13/2004 12 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 3 2004-007A 28184 Purchased by ABS in 2013. JM/12_08 http://www.absatellite.net/satellite-fleet/?sat=abs2 http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/mbsat-1.htm "ABS-6 (ABS-1, LMI-1, Lockheed Martin-Intersputnik-1)" ABS-6 NR Multinational Asia Broadcast Satellite Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 159.00 "35,777" "35,794" 2.02E-04 0.01 1436.08 "2,894" "1,730" "6,800 (EOL)" 9/26/1999 15 Lockheed Martin USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 1999-053A 25924 "28 C-band, 16 Ku-band; business services, public voice and data services, broadcasting, direct-to-home; Eastern Europe, CIS, South and Southeast Asia, Africa, Middle East, Australia." JM/12_08 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A18888-2004May11.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx551.html http://www.interpsputnik.com/1mi1chars.shtml http://www.intersputnik.com/press_270999.htm http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf "ABS-7 (Koreasat 3, Mugungwha 3)" ABS-7 South Korea Multinational Asia Broadcast Satellite Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 116.18 "35,780" "35,791" 1.30E-04 0.01 1436.06 "3,500" "1,800" "4,800" 9/4/1999 15 Lockheed Martin Astro Space USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 1999-046A 25894 "30 Ku-band, 6 Ka-band; Korean peninsula, the Japanese archipelago, and parts of China and Russia." JM/12_08 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.407 http://lmms.external.lmco.com/newsbureau/pressreleases/1999/99.202.html http://www.kt.co.kr/eng/biz_info/satellite_biz/system/koreasat3.html http://www.absatellite.net/about/index.html "Advanced Orion 2 (Mentor, NROL 6, USA 139)" USA 139 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence GEO -26.00 "35,560" "36,013" 5.37E-03 7.72 1436.14 "4,500" 5/9/1998 TRW Space and Electronics USA Cape Canaveral Titan IVA 1998-029A 25336 ELINT. JM/12_08 http://www.sciencepresse.qc.ca/clafleur/Spacecrafts-1998.html#Orion http://globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/2005/satellitetables2004.htm http://www.msnbc.com/news/185953.asp#BODY http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/1990/097B.HTM "Advanced Orion 3 (Mentor, NROL 19, USA 171)" USA 171 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence GEO 95.40 "35,589" "35,984" 4.68E-03 3.20 1436.1 "4,500" 9/9/2003 TRW Space and Electronics USA Cape Canaveral Titan IV 2003-041A 27937 Electronic intelligence (ELINT). JM/12_08 http://www.sciencepresse.qc.ca/clafleur/Spacecrafts-2003.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx599.html http://www.fsri.org/FSRI%20Archives/Aerospace%20News/Aerospace%20Update%2009-15-03.pdf http://globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/2005/satellitetables2004.htm http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2003/041A.HTM "Advanced Orion 4 (Mentor, NRO L-26, USA 202)" USA 202 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence GEO 44.00 "35,714" "35,937" 2.64E-03 2.89 1438.8 "5,000" 1/18/2009 National Reconnaissance Laboratory (?) USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 Heavy 2009-001A 33490 ELINT. SC - ASCR http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/systems/trumpet.htm http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/sfn-090119-delta4-spysat-launch.html http://www.sworld.com.au/steven/space/usmil-man.txt http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2010/11/live-delta-iv-heavy-launch-with-nrol-3/ http://www.thespacereview.com/article/3095/1 "Advanced Orion 5 (Mentor, NRO L-32, USA 223)" USA 223 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence GEO 100.90 "35,500" "35,500" 0.00E+00 0.00 1436 "5,000" 11/21/2010 National Reconnaissance Laboratory (?) USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 Heavy 2010-063A 37232 ELINT. SC - ASCR http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=11127.45 http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/sfn-090119-delta4-spysat-launch.html http://www.sworld.com.au/steven/space/usmil-man.txt http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2010/11/live-delta-iv-heavy-launch-with-nrol-3/ "Advanced Orion 6 (Mentor, NRO L-15, USA 237)" USA 237 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence GEO 60.00 "35,771" "35,805" 4.03E-04 0.00 1436.1 "5,000" 6/29/2012 National Reconnaissance Laboratory (?) USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 Heavy 2012-034A 38528 ELINT. CalSky http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/06/delta-iv-heavy-launch-nrol-15-cape-canaveral/ http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/06/delta-iv-heavy-launch-nrol-15-cape-canaveral/ http://www.calsky.com/observer//tle.cgi?satid=12034A&tdt=2456146.41756944 "Advanced Orion 7 (Mentor, NRO L-37, USA 268)" USA 268 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence GEO 102.60 "35,613" "35,903" 3.44E-03 7.51 1437.19 "5,000" 6/11/2016 National Reconnaissance Laboratory (?) USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 Heavy 2016-036A 41584 ELINT. ZARYA http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/11/triple-barrel-delta-4-heavy-launches-national-security-satellite/ http://spaceflight101.com/delta-iv-nrol-37/nrol-37-satellite/ http://sattrackcam.blogspot.com/2016/06/mentor-7-nrol-37-stopped-drifting-at.html "AEHF-2 (Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite-2, USA 235)" USA 235 USA USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO -120.00 "35,772" "35,801" 3.44E-04 2.34 1436.1 "6,169" 5/3/2012 14 Lockheed Martin Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2012-019A 38254 Second in constellation. ZARYA http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/09/atlas-v-loft-aehf-3-satellite/ "AEHF-3 (Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite-3, USA 246)" USA 246 NR USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO 152.10 "35,700" "35,803" 1.22E-03 4.20 1436.1 "6,169" 9/18/2013 14 Lockheed Martin Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2013-050A 39256 Third in constellation. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/09/atlas-v-loft-aehf-3-satellite/ "AEHF-4 (Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite-4, USA 288)" USA 288 USA USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO 150.20 "35,781" "35,790" 1.07E-04 0.05 1436.1 "6,169" 10/17/2018 Lockheed Martin Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2018-079A 43651 JMGEO/11_19) https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/17/air-forces-fourth-aehf-communications-satellite-successfully-launched-from-florida/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log "AEHF-5 (Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite-5, USA 292)" USA 292 USA USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO -94.39 "35,780" "35,810" 3.56E-04 6.40 1436.2 "6,169" 8/8/2019 Lockheed Martin Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2019-051A 44481 JMGEO/11_19) https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/08/atlas-5-launch-adds-to-u-s-militarys-secure-communications-satellite-network/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log "AEHF-6 (Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite-6, USA 298)" USA 298 NR (4/20) USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO 0.00 "35,780" "35,780" 0.00E+00 0.00 1436 "6,169" 3/26/2020 Lockheed Martin Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2020-022B 45465 Estimated https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/03/26/atlas-5-rocket-launch-caps-deployment-of-ultra-secure-military-communications-network/ Aeneas Aeneas USA USA Department of Homeland Security Government Technology Development LEO Equatorial 0.00 480 790 2.21E-02 0.02 97.4 3 9/13/2012 University of Southern California USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2012-048C 38760 Demonstration program to track cargo containers worldwide. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012#end http://www.spaceflight101.com/nrol-36-launch.updates.html http://www.isi.edu/projects/serc/aeneas Aeolus Aeolus ESA ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO 0.00 314 317 2.24E-04 96.70 92.4 "1,367" 8/22/2018 3 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany/Spain Guiana Space Center Vega 2018-066A 43600 "Aeolus will precisely measure wind flow and air currents on the Earth, improving weather forecasting, and ultimately our ability to protect the environment." JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/08/22/pioneering-european-winds-observatory-launched-aboard-vega-rocket/ Aerocube 10A (Jimsat) Aerocube 10A USA USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 469 481 8.77E-04 51.60 94.15 2 8/9/2019 Aerospace Corporation USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2019-022D 44485 JMSatcat/11_19 https://planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.768.txt https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Aerocube 10B (Dougsat) Aerocube 10B USA USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 471 483 8.76E-04 51.60 94.15 2 8/9/2019 Aerospace Corporation USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2019-022C 44484 JMSatcat/11_19 https://planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.768.txt https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Aerocube 11A (TOMSat Eagle Scout) Aerocube 11A NR USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 495 511 1.16E-03 85.03 94.6 4 12/17/2018 Aerospace Corporation USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-104N 43861 Will test miniaturized imagers. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/electron https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/17/nasa-rocket-lab-partner-on-successful-satellite-launch-from-new-zealand/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Aerocube 11B (TOMSat R3) Aerocube 11B NR USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 492 511 1.38E-03 85.30 94.6 4 12/17/2018 Aerospace Corporation USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-104A 43849 Will test miniaturized imagers. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/electron https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/17/nasa-rocket-lab-partner-on-successful-satellite-launch-from-new-zealand/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Aerocube 12A Aerocube 12A NR USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 481 487 4.38E-04 51.60 94.2 4 7/16/2018 Aerospace Corporation USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2018-046C 43556 JMSatcat/3_19 http://nanoracks.com/fifth-external-cygnus-deployment/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/21/antares-rocket-launch-kicks-off-space-stations-next-commercial-cargo-delivery/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Aerocube 12B Aerocube 12B NR USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 481 487 4.38E-04 51.60 94.2 4 7/16/2018 Aerospace Corporation USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2018-046D 43557 JMSatcat/3_19 http://nanoracks.com/fifth-external-cygnus-deployment/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/21/antares-rocket-launch-kicks-off-space-stations-next-commercial-cargo-delivery/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Aerocube 14A Aerocube 14A NR (3/20) USA Aerospace Corporation Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 459 474 1.10E-03 51.60 93.9 1/31/2020 Aerospace Corporation USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2019-071D 45114 "Demonstrate new star-tracker baffle technology, a variety of nanotechnology payloads, and test the perforance of advanced solar cells." JMSatcat/3_20 http://spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=55212 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide Aerocube 14B Aerocube 14B NR (3/20) USA Aerospace Corporation Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 459 474 1.10E-03 51.60 93.9 1/31/2020 Aerospace Corporation USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2019-071F 45116 "Demonstrate new star-tracker baffle technology, a variety of nanotechnology payloads that will test new and emerging materials, including structural materials and thermal straps." JMSatcat/3_20 http://spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=55212 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide Aerocube 15A Aerocube 15A NR (3/20) USA Aerospace Corporation Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 458 474 1.17E-03 51.60 93.9 1/31/2020 Aerospace Corporation USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2019-071G 45117 "Demonstratae rapid development of a small-size, weight and power (SWAP), low-cost optical sensor in low earth orbit." JMSatcat/3_20 http://spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=55212 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide Aerocube 5C Aerocube 5C NR USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 500 802 2.15E-02 64.78 97.74 2 10/8/2015 Aerospace Corporation USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2015-058B 40965 "Demonstrate tracking technologies, optical communications and laser communication." JR/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/08/recap-story-second-atlas-5-rocket-launched-in-span-of-six-days/ http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Aerocube 6A Aerocube 6A NR USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 614 700 6.12E-03 97.98 97.88 5 6/19/2014 3 Aerospace Corporation USA Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033AM 40045 Technology development for cubesat constellation. ZARYA http://www.aerospace.org/2014/06/26/aerocube-6-launches-aboard-russian-rocket/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Aerocube 6B Aerocube 6B NR USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 614 700 6.12E-03 97.98 97.88 5 6/19/2014 3 Aerospace Corporation USA Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033AN 40046 Technology development for cubesat constellation. ZARYA http://www.aerospace.org/2014/06/26/aerocube-6-launches-aboard-russian-rocket/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Aerocube 7A Aerocube 7A NR USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 500 802 2.15E-02 64.60 97.4 2 10/8/2015 Aerospace Corporation USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2015-058C 40966 JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/08/recap-story-second-atlas-5-rocket-launched-in-span-of-six-days/ http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Aerocube 7B Aerocube 7B NR (3/20) USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 432 437 3.67E-04 53.60 93.2 2 11/12/2017 Aerospace Corporation USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Antares 230 2017-071F 43042 JMSatcat/7_20 https://aerospace.org/aerocubes Aerocube 7C Aerocube 7C NR (3/20) USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 432 437 3.67E-04 53.60 93.2 2 11/12/2017 Aerospace Corporation USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Antares 230 2017-071G 43043 JMSatcat/7_20 https://aerospace.org/aerocubes Aerocube 8A Aerocube 8A NR USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 356 700 2.49E-02 55.00 95.19 5 5/20/2015 Aerospace Corporation USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-025J 40659 JM/8_15 http://www.spaceflight101.com/afspc-05-secondary-payloads.html Aerocube 8B Aerocube 8B NR USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 356 700 2.49E-02 55.00 95.19 5 5/20/2015 Aerospace Corporation USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-025K 40660 JM/8_15 http://www.spaceflight101.com/afspc-05-secondary-payloads.html Aerocube 8C Aerocube 8C NR USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 569 584 1.08E-03 97.90 96.2 5 11/11/2016 Aerospace Corporation USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2016-067F 41853 JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflight101.com/spacecraft/aerocube-8/ Aerocube 8D Aerocube 8D NR USA Aerospace Corporation Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 584 8.64E-04 98.00 96.23 2 11/11/2016 Aerospace Corporation USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2016-067E 41852 prehled druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/11/commercial-satellite-launched-to-image-the-earth-in-high-resolution/ "Afghansat-1 (Eutelsat 48D [Eutelsat 48B, Eutelsat W2M])" Eutelsat 48D France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 48.00 "35,764" "35,808" 5.22E-04 0.12 1436.08 "3,460" "1,555" "7,000" 12/20/2008 15 EADS Astrium France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2008-065B 33460 30 Ku-band transponders. JM/12_08 http://www.cdi.org/friendlyversion/printversion.cfm?documentID=4478 http://www.tbs-satellite.com/tse/online/sat_eutelsat_w2m.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eutelsat_W2M AIM (Aeronomy of Ice in Mesosphere) AIM USA USA "Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Hampton University/NASA" Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 544 552 5.78E-04 97.90 96.2 215 197 216 4/25/2007 2 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Vandenberg AFB Pegasus XL 2007-015A 31304 Study noctilucent clouds (NLC) in the polar mesosphere. In 2011 the mission was extended through FY 2012. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://aim.hamptonu.edu/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2007/015A.HTM http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/aim/index.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/044G.HTM AISat-1 AISat-1 Germany Germany German Aerospace Center (DLR) Government Communications Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 643 660 1.21E-03 98.25 97.76 14 6/30/2014 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Germany Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-CA 2014-034B 40054 Satellite equipped with AIS tracking. ZARYA https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/a/aisat http://www.dlr.de/irs/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-9335/16060_read-39531/ AISSat-1 (Automatic Identification System Satellite-1) AISSat-1 Norway Norway Norwegian Coastal Admnistration Government Communications Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 615 632 1.22E-03 98.00 97.2 6 7/12/2010 3 Kongsberg Seatex AS/University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies Canada Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2010-035C 36797 Equipped with instrument that receives and forwards Automatic Identification System (AIS) signals; will demonstrate maritime ship-tracking technologies. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.utias-sfl.net/nanosatellites/AISSat-1/ http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/035C.HTM http://directory.eoportal.org/presentations/210/10000834.html http://www.ffi.no/no/Publikasjoner/Documents/AISSAT-1_Norways%20first%20observation%20satellite.pdf AISSat-2 (Automatic Identification System Satellite-2) AISSat-2 Norway Norway Norwegian Coastal Admnistration Government Communications Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 625 631 4.29E-04 98.40 97.27 6 7/8/2014 3 Kongsberg Seatex AS/University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies Norway/Canada Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2014-037G 40075 Second in the series. ZARYA http://www.ffi.no/no/Publikasjoner/Documents/AISSAT-1_Norways%20first%20observation%20satellite.pdf http://web.spacecentre.no/eng/Norway-in-Space/Norway-s-Satellites AIST-1 AIST-1 Russia Russia "Samara State Aerospace University, SGAU" Commercial/Civil Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 599 626 1.93E-03 82.40 96.9 12/28/2013 TsSKB Progress Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome "Soyuz 2,1v" 2013-078C 39492 Designed to measure the Earth’s geomagnetic field and test out a new satellite design. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 AIST-2 AIST-2 Russia Russia "Samara State Aerospace University, SGAU" Commercial/Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 558 582 1.73E-03 64.88 96.06 53 4/19/2013 3 "Samara State Aerospace University, SGAU" Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2013-015D 39133 Designed to measure the Earth’s geomagnetic field and test out a new satellite design. http://www.russianspaceweb.com/aist.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 AIST-2D AIST-2D Russia Russia "Samara State Aerospace University, SGAU" Commercial/Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 471 486 1.10E-03 97.28 94.18 531 4/27/2016 Samara State Aerospace University/TsSKB Progress Russia Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2016-026B 41465 "Aist 2D also carries an innovative radar operating in P-band, a wavelength that penetrates through forest canopies and Earth’s surface to study underground structures." Space50 https://spaceflightnow.com/2016/04/28/first-launch-from-russias-new-cosmodrome-declared-a-success/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-026B&jazyk=pp_en AISTechSat-2 AISTechSat-2 NR Spain AISTech Commercial Earth Observation Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 574 592 1.29E-03 97.80 96.4 3 12/3/2018 GomSpace ApS Denmark Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099L 43768 First satellite built by GOMSpace. Earth observation and AIS tracking. Demonstration flight. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ http://www.aistechspace.com/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/sso-a AISTechSat-3 AISTechSat-3 NR (4/20) Spain AISTech Commercial Earth Observation Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 490 506 1.16E-03 97.50 94.6 2 4/1/2019 GomSpace ApS Denmark Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018AB 44103 Pathfinder for the company's planned network of satellites providing aviation tracking and remote asset management services. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Al Yah-3 Al Yah-3 Brazil United Arab Emirates Al Yah Satellite Communications Co. (YAHSAT) Commercial Communications GEO -20.00 "35,777" "35,796" 2.25E-04 0.00 1436 "3,795" 1/25/2018 15 Orbital ATK USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2018-012A 43174 "Placed in an incorrect transfer orbit, but has reached correct orbit and functioning well." JMGEO/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/26/ariane-5-va241-status-1/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/26/probe-into-off-target-ariane-5-launch-begins-ses-and-yahsat-payloads-declared-healthy/ Alcomsat (Algerian Communications Satellite) Alcomsat Algeria Algeria Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) Government Communications GEO -24.80 "35,744" "35,798" 6.41E-04 0.04 1436.1 "5,225" 12/10/2017 15 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2017-078A 43039 Algeria's first communications satellite. JMGEO/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/10/chinese-rocket-launches-with-first-algerian-communications-satellite/ https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/12/chinese-long-march-3b-alcomsat-1-algeria/ ALE-2 (Astro Live Experiences-2) ALE-2 NR (3/20) Japan Astro Live Experiences Commercial Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 397 414 1.25E-03 97.01 92.06 75 12/6/2019 Astro Live Experiences Japan Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-084A 44824 Planned display of colorful meteor-like lights for Tokyo Summer Olympics. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/06/rocket-labs-10th-launch-tests-booster-recovery-technology/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Al-Farabi-2 Al-Farabi-2 NR Kazakhstan Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 589 1.15E-03 97.70 96.2 4 12/3/2018 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Kazakhstan Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AZ 43805 Technology demonstration mission. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/sso-a https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt ALiCE  (AFIT LEO iMESA CNT E) ALiCE NR USA US Air Force Institute of Technology Military Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 443 886 3.15E-02 120.30 98 5 12/6/2013 US Air Force Institute of Technology USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2013-072F 39467 Testing a potential lightweight propulsion system for microsatellites based on an array of advanced carbon nanotubes for accelerating ions. ZARYA estimated http://www.spaceflight101.com/atlas-v-nrol-39-launch-updates.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 Alsat 2B Alsat-2B Algeria Algeria Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 646 660 9.97E-04 98.20 97.7 117 9/26/2016 5 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany/Spain Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2016-059D 41786 Surveillance. JMSatcat/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/09/26/india-declares-success-on-pslvs-most-complex-mission/ Alsat-1B Alsat-1B Algeria Algeria Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 661 704 3.05E-03 98.20 98.4 103 9/26/2016 5 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2016-059C 41785 "Imagery for agricultural and resource monitoring, disaster management, land use mapping and urban planning," JMSatcat/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/09/26/india-declares-success-on-pslvs-most-complex-mission/ AlSat-1N AlSat-1N Algeria Algeria Algerian Space Agency (ASAL)/UK Space Agency Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 661 698 2.62E-03 98.20 98.3 10 9/26/2016 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2016-059G 41789 Technology demonstration satellite for Algerian students. JMSatcat/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/09/26/india-declares-success-on-pslvs-most-complex-mission/ http://gadgets.ndtv.com/science/news/isro-successfully-puts-into-orbit-7-more-satellites-following-scatsat-1-1466496 Alsat-2A (Algeria Satellite 2A) Alsat-2A Algeria Algeria Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 672 674 1.42E-04 98.10 98.2 130 7/12/2010 5 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2010-035D 36798 "The system will enable Algeria to obtain very high quality images for use in a wide variety of applications: cartography, management of agriculture, forestry, water, mineral and oil resources, crop protection, management of natural disasters and land planning." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://directory.eoportal.org/get_announce.php?an_id=14250 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/035D.HTM Amazonas-2 Amazonas-2 Brazil Spain Hispamar (subsidiary of Hispasat - Spain) Commercial Communications GEO -61.00 "35,767" "35,805" 4.51E-04 0.03 1436.08 "5,465" "15,300" 10/1/2009 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2009-054A 35942 "54 Ku-band, 10 C-band transponders; North, Central and South America." JM/12_09 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx672.html http://www.hispasat.com/List.aspx?ShowSearch=true§ionsId=87&lang=en Amazonas-3 Amazonas-3 Brazil Spain Hispamar (subsidiary of Hispasat - Spain) Commercial Communications GEO -61.00 "35,781" "35,791" 1.19E-04 0.03 1436.05 "6,265" "2,778" "14,000" 2/7/2013 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2013-006A 39078 SC - ASCR http://www.hispasat.com/Detail.aspx?sectionsId=67&lang=en http://www.arianespace.com/news-press-release/2013/2-7-2013-VA212-launch.asp http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/INDEX1.HTM Amazonas-4A Amazonas-4A NR Spain Hispamar (subsidiary of Hispasat - Spain) Commercial Communications GEO -61.00 "35,784" "35,795" 1.30E-04 0.08 1436.24 "2,938" 3/22/2014 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2014-011A 39616 Suffered a power malfunction shortly after entering orbit; will affect capacity. SC - ASCR http://www.satnews.com/story.php?number=247224721 Amazonas-5 Amazonas-5 NR Spain Hispamar (subsidiary of Hispasat - Spain) Commercial Communications GEO -61.00 "35,785" "35,789" 4.74E-05 0.04 1436.11 "5,900" 9/12/2017 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2017-053A 42934 "34 Ka-band, 24 Ku-band" JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/09/12/commercial-satellite-to-link-latin-america-lifts-off-on-proton-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "AMC-1 (Americom 1, GE-1)" AMC-1 USA USA SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -129.15 "35,772" "35,800" 3.32E-04 0.03 1436.1 "2,783" "1,600" "6,500 (EOL)" 9/8/1996 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2A 1996-054A 24315 "Broadcasting, business, cable, mobile; 24 C-band and 24 Ku-band transponders; 50 states and Caribbean" JM/12_08 http://spacenews.com/op-ed-do-we-care-about-orbital-debris-at-all/ http://ses-americom.com/satellites/amc-1.html http://www.chinastar.com.cn/english/sate/xnzb.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html https://www.enu.kz/repository/2009/AIAA-2009-5364.pdf "AMC-11 (Americom-11, GE 11)" AMC-11 USA USA SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -130.93 "35,774" "35,797" 2.73E-04 0.04 1436.07 "2,340" "2,316" "6,500 (EOL)" 5/19/2004 15 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2AS 2004-017A 28252 24 C-band transponders. JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx607.html http://www.ses-americom.com/satellites/amc-10-11.html http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=14268 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2004/017A.HTM http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf AMC-15 (Americom-15) AMC-15 USA USA SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -105.04 "35,777" "35,795" 2.13E-04 0.04 1436.08 "4,200" 10/14/2004 15 Lockheed Martin USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2004-041A 28446 "Hybrid Ku-Ka-band satellite; CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii." JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx612.html http://www.ses-americom.com/satellites/amc-15.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2004/041A.HTM http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf AMC-16 (Americom-16) AMC-16 USA USA SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -84.98 "35,780" "35,793" 1.54E-04 0.02 1436.1 "4,312" 12/17/2004 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2004-048A 28472 "Hybrid Ku-Ka-band satellite; CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii." JM/12_08 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2004/048A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx614.html http://www.ses-americom.com/satellites/amc-16.html http://www.rednova.com/news/display/?id=112116 http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf AMC-18 (Americom 18) AMC-18 USA USA SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -104.97 "35,773" "35,800" 3.20E-04 0.06 1436.1 "2,081" 918 12/8/2006 15 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2006-054B 29644 All c-band transponders for North American coverage. JM/12_08 http://www.ses-americom.com/americom/siteSections/pressroom/12_08_06.php http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/INDEX1.HTM http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf "AMC-2 (Americom 2, GE-2)" AMC-2 USA USA SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -100.98 "35,774" "35,798" 2.85E-04 0.05 1436.1 "2,648" "1,600" "6,500 (EOL)" 1/30/1997 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 44L 1997-002A 24713 "Broadcasting, business, cable; CONUS, Hawaii, Caribbean, southern Canada; 24 Ku- and 24 C-band" JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://ses-americom.com/satellites/amc-2.html http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf AMC-21 (Americom 21) AMC-21 United Kingdom USA SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -124.86 "35,778" "35,793" 1.78E-04 3.00 1436.1 "2,500" "5,000" 8/14/2008 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2008-038B 33275 "Television services to the US, Canada, Mexico and Caribbean." JM/12_08 http://www.orbital.com/NewsInfo/Publications/AMC-21_Fact.pdf http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2008/038B.HTM "AMC-4 (Americom-4, GE-4)" AMC-4 USA USA SES S.A./Gogo Commercial Communications GEO -100.99 "35,781" "35,791" 1.19E-04 0.01 1436.1 "3,909" "2,500" 11/13/1999 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 44LP 1999-060A 25954 "Broadcasting, cable, internet; CONUS, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean, Central America, South America; 28 Ku- and 24 C-band" JM/12_08 http://spacenews.com/sess-amc-9-satellite-drifting-after-anomaly/ http://ses-americom.com/satellites/amc-4.html http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf "AMC-6 (Americom-6, GE-6)" AMC-6 USA USA SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -71.98 "35,778" "35,795" 2.02E-04 0.05 1436.12 "3,901" "2,500" 10/22/2000 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 2000-067A 26580 "Business (government and VSAT), media and entertainment; 28 Ku- and 24 C-band; CONUS, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean, Central America" JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/ http://ses-americom.com/satellites/amc-6.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf "AMC-8 (Americom-8, GE-8, Aurora 3)" AMC-8 USA USA SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -139.00 "35,773" "35,798" 2.97E-04 0.03 1436.07 "2,015" 919 "3,300" 12/19/2000 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5G 2000-081B 26639 "Cable television and radio programming; 24 C-band; CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, Caribbean" JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://ses-americom.com/satellites/amc-8.html http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx554.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html JMSatcat803 AmGU-1 (AmurSat-1) AmGU-1 Russia Russia Moscow State University Civil Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 514 547 2.39E-03 97.50 95.2 4 7/5/2019 Moscow State University Russia Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038J 44394 Foton-Amur instrument consisting of charged particle and gamma ray detectors to study space weather phenomena. Amos 17 Amos 17 NR (4/20) Israel Space-Communication Ltd. Military/Commercial Communications GEO 17.00 "35,777" "35,793" 1.90E-04 0.00 1436.04 "6,500" 8/6/2019 20 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-050A 44479 Replaces Amos 5 which failed in 2015. JMGEO/11_19) https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/07/spacex-launches-israeli-owned-telecom-satellite/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Amos 3 Amos 3 NR Israel Space-Communication Ltd. Military/Commercial Communications GEO -3.99 "35,783" "35,789" 7.12E-05 0.04 1436.1 4/28/2008 12 Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) Israel Baikonur Cosmodrome Zenit 3SLB 2008-022A 32794 "15 transponders, Ku and Ka bands." JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx654.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I021A.HTM http://www.amos-spacecom.com/amos1/page.asp?newsid=4&type=6&lang=1&cat=68 "http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3536659,00.html" http://www.amos-spacecom.com/newsite/page.asp?cat=45&type=4&lang=1 Amos 4 Amos 4 NR Israel Space-Communication Ltd. Military/Commercial Communications GEO 65.00 "35,633" "35,796" 1.94E-03 0.01 1432 8/31/2013 12 Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) Israel Baikonur Cosmodrome Zenit 2SB 2013-045A 39237 "Full range of satellite services for Russia, the Middle East and additional service areas. Suggested military surveillance purpose as well." http://www.redorbit.com/news/space/1112937144/launch-of-israel-amos-satellite-090213/ http://www.afcea.org/content/?q=node/2541 http://www.upi.com/Business_News/Security-Industry/2013/09/03/Israels-Amos-4-satellite-launch-boosts-space-plan/UPI-76151378231530/ http://www.richardsilverstein.com/2013/09/01/israel-launches-amos-4-satellite-with-secret-military-payload-for-spying-on-iran-syria/ Amsat-Oscar 7 (AO-7) Amsat-Oscar 7 USA USA AMSAT-NA Civil Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,440" "1,459" 1.21E-03 101.40 114.9 29 11/15/1974 Amsat-NA USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2310 1974-089B 7530 American amateur radio satellite. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/satellites/status.php http://www.emilyshouse.com/experthams/ao7/main.php "ANASIS-II (Army, Navy Air Force Satellite Information System 2, KMilSatCom 1)" ANASIS-II NR (7/20) South Korea Agency for Defense Development Military Communications GEO 115.90 "35,781" "35,792" 1.30E-04 0.01 1436.1 7/20/2020 15 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany/Spain Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-048A 45920 First South Korean military satellite. ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/07/20/spacex-delivers-south-koreas-first-military-satellite-into-on-target-orbit/ ANDESITE Mule (Ad-Hoc Network Demonstration for Extended Satellite-Based Inquiry and Other Team Endeavors) ANDESITE Mule NR (7/20) USA ANDESITE - Boston University Civil Space Science/Technology Demonstration LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 582 600 1.29E-03 97.70 96.5 9 6/13/2020 Boston University USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2020-037D 45726 Mule carries 8 sensor plates that will be released and gather data for a 3-dimensional view of plasma currents. Each about size of piece of bread - each has magnetometer and radio transmitter. JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/university-built-cubesat-launched-with-swarm-of-auroral-science-nodes/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt ANGELS (Argos Neo on a Generic Economical and Light Satellite) ANGELS NR (3/20) ESA Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) Government Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 509 524 1.09E-03 97.40 94.9 18 12/18/2019 CNES ESA Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2019-092D 44876 "Miniaturized Argos Neo instrument ten times smaller than the equivalent previous-generation device. The instrument collects and locates low-power signals and messages sent by the 20,000 Argos transmitters operating around the globe. " JMSatcat/3_20 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY/viwrecgNj5pECsxOs/recqKyk4xegykqEzk?blocks=hide https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/18/soyuz-launches-italian-radar-satellite-esa-exoplanet-telescope/ Anik F1 Anik F1 Canada Canada "Telesat Canada Ltd. (BCE, Inc.)" Commercial Communications GEO -107.27 "35,778" "35,793" 1.78E-04 0.02 1436.08 "4,710" "2,950" "15,500 (EOL)" 11/21/2000 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 44L 2000-076A 26624 JM/12_08 http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/hsc_pressreleases/00_04_17_anikf2.html http://www.telesat.ca/satellites/photos/satellites_gallery7.htm Anik F1R Anik F1R Canada Canada "Telesat Canada Ltd. (BCE, Inc.)" Commercial Communications GEO -107.30 "35,777" "35,795" 2.13E-04 0.02 1436.1 "4,500" "10,000" 9/9/2005 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2005-036A 28868 JM/12_08 http://www.telesat.ca/satellites/index.htm http://www.telesat.ca/news/2005/05-14.htm http://www.space.eads.net/families/daily-life-benefits/communications/anik-f1r http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2005/036A.HTM Anik F2 Anik F2 Canada Canada "Telesat Canada Ltd. (BCE, Inc.)" Commercial Communications GEO -111.07 "35,781" "35,790" 1.07E-04 0.01 1436.08 "5,910" "3,805" "16,000" 7/18/2004 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2004-027A 28378 "24 30W C-band, 40 127W Ku-band, 50 90W transponders for broadband and telemedicine to northern US states and Canada" JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.telesat.ca/satellites/index.htm http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/702/anik_f2/anik_f2.html http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2004/027A.HTM Anik F3 Anik F3 Canada Canada "Telesat Canada Ltd. (BCE, Inc.)" Commercial Communications GEO -118.69 "35,778" "35,794" 1.90E-04 0.01 1436.1 "4,715" "17,500" 4/9/2007 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2007-009A 31102 "32 Ku-band, 24 C-band and 2 Ka-band transponders; voice and video throughout North America." JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx642.html http://www.telesat.ca/satellites/index-e.asp Anik G1 Anik G1 NR Canada "Telesat Canada Ltd. (BCE, Inc.)" Commercial Communications GEO -107.30 "35,773" "35,799" 3.08E-04 0.01 1436.08 "4,905" "17,500" 4/15/2013 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2013-014A 39127 16 extended Ku-band transponders fully contracted to Shaw Direct for 15 years. SC - ASCR http://www.telesat.com/news-events/telesat-successfully-launches-anik-g1-satellite http://www.ssloral.com/html/satexp/anik_g1.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I014A.HTM Aoba-VELOX 4 Aoba-VELOX 4 NR Japan Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 481 513 2.33E-03 97.30 94.6 3 1/18/2019 Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan Uchinoura Space Center Epsilon 2019-003J 43940 "Will demonstrate an attitude control and orbital control system, and a low-light camera, for lunar observations." JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/18/japans-epsilon-rocket-launches-seven-tech-demo-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt AprizeSat 1 (LatinSat-C) AprizeSat 1 USA Argentina Aprize Satellite Argentina Commercial Communications/Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 696 764 4.79E-03 98.00 99.4 12 12 6/29/2004 Aprize Satellite Argentina Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2004-025G 28372 Messaging services. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/4July2004_11.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx608.html http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/4July2004_11.html AprizeSat 10 (exactView-13) AprizeSat 10 NR USA/Argentina Aprize Satellite Commercial Communications/Maritime Tracking Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 613 733 8.52E-03 97.90 98 12 12 6/19/2014 SpaceQuest USA Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033K 40019 Will provide tracking and data monitoring services for companies with remote or mobile assets. ZARYA AprizeSat 2 (LatinSat-D) AprizeSat 2 USA Argentina Aprize Satellite Argentina Commercial Communications/Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 694 850 1.09E-02 98.20 100.3 12 12 6/29/2004 Aprize Satellite Argentina Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2004-025A 28366 Messaging services. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/4July2004_11.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx608.html http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/4July2004_11.html AprizeSat 3 AprizeSat 3 USA USA/Argentina Aprize Satellite Commercial Communications/Maritime Tracking Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 559 662 7.38E-03 98.18 97 12 12 7/29/2009 SpaceQuest USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2009-041F 35686 Will provide tracking and data monitoring services for companies with remote or mobile assets. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.talksatellite.com/Americas-A830.htm http://www.aprizesat.com/press/AprizeSat_Launch_9-8-08.pdf AprizeSat 4 AprizeSat 4 USA USA/Argentina Aprize Satellite Commercial Communications/Maritime Tracking Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 604 674 4.99E-03 98.10 97.5 12 12 7/29/2009 SpaceQuest USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2009-041D 35684 Will provide tracking and data monitoring services for companies with remote or mobile assets. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.talksatellite.com/Americas-A830.htm http://www.aprizesat.com/press/AprizeSat_Launch_9-8-08.pdf AprizeSat 5 AprizeSat 5 USA Canada Aprize Satellite Commercial Communications Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 610 694 5.98E-03 98.20 97.8 12 12 8/17/2011 SpaceQuest USA Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2011-044E 37792 Continuation of constellation. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.exactearth.com/news-folder-2/dnepr-launches-aprizesat-5-and-aprizesat-6/ http://www.aprizesat.com/technology.php http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/044E.HTM AprizeSat 7 AprizeSat 7 USA Canada Aprize Satellite Commercial Communications Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 594 653 4.22E-03 97.80 97.17 12 12 11/21/2013 SpaceQuest USA Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2013-066A 39416 Continuation of constellation. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I066A.HTM AprizeSat 8 (exactView-12) AprizeSat 8 NR USA/Argentina Aprize Satellite Commercial Communications/Maritime Tracking Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 594 669 5.36E-03 97.80 97.99 12 12 11/21/2013 SpaceQuest USA Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2013-066K 39425 Continuation of constellation. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 AprizeSat 9 (exactView-11) AprizeSat 9 NR Canada exactEarth Commercial Communications/Maritime Tracking Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 613 715 7.25E-03 97.90 98 12 12 6/19/2014 SpaceQuest USA Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033J 40018 Will provide tracking and data monitoring services for companies with remote or mobile assets. ZARYA http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/06/russian-dnepr-rocket-record-launch-37-satellites/ http://www.astronautix.com/craft/aprzesat.htm Apstar 6 Apstar 6 China China APT Satellite Holdings Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 134.04 "35,778" "35,794" 1.90E-04 0.01 1436.08 "4,680" 4/12/2005 Alcatel Space Industries France/Italy Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2005-012A 28638 Partial power failure in 2018. Apstar 6C has taken over its position. JM/12_08 http://www.apstar.com/apstar/apstar_vi.html http://www.apstar.com/pressroom/press/press50.htm http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2005/I012A.HTM https://spacenews.com/apt-satellite-nets-21-million-from-apstar-6-insurance-claim-next-satellite-delayed/ Apstar 6C Apstar 6C China China APT Satellite Holdings Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 134.00 "35,783" "35,790" 8.30E-05 0.05 1436.1 5/3/2018 15 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-041A 43450 "45 C-band, Ku-band and Ka-band transponders, Apstar 6C’s wider coverage zone will stretch from Siberia and India in the north and west, to Australia and Hawaii in the south and east." JM/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/04/communications-satellite-launched-from-china-to-connect-asia-pacific/ Apstar 6D Apstar 6D NR (7/20) China APT Satellite Holdings Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 134.00 "35,785" "35,885" 1.18E-03 0.01 1438.5 "5,550" 7/9/2020 15 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2020-045A 45863 "Will use a conventional liquid-fueled engine to raise its orbit in the coming weeks, then rely on electric plasma thrusters to hold position in geostationary orbit during its planned 15-year mission." ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/07/09/commercial-high-throughput-communications-satellite-launched-from-china/ http://zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 Apstar 7 Apstar 7 China China APT Satellite Holdings Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 76.50 "35,864" "35,874" 1.18E-04 0.03 1440.31 "5,054" 3/31/2012 15 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2012-013A 38107 Replacement for Apstar 2R. http://www.apstar.com/apt_news/index.asp http://www.spacenews.com/launch/120402-long-march-delivers-apstar-sat.html http://dreamdth.com/Thread-Exclusive-Apstar-7-factsheet Apstar 9 Apstar 9 China China APT Satellite Holdings Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 142.00 "35,782" "35,788" 7.12E-05 0.12 1436.01 "5,200" "10,500" 10/16/2015 15 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2015-059A 40982 Replacement for Apstar 9A. JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/16/satellite-launched-to-beam-tv-and-internet-to-the-asiapacific/ http://spaceflight101.com/spacecraft/apstar-9/ http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Arabsat 5C Arabsat 5C NR Multinational Arab Satellite Communications Org. (ASCO) Government Communications GEO 19.99 "35,766" "35,805" 4.63E-04 0.06 1436.06 "4,630" 9/21/2011 15 Astrium/Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2011-049B 37810 "26 active C-band transponders, 12 active Ka-band transponders" JM/1_12 http://www.arabsat.com/pages/PressReleaseDetails.aspx?id=197 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40//2011/049A.HTM Arabsat 6A Arabsat 6A NR (11/19) Multinational Arab Satellite Communications Org. (ASCO) Commercial Communications GEO 30.50 "35,774" "35,811" 4.39E-04 0.01 "1,436.00" "6,465" "20,000" 4/11/2019 15 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-021A 44186 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/11/spacexs-falcon-heavy-successful-in-commercial-debut/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Arabsat 7F (Nimiq 1) Arabsat 7F Canada Multinational Arab Satellite Communications Org. (ASCO) Commercial Communications GEO 44.50 "35,778" "35,794" 1.90E-04 0.01 1436.09 "3,600" "1,700" "8,600" 5/20/1999 12 Lockheed Martin/Spar Aerospace USA/Canada Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton D 1999-027A 25740 Television broadcast; 32 Ku-band. JM/12_08 http://www.arabsat.com/pages/Satellite.aspx?sid=34&pid=118 http://www.digital-forum.it/archive/index.php/t-156903.html http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf Arkyd-6A Arkyd-6A USA USA Planetary Resources Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 505 8.73E-04 97.50 94.5 10 1/11/2018 Planetary Resources USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004V 43130 Imaging system that is to be tested in space for future application in asteroid close-up surveys to identify water and water-bearing minerals. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c40/arkyd-6/ ARMADILLO (Attitude Related Maneuvers and Debris Instrument in Low (L) Orbit) ARMADILLO NR (11/19) USA Satellite Design Laboratory UT Austin/Baylor University Civil Technology Development Elliptical 0.00 305 851 3.93E-02 28.50 96.2 4 6/25/2019 UT Austin/Baylor University USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036P 44352 See link JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/a/armadillo https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt ArSat 1 ArSat 1 Argentina Argentina ArSat Commercial Communications GEO -71.80 "35,778" "35,795" 2.02E-04 0.01 1436.07 "3,000" 10/16/2014 15 INVAP S.E. Argentina Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2014-062B 40272 "First geostationary communications satellite built in Argentina. It will support television broadcasts, data transmission and Internet access for customers in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay." ZARYA http://spaceflightnow.com/ariane/va220/141016preview/#.VNkG4i5ryiw http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 ArSat 2 ArSat 2 Argentina Argentina ArSat Commercial Communications GEO -81.00 "35,786" "35,801" 1.78E-04 0.01 1436.06 "2,977" "4,600" 9/30/2015 15 INVAP S.E. Argentina Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2015-054B 40941 JM/12_15 http://spacenews.com/argentinas-arsat-2-launch-aboard-ariane-5/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=36156 AsiaSat-3S (Asiasat 3SA) AsiaSat-3S China China Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 105.55 "35,780" "35,792" 1.42E-04 0.02 1436.07 "3,480" "2,500" "10,000" 3/21/1999 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 1999-013A 25657 "28 C-band, 16 Ku-band; broadcasting, internet services, multimedia, telecommunications" JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx545.html http://www.asiasat.com/eng/02_satellites/system_03.html AsiaSat-5 AsiaSat-5 China China Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 100.50 "35,778" "35,795" 2.02E-04 0.00 1436.11 "3,760" 8/11/2009 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Breeze M 2009-042A 35696 "14 Ku-Band, 26 C-band, serving all of Asia." JM/10/09 http://www.satnews.com/cgi-bin/story.cgi?number=1887627197 http://www.spacetoday.net/Summary/4670 http://www.asiasat.com/asiasat/contentView.php?section=170&lang=0#Headline AsiaSat-6 (Thaicom-7) AsiaSat-6 China China Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 120.00 "35,783" "35,793" 1.19E-04 0.07 1436.17 "3,700" 9/7/2014 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2014-052A 40141 14 of the 28 C-band transponders will be operated by Thaicom as Thaicom 7. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/09/spacex-falcon-9-asiasat-6-mission/ AsiaSat-7 AsiaSat-7 China China Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 105.50 "35,782" "35,793" 1.30E-04 0.02 1436.17 "3,813" 11/25/2011 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2011-069A 37933 "28 C-band, 17 Ku-band, and a Ka-band payload. Will replace AsiaSat-3S." JM/1_12 http://www.asiasat.com/asiasat/contentView.php?section=202&lang=0 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/069A.HTM AsiaSat-8 AsiaSat-8 China China Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 105.50 "35,781" "35,793" 1.42E-04 0.07 1436.1 "4,500" "8,500" 8/5/2014 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2014-046A 40107 24 Ku-band transponders. ZARYA http://www.asiasat.com/asiasat/contentView.php?section=216&lang=0 http://www.cbsnews.com/network/news/space/home/spacenews/files/080514_spacex_asiasat8.html AsiaSat-9 AsiaSat-9 China China Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 122.00 "35,783" "35,790" 8.30E-05 0.02 1436.1 "6,140" 9/28/2017 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2017-057A 42942 "38 Ku-band, 28 C-band transponders. " JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/09/29/ils-declares-mission-success-after-proton-launch-of-asiasat-9/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt AsiaStar AsiaStar USA USA 1Worldspace Commercial Communications GEO 104.97 "35,773" "35,801" 3.32E-04 0.02 1436.15 "2,775" "1,530" "5,600" 3/21/2000 15 Alcatel Space Industries France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5G 2000-016A 26107 "Africa, Middle East, Asia, Latin America and Caribbean. Services to underserved emerging markets; low-cost portable receivers." JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx557.html http://www.worldspace.com/about/index.html ASNARO 1 (Advanced Satellite with New system Architecture for Observation) ASNARO-1 Japan Japan Japan Space Systems Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 506 507 7.27E-05 97.48 94.75 500 11/6/2014 3 NEC Corporation Japan Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-070A 40298 Japanese optical high-resolution Earth imaging mission under development by the NEC Corporation and USEF (Institute for Unmanned Space Experiment Free Flyer). ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/a/asnaro ASNARO 2 (Advanced Satellite with New system Architecture for Observation) ASNARO-2 Japan Japan Japan Space Systems Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 505 8.73E-04 97.30 94.5 570 1/17/2018 3 NEC Corporation Japan Uchinoura Space Center Epsilon 2018-007A 43152 X-band radar. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/17/japanese-radar-satellite-launched-aboard-third-epsilon-booster/ Astra 1D Astra 1D Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 67.70 "35,776" "35,795" 2.25E-04 1.15 1436.08 "2,924" "1,700" "3,300" 11/1/1994 15 Hughes Space and Communications Co. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 42P 1994-070A 23331 Primarily backup for Astra 1B and 1C; 18 Ku-band transponders; continental Europe. JM/12_08 www.astra.lu/corporate/satellites/fleet http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx493.html http://www.ses-astra.com/satellites/fleet/satellites.php?sat=16 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://planet4589.org/space/log/geobus0902.ok.lis Astra 1F Astra 1F Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 19.22 "35,778" "35,797" 2.25E-04 0.03 1436.15 "3,010" "1,800" "4,400" 4/18/1996 15 Hughes Space and Communications Co. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 1996-021A 23842 Direct tv broadcast to Europe; 16 Ku-band transponders; Europe. JM/12_08 www.astra.lu/corporate/satellites/fleet http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx510.html http://www.ses-astra.com/satellites/fleet/satellites.php?sat=10 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Astra 1G Astra 1G Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 19.24 "35,780" "35,791" 1.30E-04 0.04 1436.08 "3,379" "3,010" "6,600" 12/2/1997 15 Hughes Space and Communications Co. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 1997-076A 25071 Direct-to-home tv; multimedia; 32 Ku-band transponders; Europe JM/12_08 www.astra.lu/corporate/satellites/fleet http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/1997/076A.HTM http://www.ses-astra.com/satellites/fleet/satellites.php?sat=11 Astra 1KR Astra 1KR Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 19.16 "35,766" "35,807" 4.86E-04 0.08 1436.1 "4,332" "12,000" 4/20/2006 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2006-012A 29055 32 Ku-band transponders; direct-to-home broadcast services across Europe. JM/12_08 www.astra.lu/corporate/satellites/fleet http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/012A.HTM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astra_1KR http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf Astra 1L Astra 1L Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 19.30 "35,772" "35,798" 3.08E-04 0.05 1436.03 "4,500" "13,000" 5/4/2007 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2007-016A 31306 "29 Ku-band, 2 Ka-band transponders first five years; 25 Ku-band and 2 Ka-band thereafter." JM/12_08 http://www.ses-global.com/corpSite/site_en/04_ASTRAFleet/03_satellite_list/astra1l/index.php http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2007/016A.HTM http://www.space-travel.com/reports/Lockheed_Martin_Built_Astra_1L_Satellite_Ready_For_Launch_999.html http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf Astra 1M Astra 1M Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 19.20 "35,804" "35,852" 5.69E-04 0.14 1438.2 "5,345" "9,900" 11/5/2008 15 EADS Astrium France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2008-057A 33436 Direct-to-home and HD television. SC - ASCR 1/09 http://www.thefreelibrary.com/ASTRA+1M+Satellite+Successfully+Launched.-a0188470617 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I065B.HTM http://www.ses-astra.com/business/en/satellite-fleet/satellite-list/astra1m/index.php Astra 1N Astra 1N Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 28.20 "35,715" "35,780" 7.72E-04 0.12 1434.1 "5,350" 8/6/2011 15 EADS Astrium France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2011-041A 37775 Direct-to-home and HD television. SC - ASCR 9/11 http://en.ses.com/4628614/astra-1n http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/041A.HTM http://en.ses.com/4233325/news/2011/7722694 Astra 2A Astra 2A Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 28.16 "35,776" "35,797" 2.49E-04 0.08 1436.12 "3,635" "2,500" "7,000" 8/30/1998 15 Hughes Space and Communications Co. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 1998-050A 25462 "Voice and video communications to Europe; 32 Ku-band for first five years, 28 after." JM/12_08 www.astra.lu/corporate/satellites/fleet http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/1998/050A.HTM http://www.ses-astra.com/satellites/fleet/satellites.php?sat=2 Astra 2B Astra 2B Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 31.33 "35,772" "35,801" 3.44E-04 0.07 1436.11 "3,315" "1,400" "7,800" 9/14/2000 14 Astrium France/UK/Germany Guiana Space Center Ariane 5G 2000-054A 26494 "Direct-to-home; broadcasting, multimedia; 30 Ku-band for first five years, 28 after; UK and Ireland." JM/12_08 www.astra.lu/corporate/satellites/fleet http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx563.html http://www.ses-astra.com/satellites/fleet/satellites.php?sat=13 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.435 Astra 2C Astra 2C Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 28.21 "35,768" "35,804" 4.27E-04 0.07 1436.12 "3,643" "2,000" "7,000" 6/16/2001 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 2001-025A 26853 "Direct-to-home; broadcasting, multimedia; 32 transponders for first five years; 28 after, continental Europe" JM/12_08 www.astra.lu/corporate/satellites/fleet http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx572.html http://www.ses-astra.com/satellites/fleet/satellites.php?sat=14 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.455 Astra 2D Astra 2D Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 28.14 "35,770" "35,802" 3.80E-04 0.07 1436.1 "1,420" 700 "1,500" 12/19/2000 15 Hughes Space and Communications Co. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5G 2000-081A 26638 "Direct-to-home; broadcasting, multimedia; 16 Ku-band; UK and Ireland." JM/12_08 www.astra.lu/corporate/satellites/fleet http://www.ses-astra.com/satellites/fleet/satellites.php?sat=15 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.442 Astra 2E (Eutelsat 28E) Astra 2E Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 28.20 "35,781" "35,793" 1.42E-04 0.11 1436.12 "6,052" "13,000" 9/29/2013 15 EADS Astrium France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2013-056A 39285 "Broadcast, Vsat and broadband services to Europe." SC - ASCR http://www.astra2.org/astra2e.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I056A.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.space-airbusds.com/en/programmes/astra-2e-astra-2f-astra-2g-and-astra-5b-added-flexibility-and-improved.html Astra 2F (Eutelsat 28F) Astra 2F Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 28.20 "35,777" "35,795" 2.13E-04 0.06 1436.07 "6,000" "2,660" 9/28/2012 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2012-051A 38778 "Prime position for SES - BBC, ITV, Channel 5." SC - ASCR http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/09/ariane-5-eca-launch-with-astra-2f-and-gsat-10-satellites/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/1051A.HTM http://airbusdefenceandspace.com/newsroom/news-and-features/astra-2g-satellite-to-provide-next-generation-services-ready-in-orbit/ Astra 2G (Eutelsat 28G) Astra 2G Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 28.20 "35,785" "35,789" 4.74E-05 0.09 1436.11 "6,000" "13,000" 12/27/2014 15 Airbus Defense and Space Germany/France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2014-089A 40364 62 Ku-band transponders as well as 4 Ka-band transponders ZARYA http://www.ses.com/4628824/astra-2g http://www.ilslaunch.com/node/4287 http://spaceflightnow.com/2014/12/28/successful-proton-launch-puts-astra-2g-broadcast-satellite-in-orbit/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://airbusdefenceandspace.com/newsroom/news-and-features/astra-2g-satellite-to-provide-next-generation-services-ready-in-orbit/ Astra 3A Astra 3A Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 23.48 "35,770" "35,804" 4.03E-04 0.06 1436.07 "1,500" 750 "1,500" 3/29/2002 10 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 44L 2002-015B 27400 "20 transponders; provide follow-on capacity for the Kopernikus satellite of Deutsche Telekom AG, contracted for 10 transponders on spacecraft; German-speaking countries of Germany, Austria and Switzerland." JM/12_08 www.astra.lu/corporate/satellites/fleet http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx581.html http://www.ses-americom.com/bev.3a.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.476 Astra 3B Astra 3B Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 23.50 "35,768" "35,806" 4.51E-04 0.08 1436.11 "5,471" "10,000" 5/21/2010 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2010-021A 36581 "60 Ku-band, 4 Ka-band transponders. Serves German, Czech, Slovak market." SC - ASCR http://kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/021A.HTM http://www.ses-astra.com/business/en/satellite-fleet/satellite-list/astra3b/index.php http://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2010/05/22/astra-3b-finally-placed-in-orbit/ Astra 5B Astra 5B Luxembourg Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 31.55 "35,787" "35,793" 7.12E-05 0.05 1436.26 "5,724" 3/22/2014 15 EADS Astrium France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2014-011B 39617 Comsat to cover Eastern Europe with Direct to Home and cable feeds to digital television networks. It also carries a hosted L-band payload for the European Commission’s European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS). SC - ASCR http://www.ses.com/4628908/astra-5b http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2014/INDEX1.HTM http://www.space-airbusds.com/en/programmes/astra-2e-astra-2f-astra-2g-and-astra-5b-added-flexibility-and-improved.html Astranis Demosat-2 Astranis Demosat-2 USA USA Astranis Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 505 8.01E-04 97.50 94.5 1/11/2018 Astranis USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004S 43127 Pathfinder for Astranis' small GEO satellites. JMSatcat/5_18 https://techcrunch.com/2018/03/01/astranis-emerges-from-stealth-with-a-new-satellite-technology-for-connecting-the-world/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ISRO/comments/7p6o9m/pslvc40_cartosat2f_mission_updates_and_discussion/ Astrocast 0.1 Astrocast 0.1 NR Switzerland Astrocast Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 574 590 1.15E-03 97.70 96.3 4 12/3/2018 Astrocast Switzerland Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AS 43798 Part of Spaceflight SSO-A mission. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/sso-a https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Astrocast 0.2 Astrocast 0.2 NR (11/19) Switzerland Astrocast Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 510 1.24E-03 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 Astrocast Switzerland Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018F 44083 Astrocast 02 is meant to blaze a trail for IoT (Internet of Things) applications to be offered by Switzerland's Astrocast venture. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Astrosat Astrosat NR India Telemetry Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC) Centre Government Space Science LEO Equatorial 0.00 632 649 1.21E-03 5.99 97.54 230 9/28/2015 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C-30 2015-052A 40930 India's first space observatory. JM/12_15 http://astrosat.iucaa.in/ http://www.firstpost.com/india/astrosat-indias-first-space-observatory-set-for-28-september-launch-2440606.html http://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/astrosat-indias-hubble-in-space-to-be-launched-on-september-28-115091900495_1.html AT&T T16 AT&T T16 NR (11/19) USA "DirecTV, Inc." Commercial Communications GEO -101.00 "35,653" "36,757" 1.30E-02 0.02 1436.07 "6,350" 6/20/2019 15 Airbus Defense and Space France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2019-034A 44333 DirecTV was bought out by AT&T in 2015. They intend to eliminate the DirecTV brand in the near future. JMGEO/11-19 https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/06/ariane-5-att-t-16-eutelsat-7c/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/20/two-commercial-broadcast-satellites-launched-on-ariane-5-rocket/ https://planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Athena-Fidus  (Access on THeatres for European Nations Allied forces - French Italian Dual Use Satellite) Athena-Fidus France France/Italy Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)/Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) Government/Military Communications GEO 25.00 "35,784" "35,788" 4.74E-05 0.05 1436.06 "3,080" 2/6/2014 15 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2014-006B 39509 "Carries 2 payloads, one each for France and Italy. Operates in the Ka and EHF bands." SC - ASCR http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/franco-italian-athena-fidus-offers-wideband-satcom-06186/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2014/I006B.HTM Athenoxat-1 ((Athene Noctua Experimental Satellite) Athenoxat-1 NR Singapore Microspace Rapid Pvt Ltd. Commercial Technology Development LEO Equatorial 0.00 532 550 1.30E-03 14.98 95.46 6 12/16/2015 Microspace Rapid Pvt Ltd. Singapore Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-C29 2015-077C 41168 Technology demonstrator nanosatellite for Earth remote sensing. prehled-druzic http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-077.html http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/16/pslv-set-for-commercial-launch-with-six-singaporean-satellites/ "ATL-1 (Advanced Technology of Laser, Magyar-OSCAR 106, MO-106)" ATL-1 NR (3/20) Hungary ATL (Advanced Technology of Laser) Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 328 372 3.27E-03 97.00 92 1 12/6/2019 Advanced Technology of Laser Hungary Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-084H 44830 5 cm by 5 cm picosat. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/06/rocket-labs-10th-launch-tests-booster-recovery-technology/ https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY/viwrecgNj5pECsxOs/rec24NraqpMJT5JMk?blocks=hide Aurora  (Tabletsat-2U-EO) Aurora Russia Russia SPUTNIX Ltd. Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 583 618 2.51E-03 97.99 96.7 25 6/19/2014 1 Sputnix Ltd. Russia Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033H 40017 Technology demonstration and testing of new satellite bus to be used for first commercial Russian remote sensing. ZARYA http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/06/russian-dnepr-rocket-record-launch-37-satellites/ http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=43438 Azerspace 1/Africasat-1a Azerspace 1/Africasat-1a Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azercosmos Government Communications GEO 46.00 "35,778" "35,794" 1.90E-04 0.04 1436.08 "3,250" "1,438" 2/7/2013 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2013-006B 39079 First satellite for Azerbaijan. Operating from an orbital slot assigned to Malaysia. SC - ASCR http://www.satellitetoday.com/st/stbriefs/Azerspace-1Africasat-1a-Enters-Full-Commercial-Service_40962.html http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/Communications/Azerspace/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/INDEX1.HTM Azerspace 2/Intelsat-38 Azerspace 2/Intelsat-38 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azercosmos Government Communications GEO 45.00 "35,750" "35,750" 0.00E+00 0.02 1436.1 "3,500" 9/25/2018 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2018-074A 43632 Host Direct-to-Home (DTH) platforms for Central and Eastern Europe as well as the Asia-Pacific region.  Intelsat 38 will also provide connectivity for corporate networks and government applications in Africa.  JMSatcat/11_18 http://www.intelsat.com/news/press-release/launch-of-intelsat-38-and-azerspace-2/ https://spaceflightnow.com/launch-log/ AztecSat-1 AztecSat-1 Mexico USA/Mexico Autonomous Popular University of the State of Puebla Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 412 423 8.10E-04 51.60 92.9 2 2/19/2020 NASA/Mexican Space Agency USA/Mexico International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067RA 45257 Built collaboratively by NASA and the Mexican Space Agency. Designed to demonstrate inter-satellite communication using satellites in the Globalstar constellation. ZARYA https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide Badr 4 (Arabsat 4B) Badr 4 NR Multinational Arab Satellite Communications Org. (ASCO) Government Communications GEO 26.02 "35,780" "35,791" 1.30E-04 0.07 1436.06 "3,304" "1,487" 11/8/2006 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2006-051A 29526 28 Ku-band transponders; voice and video communications to West Asia region. JM/12_08 http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2006/051A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx637.html Badr 5 (Arabsat 5B) Badr 5 NR Multinational Arab Satellite Communications Org. (ASCO) Government Communications GEO 26.00 "35,834" "35,883" 5.80E-04 0.06 1439.76 "5,420" 6/3/2010 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2010-025A 36592 "Second generation; radio and tv communications to Middle East; 26 C-band, 24 ku-band transponders." SC - ASCR www.arabsat.com http://www.spaceflightnow.com/proton/badr5/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/024A.HTM Badr 5A (Arabsat 5A) Badr 5A NR Multinational Arab Satellite Communications Org. (ASCO) Government Communications GEO 30.50 "35,605" "35,623" 2.14E-04 0.03 1427.27 "4,940" 6/26/2010 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2010-032B 36745 "26 C-band, 24 Ku-bandover sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East." SC - ASCR http://www.arabsat.com/pages/PressReleaseDetails.aspx?id=182 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/032B.HTM Badr 6 (Arabsat 4AR) Badr 6 NR Multinational Arab Satellite Communications Org. (ASCO) Government Communications GEO 26.08 "35,768" "35,805" 4.39E-04 0.05 1436.1 "3,400" "6,000" 7/7/2008 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2008-034B 33154 "24 C-band, 20 Ku-band transponders, direct-to-home voice, video, and internet services to the Middle East and North Africa." JM/12_08 http://www.satbeams.com/info?satellite=2371 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/034B.HTM http://www.eads-nv.com/1024/en/pressdb/pressdb/20080808_atrium_arabsat_BADR-6.html http://www.space-travel.com/reports/Alcatel_Alenia_Space_To_Provide_Communication_Payload_For_Arabsat_BADR_6_Satellite.html Badr 7 (Arabsat 6B) Badr 7 NR Multinational Arab Satellite Communications Org. (ASCO) Government Communications GEO 26.00 "35,768" "35,817" 5.81E-04 0.10 "1,436.00" "5,500" 11/10/2015 15 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany/Spain Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2015-065B 41029 SC - ASCR http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/11/10/arab-and-indian-satellites-fly-aboard-ariane-5/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/11/2015-065.html#2015065A Bangabandhu 1 Bangabandhu 1 NR Bangladesh Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) Government Communications GEO 119.10 "35,778" "35,793" 1.78E-04 0.00 "1,436.06" "3,500" 5/11/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space France/Belgium/Spain/Italy Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2018-044A 43463 "26 Ku-Band and 14 C-Band transponders. Major applications include DTH, very small aperture terminal (VSAT) communications, backhaul and trunking, network restoration, and disaster preparedness and relief." JM/10_18 https://www.aerospace-technology.com/projects/bangabandhu-1-bd-1-communication-satellite/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/11/spacex-debuts-an-improved-human-rated-model-of-the-falcon-9-rocket/ BARS-M (Cosmos 2503) Cosmos 2503 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 570 586 1.15E-03 97.70 96.1 "4,000" 2/27/2015 5 Progress Rocket and Space Center Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2015-009A 40420 Electronic intelligence gathering (ELINT). Space50 http://russianforces.org/blog/2015/02/launch_of_an_optical_reconnais.shtml http://www.russianspaceweb.com/liana.html BARS-M (Cosmos 2515) Cosmos 2515 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 549 594 3.24E-03 97.62 96.10 "4,000" 3/24/2016 5 Progress Rocket and Space Center Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2016-020A 41394 Space50 http://russianforces.org/blog/2016/03/cosmos-2515_second_bars-m_sate.shtml http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/03/24/soyuz-launcher-puts-russian-military-spy-satellite-in-orbit/ BDSAGR-1 BDSAGR-1 NR (3/20) China "GasTianta and GZH-HNJ BDS AGR Co., Ltd." Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 613 634 1.50E-03 97.90 97.10 40 12/21/2019 3 MinoSpace Technology China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2019-093A 44879 JMSatcat/3_20 https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201912/20/WS5dfc90eca310cf3e3557fa3f.html https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/21/china-launches-environmental-satellite-built-in-cooperation-with-brazil/ Beesat-4 Beesat-4 NR (3/20) Germany Technical University Berlin Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 487 500 9.47E-04 97.00 94.50 1 6/22/2016 Technical University Berlin Germany Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2016-040W 41619 JMSatcat/7_20 https://www.satellitetoday.com/innovation/2016/09/16/dlrs-biros-satellite-successfully-releases-beesat-4-picosatellite-space/ Beesat-9 (Tubsat-17) Beesat-9 Germany Germany Technical University Berlin Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 514 546 2.32E-03 97.50 95.20 1 7/5/2019 Technical University Berlin Germany Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038AC 44412 "Student built, will test an attitude control system." JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Beidou 2-12 (Compass M3) Beidou 2-12 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "21,460" "21,595" 2.42E-03 55.16 773.19 "2,200" 4/28/2012 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2012-018A 38250 Part of Beidou constellation. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 http://planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.658 Beidou 2-13 (Compass M4) Beidou 2-13 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "21,452" "21,603" 2.71E-03 55.10 773.21 "2,200" 4/28/2012 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2012-018B 38251 Part of Beidou constellation. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 http://planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.658 Beidou 2-15 (Compass M6) Beidou 2-15 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "21,477" "21,574" 1.74E-03 55.00 773.1 "3,800" 9/18/2012 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2012-050B 38775 SC - ASCR http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1209/18longmarch/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/1050B.HTM http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-20852150 Beidou 2-16 (Compass G-6) Beidou 2-16 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 80.00 "35,775" "35,799" 2.85E-04 1.84 1436.11 "3,800" "2,300" 10/25/2012 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3C 2012-059A 38953 "Part of Beidou constellation, now operational." SC - ASCR http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1210/25longmarch/#.UOXkeEXfjtKI http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I059A.HTM Beidou 2-17 (IGSO-6) Beidou 2-17 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 100.30 "35,676" "35,890" 2.54E-03 54.97 1435.92 "4,200" "1,900" 3/30/2016 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3A 2016-021A 41434 Space50 http://www.spaceflightinsider.com/missions/earth-science/china-successfully-launches-its-newest-beidou-navigation-satellite/ http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/03/29/long-march-3a-rocket-gives-boost-to-chinese-navigation-satellite/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-021A&jazyk=pp_en Beidou 2-18 (Compass G-7) Beidou 2-18 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 144.00 "35,776" "35,794" 2.13E-04 1.84 1436.1 "3,800" 6/12/2016 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3C 2016-037A 41586 ZARYA http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/13/chinas-beidou-navigation-network-grows-with-successful-launch/ Beidou 3I-1S Beidou 3I-1S China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 107.48 "35,796" "36,781" 1.15E-02 54.90 1461.81 "4,200" 3/30/2015 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3C 2015-019A 40549 Third stage of Beidou constellation. JM/8_15 http://www.spaceflight101.com/long-march-3c---beidou-3-first-launch.html https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/c-missions/cnss Beidou 3I-2S Beidou 3I-2S NR China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 89.50 "35,606" "35,953" 4.12E-03 55.00 1435.73 "4,200" 9/29/2015 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2015-053A 40938 JM/12_15 http://spaceflight101.com/chinese-navigation-satellite-enters-geosynchronous-orbit/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Beidou 3M1 Beidou 3-M1 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,506" "21,549" 7.71E-04 55.00 773.2 800 280 11/5/2017 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2017-069A 43001 Ultra-accurate rubidium atomic clocks on board JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/05/china-returns-long-march-3b-rocket-to-service-after-june-failure/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/cnss Beidou 3M1 (Beidou 23) Beidou 3-23 NR (11/19) China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,509" "21,561" 9.32E-04 55.00 773.2 800 280 9/22/2019 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2019-061A 44542 JMSatcat/11_19 Beidou 3M1 (Beidou 24) Beidou 3-24 NR (11/19) China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,515" "21,554" 6.99E-04 55.00 773.2 800 280 9/22/2019 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2019-061B 44543 JMSatcat/11_19 Beidou 3M1 (Beidou 25) Beidou 3-25 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,541" "22,549" 1.77E-02 55.00 773.2 800 280 11/5/2017 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2017-069B 43002 Ultra-accurate rubidium atomic clocks on board JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/05/china-returns-long-march-3b-rocket-to-service-after-june-failure/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/cnss Beidou 3M-1S Beidou 3M-1S NR China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "21,520" "21,549" 5.20E-04 55.00 773.2 800 280 7/25/2015 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2015-037A 40748 JM/8_15 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/07/china-long-march-3b-dual-beidou/ Beidou 3M-2S Beidou 3M-2S NR China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "21,521" "21,550" 5.20E-04 55.00 773.3 800 280 7/25/2015 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2015-037B 40749 JM/8_15 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/07/china-long-march-3b-dual-beidou/ Beidou 3M-3S Beidou 3M-3S China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "21,524" "21,532" 1.43E-04 55.00 773.2 800 280 2/1/2016 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3C 2016-006A 41315 Space50 https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2016/02/long-march-3c-final-beidou-3-satellite/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-006A Beidou DW 26 Beidou DW 26 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,514" "21,541" 4.84E-04 55.00 773.2 800 280 1/11/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-003A 43107 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/13/chinese-navigation-network-expanded-with-pair-of-new-beidou-satellites/ Beidou DW 27 Beidou DW 27 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,516" "21,539" 4.12E-04 55.00 773.2 800 280 1/11/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-003B 43108 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/13/chinese-navigation-network-expanded-with-pair-of-new-beidou-satellites/ Beidou DW 28 Beidou DW 28 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,508" "21,547" 6.99E-04 55.00 773.2 800 280 2/12/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-018A 43207 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/02/12/china-adds-two-more-satellites-to-home-grown-navigation-network/ Beidou DW 29 Beidou DW 29 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,504" "21,551" 8.42E-04 55.00 773.2 800 280 2/12/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-018B 43208 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/02/12/china-adds-two-more-satellites-to-home-grown-navigation-network/ Beidou DW 30 Beidou DW 30 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,521" "21,533" 2.15E-04 55.00 773.2 800 280 3/29/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-029A 43246 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/29/two-new-satellites-join-chinas-beidou-navigation-fleet/ Beidou DW 31 Beidou DW 31 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,542" "22,191" 1.15E-02 55.00 773.2 800 280 3/29/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-029B 43245 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/29/two-new-satellites-join-chinas-beidou-navigation-fleet/ Beidou DW 32 Beidou DW 32 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 110.00 "35,691" "35,876" 2.19E-03 55.00 1436.1 800 280 7/9/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3A 2018-057A 43539 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/10/chinese-navigation-satellite-deployed-by-long-march-rocket/ https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1019442467702214656 Beidou DW 33 Beidou DW 33 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,509" "21,545" 6.45E-04 55.00 773.2 800 280 7/29/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-062A 43581 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/30/another-pair-of-chinese-navigation-satellites-successfully-launched/ Beidou DW 34 Beidou DW 34 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,516" "21,538" 3.94E-04 55.00 773.2 800 280 7/29/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-062B 43581 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/30/another-pair-of-chinese-navigation-satellites-successfully-launched/ Beidou DW 35 Beidou DW 35 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,514" "21,540" 4.66E-04 55.00 773.2 800 280 8/24/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-067A 43602 JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/08/27/china-sets-new-national-record-for-most-launches-in-a-year/ Beidou DW 36 Beidou DW 36 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,518" "21,537" 3.41E-04 55.00 773.2 800 280 8/24/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-067B 43603 JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/08/27/china-sets-new-national-record-for-most-launches-in-a-year/ Beidou DW 37 Beidou DW 37 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,533" "22,193" 1.17E-02 55.00 787.1 800 280 9/19/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-072A 43622 JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/09/20/expansion-of-chinas-beidou-satellite-fleet-continues-with-successful-launch/ Beidou DW 38 Beidou DW 38 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,513" "21,541" 5.02E-04 55.00 773.1 800 280 9/19/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-072B 43623 JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/09/20/expansion-of-chinas-beidou-satellite-fleet-continues-with-successful-launch/ Beidou DW 39 Beidou DW 39 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,541" "22,195" 1.16E-02 55.00 787.4 800 280 10/15/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-078A 43647 JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/15/china-launches-two-more-beidou-navigation-satellites/ Beidou DW 40 Beidou DW 40 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,537" "22,195" 1.17E-02 55.00 787.4 800 280 10/15/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-078B 43648 JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/15/china-launches-two-more-beidou-navigation-satellites/ Beidou DW 41 Beidou DW 41 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 144.50 "35,776" "35,795" 2.25E-04 3.00 1436.06 800 280 11/1/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-085A 43683 JMGEO/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/01/china-maintains-launch-pace-with-another-beidou-mission/ Beidou DW 42 Beidou DW 42 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,523" "22,194" 1.19E-02 55.00 787.1 800 280 11/18/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-093A 43706 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/19/china-expands-reach-of-beidou-navigation-network-with-another-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html Beidou DW 43 Beidou DW 43 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,531" "22,194" 1.17E-02 55.00 787.1 800 280 11/18/2018 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2018-093B 43707 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/19/china-expands-reach-of-beidou-navigation-network-with-another-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html Beidou DW 44 Beidou DW 44 NR (11/19) China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 110.03 "35,711" "35,847" 1.61E-03 55.00 1435.7 800 280 4/20/2019 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2019-023A 44204 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/22/beidou-navigation-satellite-successfully-launched-by-china/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Beidou DW 45 Beidou DW 45 NR (11/19) China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 144.48 "35,773" "35,799" 3.08E-04 1.81 1436.06 800 280 5/17/2019 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3C 2019-027A 44231 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/17/long-march-3c-rocket-launches-beidou-satellite-toward-geostationary-orbit/ Beidou DW 46 Beidou DW 46 NR (11/19) China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 105.99 "35,739" "35,838" 1.17E-03 55.05 1436.2 800 280 6/24/2019 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2019-035A 44337 JMGEO/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/24/china-adds-to-beidou-fleet-with-long-march-launch/ https://planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Beidou DW 49 Beidou 3 IGSO-3 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 106.72 "35,681" "35,896" 2.55E-03 58.20 1436.2 "4,200" 11/5/2019 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2019-073A 44709 Part of Beidou constellation. JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/04/another-beidou-satellite-launched-by-china/ Beidou DW 50 Beidou DW 50 NR (3/20) China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,542" "22,194" 1.15E-02 54.90 787.4 800 280 11/23/2019 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2019-078A 44793 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/23/china-launches-two-more-beidou-navigation-satellites-2/ Beidou DW 51 Beidou DW 51 NR (3/20) China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,537" "22,192" 1.16E-02 54.90 787.2 800 280 11/23/2019 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2019-078B 44794 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/23/china-launches-two-more-beidou-navigation-satellites-2/ Beidou DW 52 Beidou DW 52 NR (3/20) China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,369" "21,561" 3.45E-03 55.02 770.6 800 280 12/16/2019 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2019-090A 44864 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/16/china-completes-core-of-beidou-global-satellite-navigation-system/ Beidou DW 53 Beidou DW 53 NR (3/20) China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning MEO 0.00 "21,530" "22,108" 1.03E-02 55.02 785.35 800 280 12/16/2019 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2019-090B 44865 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/16/china-completes-core-of-beidou-global-satellite-navigation-system/ Beidou DW 55 Beidou DW 55 NR (7/20) China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 111.00 "35,764" "35,809" 5.34E-04 3.09 1436.1 800 280 6/23/2020 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2020-040A 45807 Final satellite in place to complete constellation. ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/23/china-launches-final-beidou-navigation-satellite/ https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 Beidou G1 (Compass G-1) Beidou G-1 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 144.50 "35,768" "35,803" 4.15E-04 1.78 1436.05 "2,200" 1/16/2010 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3C 2010-001A 36287 Part of Beidou constellation. SC - ASCR 4/10 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx675.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/001A.HTM http://www.armscontrolwonk.com/2594/beidou-update Beidou G3 (Compass G-3) Beidou G3 NR (4/20) China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 80.00 "35,776" "35,797" 2.49E-04 3.08 1436.08 "2,200" 3/9/2020 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2020-017A 45344 ZARYA https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/03/09/china-launches-beidou-satellite-aims-for-completion-of-navigation-network-in-may/ Beidou G4 (Compass G-4) Beidou G4 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 160.00 "35,764" "35,809" 5.34E-04 1.43 1436.1 "6,000" 10/31/2010 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3C 2010-057A 37210 Part of Beidou constellation. SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/057A.HTM http://www.insidegnss.com/node/2353 Beidou G5 (Compass G-11) Beidou G5 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 59.00 "35,776" "35,799" 2.73E-04 1.87 1436.15 "2,300" 2/24/2012 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3A 2012-008A 38091 Part of Beidou constellation. ZARYA http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1202/24longmarch/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 Beidou IGSO-1 (Compass G-5) Beidou IGSO-1 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 118.00 "35,670" "35,893" 2.65E-03 55.09 1435.82 "4,200" "1,900" 7/31/2010 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3A 2010-036A 36828 Part of Beidou constellation. SC - ASCR http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx681.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/036A.HTM Beidou IGSO-2 (Compass G-7) Beidou IGSO-2 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 118.00 "35,717" "35,817" 1.19E-03 55.23 1436.12 "4,200" "1,900" 12/17/2010 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3A 2010-068A 37256 Part of Beidou constellation. SC - ASCR http://www.insidegnss.com/compass http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/068A.HTM Beidou IGSO-3 (Compass G-8) Beidou IGSO-3 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 118.00 "35,693" "37,872" 2.52E-02 96.40 1435.93 "4,200" "1,900" 4/9/2011 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3A 2011-013A 37384 Part of Beidou constellation. JM/5_11 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx690.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/I009A.HTM http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Beidou IGSO-4 (Compass G-9) Beidou IGSO-4 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 0.00 "35,708" "35,879" 2.03E-03 55.20 1435.1 "4,200" "1,900" 7/26/2011 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3A 2011-038A 37763 Part of Beidou constellation. SC - ASCR http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=2011-038A http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/038A.HTM http://www.chinahots.info/China+Army/showpage1874.html Beidou IGSO-5 (Compass G-10) Beidou IGSO-5 China China Chinese Defense Ministry Military/Government Navigation/Global Positioning GEO 104.21 "35,708" "35,864" 1.85E-03 55.16 1436.08 "4,200" "1,900" 12/1/2011 8 Space Technology Research Institute (part of CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3A 2011-073A 37948 Part of Beidou constellation. JM/1_12 http://www.insidegnss.com/node/2869 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/073A.HTM "BeijingGalaxy-1 (Beijing 1 [Tsinghua], Tsinghau-2, China DMC+4)" BeijinGalaxy-1 China China Beijing Landview Mapping Information Technology Co. Ltd (BLMIT) Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 681 703 1.56E-03 97.90 98.6 166 155 50 10/27/2005 7 Tsinghua University/University of Surrey China/UK Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2005-043A 28890 Earth observation for Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC); also research. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacedaily.com/news/microsat-00k.html http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2005/30October2005_25.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/043A.HTM http://directory.eoportal.org/pres_DMCDisasterMonitoringConstellationAlSAT1BILSAT1NigeriaSat1UKDMCBeijing1.html Belintersat-1 Belintersat-1 Belarus Belarus Belintersat Government Communications GEO 51.50 "35,779" "35,792" 1.54E-04 0.46 1436.06 "5,223" 1/15/2016 15 China Academy of Space Technology/Thales Alenia Space China/France Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2016-001A 41238 "Belarus' first communications satellite - 10 transponders reserved, 2 for Belarus' government, and 8 for Chinese companies. Will market remaining capacity in Africa, Asia, Europe." JM/5_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/01/15/belarusian-communications-satellite-launched-from-china/ http://spacenews.com/belarus-puts-up-its-first-satellite-for-profit-not-prestige/ Bhutan-1 (Birds-2) Bhutan-1 Bhutan Bhutan Information and Communications Ministry Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 398 409 8.12E-04 51.60 95 2 8/10/2018 JAXA/Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan International Space Station J-SSOD Deployer 1998-067PF 43591 Bhutan's first satellite. Development at Kyushu Institute of Technology by 4 Bhutanese students for their Master's program. JM/11_18 http://www.spacetechasia.com/cubesats-from-malaysia-bhutan-the-philippines-on-spacexs-dragon-launch/ Bird 2 (Bispectral InfraRed Detector 2) Bispectral InfraRed Detector 2 (Bird 2) Germany Germany Institute of Space Sensor Technology and Planetary Exploration Government/Civil Earth Observation/Technology Development Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 521 1.53E-03 97.90 94.8 92 77 120 10/22/2001 1.5 Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt Germany Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C3 2001-049C 26959 Forest fire recognition by small satellites. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx576.html http://spacesensors.dlr.de/SE/bird/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2001/049C.HTM BIROS (Bispectral Infrared Optical System) BIROS Germany Germany German Aerospace Center (DLR) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 517 1.24E-03 97.50 94.7 130 6/22/2016 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Germany Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2016-040F 41604 Forest Fire recognition. Carries BeeSat 4 to be ejected later. ZARYA http://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c34/biros/ http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/22/pslv-c34/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 BisonSat (Nwist Qwiqway) BisonSat NR USA Salish Kootenai College Civil Earth Observation/Technology Development Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 497 801 2.17E-02 64.78 97.7 1 10/8/2015 Salish Kootenai College USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-058E 40968 Mainly a training exercise for students with earth observation and cloud measurement capability. JM/12_15 http://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/CRSRA/files/BisonSat_NOAA_license_public_summary.pdf http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/08/recap-story-second-atlas-5-rocket-launched-in-span-of-six-days/ http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt BKA 2 (BelKA 2) BKA 2 Belarus Belarus National Academy of Sciences Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 503 507 2.91E-04 97.50 94.7 400 110 300 7/22/2012 5 NPO VNIIEM Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2012-039B 38708 Analog of Canopus-B. Supplies information to various government agencies. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Russia_Launches_Soyuz_FG_Rocket_with_Five_Satellites_999.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 http://weebau.com/satellite/B/belka2.htm BlackSky Global 1 BlackSky Global 1 NR USA BlackSky Global Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 484 500 1.17E-03 97.50 94.7 56 11/29/2018 Spaceflight Industries USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096M 43730 Follow-up to pathfinder. JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ BlackSky Global 2 BlackSky Global 2 NR USA BlackSky Global Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 577 591 1.01E-03 97.70 96.3 55 12/3/2018 Spaceflight Industries USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099BG 43812 Follow-up to pathfinder. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/b/blacksky-constellation https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt BlackSky Global 3 BlackSky Global 3 NR (11/19) USA BlackSky Global Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 450 461 8.06E-04 45.10 93.7 56 6/29/2019 Spaceflight Industries USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-037C 44367 Third of a planned 60-satellite constellation. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/29/rocket-lab-flies-again-from-new-zealand-as-construction-advances-at-virginia-launch-pad/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt BlackSky Global 4 BlackSky Global 4 NR (11/19) USA BlackSky Global Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 538 549 7.96E-04 45.01 95.5 56 8/19/2019 Spaceflight Industries USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-054E 44499 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/19/rocket-lab-launch-fulfills-initial-block-of-blacksky-earth-imaging-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt BlackSky Pathfinder 1 BlackSky Pathfinder 1 USA USA BlackSky Global Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 661 701 2.84E-03 98.20 98.3 44 9/26/2016 3 Spaceflight Industries USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2016-059E 41787 First of two testbeds for a 60-satellite earth-observing constellation. JMSatCat12/16 https://www.blacksky.com/2016/09/26/spaceflight-industries-celebrates-successful-launch-blacksky-pathfinder-satellite-aboard-indias-pslv/ http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/09/26/india-declares-success-on-pslvs-most-complex-mission/ Blagovest-11L (Cosmos 2520) Cosmos 2520 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Communications GEO 45.00 "35,781" "35,803" 2.61E-04 0.00 "1,436" "3,000" 8/16/2017 15 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2017-046A 42907 First military/commercial satellite totally designed and built by ISS Reshetnev. JMGEOlog/10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/08/17/proton-launcher-takes-off-with-dual-use-russian-communications-satellite/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Blagovest-12L (Cosmos 2526) Cosmos 2526 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Communications GEO 128.00 "35,779" "35,794" 1.78E-04 0.00 "1,436" "3,000" 4/18/2018 15 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2018-037A 43432 JMGEO/5-18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/19/russian-communications-satellite-launched-aboard-proton-rocket/ Blagovest-13L (Cosmos 2533) Cosmos 2533 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Communications GEO 70.00 "35,780" "35,792" 1.42E-04 0.00 "1,436" "3,000" 12/20/2018 15 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2018-107A 43867 JMGeo/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/21/military-communications-satellite-launched-by-russian-proton-rocket/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Blagovest-14L (Cosmos 2539) Cosmos 2539 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Communications GEO 55.00 "35,599" "35,829" 2.73E-03 0.00 "1,436" "3,000" 8/5/2019 15 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2019-048A 44457 JMGEO/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/05/proton-blagovest-no-14l-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Bluewalker 1 Bluewalker 1 Lithuania Lithuania NanoAvionics Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 435 519 6.13E-03 97.50 94 10 4/1/2019 NanoAvionics Lithuania Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018AD 44105 "Will test unspecified ""patented technologies"" in space for AST & Science of Texas." JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Brazilsat B-4 (Brasilsat B-4) Brazilsat B-4 Brazil Brazil Embratel Star One Commercial Communications GEO -84.03 "35,772" "35,800" 3.32E-04 0.07 1436.09 "2,495" "1,050" "1,800 (BOL)" 8/17/2000 12 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 44LP 2000-046A 26469 28 C-band; voice and video communications to all of South America. JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa/gov/spacewarn/spx562.html http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/hsc_pressreleases/00_08_17_launch.html "BRICSat-2 (Ballistically Reinforced Communication Satellite, Navy-Oscar-103)" BricSat-2 NR (11/19) USA US Naval Academy Satellite Laboratory Civil Technology Development Elliptical 0.00 300 847 3.94E-02 28.50 96.1 6 6/25/2019 US Naval Academy Satellite Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036S 44355 Sister cubesat to Psat-2. Thruster experiment to see if it can maneuver to better separate from PSAT2 to provide better dual coverage for users. JMSatcat/11_19 http://aprs.org/bricsat2.html https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/25/falcon-heavy-launches-on-military-led-rideshare-mission-boat-catches-fairing/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt BRIO BRIO NR USA SpaceQuest Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 574 591 1.22E-03 97.70 96.3 4 12/3/2018 SpaceQuest USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099BH 43813 Built to test Myriota's IoT network advances. JMSatcat/3_19 http://myriota.com/myriota-launches-on-spaceflights-smallsat-express-mission-aboard-falcon-9-to-aid-the-fight-against-australias-drought/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/sso-a https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt BRISat BRISat Indonesia Indonesia Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Commercial Communications GEO 150.50 "35,702" "35,876" 2.06E-03 0.07 1436.2 "3,540" 6/19/2016 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2016-039A 41591 First satellite owned and operated by a bank. Will expand secure banking communications to almost 60 million customers across the Indonesia archipelago. ZARYA http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/19/ariane-5-rocket-hoists-record-commercial-payload-into-orbit/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 BRITE-CA-1 (BRITE Toronto) BRITE-CA-1 NR Canada "University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies" Civil Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 613 739 8.94E-03 97.97 98.27 10 6/19/2014 "University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies" Canada Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033L 40020 "Canadian contribution to the BRITE (Bright Target Explorer) mission, developedby a consoritum of Canadian, Austrian and Polish institutes. It will study the brightest stars in the Milky Way galaxy." ZARYA http://www.univie.ac.at/brite-constellation/html/constellation.html "BRITE-PL-1 (BRIght-star Target Explorer - Poland, Lem)" BRITE-PL-1 Poland Multinational BRITE Consortium Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 594 886 2.05E-02 97.70 99.6 10 11/21/2013 2 "Space Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences" Poland Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2013-066R 39431 "Polish contribution to the BRITE (Bright Target Explorer) mission, developed by a consortium of Canadian, Austrian and Polish institutes. It will study the brightest stars in the Milky Way galaxy. First constellation of nanosatellites." ZARYA http://www.oosa.unvienna.org/pdf/pres/stsc2013/tech-61E.pdf "BRITE-PL-2 (BRIght-star Target Explorer - Poland, Hevelius)" BRITE-PL-2 NR Multinational BRITE Consortium Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 610 633 1.64E-03 98.02 97.1 10 8/19/2014 2 "Space Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences" Poland Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2B 2014-049B 40119 Second Polish contribute to the BRITE mission. ZARYA http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/08/chinese-long-march-4b-gaofen-2-brite-pl-2/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 BRO-One BRO-One NR (11/19) France UnseenLabs Commercial Earth Observation Maritime Surveillance LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 536 550 1.01E-03 45.01 95.5 8 8/19/2019 GomSpace ApS Denmark Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-054A 44495 Maritime surveillance by spectrum monitoring. JMSatcat/11_19 https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/gomspace-and-unseenlabs-commission-bro-1-in-record-time-300909645.html https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/19/rocket-lab-launch-fulfills-initial-block-of-blacksky-earth-imaging-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt BSAT-3A BSAT-3A Japan Japan Broadcasting Satellite System Corp. Commercial Communications GEO 109.91 "35,778" "35,794" 1.90E-04 0.03 1436.1 "1,980" 8/14/2007 13 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2007-036B 32019 Twelve 130W Ku-band transponders; HD TV. JM/12_08 http://www.spacemart.com/reports/Lockheed_Martin_Built_BSAT_3a_Satellite_Ready_For_Launch_999.html http://www.comspacewatch.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=23268 http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf BSAT-3B BSAT-3B Japan Japan Broadcasting Satellite System Corp. Commercial Communications GEO 110.00 "33,066" "35,725" 3.26E-02 0.07 1365.61 "2,060" 975 10/28/2010 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2010-056B 37207 Broadcast 130W Ku-band transponders. SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/056B.HTM http://spacefellowship.com/news/art23646/all-systems-are-nominal-aboard-bsat-3b-satellite.html http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=12709.0 BSAT-3C/JCSat 110-R BSAT-3C/JCSat 110-R Japan Japan Broadcasting Satellite System Corp./Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 110.00 "35,784" "35,787" 3.56E-05 0.05 1436.04 "2,910" 8/6/2011 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2011-041B 37776 Co-owned by two companies. SC - ASCR http://www.lockheedmartin.com/news/press_releases/2011/0806_ss_BSAT-3c.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/041B.HTM BSAT-4A BSAT-4A Japan Japan Broadcasting Satellite System Corp. Commercial Communications GEO 110.00 "35,719" "35,725" 7.13E-05 0.02 1432.7 "3,520" 9/29/2017 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2017-059B 42951 "24 Ku-band transponders. Will provide HD, 4K and 8K Ultra HD television broadcasts over Japan." JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/09/29/ariane-5-rocket-deploys-satellites-for-intelsat-and-b-sat/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Buccaneer RMM Buccaneer RMM Australia Australia Defence Science and Technology Group/University of New South Wales Military/Civil Technology Development LEO 0.00 459 819 2.57E-02 97.60 97.4 4 11/18/2017 5 Defence Science and Technology Group/University of New South Wales Australia Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2017-073B 43014 Calibrate over-the-horizon radars used by the Australian military and put Australia back into space. JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/18/penultimate-delta-2-rocket-launch-lofts-advanced-polar-orbiting-weather-satellite/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/b/buccaneer Bufeng-1A Bufeng-1A NR (11/19) China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 555 575 1.44E-03 45.00 96 6/5/2019 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Yellow Sea Launch Platform Long March 11 2019-032C 44312 Measure wind speeds over the ocean. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/05/chinas-first-sea-launch-declared-a-success/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Bufeng-1B Bufeng-1B NR (11/19) China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 554 576 1.59E-03 45.00 96 6/5/2019 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Yellow Sea Launch Platform Long March 11 2019-032E 44314 HMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/05/chinas-first-sea-launch-declared-a-success/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Bugsat-1 (Tita) Bugsat-1 NR Argentina Satellogic S.A. Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 570 617 3.37E-03 97.99 96.55 25 6/19/2014 Satellogic S.A. Argentina Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033E 40014 Technological demonstration of a platform of small satellite for Earth observation that the company plans to put into orbit to provide a commercial service at a global level. ZARYA http://www.machtres.com/lang1/bugsat1.html http://www.dk3wn.info/sat/afu/sat_bugsat.shtml BulgariaSat-1 BulgariaSat-1 NR Bulgaria Bulsatcom Commercial Communications GEO 1.90 "35,774" "35,797" 2.73E-04 0.00 1436 "3,669" 6/23/2017 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2017-038A 42801 Bulgaria's first communications satellite. JMGeo/10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/23/bulgarias-first-communications-satellite-heaved-into-orbit/ Calipso (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation) Calipso France France/USA Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)/NASA Government Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 702 703 7.07E-05 98.20 98.8 587 550 4/28/2006 3 Alcatel Alenia Space France Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2006-016B 29108 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/147741main_cloudsat-calipso4.pdf http://www.skycontrol.net/aerospace/successful-launch-of-the-climatology-calipso-satellite-integrated-by-alcatel-alenia-space/ Can-X2 (Canadian Advanced Nanospace experiment) CanX-2 Canada Canada "University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies" Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 609 629 1.43E-03 97.80 97.1 7 4/28/2008 University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies Canada Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C9 2008-021H 32790 Will downlink telemetry. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I021A.HTM http://www.isro.org/pressrelease/April28_2008.htm http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx654.html Can-X4 CanX-4 NR Canada "University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies" Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 642 659 1.21E-03 97.74 98.26 15 6/30/2014 University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies Canada Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-CA 2014-034C 40055 ZARYA http://www.squamishchief.com/indian-rocket-successfully-launches-2-small-canadian-satellites-1.1186753 Can-X5 CanX-5 NR Canada "University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies" Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 643 656 9.26E-04 98.26 97.72 15 6/30/2014 University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies Canada Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-CA 2014-034D 40056 Demonstrate formation flying by a pair of nanosatellites ZARYA http://www.squamishchief.com/indian-rocket-successfully-launches-2-small-canadian-satellites-1.1186753 CanX-7 CanX-7 Canada Canada "University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies" Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 661 701 2.84E-03 98.20 98.3 15 9/26/2016 University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies Canada Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2016-059F 41788 Technology development mission validating a deorbit drag sail. JMSatcat/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/09/26/india-declares-success-on-pslvs-most-complex-mission/ Capella-1 (Denali) Capella-1 NR USA Capella Space Commercial Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 591 1.29E-03 97.70 96.3 37 12/3/2018 Capella Space USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AK 43791 First of a planned 30-satellite constellation using radar imaging. Pathfinder. JMSatcat/3_19 https://www.capellaspace.com/technology/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sso-a https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt CartoSat 1 (IRS P5) CartoSat 1 India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 618 619 7.15E-05 97.90 97.1 "1,560" "1,450" "1,100" 5/5/2005 6 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C6 2005-017A 28649 "Remote sensing and mapping, land use, forest cover, river flow assessments." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.isro.org/pressrelease/May01_2005.htm http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/017A.HTM http://www.gisdevelopment.net/technology/rs/techrs023a.htm "CartoSat 2 (IRS P7, CartoSat 2AT)" CartoSat 2 India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 632 635 2.14E-04 97.00 97.4 680 1/10/2007 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C7 2007-001B 29710 "Remote sensing and mapping; panchromatic images at one-meter resolution to be used for civil planning ""and other cartographic needs.""" www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx639.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2007/I001D.HTM CartoSat 2A CartoSat 2A India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 624 643 1.36E-03 97.90 97.4 680 4/28/2008 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C9 2008-021A 32783 Military version of CartoSat 2; dedicated satellite for the Indian armed forces. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I021A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx654.html CartoSat 2B CartoSat 2B India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 622 645 1.64E-03 97.90 97.4 694 7/12/2010 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2010-035A 36795 "Resource mapping, urban planning, transportation studies, water monitoring, and crop inventories." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/035A.HTM CartoSat 2C CartoSat 2C India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 501 519 1.31E-03 97.50 94.8 727 6/22/2016 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2016-040A 41599 Lower orbit for military application. ZARYA http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/22/pslv-c34/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 CartoSat 2D CartoSat 2D India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 491 508 1.24E-03 97.50 94.8 714 2/15/2017 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2017-008A 41948 "Resource mapping, urban planning, transportation studies, water monitoring, and crop inventories." JMSatcat/9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt CartoSat 2E CartoSat 2E India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 334 347 9.69E-04 96.92 91.34 712 6/22/2017 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036C 42767 "Resource mapping, urban planning, transportation studies, water monitoring, and crop inventories." http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/23/40th-flight-of-indias-pslv-declared-a-success/ CartoSat 2F CartoSat 2F India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 510 1.09E-03 97.50 94.6 712 1/11/2018 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004A 43111 "Resource mapping, urban planning, transportation studies, water monitoring, and crop inventories." JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/12/pslv-c-40-coverage/ CartoSat 3 CartoSat 3 NR (3/20) India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 519 1.38E-03 97.50 94.8 "1,625" 11/27/2019 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-081A 44804 Most advanced earth observation satellite developed by India. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/27/pslv-delivers-indias-highest-resolution-earth-observation-satellite-to-orbit/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Cassiope (CAScade SmallSat and Ionospheric Polar Explorer) Cassiope NR Canada Canadian Space Agency Government Earth Science LEO Elliptical 0.00 325 "1,486" 7.98E-02 81.00 103.11 490 600 9/29/2013 2 Canadian Space Agency Canada Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2013-055A 39265 "Study the effect of solar storms on radio communications, satellite navigation and other ground-based technologies." ZARYA http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/09/29/cassiope_canadian_satellite_blasts_off_on_mission_to_study_space_weather.html http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/satellites/view/470 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 CATSat-1 CATSat-1 NR USA Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 402 409 5.17E-04 51.60 92.7 4 1/31/2019 Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067PZ 44033 "Commercial, off-the-shelf spacecraft. Government supplied communications experiment." JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iss-crs-16 https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt CATSat-2 CATSat-2 NR USA Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 403 408 3.69E-04 51.60 92.7 4 1/31/2019 Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067PV 44029 "Commercial, off-the-shelf spacecraft. Government supplied communications experiment." JmSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iss-crs-16 https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "CBAS-1 (USA 283, Continuous Broadcast Augmenting SATCOM-1)" USA 283 USA USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO -112.00 "35,747" "35,826" 9.37E-04 0.00 1436.1 4/14/2018 Unknown USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2018-036A 43339 Air Force’s Continuous Broadcast Augmenting SATCOM JMGEO/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/15/multi-satellite-stack-hoisted-into-high-altitude-orbit-by-atlas-5-rocket/ CBERS 4 (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite 4) CBERS 4 NR China/Brazil China National Space Administration (China)/National Institute for Space Research (Brazil) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 738 748 7.03E-04 98.55 99.67 "1,980" "2,300" 12/7/2014 3 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2014-079A 40336 Carrying a range of Earth observation sensors. ZARYA https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/c-missions/cbers-3-4 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 CBERS 4A (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite 4A) CBERS 4A NR (3/20) China/Brazil China National Space Administration (CNSA)/National Institute for Space Research (Brazil) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 615 635 1.43E-03 97.90 97.2 "1,980" "2,100" 12/21/2019 5 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2019-093E 44883 Better resolution; new generation JMSatcat/3_20 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/c-missions/cbers-4a https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/21/china-launches-environmental-satellite-built-in-cooperation-with-brazil/ CBNT-1 (Carbonite 1) CBNT-1 NR United Kingdom Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 636 658 1.57E-03 98.00 97.66 91 7/10/2015 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2015-032D 40718 Demonstrate earth observation techniques. JM/8_15 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/07/indian-pslv-launch-five-british-satellites/ CBNT-2 (Carbonite 2) CBNT-2 United Kingdom United Kingdom Earth-i/Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 505 8.73E-04 97.50 94.5 1/11/2018 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004E 43115 Pathfinder mission for the Earth-i constellation of high-resolution video and still imaging satellites JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c40/carbonite-2/ CELTEE-1 (CubeSat Enhanced Locator Transponder Evaluation Experiment-1) CELTEE-1 USA USA Air Force Research Laboratory Military Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 576 586 7.19E-04 97.98 96.29 3 11/11/2016 M42 Technologies USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2016-067C 41850 prehled-druzic https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/v-w-x-y-z/worldview-4 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/11/commercial-satellite-launched-to-image-the-earth-in-high-resolution/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2016/11/2016-067.html Centauri-1 Centauri-1 Australia Australia Fleet Space Technologies Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.00 95 4 11/29/2018 Pumpkin Space Systems USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-099BD 43809 Test cubesat. Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Centauri-2 Centauri-2 Australia Australia Fleet Space Technologies Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 591 1.29E-03 97.70 96.3 4 12/3/2018 Pumpkin Space Systems USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-096D 43722 Demonstration of IoT technologies. JMSatcat/3_19) http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Fleet_Space_Technologies_Centauri_launched_aboard_SpaceX_Falcon_9_999.html https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/sso-a https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Centispace-1-S1 Centispace-1-S1 China China Beijing Future Navigation Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 700 719 1.34E-03 98.20 98.8 100 9/29/2018 Innovation Academy for Microsatellites (CAS) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Kuaizhou 2018-075A 43636 Demonstration satellite for network to augment navigation services. JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/01/chinese-solid-fueled-launcher-puts-smallsat-in-orbit/ CeReS (Compact Radiation belt Explorer) CeReS NR USA NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Government Space Science LEO Polar 0.00 494 511 1.24E-03 85.04 94.6 4 12/16/2018 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-104E 43853 High energy particle measurement in Earth's radiation belt. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/albus https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/17/nasa-rocket-lab-partner-on-successful-satellite-launch-from-new-zealand/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt CE-SAT-1 (Canon Electric Satellite 1) CE-SAT-1 Japan Japan Canon Electronics Commercial Technology Development Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 497 517 1.45E-03 97.45 94.76 3 6/22/2017 Canon Electronics Space Technology Laboratory Japan Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036E 42769 Create a high-resolution Earth-imaging system by combining a Cassegrain telescope with a conventional Canon image sensor found in the firm’s EOS product line. JMSatcat/10_17 https://www.canonwatch.com/canons-satellite-ce-sat-1-is-in-orbit-building-a-high-resolution-earth-imaging-system-using-eos-5d-mark-iii/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt CFESat (Cibola Flight Experiment Satellite) CFESat USA USA Los Alamos National Laboratory Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 538 544 4.34E-04 35.40 95.5 159 110 3/9/2007 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2007-006F 30777 "A number of experiments, including a prototype supercomputer designed to process data onboard rather than sending raw information directly to Earth." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2007/11March2007_63.html http://www.lanl.gov/news/index.php/fuseaction/home.story/story_id/8916 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2007/006F.HTM CFOSat (China-France Oceanography Satellite) CFOSat China China/France China National Space Administration (CNSA)/National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 509 523 1.02E-03 97.50 95 700 10/28/2018 3 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)/National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) China/France Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2018-083A 43662 Joint mission of the Chinese (CNSA) and French (CNES) space agencies with goal of monitoring ocean surface winds and waves and providing information on related ocean and atmospheric science and applications. JMSatcat/11_18 https://earth.esa.int/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/c-missions/cfosat https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/29/china-france-oceanography-satellite-launches-on-international-research-mission/ Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO) Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO) USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center Government Space Science Elliptical Deep Highly Eccentric 0.00 "9,999" "138,825" 7.97E-01 28.50 3808.92 "4,742" "2,500" 7/23/1999 5 TRW Space and Electronics USA Cape Canaveral Space Shuttle (STS 93) 1999-040B 25867 X-ray astronomy. JMSatcat304 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx549.html http://spacelink.nasa/gov/NASA.Projects/Space.Science/Universe/Chandra.X-Ray.Observatory/ http://chandra.harvard.edu/graphics/press/fact7-print.pdf http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Changshagaoxin (TY 4-01) Changshagaoxin NR (3/20) China Spacety Aerospace Company Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 505 522 1.23E-03 97.40 94.9 8 10/29/2018 Tianyi Research Institute China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2018-083H 43669 Amateur radio and technology development. JMSatcat/7_20 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY Chao Fenbianlu Duo Guangpu Chengxiang Weixing (Ultra-resolution multispectral imaging satellite) Chao Fenbianlu China China Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites Government Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 690 720 2.12E-03 98.10 98.87 50 12/21/2016 Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2016-081B 41899 Multispectral imaging. JMSatcat http://host.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.733 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Chefsat ( Cost-effective High E-Frequency Satellite) Chefsat NR (3/20) USA Naval Research Laboratory Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 416 421 3.68E-04 51.60 92.9 12/7/2017 Naval Research Laboratory USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-071H 43044 JMSatcat/7_20 https://www.satnews.com/story.php?number=352166275 Chefsat-2 (Cost-effective High E-Frequency Satellite) Chafsat-2 NR (3/20) USA Naval Research Laboratory Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 444 459 1.10E-03 51.60 93.6 2/13/2019 Naval Research Laboratory USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2018-092E 44044 JMSatcat/7_20 http://spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=53693 CHEOPS (CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite) CHEOPS NR (3/20) ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 697 708 7.78E-04 98.20 98.8 273 12/18/2019 5 European Space Agency ESA/EADS CASA Espacio Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2019-092B 44874 JMSatcat/3_20 https://cheops.unibe.ch/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/18/soyuz-launches-italian-radar-satellite-esa-exoplanet-telescope/ CHOMPTT (CubeSat Handling Of Multisystem Precision Time Transfer) CHOMPTT NR USA University of Florida Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 491 511 1.46E-03 85.03 94.6 4 12/16/2018 University of Florida USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-104G 43855 Equipped with atomic clocks to be synchronized with a ground clock via laser pulses. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/albus https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/17/nasa-rocket-lab-partner-on-successful-satellite-launch-from-new-zealand/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Chuangxin 1-1 (Innovation 1-1, Chuang Xin 1, CX-1-1)" Chuangxin 1-1 China China Chinese Academy of Sciences Government Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 729 748 1.34E-03 98.50 99.6 100 10/21/2003 Chinese Academy of Sciences China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 3B 2003-049B 28058 Prototype of advanced telecommunications satellite for LEO. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://english.cas.ac.cn/eng2003/news/detailnewsb.asp?InfoNo=24708 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx600.html Chuangxin 1-2 (Innovation 1-2) Chuangxin 1-2 China China Chinese Academy of Sciences Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging/Meterology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 785 804 1.33E-03 98.50 98.5 101 11/5/2008 Chinese Academy of Sciences China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2008-056B 33434 Collect and relay hydrological and meteorological data and data for disaster relief. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I065B.HTM Chuangxin 1-3 (Innovation 1-3) Chuangxin 1-3 China China Chinese Academy of Sciences Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging/Meterology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 784 804 1.40E-03 98.50 100.7 100 11/20/2011 Chinese Academy of Sciences China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2011-068A 37930 Collect and relay hydrological and meteorological data and data for disaster relief. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n1111/19longmarch/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/068A.HTM Chuangxin 1-4 (Innovation 1-4) Chuangxin 1-4 China China Chinese Academy of Sciences Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging/Meterology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 778 809 2.16E-03 98.46 100.74 100 9/4/2014 Chinese Academy of Sciences China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2014-051B 40137 Collect and relay hydrological and meteorological data and data for disaster relief. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.spaceflight101.com/chinese-long-march-2d-successfully-launches-two-satellites---ling-qiao--cx-1-04.html Chuangxin-3 Chuangxin-3 China China Chinese Academy of Sciences Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 665 672 4.97E-04 98.03 96.43 200 7/19/2013 Chinese Academy of Sciences China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 2013-037B 39209 "Equipped with a system for testing a manipulator arm, maybe a proof of concept for use on China's upcoming space station." WT http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.spaceflight101.com/long-march-4c-taiyuan-launch-july-19-2013.html ChubuSat 1 (Kinshachi-1) ChubuSat 1 NR Japan Nagoya University and Daido University Commercial/Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 506 538 2.32E-03 97.48 95.07 50 11/6/2014 Nagoya University and Daido University Japan Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-070C 40300 "Technology demonstration, Earth imager, sensors to detect space debris and an amateur radio communications system." ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/h/hodoyoshi-1 ChubuSat 2 (Kinshachi-2) ChubuSat 2 NR Japan Nagoya University and Daido University Commercial/Civil Technology Development LEO 0.00 560 579 1.37E-03 31.00 96.05 50 2/17/2016 Nagoya University and Daido University Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2016-012B 41338 Space50 http://www.arrl.org/news/japanese-satellites-carrying-amateur-radio-payloads-to-launch-on-february-12 http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-012B ChubuSat 3 (Kinshachi-3) ChubuSat 3 Japan Japan Nagoya University and Daido University Commercial/Civil Technology Development LEO 0.00 558 579 1.51E-03 31.00 96 50 2/17/2016 Nagoya University and Daido University Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2016-012C 41339 Space50 http://www.arrl.org/news/japanese-satellites-carrying-amateur-radio-payloads-to-launch-on-february-12 http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-012C Cicero-10 (Community Initiative for Cellular Earth Remote Observation-10) Cicero-10 NR USA GeoOptics Inc. Commercial Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Polar 0.00 499 517 1.31E-03 85.00 94.8 10 11/10/2018 Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-088A 43690 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/11/rocket-lab-delivers-seven-payloads-to-orbit-plans-next-launch-in-december/ Cicero-2 Cicero-2 NR USA GeoOptics Inc. Commercial Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 586 602 1.15E-03 97.60 96.6 10 7/14/2017 Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042Z 42848 "Provide an array of 24 microsatellites in LEO, designed to perform Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) radio occultation measurements." JMSatcat/10_17 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY Cicero-3 Cicero-3 NR USA GeoOptics Inc. Commercial Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 586 602 1.15E-03 97.60 96.6 10 7/14/2017 Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AA 42849 "Provide an array of 24 microsatellites in LEO, designed to perform Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) radio occultation measurements." JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/cicero http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Cicero-6 (Community Initiative for Cellular Earth Remote Observation-6) Cicero-6 NR USA GeoOptics Inc. Commercial Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 515 1.38E-03 97.45 94.7 10 8 6/23/2017 Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036AE 42793 Demonstrate radio occultation observations for a commercial customer JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/a/aalto-1 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Cicero-7 (Community Initiative for Cellular Earth Remote Observation-7) Cicero-7 NR USA GeoOptics Inc. Commercial Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 504 8.01E-04 97.50 94.5 10 1/11/2018 Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004AJ 43143 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c40/cicero/ Cicero-8 (Community Initiative for Cellular Earth Remote Observation-8) Cicero-8 NR USA GeoOptics Inc. Commercial Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 485 500 1.09E-03 97.50 94.5 10 11/29/2018 Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096U 43737 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Ciel-2 Ciel-2 Canada Canada Ciel Satellite Group Commercial Communications GEO -129.00 "35,782" "35,788" 7.12E-05 0.05 1436.05 "5,585" 12/10/2008 15 Thales Alenia Space France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2008-063A 33453 Digital television; 32 Ku-band transponders. JM/12_08 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I065B.HTM http://www.cielsatellite.ca/satellites.html "CINEMA-1 (Cubesat for Ion, Neutral, Electron, Magnetic fields)" CINEMA-1 USA USA University of California-Berkeley/Imperial College-London Civil Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 484 791 2.19E-02 64.60 97.4 3 9/13/2012 "Space Sciences Laboratory (SSL) of the University of California Berkeley; Kyung Hee University (KHU), Imperial College London" USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2012-048G 38764 Study of space weather effects in near-Earth space. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012#end CIRiS (Compact Radiometer in Space) CiRiS NR (3/20) USA Utah State University Commercial/Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 458 474 1.17E-03 51.60 93.9 9 1/31/2020 Utah State University/Ball Aerospace/NASA USA Cygnus SEOPS Slingshot Deployer 2019-071L 45121 Technology demonstration mission of a imaging radiometer instrument for the 7 to 13 um infrared wavelength range. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/02/03/cygnus-departs-space-station-deploys-cubesats/ https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide CLIO (USA 257) USA 257 USA USA Unknown US agency Military Communications GEO 106.00 "35,736" "35,854" 1.40E-03 0.04 1436.5 9/16/2014 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2014-055A 40208 Possibly signals intelligence satellite. JM/12_15 http://www.spaceflight101.com/atlas-v---clio-launch-updates.html http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/09/ula-atlas-v-secretive-clio-mission/ http://www.thespacereview.com/article/3095/1 Cloudsat Cloudsat USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/Colorado State University Government/Civil Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 702 703 7.07E-05 98.20 98.8 848 570 4/28/2006 2 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2006-016A 29107 "Joins Aqua, Parasol, Aura, and Calipso in A-Train; meteorological satellite, carries single radar to obtain the reflectivity of clouds." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://cloudsat.atmos.colostate.edu/overview http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/147741main_cloudsat-calipso4.pdf Compass-2 (QB50-DE04) Compass-2 Belgium Germany FH Aachen Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 513 1.24E-03 97.45 94.6 5 6/23/2017 FH Aachen Germany Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036N 42777 Dragsail satellite - technology development. JMSatcat/10_17 http://www.compass-project.de/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/a/aalto-1 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "COMS-1 (Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite; Cheollian)" COMS-1 South Korea South Korea Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) Government Earth Observation/Communications Optical Imaging/Meteorology GEO 128.00 "35,783" "35,791" 9.49E-05 0.01 1436.1 "2,460" 6/26/2010 EADS Astrium/Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) South Korea Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2010-032A 36744 "Multi-mission satellite with three payloads: one for meteorology, one for ocean observation and one for communications." SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/032A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx680.html COMSATBw-1 (COmmunications SATellite für BundesWehr) COMSATBw-1 Germany Germany Armed Forces Military Communications GEO 63.00 "35,773" "35,799" 3.08E-04 0.05 1436.1 "2,440" "3,500" 10/1/2009 15 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2009-054B 35943 Germany's first military communications satellite. JM/12_09 http://www.spacenews.com/launch/ariane-lofts-comsatbw-1-amazonas-2.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx672.html COMSATBw-2 (COmmunications SATellite für BundesWehr) COMSATBw-2 Germany Germany Armed Forces Military Communications GEO 13.20 "35,780" "35,794" 1.66E-04 0.08 1436.11 "2,440" "3,500" 5/21/2010 15 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2010-021B 36582 "SHF (Super-High-Frequency), and UHF transponders (Ultra-High-Frequency)." SC - ASCR http://www.thalesgroup.com/Press_Releases/Markets/Space/2010/ComSatBw-2_telecom_satellite_built_by_Thales_Alenia_Space_successfully_launched/ http://www.spacenews.com/military/100709-comsatbw2-operational.html http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/021B.HTM&act=print Condor E2 Condor E2 NR South Africa Armed Forces Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Polar 0.00 499 501 1.46E-04 74.75 94.62 12/19/2014 NPO Mashinostroyeniya Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Strela 2014-084A 40353 "Radar earth observation satellite built for, reportedly, the military of South Africa under Project Flute." ZARYA http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=2014-084A http://russianforces.org/blog/2014/12/kondor-e_satellite_launched_by.shtml http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Coriolis (Windsat) Coriolis USA USA US Air Force/ US Navy/NASA Military Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 820 841 1.46E-03 98.80 101.5 817 395 "1,174" 1/6/2003 3 "Spectrum Astro, Inc." USA Vandenberg AFB Titan 2 2003-001A 27640 Monitor ocean winds and image Solar Mass Ejections (SME). www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spectrumastro.com/SAI_PressReleases/PR_details.cfm?PRID=148 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx591.html http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/titan2_launch_030106.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html CORVUS BC1 (Landmapper) CORVUS BC1 NR (3/20) USA Astro Digital Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 584 599 1.08E-03 97.50 96.5 10 7/12/2017 Astro Digital USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2 2017-042X 42846 First of earth imaging constellation; color and infrared cameras for wide-area imaging. JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/07/12/soyuz-rolled-out-for-launch-of-multinational-satellite-cluster/ CORVUS BC2 (Landmapper) CORVUS BC2 NR (3/20) USA Astro Digital Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 584 598 1.01E-03 97.50 96.5 10 7/12/2017 Astro Digital USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2 2017-042Y 42847 JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/07/12/soyuz-rolled-out-for-launch-of-multinational-satellite-cluster/ CORVUS BC3 (Landmapper) CORVUS BC3 NR (3/20) USA Astro Digital Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 488 503 1.09E-03 94.40 96.5 10 1/12/2018 Astro Digital USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004H 43118 JMSatcat/7_20 CORVUS BC4 (Landmapper) CORVUS BC4 NR (3/20) USA Astro Digital Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 576 591 1.08E-03 97.70 96.5 10 12/3/2018 Astro Digital USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099K 43767 JMSatcat/7_20 "COSMIC 2-1 (COSMIC FM-1, Formosat 7A)" COSMIC 2-1 NR (11/19) Taiwan/USA Taiwan's National Space Organization/National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Admistration (NOAA) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 709 721 8.47E-04 24.00 99 280 6/25/2019 5 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd UK Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036L 44349 "Collect atmospheric data for weather prediction and for ionosphere, climate and gravity research. " JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/f/formosat-7 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/npsat-1 "COSMIC 2-2 (COSMIC FM-2, Formosat 7B)" COSMIC 2-2 NR (11/19) Taiwan/USA Taiwan's National Space Organization/National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Admistration (NOAA) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 710 724 9.88E-04 24.00 99 280 6/25/2019 5 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd UK Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036N 44351 "Collect atmospheric data for weather prediction and for ionosphere, climate and gravity research. " JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/f/formosat-7 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/npsat-1 "COSMIC 2-3 (COSMIC FM-3, Formosat 7C)" COSMIC 2-3 NR (11/19) Taiwan/USA Taiwan's National Space Organization/National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Admistration (NOAA) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 708 724 1.13E-03 24.00 99 280 6/25/2019 5 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd UK Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036E 44343 "Collect atmospheric data for weather prediction and for ionosphere, climate and gravity research. " JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/f/formosat-7 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/npsat-1 "COSMIC 2-4 (COSMIC FM-4, Formosat 7D)" COSMIC 2-4 NR (11/19) Taiwan/USA Taiwan's National Space Organization/National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Admistration (NOAA) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 710 724 9.88E-04 24.00 99 280 6/25/2019 5 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd UK Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036M 44350 "Collect atmospheric data for weather prediction and for ionosphere, climate and gravity research. " JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/f/formosat-7 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/npsat-1 "COSMIC 2-5 (COSMIC FM-5, Formosat 7E)" COSMIC 2-5 NR (11/19) Taiwan/USA Taiwan's National Space Organization/National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Admistration (NOAA) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 709 724 1.06E-03 24.00 99 280 6/25/2019 5 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd UK Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036V 44358 "Collect atmospheric data for weather prediction and for ionosphere, climate and gravity research. " JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/f/formosat-7 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/npsat-1 "COSMIC 2-6 (COSMIC FM-6, Formosat 7F)" COSMIC 2-6 NR (11/19) Taiwan/USA Taiwan's National Space Organization/National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Admistration (NOAA) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 708 724 1.13E-03 24.00 99 280 6/25/2019 5 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd UK Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036Q 44353 "Collect atmospheric data for weather prediction and for ionosphere, climate and gravity research. " JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/f/formosat-7 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/npsat-1 "COSMIC-A (Formosat-3A, Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate)" COSMIC-A NR Taiwan/USA "National Space Program Office (NSPO)/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Boulder, CO" Government/Civil Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Polar 0.00 764 836 5.02E-03 72.00 100.9 70 46 4/15/2006 2 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur-1 2006-011A 29047 “. . . Provide atmospheric data daily in real time over thousands of points on Earth for both research and operational weather forecasting by measuring the bending of radio signals from the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) as the signals pass through Earth's atmosphere.” www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/LEO/FORMOSAT-3/index.html http://www.ucar.edu/news/releases/2006/cosmic.shtml http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/011B.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx630.html "COSMIC-B (Formosat-3B, Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate)" COSMIC-B NR Taiwan/USA "National Space Program Office (NSPO)/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Boulder, CO" Government/Civil Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Polar 0.00 769 831 4.32E-03 72.00 100.9 70 46 4/15/2006 2 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur-1 2006-011B 29048 “. . . Provide atmospheric data daily in real time over thousands of points on Earth for both research and operational weather forecasting by measuring the bending of radio signals from the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) as the signals pass through Earth's atmosphere.” www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/LEO/FORMOSAT-3/index.html http://www.ucar.edu/news/releases/2006/cosmic.shtml http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/011B.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx630.html "COSMIC-D (Formosat-3D, Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate)" COSMIC-D NR Taiwan/USA "National Space Program Office (NSPO)/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Boulder, CO" Government/Civil Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Polar 0.00 669 746 5.44E-03 72.00 98.9 70 46 4/15/2006 2 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur-1 2006-011D 29050 “. . . Provide atmospheric data daily in real time over thousands of points on Earth for both research and operational weather forecasting by measuring the bending of radio signals from the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) as the signals pass through Earth's atmosphere.” www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/LEO/FORMOSAT-3/index.html http://www.ucar.edu/news/releases/2006/cosmic.shtml http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/011B.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx630.html "COSMIC-E (Formosat-3E, Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate)" COSMIC-E NR Taiwan/USA "National Space Program Office (NSPO)/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Boulder, CO" Government/Civil Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Polar 0.00 751 849 6.83E-03 72.00 100.9 70 46 4/15/2006 2 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur-1 2006-011E 29051 “. . . Provide atmospheric data daily in real time over thousands of points on Earth for both research and operational weather forecasting by measuring the bending of radio signals from the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) as the signals pass through Earth's atmosphere.” www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/LEO/FORMOSAT-3/index.html http://www.ucar.edu/news/releases/2006/cosmic.shtml http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/011B.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx630.html "COSMIC-F (Formosat-3F, Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate)" COSMIC-F NR Taiwan/USA "National Space Program Office (NSPO)/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Boulder, CO" Government/Civil Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Polar 0.00 772 828 3.91E-03 72.00 100.9 70 46 4/15/2006 2 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur-1 2006-011F 29052 “. . . Provide atmospheric data daily in real time over thousands of points on Earth for both research and operational weather forecasting by measuring the bending of radio signals from the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) as the signals pass through Earth's atmosphere.” www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/LEO/FORMOSAT-3/index.html http://www.ucar.edu/news/releases/2006/cosmic.shtml http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/011B.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx630.html Cosmos 2504 Cosmos 2504 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 "1,171" "1,504" 2.16E-02 82.40 112.41 3/31/2015 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2015-020D 40555 Unknown purpose; displays high maneuverability. JM/8_15 http://www.eutimes.net/2015/07/pentagon-alarmed-with-russias-military-satellite-maneuvering-too-much/ Cosmos 2519 (Napryazhenie No. 1?) Cosmos 2519 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Space Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 653 668 1.07E-03 98.00 97.9 6/23/2017 NPO Lavochkin Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1v 2017-037A 42798 "Designed to make extremely accurate measurements of Earth’s shape and gravitational field. Two months after launch released a small ""inspector satellite."" Made clear it would only inspect its host satellite." JMSatcat/10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/23/secret-russian-satellite-launched-from-plesetsk-cosmodrome/ http://russianforces.org/blog/2017/06/launch_cosmos-2519.shtml http://russianforces.org/blog/2017/08/cosmos-2519_released_a_satelli.shtml http://www.russianspaceweb.com/napryazhenie.html Cosmos 2535 Cosmos 2535 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 610 621 7.87E-04 97.90 97 7/10/2019 Unknown Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1v 2019-039A 44421 Conducted a series of proximity maneuvers on-orbit. JMSatcat/11_19 http://russianforces.org/blog/2019/07/soyuz-21v_launches_four_experi.shtml http://www.russianspaceweb.com/Cosmos-2535-2536-2537-2538.html https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Cosmos 2536 Cosmos 2536 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 610 622 8.59E-04 97.90 97 7/10/2019 Unknown Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1v 2019-039D 44424 Conducted a series of proximity maneuvers on-orbit. JMSatcat/11_19 http://russianforces.org/blog/2019/07/soyuz-21v_launches_four_experi.shtml http://www.russianspaceweb.com/Cosmos-2535-2536-2537-2538.html https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Cosmos 2542 Cosmos 2542 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth/Space Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 368 856 3.49E-02 97.90 96.9 11/25/2019 Unknown Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1v 2019-079A 44797 Believed to be surveillance satellite - released subsatellite thought to be an inspector - Cosmos 2543 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/25/russia-launches-space-surveillance-satellite/ http://russianforces.org/blog/2019/11/cosmos-2532_launch_from_pleset.shtml Cosmos 2543 Cosmos 2543 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth/Space Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 368 856 3.49E-02 97.90 96.9 11/25/2019 Unknown Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1v 2019-079D 44835 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/25/russia-launches-space-surveillance-satellite/ http://russianforces.org/blog/2019/11/cosmos-2532_launch_from_pleset.shtml Cosmos 3537 Cosmos 2537 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 611 623 8.59E-04 97.90 97 7/10/2019 Unknown Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1v 2019-039B 44422 JMSatcat/11_19 http://russianforces.org/blog/2019/07/soyuz-21v_launches_four_experi.shtml http://www.russianspaceweb.com/Cosmos-2535-2536-2537-2538.html https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Cosmos 3538 Cosmos2538 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 616 623 5.01E-04 97.90 97 7/10/2019 Unknown Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1v 2019-039C 44423 JMSatcat/11_19 http://russianforces.org/blog/2019/07/soyuz-21v_launches_four_experi.shtml http://www.russianspaceweb.com/Cosmos-2535-2536-2537-2538.html https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt COSMO-Skymed 1 (Constellation of small Satellites for Mediterranean basin Observation) COSMO-Skymed 1 Italy Italy Italian Space Agency/Ministry of Defense Military/Civil Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 622 623 7.15E-05 97.90 97.2 "1,700" "3,600" 6/8/2007 5 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Vandenberg AFB Delta 7000 2007-023A 31598 "To be part of 4-satellite constellation; radar imager, collect data on floods, droughts, earthquakes and landslides; military applications." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.faa.gov/data_statistics/commercial_space_data/launch_details/index.cfm?launchId=462 http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2007/023A.HTM http://directory.eoportal.org/pres_COSMOSkyMedConstellationof4SARSatellites.html COSMO-Skymed 2 (Constellation of small Satellites for Mediterranean basin Observation) COSMO-Skymed 2 Italy Italy Italian Space Agency/Ministry of Defense Military/Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 622 623 7.15E-05 97.90 97.2 "1,700" 12/9/2007 5 Thales Alenia Space Italy Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2007-059A 32376 Earth imaging; synthetic aperture radar (SAR) operating in X-band. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://directory.eoportal.org/pres_COSMOSkyMedConstellationof4SARSatellites.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/059A.HTM COSMO-Skymed 3 (Constellation of small Satellites for Mediterranean basin Observation) COSMO-Skymed 3 Italy Italy Italian Space Agency/Ministry of Defense Military/Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 622 623 7.15E-05 97.90 97.2 "1,700" 10/25/2008 5 Thales Alenia Space Italy Vandenberg AFB Delta 7420 2008-054A 33412 "Earth imaging; synthetic aperture radar (SAR) operating in X-band, focus on Mediterranean security." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://directory.eoportal.org/pres_COSMOSkyMedConstellationof4SARSatellites.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I065B.HTM COSMO-Skymed 4 (Constellation of small Satellites for Mediterranean basin Observation) COSMO-Skymed 4 Italy Italy Italian Space Agency/Ministry of Defense Military/Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 622 623 7.15E-05 97.90 97.2 "1,700" 11/6/2010 5 Thales Alenia Space Italy Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2010-060A 37216 "Earth imaging; synthetic aperture radar (SAR) operating in X-band, focus on Mediterranean security." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://directory.eoportal.org/pres_COSMOSkyMedConstellationof4SARSatellites.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx685.html http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/060A.HTM CP-10 (Exocube) CP-10 NR USA California Polytechnic State University/NASA JPL Government/Civil Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Elliptical 0.00 441 657 1.56E-02 99.10 95.6 4 1/31/2015 California Polytechnic University/NASA JPL USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2015-003E 40380 Measuring the Elemental Composition of the Exosphere http://polysat.calpoly.edu/launched-missions/cp10-exocube/ https://sites.google.com/a/slu.edu/swartwout/home/cubesat-database CryoCube-1 (CC-1) CryoCube-1 NR (3/20) USA NASA Kennedy Space Center Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 405 415 7.37E-04 51.60 92.8 5 2/19/2020 NASA Kennedy Space Center/Sierra Lobo Inc. USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067RD 45260 Development of thermal management technology. JMSatcat/7_20 https://www.sierralobo.com/research-technology/cryocube/# Cryosat-2 Cryosat-2 ESA ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Polar 0.00 713 724 7.76E-04 92.00 99.2 720 4/8/2010 3 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2010-013A 36508 "Remote sensing, part of ESA's ice mission. Will measure polar ice for three years. Spacecraft has no solar panels." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.esa.int/esaLP/ESASOM1VMOC_LPcryosat_0.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/013A.HTM CSG-1 (COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation) CSG-1 NR (3/20) Italy Italian Space Agency/Ministry of Defense Military/Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 621 622 7.15E-05 97.80 97.1 "2,205" 12/18/2019 5 Thales Alenia Space Italy Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2019-092A 44873 Second generation. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/18/soyuz-launches-italian-radar-satellite-esa-exoplanet-telescope/ CSIM-FD (Compact Spectral Irradiance Monitor - Flight Demonstration) CSIM-FD NR USA University of Colorado Civil Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 590 1.22E-03 97.70 96.3 6 12/3/2018 Blue Canyon Technologies USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AM 43793 Space science. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/sso-a https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt CSO-1 (Optical Space Component-1) CSO-1 France France Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) Military Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 800 800 0.00E+00 98.60 100.87 "3,565" 12/19/2018 10 Centre National D'études Spatiales (CNES) France Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2018-106A 43866 "Part of the MUSIS (Multinational Space-based Imaging System) programme, is resolutely open to European partnerships through bilateral agreements." JMSatcat/3_19 https://www.gouvernement.fr/en/cso-1-satellite-successfully-launched https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/21/spy-satellite-launch-on-soyuz-rocket-begins-refresh-of-french-military-space-capabilities/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Cubebug 2 (Manolito, LO-74)" Cubebug 2 NR Argentina "Argentinian Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation/Radio Club Bariloche" Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 594 715 8.61E-03 97.80 97.8 2 11/21/2013 "Argentinian Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation" Argentina Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2013-066AA 39440 Amateur radio satellite. ZARYA http://2.cubebug.org/ CubeRRT CubeRRT NR USA Ohio State University/NASA Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 399 407 5.91E-04 51.60 92.6 6 7/13/2018 Ohio State University/NASA USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067NU 43546 "Test a new signal processor to mitigate radio interference impacting microwave radiometer measurements of soil moisture, atmospheric water vapor, sea surface temperature and winds from orbit." JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/21/antares-rocket-launch-kicks-off-space-stations-next-commercial-cargo-delivery/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt CubeSail USAT Cubesail USAT NR USA University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Civil Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 494 511 1.24E-03 85.04 94.7 3 12/16/2018 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-104K 43858 Consists of two 1.5-unit CubeSats; will separate once in orbit and unspool a 250-meter solar sail ribbon between the two. Test novel approaches to using solar sails for propulsion. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/17/nasa-rocket-lab-partner-on-successful-satellite-launch-from-new-zealand/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Cubesat XI-IV (Oscar 57, CO-57)" Cubesat XI-IV Japan Japan "Department of Astronautics, University of Tokyo" Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 815 830 1.04E-03 98.70 101.3 1 6/30/2003 "Department of Astronautics, University of Tokyo" Japan Plesetsk Cosmodrome Dnepr 2003-031J 27848 On-orbit verification of the super small satellite (nano-satellite) bus system using commercial-off-the-shell components. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx597.html http://www.space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cubesat/mission/operation/index-e.html CYGNSS FM01 (Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System) CYGNSS-A USA USA University of Michigan/NASA Earth Science Technology Office Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging/Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 515 537 1.60E-03 34.96 95.16 29 12/15/2016 Southwest Research Institute USA Orbital ATK L-1011 Pegasus 2016-078D 41887 JMSatcat http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/15/flock-of-microsats-launched-to-measure-winds-inside-hurricanes/ http://clasp-research.engin.umich.edu/missions/cygnss/docs/cygnss-fs-121616.pdf http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt CYGNSS FM02 (Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System) CYGNSS-B USA USA University of Michigan/NASA Earth Science Technology Office Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging/Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 514 536 1.60E-03 34.97 95.13 29 12/15/2016 Southwest Research Institute USA Orbital ATK L-1011 Pegasus 2016-078C 41886 JMSatcat http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/15/flock-of-microsats-launched-to-measure-winds-inside-hurricanes/ http://clasp-research.engin.umich.edu/missions/cygnss/docs/cygnss-fs-121616.pdf http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt CYGNSS FM03 (Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System) CYGNSS-C USA USA University of Michigan/NASA Earth Science Technology Office Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging/Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 514 533 1.38E-03 34.96 95.1 29 12/15/2016 Southwest Research Institute USA Orbital ATK L-1011 Pegasus 2016-078H 41891 JMSatcat http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/15/flock-of-microsats-launched-to-measure-winds-inside-hurricanes/ http://clasp-research.engin.umich.edu/missions/cygnss/docs/cygnss-fs-121616.pdf http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt CYGNSS FM04 (Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System) CYNGSS-D USA USA University of Michigan/NASA Earth Science Technology Office Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging/Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 515 534 1.38E-03 34.95 95.13 29 12/15/2016 Southwest Research Institute USA Orbital ATK L-1011 Pegasus 2016-078B 41885 JMSatcat http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/15/flock-of-microsats-launched-to-measure-winds-inside-hurricanes/ http://clasp-research.engin.umich.edu/missions/cygnss/docs/cygnss-fs-121616.pdf http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt CYGNSS FM05 (Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System) CYGNSS-E USA USA University of Michigan/NASA Earth Science Technology Office Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging/Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 515 537 1.60E-03 34.96 95.15 29 12/15/2016 Southwest Research Institute USA Orbital ATK L-1011 Pegasus 2016-078A 41884 "8-satellite constellation to return measurements of winds at the cores of hurricanes to better understand the formation, growth and dissipation of tropical cyclones." JMSatcat http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/15/flock-of-microsats-launched-to-measure-winds-inside-hurricanes/ http://clasp-research.engin.umich.edu/missions/cygnss/docs/cygnss-fs-121616.pdf http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt CYGNSS FM06 (Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System) CYGNSS-F USA USA University of Michigan/NASA Earth Science Technology Office Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging/Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 515 534 1.38E-03 34.96 95.12 29 12/15/2016 Southwest Research Institute USA Orbital ATK L-1011 Pegasus 2016-078F 41889 JMSatcat http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/15/flock-of-microsats-launched-to-measure-winds-inside-hurricanes/ http://clasp-research.engin.umich.edu/missions/cygnss/docs/cygnss-fs-121616.pdf http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt CYGNSS FM07 (Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System) CYGNSS-G USA USA University of Michigan/NASA Earth Science Technology Office Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging/Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 514 534 1.45E-03 34.96 95.12 29 12/15/2016 Southwest Research Institute USA Orbital ATK L-1011 Pegasus 2016-078G 41890 JMSatcat http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/15/flock-of-microsats-launched-to-measure-winds-inside-hurricanes/ http://clasp-research.engin.umich.edu/missions/cygnss/docs/cygnss-fs-121616.pdf http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt CYGNSS FM08 (Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System) CYGNSS-H USA USA University of Michigan/NASA Earth Science Technology Office Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging/Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 515 537 1.60E-03 34.95 95.15 29 12/15/2016 Southwest Research Institute USA Orbital ATK L-1011 Pegasus 2016-078E 41888 JMSatcat http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/15/flock-of-microsats-launched-to-measure-winds-inside-hurricanes/ http://clasp-research.engin.umich.edu/missions/cygnss/docs/cygnss-fs-121616.pdf http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Daichi-2 (Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2, ALOS 2 2)" Daichi-2 NR Japan Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 630 635 3.57E-04 97.88 97.36 "2,120" "5,200" 5/24/2014 7 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2014-029A 39766 Follow-on to ALOS-1 mission. ZARYA https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/a/alos-2 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.mitsubishielectric.com/news/2014/0523.html DAMPE (Dark Matter Particle Explorer) DAMPE NR China Chinese Academy of Sciences Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 488 505 1.24E-03 97.30 94.54 "1,850" 12/17/2015 3 China Academy of Science China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2015-078A 41173 First dedicated astrophysics observatory put into space by China. prehled-druzic prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-078.html http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/17/china-sends-dark-matter-probe-into-orbit/ "DAVE (Damping and Vibrations Experiment, CP7)" DAVE USA USA California Polytechnic State University Civil Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 447 466 1.39E-03 93.03 93.7 1 9/15/2018 California Polytechnic University USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2018-070C 43615 Acquire data to characterize unknown particle damper microgravity behavior. JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/09/15/early-morning-launch-closes-book-on-delta-2-legacy/ DaVinci DaVinci NR USA North Idaho STEM Charter Academy Civil Education LEO Polar 0.00 489 511 1.60E-03 85.03 94.6 4 12/16/2018 North Idaho STEM Charter Academy USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-104J 43857 "Teach students about radio waves, aeronautical engineering, space propulsion, and geography by sending a communication signal to schools around the world." JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/albus https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/17/nasa-rocket-lab-partner-on-successful-satellite-launch-from-new-zealand/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "DCBB (Kaituo-1B, CAS-3G)" DCBB NR China China Amateur Satellite - CAMSAT Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 514 536 1.60E-03 97.46 95.13 3 9/19/2015 Shenzhen Aerospace Dongfanghong HIT Satellite Ltd./CAMSAT China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2015-049P 40912 JM/12_15 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=2015-049P http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/09/2015-049.html Deimos 1 Deimos 1 Spain Spain Deimos Imaging/DMC International Imaging (DMCII) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 661 662 7.11E-05 98.00 98 90 7/29/2009 5 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2009-041A 35681 Part of international Disaster Monitoring Constellation. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.deimos-imaging.com/technology/our-satellite-deimos-1 http://envisat.esa.int/object/index.cfm?fobjectid=5147 Deimos 2 Deimos 2 NR Spain Deimos Imaging/DMC International Imaging (DMCII) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 597 619 1.58E-03 97.99 96.85 310 450 6/19/2014 10 Satrec Initiative South Korea Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033D 40013 Part of international Disaster Monitoring Constellation. ZARYA https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/d/deimos-2 http://www.gsdi.org/gsdiconf/gsdi14/slides/4.2Deimos.pdf Delfi-C3 (DO-64) Delfi-C3 NR Netherlands "Technical University, Delft" Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 598 616 1.29E-03 97.80 96.8 7 4/28/2008 Technical University of Delft Netherlands Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C9 2008-021G 32789 Flight test thin film solar cells and an advanced transceiver. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.delfic3.nl/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx654.html Delfini-1 Delfini-1 Denmark Denmark Aarhus University Civil Technology Development/Education LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 402 408 4.43E-04 51.60 92.7 4 1/31/2019 "Departments of Physics and Astronomy, Engineering, and Geoscience." Denmark International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067PW 44030 University's first satellite. Collaborative education effort between departments. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iss-crs-16 https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dellingr Dellingr NR USA NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 401 404 2.21E-04 51.60 92.6 12 11/20/2017 1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067NJ 43021 Developed as a new state-of-the-art small satellite platform. JMSatcat/3_18 http://spaceflight101.com/dragon-spx12/dellingr/ DeMi (Deformable Mirror) DeMi NR (7/20) USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 415 418 2.21E-04 51.60 92.9 9 7/13/2020 Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Blue Canyon Technologies Inc. USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067RP 45916 Development of a flexible mirror that can be used to correct defects caused by such as aberration and speckle in astronomical images ZARYA https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/d/demi https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 DHFR (DARPA High Frequency Receiver) DHFR NR USA DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Military Technology Development LEO Equatorial 0.00 309 605 2.17E-02 24.50 93.7 8 8/26/2017 DARPA/University of Utah USA Cape Canaveral Minotaur 4 2017-050B 42922 Hosts a high frequency receiver. JMSatcat/10_17 http://www.seradata.com/peacekeeper-missile-derived-five-stage-minotaur-iv-launches-ors-5-situational-awareness-test-satellite-for-the-us-military-as-well-as-three-cubesats/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/08/26/u-s-military-sleuth-launched-to-track-satellite-and-space-debris-movements/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Diamond Blue (3 Diamonds 1) Diamond Blue United Kingdom United Kingdom "Sky and Space Global, UK" Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 511 1.09E-03 97.45 96.4 6 6/23/2017 GomSpace ApS Denmark Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036X 42786 Pathfinders for Sky and Space Global's 200 Satellite LEO constellation. JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/a/aalto-1 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Diamond Green (3 Diamonds 2) Diamond Green United Kingdom United Kingdom "Sky and Space Global, UK" Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 511 1.09E-03 97.45 96.4 6 6/23/2017 GomSpace ApS Denmark Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036W 42785 Pathfinders for Sky and Space Global's 200 Satellite LEO constellation. JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/a/aalto-1 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Diamond Red (3 Diamonds 3) Diamond Red United Kingdom United Kingdom "Sky and Space Global, UK" Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 511 1.09E-03 97.45 96.4 6 6/23/2017 GomSpace ApS Denmark Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036U 42783 Pathfinders for Sky and Space Global's 200 Satellite LEO constellation. JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/a/aalto-1 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dido-2 Dido-2 NR Switzerland SpacePharma Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 508 8.73E-04 97.50 94.6 10 2/15/2017 Innovative Solutions in Space BV Netherlands Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2017-008BE 42000 "To test a miniaturized end-to-end pharmaceutical laboratory in space, allowing microgravity conditions." JMSatCat9_17 https://www.isispace.nl/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Missions.pdf https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt DirecTV-10 DirecTV-10 USA USA "DirecTV, Inc." Commercial Communications GEO -102.74 "35,785" "35,788" 3.56E-05 0.04 1436.1 "5,900" "3,700" "18,000" 7/7/2007 15 Boeing Space & Intelligence Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2007-032A 31862 32 broad-beam Ka band; 55 spot-beam Ka-band transponders; will provide HDTV to CONUS. JM/12_08 http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/702/dtv10-11-12_factsheet.pdf http://www.engadgethd.com/2007/07/07/directv-10-launched-successfully-gears-up-for-september-action/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/032A.HTM DirecTV-11 DirecTV-11 USA USA "DirecTV, Inc." Commercial Communications GEO -99.21 "35,786" "35,786" 0.00E+00 0.03 1436.1 "5,900" 3/19/2008 Boeing Satellite Development Center USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2008-013A 32729 High definition channels for North America. JM/12_08 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/013A.HTM DirecTV-12 DirecTV-12 USA USA "DirecTV, Inc." Commercial Communications GEO -102.80 "35,785" "35,786" 1.19E-05 0.09 1436.04 "5,900" "8,700 (BOL)" 12/29/2009 15 Boeing Space Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Breeze M 2009-075A 36131 High-definition for North America. SC - ASCR http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2009/12/live-proton-m-launch-directv-12-satellite/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/075A.HTM DirecTV-14 DirecTV-14 USA USA "DirecTV, Inc." Commercial Communications GEO -99.00 "35,930" "35,933" 3.55E-05 0.02 1443.51 "5,900" "20,000" 12/6/2014 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2014-078B 40333 20-kilowatt Ka- and reverse-band digital broadcast satellite (DBS) that will ultimately bring 4K UHD content to DirecTV’s US customers. ZARYA http://www.digitaltrends.com/home-theater/directv-launches-4k-uhd-satellite/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 DirecTV-15 DirecTV-15 NR USA "DirecTV, Inc." Commercial Communications GEO -103.00 "35,685" "35,809" 1.47E-03 0.10 1434.07 "5,500" "2,364" 5/27/2015 15 Airbus Defense and Space Germany/France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2015-026A 40663 "Expand national capacity for both HD and 4K Ultra HD channels, as well as provide critical backup for existing CONUS transponders. " JM/8_15 http://investor.directv.com/press-releases/press-release-details/2015/DIRECTV-Successfully-Launches-Two-Satellites-Significantly-Increasing-HD-and-4K-Capacity/default.aspx DirecTV-5 (Tempo 1) DirecTV-5 USA USA "DirecTV, Inc." Commercial Communications GEO -110.05 "35,773" "35,799" 3.08E-04 0.07 1436.08 "4,300" "3,640" 5/7/2002 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 2002-023A 27426 Digital television to North American subscribers; 32 Ku-band; direct broadcasting. JM/12_08 www.satisfied-mind.com/directv/news/articles/satellites.htm www.directv.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx583.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html DirecTV-7S DirecTV-7S USA USA "DirecTV, Inc." Commercial Communications GEO -119.04 "35,774" "35,797" 2.73E-04 0.01 1436.1 "5,483" "3,500" "13,000" 5/4/2004 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2004-016A 28238 Direct-to-home TV; 54 transponders. JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx607.html www.directv.com http://www.universetoday.com/am/publish/sea_launch_directv_7s.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2004/016A.HTM DirecTV-8 DirecTV-8 USA USA "DirecTV, Inc." Commercial Communications GEO -100.81 "35,777" "35,796" 2.25E-04 0.02 1436.1 "3,800" "8,200" 5/22/2005 12 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M/Breeze M 2005-019A 28659 36 Ku- and Ka-band transponders. JM/12_08 http://www.loral.com/inthenews/050523.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/019A.HTM DirecTV-9S DirecTV-9S USA USA "DirecTV, Inc." Commercial Communications GEO -101.08 "35,774" "35,798" 2.85E-04 0.03 1436.1 "5,500" "2,364" "13,900" 10/13/2006 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2006-043A 29494 "52 Ku-band and 2 Ka-band transponders; direct-to-home, voice, video and internet." JM/12_08 http://www.nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx636.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2006/I043A.HTM http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=127160&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=916210&highlight= http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/DirecTV-9S Diwata-1 (PHL-Microsat-1) Diwata-1 Philippines Philippines University of the Philippines Government/Civil Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 351 354 2.23E-04 51.60 91.5 50 4/27/2016 Philippine Scientific Earth Observation Microsatellite (PHL-Microsat) Program Philippines International Space Station J-SSOD Deployer 1998-067HT 41463 Enable accurate forecasts and weather monitoring that is crucial in agriculture. JM/11_18 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/d/diwata-1 Diwata-2B Diwata-2B NR Japan "Philippines’ Department of Science and Technology, University of the Philippines Diliman, and Japan’s Hokkaido University and Tohoku University" Civil Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 595 616 1.51E-03 97.80 96.8 56 10/29/2018 1 PHL Microsat Philippines Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2018-084H 43678 Optical imaging. JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/29/japan-launches-satellite-to-study-human-causes-of-climate-change/ DLR Tubsat DLR Tubsat NR Germany Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt Government Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 712 732 1.41E-03 98.60 99.2 45 120 5/26/1999 1 "Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Technical University of Berlin" Germany Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C2 1999-029B 25757 Transmits image of its own view; not currently used for scientific mission but operational. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/1999/029C.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx547.html http://www.vectronic-aerospace.com/Image_Gallery/DLR-TUBSAT/dlr-tubsat.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html DMC 3-1 (Disaster Monitoring Constellation) DMC 3-1 United Kingdom United Kingdom Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 636 663 1.92E-03 98.00 97.71 447 7/10/2015 10 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2015-032A 40715 "Being used commercially, but can provide data for disaster monitoring." JM/8_15 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/07/indian-pslv-launch-five-british-satellites/ DMC 3-2 (Disaster Monitoring Constellation) DMC 3-2 United Kingdom United Kingdom Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 636 663 1.92E-03 98.00 97.71 447 7/10/2015 10 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2015-032B 40716 Second generation. JM/8_15 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/07/indian-pslv-launch-five-british-satellites/ DMC 3-3 (Disaster Monitoring Constellation) DMC 3-3 United Kingdom United Kingdom Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 636 661 1.78E-03 98.00 97.69 447 7/10/2015 10 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2015-032C 40717 Second generation. JM/8_15 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/07/indian-pslv-launch-five-british-satellites/ "DMSP 5D-2 F14 (Defense Meteorological Satellites Program, USA 131)" USA 131 USA USA DoD/NOAA Military Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 842 855 9.00E-04 98.90 101.9 "1,134" 823 900 4/4/1997 5 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Vandenberg AFB Titan 2 1997-012A 24753 Near-polar orbits; investigate Earth's environment. JMSatcat304 www.wmo.ch/web/www/OSY/Meetings/ICT-IOS3/Doc2-3(1).doc http://dmsp.ngdc.noaa.gov/ http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/missions.dmsp.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/1997/012A.HTM "DMSP 5D-3 F15 (Defense Meteorological Satellites Program, USA 147)" USA 147 USA USA DoD/NOAA Military Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 837 851 9.70E-04 98.90 101.8 "1,152" 823 900 12/12/1999 5 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Vandenberg AFB Titan 2 1999-067A 25991 Near-polar orbits; investigate Earth's environment. Problem with SSM/1 sensor to track sea ice. JMSatcat304 www.wmo.ch/web/www/OSY/Meetings/ICT-IOS3/Doc2-3(1).doc http://dmsp.ngdc.noaa.gov/ http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/missions.dmsp.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/02/18/nsidc-satellite-sea-ice-sensor-has-catastrophic-failure-data-faulty-for-the-last-45-days/ "DMSP 5D-3 F16 (Defense Meteorological Satellites Program, USA 172)" USA 172 USA USA DoD/NOAA Military Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 843 852 6.23E-04 98.90 101.87 "1,154" 825 900 10/18/2003 5 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Vandenberg AFB Titan 2 2003-048A 28054 Near-polar orbits; investigate Earth's environment. JMSatcat304 www.wmo.ch/web/www/OSY/Meetings/ICT-IOS3/Doc2-3(1).doc http://dmsp.ngdc.noaa.gov/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx600.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html "DMSP 5D-3 F17 (Defense Meteorological Satellites Program, USA 173)" USA 173 USA USA DoD/NOAA Military Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 842 855 9.00E-04 98.79 101.89 "1,154" 825 900 11/4/2006 5 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 4 2006-050A 29522 Near-polar orbits; investigate Earth's environment. SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2006/050A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx637.html "DMSP 5D-3 F18 (Defense Meteorological Satellites Program, USA 210)" USA 210 USA USA DoD/NOAA Military Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 842 859 1.18E-03 98.93 101.94 "1,155" 825 900 10/18/2009 5 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2009-057A 35951 Near-polar orbits; investigate Earth's environment. SC - ASCR http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx672.html http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/dmsp/index.html DoT-1 (Demonstration of Technology 1) DoT-1 NR (3/20) United Kingdom Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 514 546 2.32E-03 97.50 95.2 18 7/5/2019 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. United Kingdom Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2019-038P 44399 JMSatcat/7_20 https://www.sstl.co.uk/space-portfolio/launched-missions/2010-2020/dot-1-launched-2019 Dove 2k-10 (0 Flock 2K-10 0F32) Dove 2k-10 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 461 475 1.02E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042BY 42895 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-12 (0 Flock 2K-12 0F36) Dove 2k-12 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 461 475 1.02E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042BW 42893 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-15 (0 Flock 2K-15 0F3C) Dove 2k-15 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 461 475 1.02E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042BT 42890 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-16 (0 Flock 2K-16 0F3D) Dove 2k-16 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 461 475 1.02E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042BS 42889 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-18 (0 Flock 2K-18 0F44) Dove 2k-18 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 461 475 1.02E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042BQ 42887 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-19 (0 Flock 2K-19 0F46) Dove 2k-19 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 460 475 1.10E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042BP 42886 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-21 (0 Flock 2K-21 0F49) Dove 2k-21 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 460 475 1.10E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AM 42860 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-23 (0 Flock 2K-23 0F4B) Dove 2k-23 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 460 475 1.10E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AL 42859 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-25 (0 Flock 2K-25 0F4D) Dove 2k-25 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 459 474 1.10E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042BM 42884 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-29 (0 Flock 2K-29 1048) Dove 2k-29 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 459 474 1.10E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AY 42871 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-3 (0 Flock 2K-3 0F21) Dove 2k-3 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 461 476 1.10E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AB 42850 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-30 (0 Flock 2K-30 1049) Dove 2k-30 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 459 474 1.10E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AZ 42872 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-31 (0 Flock 2K-31 104A) Dove 2k-31 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 459 474 1.10E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AW 42869 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-32 (0 Flock 2K-32 104B) Dove 2k-32 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 458 475 1.24E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AX 42870 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-35 (0 Flock 2K-35 104E) Dove 2k-35 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 458 475 1.24E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042BE 42877 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-37 (0 Flock 2K-37 1050) Dove 2k-37 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 458 475 1.24E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AU 42867 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-39 (0 Flock 2K-39 1052) Dove 2k-39 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 458 474 1.17E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AT 42866 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-4 (0 Flock 2K-4 0F24) Dove 2k-4 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 461 475 1.02E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AC 42851 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-40 (0 Flock 2K-40 1053) Dove 2k-40 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 458 474 1.17E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AS 42865 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-41 (0 Flock 2K-41 1054) Dove 2k-41 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 458 474 1.17E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042BC 42875 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-43 (0 Flock 2K-43 1056) Dove 2k-43 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 458 474 1.17E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042BB 42874 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-44 (0 Flock 2K-44 1020) Dove 2k-44 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 457 474 1.24E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042BA 42873 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-45 (0 Flock 2K-45 100D) Dove 2k-45 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 457 474 1.24E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AH 42856 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-46 (0 Flock 2K-46 103F) Dove 2k-46 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 457 474 1.24E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AK 42858 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-47 (0 Flock 2K-47 1043) Dove 2k-47 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 457 474 1.24E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AF 42854 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-6 (0 Flock 2K-6 0F2A) Dove 2k-6 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 461 475 1.02E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042CA 42897 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-7 (0 Flock 2K-7 0F2B) Dove 2k-7 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 461 475 1.02E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042AP 42862 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2k-9 (0 Flock 2K-9 0F2E) Dove 2k-9 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 461 475 1.02E-03 97.00 94 3 7/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042BZ 42896 https://www.planet.com/pulse/48-doves-to-launch-on-a-soyuz-rocket/ Dove 2p-10 (0 Flock 2P-10 0E2F) Dove 2p-10 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 513 9.45E-04 97.51 94.76 3 6/22/2016 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2016-040P 41612 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 https://www.planet.com/ Dove 2p-12 (0 Flock 2P-12 0E3A) Dove 2p-12 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 499 514 1.09E-03 97.51 94.75 3 6/22/2016 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2016-040R 41614 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 https://www.planet.com/ Dove 2p-3 (0 Flock 2P-3 (0E0F) Dove 2p-3 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 514 1.02E-03 97.51 94.75 3 6/22/2016 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2016-040V 41618 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 https://www.planet.com/ Dove 2p-6 (0 Flock 2P-6 0E19) Dove 2p-6 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 514 1.02E-03 97.51 94.75 3 6/22/2016 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2016-040H 41606 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 https://www.planet.com/ Dove 2p-8 (0 Flock 2P-8 0E20) Dove 2p-8 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 514 1.02E-03 97.51 94.76 3 6/22/2016 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2016-040Q 41613 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 https://www.planet.com/ Dove 2p-9 (0 Flock 2P-9 0E26) Dove 2p-9 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 514 1.02E-03 97.51 94.77 3 6/22/2016 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2016-040M 41610 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 https://www.planet.com/ Dove 3k-1 (0 Flock 3K-1 1062) Dove 3k-1 NR USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 480 511 2.26E-03 97.30 94.5 4 12/27/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111U 43894 JMSat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 3k-10 (0 Flock 3K-10 106d) Dove 3k-10 NR USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 480 509 2.11E-03 97.30 94.5 4 12/27/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111AF 43905 JMSat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 3k-11 (0 Flock 3K-11 106e) Dove 3k-11 NR USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 480 509 2.11E-03 97.30 94.5 4 12/27/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111AE 43904 JMSat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 3k-2 (0 Flock 3K-2 106c) Dove 3k-2 NR USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 479 510 2.26E-03 97.30 94.5 4 12/27/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111V 43895 JMSat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 3k-3 (0 Flock 3K-3 1068) Dove 3k-3 NR USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 479 510 2.26E-03 97.30 94.5 4 12/27/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111S 43892 JMSat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 3k-4 (0 Flock 3K-4 1063) Dove 3k-4 NR USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 479 510 2.26E-03 97.30 94.5 4 12/27/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111T 43893 JMSat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 3k-5 (0 Flock 3K-5 1067) Dove 3k-5 NR USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 480 509 2.11E-03 97.30 94.5 4 12/27/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111Z 43899 JMSat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 3k-6 (0 Flock 3K-6 1069) Dove 3k-6 NR USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 480 509 2.11E-03 97.30 94.5 4 12/27/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111W 43896 JMSat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 3k-7 (0 Flock 3K-7 106a) Dove 3k-7 NR USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 480 510 2.18E-03 97.30 94.5 4 12/27/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111AC 43902 JMSat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 3k-8 (0 Flock 3K-8 106b) Dove 3k-8 NR USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 480 509 2.11E-03 97.30 94.5 4 12/27/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111AB 43901 JMSat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 3k-9 (0 Flock 3K-9 1065) Dove 3k-9 NR USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 480 509 2.11E-03 97.30 94.5 4 12/27/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111AG 43906 JMSat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 3m-2 (0 Flock 3M-2 0F02) Dove 3m-2 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 520 1.45E-03 97.30 94.8 4 10/31/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur-C 2017-068M 42998 JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/31/ten-commercial-earth-observing-satellites-launched-aboard-minotaur-c-rocket/ Dove 3m-4 (0 Flock 3M-4 0F4C) Dove 3m-4 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 499 522 1.67E-03 97.30 94.8 4 10/31/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur-C 2017-068L 42997 JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/31/ten-commercial-earth-observing-satellites-launched-aboard-minotaur-c-rocket/ Dove 3p-11 (0 Flock 3P-11 101F) Dove 3p-11 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 506 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008AD 41975 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-12 (0 Flock 3P-12 1010) Dove 3p-12 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 506 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008AA 41972 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-14 (0 Flock 3P-14 1018) Dove 3p-14 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 502 5.82E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008BS 42012 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-2 (0 Flock 3P-2 1001) Dove 3p-2 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 506 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008U 41966 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p'-2 (0 Flock 3p'2 1102) Dove 3p'-2 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 504 8.01E-04 97.50 94.5 4 1/11/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004K 43120 JMSatcat/5_18 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-to-launch-on-pslv-c40/ Dove 3p-20 (0 Flock 3P-20 1029) Dove 3p-20 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 501 4.37E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008C 41950 JMSatcat/10-17 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-23 (0 Flock 3P-23 1025) Dove 3p-23 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 506 8.01E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008BY 42018 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-24 (0 Flock 3P-24 1026) Dove 3p-24 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 507 8.00E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008J 41956 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p'-3 (0 Flock 3p'3 1105) Dove 3p'-3 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 501 4.37E-04 97.50 94.5 4 1/11/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004J 43119 JMSatcat/5_18 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-to-launch-on-pslv-c40/ Dove 3p-3 (0 Flock 3P-3 1002) Dove 3p-37 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 506 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008W 41968 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-31 (0 Flock 3P-31 1032) Dove 3p-31 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 506 8.73E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008DF 42049 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-32 (0 Flock 3P-32 1035) Dove 3p-32 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 506 8.01E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008CD 42023 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-33 (0 Flock 3P-33 103C) Dove 3p-33 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 505 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008AU 41990 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-34 (0 Flock 3P-34 103B) Dove 3p-34 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 505 6.55E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008AS 41988 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-35 (0 Flock 3P-35 103D) Dove 3p-35 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 505 6.55E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008AT 41989 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-4 (0 Flock 3P-4 1003) Dove 3p-4 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 507 8.00E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008T 41965 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p'-4 (0 Flock 3p'4 1107) Dove 3p'-4 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 492 504 8.74E-04 97.50 94.5 4 1/11/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004M 43122 JMSatcat/5_18 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-to-launch-on-pslv-c40/ Dove 3p-40 (0 Flock 3P-40 1039) Dove 3p-40 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 502 5.82E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008BQ 42010 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-47 (0 Flock 3P-47 1027) Dove 3p-47 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 504 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008CN 42032 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-49 (0 Flock 3P-49 1038) Dove 3p-49 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 505 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008BF 42001 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-50 (0 Flock 3P-50 1034) Dove 3p-50 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 505 8.01E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008CK 42029 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-51 (0 Flock 3P-51 1006) Dove 3p-51 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 504 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008E 41952 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-54 (0 Flock 3P-54 1005) Dove 3p-54 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 502 5.82E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008BU 42014 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-55 (0 Flock 3P-55 1008) Dove 3p-55 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 502 5.82E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008CX 42041 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-57 (0 Flock 3P-57 1014) Dove 3p-57 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 506 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008AG 41978 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-58 (0 Flock 3P-58 1009) Dove 3p-58 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 506 8.01E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008AF 41977 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-60 (0 Flock 3P-60 101B) Dove 3p-60 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 506 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008AE 41976 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-61 (0 Flock 3P-61 1012) Dove 3p-61 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 504 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008BP 42009 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-64 (0 Flock 3P-64 100A) Dove 3p-64 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 504 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008CQ 42034 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-65 (0 Flock 3P-65 1040) Dove 3p-65 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 505 8.01E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008CJ 42028 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-66 (0 Flock 3P-66 1013) Dove 3p-66 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 503 5.82E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008CH 42027 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-68 (0 Flock 3P-68 1004) Dove 3p-68 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 505 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008BH 42003 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-70 (0 Flock 3P-70 0F15) Dove 3p-70 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 506 8.01E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008AJ 41980 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-74 (0 Flock 3P-74 0F22) Dove 3p-74 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 506 8.73E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008DE 42048 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-76 (0 Flock 3P-76 0F17) Dove 3p-76 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 506 8.01E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008BZ 42019 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-77 (0 Flock 3P-77 0F28) Dove 3p-77 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 506 8.01E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008CF 42025 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-79 (0 Flock 3P-79 0F52) Dove 3p-79 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 505 6.55E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008AN 41984 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-8 (0 Flock 3P-8 100C) Dove 3p-8 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 506 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008D 41951 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-80 (0 Flock 3P-80 0F4E) Dove 3p-80 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 506 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008CG 42026 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-81 (0 Flock 3P-81 0F25) Dove 3p-81 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 506 8.73E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008CZ 42043 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-83 (0 Flock 3P-83 0F3F) Dove 3p-83 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 507 9.46E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008DG 42050 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-86 (0 Flock 3P-86 0F34) Dove 3p-86 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 505 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008AP 41985 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3p-87 (0 Flock 3P-87 0F31) Dove 3p-87 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 506 8.73E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/14/2017 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-008DA 42044 https://www.planet.com/pulse/planet-launches-satellite-constellation-to-image-the-whole-planet-daily/ Dove 3r-1 (0 Flock 3R-1 105A) Dove 3r-1 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 94.6 4 10/29/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096AE 43747 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Dove 3r-10 (0 Flock 3R-10 1059) Dove 3r-10 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 94.6 4 11/29/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096X 43740 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Dove 3r-11 (0 Flock 3R-11 1064) Dove 3r-11 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 94.6 4 11/29/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096G 43725 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Dove 3r-12 (0 Flock 3R-12 1066) Dove 3r-12 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 94.6 4 11/29/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096F 43724 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Dove 3r-15 (0 Flock 3R-15 2107) Dove 3r-15 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 94.6 4 10/29/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096T 43736 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Dove 3r-3 (0 Flock 3R-3 105D) Dove 3r-3 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 94.6 4 10/29/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096R 43734 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Dove 3r-4 (0 Flock 3R-4 105E) Dove 3r-4 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 94.6 4 10/29/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096Q 43733 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Dove 3r-6 (0 Flock 3R-6 1057) Dove 3r-7 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 94.6 4 11/29/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096Y 43741 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Dove 3r-7 (0 Flock 3R-7 1058) Dove 3r-7 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 94.6 4 10/29/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096Z 43742 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Dove 3r-8 (0 Flock 3R-8 1060) Dove 3r-8 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 94.6 4 11/29/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096J 43727 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Dove 3r-9 (0 Flock 3R-9 1061) Dove 3r-9 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 94.6 4 10/29/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096E 43723 Dove 3s-1 (0 Flock 3S-1 105C) Dove 3s-1 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 574 592 1.29E-03 97.70 96.3 4 12/3/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099M 43769 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 3s-2 (0 Flock 3S-2 2151) Dove 3s-2 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 591 1.37E-03 97.70 96.3 4 12/3/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099BR 43821 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 3s-3 (0 Flock 3S-3 210D) Dove 3s-3 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 590 1.22E-03 97.70 96.3 4 12/3/2018 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AG 43788 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-1 (0 Flock 4a-1 2218) Dove 4a-1 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 510 1.16E-03 97.50 94.7 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018B 44079 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-10 (0 Flock 4a-10 2205) Dove 4a-10 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 506 9.46E-04 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018V 44097 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-11 (0 Flock 4a-11 2223) Dove 4a-11 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 492 505 9.46E-04 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018U 44096 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-12 (0 Flock 4a-12 2209) Dove 4a-12 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 506 9.46E-04 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018AE 44108 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-13 (0 Flock 4a-13 220c) Dove 4a-13 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 491 506 1.09E-03 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018AA 44102 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-14 (0 Flock 4a-14 222c) Dove 4a-14 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 492 505 9.46E-04 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018Z 44101 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-15 (0 Flock 4a-15 2207) Dove 4a-15 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 492 505 9.46E-04 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018Y 44100 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-16 (0 Flock 4a-16 222b) Dove 4a-16 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 492 505 9.46E-04 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018X 44099 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-17 (0 Flock 4a-17 2212) Dove 4a-17 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 492 508 1.16E-03 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018L 44088 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-18 (0 Flock 4a-18 2215) Dove 4a-18 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 492 508 1.16E-03 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018M 44089 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-19 (0 Flock 4a-19 2235) Dove 4a-19 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 492 508 1.16E-03 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018N 44090 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-2 (0 Flock 4a-2 2201) Dove 4a-2 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 510 1.16E-03 97.50 94.7 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018C 44080 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-3 (0 Flock 4a-3 2206) Dove 4a-3 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 510 1.16E-03 97.50 94.7 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018D 44081 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-4 (0 Flock 4a-4 2220) Dove 4a-4 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 510 1.24E-03 97.50 94.7 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018E 44082 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-6 (0 Flock 4a-6 220b) Dove 4a-6 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 506 9.46E-04 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018S 44094 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-7 (0 Flock 4a-7 222d) Dove 4a-7 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 506 9.46E-04 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018R 44093 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4a-9 (0 Flock 4a-9 2224) Dove 4a-9 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 506 9.46E-04 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018W 44098 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Dove 4p-1 (0 Flock 4p-1 2277) Dove 4p-1 NR (3/20) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 498 516 1.31E-03 97.50 94.7 4 11/27/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-081L 44814 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/27/pslv-delivers-indias-highest-resolution-earth-observation-satellite-to-orbit/ Dove 4p-10 (0 Flock 4p-10 2233) Dove 4p-10 NR (3/20) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 499 515 1.16E-03 97.50 94.7 4 11/27/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-081E 44808 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/27/pslv-delivers-indias-highest-resolution-earth-observation-satellite-to-orbit/ Dove 4p-11 (0 Flock 4p-11 2231) Dove 4p-11 NR (3/20) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 499 515 1.16E-03 97.50 94.7 4 11/27/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-081F 44809 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/27/pslv-delivers-indias-highest-resolution-earth-observation-satellite-to-orbit/ Dove 4p-12 (0 Flock 4p-12 2271) Dove 4p-12 NR (3/20) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 499 515 1.16E-03 97.50 94.7 4 11/27/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-081G 44810 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/27/pslv-delivers-indias-highest-resolution-earth-observation-satellite-to-orbit/ Dove 4p-2 (0 Flock 4p-3 2278) Dove 4p-2 NR (3/200 USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 507 522 1.09E-03 97.50 94.7 4 11/27/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-081K 44813 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/27/pslv-delivers-indias-highest-resolution-earth-observation-satellite-to-orbit/ Dove 4p-3 (0 Flock 4p-3 2304 ) Dove 4p-3 NR (3/20) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 499 515 1.16E-03 97.50 94.7 4 11/27/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-081J 44812 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/27/pslv-delivers-indias-highest-resolution-earth-observation-satellite-to-orbit/ Dove 4p-4 (0 Flock 4p-4 2310) Dove 4p-4 NR (3/20) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 499 515 1.16E-03 97.50 94.7 4 11/27/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-081H 44811 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/27/pslv-delivers-indias-highest-resolution-earth-observation-satellite-to-orbit/ Dove 4p-5 (0 Flock 4p-5 2259) Dove 4p-5 NR (3/20) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 499 513 1.02E-03 97.50 94.7 4 11/27/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-081Q 44818 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/27/pslv-delivers-indias-highest-resolution-earth-observation-satellite-to-orbit/ Dove 4p-6 (0 Flock 4p-6 2263) Dove 4p-6 NR (3/20) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 499 513 1.02E-03 97.50 94.7 4 11/27/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-081P 44817 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/27/pslv-delivers-indias-highest-resolution-earth-observation-satellite-to-orbit/ Dove 4p-7 (0 Flock 4p-7 222F) Dove 4p-7 NR (3/20) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 499 513 1.02E-03 97.50 94.7 4 11/27/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-081N 44816 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/27/pslv-delivers-indias-highest-resolution-earth-observation-satellite-to-orbit/ "Dove 4p-9 (0 Flock 4p-9 2257) Dove 4p-10 -- 2019-081E Dove 4p-11 – 2019-081F Dove 4p-12 – 2019-081G Dove 4p-4 -- 2019-081H Dove 4p-3 -- 2019-081J Dove 4p-2 – 2019-081K Dove 4p-1 -- 2019-081L Dove 4p-8 -- 2019-081M Dove 4p-7 -- 2019-081N Dove 4p-6 – 2019-081P Dove 4p-5 -- 2019-081Q " Dove 4p-9 NR (3/20) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 499 517 1.31E-03 97.50 94.7 4 11/27/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-081D 44807 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/27/pslv-delivers-indias-highest-resolution-earth-observation-satellite-to-orbit/ Dove-4a-5 (0 Flock 4a-5 2227) Dove 4a-5 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 506 9.46E-04 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 "Planet Labs, Inc." USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018T 44095 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "DRTS (Data Relay Test Satellite, Kodama)" Data Relay Test Satellite (DRTS) Japan Japan National Space Development Agency Government Technology Development GEO 90.77 "35,775" "35,799" 2.85E-04 0.02 1436.12 "2,650" "1,500" "2,100" 9/10/2002 7 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2002-042B 27516 Develop more advanced data relay by improving the technology for the Communications and Broadcasting Engineering Satellite (COMETS). Serve as the space communications infrastructure for two-way data relay between ground stations and experimental spacecraft in low- to mid-altitude orbit JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx587.html http://www.nasda.go.jp/projects/sat/drts/tback_e.html http://spaceflightnow.com/h2a/f3/status.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html "DSCS III-A3 (USA 167, DSCS III-A3) (Defense Satellite Communications System)" USA 167 USA USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO 60.01 "35,771" "35,802" 3.68E-04 0.03 1436.12 "1,156" 884 "1,240" 3/11/2003 10 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2A 2003-008A 27691 "Super High Frequency (SHF) for U.S. government and military; sophisticated survivability enhancement; worldwide, longhaul coverage; X-band." JM/12_08 http://1mms.external.lmco.com/newsbureau/pressreleases/03.07.html http://www.af.mil.news/factsheets/Defense_Satellite_Communicati/html http://globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/2005/satellitetables2004.htm http://www.fas.org/spp/military/program/com/dscs_3.htm "DSCS III-B6 (USA 170, DSCS III B-6) (Defense Satellite Communications System)" USA 170 USA USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO -52.51 "35,760" "35,814" 6.40E-04 0.05 1436.1 "1,156" 884 "1,240" 8/29/2003 10 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2003-040A 27875 "Super High Frequency (SHF) for U.S. government and military; sophisticated survivability enhancement; worldwide, longhaul coverage; X-band. " JM/12_08 http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/launches/atlas_launch_001019.html http://www.af.mil.news/factsheets/Defense_Satellite_Communicati/html http://globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/2005/satellitetables2004.htm http://www.fas.org/spp/military/program/com/dscs_3.htm "DSCS III-F10 (USA 135, DSCS III B-13) (Defense Satellite Communications System)" USA 135 USA USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO -130.05 "35,757" "35,817" 7.12E-04 2.54 1436.1 "1,156" 884 "1,240" 10/24/1997 10 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 1997-065A 25019 "Super High Frequency (SHF) for U.S. government and military; sophisticated survivability enhancement; worldwide, longhaul coverage; X-band." JM/12_08 www.losangeles.af.mil/smc/mc/mcd.html www.disa.mil/ca/buyguide/feature/teleport.html http://www.af.mil.news/factsheets/Defense_Satellite_Communicati/html http://globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/2005/satellitetables2004.htm http://www.fas.org/spp/military/program/com/dscs_3.htm "DSCS III-F11 (USA 148, DSCS III B-8) (Defense Satellite Communications System)" USA 148 USA USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO -179.80 "35,706" "35,868" 1.92E-03 0.01 1436.13 "1,156" 884 "1,240" 1/1/2000 10 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2A 2000-001A 26052 "Super High Frequency (SHF) for U.S. government and military; sophisticated survivability enhancement; worldwide, longhaul coverage; X-band." JM/12_08 www.losangeles.af.mil/smc/mc/mcd.html www.disa.mil/ca/buyguide/feature/teleport.html http://www.af.mil.news/factsheets/Defense_Satellite_Communicati/html http://globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/2005/satellitetables2004.htm http://www.fas.org/spp/military/program/com/dscs_3.htm "DSCS III-F12 (USA 153, DSCS III B-11) (Defense Satellite Communications System)" USA 153 USA USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO -12.15 "35,774" "35,799" 2.97E-04 0.04 1436.12 "1,156" 884 "1,240" 10/20/2000 10 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2A 2000-065A 26575 "Super High Frequency (SHF) for U.S. government and military; sophisticated survivability enhancement; worldwide, longhaul coverage; X-band." JM/12_08 www.losangeles.af.mil/smc/mc/mcd.html www.disa.mil/ca/buyguide/feature/teleport.html http://www.af.mil.news/factsheets/Defense_Satellite_Communicati/html http://globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/2005/satellitetables2004.htm http://www.fas.org/spp/military/program/com/dscs_3.htm "DSCS III-F9 (USA 113, DSCS III B-7) (Defense Satellite Communications System)" USA 113 USA USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO -52.40 "35,784" "35,784" 0.00E+00 0.00 1436.1 "1,156" 884 "1,240" 7/31/1995 10 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2A 1995-038A 23628 Moved to replace GOES 3 in providing internet service to researchers in Antarctica for 3.5 hours per day. GS http://www.lockheedmartin.com/us/news/press-releases/2016/october/ssc-101116-DSCS-south-pole.html http://www.space-technology.com/projects/sicral/ http://globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/2005/satellitetables2004.htm http://www.fas.org/spp/military/program/com/dscs_3.htm DSP 18 (USA 130) (Defense Support Program) USA 130 USA USA US Air Force Military Earth Observation Infrared Imaging GEO 0.00 "35,780" "35,800" 2.37E-04 0.10 1436.27 "2,380" "1,485" 2/23/1997 5 TRW and Aerojet Electronics Systems USA Cape Canaveral Titan IVB 1997-008A 24737 Infrared sensors to detect heat from missile and booster plumes against earth's background; detection capability of smaller missiles; improved warning of attack by short-range missiles against U.S. and allied forces. JMSatcat304 http://www.af.mil/news/factsheets/Defense_Support_Program_Satel.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html DSP 20 (USA 149) (Defense Support Program) USA 149 USA USA US Air Force Military Earth Observation Infrared Imaging GEO -36.25 "35,897" "35,909" 1.42E-04 4.08 142.08 "2,380" "1,485" 5/18/2000 9 TRW and Aerojet Electronics Systems USA Cape Canaveral Titan IVB 2000-024A 26356 Infrared sensors to detect heat from missile and booster plumes against earth's background; detection capability of smaller missiles; improved warning of attack by short-range missiles against U.S. and allied forces. JM/12_08 http://www.af.mil/news/factsheets/Defense_Support_Program_Satel.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html DSP 21 (USA 159) (Defense Support Program) USA 159 USA USA US Air Force Military Earth Observation Infrared Imaging GEO 69.48 "35,765" "35,810" 5.34E-04 3.68 1436.14 "2,380" "1,485" 8/6/2001 9 TRW and Aerojet Electronics Systems USA Cape Canaveral Titan 4B 2001-033A 26880 Infrared sensors to detect heat from missile and booster plumes against earth's background; detection capability of smaller missiles; improved warning of attack by short-range missiles against U.S. and allied forces. JM/12_08 http://www.spaceline.org/news/titan/dsp-21/dsp-21.html http://www.spaceandtech.com/spacedata/logs/2001/2001-033a_dsp-21_sum.shtml http://www.af.mil/news/factsheets/Defense_Support_Program_Satel.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html DSP 22 (USA 176) (Defense Support Program) USA 176 USA USA US Air Force Military Earth Observation Infrared Imaging GEO 103.84 "35,741" "35,832" 1.08E-03 1.41 1436.12 "2,380" "1,485" 2/14/2004 9 Northrup Grumman (formerly TRW) USA Cape Canaveral Titan 4B 2004-004A 28158 Infrared sensors to detect heat from missile and booster plumes against earth's background; detection capability of smaller missiles; improved warning of attack by short-range missiles against U.S. and allied forces. JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx604.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html D-Star ONE Sparrow D-Star ONE Sparrow Germany Germany German Orbital Systems Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 571 588 1.22E-03 97.70 96.3 4 12/27/2018 German Orbital Systems Germany Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111F 43881 Demonstrate smallsat technologies. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt DSX (Demonstration and Science Experiments) DSX NR (11/19) USA Air Force Research Laboratory Military Technology Development MEO 0.00 "6,004" "12,034" 1.96E-01 42.21 316.9 600 6/25/2019 1 Air Force Research Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036F 44344 Research technologies needed to significantly advance Department of Defense (DoD) capabilities to operate spacecraft in the harsh radiation environment of MEO (Medium-Earth Orbits). JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/d/dsx https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/25/falcon-heavy-launches-on-military-led-rideshare-mission-boat-catches-fairing/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt DubaiSat-2 DubaiSat-2 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Emirates Institution for Advanced Science & Technology (EIAST) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 585 603 1.29E-03 97.80 96.56 300 360 11/21/2013 5 Satrec Initiative South Korea Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2013-066D 39419 Second in series. SC - ASCR http://www.eiast.ae/default.aspx?options={a93e7034-0baa-4e2b-be21-721a4b6feb8e}&view=Article&layout=Article&itemId=160&id=257 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 Duchifat-1 Duchifat-1 NR Israel Herzliya Science Center (HSC) Civil Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 601 623 1.58E-03 97.97 96.93 1 6/19/2014 Herzliya Science Center (HSC) Israel Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033M 40021 http://www.pe0sat.vgnet.nl/satellite/cube-nano-picosats/duchifat-1/ http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n1406/19dnepr/#.VeC_2pdrzhU Duchifat-3 Duchifat-3 NR (3/20) Israel Herzliya Science Centre (HSC) Civil Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 567 577 7.20E-04 36.90 96.1 5 12/11/2019 Herliya Science Center (HSC) Israel Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-089C 44854 JMSatcatc/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/11/indias-50th-pslv-lifts-off-with-satellites-from-five-nations/ https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide DX-1 (Dauria Experimental 1) DX-1 Russia Russia Dauria Aerospace Commercial Communications Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 626 636 7.14E-04 98.40 97.33 27 7/8/2014 Dauria Aerospace Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2014-037C 40071 "First privately-funded Russian satellite, constructed by Dauria Aerospace carrying an AIS (Automatic Identification System) receiver to monitor ships at sea." ZARYA http://spacenews.com/article/features/39609spotlight-dauria-aerospace http://dauriaspace.com/News http://space50.kosmo.cz/objekt.php?mot=2014-037c&jazyk=pp_cz "Eagle-1 (AMC-3, Americom 3, GE-3)" Eagle-1 USA USA Global Eagle Entertainment Commercial Communications GEO -86.96 "35,777" "35,795" 2.13E-04 0.02 1436.08 "2,845" "1,600" "6,500 (EOL)" 9/4/1997 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2AS 1997-050A 24936 "North America, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico" JM/12_08 http://spacenews.com/global-eagles-mystery-satellite-purchase-is-sess-amc-3/ http://ses-americom.com/satellites/amc-3.html http://spacenews.com/sess-amc-9-satellite-drifting-after-anomaly/ http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf Eaglet-1 Eaglet-1 NR Italy OHB Italia Commercial Earth Observation Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 591 1.29E-03 97.70 96.3 4 12/3/2018 OHB Italia Italy Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AJ 43790 Demonstration for 20-satellite constellation; carries AIS. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/sso-a https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt EcAMSat (E. coli Anti Microbial Satellite) EcAMSat USA USA Santa Clara University Government Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 397 408 8.12E-04 51.60 92.6 10 11/20/2017 1 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067NG 43019 Investigate space microgravity effects on the antibiotic resistance of E. coli. JM/11_18 https://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/engineering/projects/ecamsat Echostar 10 Echostar 10 USA USA "Echostar Satellite Services, LLC" Commercial Communications GEO -110.07 "35,780" "35,792" 1.42E-04 0.06 1436 "4,333" "10,000" 2/15/2006 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2006-003A 28935 "Direct-to-home transmission of voice, video and internet." JM/12_08 http://www.dishnetwork.com/content/aboutus/satellites/echoX/index.shtml http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/060216_sea_launch.html http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2006/003A.HTM&act=print http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf Echostar 11 Echostar 11 USA USA "Echostar Satellite Services, LLC" Commercial Communications GEO -109.97 "35,778" "35,793" 1.78E-04 0.03 1436.1 "5,500" "20,000" 7/16/2008 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2008-035A 33207 Direct-to-home television. JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx657.html http://www.space-travel.com/reports/Sea_Launch_Delivers_Echostar_11_To_Orbit_999.html Echostar 14 Echostar 14 USA USA "Echostar Satellite Services, LLC" Commercial Communications GEO -119.00 "35,785" "35,789" 4.74E-05 0.05 1436.11 "6,384" "3,223" "20,000" 3/20/2010 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2010-010A 36499 Direct-to-home over CONUS. SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/I010A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx677.html Echostar 15 Echostar 15 USA USA "Echostar Satellite Services, LLC" Commercial Communications GEO -61.50 "35,789" "35,803" 1.66E-04 0.07 1436.57 "5,521" "20,000" 7/10/2010 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2010-034A 36792 Direct-to-home over CONUS. SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/034A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx681.html Echostar 16 Echostar 16 USA USA "Echostar Satellite Services, LLC" Commercial Communications GEO -61.50 "35,776" "35,796" 2.37E-04 0.05 1436.06 "6,658" "3,228" 11/20/2012 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2012-065A 39008 Direct-to-home over CONUS. SC - ASCR http://spaceflightnow.proton/echostar16/121120launch/#.UOXlbnfjtK1 http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I065A.HTM Echostar 17 Echostar 17 USA USA "Echostar Satellite Services, LLC" Commercial Communications GEO -107.10 "35,781" "35,794" 1.54E-04 0.01 1436.13 "6,100" "16,100" 7/5/2012 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2012-035A 38551 All ka-band communications. ZARYA http://www.spacenews.com/launch/120706-echostar17-healthy.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 Echostar 18 Echostar 18 USA USA "Echostar Satellite Services, LLC" Commercial Communications GEO -109.90 "35,692" "35,788" 1.14E-03 0.08 1436.3 "6,300" 6/19/2016 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2016-039B 41592 First in Echostar's fleet to provide coverage to Cuba. ZARYA http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/19/ariane-5-rocket-hoists-record-commercial-payload-into-orbit/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 Echostar 19 Echostar 19 USA USA "HughesNet leased from Echostar Technologies, LLC" Commercial Communications GEO -97.10 "35,771" "35,796" 2.97E-04 0.20 1436.3 "6,764" 12/18/2016 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2016-079A 41893 "Leased to HughesNet to provide internet to rural areas in US, Central America, Mexico, Canada" JM/1/2017 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/18/atlas-5-rocket-launches-satellite-to-bring-high-speed-internet-to-more-americans/ Echostar 21 (TerreStar 2) Echostar 21 United Kingdom USA "Echostar Satellite Services, LLC" Commercial Communications GEO 10.25 "35,773" "35,799" 3.08E-04 7.35 1436.1 "6,900" 6/7/2017 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2017-032A 42749 "Provide capacity to EchoStar Mobile for commercial wholesalers with a new, advanced network for reliable, IP-based MSS (Mobile Satellite Services) voice and data services in Europe." JM/10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/08/proton-rocket-successfully-returns-to-flight-after-year-long-grounding/ Echostar 23 Echostar 23 USA USA "Echostar Satellite Services, LLC" Commercial Communications GEO -45.00 "35,786" "35,803" 2.02E-04 0.00 1436.1 "5,600" 3/16/2017 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2017-014A 42070 JMSatcat https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/03/16/tv-broadcast-satellite-launched-aboard-falcon-9-rocket/ Echostar 7 Echostar 7 USA USA "Echostar Satellite Services, LLC" Commercial Communications GEO -118.85 "35,782" "35,789" 8.30E-05 0.01 1436.07 "4,027" "2,200" "13,000" 2/21/2002 12 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 3B 2002-006A 27378 "CONUS, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico; 32 Ku-band transponders" JM/12_08 http://www.dishnetwork.com/content/aboutus/satellites/echo7/index.shtml http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf "Echostar 9/Galaxy 23 (G-23, Intelsat 1A-13, Telstar 13)" Echostar 9/Galaxy 23 USA USA "Echostar Satellite Services, LLC/Intelsat " Commercial Communications GEO -121.02 "35,775" "35,797" 2.61E-04 0.01 1436.08 "4,000" "2,500" 8/8/2003 13 Space Systems/Loral USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2003-034A 27854 "24 C-band, 2 Ka-band, 32 Ku-band; additional C-band payload owned and operated by Loral Skynet." JM/12_08 http://www.abcnewsabsat.com/home.html www.spaceflightnow.com/sealaunch/echostar9/status.html http://www.intelsat.com/news/releases/press/2003-26.asp http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html "Echostar G1 (ICO G1, DBSD G1)" Echostar G1 USA USA "Echostar Satellite Services, LLC" Commercial Communications GEO -92.92 "35,773" "35,799" 3.08E-04 5.73 1436.1 "6,600" "16,000" 4/14/2008 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2008-016A 32763 "CONUS, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands. Purchased by Dish Network in 2011. " JM/12_08 http://www.ico.com/_about/tech/geo.php http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx654.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/016A.HTM http://www.spacenews.com/satellite_telecom/120418-boeing-wins-appeal-ico-global-case.html Ecuador-UTE Ecuador-UTE NR (11/19) Ecuador Equator Technological University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 501 562 4.42E-03 97.50 95.2 4 7/5/2019 Equator Technological University Ecuador Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038K 44395 Space weather and ionospheric research mission. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt EDRS-C (European Data Relay System-C) EDRS-C NR (11/19) ESA Airbus Commercial Communications GEO 31.00 "35,782" "35,790" 9.49E-05 0.00 1436.07 "3,186" 8/6/2019 OHB Germany Germany Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2019-049A 44475 Second of four planned platforms. JMGEO/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/06/two-communications-satellites-ride-ariane-5-rocket-into-geostationary-transfer-orbit/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log EgyptSat-A EgyptSat-A NR Egypt National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Science (NARSS) Government Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 652 657 3.56E-04 98.00 98 "2,200" 2/21/2019 11 RKK Energia Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2019-008A 44047 Electro-optical imaging system includes an Earth-viewing telescope and camera that can spot surface features as small as 3.3 feet (1 meter) http://www.russianspaceweb.com/egyptsat-a.html http://www.russianspaceweb.com/egyptsat-a.html https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/02/21/egyptian-observation-satellite-successfully-launched-by-russian-rocket/ "EKS-1 (Integrated Space System, Cosmos 2510, Tundra 11L)" Cosmos 2510 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Early Warning Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "1,606" "38,662" 6.99E-01 63.00 715 11/17/2015 RKK Energia Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1 2015-066A 41032 Replaces the US-OKO early warning system. SC - ASCR http://www.jagranjosh.com/current-affairs/kosmos-2510-the-first-satellite-of-eks-tundra-system-launched-by-russia-1447843740-1 https://www.veooz.com/news/sJ~hBLF.html http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/11/2015-066.html#2015066A "EKS-2 (Integrated Space System, Cosmos 2518, Tundra 12L)" Cosmos 2518 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Early Warning Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "1,650" "38,511" 6.97E-01 63.80 713.8 5/25/2017 RKK Energia Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2017-027A 42719 Second in the EKS series. JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/05/25/russia-sends-military-satellite-into-orbit-for-missile-warnings/ http://russianforces.org/blog/2017/05/launch_of_the_second_satellite.shtml http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "EKS-3 (Integrated Space System, Cosmos 2541, Tundra 13L) " Cosmos 2541 NR (3/20) Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Early Warning Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "1,615" "38,737" 6.99E-01 63.80 717.7 9/26/2019 RKK Energia Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-065A 44552 Third in the EKS series. JMSatCat2_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/09/26/russia-launches-missile-warning-satellite/ http://russianforces.org/cgi-bin/mt/mt-search.cgi?search=Cosmos+2541&IncludeBlogs=1 https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "EKS-4 (Integrated Space System, Cosmos 2546, Tundra 14L)" Cosmos 2546 NR (7/20) Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Early Warning Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "1,659" "38,503" 6.96E-01 63.80 713.9 5/22/2020 RKK Energia Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2020-031A 45608 JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/05/22/soyuz-launches-russian-missile-warning-satellite/ http://russianforces.org/blog/2020/05/fourth_tundra_early-warning_sa.shtml https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt El Camino Real (Momentus X1) El Camino Real NR (11/19) USA Momentus Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 515 543 2.03E-03 97.50 95.2 20 7/5/2019 Momentus USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038Y 44408 Development of a space tug with water propulsion system. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Electro-L1 (GOMS 2 [Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite 2] Electro-L1 Russia Russia Roshydromet - Planeta Government Earth Observation Meteorology GEO 76.00 "35,323" "35,750" 5.09E-03 0.46 1423.35 "1,766" 1/20/2011 10 Lavochkin Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Zenit 2011-001A 37344 "Satellite's position in GEO will yield real-time views of entire Earth disk -- wide swath of Asia, Middle East and Indian Ocean. Will also provide communciations for search-and-rescue services." SC - ASCR http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx687.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/001A.HTM http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/001A.HTM Electro-L2 Electro-L2 Russia Russia Roshydromet - Planeta Government Earth Observation Meteorology GEO -14.50 "35,694" "35,815" 1.44E-03 0.45 1434.47 "1,800" 12/11/2015 10 Lavochkin Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Zenit 2015-074A 41105 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/11/russian-weather-satellite-lifts-off-aboard-zenit-rocket/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-074.html Electro-L3 Electro-L3 NR (3/20) Russia Roshydromet - Planeta Government Earth Observation Meteorology GEO 165.80 "35,372" "35,572" 2.39E-03 0.56 1420.05 "2,094" 12/24/2019 10 Lavochkin Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2019-095A 44903 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/25/russia-launches-geostationary-weather-satellite/ ELFIN-A ELFIN-A USA USA University of California Commercial/Civil Space Science LEO 0.00 443 469 1.90E-03 93.04 93.7 4 9/15/2018 University of California USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2018-070E 43617 Space weather mission. JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/09/15/early-morning-launch-closes-book-on-delta-2-legacy/ ELFIN-Star ELFIN-Star USA USA University of California Commercial/Civil Space Science LEO 0.00 449 465 1.17E-03 93.02 93.7 4 9/15/2018 University of California USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2018-070D 43616 Measure radiation environment in low-earth orbit. JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/09/15/early-morning-launch-closes-book-on-delta-2-legacy/ ELISA-E12 (ELectronic Intelligence by SAtellite) ELISA-E12 France France DGA (Arms Procurement Agency)/Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 675 692 1.21E-03 98.21 98.43 120 12/17/2011 Astrium/Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2/Fregat 2011-076D 38010 In-orbit elint demonstration project. Will identify ground-based radars and other telecommunications sources; to be replaced by operational ELINT system by end of decade. Astronomy News http://www.spacenews.com/military/111216--french-elint-end-decade-start.html http://astronomy.activeboard.com/t13482134/elisa-satellites/ ELISA-E24 (ELectronic Intelligence by SAtellite) ELISA-E24 France France DGA (Arms Procurement Agency)/Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 675 692 1.21E-03 98.21 98.43 120 12/17/2011 Astrium/Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2/Fregat 2011-076B 38008 In-orbit elint demonstration project. Will identify ground-based radars and other telecommunications sources; to be replaced by operational ELINT system by end of decade. Astronomy News http://www.spacenews.com/military/111216--french-elint-end-decade-start.html http://astronomy.activeboard.com/t13482134/elisa-satellites/ ELISA-W11 (ELectronic Intelligence by SAtellite) ELISA-W11 France France DGA (Arms Procurement Agency)/Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 677 692 1.06E-03 98.21 98.45 120 12/17/2011 Astrium/Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2/Fregat 2011-076A 38007 In-orbit elint demonstration project. Will identify ground-based radars and other telecommunications sources; to be replaced by operational ELINT system by end of decade. Astronomy News http://www.spacenews.com/military/111216--french-elint-end-decade-start.html http://astronomy.activeboard.com/t13482134/elisa-satellites/ ELISA-W23 (ELectronic Intelligence by SAtellite) ELISA-W23 France France DGA (Arms Procurement Agency)/Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 677 692 1.06E-03 98.21 98.46 120 12/17/2011 Astrium/Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2/Fregat 2011-076C 38009 In-orbit elint demonstration project. Will identify ground-based radars and other telecommunications sources; to be replaced by operational ELINT system by end of decade. Astronomy News http://www.spacenews.com/military/111216--french-elint-end-decade-start.html http://astronomy.activeboard.com/t13482134/elisa-satellites/ EMISat (Electromagnetic Intelligence-gathering Satellite) EMISat India India Defence Research and Development Organization Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 735 759 1.69E-03 98.30 99.75 436 800 4/1/2019 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018A 44078 "Carries instrumentation to detect, locate and characterize electromagnetic signals, such as those transmitted by military radars." JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "EMKA-1 (Cosmos 2525, Experimental Spacecraft)" Cosmos 2525 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation LEO Polar 0.00 315 318 2.24E-04 96.60 90.8 300 3/29/2018 Unknown Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2018-028A 43243 Thought to be high-resolution surveillance satellite. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/02/mysterious-russian-reconnaissance-satellite-successfully-launched/ EOS-AM Terra Terra USA USA/Canada/Japan Earth Sciences Enterprise (NASA) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 702 703 7.07E-05 98.20 98.8 "4,854" "2,530" 12/18/1999 6 Lockheed Martin USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 2AS 1999-068A 25994 Aathfinusrs for Earth Sciences Gnterprise's 190 Vanelliea LEO gonseallation. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx554.html http://terra.nasa.gov/ EOS-CHEM Aura Aura USA USA Goddard Space Flight Center/EOS Data and Operations System Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 702 703 7.07E-05 98.20 98.8 "2,967" "4,600 (EOL)" 7/15/2004 5 TRW USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2004-026A 28376 "Study Earth's ozone, air quality, and climate; extension of UARS and TOMS missions." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.technewsworld.com/story/35136.html http://aura.gsfc.nasa.gov/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2004/026A.HTM "EOS-PM Aqua (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS, EOS PM-1)" Aqua USA USA/Japan/Brazil National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Earth Science Enterprise/Japan Meteorological Agency/Brazilian Space Agency Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 701 704 2.12E-04 98.20 98.8 "2,934" "2,832" "4,860 (EOL)" 5/4/2002 6 NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency/Equatorial Systems (Brazil) USA/Japan/Brazil Vandenberg AFB Delta 2002-022A 27424 Six-year chronology of the planet and its hydrological processes. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/topstory/2003/0528aqua.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx583.html http://aqua.gsfc.nasa.gov/ http://www.tierramerica.net/2002/0721/iacentos.shtml http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://directory.eoportal.org/pres_AQUA.html EquiSat EquiSat USA USA Brown University Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 398 407 6.64E-04 51.60 92.6 2 7/13/2018 Brown University USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067PA 43552 EQUiSat tests a new battery technology called lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) for use in future NASA missions. JMSatcat/11_18 https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/2576.html https://brownspace.org/equisat/ "ERG (Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace, Arase)" ERG Japan Japan Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Government Space Science Elliptical 0.00 460 "33,200" 7.06E-01 31.00 580 350 750 12/20/2016 1 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Japan Uchinoura Space Center Epsilon 2016-080A 41896 Study of the Van Allen belts. EOPortal http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/20/research-platform-launched-to-brave-van-allen-radiation-belts/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/erg EROS B1 (Earth Resources Observation Satellite) EROS B-1 NR Israel "ImageSat International, NV/Ministry of Defense" Military/Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 508 514 4.36E-04 97.40 94.8 350 800 4/25/2006 10 Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) Israel Svobodny Cosmodrome Start 1 2006-014A 29079 "High resolution imaging satellite; obtain images (with resolution of 0.82 meters) of locations chosen by Israeli military or worldwide commercial clients; in Jan. 2001 Ministry of Defense bought rights to all imaging of Israel and territories within 2,000 km around Israel." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spaceandtech.com/spacedata/logs/2003/erosb1_sumpub.shtml ESEO (European Student Earth Orbiter) ESEO ESA ESA European University Network Civil Earth Observation/Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 588 1.15E-03 97.70 96.3 45 12/3/2018 Carlo Gavazzi Space (CGS) working with network of universities Italy Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AL 43792 ESA-sponsored project with European network of universities. See sources. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/eseo https://www.esa.int/Education/ESEO/About_ESEO_-_the_European_Student_Earth_Orbiter https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Es'hail-1 Es'hail-1 France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A./Es'hailSat Commercial Communications GEO 25.50 "35,725" "35,767" 4.99E-04 0.08 1434.03 8/29/2013 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2013-044A 39233 "Partnership between Eutelsat and the Doha-based Es’hailSat, the Qatar Satellite Company - the first of a planned fleet for Qatar. In 2018 Eutelsat sold its interest in the satellite to Es'hailSat, now the sole owner." ZARYA http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/launch-success-for-eutelsat-25beshail-1-satellite-221732591.html http://www.satellitetoday.com/publications/2013/08/30/arianespace-orbits-eutelsat-25beshail-1-and-gsat-7-successfully/ http://www.arianespace.com/news-mission-update/2013/1094.asp https://news.eutelsat.com/pressreleases/disposal-of-eutelsats-interest-in-eutelsat-25b-satellite-2626608 Es'hail-2 Es'hail-2 NR Qatar Es’hailSat Military/Commercial Communications GEO 26.00 "35,788" "35,798" 1.19E-04 0.10 1436.1 "5,300" 11/15/2018 15 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2018-090A 43700 "Communications satellite carrying special non-specified military package; equipped with ""sophisticated anti-jamming capabilities.""" JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/15/spacex-launches-qatars-eshail-2-communications-satellite/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html ESPASat (USA 286) USA 286 NR (3/20) USA Air Force Research Laboratory Military Technology Development GEO 77.46 "35,244" "35,306" 7.44E-04 1.95 1410.06 4/22/2018 Air Force Research Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2018-036F 43446 Air Force space situational awareness project. JMGEO/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/15/multi-satellite-stack-hoisted-into-high-altitude-orbit-by-atlas-5-rocket/ E-TBEx A (Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment) E-TBEx A NR (11/19) USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Technology Development Elliptical 0.00 298 845 3.94E-02 28.50 96.10 4 6/25/2019 SRI International USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036K 44348 Gather atmospheric data and study how space weather impacts our communication and navigation systems.  JMSatcat/11_19 http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=54424 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/25/falcon-heavy-launches-on-military-led-rideshare-mission-boat-catches-fairing/ E-TBEx B (Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment) E-TBEx B NR (11/19) USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Technology Development Elliptical 0.00 305 846 3.89E-02 28.50 96.10 4 6/25/2019 SRI International USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036W 44359 JMSatcat/11_19 http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=54424 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/25/falcon-heavy-launches-on-military-led-rideshare-mission-boat-catches-fairing/ ETRSS-1 ETRSS-1 NR (3/20) Ethiopia Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 615 634 1.36E-03 97.90 97.10 70 12/20/2019 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2019-093B 44880 Ethiopia's first satellite. Remote sensing. JMSatcat/3_20 https://africanews.space/ethiopia-launches-first-satellite-named-etrss-1-from-china/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/21/china-launches-environmental-satellite-built-in-cooperation-with-brazil/ Eu:CROPIS (Euglena and Combined Regenerative Organic-Food Production in Space) Eu:CROPIS Germany Germany German Aerospace Center (DLR) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 591 1.37E-03 97.70 96.3 230 12/3/2018 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Germany Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099BB 43807 "Two greenhouses for experimental growth of food in space, or Mars/Moon." JMSatcat/3_19 https://www.dlr.de/dlr/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-10081/151_read-17874/#/gallery/23027 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sso-a https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Eutelsat 10A (Eutelsat W-2A) Eutelsat 10A France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 10.00 "35,781" "35,822" 4.86E-04 0.03 1436.09 "5,900" 4/3/2009 15 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2009-016A 34710 "46 Ku-band, 10 C-band transponders, S-band not in service due to anomaly." JM/7_09 http://www.eutelsat.com/news/media_library/brochures/W2A-flyer.pdf http:/nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx666.html Eutelsat 113 West A (Satmex 6) Eutelsat 113 West A Mexico Multinational EUTELSAT Americas Commercial Communications GEO -113.00 "35,776" "35,796" 2.37E-04 0.03 1436.1 "5,456" "2,310" "12,690 (EOL)" 5/27/2006 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2006-020A 29162 "36 C-band, 24 Ku-band; CONUS, NAFTA, South America, Hawaii, Caribbean" JM/12_08 http://www.arianespace.com/site/news/mission_up_304.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx631.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/020A.HTM Eutelsat 115 West B Eutensat 115 West B NR Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -114.90 "35,789" "35,789" 0.00E+00 0.00 1436 3/2/2015 15 Boeing Defense and Space USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2015-010B 40425 First all-electric satellite in Eutelsat's fleet. Approximation http://www.eutelsat.com/en/satellites/future-satellites/EUTELSAT-115WB.html http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/03/17/innovative-satellites-begin-maneuvers-with-all-electric-thrusters/ "Eutelsat 117 West A (Eutelsat 8 West C, Satmex 8)" Eutelsat 117 West A Mexico Multinational EUTELSAT Americas Commercial Communications GEO -116.80 "35,779" "35,795" 1.90E-04 0.02 1436.1 "5,474" "2,317" "12,690 (EOL)" 3/26/2013 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2013-012A 39122 "24 C-band, 40 Ku-band." SC - ASCR http://www.ssloral.com/html/satexp/satmex8.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I012A.HTM Eutelsat 117 West B (Satmex 9) Eutelsat 117 West B Mexico Multinational EUTELSAT Americas Commercial Communications GEO -116.80 "35,779" "35,795" 1.90E-04 0.02 1436.1 "5,500" "2,300" "13,000" 6/15/2016 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2016-038B 41589 Fathfinusrs for Gmericas's 20-116.8 Capellico GEO conscollation. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/15/spacex-successfully-fires-satellites-into-orbit-but-loses-booster-on-landing/ "Eutelsat 12 West B (Eutelsat 8 West A, Atlantic Bird 2) " Eutelsat 12 West B France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -12.50 "35,766" "35,806" 4.74E-04 0.06 1436.1 "3,150" "1,368" "7,400" 9/25/2001 15 Alcatel Space Industries France Guiana Space Center Ariane 4 2001-042A 26927 European and American coverage. JM/12_08 www.eutelsat.com www.space.com/missionlaunches/ariane_launch_010925.html http://www.eutelsat.com/satellites/4_1.html http://blog.idirect.net/eutelsat-relocating-two-satellites-now-that-eutelsat-8-west-b-is-active/ "Eutelsat 133 West A (Eutelsat 33C, Eutelsat 28A, Eurobird 1, Eurosat 1)" Eutelsat 133 West A France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -133.00 "35,788" "35,794" 7.12E-05 0.07 1436.1 "2,950" "1,375" "5,900" 3/8/2001 12 Alcatel Space Industries France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2001-011A 26719 Twenty-four channels; Western and Central Europe as far west as Canary Islands. JM/12_08 http://www.eutelsat.com/satellites/4_1.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Eutelsat 16A (Eutelsat W3C) Eutelsat 16A France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 16.00 "35,779" "35,795" 1.90E-04 0.20 1436.12 "5,400" 10/7/2011 Thales Alenia Space France Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2011-057A 37836 53 Ku and three Ka transponders; will provide capacity for broadcasting and telecom/data services to Central Europe and Indian Ocean islands. Will support digital video broadcasting markets while coverage of Africa stretching from Senegal to South Africa will serve data and telecom markets. JM/1_12 http://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2011/11/04/new-eutelsat-birds-to-meet-growing-demand/ http://www.eutelsat.com/satellites/16e-W3C.html http://advanced-television.com/index.php/2011/10/04/eutelsat-expands-eurobird-slot/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/057A.HTM Eutelsat 172B Eutelsat 172B France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 172.00 "35,772" "35,816" 5.22E-04 0.00 1436.1 "3,600" 6/1/2017 15 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany/Spain Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2017-029B 42741 Uses xenon-ion propulsion. Working its way to GEO as of 10/15/2017. JM/10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/02/ariane-5-succeeds-in-launch-of-two-high-value-communications-satellites/ "Eutelsat 174A (GE-23, AMC-23, Worldsat 3, Americom 23)" Eutelsat 174A USA Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 172.06 "35,772" "35,799" 3.20E-04 0.01 1436.1 "5,000" "13,000" 12/29/2005 16 Alcatel Alenia Space France/Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2005-052A 28924 "Hybrid C/Ku-band satellite. 20 Ku-band, 18 C-band transponders. Broadcast, Internet, business; Ku-band tailored to broadband for Boeing Connexion; Pacific region." JM/12_08 http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2006/1January2006_7.html http://www.ses-global.com/ses-global/siteSections/mediaroom/Latest_News/29_12_05/index.php http://www.sat-ge.com/pages/ourcompany.htm http://www.defense-aerospace.com/cgi-bin/client/modele.pl?prod=31819&session=dae.17286678.1139512222.Q@uTnsOa9dUAAEubvqk&modele=jdc_1 http://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2007/06/18/sat-ge-to-offer-satellite-capacity-across-the-pacific/ "Eutelsat 21B (Eutelsat 48B, Eutelsat W-6A)" Eutelsat 21B France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 21.50 "35,777" "35,797" 2.37E-04 0.09 1436.12 "5,102" "2,060" 11/10/2012 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2012-062B 38992 "Increased capacity for data, video and government services." SC - ASCR http://www.space-travel.com/reports/Ariane_5_orbits_Eutelsat_21B_and_Star_One_C3_satellites_999.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I062B.HTM "Eutelsat 33E (Hot Bird 13D, Eutelsat 3C, Hot Bird 10, Atlantic Bird 4A)" Eutelsat 33E France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 33.00 "35,766" "35,806" 4.74E-04 0.06 1436.07 "4,892" "2,240" "11,000" 2/11/2009 15 EADS Astrium France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2009-008B 33750 64 Ku-band transponders. SC - ASCR http://www.atrexx.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=news&newsid=1401 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx664.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/008B.HTM "Eutelsat 36A (Eutelsat 48E, Eutelsat W-4) " Eutelsat 36A France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 36.09 "35,766" "35,806" 4.74E-04 0.07 1436.08 "3,190" "1,380" "6,000" 5/24/2000 12 Alcatel Space Industries France Cape Canaveral Atlas 3A 2000-028A 26369 "Thirty-one operational channels, Western Russia, majoritiy of central and southern Afirca." JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.eutelsat.com/satellites/4_1.html Eutelsat 36B (Eutelsat W-7) Eutelsat 36B France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 36.00 "35,786" "35,787" 1.19E-05 0.07 1436.09 "5,600" "13,200" 11/24/2009 15 Thales Alenia Space France Baikonur Cosmodrome Breeze M 2009-065A 36101 "70 Ku-band transponders; serving Europe, Russia, Africa, Middle East and Central Asia." SC - ASCR http://www.eutelsat.com/news/compress/en/2009/html/PR-6309-W7/PR-6309-W7.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/065A.HTM Eutelsat 3B Eutelsat 3B France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 3.00 "35,782" "35,791" 1.07E-04 0.07 1436.1 "5,967" 5/26/2014 15 Airbus Defense and Space France Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2014-030A 39773 51 transponders. Replaces Eutelsat 3D at 3 East. http://www.eutelsat.com/files/contributed/news/media_library/brochures/Fiche%20E3B%28GB%29_05.2014.pdf http://www.sea-launch.com/missions/11387/13535 "Eutelsat 5 West A (Atlantic Bird 3, Stellat 5)" Eutelsat 5 West A France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -4.93 "35,769" "35,805" 4.27E-04 0.04 1436.08 "4,050" "1,805" "11,000" 7/5/2002 15 Alcatel Space Industries France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2002-035A 27460 "45 transponders; Ku and C-band frequencies, Americas, Europe and Africa." JM/12_08 www.eutelsat.com www.lyngsat.com/tracker/ab3.shtml http://www.eutelsat.com/satellites/4_1.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.arianespace.com/site/news/espace/e.space176.fr.pdf Eutelsat 5 West B Eutelsat 5 West B NR (3/20) Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -5.00 "35,783" "35,787" 4.74E-05 0.06 1436.01 "2,864" 10/9/2019 15 Northrup Grumman Innovation Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2019-067A 44624 "Also hosts a geostationary orbit node for the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System, or EGNOS, to beam GPS and Galileo navigation augmentation signals to improve position accuracy and reliability." JMGeo/2_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/10/successful-proton-launch-deploys-eutelsat-satellite-first-mission-extension-vehicle/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.txt Eutelsat 65 West A Eutelsat 65 West A France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -65.00 "35,776" "35,796" 2.37E-04 0.08 1436.07 "6,654" "16,000" 3/9/2016 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2016-014A 41382 Launched in time to cover Rio Olympics. Will serve primarily Latin America. Space50 http://www.eutelsat.com/en/satellites/EUTELSAT-65WA.html http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/03/09/communications-satellite-launched-to-cover-rio-olympics/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-014A Eutelsat 7 West A (Atlantic Bird 7) Eutelsat 7 West A France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A./Nilesat Commercial Communications GEO -7.00 "35,774" "35,799" 2.97E-04 0.06 1436.09 "4,600" "12,000" 9/24/2011 15 Astrium France Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2011-051A 37816 Replaces Atlantic Bird 4A at 7 West. JM/1_12 http://www.eutelsat.com/satellites/7w-ab7.html http://www.astrium.eads.net/en/programme/atlantic-bird-7.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40//2011/051A.HTM Eutelsat 70B (Eutelsat W5A) Eutelsat 70B France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 70.00 "35,780" "35,800" 2.37E-04 0.06 1436.28 "5,250" 12/3/2012 15 EADS Astrium France Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2012-069A 39020 Replaced Eutelsat 70A. SC - ASCR http://www.eutelsat.com/en/satellites/the-fleet/EUTELSAT-48C.html http://spaceref.biz/2012/12/eutelsat-70b-launched-by-sea-launch.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I069A.HTM Eutelsat 7A (Eutelsat W3A) Eutelsat 7A France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 7.06 "35,769" "35,802" 3.91E-04 0.06 1436.07 "4,300" "2,000" 3/15/2004 15 Astrium France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2004-008A 28187 58 Ku-band transponders; covers whole of sub-Saharan Africa and provides connectivity to Europe and Middle East. JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.eutelsat.com/satellites/4_1.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx605.html Eutelsat 7B Eutelsat 7B France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 7.00 "35,784" "35,794" 1.19E-04 0.03 1436.21 "5,404" 5/14/2013 15 Thales Alenia Space France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2013-022A 39163 53 Ku-band and three Ka-band transponders. ZARYA http://www.eutelsat.com/en/satellites/the-fleet/EUTELSAT-3D.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.ilslaunch.com/mission-control/mission-eutelsat-3d http://www.space.com/21164-russian-rocket-telecom-satellite-launch.html Eutelsat 7C Eutelsat 7C France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 7.00 "35,678" "35,702" 2.85E-04 0.00 1436 "3,400" 6/20/2019 15 Maxar Technologies USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2019-034B 44334 All electric. Less fuel load but longer transit time to orbital position. JMGeo/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/20/two-commercial-broadcast-satellites-launched-on-ariane-5-rocket/ https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/06/ariane-5-att-t-16-eutelsat-7c/ https://planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Eutelsat 8 West B Eutelsat 8 West B France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A./Nilesat Commercial Communications GEO -8.00 "35,773" "35,814" 4.86E-04 0.10 1436.1 "5,800" 8/20/2015 15 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2015-039B 40875 Shared by Eutelsat and Nilesat. JM/8_15 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/08/ariane-5-dual-launch-eutelsat-8-west-b-intelsat-34/ Eutelsat 9B (Hot Bird 13E) Eutelsat 9B France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 9.00 "35,780" "35,792" 1.42E-04 0.08 1436.06 "5,200" 1/29/2016 15 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2016-005A 41310 "Carries a laser terminal that is the first of at least two planned for the European Data Relay System (EDRS-A), a public-private partnership with a budget of about 500 million euros ($545 million)." Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/01/30/european-communications-relay-satellite-launched-by-proton-rocket/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-005A https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/06/two-communications-satellites-ride-ariane-5-rocket-into-geostationary-transfer-orbit/ Eutelsat Hot Bird 13B (Hot Bird 8) Eutelsat Hot Bird 13B France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 13.08 "35,759" "35,812" 6.29E-04 0.02 1436.06 "4,900" "14,000" 8/4/2006 15 EADS Space France/UK/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton/Breeze M 2006-032A 29270 64 Ku-band transponders. JM/12_08 http://www.eutelsat.com/news/compress/en/2006/pdf/PR3506HB8.pdf http://www.eutelsat.com/satellites/3_1.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/032A.HTM Eutelsat Hot Bird 13C (Hot Bird 9) Eutelsat Hot Bird 13C France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 13.00 "35,786" "35,787" 1.19E-05 0.06 1436.09 "4,880" "2,338" "14,500" 12/20/2008 15 EADS Astrium France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2008-065A 33459 64 Ku-band transponders. JM/12_08 http://www.eutelsat.com/news/compress/en/2008/pdf/PR%204508%20HB9%20-%20W2M%20launch.pdf "Eutelsat Hot Bird 13E (Eutelsat 9A, Eurobird 9A, Hot Bird 7A)" Eutelsat Hot Bird 13E France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 13.00 "35,775" "35,799" 2.85E-04 0.07 1436.1 "4,100" "1,740" "10,000" 3/11/2006 15 Alcatel Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2006-007B 28945 38 Ku-band transponders. JM/12_08 http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2006/I007B.HTM http://www.selkirkshire.demon.co.uk/analoguesat/hotbird7A.html http://www.digitalsat.co.uk/hotbird7afootprint.html Eutelsat KA-SAT 9A (KA-SAT) Eutelsat KA-SAT 9A France Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 9.00 "35,714" "35,856" 1.68E-03 0.13 1436.01 "6,150" "3,200" "11,000" 12/26/2010 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2010-069A 37258 First satellite with exclusively Ka-band communications payload. SC - ASCR http://www.eutelsat.com/satellites/9e_ka-sat.html http://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2010/12/27/ils-successfully-puts-eutelsat%E2%80%99s-ka-sat-in-orbit/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/069A.HTM Eutelsat Konnect Eutelsat Konnect NR (3/20) Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 14.00 "35,700" "35,700" 0.00E+00 0.00 1436 "3,618" 1/16/2020 15 Thales Alenia Space France/UK/Germany/Spain Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2020-005B 45027 "All electric - Eutelsat Konnect is the first spacecraft built on the new Spacebus Neo satellite bus, which was developed by Thales with funding from the European Space Agency and the French government, including the French space agency, CNES." JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/01/16/arianespace-opens-busy-year-with-successful-ariane-5-launch/ exactView 1 exactView 1 Canada Canada exactEarth Commercial Communications Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 806 821 1.04E-03 99.00 101.2 100 7/22/2012 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2012-039C 38709 "Automatic Identification System (AIS) satellite; real-time data on the locations, speeds and routes of vessels throughout the world’s oceans." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.sstl.co.uk/news-and-events?story=2046 http://www10.giscafe.com/nbc/articles/1/1107193/exactEarth-announces-successful-launch-EV-1-satellite-with-Advanced-AIS-detection-payload http://www.dailywireless.org/2012/07/25/exactearth-launches-ais-satellite/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 exactView 6 (AprizeSat 6) exactView 6 Canada Canada exactEarth Commercial Communications Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 627 694 4.76E-03 98.20 98 12 12 8/17/2011 SpaceQuest USA Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2011-044F 37793 Continuation of constellation. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/044F.HTM http://www.aprizesat.com/technology.php exactView 9 exactView 9 NR Canada exactEarth Commercial Communications Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Equatorial 0.00 630 649 1.36E-03 6.00 97.5 6 6 9/28/2015 Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) Canada Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C-30 2015-052G 40936 Continuation of constellation. JM/12_15 http://utias-sfl.net/?p=2276 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt eXCITE (eXperiment for Cellular Integration Technology) eXCITE NR USA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Military Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 569 588 1.37E-03 97.70 96.3 155 12/3/2018 NovaWurks USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099BP 43819 Demonstration of satlets technology. JMSatcat/3_19 https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/12/10/1664436/0/en/NovaWurks-eXCITe-Spacecraft-Successfully-Deployed-from-Spaceflight-s-Historic-SSO-A-SmallSat-Express.html https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sso-a https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Exoconnect (D-Star One) Exoconnect Germany Germany German Orbital Systems Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 514 547 2.39E-03 97.50 95.2 1 7/5/2019 German Orbital Systems Germany Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038AA 44410 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Express 103 Express 103 NR (7/20) Russia Russian Satellite Communications Company Commercial Communications GEO 96.50 "35,781" "35,785" 4.74E-05 0.10 1436.1 "2,150" 7/30/2020 15 ISS Reshetnev/Thales Alenia Space Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2020-053B 45986 Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/07/30/proton-rocket-lifts-off-with-two-russian-express-comsats/ Express 80 Express 80 NR (7/20) Russia Russian Satellite Communications Company Commercial Communications GEO 80.00 "35,781" "35,785" 4.74E-05 0.10 1436.1 "2,150" 7/30/2020 15 ISS Reshetnev/Thales Alenia Space Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2020-053A 45985 Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/07/30/proton-rocket-lifts-off-with-two-russian-express-comsats/ Express AMU1 (Eutelsat 36C) Express AMU1 Russia Russia Russian Satellite Communications Company Commercial Communications GEO 36.00 "35,792" "35,795" 3.56E-05 0.10 1436.1 "2,700" 12/24/2015 15 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2015-082A 41191 Pathfinfrrs for Russian Satelite Communications Gntersputnik's 2036 Baiellico GEO conscollation. prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/24/proton-rocket-to-launch-russian-european-comsat/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-082.html Express-AM3 Express-AM3 Russia Russia Russian Satellite Communications Company Commercial Communications GEO 103.00 "35,777" "35,795" 2.13E-04 0.09 1436.1 "2,600" "4,200" 6/24/2005 12 NPO-PM/Alcatel Russia/France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 2005-023A 28707 "16 C-band, 12 Ku-band; 1 L-band; video and radio transmissions to all of Russia." JM/12_08 http://www.rscc.ru/en/satellite/zones/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa/gov/spacewarn/spx620/html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/I023A.HTM http://eng.rscc.ru/100/177/503.html Express-AM33 Express-AM33 Russia Russia Russian Satellite Communications Company Commercial Communications GEO 96.53 "35,782" "35,791" 1.07E-04 0.05 1436.1 "2,600" 1/28/2008 12 NPO-PM/Thales Alenia Space Russia/France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2008-003A 32478 "10 C-band, 16 Ku-band; 1 L-band; Russian Federation and Asian Pacific region." JM/12_08 http://www.rscc.ru/en/news/news/2008.01.28.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/003A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa/gov/spacewarn/spx651.html Express-AM44 Express-AM44 Russia Russia Russian Satellite Communications Company Commercial Communications GEO -11.00 "35,987" "35,995" 9.44E-05 0.11 1446.57 "2,532" 2/11/2009 12 NPO-PM/Thales Alenia Space Russia/France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2009-007A 33595 "16 Ku-band; 10 C-band, 1 L-band transponder." SC - ASCR http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/sfn-090210-proton-satellite-launch.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx664.html http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/sfn-090210-proton-satellite-launch.html Express-AM5 Express-AM5 Russia Russia Russian Satellite Communications Company Commercial Communications GEO 140.00 "35,420" "35,940" 6.18E-03 0.08 1430.6 "3,400" 12/26/2013 15 OAO-ISS Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2013-077A 39487 "Commercial comsat to cover western Russia. Services include provide mobile presidential and governmental communications, digital television and radio broadcasting services, multimedia services (telephony, videoconferencing, data transmission, access to the Internet) and VSAT networks." SC - ASCR http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2013/077A.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 Express-AM6 (Eutelsat 53A) Express-AM6 Russia Russia Russian Satellite Communications Company Commercial Communications GEO 53.00 "34,094" "37,636" 4.19E-02 0.53 1440.09 "3,358" "1,100" "14,000" 10/21/2014 15 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2014-064A 40277 New and improved version of Express-AM5 ZARYA http://www.russianspaceweb.com/ekspress-am6.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Express-AM7 Express-AM7 Russia Russia Russian Satellite Communications Company Commercial Communications GEO 40.00 "35,777" "35,796" 2.25E-04 0.01 1436.1 "5,720" "18,000" 3/18/2015 15 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2015-012A 40505 JM/8_15 http://eng.rscc.ru/space/now/146/34/ Express-AM8 Express-AM8 Russia Russia Russian Satellite Communications Company Commercial Communications GEO -14.00 "35,784" "35,788" 4.74E-05 0.03 1436.09 "2,100" 9/14/2015 15 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton DM 2015-048A 40895 JM/12_15) http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/09/14/proton-rocket-takes-off-with-express-am8-communications-bird/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Express-AT1 Express-AT1 Russia Russia Russian Satellite Communications Company Commercial Communications GEO 56.00 "35,781" "35,804" 2.73E-04 0.06 1436.4 "1,726" 3/15/2014 15 OAO-ISS Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2014-010A 39612 "Russian domestic comsat providing fixed and mobile satellite communications, data services, broadband, software distribution and TV to Russia and neighboring countries." SC - ASCR http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2014/INDEX1.HTM Express-AT2 Express-AT2 Russia Russia Russian Satellite Communications Company Commercial Communications GEO 140.00 "35,609" "35,715" 1.26E-03 0.10 1429.75 "1,427" 3/15/2014 15 OAO-ISS Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2014-010B 39613 "Russian domestic comsat providing fixed and mobile satellite communications, data services, broadband, software distribution and TV to Russia and neighboring countries." SC - ASCR http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2014/INDEX1.HTM "ExSeedSat-1 (Vusat Oscar 96, VO96)" ExSeedSat-1 NR India Exseed Space Commercial Communications Amateur Radio LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 588 1.15E-03 97.70 96.3 4 12/3/2018 2 Amateur Radio enthusiasts India Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099T 43775 Provide a multifunction UHF/VHF amateur radio satellite. JMSatcat/3_19) http://www.arrl.org/news/exseedsat-designated-as-vo-96 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/sso-a https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Eyesat Eyesat NR (3/20) ESA CNES (Centre national d'études spatiales) Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 507 524 1.23E-03 97.40 94.9 5 12/18/2019 CNES France Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2019-092E 44877 "Astronomy mission to study the zodiacal light and imaging of the Milky Way developed by students. A scientific objective is to observe the zodiacal light in the visible range, polarized and unpolarized light and make a deep and comprehensive picture of the Milky Way in color. The second objective is to embed new technologies in order to make the technology demonstration." JMSatcat/3_20 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY/viwrecgNj5pECsxOs/recYs7oRzeiGPHs7K?blocks=hide https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/18/soyuz-launches-italian-radar-satellite-esa-exoplanet-telescope/ FACSAT-1 FACSAT-1 Colombia Colombia Colombian Air Force Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 95 5 11/29/2018 GomSpace Denmark Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096C 43721 Colombian Air Force's first earth observation satellite. JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ https://gomspace.com/home.aspx Falconsat-3 Falconsat-3 USA USA US Air Force Academy Military/Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 538 540 1.45E-04 35.40 95.4 46 3/9/2007 US Air Force Academy USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2007-006E 30776 Air Force Academy’s first attempt at achieving three axis attitude determination and control (ADCS). FalconSAT-3 will carry three payloads to conduct DoD research. When primary mission completed amateur radio payload will be activated. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2007/006E.HTM http://www.southgatearc.org/news/march2007/falconsat_3_launched.htm Falconsat-6 Falconsat-6 NR USA US Air Force Academy Military/Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 591 1.37E-03 97.70 96.3 181 12/3/2018 US Air Force Academy USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099BK 43815 Carries 5 payloads for technology development testing. JMSatcat/3_19 https://gazette.com/military/air-force-cadet-built-satellite-falconsat--blasts-off-with/article_c32114a6-f72e-11e8-964e-232a7562523e.html https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Falconsat-7 Falconsat-7 USA USA US Air Force Academy Military/Civil Technology Development Elliptical 0.00 305 850 3.92E-02 28.50 96.2 5 6/25/2019 US Air Force Academy USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036J 44347 "3U CubeSat solar observatory in LEO (Low Earth Orbit), first spaceborne membrane telescope." JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/f/falconsat-7 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/25/falcon-heavy-launches-on-military-led-rideshare-mission-boat-catches-fairing/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Falconsat-8 Falconsat-8 NR (7/20) USA US Air Force Academy Military/Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 389 389 0.00E+00 45.00 92.3 136 5/17/2020 US Air Force Academy USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2020-029B 45610 Suite of five scientific experiments and tech demo payloads. JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/05/17/upgraded-x-37b-spaceplane-rockets-into-orbit-aboard-atlas-5-launcher/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "FAST 1 (Sara Lilly and Emma, USA 222)" USA 222 USA USA University of Texas - Austin Military/Civil Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 627 654 1.93E-03 71.97 97.54 55 11/20/2010 University of Texas - Austin USA Kodiak Launch Complex Minotaur 4 2010-062F 37227 Consists of two satellites that will be launched together -- Sara Lily and Emma. SC - ASCR http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/062F.HTM http://fastrac.ae.utexas.edu/our_project/mission.php Fengmaniu-1 (FMN-1) Fengmaniu-1 China China Link Space Aerospace Technology Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 440 508 4.97E-03 97.20 94 3 15 2/2/2018 Link Space Aerospace Technology China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-015A 43192 Development of miniaturized cameras. Will also serve as a repeater for amateur radio. JMSatcat/5-18 http://dk3wn.info/blog/satelliten/fengmaniu-1-fmn-1/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/02/02/china-lofts-earthquake-research-craft-with-cluster-of-smaller-satellites/ Fengniao 1A (Hummingbird 1A) Fengniao 1A NR China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 488 500 8.74E-04 97.35 94.49 160 11/20/2012 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 2012-064B 38998 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012#end Fengyun 2F (FY-2F) Fengyun 2F China China China Meteorological Administration Government Earth Observation Earth Science GEO 112.00 "35,760" "35,816" 6.64E-04 2.19 1436.19 "1,390" 620 1/12/2012 3 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3A 2012-002A 38049 Meteorological; weather forecasting and disaster reduction. JM/5_12 http://www.dragoninspace.com/earth-observation/fengyun2.aspx http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1201/13longmarch/ http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/01/china-launch-again-long-march-3a-launches-fengyun-2f/ https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-07/ioap-ndw071019.php Fengyun 2G (FY 2G) Fengyun 2G NR China China Meteorological Administration Government Earth Observation Earth Science GEO 99.50 "35,770" "35,800" 3.56E-04 2.27 1436.02 "1,390" 620 12/31/2014 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3A 2014-090A 40367 "Meteorological; imaging and climate monitoring satellite, replacement for FY 2D." ZARYA http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/12/china-ends-2014-long-march-3a-launch-fengyun-2g/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-07/ioap-ndw071019.php Fengyun 2H (FY 2H) Fengyun 4H China China China Meteorological Administration Government Earth Observation Meteorology GEO 79.00 "35,770" "35,804" 4.03E-04 2.08 1436.1 "1,380" 6/5/2018 5 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3A 2018-050A 43491 JM/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/06/05/chinese-weather-satellite-successfully-boosted-into-orbit/ https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-07/ioap-ndw071019.php Fengyun 3B (FY-3B) Fengyun 3B China China China Meteorological Administration Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 827 828 6.95E-05 98.80 101.5 "2,300" 11/4/2010 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2010-059A 37214 Meteorological. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/059A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx685.html https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-07/ioap-ndw071019.php Fengyun 3C (FY-3C) Fengyun 3C China China China Meteorological Administration Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 827 828 6.95E-05 98.81 101.45 "2,300" 9/23/2013 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2013-052A 39260 Meteorological. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.spaceflight101.com/china-long-march-4c-fengyun-3c-launch.html http://www.nsmc.cma.gov.cn/newsite/NSMC_EN/Channels/100090.html https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-07/ioap-ndw071019.php Fengyun 3D (FY-3D) Fengyun 3D China China China Meteorological Administration Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 803 812 6.27E-04 98.60 101.1 "2,300" 11/14/2017 8 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2017-072A 43010 "First remote sensing satellite to transmit and receive data through Antarctic ground stations, allowing weather observations to more quickly reach forecasters. Ninety percent of Fengyun 3D’s observations will be transmitted back to China within 80 minutes, according to CMA." JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/14/chinese-weather-satellite-launched-into-polar-orbit/ http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/iwwg/iww14/talks/01_Monday/1130_IWW14_CMA_Ops_Zhang.pdf https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-07/ioap-ndw071019.php Fengyun 4A (FY 4A) Fengyun 4A China China China Meteorological Administration Government Earth Observation Meteorology GEO 105.00 "35,768" "35,800" 3.80E-04 0.02 1436 "5,300" 12/10/2016 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2016-077A 41882 New generation of meteorological satellite. JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/11/new-generation-geostationary-weather-satellite-launched-by-china/ https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-07/ioap-ndw071019.php Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope (formerly GLAST) Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/GSFC Government Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 537 556 1.37E-03 25.60 95.60 "4,303" 6/11/2008 General Dynamics USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2008-029A 33053 "Will study the cosmos in the photon energy range of 8,000 electronvolts (8 keV) to greater than 300 billion electronvolts (300 GeV)." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/GLAST/main/index.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/INDEX1.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx656.html "FIA Radar 1 (Future Imagery Architecture (FIA) Radar 1, NROL-41, USA 215, Topaz)" USA 215 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,101" "1,107" 4.01E-04 122.99 107.35 9/21/2010 National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2010-046A 37162 Amateur observers speculate that this is part of the FIA. SC - ASCR http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/046A.HTM&act=print http://www.satobs.org/seesat/Oct-2010/0008.html http://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/systems/fia.htm http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/11/washington/11satellite.html?_r=1&pagewanted=1#step1 "FIA Radar 2 (Future Imagery Architecture (FIA) Radar 2, NROL-25, USA 234, Topaz)" USA 234 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,068" "1,107" 2.61E-03 123.00 107.00 4/3/2012 National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 4 2012-014A 38109 Amateur observers speculate that this is part of the FIA. http://sattrackcam.blogspot.com/2012/04/fia-radar-2-nrol-25-observed-with-video.html http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2012/04/09/nrol_25_spy_satellite_launched_by_national_reconnaissance_office_.html http://www.zarya.info/Gallimaufry/FIARadar.php http://planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.656 "FIA Radar 3 (Future Imagery Architecture (FIA) Radar 3, NROL-39 , USA 247, Topaz)" USA 247 NR USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,066" "1,081" 1.01E-03 123.00 106.70 12/6/2013 National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2013-072A 39462 "US reconnaissance satellite, part of the only remaining element of the Future Imaging Architecture programme, equipped with an imaging radar. Orbit plane is 90° away in RA from each of the two earlier launches." ZARYA estimated http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=32686.155;wap2 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 "FIA Radar 4 (Future Imagery Architecture (FIA) Radar 4, NROL-45, USA 267, Topaz)" USA 267 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,086" "1,087" 6.71E-05 123.00 106.70 2/10/2016 National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 4 2016-010A 41334 SatTrackCam http://sattrackcam.blogspot.com/2016/02/observing-nrol-45-fia-radar-4topaz-4-18.html http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/02/10/delta-4-goes-against-the-grain-to-backwards-orbit-for-spy-bird/ "FIA Radar 5 (Future Imagery Architecture (FIA) Radar 5, NROL-47, USA 281, Topaz)" USA 281 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,047" "1,057" 6.74E-04 106.00 106.20 1/12/2018 National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 4 2018-005A 43145 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/13/delta-4-rocket-successfully-lofts-clandestine-nro-satellite-into-orbit/ https://spaceflight101.com/delta-iv-nrol-47/classified-nrol-47-found-in-orbit/ "Firebird-C (Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst, Intensity, Range, and Dynamics)" Firebird-C USA USA "Firebird Consortium (Montana State Univ., Univ. of New Hampshire, Aerospace Corp., Los Alamos National Laboratory)" Government/Civil Space Science LEO Elliptical 0.00 437 667 1.66E-02 99.10 95.70 2 1/31/2015 0.25 Montana State University USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2015-003B 40377 "One of a simultaneously-launched pair studying space weather, in particular - electron microbursts in the Van Allen radiation belts." n2yo http://www.n2yo.com/satellite/?s=40378 "Firebird-D (Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst, Intensity, Range, and Dynamics)" Firebird-D USA USA "Firebird Consortium (Montana State Univ., Univ. of New Hampshire, Aerospace Corp., Los Alamos National Laboratory)" Government/Civil Space Science LEO Elliptical 0.00 444 675 1.67E-02 99.10 97.70 2 1/31/2015 0.25 Montana State University USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2015-003C 40378 "One of a simultaneously-launched pair studying space weather, in particular - electron microbursts in the Van Allen radiation belts." n2yo http://www.n2yo.com/satellite/?s=40378 FloripaSat-1 FloripaSat-1 NR (3/20) Brazil Federal University of Santa Catarina Civil Education LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 614 635 1.50E-03 97.90 97.10 1 12/20/2019 Federal University of Santa Catarina Brazil Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2019-093G 44885 Student built - education. JMSatcat/3_20 https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2019 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/21/china-launches-environmental-satellite-built-in-cooperation-with-brazil/ FLP (Flying Laptop) FLP Germany Germany University of Stuttgart Civil Earth Observation/Space Science Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 586 606 1.44E-03 97.60 96.60 120 7/14/2017 2 University of Stuttgart Germany Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042G 42831 "Technology demonstration, tracking of near-earth objects, AIS" JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/f/flying-laptop http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt FLTSATCOM-8 (USA 46) USA 46 USA USA US Navy Military Communications GEO -14.74 "35,745" "35,829" 9.96E-04 8.97 "1,436.13" "2,310" "1,884" 9/25/1989 5 "TRW, Defense and Space Systems Group" USA Cape Canaveral Atlas Centaur 1989-077A 20253 Old system replaced by UFO satellites; this satellite still operational as of 2009. JM/2_09 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/1989/077A.HTM http://www.wired.com/politics/security/news/2009/04/fleetcom?currentPage=all http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/app3/sat-summary.html http://www.fas.org/spp/military/program/com/fltsat.htm FormoSat-5 FormoSat-5 NR Taiwan National Space Organization Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 710 729 1.34E-03 98.30 99.10 525 8/25/2017 5 National Space Organization Taiwan Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-049A 42920 Taiwan's first indigenous designed and manufactured satellite. JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/f/formosat-5 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/08/25/taiwanese-satellite-rides-spacex-rocket-into-orbit/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt FORTÉ (Fast On-orbit Recording of Transient Events) Fast On-orbit Recording of Transient Events) FORTÉ USA USA Los Alamos National Laboratory Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Polar 0.00 790 823 2.30E-03 70.00 101 215 41 55 8/29/1997 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory/Sandia National Laboratory USA Vandenberg AFB Pegasus XL 1997-047A 24920 "Electronic equipment for detecting, analyzing and recording bursts of radio energy (nuclear tests) from near Earth's surface (nonproliferation); study lightning; plastic satellite bus." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 "http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,6482,00.html" http://centaur.sstl.co.uk/SSHP/mini/mini97.html http://nis-www.lanl.gov/nis-projects/forte_science/ http://www.lanl.gov/worldview/news/pdf/LANL_in_SpaceFact.pdf http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Fossasat-1 Fossasat-1 NR (3/20) Spain Fossa Systems Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 330 376 3.42E-03 97.00 92 1 12/6/2019 Fossa Systems Spain Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-084F 44829 5 cm by 5 cm picosat. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/06/rocket-labs-10th-launch-tests-booster-recovery-technology/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Fox-1A (AO-85) Fox-1A NR USA AMSAT-NA Civil Communications/Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 496 802 2.18E-02 64.78 97.7 1 10/8/2015 11 AMSAT/Penn State University/Vanderbilt University/Virginia Tech USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-058D 40967 NASA-sponsored ride-along on a NRL launch. Amateur radio and three technology experiments by American universities. JM/12_15 http://ww2.amsat.org/xtra/ARRL-Fox-1.pdf http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/08/recap-story-second-atlas-5-rocket-launched-in-span-of-six-days/ http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Fox-1Cliff (AO 95) Fox-1Cliff NR USA AMSAT-NA Civil Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 574 591 1.22E-03 97.70 96.3 2 12/3/2018 Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099N 43770 Part of SSO-A Smallsat Express launch. University-developed payload. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://amsat-uk.org/2018/11/14/ssoa-amateur-radio-satellites/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sso-a Fox-1D (AO-92) Fox-1D USA USA AMSAT-NA/University of Iowa/Penn State Erie/Virginia Tech Civil Communications/Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 507 9.46E-04 97.50 94.6 2 1/11/2018 AMSAT/University of Iowa/Penn State Erie/Virginia Tech France/Italy Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004AC 43137 Cubesat developed for amateur radio and technology research. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c40/pslv-c40-other-secondary-payloads/ FUNCube-1 (AO-73) FUNCube-1 (AO-73) NR Netherlands AMSAT-UK Civil Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 594 683 6.35E-03 97.80 97.4 1 11/21/2013 AMSAT/UK-AMSAT/NL UK/Netherlands Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2013-066AE 39444 "Aimed for its transmissions to be received easily be received by schools and colleges and decoded in the classroom. It's purpose is to provide stimulation and encouragement for students to become interested Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics." ZARYA http://funcube.org.uk/ Galaxy-11 Galaxy-11 USA USA PanAmSat (Intelsat S.A.) Commercial Communications GEO -55.50 "35,785" "35,795" 1.19E-04 0.05 1436.11 "4,488" "2,775" "10,400" 1/21/1999 14 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 4 1999-071A 26038 "Voice and video communications; 24 C-band, 40 Ku-band; North America, Brazil. Solar panels very degraded - will serve for DTH applications." Galaxy-12 Galaxy-12 USA USA PanAmSat (Intelsat S.A.) Commercial Communications GEO -122.90 "35,775" "35,796" 2.49E-04 0.05 1436.07 "1,760" 800 4/9/2003 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2003-013B 27715 "Voice, video and data transmissions; 24 C-band; North and South America." JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx594.html http://www.panamsat.com/global_network/galaxy_12.asp http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=15749 "Galaxy-13 (Horizons 1, Galaxy 13L)" Galaxy-13 USA USA/Japan PanAmSat (Intelsat S.A.)/Sky Perfect JSAT Corp. Commercial Communications GEO -126.97 "35,781" "35,790" 1.07E-04 0.01 1436.07 "4,060" "2,630" "8,600" 10/1/2003 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3 2003-044A 27954 Horizons 1 is Ku-band payload; C-band is on Galaxy 13. JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.jsat.net/en/satellite/pop_list.html http://www.panamsat.com/global_network/galaxy_13.asp Galaxy-14 Galaxy-14 USA USA PanAmSat (Intelsat S.A.) Commercial Communications GEO -124.96 "35,776" "35,795" 2.25E-04 0.01 1436.07 "2,086" "4,700" 8/13/2005 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2005-030A 28790 "24 C-band transponders; North America, Caribbean." JM/12_08 http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/GEO/PanAmSat/ http://www.panamsat.com/global_network/galaxy_14.asp http://www.orbital.com/NewsInfo/Publications/Galaxy.pdf http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx622.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/030A.HTM Galaxy-15 Galaxy-15 USA USA PanAmSat (Intelsat S.A.) Commercial Communications GEO -132.97 "35,776" "35,795" 2.25E-04 0.06 1436.07 "2,033" "4,700" 10/13/2005 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2005-041A 28884 "North America, Alaska, Hawaii, Caribbean; 24 C-band transponders, 2 L-band transponders for transmission of navigational data; anomaly in 4/10 left Intelsat out of communication with the satellite." JM/12_08 http://www.satellitetoday.com/commercial/headlines/Intelsat-Galaxy-15-to-be-Operational-by-February_35932.html http://www.spacenews.com/satellite_telecom/110107-intelsat-moving-galaxy15.html Galaxy-16 Galaxy-16 USA USA PanAmSat (Intelsat S.A.) Commercial Communications GEO -99.02 "35,775" "35,798" 2.73E-04 0.01 1436.1 "4,640" "10,000" 6/18/2006 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2006-023A 29236 "24 C-band, 24 Ku-band; CONUS coverage." JM/12_08 http://www.panamsat.com/global_network/galaxy_16.asp http://www.ssloral.com/html/pressreleases/pr20060618.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/023A.HTM Galaxy-17 Galaxy-17 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -91.01 "35,774" "35,799" 2.97E-04 0.02 1436.1 "4,100" "9,500" 5/4/2007 15 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2007-016B 31307 "24 C-band, 24 Ku-band transponders; service to North America." JM/12_08 http://www.comspacewatch.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=22579 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/016B.HTM Galaxy-18 Galaxy-18 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -123.02 "35,774" "35,798" 2.85E-04 0.02 1436.1 "4,642" 5/21/2008 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2008-024A 32951 "Advanced cable television and data, North America; 24 Ku-band, 24 C-band transponders." JM/12_08 http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx655.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I024A.HTM http://www.intelsat.com/press/news-releases/2008/20080521.asp Galaxy-19 Galaxy-19 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -97.08 "35,776" "35,796" 2.37E-04 0.05 1436.1 "4,690" 9/24/2008 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2008-045A 33376 "50-state coverage, in addition to reaching the Caribbean, Canada and Mexico, to video, government and network customers. " JM/12_08 http://www.multichannel.com/article/CA6599168.html http://www.intelsat.com/network/satellite/scheduled-launch.asp http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I042A.HTM "Galaxy-25 (G-25, Intelsat 1A-5, Telstar 5)" Galaxy-25 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -93.09 "35,771" "35,801" 3.56E-04 0.03 1436.08 "3,515" 5/24/1997 13 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 1997-026A 24812 "24 C-band, 28 Ku-band; U.S., southern Canada, Mexico, Caribbean." JM/12_08 http://www.loralglobalalliance.com/fleet/loral_skynet/lor_overview_us.asp.html http://www.loralskynet.com/news_031704.asp http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx524.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/1997/026A.HTM "Galaxy-28 (G-28, Intelsat IA-8, Telstar 8)" Galaxy-28 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -88.96 "35,775" "35,798" 2.73E-04 0.01 1436.1 "5,493" "16,000" 6/23/2005 13 Space Systems/Loral USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2005-022A 28702 "28 C-band, 36 Ku-band, 24 Ka-band; video and data transmissions to all countries in North and South America." JM/12_08 http://www.intelsat.com/aboutus/press/IA8info.aspx http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelsat http://www.satnews.com/stories11/384.htm http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx620.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/022A.HTM Galaxy-3C Galaxy-3C USA USA "PanAmSat (Intelsat S.A.)/DirecTV, Inc." Commercial Communications GEO -95.02 "35,784" "35,788" 4.74E-05 0.01 1436.11 "4,860" "2,873" "18,000" 6/15/2002 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2002-030A 27445 "Direct-to-home broadcast of video and Internet; 24 C-band, 16 Ku-band; North America. DirecTV leases transponders for broadcast to Latin America." JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx584.html http://www.panamsat.com/global_network/galaxy_3c.asp "Galileo FOC FM1 (0201, Galileo 5, PRN E18)" Galileo FOC FM1 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning Elliptical Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "17,231" "25,971" 1.56E-01 49.78 776.25 733 660 8/22/2014 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST 2014-050A 40128 "Placed into wrong orbit, subsequently maneuvered into orbit where it can work with Galileo constellation." ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Navigation/The_future_-_Galileo/Launching_Galileo/Update_on_Galileo_launch_injection_anomaly2 "Galileo FOC FM10 (0210, Galileo 13, PRN E01)" Galileo FOC FM10 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,272" "23,280" 1.35E-04 57.40 847.01 723 5/24/2016 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST 2016-030A 41549 Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/05/24/soyuz-launch-adds-two-more-satellites-to-galileo-navigation-fleet/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-030A&jazyk=pp_en "Galileo FOC FM11 (0211, Galileo 14, PRN E02)" Galileo FOC FM11 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,483" "23,530" 7.87E-04 57.40 856.9 723 5/24/2016 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST 2016-030B 41550 Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/05/24/soyuz-launch-adds-two-more-satellites-to-galileo-navigation-fleet/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-030B&jazyk=pp_en "Galileo FOC FM12 (0212, Galileo 16)" Galileo FOC FM12 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,039" "23,055" 2.72E-04 54.60 846 723 11/17/2016 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2016-069B 41860 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/18/europes-satellite-navigation-fleet-gets-big-boost-from-ariane-5-rocket/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2016/11/2016-069.html#yG "Galileo FOC FM13 (0213, Galileo 17)" Galileo FOC FM13 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "22,982" "22,982" 0.00E+00 54.60 834 723 11/17/2016 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2016-069C 41861 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/18/europes-satellite-navigation-fleet-gets-big-boost-from-ariane-5-rocket/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2016/11/2016-069.html#yG "Galileo FOC FM14 (0214, Galileo 18)" Galileo FOC FM14 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,272" "23,296" 4.05E-04 54.60 847 723 11/17/2016 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2016-069D 41862 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/18/europes-satellite-navigation-fleet-gets-big-boost-from-ariane-5-rocket/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2016/11/2016-069.html#yG "Galileo FOC FM15 (0215, Galileo 19)" Galileo FOC FM15 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,164" "23,184" 3.38E-04 56.90 842.6 715 12/13/2017 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2017-079A 43055 JMSatcat/4_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/13/four-more-galileo-navigation-satellites-ride-ariane-5-rocket-into-orbit/ "Galileo FOC FM16 (0216, Galileo 20)" Galileo FOC FM16 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "22,904" "22,927" 3.93E-04 57.01 831.6 715 12/13/2017 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2017-079B 43056 JMSatcat/4_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/13/four-more-galileo-navigation-satellites-ride-ariane-5-rocket-into-orbit/ "Galileo FOC FM17 (0217, Galileo 21)" Galileo FOC FM17 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "22,905" "22,918" 2.22E-04 56.90 831.4 715 12/13/2017 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2017-079C 43057 JMSatcat/4_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/13/four-more-galileo-navigation-satellites-ride-ariane-5-rocket-into-orbit/ "Galileo FOC FM18 (0218, Galileo 22)" Galileo FOC FM18 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "22,903" "23,149" 4.18E-03 57.10 830.9 715 12/13/2017 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2017-079D 43058 JMSatcat/4_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/13/four-more-galileo-navigation-satellites-ride-ariane-5-rocket-into-orbit/ "Galileo FOC FM19 (0219, Galileo 23)" Galileo FOC FM19 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,233" "23,250" 2.87E-04 56.30 840.2 715 7/25/2018 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL" Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ES 2018-060C 43566 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/25/successful-ariane-5-launch-fills-out-european-navigation-fleet/ "Galileo FOC FM2 (0202, Galileo 6, PRN E14)" Galileo FOC FM2 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning Elliptical Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "13,810" "25,918" 2.31E-01 49.77 705.11 733 660 8/22/2014 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST 2014-050B 40129 "Placed into wrong orbit, subsequently maneuvered into orbit where it can work with Galileo constellation." ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Navigation/The_future_-_Galileo/Launching_Galileo/Update_on_Galileo_launch_injection_anomaly2 "Galileo FOC FM20 (0220, Galileo 24)" Galileo FOC FM20 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,089" "23,149" 1.02E-03 56.30 831.2 715 7/25/2018 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL" Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ES 2018-060D 43567 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/25/successful-ariane-5-launch-fills-out-european-navigation-fleet/ "Galileo FOC FM21 (0221, Galileo 25)" Galileo FOC FM21 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "22,973" "22,980" 1.19E-04 56.30 834.2 715 7/25/2018 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL" Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ES 2018-060A 43564 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/25/successful-ariane-5-launch-fills-out-european-navigation-fleet/ "Galileo FOC FM22 (0222, Galileo 26)" Galileo FOC FM22 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,021" "23,047" 4.42E-04 56.30 836.6 715 7/25/2018 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL" Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ES 2018-060B 43565 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/25/successful-ariane-5-launch-fills-out-european-navigation-fleet/ "Galileo FOC FM3 (0203, Galileo 7, PRN E26)" Galileo FOC FM3 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,516" "23,574" 9.69E-04 55.00 858.55 723 3/27/2015 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST 2015-017A 40544 JM/8_15 http://www.insidegnss.com/node/4471 "Galileo FOC FM4 (0204, Galileo 8, PRN E22)" Galileo FOC FM4 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,353" "23,382" 4.88E-04 55.10 850.5 723 3/27/2015 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST 2015-017B 40545 JM/8_15 http://www.insidegnss.com/node/4471 "Galileo FOC FM5 (0205, Galileo 9, PRN E24)" Galileo FOC FM5 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,218" "23,240" 3.72E-04 57.10 845 723 9/11/2015 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST 2015-045A 40889 SC - ASCR http://gpsworld.com/galileo-9-and-10-in-the-zone-for-this-weeks-launch/ "Galileo FOC FM6 (0206, Galileo 10, PRN E30)" Galileo FOC FM6 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,220" "23,239" 3.21E-04 57.10 844 723 9/11/2015 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST 2015-045B 40890 SC - ASCR http://gpsworld.com/galileo-9-and-10-in-the-zone-for-this-weeks-launch/ "Galileo FOC FM7 (0207, Galileo 15)" Galileo FOC FM7 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,265" "23,305" 6.74E-04 54.60 847 723 11/17/2016 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2016-069A 41859 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/18/europes-satellite-navigation-fleet-gets-big-boost-from-ariane-5-rocket/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2016/11/2016-069.html#yG "Galileo FOC FM8 (0208, Galileo 11, PRN E08)" Galileo FOC FM8 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,550" "23,618" 1.14E-03 54.96 860.51 723 12/17/2015 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST 2015-079B 41175 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/17/soyuz-launches-two-more-galileo-satellites/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-079.html "Galileo FOC FM9 (0209, Galileo 12, E09)" Galileo FOC FM9 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,551" "23,568" 2.84E-04 54.95 858.34 723 12/17/2015 12 "OHB-System GmbH, SSTL " Germany/UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST 2015-079A 41174 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/17/soyuz-launches-two-more-galileo-satellites/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-079.html "Galileo IOV-1 FM2 (0102, PRN E12)" Galileo IOV-1 FM2 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,242" "23,307" 1.10E-03 54.67 846.98 700 "1,420" 10/21/2011 12 Astrium/Thales Alenia Space Germany/UK/Italy Guiana Space Center Soyuz-Fregat 2011-060B 37847 Operational nucleus of the full 30-satellite constellation. SC - ASCR http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Galileo_IOV/SEM7DEITPQG_0.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/060B.HTM "Galileo IOV-1 PFM (0101, PRN E11)" Galileo IOV-1 PFM NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,240" "23,306" 1.11E-03 54.68 846.88 700 "1,420" 10/21/2011 12 Astrium/Thales Alenia Space Germany/UK/Italy Guiana Space Center Soyuz-Fregat 2011-060A 37846 Operational nucleus of the full 30-satellite constellation. SC - ASCR http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Galileo_IOV/SEM7DEITPQG_0.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/060A.HTM "Galileo IOV-2 FM3 (0103, PRN E19)" Galileo IOV-2 FM3 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,214" "23,233" 3.21E-04 55.34 844.76 700 "1,420" 10/12/2012 12 EADS Astrium Germany/UK/Italy Guiana Space Center Soyuz-Fregat 2012-055A 38857 Operational nucleus of the full 30-satellite constellation. SC - ASCR http://www.eads.com/eads/int/en/news/pres.20121015_astrium/galileo.html http://space0.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I055A.HTM "Galileo IOV-2 FM4 (0104, PRN E20)" Galileo IOV-2 FM4 NR ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "23,217" "23,227" 1.69E-04 55.30 844.69 700 "1,420" 10/12/2012 12 EADS Astrium Germany/UK/Italy Guiana Space Center Soyuz-Fregat 2012-055B 38858 Operational nucleus of the full 30-satellite constellation. Partial failure in 2014. SC - ASCR http://www.eads.com/eads/int/en/news/pres.20121015_astrium/galileo.html http://space0.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I055A.HTM http://spacenews.com/42861galileo-satellite-left-in-bad-orbit-reaches-operating-position/ Gaofen 1 Gaofen 1 China China China National Academy of Sciences (CNSAS) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 630 654 1.71E-03 98.07 97.56 "1,000" 4/26/2013 8 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2013-018A 39150 Possibly for cartography; will work in system to combine data from different sources. SC - ASCR http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I018A.HTM Gaofen 10 Gaofen 10 NR (3/20) China China National Academy of Sciences (CNSAS) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 611 621 7.16E-04 97.80 97.03 "1,000" 10/4/2019 8 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2019-066A 44622 JMSatcat/2_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/06/china-launches-new-gaofen-earth-imaging-satellite/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Gaofen 11 Gaofen 11 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging Elliptical 0.00 241 689 6.54E+02 97.40 93.9 "1,000" 7/31/2018 8 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2018-063A 43585 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/31/long-march-4b-rocket-lofts-chinese-earth-observing-satellite/ Gaofen 12 Gaofen 12 NR (3/20) China China National Academy of Sciences (CNSAS) Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 612 616 6.21E+02 97.90 96.9 "1,000" 11/28/2019 8 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2019-082A 44819 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/28/china-launches-radar-observation-satellite/ Gaofen 2 Gaofen 2 China China China National Academy of Sciences (CNSAS) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 620 636 1.14E-03 98.02 97.06 "1,000" 8/19/2014 8 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2014-049A 40118 "The primary users of the satellite will be the Ministry of Land and Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport, and the State Forestry Administration," ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/g/gaofen-1 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/08/chinese-long-march-4b-gaofen-2-brite-pl-2/ Gaofen 3 Gaofen 3 China China State Oceanic Administration (SOA) Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Polar 0.00 757 759 1.40E-04 98.40 99.8 "1,000" 8/9/2016 8 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2016-049A 41727 "Part of the China High-resolution Earth Observation System, or CHEOS, a network of satellites supplying near-realtime data to Chinese government agencies." JMSatcat11/16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/08/10/radar-remote-sensing-satellite-launched-by-china/ https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2016/08/long-march-4c-launches-gaofen-3/ Gaofen 4 Gaofen 4 China China China National Academy of Sciences (CNSAS) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging GEO 105.70 "35,792" "35,796" 4.74E-05 0.60 1436.1 "4,600" 12/28/2015 8 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2015-083A 41194 China's first earth observation satellite in GEO. prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/29/china-launches-eagle-eyed-satellite-to-stare-down-at-earth/ http://gbtimes.com/china/china-launches-gaofen-4-dual-use-geostationary-satellite Gaofen 7 Gaofen 7 NR (3/20) China Ministry of Natural Resources/Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development/National Bureau of Statistics Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 487 505 1.31E-03 97.50 94.5 9 11/3/2019 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2019-072A 44703 Collect three-dimensional mapping imagery. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/03/chinese-mapping-satellite-launches-on-long-march-4b-rocket/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Gaofen 8 Gaofen 8 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 484 492 5.83E-04 97.30 94.36 "1,000" 6/26/2015 8 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2015-030A 40701 Optical satellite planned under the civilian China High-resolution Earth Observation System (CHEOS). JM/8_15 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/06/china-longmarch4b-gaofen-8/ Gaofen 9 Gaofen 9 China China China National Academy of Sciences (CNSAS) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 618 664 3.28E-03 98.01 97.54 "1,000" 9/14/2015 8 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2015-047A 40894 "Will provide sub-meter class resolution optical images for city planning, road network design, land ownership determination, etc. purposes" JM/12_15) http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/09/2015-047.html http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/09/china-lofts-yg28-long-march-2d/ Gaofen 9-02 Gaofen 9-02 NR (7/20) China China National Academy of Sciences (CNSAS) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 487 502 1.09E-03 97.20 94.5 "1,000" 5/31/2020 8 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2020-034B 45625 JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/01/two-chinese-launches-deploy-satellites-for-earth-imaging-tech-demonstrations/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Gaofen 9-03 Gaofen 9-03 NR (7/20) China China National Academy of Sciences (CNSAS) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 485 504 1.38E-03 97.30 94.5 "1,000" 6/17/2020 8 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2020-039A 45794 "Gaofen satellites are equipped variously with optical, infrared and radar imaging observatories." ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/17/china-launches-earth-observation-satellite/ Gaofen Multi-Mode 1 Gaofen Multi-Mode 1 NR (7/20) China "China's Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Environmental Protection, and Ministry of Agriculture" Government Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 631 649 1.28E-03 98.00 97.5 7/3/2020 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2020-042A 45856 Multi-spectral imager; country's highest definition civilian camera. ZARYA https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202007/03/WS5efeb59fa3108348172570e7.html https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 Gaofen-1-02 Gaofen-1-02 China China "China’s Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Environmental Protection, and Ministry of Agriculture" Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 638 642 2.85E-04 98.00 97.5 805 3/30/2018 8 China Spacesat China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2018-031A 43259 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/03/three-gaofen-earth-observation-satellites-launched-by-china/ Gaofen-1-03 Gaofen-1-03 China China "China’s Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Environmental Protection, and Ministry of Agriculture" Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 638 640 1.43E-04 98.00 97.5 805 3/30/2018 8 China Spacesat China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2018-031B 43260 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/03/three-gaofen-earth-observation-satellites-launched-by-china/ Gaofen-1-04 Gaofen-1-04 China China "China’s Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Environmental Protection, and Ministry of Agriculture" Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 638 642 2.85E-04 98.00 97.5 805 3/30/2018 8 China Spacesat China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2018-031D 43262 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/03/three-gaofen-earth-observation-satellites-launched-by-china/ Gaofen-1-05 Gaofen-1-05 China China "China’s Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Environmental Protection, and Ministry of Agriculture" Government Earth Observation Hyperspectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 677 695 1.28E-03 98.00 98.4 805 5/8/2018 8 China Spacesat China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2018-043A 43461 "Survey global land and water resources, air pollutants, greenhouse gases and other environmental parameters." JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/09/chinese-satellite-successfully-launched-to-monitor-environment/ Gaofen-1-06 Gaofen-1-06 China China "China’s Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Environmental Protection, and Ministry of Agriculture" Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 634 647 9.27E-04 98.00 97.3 "1,064" 6/3/2018 8 China Spacesat China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-048A 43484 Similar to Gaofen 1 with improved cameras. JMSatcat/10_18 http://english.cas.cn/newsroom/news/201806/t20180605_193873.shtml https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/06/03/earth-observers-delivered-to-space-by-long-march-2d-rocket/ Garpun-1 (Cosmos 2473) Cosmos 2473 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications GEO 79.90 "35,782" "35,790" 9.49E-05 0.09 1436.1 "5,000" 9/20/2011 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2011-048A 37806 Possible replacement for Potok/Geizer relay communications satellite. JM/1_12 http://russianforces.org/blog/2011/09/cosmos-2473_-_garpun-type_rela.shtml http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40//2011/048A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=2011-048A Garpun-12L (Cosmos 2513) Cosmos 2513 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications GEO 76.06 "35,783" "35,805" 2.61E-04 0.00 1436.1 "5,000" 12/10/2015 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2015-075A 41121 Data relay communications satellite. prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/13/russian-data-relay-satellite-launched-by-proton-rocket/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-075.html GATOSS (Global Air Traffic Awareness and Optimizing through Spaceborne Surveillance) GATOSS NR Denmark GomSpace ApS Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 593 819 1.60E-02 97.70 98.9 5 11/21/2013 GomSpace/University of Aalborg Denmark Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2013-066Q 39430 Principal purpose is to evaluate use of satellites to monitor ABS-B data transmissions from commercial aircraft on trans-oceanic routes. ZARYA https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/g/gatoss "GCOM-C (Global Change Observation Mission Climate, Shikisai)" GCOM-C Japan Japan Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 790 793 1.93E-03 98.70 100.69 "2,200" 12/22/2017 5 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2017-082A 43065 "Make “surface and atmospheric measurements related to the carbon cycle and radiation budget, such as clouds, aerosols, ocean color, vegetation, and snow and ice.”" JMSatcat/_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/22/h2a-f37-launch-coverage/ GEARRSAT-2 (Globalstar Experiment And Risk Reduction Satellite) GEARRSAT-2 NR USA NearSpace Launch/Air Force Research Laboratory Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 356 700 2.49E-02 55.00 95 10 5/20/2015 NearSpace Launch/Air Force Research Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-025G 40657 JM/8_15 http://www.spaceflight101.com/afspc-05-secondary-payloads.html Genesis-1 Genesis-1 USA USA Bigelow Aerospace Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 522 569 3.40E-03 64.50 95.6 "1,360" 7/12/2006 5 Bigelow Aerospace USA Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2006-029A 29252 Prototype for space hotel; inflatable spacecraft. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://satellite.ehabich.info/genesis.html http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13828908/ http://www.macnewsworld.com/story/9kj7MS2AFuBaGb/Inflatable-Satellite-Launch-Pumps-Up-Space-Travel-Biz.xhtml Genesis-2 Genesis-2 USA USA Bigelow Aerospace Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 508 586 5.64E-03 64.50 95.6 "1,360" 6/28/2007 5 Bigelow Aerospace USA Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2007-028A 31789 Second prototype for space hotel; inflatable spacecraft. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n0706/28genesis2/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/I028A.HTM GEO IK2 12L (Cosmos 2517) Cosmos 2517 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 935 963 1.91E-03 99.27 104.03 900 6/5/2016 5 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2016-034A 41579 "Designed to measure variations in the Earth’s gravitational field, to build a high-precision geodetic network in the geocentric coordinate system, as well as study continental plate motion, tides, the Earth’s rotation and coordinates of poles." Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/04/russian-satellite-launched-to-measure-earths-gravitational-field/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?rok=2006&mot=2016-034A&jazyk=pp_en GEO IK2 13L (Cosmos 2540) Cosmos 2540 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 945 958 8.88E-04 99.30 103.9 900 8/30/2019 5 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2019-057A 44517 "Designed to measure variations in the Earth’s gravitational field, to build a high-precision geodetic network in the geocentric coordinate system, as well as study continental plate motion, tides, the Earth’s rotation and coordinates of poles." JM/10_19 https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/08/russias-rokot-geo-ik-2-satellite/ GeoEye-1 (Orbview 5) GeoEye-1 USA USA DigitalGlobe Corporation Government/Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 671 686 1.06E-03 98.10 98.3 "1,955" 9/6/2008 7 General Dynamics USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2008-042A 33331 "Remote sensing for both commercial customers and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), GeoEye-1 is capable of acquiring image data at 0.41 meter panchromatic and 1.65 meter multispectral resolution. Experienced an antenna anomaly in 12/09." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://geoeye.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=304 http://www.satimagingcorp.com/satellite-sensors/geoeye-1.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I042A.HTM GEO-Kompsat-2A GEO-Kompsat-2A NR South Korea Korea Meteorological Administration/National Meteorological Satellite Center Government Earth Observation Meteorology GEO 128.20 "35,783" "35,787" 4.74E-05 0.05 1436.04 "3,507" "2,600" 12/4/2018 10 Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) South Korea Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2018-100A 43823 "Will monitor meteorological events on earth as well as study space weather. Carries the Advanced Meteorological Imager, a 16-channel camera built by Harris Corp. in Fort Wayne, Indiana" JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/g/geo-kompsat-2 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/04/ariane-5-launches-indias-biggest-satellite-south-korean-weather-observer/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt GEO-Kompsat-2B GEO-Kompsat-2B NR (j3/20) South Korea Korea Meteorological Administration/National Meteorological Satellite Center Government Earth Observation Meteorology GEO 128.00 "35,782" "35,792" 1.19E-04 0.04 1436.13 "3,379" 2/18/2020 10 Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) South Korea Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2020-013B 45246 JMGEO/4_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/02/18/ariane-5-deploys-communications-and-environmental-monitoring-satellites/ Geotail (Geomagnetic Tail Laboratory) Geomagnetic Tail Laboratory (Geotail) Japan Multinational Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS)/NASA/ESA Government Space Science Elliptical Deep Highly Eccentric 0.00 "49,551" "191,451" 5.59E-01 9.39 "2,474.83" 980 273 7/24/1992 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 1992-044A 22049 Study the dynamics of the Earth's magnetotail over a wide range of distance WT http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx465.html http://pao.gsfc.nasa.gov/gsfc/service/gallery/fact_sheets/spacesci/geotail.htm "GHGSat-D (Greenhouse Gas Satellite - Demonstrator, Claire)" GHGSat-D Canada Canada "GHGSat, Inc." Commercial Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 512 8.73E-04 97.50 94.70 15 6/22/2016 "University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies/ Space Flight Laboratory" Canada Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2016-040D 41602 Demonstration satellite for a constellation monitoring emissions and greenhouse gases. ZARYA https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/g/ghgsat-d http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/22/pslv-c34/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 "Global Change Observation Mission - 1 Water (GCOM-1, Shikuzu)" GCOM-1 Japan USA/Japan Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 701 704 2.12E-04 98.20 98.80 "1,900" 4.05 5/17/2012 5 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2012-025A 38337 First of a series of satellites to study water circulation systems in the Earth's atmosphere; July 2012 took up lead position in A-Train. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.jaxa.jp/projects/sat/gcom_w/index_e.html http://orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=27546 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 http://pmm.nasa.gov/GPM/constellation-partners Globalstar M037 (Globalstar 16) Globalstar FM37 USA USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,411" "1,417" 3.85E-04 52.00 114.1 450 350 "1,500" 3/15/1999 10 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz U 1999-012D 25652 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://spaceflightnow. Com/delta/d276/00208launch.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx545.html http://www.globalstar.com/view_page.jsp?page=1.11 http://centaur.sstl.co.uk/SSHP/data/data_globalstar.html http://www.astrium-space.com/corp/prod/00000913.htm http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Globalstar M065 (Globalstar 65) Globalstar M065 USA USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,411" "1,416" 3.21E-04 52.00 114.1 450 350 "1,500" 5/29/2007 10 Space Systems/Loral/Alenia Aerospazio USA/Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2007-020A 31571 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=24629 http://www.kosM0.cz/M0dules.php?op=M0dload&name=kosM0&file=index&fil=/s/2007/020A.HTM Globalstar M066 (Globalstar 66) Globalstar M066 USA USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,412" "1,415" 1.93E-04 52.00 114.1 450 350 "1,500" 10/20/2007 10 Space Systems/Loral/Alenia Aerospazio USA/Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2007-048C 32265 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/048C.HTM Globalstar M067 (Globalstar 67) Globalstar M067 USA USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,414" 6.42E-05 52.00 114.1 450 350 "1,500" 10/20/2007 10 Space Systems/Loral/Alenia Aerospazio USA/Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2007-048A 32263 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/048A.HTM Globalstar M069 (Globalstar 69) Globalstar M069 USA USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,411" "1,416" 3.21E-04 52.00 114.1 450 350 "1,500" 5/29/2007 10 Space Systems/Loral/Alenia Aerospazio USA/Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2007-020C 31573 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=24629 http://www.kosM0.cz/M0dules.php?op=M0dload&name=kosM0&file=index&fil=/s/2007/020C.HTM Globalstar M070 (Globalstar 70) Globalstar M070 USA USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,412" "1,415" 1.93E-04 52.00 114.1 450 350 "1,500" 10/20/2007 10 Space Systems/Loral/Alenia Aerospazio USA/Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2007-048B 32264 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/048B.HTM Globalstar M071 (Globalstar 71) Globalstar M071 USA USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,412" "1,415" 1.93E-04 52.00 114.1 450 350 "1,500" 5/29/2007 10 Space Systems/Loral/Alenia Aerospazio USA/Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2007-020F 31576 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=24629 http://www.kosM0.cz/M0dules.php?op=M0dload&name=kosM0&file=index&fil=/s/2007/020F.HTM Globalstar M072 (Globalstar 72) Globalstar M072 USA USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,412" "1,416" 2.57E-04 52.00 114.1 450 350 "1,500" 5/29/2007 10 Space Systems/Loral/Alenia Aerospazio USA/Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2007-020D 31574 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=24629 http://www.kosM0.cz/M0dules.php?op=M0dload&name=kosM0&file=index&fil=/s/2007/020D.HTM "Globalstar M073 (Globalstar 73, Globalstar 2-6)" Globalstar M073 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,414" 6.42E-05 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 10/19/2010 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2010-054F 37193 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenews.com/launch/101019-globalstar-satellites-launched-soyuz.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/054F.HTM "Globalstar M074 (Globalstar 74, Globalstar 2-2)" Globalstar M074 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,415" 1.28E-04 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 10/19/2010 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2010-054B 37189 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenews.com/launch/101019-globalstar-satellites-launched-soyuz.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/054B.HTM "Globalstar M075 (Globalstar 75, Globalstar 2-5)" Globalstar M075 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,415" 1.28E-04 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 10/19/2010 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2010-054E 37192 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenews.com/launch/101019-globalstar-satellites-launched-soyuz.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/054E.HTM "Globalstar M076 (Globalstar 76, Globalstar 2-3)" Globalstar M076 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,412" "1,415" 1.93E-04 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 10/19/2010 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2010-054C 37190 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenews.com/launch/101019-globalstar-satellites-launched-soyuz.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/054C.HTM "Globalstar M077 (Globalstar 77, Globalstar 2-4)" Globalstar M077 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,414" 6.42E-05 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 10/19/2010 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2010-054D 37191 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenews.com/launch/101019-globalstar-satellites-launched-soyuz.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/054D.HTM "Globalstar M078 (Globalstar 95, Globalstar 2-23)" Globalstar M078 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,412" "1,415" 1.93E-04 51.99 114.08 700 "1,700" 2/6/2013 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz.2.1a/Fregat 2013-005E 39076 SC - ASCR http://www.globalstar.com/en/index.php?cid=7010&pressId=764 http://www.space.com/19666-soyuz-rocket-launch-success-globalstar.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/INDEX1.HTM "Globalstar M079 (Globalstar 79, Globalstar 2-1)" Globalstar M079 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,414" 6.42E-05 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 10/19/2010 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2010-054A 37188 First of second generation. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenews.com/launch/101019-globalstar-satellites-launched-soyuz.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/054A.HTM "Globalstar M080 (Globalstar 80, Globalstar 2-14)" Globalstar M080 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,414" 6.42E-05 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 12/28/2011 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a/Fregat 2011-080B 38041 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=space&id=news/awx/2011/12/28/awx_12_28_2011_p0-409849.xml http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/I080B.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2011#080 "Globalstar M081 (Globalstar 81, Globalstar 2-11)" Globalstar M081 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,412" "1,415" 1.93E-04 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 7/13/2011 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2011-033E 37743 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/033E.HTM http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2011/07/live-soyuz-2-1a-launch-six-globalstar-satellites/ http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/globalstar-2.htm "Globalstar M082 (Globalstar 82, Globalstar 2-15)" Globalstar M082 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,414" 6.42E-05 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 12/28/2011 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a/Fregat 2011-080C 38042 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=space&id=news/awx/2011/12/28/awx_12_28_2011_p0-409849.xml http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/I080C.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2011#080 "Globalstar M083 (Globalstar 83, Globalstar 2-7)" Globalstar M083 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,414" 6.42E-05 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 7/13/2011 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2011-033A 37739 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/033A.HTM http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2011/07/live-soyuz-2-1a-launch-six-globalstar-satellites/ http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/globalstar-2.htm "Globalstar M084 (Globalstar 84, Globalstar 2-13) " Globalstar M084 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,414" 6.42E-05 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 12/28/2011 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a/Fregat 2011-080A 38040 Continuation of second generation. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=space&id=news/awx/2011/12/28/awx_12_28_2011_p0-409849.xml http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/I080A.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2011#080 "Globalstar M085 (Globalstar 85, Globalstar 2-10)" Globalstar M085 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,415" 1.28E-04 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 7/13/2011 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2011-033D 37742 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/033D.HTM http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2011/07/live-soyuz-2-1a-launch-six-globalstar-satellites/ http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/globalstar-2.htm "Globalstar M086 (Globalstar 86, Globalstar 2-18)" Globalstar M086 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,414" 6.42E-05 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 12/28/2011 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a/Fregat 2011-080F 38045 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=space&id=news/awx/2011/12/28/awx_12_28_2011_p0-409849.xml http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/I080F.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2011#080 "Globalstar M088 (Globalstar 88, Globalstar 2-8)" Globalstar M088 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,412" "1,415" 1.93E-04 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 7/13/2011 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2011-033B 37740 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/033B.HTM http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2011/07/live-soyuz-2-1a-launch-six-globalstar-satellites/ http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/globalstar-2.htm "Globalstar M089 (Globalstar 89, Globalstar 2-12)" Globalstar M089 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,415" 1.28E-04 51.99 118.2 700 "1,700" 7/13/2011 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2011-033F 37744 WT http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/033F.HTM http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2011/07/live-soyuz-2-1a-launch-six-globalstar-satellites/ http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/globalstar-2.htm "Globalstar M090 (Globalstar 90, Globalstar 2-17)" Globalstar M090 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,414" 6.42E-05 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 12/28/2011 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a/Fregat 2011-080E 38044 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=space&id=news/awx/2011/12/28/awx_12_28_2011_p0-409849.xml http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/I080E.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2011#080 "Globalstar M091 (Globalstar 91, Globalstar 2-9)" Globalstar M091 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,415" 1.28E-04 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 7/13/2011 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2011-033C 37741 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/033C.HTM http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2011/07/live-soyuz-2-1a-launch-six-globalstar-satellites/ http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/globalstar-2.htm "Globalstar M092 (Globalstar 92, Globalstar 2-16)" Globalstar M092 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,414" 6.42E-05 52.00 114.1 700 "1,700" 12/28/2011 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a/Fregat 2011-080D 38043 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=space&id=news/awx/2011/12/28/awx_12_28_2011_p0-409849.xml http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/I080D.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2011#080 "Globalstar M093 (Globalstar 87, Globalstar 2-20)" Globalstar M093 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,412" "1,415" 1.93E-04 51.98 113.35 700 "1,700" 2/6/2013 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz.2.1a/Fregat 2013-005B 39073 WT http://www.globalstar.com/en/index.php?cid=7010&pressId=764 http://www.space.com/19666-soyuz-rocket-launch-success-globalstar.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/INDEX1.HTM "Globalstar M094 (Globalstar 93, Globalstar 2-21)" Globalstar M094 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,414" 6.42E-05 51.99 103.44 700 "1,700" 2/6/2013 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz.2.1a/Fregat 2013-005C 39074 SC - ASCR http://www.globalstar.com/en/index.php?cid=7010&pressId=764 http://www.space.com/19666-soyuz-rocket-launch-success-globalstar.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/INDEX1.HTM "Globalstar M095 (Globalstar 96, Globalstar 2-24)" Globalstar M095 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,414" 6.42E-05 51.98 114.08 700 "1,700" 2/6/2013 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz.2.1a/Fregat 2013-005F 39077 SC - ASCR http://www.globalstar.com/en/index.php?cid=7010&pressId=764 http://www.space.com/19666-soyuz-rocket-launch-success-globalstar.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/INDEX1.HTM "Globalstar M096 (Globalstar 94, Globalstar 2-22)" Globalstar M096 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,413" "1,414" 6.42E-05 52.01 103.48 700 "1,700" 2/6/2013 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz.2.1a/Fregat 2013-005D 39075 WT http://www.globalstar.com/en/index.php?cid=7010&pressId=764 http://www.space.com/19666-soyuz-rocket-launch-success-globalstar.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/INDEX1.HTM "Globalstar M097 (Globalstar 78, Globalstar 2-19)" Globalstar M097 France USA Globalstar Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,370" "1,391" 1.35E-03 52.01 113.96 700 "1,700" 2/6/2013 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz.2.1a/Fregat 2013-005A 39072 SC - ASCR http://www.globalstar.com/en/index.php?cid=7010&pressId=764 http://www.space.com/19666-soyuz-rocket-launch-success-globalstar.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/INDEX1.HTM "Glonass 701 (Glonass-K, Cosmos 2471)" Cosmos 2471 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,116" "19,146" 5.88E-04 64.77 675.78 935 "1,700" 2/26/2011 10 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2 2011-009A 37372 "Next generation. Will transmit more navigation signals. Five channels, four in L1 andL2 bands and one for civilian aplications in the L3 band." SC - ASCR http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx688.html http://www.glonass-ianc.rsa.ru/en/GLONASS/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/I009A.HTM "Glonass 702 (Glonass K, Cosmos 2501)" Cosmos 2501 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,103" "19,178" 1.47E-03 64.83 676.15 935 "1,700" 12/1/2014 10 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2014-075A 40315 Also carries a COSPAS/SARSAT transponder. ZARYA http://gpsworld.com/glonass-k1-satellite-launched-nov-30/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 "Glonass 716 (Glonass 35-2, Cosmos 2425)" Cosmos 2425 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,130" "19,130" 0.00E+00 64.80 675.75 "1,480" "1,600" 12/25/2006 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 2006-062A 29670 SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/INDEX1.HTM http://www.glonass-center.ru/nagu.txt "Glonass 717 (Glonass 35-3, Cosmos 2426)" Cosmos 2426 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,130" "19,130" 0.00E+00 64.80 675.75 "1,480" "1,600" 12/25/2006 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 2006-062B 29671 SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/INDEX1.HTM http://www.glonass-center.ru/nagu.txt "Glonass 719 (Glonass 36-2, Cosmos 2432)" Cosmos 2432 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,094" "19,171" 1.51E-03 64.90 675.83 "1,480" "1,600" 10/26/2007 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 2007-052B 32276 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2007/052B.HTM http://www.glonass-center.ru/nagu.txt "Glonass 720 (Glonass 36-3, Cosmos 2433)" Cosmos 2433 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,124" "19,133" 1.76E-04 64.90 675.67 "1,480" "1,600" 10/26/2007 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 2007-052A 32275 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2007/052C.HTM http://www.glonass-center.ru/nagu.txt "Glonass 721 (Glonass 37-1, Cosmos 2435)" Cosmos 2434 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,142" "19,378" 4.60E-03 64.66 680.91 "1,480" "1,600" 12/25/2007 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2007-065A 32393 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/065A.HTM "Glonass 723 (Glonass 37-3, Cosmos 2436)" Cosmos 2436 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,147" "19,365" 4.25E-03 64.67 680.75 "1,480" "1,600" 12/25/2007 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2007-065C 32395 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/065C.HTM "Glonass 730 (Glonass 41-1, Cosmos 2456)" Cosmos 2456 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,132" "19,419" 5.60E-03 64.81 681.53 "1,415" "1,000" 12/14/2009 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2009-070A 36111 SC - ASCR http://www.glonass-ianc.rsa.ru/pls/htmldb/f?p=202:20:14637162736231801312::NO http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/070A.HTM "Glonass 731 (Glonass 42-1, Cosmos 2459)" Cosmos 2459 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,119" "19,146" 5.29E-04 64.76 675.85 "1,415" "1,000" 3/1/2010 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2010-007A 36400 SC - ASCR http://www.glonass-ianc.rsa.ru/pls/htmldb/f?p=202:20:2267066816636657::NO http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/007A.HTM "Glonass 732 (Glonass 42-3, Cosmos 2460)" Cosmos 2460 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,131" "19,133" 3.92E-05 64.77 675.81 "1,415" "1,000" 3/1/2010 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2010-007C 36402 SC - ASCR http://www.glonass-ianc.rsa.ru/pls/htmldb/f?p=202:20:2267066816636657::NO http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/007C.HTM "Glonass 733 (Glonass 41-2, Cosmos 2457)" Cosmos 2457 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "18,864" "19,130" 5.24E-03 64.78 670.47 "1,415" "1,000" 12/14/2009 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2009-070B 36112 SC - ASCR http://www.glonass-ianc.rsa.ru/pls/htmldb/f?p=202:20:14637162736231801312::NO http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/070B.HTM "Glonass 735 (Glonass 42-2, Cosmos 2461)" Cosmos 2461 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,128" "19,135" 1.37E-04 64.77 675.81 "1,415" "1,000" 3/1/2010 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2010-007B 36401 SC - ASCR http://www.glonass-ianc.rsa.ru/pls/htmldb/f?p=202:20:2267066816636657::NO http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/007B.HTM "Glonass 736 (Glonass 43-1, Cosmos 2464)" Cosmos 2464 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "18,909" "19,123" 4.21E-03 64.82 671.2 "1,415" "1,000" 9/2/2010 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2010-041C 37139 SC - ASCR http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/041A.HTM&act=print http://russianforces.org/space/navigation/glonass.shtml http://www.glonass-ianc.rsa.ru/pls/htmldb/f?p=202:20:177475291548413::NO www.oosa.unvienna.org/pdf/sap/2010/moldova/presentations/1-2.pdf "Glonass 742 (Glonass-M, Cosmos 2474)" Cosmos 2474 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,126" "19,158" 6.27E-04 64.82 676.2 "1,415" "1,000" 10/2/2011 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2 2011-055A 37829 SC - ASCR http://www.glonass-center.ru/en/GLONASS/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40//2011/055A.HTM "Glonass 743 (Glonass 44-2, Cosmos 2476)" Cosmos 2476 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,142" "19,204" 1.21E-03 64.80 677.46 "1,415" "1,000" 11/4/2011 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2011-064A 37867 SC - ASCR http://russianforces.org/blog/2011/11/successful_launch_of_three_glo_1.shtml http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/064A.HTM "Glonass 744 (Glonass 44-3, Cosmos 2477)" Cosmos 2477 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,150" "19,199" 9.59E-04 64.80 677.5 "1,415" "1,000" 11/4/2011 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2011-064B 37868 SC - ASCR http://russianforces.org/blog/2011/11/successful_launch_of_three_glo_1.shtml http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/064B.HTM "Glonass 745 (Glonass 44-1, Cosmos 2475)" Cosmos 2475 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,139" "19,212" 1.43E-03 64.78 677.54 "1,415" "1,000" 11/4/2011 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2011-064C 37869 SC - ASCR http://russianforces.org/blog/2011/11/successful_launch_of_three_glo_1.shtml http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/064C.HTM "Glonass 747 (Glonass-M, Cosmos 2485)" Cosmos 2485 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,087" "19,173" 1.69E-03 64.77 675.73 "1,415" "1,000" 4/26/2013 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2 2013-019A 39155 SC - ASCR http://russianforces.org/blog/2013/04/successful_launch_of_cosmos-24.shtml http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I019A.HTM http://glonass-iac.ru/en/GLONASS/ "Glonass 751 (Glonass-M, Cosmos 2514)" Cosmos 2514 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,106" "19,154" 9.41E-04 64.80 675.75 "1,415" "1,000" 2/7/2016 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2016-008A 41330 Space50 https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2016/02/soyuz-2-1b-latest-glonass-m-spacecraft/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-008A "Glonass 752 (Glomass-M, Cosmos 2522)" Cosmos 2522 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,103" "19,156" 1.04E-03 64.80 675.75 "1,415" "1,000" 9/22/2017 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2017-055A 42939 JM/8_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/09/22/replacement-satellite-launched-into-russias-glonass-navigation-fleet/ https://www.glonass-iac.ru/en/GLONASS/ "Glonass 753 (Glonass-M, Cosmos 2516)" Cosmos 2516 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,094" "19,153" 1.16E-03 64.80 675.49 "1,415" "1,000" 5/29/2016 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2016-032A 41554 Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/05/31/russias-navigation-network-receives-new-satellite/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-032A&jazyk=pp_en "Glonass 755 (Glonass-M, Cosmos 2500)" Cosmos 2500 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,114" "19,146" 6.27E-04 64.77 675.73 "1,415" "1,000" 6/14/2014 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2014-032A 40001 ZARYA http://gpsworld.com/russia-launches-single-glonass-satellite/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 "Glonass 756 (Glonass-M, Cosmos 2527)" Cosmos 2527 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,121" "19,154" 6.47E-04 64.80 676.03 "1,415" "1,000" 6/18/2018 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2018-053A 43508 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/06/18/navigation-satellite-launched-to-join-russias-glonass-network/ https://www.glonass-iac.ru/en/GLONASS/ "Glonass 757 (Glonass-M, Cosmos 2529)" Cosmos 2529 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,123" "19,163" 7.84E-04 64.80 767.2 "1,415" "1,000" 11/3/2018 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2018-086A 43687 JMGeo/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/05/glonass-navigation-satellite-in-orbit-after-soyuz-launch/ https://www.glonass-iac.ru/en/GLONASS/ "Glonass 758 (Glonass-M, Cosmos 2534)" Cosmos 2534 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,097" "19,162" 1.27E-03 64.80 675.7 "1,415" "1,000" 5/27/2019 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-030A 44299 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/28/soyuz-perseveres-through-lightning-strike-with-glonass-satellite/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Glonass 759 (Glonass-M, Cosmos 2544)" Cosmos 2544 NR (3/20) Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,003" "19,149" 2.87E-03 64.80 673.1 "1,415" "1,000" 12/11/2019 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2019-088A 44850 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/11/russia-adds-new-satellite-to-glonass-navigation-fleet/ https://www.glonass-iac.ru/en/GLONASS/ "Glonass 760 (Glonass-M, Cosmos 2545)" Cosmos 2545 NR (4/20) Russia Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,131" "19,155" 4.70E-04 64.80 676.2 "1,415" "1,000" 2/16/2020 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2020-018A 45358 ZARYA https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/03/16/soyuz-rocket-launches-with-russian-navigation-satellite/ https://www.glonass-iac.ru/en/GLONASS/ "GOES 13 (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, GOES-N)" GOES-13 USA USA US Air Force Military Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology GEO 75.00 "35,768" "35,801" 3.91E-04 0.28 1436 "3,200" "1,533" "2,300" 5/24/2006 7 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2006-018A 29155 "Retired in 2018, turned over to the Air Force to fill a gap in their forecasting. Will supply data critical for fast, accurate forecasts and warnings for severe weather, including tornadoes, winter storms and hurricanes." JM/12_08 http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2006/s2636.htm https://spacenews.com/noaa-weather-satellite-transferred-to-u-s-air-force/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/018A.HTM "GOES 14 (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, GOES-O)" GOES-14 USA USA NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) Government Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology GEO -104.41 "35,170" "35,170" 0.00E+00 0.00 1436 "3,200" "1,533" "2,300" 6/27/2009 10 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2009-033A 35491 Spare. SC - ASCR http://goespoes.gsfc.nasa.gov/goes/index.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/033A.HTM "GOES 15 (Geostationary Operational Ennvironmental Satellite, GOES-P)" GOES-15 USA USA NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) Government Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology GEO -135.00 "35,786" "35,788" 2.37E-05 0.42 1436.14 "3,175" "2,180" "2,300" 3/4/2010 10 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2010-008A 36411 JM/4_10 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx677.html GOES 16 (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite GOES-R) GOES-R USA USA NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) Government Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology GEO 0.00 "35,790" "35,795" 5.93E-05 0.00 1436.1 "5,192" "2,857" 11/19/2016 20 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2016-071A 41866 "Carries the Advanced Baseline Imager, the sophisticated digital camera that offers more embedded data at higher resolution taken in quicker intervals than ever before." prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/20/atlas-5-launches-the-most-advanced-u-s-weather-satellite-in-history/ https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/content/goes-r-has-become-goes-16 http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2016/11/2016-071.html#yG GOES 17 (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite GOES-S) GOES-S USA USA NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) Government Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology GEO -137.00 "35,778" "35,795" 2.02E-04 0.00 1436.09 "5,211" "3,000" 3/1/2018 15 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2018-022A 43226 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/02/weather-satellite-for-the-west-coast-launched-from-cape-canaveral/ Göktürk 1 Göktürk 1 NR Turkey Turkish Ministry of National Defense Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 683 683 0.00E+00 98.10 98.42 "1,060" 12/5/2016 7 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Vega 2016-073A 41875 "Along with satellite construction, Thales Alenia Space developed a spacecraft integration and test center in Ankara as part of a technology transfer program." JM/Satcat http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/05/turkeys-military-gets-a-new-eye-in-the-sky-with-successful-vega-launch/ http://www.trtworld.com/turkey/turkey-launches-gokturk-1-military-surveillance-satellite-245835 Göktürk 2 Göktürk 2 NR Turkey Turkish Ministry of National Defense Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 669 690 1.49E-03 98.16 98.35 409 12/18/2012 5 TÜB?TAK Space Technologies Research Institute/Turkish Aerospace Industries Turkey Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2012-073A 39030 High resolution earth observation. Second and third in production. SC - ASCR https://www.tai.com.tr/en/project/gokturk-2 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/12/china-end-2012-long-march-2d-launch-gokturk-2/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I073A.HTM GomX-4A GomX-4A Denmark Denmark GomSpace ApS Military Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 483 506 1.68E-03 97.30 94.5 8 2/2/2018 GomSpace Denmark Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-015F 43197 Collect data for the Danish Ministry of Defense on airplane and ship movements over the Arctic region JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/02/02/china-lofts-earthquake-research-craft-with-cluster-of-smaller-satellites/ https://gomspace.com/gomx-4.aspx GomX-4B GomX-4B Denmark Denmark GomSpace ApS Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 486 508 1.60E-03 97.30 94.5 8 2/2/2018 GomSpace Denmark Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-015E 43196 Technology development. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/02/02/china-lofts-earthquake-research-craft-with-cluster-of-smaller-satellites/ https://gomspace.com/gomx-4.aspx Gonets M-03 Gonets M-03 Russia Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,478" "1,510" 2.03E-03 82.50 115.9 270 120 7/28/2012 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2012-041B 38734 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=28490 http://www.russianspaceweb.com/gonets.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 http://www.russianspaceweb.com/gonets.html Gonets M-04 Gonets M-04 Russia Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,480" "1,511" 1.97E-03 82.50 115.9 270 120 7/28/2012 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2012-041D 38736 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=28490 http://www.russianspaceweb.com/gonets.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 Gonets M-05 Gonets M-05 Russia Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,497" "1,510" 8.26E-04 82.50 116.1 270 120 9/8/2010 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2010-043B 37153 Constellation of 12 satellites for civil/commercial use. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/043C.HTM&act=print http://russianforces.org/blog/2010/09/gonets-m_strela-3_and_strela-3.shtml http://www.orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=18031 Gonets M-11 (Gonets M21) Gonets M-11 Russia Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,497" "1,508" 6.99E-04 82.40 116 280 120 3/31/2015 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2015-020A 40552 JM/8_15 http://gonets.ru/eng/satellite-communication-systems/gonets-d1m-system/satellites-and-infrastructure.html http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/03/russian-rokot-lofts-gonets-trio/ Gonets M-12 (Gonets M22) Gonets M-12 Russia Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,494" "1,506" 7.62E-04 82.40 116 280 120 3/31/2015 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2015-020B 40553 JM/8_15 http://gonets.ru/eng/satellite-communication-systems/gonets-d1m-system/satellites-and-infrastructure.html http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/03/russian-rokot-lofts-gonets-trio/ Gonets M-13 (Gonets M23) Gonets M-13 Russia Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,171" "1,504" 2.16E-02 82.40 116 280 120 3/31/2015 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2015-020C 40554 JM/8_15 http://gonets.ru/eng/satellite-communication-systems/gonets-d1m-system/satellites-and-infrastructure.html http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/03/russian-rokot-lofts-gonets-trio/ Gonets M-14 Gonets M-14 Russia Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,482" "1,507" 1.59E-03 82.49 115.86 270 120 9/11/2013 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2013-048A 39249 ZARYA http://www.iss-reshetnev.com/?cid=news&nid=299 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 Gonets M-16 Gonets M-16 Russia Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,493" "1,508" 9.53E-04 82.49 116 270 120 9/11/2013 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2013-048B 39250 ZARYA http://www.iss-reshetnev.com/?cid=news&nid=299 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 Gonets M-17 Gonets M-17 Russia Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,494" "1,509" 9.53E-04 92.49 116.02 270 120 9/11/2013 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2013-048C 39251 ZARYA http://www.iss-reshetnev.com/?cid=news&nid=299 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 Gonets M-18 Gonets M-18 Russia Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,479" "1,510" 1.97E-03 82.52 115.87 280 120 7/3/2014 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2014-036A 40061 ZARYA http://www.iss-reshetnev.com/?cid=news&nid=165&ses=5f74b08a4d52930f4f814 http://english.gonets.ru/ Gonets M-19 Gonets M-19 Russia Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,480" "1,512" 2.03E-03 82.51 115.89 280 120 7/3/2014 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2014-036B 40062 ZARYA http://www.iss-reshetnev.com/?cid=news&nid=165&ses=5f74b08a4d52930f4f814 http://english.gonets.ru/ Gonets M-20 Gonets M-20 Russia Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,478" "1,509" 1.97E-03 82.51 115.84 280 120 7/3/2014 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2014-036C 40063 ZARYA http://www.iss-reshetnev.com/?cid=news&nid=165&ses=5f74b08a4d52930f4f814 http://english.gonets.ru/ Gonets M-24 Gonets-M-24 NR (3/20) Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,498" "1,505" 4.45E-04 82.51 116.01 280 120 12/26/2019 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2019-096A 44905 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/27/russia-retires-rockot-launcher-after-liftoff-with-four-satellites/ Gonets M-25 Gonets M-25 NR (3/20) Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,499" "1,507" 5.08E-04 82.51 116.01 280 120 12/26/2019 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2019-096B 44906 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/27/russia-retires-rockot-launcher-after-liftoff-with-four-satellites/ Gonets M-26 Gonets-M-26 NR (3/20) Russia Gonets Satcom Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,500" "1,507" 4.45E-04 82.50 116.01 280 120 12/26/2019 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2019-096C 44907 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/27/russia-retires-rockot-launcher-after-liftoff-with-four-satellites/ GOSAT-2 (Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite-2; Ibuki-2) GOSAT-2 Japan Japan "JAXA, Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Environmental Studies" Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 585 599 1.01E-03 97.85 96.5 "1,800" 10/29/2018 5 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2018-084B 43672 Measure greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere and help scientists better quantify the role of human activity in climate change. JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/29/japan-launches-satellite-to-study-human-causes-of-climate-change/ GovSat-1 (SES-16) GovSat-1 Luxembourg Luxembourg LuxGovSat Government/Military Communications GEO 21.50 "35,766" "35,807" 4.86E-04 0.00 1436.1 "4,230" 1/31/2018 15 Orbital ATK USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2018-013A 43178 """GovSat-1 was designed to meet the specific needs of government customers, and will enable a wide array of defense and civilian security applications, even in the most remote locations.” Carries Ka-band and X-band telecom equipment to relay data, radio signals and other communications across a zone stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean." JMGEO/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/31/spacex-rocket-flies-on-60th-anniversary-of-first-u-s-satellite-launch/ GPIM (Green Propellant Infusion Mission) GPIM NR (11/19) USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 701 729 1.98E-03 24.00 99 180 6/25/2019 1 Ball Aerospace USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036D 44342 NASA is developing a green alternative to conventional chemical propulsion systems for next-generation launch vehicles and spacecraft. JMSatcat/11_19 https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/green/index.html https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/npsat-1 https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt GPM Core Observatory (Global Precipitation Measurement) GPM Core Observatory NR USA/Japan National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/JAXA Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 392 409 1.26E-03 65.02 92.57 "3,850" 2/27/2014 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center USA Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2014-009C 39574 The GPM Core observatory is equipped with radar and microwave imagers to collect data to measure precipitation in the Earth's atmosphere. SC - ASCR http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/GPM/spacecraft/index.html#.U7bZNbHviAo http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2014/INDEX1.HTM Grace Follow-on-1 (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-on-1) Grace Follow-on-1 USA USA/Germany NASA/German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Polar 0.00 485 504 1.38E-03 88.90 94.5 600 5/22/2018 5 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Airbus USA/Germany Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-047A 43476 "Continues the work of tracking Earth's water movement to monitor changes in underground water storage, amount of water in large lakes and rivers, soil moisture, ice sheets and glaciers, sea level caused by the addition of water to the ocean." JM/10_18 https://grace.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/grace-fo/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/g/grace-fo https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/22/rideshare-launch-by-spacex-serves-commercial-and-scientific-customers/ Grace Follow-on-2 (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-on-2) Grace Follow-on-2 USA USA/Germany NASA/German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Polar 0.00 484 504 1.46E-03 88.90 94.5 600 5/22/2018 5 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Airbus USA/Germany Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-047B 43477 "Continues the work of tracking Earth's water movement to monitor changes in underground water storage, amount of water in large lakes and rivers, soil moisture, ice sheets and glaciers, sea level caused by the addition of water to the ocean." JM/10_18 https://grace.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/grace-fo/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/g/grace-fo https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/22/rideshare-launch-by-spacex-serves-commercial-and-scientific-customers/ "Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (Ibuki, GoSAT)" Ibuki Japan Japan Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 668 670 1.42E-04 98.10 98.1 "1,750" "3,800" 1/23/2009 5 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2009-002A 33492 Observe the concentration and distribution of greenhouse gases across most of the Earth's surface. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.jaxa.jp/projects/sat/gosat/index_e.html http://envisat.esa.int/object/index.cfm?fobjectid=5096 GRIFEX (GEO-CAPE ROIC In-Flight Performance Experiment) GRIFEX USA USA University of Michigan/NASA Earth Science Technology Office Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Elliptical 0.00 441 659 1.58E-02 99.10 95.5 4 1/31/2015 "Michigan Exploration Laboratory, University of Michigan" USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2015-003D 40379 A spaceborne engineering assessment of a JPL-developed all digital in-pixel high frame rate ROIC (Read-Out Integrated Circuit). https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/g/grifex http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/cubesat/grifex.php GRUS-1 GRUS-1 Japan Japan Axelspace Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 570 582 8.64E-04 97.70 96.2 100 12/27/2018 5 Axelspace Japan Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111Q 43890 "First satellite in Axelspace's earth observation constellation, AxelGlobe." JMSatcat/3_19 https://www.axelspace.com/en/solution_/grus/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt GSAT-10 GSAT-10 India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications GEO 83.00 "35,777" "35,795" 2.13E-04 0.06 1436.07 "3,400" "1,493" 9/28/2012 15 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2012-051B 38779 Also equipped with GAGAN (GPS Aided GEO Augmented Naviation). ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012#end http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/09/ariane-5-eca-launch-with-astra-2f-and-gsat-10-satellites/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I051B.HTM GSAT-11 GSAT-11 India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications GEO 74.00 "35,775" "35,798" 2.73E-04 0.12 1436.09 "5,854" 12/4/2018 15 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2018-100B 43824 Heaviest comms satellite ever built by IRSO. Ku- and Ka-band transponders. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/04/ariane-5-launches-indias-biggest-satellite-south-korean-weather-observer/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt GSAT-12 GSAT-12 India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications GEO 82.94 "35,761" "35,811" 5.93E-04 0.09 1436.1 "1,410" 559 "1,430" 7/15/2011 8 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C17 2011-034A 37746 C-band expansion at this location. Designed for quick turn-around deployment. SC - ASCR 9/11 http://www.isro.org/satellites/gsat-12.aspx http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/034A.HTM GSAT-14 GSAT-14 India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications GEO 74.00 "35,763" "35,810" 5.57E-04 0.23 1436.1 "1,982" 1/5/2014 12 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre GSLV 2014-001A 39498 Replacement for GSAT-3. SC - ASCR http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2014/001A.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 GSAT-15 GSAT-15 India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications GEO 93.50 "35,782" "35,805" 2.73E-04 0.10 1436.1 "3,164" 1/10/2015 12 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2015-065A 41028 SC - ASCR http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/11/10/arab-and-indian-satellites-fly-aboard-ariane-5/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/11/2015-065.html#2015065A https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/gsat15-set-to-replace-insat3a-4b/article7842867.ece GSAT-16 GSAT-16 Inda India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications GEO 55.00 "35,776" "35,798" 2.61E-04 0.18 1436.1 "3,181" 12/6/2014 15 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2014-078A 40332 "Replacement for GSAT-3E. 48 transponders - 12 in the C band, 12 in the extended C and 24 in the Ku band." ZARYA http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/indias-gsat16-launched-successfully/article6669677.ece http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 GSAT-17 GSAT-17 India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications GEO 93.50 "35,757" "35,817" 7.12E-04 0.00 1436.1 "3,477" 6/28/2017 15 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2017-040B 42815 Also hosts a payload to relay meteorological data and has a search and rescue support mission JMGeo/10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/28/ariane-5-rocket-tallies-80th-straight-success-with-on-target-satellite-launch/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log GSAT-18 GSAT-18 India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications GEO 74.00 "35,775" "35,812" 4.39E-04 0.00 1436.1 "3,404" 10/5/2016 15 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2016-060A 41793 JM/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/10/05/ariane-5-goes-on-test-run-after-launching-two-satellites/ GSAT-19E GSAT-19E India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications GEO 82.50 "35,777" "35,795" 2.13E-04 0.00 1436.1 "3,136" 6/3/2017 10 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre GSLV MK.3 2017-031A 42747 JM/10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/05/indias-launcher-fleet-gets-an-upgrade-with-successful-test-flight/ GSAT-29 GSAT-29 India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications GEO 55.00 "37,782" "37,807" 2.83E-04 0.10 1436.1 "3,400" 11/14/2018 10 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre GSLV MK.3 2018-089A 43698 High-throughput. JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/14/gslv-mk3-d2-gsat-29/ GSAT-30 GSAT-30 NR (3/20) India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications GEO 83.00 "35,794" "35,844" 5.93E-04 0.12 1437.7 "3,357" 1/16/2020 15 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2020-005A 45026 12 C-band transponders and 12 Ku-band transponders. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/01/16/arianespace-opens-busy-year-with-successful-ariane-5-launch/ GSAT-31 GSAT-31 India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications GEO 48.00 "35,774" "35,799" 2.97E-04 0.10 1436.1 "2,536" "4,700" 2/5/2019 15 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2019-007B 44035 Ku-band services to India and neighboring islands and oceans. Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/02/05/arianespace-opens-busy-2019-manifest-with-dual-satellite-ariane-5-launch/ https://www.isro.gov.in/gsat-31/launch-kit GSAT-6 (Insat 4-E) GSAT-6 NR India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government/Commercial Communications GEO 83.00 "35,775" "35,775" 0.00E+00 0.00 1436.1 "2,110" 980 "3,100" 8/27/2015 12 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre GSLV 2015-041A 40880 Estimated http://www.isro.gov.in/update/27-aug-2015/gslv-successfully-launches-india%E2%80%99s-latest-communication-satellite-gsat-6 http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/bangalore/mired-in-row-gsat6-finally-goes-up-in-space/article7603981.ece http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/08/indian-gslv-launch-gsat-6/ GSAT-7 GSAT-7 India India Indian Navy Military Communications GEO 74.00 "35,757" "35,814" 6.76E-04 0.19 1436 "2,650" 8/29/2013 7 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2013-044B 39234 India's first dedicated military satellite. ZARYA http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-23894646 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 GSAT-7A GSAT-7A India India Indian Air Force Military Communications GEO 62.70 "35,777" "35,796" 2.25E-04 0.01 1436.11 "2,250" 12/19/2018 8 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre GSLV Mk.2 2018-105A 43864 Built to serve the Indian Air Force. JMGeo/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/19/indian-space-program-closes-out-year-with-launch-of-upgraded-gslv/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log GSAT-8 GSAT-8 India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications/Navigation GEO 55.00 "35,782" "35,796" 1.66E-04 0.09 1436.23 "3,093" "1,426" "6,250" 5/20/2011 12 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2011-022A 37605 Direct-to-home broadcast and other domestic needs. Equipped with GAGAN (GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation). SC - ASCR 9/11 http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-05-21/india/29568098_1_gsat-8-communication-satellite-indian-national-satellite-system http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/022A.HTM http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log http://ibnlive.in.com/news/gsat8-launched-to-boost-dth-services/153058-11.html http://www.isro.org/satellites/geostationary.aspx G-Satellite (G-SATELLITE and the Gundam and Char’s Zaku figures) G-Satellite NR (7/20) Japan Tokyo 2020 One Team Project Civil Communications LEO 0.00 413 418 3.68E-04 51.60 92.9 3 4/28/2020 University of Tokyo/JAXA/and three toymakers Japan International Space Station J-SSOD Deployer 1998-067RK 45598 First satellite ever orbited to celebrate the Olympic Games - scheduled for 2020 in Japan but delayed JMSatcat/7_20 https://www.paralympic.org/news/tokyo-2020-g-satellite-ready-launch https://tokyo2020.org/en/news/g-satellite-completed "GSSAP 1 (Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program, USA 253)" USA 253 USA USA Air Force Satellite Control Network Military Space Observation Imaging GEO 149.04 "35,741" "35,784" 5.10E-04 0.09 1434.9 600 7/28/2014 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4M 2014-043A 40099 Space surveillance of satellites in GEO. Approximate http://www.afspc.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=21389 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 "GSSAP 2 (Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program, USA 254)" USA 254 USA USA Air Force Satellite Control Network Military Space Observation Imaging GEO 115.41 "35,758" "35,795" 4.39E-04 0.06 1435.6 600 7/28/2014 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4M 2014-043B 40100 Space surveillance of satellites in GEO. Approximate http://www.afspc.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=21389 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 "GSSAP 3 (Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program, USA 270)" USA 270 USA USA Air Force Satellite Control Network Military Space Observation Imaging GEO -111.17 "35,749" "35,820" 8.42E-04 0.03 1436.02 600 8/19/2016 Orbital ATK USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4M+ 2016-052A 41744 Space surveillance of satellites in GEO. JM/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/08/19/delta-4-successfully-soars-to-the-high-ground-to-deploy-two-patrol-satellites/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log "GSSAP 4 (Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program, USA 271)" USA 271 USA USA Air Force Satellite Control Network Military Space Observation Imaging GEO -126.25 "35,769" "35,899" 1.54E-03 0.01 1438.54 600 8/19/2016 Orbital ATK USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4M+ 2016-052B 41745 Space surveillance of satellites in GEO. JM/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/08/19/delta-4-successfully-soars-to-the-high-ground-to-deploy-two-patrol-satellites/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Haiyang 1C (HY 1C) Haiyang 1C China China State Oceanic Administration (SOA) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 769 786 1.19E-03 98.60 100.4 442 9/7/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 2018-068A 43609 Ocean-imaging surveillance satellite. JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/09/09/china-launches-satellite-to-monitor-worlds-oceans/ Haiyang 1D (HY 1D) Haiyang 1D NR (7/20) China State Oceanic Administration (SOA) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 770 785 1.05E-03 98.40 100.4 442 6/10/2020 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 2020-036A 45721 Ocean-imaging surveillance satellite. JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/10/china-launches-ocean-monitoring-satellite/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Haiyang 2A (HY 2A) Haiyang 2A China China State Oceanic Administration (SOA) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 965 967 1.36E-04 99.40 104.4 "1,500" 8/15/2011 3 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2011-043A 37781 Ocean-imaging surveillance satellite. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2011/08/chinas-surge-haiyang-21a-launch-long-march-4b/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/043A.HTM https://infeo1.eo.esa.int:8091/get_announce.php?an_id=10003620 http://articles.janes.com/articles/Janes-Space-Systems-and-Industry/Haiyang-series-China.html Haiyang 2B (HY 2B) Haiyang 2B China China State Oceanic Administration (SOA) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 949 957 5.46E-04 99.30 104.1 "1,500" 10/24/2018 3 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2018-081A 43655 JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/25/chinese-oceanography-satellite-launches-successfully/ HaloSat HaloSat NR USA University of Iowa Government Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 399 407 5.91E-04 51.60 92.6 10 7/13/2018 Blue Canyon Technologies USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067NX 43549 Measure soft X-ray emissions from the halo of the Milky Way galaxy. JMSatcat/11_18 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/h/halosat https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2018/nasa-s-new-mini-satellite-will-study-milky-way-s-halo Hawk-A (HawkEye 360 Pathfinder 1) Hawk-A NR USA HawkEye 360 Commercial Surveillance Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 577 590 9.35E-04 97.70 96.3 15 12/3/2018 GomSpace/Unitas SFL Denmark/Canada Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099H 43765 Uses rf-geolocation to detect radio frequences operating on Earth from space. More reliable than AIS. JMSatcat/3_19 https://www.he360.com/hawkeye-360-announces-successful-launch-of-first-three-satellites/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/h/hawkeye https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Hawk-B (HawkEye 360 Pathfinder 2) Hawk-B NR USA HawkEye 360 Commercial Surveillance Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 577 590 9.35E-04 97.70 96.3 15 12/3/2018 GomSpace/Unitas SFL Denmark/Canada Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AN 43794 Uses rf-geolocation to detect radio frequences operating on Earth from space. More reliable than AIS. JMSatcat/3_19 https://www.he360.com/hawkeye-360-announces-successful-launch-of-first-three-satellites/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/h/hawkeye https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Hawk-C (HawkEye 360 Pathfinder 3) Hawk-C NR USA HawkEye 360 Commercial Surveillance Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 574 592 1.29E-03 97.70 96.3 15 12/3/2018 GomSpace/Unitas SFL Denmark/Canada Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AT 43799 Uses rf-geolocation to detect radio frequences operating on Earth from space. More reliable than AIS. JMSatcat/3_19 https://www.he360.com/hawkeye-360-announces-successful-launch-of-first-three-satellites/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/h/hawkeye https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt HEAD-1 HEAD-1 NR China HEAD Aerospace Commercial Earth Observation Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 796 809 9.06E-04 98.60 100.9 45 11/14/2017 3 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2017-072B 43011 Pathfinder for 30-satellite Skywalker constellation - AIS equipped. JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/14/chinese-weather-satellite-launched-into-polar-orbit/ https://www.head-aerospace.eu/single-post/2017/11/16/Successful-launch-of-the-first-commercial-Chinese-maritime-micro-satellite HEAD-2A HEAD-2A NR (3/20) China HEAD Aerospace Commercial Earth Observation Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 511 1.16E-03 97.30 94.6 45 12/7/2019 HEAD Aerospace China Taiyuan Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2019-087A 44838 First two spacecraft in HEAD Aerospace Skywalker constellation. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/07/china-launches-two-kuaizhou-rockets-in-six-hours/ HEAD-2B HEAD-2B NR (3/20) China HEAD Aerospace Commercial Earth Observation Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 511 1.16E-03 97.30 94.6 45 12/7/2019 HEAD Aerospace China Taiyuan Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2019-087B 44839 JMSatcat/3/20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/07/china-launches-two-kuaizhou-rockets-in-six-hours/ HEAD-4 HEAD-4 NR (7/20) China HEAD Aerospace Commercial Earth Observation Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 487 502 1.09E-03 97.30 94.5 45 5/31/2020 HEAD Aerospace China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2020-034A 45624 JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/01/two-chinese-launches-deploy-satellites-for-earth-imaging-tech-demonstrations/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt HEAD-5 HEAD-5 NR (7/20) China HEAD Aerospace Commercial Earth Observation Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 485 502 1.24E-03 97.30 94.5 45 6/17/2020 HEAD Aerospace China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2020-039C 45796 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/17/china-launches-earth-observation-satellite/ Helios 2A Helios 2A NR France/Italy/Belgium/Spain/Greece Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)/Délégation Générale de l'Armement (DGA) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 681 683 1.42E-04 98.10 98 "4,200" "1,500-1,900" "2,900" 12/18/2004 5 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Guiana Space Center Ariane 5G 2004-049A 28492 Optical reconnaissance; independent military intelligence capability for the EU (France has financed 90% of the B series). SC - ASCR http://www.yenra.com/satellite-imaging/ http://www.forum-europe.com/NDA/index.html?http://www.forum-europe.com/NDA/news_detail.asp?ID=319&block=true&frame=yes~main http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx614.html http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/space/12/18/french.satellite.ap/ http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/ariane5_helios_launch_041218.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Helios 2B Helios 2B France France/Italy/Belgium/Spain/Greece Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)/Délégation Générale de l'Armement (DGA) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 679 682 2.13E-04 98.10 98.37 "4,200" "1,500-1,900" "2,900" 12/18/2009 5 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2009-073A 36124 "Optical reconnaissance, independent military intelligence capability for the EU (France has financed 90% of the B series)." SC - ASCR http://www.france24.com/en/20091218-france-lauches-spy-satellite-helios-2b-kourou-guiana-military-space-intelligence http://www.space-travel.com/reports/Ariane_5_Getting_Ready_To_Launch_Helios_2B_Reconn_Satellite_999.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/073A.HTM http://www.defense-aerospace.com/article-view/release/110499/france-to-launch-helios-2b-spy-satellite.html "Hellas-Sat 2 (Intelsat K-TV, NSS K-TV)" HellasSat 2 Greece Greece Hellas-Sat Consortium Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 39.06 "35,769" "35,803" 4.03E-04 0.01 1436.08 "3,300" "7,600" 5/12/2003 15 Astrium "France, UK, Germany" Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2003-020A 27811 30 Ku-band; television broadcasting services for the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens. JM/12_08 http://www.hellas-sat.net/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx595.html http://www.spaceandtech.com/digest/flash2002/flash2002-069.shtml http://www.spaceflightnow.com/atlas/av002/030512hellassat.html Hellas-Sat 3/INMARSAT S EAN HellasSat 3 NR Greece/United Kingdom Hellas-Sat Consortium Ltd./INMARSAT Commercial Communications GEO 39.00 "35,685" "35,788" 1.22E-03 0.00 1436.1 "5,780" 6/28/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2017-040A 42814 "Direct-to-home television programming over Europe, Africa and the Middle East with 44 Ku-band transponders and a Ka-band payload owned by Hellas-Sat; S-band payload will connect airline passengers traveling across Europe with Wi-Fi as part of Inmarsat’s European Aviation Network." JMGEO10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/28/ariane-5-rocket-tallies-80th-straight-success-with-on-target-satellite-launch/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Hellas-Sat 4/SGS-1 (Saudi Geostationary Satellite 1) Hellas-Sat 4 NR Greece Hellas-Sat Consortium Ltd. Commercial/Government Communications GEO 39.00 "35,785" "35,785" 0.00E+00 0.01 1436.1 "6,495" 2/5/2019 15 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2019-007A 44034 "Will provide Ka-band broadband Internet connectivity and other telecom services across Saudi Arabia and neighboring countries, including secure military communications for nations in the Gulf Cooperative Council. Ku-band for Europe and Middle East." Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/02/05/arianespace-opens-busy-2019-manifest-with-dual-satellite-ariane-5-launch/ https://www.hellas-sat.net/ "HESSI (RHESSI, Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager)" RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager) USA USA "Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley/NASA" Government/Civil Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 535 551 1.16E-03 38.00 95.5 293 414 2/5/2002 3 "Spectrum Astro, Inc." USA Cape Canaveral Pegasus 2002-004A 27370 Explore basic physics of particle acceleration and explosive energy release in solar flares. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx580.html http://hessi.ssl.berkeley.edu/spacecraft/ http://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/hessi/sheet.htm#Technical%20Facts Hiber-1 Hiber-1 NR Netherlands Hiber Global Commercial Technology Development LEO 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 95 4 11/29/2018 Hiber Global Netherlands Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096AB 43744 Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Hiber-2 Hiber-2 NR Netherlands Hiber Global Commercial Technology Development LEO 0.00 575 591 1.15E-03 97.70 96.3 7 12/3/2018 Hiber Global Netherlands Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099S 43774 Test the IoT/M2M service. Part of 12/3/2019 SSO-A flight. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sso-a https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Himawari 8 Himawari 8 Japan Japan Japan Meteorological Agency/Meteorological Satellite Center (MSC) Government Earth Observation Meteorology GEO 140.00 "35,774" "35,797" 2.73E-04 0.08 1436.06 "3,500" "1,300" "2,600" 10/7/2014 8 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2014-060A 40267 Equipped with highly improved Advanced Himawari Imagers (AHIs). ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.jma.go.jp/jma/jma-eng/satellite/news/himawari89/himawari89_leaflet.pdf Himawari 9 Himawari 9 Japan Japan Japan Meteorological Agency/Meteorological Satellite Center (MSC) Government Earth Observation Meteorology GEO 140.00 "35,788" "35,799" 1.30E-04 0.00 1436.1 "3,500" "1,300" "2,600" 11/2/2016 8 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2016-064A 41836 Equipped with highly improved Advanced Himawari Imagers (AHIs). JM/12_16 https://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/02/japanese-weather-observatory-successfully-boosted-into-orbit/ https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2016/11/japanese-h-iia-rocket-himawari-9-launch/ Hinode (Solar B) Hinode Japan Multinational Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science/NASA Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 670 696 1.84E-03 98.10 98.4 700 530 "1,000" 10/22/2006 3 "Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science, University of Tokyo/NASA" Japan/USA/UK/Germany Uchinoura Space Center JAXA M-V 2006-041A 29479 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://solarb.msfc.nasa.gov/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/database/MasterCatalog?sc=2006-041A http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/041A.HTM "Hisaki (Sprint A, Spectroscopic Planet Observatory for Recognition of Interaction of Atmosphere)" Hisaki Japan Japan Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Government Space Science Elliptical 0.00 952 "1,155" 1.37E-02 31.00 106.27 348 900 9/14/2013 1 NEC Corporation Japan Uchinoura Space Center Epsilon 2013-049A 39253 Carries extreme ultraviolet telescope to observe the planets and measure their interaction with plasma generated by Jupiters moon Io and investigate the mechanism of how the atmosphere of the terrestrial planets escapes into space. ZARYA http://www.shi.co.jp/english/info/2013/6kgpsq0000001k40.html http://www.jaxa.jp/projects/sat/sprint_a/index_e.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 Hispasat 1D Hispasat 1D Spain Spain Hispasat Government/Commercial/Military Communications GEO -29.95 "35,764" "35,809" 5.34E-04 0.02 1436.11 "3,288" "1,382" "6,200" 9/18/2002 15 Alcatel Space Industries France Cape Canaveral Atlas 2AS 2002-044A 27528 "Fourth of Spain's communications satellites with government, commercial and military application; X-band heavily used; 28 Ku-band transponders." JM/12_08 http://www.hispasat.com/portugues/FlotaSat/satHisp1D_plat.htm Hispasat 1E Hispasat 1E NR Spain Hispasat Commercial Communications GEO -30.00 "35,782" "35,786" 4.74E-05 0.07 1435.95 "5,320" "2,175" "14,000" 12/29/2010 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2010-070A 37264 63 Ku-band transponders and a Ka-band capability. SC - ASCR http://www.hispasat.com/Detail.aspx?sectionsId=213&lang=en http://www.asdnews.com/news/32663/HISPASAT_1E_satellite_Successfully_Performs_Post-Launch_Maneuvers.htm http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/070A.HTM Hispasat 30W-6 (Hispasat 1F) Hispasat 30W-6 NR Spain Hispasat Commercial Communications GEO -30.00 "35,786" "35,788" 2.37E-05 0.00 1436.11 "6,100" 3/6/2018 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2018-023A 43228 "Forty Ku-band, 10 C-band, 7 Ka-band transponders. " JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/06/hefty-hispasat-satellite-rides-spacex-rocket-into-orbit/ Hispasat 36W-1 (Hispasat AG1) Hispasat 36W-1 Spain Spain Hispasat Commercial Communications GEO -36.90 "35,783" "35,791" 9.49E-05 0.00 1436.1 "3,220" "1,700" "6,000" 1/28/2017 15 OHB System-AG Germany Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2017-006A 41942 First GEO satellite built in Germany in 20 years. JMGeo9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/28/soyuz-rocket-provides-sendoff-for-international-telecom-satellite/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2017/01/2017-006.html HJ-1A (Huan Jing 1A) HJ-1A China China National Remote Sensing Center (NRSCC) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 628 665 2.64E-03 97.80 97.7 470 9/5/2008 3 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)/DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 2008-041A 33320 Monitors environment and natural disasters. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.space-risks.com/SpaceData/index.php?id_page=8&Satellite_Name=HJ-1A http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I041A.HTM http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n0809/06longmarch2c/ HJ-1B (Huan Jing 1B) HJ-1B China China National Remote Sensing Center (NRSCC) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 621 673 3.71E-03 97.80 97.7 470 9/5/2008 3 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)/DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 2008-041B 33321 Monitors environment and natural disasters. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.space-risks.com/SpaceData/index.php?id_page=8&Satellite_Name=HJ-1A http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I041A.HTM http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n0809/06longmarch2c/ HJ-1C (Huan Jing 1C) HJ-1C China China National Committee for Disaster Reduction and State Environmental Protection Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 420 438 1.32E-03 97.33 94.53 890 11/18/2012 3 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)/DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 2012-064A 38997 Monitors environment and natural disasters. WT http://www.spaceflightnow.news/n1211/18longmarch/#.UOXIIXfjtK1 http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I064A.HTM Hodoyoshi-1 Hodoyoshi-1 Japan Japan University of Tokyo and NESTRA Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 506 525 1.38E-03 97.48 94.93 65 50 11/6/2014 University of Tokyo Japan Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-070B 40299 Produce medium-high resolution Earth images. ZARYA https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/h/hodoyoshi-1 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Hodoyoshi-3 Hodoyoshi-3 Japan Japan University of Tokyo and NESTRA Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 613 666 3.78E-03 97.98 97.51 60 50 6/19/2014 University of Tokyo Japan Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033F 40015 Accelerate the technology development and practical utilization of micro/nano-satellites. ZARYA http://www.technology.org/2014/08/06/micro-satellites-hodoyoshi-3-4-start-capturing-earth-images/ http://www.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/etpage/release/2014/2014061701.html Hodoyoshi-4 Hodoyoshi-4 Japan Japan University of Tokyo and NESTRA Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 613 650 2.64E-03 97.99 97.35 60 50 6/19/2014 University of Tokyo Japan Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033B 40011 ZARYA http://www.technology.org/2014/08/06/micro-satellites-hodoyoshi-3-4-start-capturing-earth-images/ http://www.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/etpage/release/2014/2014061701.html Hongyan-1 (Chongqing) Hongyan-1 China China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) Government Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,090" "1,098" 5.36E-04 50.00 107.1 12/29/2018 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-112F 43914 Planned LEO communications constellation. Will test L-band and Ka-band communications technologies in orbit. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spacewatch.global/2018/11/chinas-new-space-race-first-satellite-of-cascs-hongyan-leo-satcom-constellation-to-launch-by-end-of-2018/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/30/china-debuts-new-upper-stage-in-final-launch-of-the-year/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Hongyun-1 (Hongyun Gongcheng JYW) Hongyun-1 NR (11/19) China China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 "1,061" "1,077" 1.08E-03 99.92 106.59 12/21/2018 China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2018-108A 43871 First of a planned broadband constellation of 156 satellites. This satellite will verify technologies. JMSatcat/3_19 https://gbtimes.com/china-to-launch-first-hongyun-low-earth-orbit-communication-satellite-late-on-friday https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/28/china-launches-two-more-long-march-rockets-another-possible-before-end-of-year/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Horizons 2 Horizons 2 USA USA/Japan "Horizons 2 Satellite, LLC (Intelsat, Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation)" Commercial Communications GEO 85.00 "35,777" "35,796" 2.25E-04 0.00 1436.1 "2,300" "4,700" 12/21/2007 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2007-063B 32388 "Joint venture between Intelsat and JSAT; 20 Ku-band transponders, services to the US, Canada and Japan." JM/12_08 http://www.orbital.com/NewsInfo/Publications/Horizons2_fact.pdf http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/063B.HTM http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20111108005912/en/Intelsat-Reports-Quarter-2011-Results Horizons 3e Horizons 3e NR USA/Japan "Horizons 2 Satellite, LLC (Intelsat, Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation)" Commercial Communications GEO 169.00 "35,789" "35,798" 1.07E-04 0.00 1436.1 "6,500" 9/25/2018 15 Boeing USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2018-074B 43633 Aeronautical and maritime mobility services in Pacific Northwest and North America. JMSatcat/11_18 http://www.intelsat.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/H-3e-Fact-Sheet.pdf https://spaceflightnow.com/launch-log/ Horyu-2 (High Voltage Technology Demonstration Satellite-2) Horyu-2 Japan Japan Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 650 669 1.35E-03 98.20 97.9 7 5/17/2012 1 Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2012-025D 38340 To test an experimental high-voltage solar array system and observe spacecraft charging effects caused by it; also provide ground communication for junior/senor high school students as amateur radio. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/h/horyu-2 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 HSAT-1 HSAT-1 NR USA Harris Corporation Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.40 95 4 11/29/2018 Harris Corporation USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096B 43720 Test deployable antenna design for potential use on future smallsats. Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Huangpu-1 Huangpu-1 NR (3/20) China Shanghai Lizheng Satellite Application Technology Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 485 504 1.38E-03 97.50 94.5 50 11/3/2019 Shanghai Lizheng Satellite Application Technology China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2019-072C 44705 First of a planned 90-satellite communications constellation JMSatcat/3_20 https://www.newspace.im/constellations/shanghai-lizheng-satellite https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/03/chinese-mapping-satellite-launches-on-long-march-4b-rocket/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Hubble Space Telescope (HST, Space Telescope)" Hubble Space Telescope USA ESA/USA European Space Agency (ESA)/NASA Government Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 555 559 2.89E-04 28.50 95.8 "11,110" "2,400" 4/25/1990 10 European Space Agency/NASA International Cape Canaveral Space Shuttle (STS 31) 1990-037B 20580 Exploration of space. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://sci.esa.int/science-e/www/area/index.cfm?fareaid=31 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/database/MasterCatalog?sc=1990-037B http://hubble.nasa.gov/ http://library.thinkquest.org/21418/hst/hst.htm Huia'an (Zhou Enlai) Huia'an China China Huaian Youth Comprehensive Development Base Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 529 547 1.30E-03 97.50 95.4 3 1/18/2018 Huaian Youth Comprehensive Development Base China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2018-008B 43156 Student education. JMSatcat/5_18 http://spaceflight101.com/china-third-long-march-11-launch/ Huskysat-1 Huskysat-1 NR (3/20) USA University of Washington Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 459 474 1.10E-03 51.60 93.9 5 1/31/2020 University of Washington USA Cygnus Nanoracks Deployer 2019-071C 45113 Demonstrate on-board plasma propulsion and high-gain telemetry for LEO that would be a precursor for an attempt at a larger cubesat designed for orbital insertion at the moon. JMSatcat/3_20 http://spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=55212 "HXMT (Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope, Insight)" HXMT China China National Space Science Center (NSSC) Government Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 536 545 6.51E-04 43.02 95.4 "2,500" 6/15/2017 4 National Space Science Center (NSSC) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4B 2017-034A 42758 Carries three x-ray telescopes observing at energies ranging from 20 to 200 kilo-electron volts as well as an instrument to monitor the space environment. JM/10_17 http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/06/china-successfully-launches-x-ray-satellite http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt HYLAS 4 (Highly Adaptable Satellite) HYLAS 4 United Kingdom United Kingdom "Avanti Communications, PLC" Commercial Communications GEO 21.27 "35,778" "35,795" 2.02E-04 0.00 1436.1 "4,050" 4/5/2018 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2018-033B 43272 High speed broadcast service. JMGEO/5-18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/05/ariane-5-returns-to-service-with-dual-satellite-launch/ HYLAS 1 (Highly Adaptable Satellite) HYLAS 1 United Kingdom United Kingdom "Avanti Communications, PLC" Commercial Communications GEO -33.50 "35,770" "35,803" 3.91E-04 0.01 1436.07 "2,242" 11/26/2010 15 EADS Astrium France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2010-065A 37237 Stated goal of providing broadband internet access to people in the areas hardest to reach by terrestrial connectivity means SC - ASCR http://www.engadget.com/2010/11/26/hylas-1-satellite-blasting-off-today-will-rain-down-broadband-f/ http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/065A.HTM HYLAS 2 (Highly Adaptable Satellite) HYLAS 2 United Kingdom United Kingdom "Avanti Communications, PLC" Commercial Communications GEO 33.50 "35,775" "35,799" 2.85E-04 0.06 1436.14 "3,311" "1,532" 8/2/2012 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2012-043B 38741 "24 fixed beams and one steerable beam, pioneering Ka-band technology. High speed data capacity across southern and Eastern Africa, the Middle East and the Caucasus." SC - ASCR http://www.space-travel.com/reports/Avanti_announces_successful_launch_of_its_HYLAS_2_Satellite_999.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012#end http://space0.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/1043B.HTM HySIS (Hyperspectral Imaging Satellite) HySIS India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Hyperspectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 647 648 7.13E-05 98.00 95 380 11/29/2018 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096A 43719 "Earth-facing imager capable of collecting data at 316 bands across the visible, near-infrared and shortwave infrared spectra." JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Icesat-2 Icesat-2 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Earth Science Laser Imaging LEO Polar 0.00 455 468 9.51E-04 93.02 93.8 "1,515" 9/15/2018 3 Northrup Grumman Information Systems USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2018-070A 43613 Will measure depth of ice with lasers from space. JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/09/15/early-morning-launch-closes-book-on-delta-2-legacy/ https://icesat-2.gsfc.nasa.gov/space-lasers ICEYE-X2 (ICEYE POC 2) ICEYE-X2 Finland Finland ICEYE Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 570 587 1.22E-03 97.70 96.3 80 12/3/2018 ICEYE Ltd. Finland Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AU 43800 X-band synthetic radar aperture microsatellite. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sso-a https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt ICEYE-X3 (ICEYE POC 3) ICEYE-X3 USA USA US Army Space and Missile Defense Command Military Technology Development Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 498 510 8.73E-04 40.02 94.7 150 5/5/2019 York Space Systems USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-026E 44229 Synthetic aperture radar for all-weather Earth observation and a high-data-rate communications link to transmit the radar imagery to users on the ground. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/05/rocket-labs-deploys-experimental-u-s-military-smallsats-on-first-night-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt ICEYE-X4 (ICEYE POC 4) ICEYE-X4 Finland Finland ICEYE Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 564 594 2.16E-03 97.70 96.2 80 7/5/2019 ICEYE Ltd. Finland Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038D 44390 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt ICEYE-X5 (ICEYE POC 5) ICEYE-X5 Finland Finland ICEYE Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 564 590 1.87E-03 97.70 96.2 80 7/5/2019 ICEYE Ltd. Finland Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038C 44389 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt ICON (Ionospheric Connection Explorer) ICON NR (3/20) USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 579 601 1.58E-03 27.00 96.5 288 10/11/2019 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) USA Stargazer L-1011 Pegasus 2019-068A 44628 Will conduct space research on ionosphere. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/11/nasa-satellite-to-study-ionosphere-launches-after-two-year-delay/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "IGS Optical 5 (IGS-9B, Information Gathering Satellite 9B)" IGS Optical 5 NR Japan Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center (CSIC) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 511 515 2.91E-04 97.50 95.2 "1,600" 3/26/2015 5 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2015-015A 40538 Optical reconnaissance. JM/8_15 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/03/japanese-h-iia-igs-optical-5-satellite/ "IGS Optical 6 (IGS-10B, Information Gathering Satellite 10B)" IGS Optical 6 Japan Japan Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center (CSIC) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 485 499 1.02E-03 97.20 94.5 "1,600" 2/26/2018 5 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2018-021A 43223 Optical reconnaissance. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/02/27/reconnaissance-satellite-launched-by-japanese-h-2a-rocket/ IGS Optical 7 (IGS-11B Information Gathering Satellite 14) IGS Optical 7 NR (3/20) Japan Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center (CSIC) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 487 493 4.37E-04 97.40 94.4 "1,600" 2/9/2020 5 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2020-009A 45165 Optical reconnaissance. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/02/09/h-2a-f41-launch/ https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 IGS Radar 5 (Information Gathering Satellite 10A) IGS Radar 5 Japan Japan Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center (CSIC) Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 485 499 1.02E-03 97.20 94.5 "1,600" 3/16/2017 5 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2017-015A 42072 Radar reconnaissance. JM/Satcat https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/03/17/h-2a-rocket-in-position-for-launch-of-japanese-radar-reconnaissance-craft/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "IGS Radar 6 (Information Gathering Satellite 6, IGS Radar 6)" IGS Radar 6 Japan Japan Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center (CSIC) Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 500 0.00E+00 97.30 94.6 "1,600" 6/12/2018 5 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2018-052A 43495 Radar reconnaissance. JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/06/12/japanese-intelligence-gathering-satellite-successfully-launched/ https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/06/japans-h-iia-rocket-igs-radar-6-launch/ "IGS-5A (Information Gathering Satellite 5A, IGS Optical 3)" IGS-5A Japan Japan Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center (CSIC) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 484 492 5.83E-04 97.31 94.37 "1,600" 11/28/2009 5 Mitsubishi/Toshiba Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2009-066A 36104 Optical reconnaissance. SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/066A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx673.html http://labine.com/HDTVGnn/?m=20091202 "IGS-6A (Information Gathering Satellite 6A, IGS Optical 4)" IGS-6A Japan Japan Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center (CSIC) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 588 591 2.16E-04 97.69 96.47 "1,600" 9/23/2011 5 Mitsubishi/Toshiba Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2011-050A 37813 Radar reconnaissance. ZARYA http://www.spaceflightnow.com/h2a/f19/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Detail/IGS.php http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40//2011/050A.HTM "IGS-7A (Information Gathering Satellite 7A, IGS Radar 3)" IGS-7A Japan Japan Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center (CSIC) Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 512 514 1.45E-04 97.46 94.89 "1,600" 12/12/2011 5 Mitsubishi/Toshiba Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2011-075A 37954 Radar reconnaissance. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2011 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/I075A.HTM "IGS-8A (Information Gathering Satellite 8A, IGS Radar 4)" IGS-8A Japan Japan Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center (CSIC) Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 509 514 3.63E-04 97.50 94.85 "1,600" 1/27/2013 5 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2013-002A 39061 Radar reconnaissance. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/01/japanese-h-iia-lofts-igs-satellite-duo/ "IGS-8B (Information Gathering Satellite 8B, IGS Optical 5 Demonstrator)" IGS-8B Japan Japan Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center (CSIC) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 512 523 7.99E-04 97.50 94.85 "1,600" 1/27/2013 5 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2013-002B 39062 Optical demonstration satellite. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/01/japanese-h-iia-lofts-igs-satellite-duo/ "IGS-9A (Information Gathering Satellite 9A, IGS Radar Spare)" IGS-9A Japan Japan Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center (CSIC) Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 510 510 0.00E+00 97.50 94.85 "1,600" 1/31/2015 5 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2015-004A 40381 Radar reconnaissance. Estimated http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-03/26/c_134099104.htm http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/world/japan/imint-2.htm "Improved Trumpet 4 (NROL-22, National Reconnaissance Office Launch-22, SBIRS HEO-1, Twins 1, USA 184)" USA 184 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "1,111" "37,564" 7.09E-01 63.00 684 "4,000" 6/28/2006 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 4 2006-027A 29249 Speculation on purpose - HEO indicates possible SBIRS-HEO test payload; may also carry NASA's TWINS-A science payload to map the Earth's magnetosphere. SC - ASCR http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.567 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/027A.HTM http://twins.swri.edu/mission.jsp#orbits https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/t/twins "Improved Trumpet 5 (NROL-28, National Reconnaissance Office Launch-28, SBIRS HEO-2, Twins 2, USA 200)" USA 200 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "1,112" "37,580" 7.09E-01 63.56 684 "4,200" 3/13/2008 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2008-010A 32706 Reported to be carrying signals intelligence and early warning payloads. SC - ASCR http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx653.html http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2008/16March2008_c.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/010A.HTM http://twins.swri.edu/mission.jsp#orbits https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/t/twins "Improved Trumpet 6 (NROL-35, National Reconnaissance Office Launch-35, SBIRS HEO-3, USA 259)" USA 259 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "2,103" "37,746" 6.78E-01 62.85 707.55 "4,200" 12/13/2014 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2014-081A 40344 "NROL-35 will not carry a TWINS payload, it is likely that it will play host to the third SBIRS-HEO instrument." ZARYA http://www.matthewaid.com/post/105170623851/classified-nro-satellite-launched-on-friday-has http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 "Improved Trumpet 7 (NROL-42, National Reconnaissance Office Launch-42, SBIRS HEO-4, USA 278)" USA 278 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "1,738" "38,111" 6.92E-01 63.80 707.7 "8,000" 9/24/2017 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2017-056A 42941 JM/8_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/09/24/signals-intelligence-gatherer-successfully-launched-by-powerful-atlas-5-rocket/ INMARSAT 3 F3 INMARSAT 3 F3 NR United Kingdom "INMARSAT, Ltd." Commercial Communications GEO 178.20 "35,761" "35,810" 5.81E-04 0.09 1436.07 "2,074" 860 12/18/1996 13 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 1996-070A 24674 "Broadcasting, business services, mobile communications; demand assigned L-band transponders; Pacific Ocean region." JM/12_08 www.inmarsat.com http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/1996/070A.HTM INMARSAT 3 F5 INMARSAT 3 F5 NR United Kingdom "INMARSAT, Ltd." Commercial Communications GEO 25.07 "35,769" "35,803" 4.03E-04 0.04 1436.07 "2,000" 895 "2,800" 2/4/1998 13 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 44L 1998-006B 25153 "Broadcasting, business services, mobile communications; demand assigned L-band transponders; back-up and leased-capacity." JM/12_08 www.inmarsat.com http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/1998/006B.HTM INMARSAT 4 F1 INMARSAT 4 F1 United Kingdom United Kingdom "INMARSAT, Ltd." Commercial Communications GEO 63.96 "35,772" "35,799" 3.20E-04 2.30 1436.08 "5,959" "13,000" 3/11/2005 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2005-009A 28628 Nearly the size of a double-decker bus; more than 600 channels. JM/12_08 http://about.inmarsat.com/satellites.aspx?top_level_id=3&language=EN&textonly=False#i4 http://www.ilslaunch.com/launches/cbin/Mission_Overview/atlas/INMARSAT_4F1_MO.pdf http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/009A.HTM http://www.space.eads.net/web1/press/press_release.asp?id_tree=438&id_tree_nav=394&tree_name=EADS_SPACE_WEB_PAGES&langue=en http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx617.html INMARSAT 4 F2 INMARSAT 4 F2 United Kingdom United Kingdom "INMARSAT, Ltd." Commercial Communications GEO -52.76 "35,773" "35,800" 3.20E-04 2.33 1436.11 "5,458" "13,000" 11/8/2005 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2005-044A 28899 Nearly the size of a double-decker bus; more than 600 channels. JM/12_08 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4418484.stm http://www.spacedaily.com/news/satellite-biz-05zzzzzzzh.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/044A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacearn/spx625.html INMARSAT 4 F3 INMARSAT 4 F3 United Kingdom United Kingdom "INMARSAT, Ltd." Commercial Communications GEO -97.65 "35,775" "35,798" 2.73E-04 3.01 1436.1 "5,960" "13,000" 8/18/2008 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2008-039A 33278 "200 spot-beams to relay messages from mobile phones based on land, sea, or air." JM/12_08 http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/news/2008/space-080819-rianovosti02.htm http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/039A.HTM http://www.inmarsat.com/About/Newsroom/00024238.aspx?language=EN&textonly=False INMARSAT 5 F1 INMARSAT 5 F1 United Kingdom United Kingdom "INMARSAT, Ltd." Commercial Communications GEO 60.30 "35,784" "35,790" 7.12E-05 0.06 1436.13 "6,070" "3,750" "13,000" 12/8/2013 15 Boeing Corp. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2013-073A 39476 "Support for the Broadband Global Area Network (B-GAN) for internet and intranet use, video on demand, video-conferencing, fax, e-mail, telephone and high-speed LAN access." SC - ASCR http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2013/073A.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 INMARSAT 5 F2 INMARSAT 5 F2 United Kingdom United Kingdom "INMARSAT, Ltd." Commercial Communications GEO -55.00 "35,784" "35,789" 5.93E-05 0.03 1436 "6,105" "3,360" "13,000" 2/1/2015 15 Boeing Corp. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2015-005A 40384 JM/8_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/02/02/second-satellite-launched-for-inmarsats-global-xpress-network/ INMARSAT 5 F3 INMARSAT 5 F3 United Kingdom United Kingdom "INMARSAT, Ltd." Commercial Communications GEO 180.00 "35,780" "35,780" 0.00E+00 0.00 1436.1 "6,100" "15,000" 8/28/2015 15 Boeing Corp. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2015-042A 40882 Part of Global Xpress segment. Estimated http://www.inmarsat.com/news/inmarsat-confirms-successful-launch-of-the-third-global-xpress-gx-satellite/ http://www.inmarsat.com/I-5-F3-the-mission INMARSAT 5 F4 INMARSAT 5 F4 United Kingdom United Kingdom "INMARSAT, Ltd." Commercial Communications GEO 83.50 "35,782" "35,789" 8.30E-05 0.00 1436.08 "6,086" 5/15/2017 15 Boeing Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2017-025A 42698 4th satellite in Global Xpress system. JMGeo9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/05/16/fourth-satellite-for-inmarsats-global-broadband-network-launched-by-spacex/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log INMARSAT 5 F5 INMARSAT 5 F5 NR (3/20) United Kingdom "INMARSAT, Ltd." Commercial Communications GEO 11.00 "35,672" "35,686" 1.66E-04 0.08 1430 "4,007" 11/26/2019 15 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2019-080B 44801 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/26/launch-of-250th-ariane-rocket-marks-new-era-for-inmarsat-broadband-fleet/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt INMARSAT IV-A F4 (Alphasat I-XL) INMARSAT IV-A F4 United Kingdom United Kingdom/ESA "INMARSAT, Ltd./European Space Agency (ESA)" Government/Commercial Communications/Technology Development GEO 25.00 "35,786" "35,787" 1.19E-05 0.02 1436.09 "6,650" "3,370" "12,000" 7/25/2013 15 Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2013-038A 39215 Partnership between INMARSAT and ESA. Expands INMARSAT's communications and carries 4 technology demonstration packages. ZARYA http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Telecommunications_Integrated_Applications/Alphasat/Overview http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Telecommunications_Integrated_Applications/Alphasat/Overview INNOSat-2 (Innovation Satellite-2) INNOSat-2 NR Malaysia Astronautic Technology Sdn. Bhd (ATSB) Government Technology Development LEO 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 95 4 11/29/2018 ATSB Malaysia Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096V 43738 Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ INS-1A (ISRO Nano Satellite) INS-1A India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO 0.00 496 508 8.73E-04 97.50 94.6 8 2/15/2017 ISRO Satellite Center India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2017-008B 41949 "Observe Earth’s surface, atmosphere and the conditions in the harsh environment of space." JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt INS-1B (ISRO Nano Satellite) INS-1B India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO 0.00 496 508 8.73E-04 97.50 94.6 8 2/15/2017 ISRO Satellite Center India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2017-008G 41954 "Observe Earth’s surface, atmosphere and the conditions in the harsh environment of space." JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt INS-1C (ISRO Nano Satellite) INS-1C NR (11/19) India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 508 9.46E-04 97.50 94.6 5 1/11/2018 0.5 ISRO Satellite Center India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004F 43116 Development of a platform for multiple uses. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c40/ins-1c/ INSAT 3D (Indian National Satellite) INSAT 3D India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Meteorology GEO 82.00 "35,782" "35,791" 1.07E-04 0.24 1436.09 "2,090" 7/25/2013 ISRO Satellite Center India Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2013-038B 39216 Advanced meteorological payloads plus a Data Relay Transponder and a Satellite Aided Search & Rescue payload ZARYA http://www.thespacereview.com/article/2341/1 http://www.isro.org/satellites/geostationary.aspx http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/07/ariane-5-launch-alphasat-insat-3d/ INSAT 3DR (Indian National Satellite) INSAT 3DR NR India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Meteorology GEO 74.00 "35,722" "35,851" 1.53E-03 0.03 1436.1 "2,200" 9/8/2016 10 ISRO Satellite Center India Satish Dhawan Space Centre GSLV Mk.2 2016-054A 41752 "Carries color and infrared cameras to image storms day and night, and a sounder to collect temperature, humidity and ozone data in different layers of the atmosphere. The satellite will also relay observations from remote weather station and ocean buoys to forecast centers, and monitor for distress signals from ships, airplanes and others in need of rescue." JM/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/09/08/gslv-counting-down-to-launch-advanced-indian-weather-satellite/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log INSAT 4B (Indian National Satellite) INSAT 4B India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications GEO 111.20 "35,760" "35,811" 6.05E-04 0.04 1436.08 "3,028" "1,335" 3/11/2007 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2007-007A 30793 "Television and telecommunications services; 12 Ku-band and 12 C-band transponders, Indian sub-continent." JM/12_08 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2007/007A.HTM INSAT 4CR (Indian National Satellite) INSAT 4CR India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Communications GEO 73.97 "37,782" "37,791" 1.02E-04 0.03 1436.11 "2,130" "3,000" 9/2/2007 12 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre GSLV F04 2007-037A 32050 "12 high-power Ku-band transponders designed to provide Direct-to-home (DTH) television services, Video Picture Transmission (VPT) and Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG)." JM/9_11 http://www.isro.org/satellites/insat-4cr.aspx http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Integral (INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory) INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL) ESA ESA/USA/Russia European Space Operations Centre (ESOC)/NASA/Russia Government Space Science Elliptical Deep Highly Eccentric 0.00 "6,292" "156,833" 8.56E-01 53.95 "4,032.86" "4,000" "3,414" "2,000" 10/17/2002 2 Alenia Aerospazio (and 28 subcontractors) Italy/International Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2002-048A 27540 Astronomical satellite for observing the gamma-ray sky. WT http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx588.html http://www.space-technology.com/projects/integral/ http://isdc.unige.ch/Outreach/Integral/integral.html#mission http://sci.esa.int/science-e/www/area/index.cfm?fareaid=21 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Intelsat 10 (PAS-10) Intelsat 10 USA USA PanAmSat (Intelsat S.A.) Commercial Communications GEO 68.52 "35,776" "35,796" 2.37E-04 0.04 1436.08 "3,739" "2,510" "9,600" 5/14/2001 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2001-019A 26766 "Direct-to-home video channels; 24 C-band, 24 Ku-band; Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe." JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx571.html http://www.panamsat.com/global_network/pas_10.asp http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/601/pas10/pas10.html Intelsat 10-02 (Thor 4) Intelsat 10-02 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -10.00 "35,783" "35,789" 7.12E-05 0.02 1436.08 "5,576" "11,000" 6/16/2004 13 EADS Astrium UK/France/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2004-022A 28358 "Television, data, and other telecommunication services to Europe, Africa and the Middle East; 36 Ku-band, 70 C-band transponders." JM/12_08 http://www.space.eads.net/web1/press/press_release.asp?langue=en&id_tree=320&id_tree_nav=80 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx608.html http://www.universetoday.com/am/publish/proton_launches_intelsat_1002.htm http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2004/022A.HTM Intelsat 11 (PAS 11) Intelsat 11 USA USA PanAmSat (Intelsat S.A.) Commercial Communications GEO -43.06 "35,778" "35,795" 2.02E-04 0.03 1436.1 "2,491" 10/5/2007 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2007-044B 32253 "25 C-band, 18 Ku-band transponders, services to Latin America." JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx648.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/044A.HTM "Intelsat 12 (Europe*Star 1, Europe*Star FM1, IS-12, PAS-12)" Intelsat 12 United Kingdom USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 45.04 "35,776" "35,796" 2.37E-04 0.00 1436.09 "4,167" "1,729" "12,000" 10/29/2000 18 Alcatel Space Industries France Guiana Space Center Ariane 44LP 2000-068A 26590 30 Ku-band; highest powered Ku-band cross connection between South East Asia and Europe. JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.europestar.com/ Intelsat 14 (IS-14) Intelsat 14 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -45.00 "35,771" "35,800" 3.44E-04 0.02 1436.05 "5,613" "2,517" 11/23/2009 16 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2009-064A 36097 "62 transponders, North and South America, Africa and Europe; will also carry an experiment for the US Department of Defense. Internet Routing in Space, or IRIS, is a technology demonstration project which will allow the satellite to perform IP routing rather than requiring a ground station to do so." SC - ASCR http://www.intelsat.com/press/news-releases/2009/20091123-1.asp http://www.technobahn.com/article/200911240948 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/064A.HTM http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2009/11/live-intelsat-14-set-to-launch-on-atlas-v-av-024/ "Intelsat 15 (IS-15, JCSat 85)" Intelsat 15 USA USA Intelsat S.A./Sky Perfect JSAT Corp. Commercial Communications GEO 85.00 "35,776" "35,798" 2.61E-04 0.05 1436.12 "2,550" "4,600" 11/30/2009 17 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Zenit 3SLB 2009-067A 36106 "Will replace Intelsat 709; 22 Ku-band transponders; Data and video for customers in Russisa, the Middle East and Indian ocean area. Five transponders are directly owned by Sky Perfect JSAT Corp." JM/4_10 http://www.intelsat.com/press/news-releases/2009/20091130-1.asp http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2009/067A.HTM http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/Communications/Intelsat15/ http://articles.janes.com/articles/Janes-Space-Systems-and-Industry/Space-Communications-Corporation-SCC-Japan.html Intelsat 16 (IS-16) Intelsat 16 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -58.12 "35,783" "35,791" 9.49E-05 0.07 1436.19 "2,450" "4,500" 2/12/2010 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2010-006A 36397 24 Ku-band transponders; direct-to-home to customers in Mexico and Brazil. JM/4_10 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx676.html www.orbital.com/NewsInfo/Publications/Intelsat16_Fact.pdf http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/006A.HTM Intelsat 17 (IS-17) Intelsat 17 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 66.00 "35,770" "35,804" 4.03E-04 0.03 1436.12 "5,540" "2,393" 11/26/2010 16 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2010-065B 37238 "24 C-band, 25 Ku-band transponders serving Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Russia and Asia." SC - ASCR http://satellite.tmcnet.com/topics/satellite/articles/121514-intelsat-launches-is-17-communications-satellite.htm http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/065B.HTM Intelsat 18 (IS-18) Intelsat 18 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 180.00 "35,775" "35,797" 2.61E-04 0.01 1436.09 "3,200" 10/5/2011 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Zenit 2011-056A 37834 "24 C-band, 12 Ku-band; Asia Pacific Region" JM/1_12 http://www.intelsat.com/press/news-releases/2011/20111005-1.asp http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/Communications/Intelsat18/ Intelsat 19 (IS-19) Intelsat 19 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 166.00 "35,768" "35,801" 3.91E-04 0.13 1436.01 "5,600" "15,000" 6/1/2012 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 2012-030A 38356 Replacement for Intelsat 8. Damage to a solar panel; reduced power. ZARYA http://www.intelsat.com/press/news-releases/2012/20120601-2.asp http://www.spacenews.com/satellite_telecom/120619-is19-array-damage.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 "https://www.google.com/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=Intelsat+19+power&oq=Intelsat+19+power&gs_l=hp.3...805.2249.6.2415.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=142f60c45a4f3d69&biw=1191&bih=872" "Intelsat 1R (IS-1R, PAS-1R, PanAmSat 1R)" Intelsat 1R USA USA PanAmSat (Intelsat S.A.) Commercial Communications GEO -44.96 "35,785" "35,788" 3.56E-05 0.06 1436.11 "4,793" "3,000" "15,000" 11/15/2000 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2000-072A 26608 "36 C-band, 36 Ku-band; direct-to-home (DTH) digital video and Internet services; Americas, Caribbean, Europe, Africa; will be replaced by Intelsat 14." JM/12_08 http://host.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.439 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx565.html http://www.panamsat.com/global_network/pas_1r.asp Intelsat 20 (IS-20) Intelsat 20 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 68.50 "35,780" "35,790" 1.19E-04 0.02 1436.03 "6,094" "2,989" "19,300" 8/2/2012 18 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2012-043A 38740 "Replacement for Intelsat 7 and Intelsat 10. C-band and Ku-band for DTH television, cellularbackhaul and VSAT services." SC - ASCR http://www.intelsat.com/press/news-releases/2012/20120802-1.asp http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012#end http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/043A.HTM Intelsat 21 (IS-21) Intelsat 21 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -58.00 "35,774" "35,811" 4.39E-04 0.06 1436.39 "5,984" "3,600" 8/19/2012 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2012-045A 38749 "Will replace Intelsat 9 - Meet needs of key customers SKY Mexico, Turner, Discovery, Fox, Telespazio, etc." SC - ASCR http://www.spaceflightnow.com/sealaunch/is21/ http:/www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012#end http://www.intelsat.com/press/news-releases/2012/20120819-1.asp Intelsat 22 Intelsat 22 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 72.00 "35,781" "35,792" 1.30E-04 0.03 1436.11 "6,199" 3/25/2012 18 Boeing Space & Intelligence Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2012-011A 38098 "Provide C-band and Ku-band communications services over Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Intelsat 22 also carries a hosted UHF payload for the Australian Defence Force." http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/03/ils-proton-m-launch-intelsat-22-debut-supersynchronous-mission/ http://www.spaceflightnow.com/proton/is22/status.html Intelsat 23 Intelsat 23 NR USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -53.00 "35,781" "35,797" 1.90E-04 0.03 1436.21 "3,200" "1,503" 10/14/2012 18 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2012-057A 38867 "15 Ku-band, 24 C-band. Americas, Caribbean, Western Europe, Africa." SC - ASCR http://space0.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I057A.HTM http://www.intelsat.com/press/news-releases/2012/20121014-1.asp http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/Communications/Intelsat23/ "Intelsat 25 (IS-25, Protostar 1, Chinasat 8)" Intelsat 25 NR USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -31.50 "35,778" "35,793" 1.78E-04 0.02 1436.1 "4,100" "11,000" 7/7/2008 16 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2008-034A 33153 "First satellite of fleet; provides service in Asia. Purchased at auction by Intelsat in October, 2009 for $210 million." JM/12_08 http://www.protostarsat.com/fleet.html http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2008/034A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx657.html http://www.intelsat.com/press/news-releases/2009/20091030.asp http://www.spacenews.com/satellite_telecom/100514-failures-stunt-growth-intelsat.html "Intelsat 26 (JCSat R, JCSAT-4, Japan Communications Satellite 4)" JCSat R Japan USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 50.00 "35,779" "35,794" 1.78E-04 0.02 1436.1 "3,124" "1,841" "5,200" 2/16/1997 12 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2AS 1997-007A 24732 "Backup for JCSAT-3; 12 C-band, 12 Ku-band; relay voice, data, television signals via Ku-band to eastern Asia, Australia, New Zealand, India; via C-band to eastern and southern Asia and Hawaii. Digital TV. Sold to Intelsat in 2010." JM/12_08 http://www.jsat.net/en/satellite/pop_list.html http://www.jsat.net/en/satellite/pop_list.html http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/601/jcsat34/jcsat34.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.spacenews.com/satellite_telecom/100318-intelsat-loaning-turksat-placeholder-satellite.html Intelsat 30/DLA 1 Intelsat 30/DLA 1 NR USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -95.00 "35,776" "35,793" 2.02E-04 0.03 1435.97 "6,220" 10/16/2014 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2014-062A 40271 "72 Ku-band transponders and 10 C-band transponders. Hosts DLA-1, DirecTV to Latin America." ZARYA http://spaceflightnow.com/ariane/va220/141016preview/#.VNkG4i5ryiw http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Intelsat 31/DLA 2 Intelsat 31/DLA 2 NR USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -95.00 "35,580" "35,860" 3.33E-03 0.01 1435.1 "6,450" 6/9/2016 20 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2016-035A 41581 DirecTV Latin America has leased all of the satellite’s Ku-band communications capacity to broadcast hundreds of high-definition television channels to customers across Central and South America and the Caribbean. Intelsat retains the use of a smaller C-band payload on the spacecraft. Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/09/upgraded-proton-booster-adds-satellite-to-intelsats-fleet/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?rok=2006&mot=2016-035A&jazyk=pp_en http://www.sslmda.com/html/satexp/isdla1_2.html Intelsat 33 (IS-33) Intelsat 33 NR USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 60.00 "35,549" "36,152" 7.14E-03 0.04 1439.36 "6,600" 8/24/2016 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2016-053B 41748 Equivalent of 269 Ku- and C-band transponders. JM/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/08/24/intelsat-celebrates-double-success-with-ariane-5-launch/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Intelsat 34 Intelsat 34 NR USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -55.50 "35,777" "35,811" 4.03E-04 0.10 1436.1 "3,300" 8/20/2015 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2015-039A 40874 JM/8_15 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/08/ariane-5-dual-launch-eutelsat-8-west-b-intelsat-34/ Intelsat 35E Intelsat 35E NR USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -34.50 "35,778" "35,794" 1.90E-04 0.00 1436.09 "6,761" 7/5/2017 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2017-041A 42818 "Fourth “Epic-class” relay satellite developed and launched by Intelsat, carry all-digital payloads, giving the company added flexibility in how it beams video, voice and data signals." JMGeo/10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/07/06/spacex-delivers-for-intelsat-on-heavyweight-falcon-9-mission/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Intelsat 36 (IS-36) Intelsat 36 NR USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 68.50 "35,785" "35,801" 1.90E-04 0.10 1436.1 "3,250" 8/24/2016 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2016-053A 41747 "34 Ku-band, 10 C-band. Additional service to subsaharan Africa and East Asia." JM/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/08/24/intelsat-celebrates-double-success-with-ariane-5-launch/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Intelsat 37E (IS-37E) Intelsat 37E NR USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -18.00 "35,775" "35,795" 2.37E-04 0.02 1436.1 "6,438" 9/29/2017 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2017-059A 42950 "Broadband, wireless communications, television and government services across the Americas, the Atlantic Ocean, Europe and the Middle East" JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/09/29/ariane-5-rocket-deploys-satellites-for-intelsat-and-b-sat/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Intelsat 39 Intelsat 39 NR (11/19) USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 62.00 "35,784" "35,788" 4.74E-05 0.00 1436.08 "6,600" 8/6/2019 15 Maxar Technologies USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2019-049B 44476 "Key customers are the Myanmar Ministry of Transport and Communications, as well as U.S. government users." JMGeo/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/06/two-communications-satellites-ride-ariane-5-rocket-into-geostationary-transfer-orbit/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log "Intelsat 5 (Arabsat 2C, Panamsat-5, PAS-5)" Intelsat 5 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -156.90 "35,774" "35,798" 2.85E-04 0.03 1436.09 "2,730" "2,519" "9,700" 8/28/1997 15 Hughes Space and Communications Co. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 1997-046A 24916 "28 C-band, 28 Ku-band; covers Arab world. Inclined." https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-17-425A1.pdf "Intelsat 9 (IS-9, PAS-9) " Intelsat 9 USA USA PanAmSat (Intelsat S.A.) Commercial Communications GEO -29.50 "35,782" "35,792" 1.19E-04 0.01 1436.14 "3,659" "2,389" "9,900" 7/28/2000 15 Hughes Space and Communications Co. USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2000-043A 26451 "160 voice, video, data, and Internet channels; 24 C-band, 24 Ku-band; Americas, Caribbean, Europe." JM/12_08 http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/hsc_pressreleases/00_07_28_pas9launch.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx561.html http://www.panamsat.com/global_network/pas_9.asp https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-17-425A1.pdf Intelsat 901 Intelsat 901 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -27.50 "35,775" "35,798" 2.73E-04 0.01 1436.12 "4,723" "1,972" "10,000" 6/9/2001 13 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2AS 2001-024A 26824 "72 C-band, 22 Ku-band, broadcasting, business services, direct-to-home TV broadcasting, telecommunications, VSAT networks; Atlantic Ocean region. Life extension with MEV-1 in 2020." JM/12_08 https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.txt Intelsat 902 Intelsat 902 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 62.05 "35,775" "35,797" 2.61E-04 0.02 1436.1 "4,723" "1,972" "8,500" 8/30/2001 13 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 44L 2001-039A 26900 "76 C-band, 22 Ku-band, broadcasting, business services, direct-to-home TV broadcasting, telecommunications, VSAT networks; Indian Ocean region." JM/12_08 http://www.intelsat.com/resources/satellites/facts.aspx http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Intelsat 903 Intelsat 903 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -34.55 "35,773" "35,802" 3.44E-04 0.02 1436.16 "4,723" "1,972" "8,600" 3/30/2002 13 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 44L 2002-016A 27403 "76 C-band, 22 Ku-band, broadcasting, business services, direct-to-home TV broadcasting, telecommunications, VSAT networks; Atlantic Ocean region." JM/12_08 http://www.loral.com/inthenews/020330.html http://www.intelsat.com/resources/satellites/facts.aspx http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Intelsat 904 Intelsat 904 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 60.05 "35,782" "35,789" 8.30E-05 0.01 1436.07 "4,680" "2,350" "8,500" 2/23/2002 13 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 2002-007A 27380 "76 C-band, 22 Ku-band, broadcasting, business services, direct-to-home TV broadcasting, telecommunications, VSAT networks; Indian Ocean region." JM/12_08 http://www.intelsat.com/resources/satellites/facts.aspx http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Intelsat 905 Intelsat 905 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -24.52 "35,768" "35,805" 4.39E-04 0.01 1436.12 "4,723" "1,984" "10,000" 6/5/2002 13 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 44L 2002-027A 27438 "76 C-band, 22 Ku-band, broadcasting, business services, direct-to-home TV broadcasting, telecommunications, VSAT networks; Atlantic Ocean region." JM/12_08 http://www.intelsat.com/resources/satellites/facts.aspx http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Intelsat 906 Intelsat 906 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 64.19 "35,775" "35,796" 2.49E-04 0.01 1436.07 "4,723" "1,955" "7,000" 9/6/2002 13 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 44L 2002-041A 27513 "72 C-band, 22 Ku-band, broadcasting, business services, direct-to-home TV broadcasting, telecommunications, VSAT networks." JM/12_08 http://www.intelsat.com/resources/satellites/facts.aspx http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Intelsat 907 Intelsat 907 USA USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -27.45 "35,770" "35,803" 3.91E-04 0.02 1436.1 "4,685" "1,973" "10,000" 2/15/2003 13 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 44L 2003-007A 27683 "76 C-band transponders; business, video, internet." JM/12_08 http://www.intelsat.com/resources/satellites/facts.aspx http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Intelsat New Dawn (Intelsat 28) Intelsat New Dawn NR USA Intelsat S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 32.80 "35,800" "35,892" 1.09E-03 0.05 1439.15 "3,000" "1,283" "4,800" 4/22/2011 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2011-016A 37392 "Carries 14 active C-band transponders and 16 Ku-band transponders to serve customers in Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan and Western Europe; the C-band antenna has failed to deploy as of 6/11." SC - ASCR http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1105/26newdawn/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/016A.HTM http://www.intelsat.com/network/satellite/Intelsat-New-Dawn/about-new-dawn.asp International Space Station (ISS [first element Zarya]) International Space Station USA Multinational National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/Multinational Government Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 401 422 1.55E-03 51.60 92.8 11/20/1998 30 Boeing Satellite Systems (prime)/Multinational International Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 1998-067A 25544 Final size of a Boeing 747; first component. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.esa.int/export/esaHS/ESAI2X0VMOC_iss_0.html http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/spacestation/overview/ Interstellar Boundary EXplorer (IBEX) Interstellar Boundary Explorer USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/Goddard Space Flight Center Government Space Science Elliptical Deep Highly Eccentric 0.00 "62,200" "268,679" 6.01E-01 15.20 "11,520" 462 10/19/2008 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Kwajalein Island Pegasus XL 2008-051A 33401 Monitor the boundary between heliosphere and interstellar medium. WT http://www.ibex.swri.edu/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I065B.HTM IOD-1 GEMS (In Orbit Demonstration-1 / Global Environmental Monitoring Satellite) IOD-1 GEMS UK USA Orbital Micro Systems Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 409 414 3.69E-04 51.60 93 4 7/3/2019 Clyde Space UK International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067QK 44385 "Microwave radiometer aboard the 3U CubeSat to retrieve temperature, humidity and precipitation measurements. If successful, OMS plans a 40-strong constellation of similar satellites. " JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iod-1-gems https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium 45 (Iridium SV045) Iridium 45 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 689 556 50 12/20/1997 8 Motorola Satellite Communications Group USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 7920 1997-082A 25104 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 samadhi.jpl.nasa.gov http://members.ozemail.com/au/~lbrash/satellites/iridium.html http://www.iridium.com/corp/iri_corp-understand.asp http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx530.html http://www.itu.int/osg/spu/seminars/de%20weck/de%20weck%20presentation_01072004.pdf http://com.uvigo.es/asignaturas/scvs/trabajos/curso0001/biblio/ICO/SISTEMA%20ICO.htm Iridium 61 (Iridium SV061) Iridium 61 China USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 689 556 50 3/25/1998 8 Motorola Satellite Communications Group USA Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 1998-018B 25263 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 samadhi.jpl.nasa.gov http://members.ozemail.com/au/~lbrash/satellites/iridium.html http://www.iridium.com/corp/iri_corp-understand.asp http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx533.html http://www.itu.int/osg/spu/seminars/de%20weck/de%20weck%20presentation_01072004.pdf http://com.uvigo.es/asignaturas/scvs/trabajos/curso0001/biblio/ICO/SISTEMA%20ICO.htm Iridium 96 (Iridium SV096) Iridium 96 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 745 754 6.32E-04 87.20 100.4 689 556 50 2/11/2002 8 Motorola Satellite Communications Group USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2002-005E 27376 "Spare; stored in 670 km storage orbit, not raised to 780 km operational orbit until needed" www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 www.ssc.se/ssd/launches.html www.spaceandtech.com/spacedata/logs/2002/2002-005E_iridium96_sum.shtml http://www.iridium.com/corp/iri_corp-understand.asp http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx580.html http://www.itu.int/osg/spu/seminars/de%20weck/de%20weck%20presentation_01072004.pdf http://com.uvigo.es/asignaturas/scvs/trabajos/curso0001/biblio/ICO/SISTEMA%20ICO.htm Iridium Next SV 102 Iridium Next 102 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/14/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-003D 41920 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/14/spacex-resumes-flights-with-on-target-launch-for-iridium/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iridium-next http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 103 Iridium Next 103 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/14/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-003B 41918 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/14/spacex-resumes-flights-with-on-target-launch-for-iridium/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iridium-next http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 104 Iridium Next 104 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/14/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-003F 41922 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/14/spacex-resumes-flights-with-on-target-launch-for-iridium/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iridium-next http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 105 Iridium Next 105 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/14/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-003E 41921 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/14/spacex-resumes-flights-with-on-target-launch-for-iridium/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iridium-next http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 106 Iridium Next 106 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/14/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-003A 41917 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/14/spacex-resumes-flights-with-on-target-launch-for-iridium/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iridium-next http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 107 Iridium Next 107 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 10/9/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-061F 42960 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/09/spacex-launch-adds-another-10-satellites-to-iridium-next-fleet/ Iridium Next SV 108 Iridium Next 108 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/14/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-003H 41924 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/14/spacex-resumes-flights-with-on-target-launch-for-iridium/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iridium-next http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 109 Iridium Next 109 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/14/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-003C 41919 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/14/spacex-resumes-flights-with-on-target-launch-for-iridium/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iridium-next http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 110 Iridium Next 110 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100 860 678 50 5/22/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-047F 43481 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/22/rideshare-launch-by-spacex-serves-commercial-and-scientific-customers/ Iridium Next SV 111 Iridium Next 111 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/14/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-003K 41926 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/14/spacex-resumes-flights-with-on-target-launch-for-iridium/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iridium-next http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 112 Iridium Next 112 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/14/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-003J 41925 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/14/spacex-resumes-flights-with-on-target-launch-for-iridium/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iridium-next http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 113 Iridium Next 113 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 6/25/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-039A 42803 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/24/iridium-next-mission-2-mission-status-center/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 114 Iridium Next 114 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/14/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-003G 41923 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/14/spacex-resumes-flights-with-on-target-launch-for-iridium/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iridium-next http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 115 Iridium Next 115 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 6/25/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-039D 42806 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/24/iridium-next-mission-2-mission-status-center/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 116 Iridium Next 116 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 12/23/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-083C 43072 JMSatcat5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/23/spacex-launch-dazzles-delivering-10-more-satellites-for-iridium/ Iridium Next SV 117 Iridium Next 117 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 6/25/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-039F 42808 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/24/iridium-next-mission-2-mission-status-center/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 118 Iridium Next 118 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 6/25/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-039E 42807 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/24/iridium-next-mission-2-mission-status-center/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 119 Iridium Next 119 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 10/9/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-061E 42959 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/09/spacex-launch-adds-another-10-satellites-to-iridium-next-fleet/ Iridium Next SV 120 Iridium Next 120 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 6/25/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-039C 42805 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/24/iridium-next-mission-2-mission-status-center/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 121 Iridium Next 121 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 6/25/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-039K 42812 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/24/iridium-next-mission-2-mission-status-center/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 122 Iridium Next 122 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 10/9/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-061C 42957 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/09/spacex-launch-adds-another-10-satellites-to-iridium-next-fleet/ Iridium Next SV 123 Iridium Next 123 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 6/25/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-039B 42804 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/24/iridium-next-mission-2-mission-status-center/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 124 Iridium Next 124 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 6/25/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-039H 42810 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/24/iridium-next-mission-2-mission-status-center/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 125 Iridium Next 125 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 10/9/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-061K 42964 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/09/spacex-launch-adds-another-10-satellites-to-iridium-next-fleet/ Iridium Next SV 126 Iridium Next 126 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 6/25/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-039G 42809 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/24/iridium-next-mission-2-mission-status-center/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 127 Iridium Next 127 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 10/9/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-061B 42956 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/09/spacex-launch-adds-another-10-satellites-to-iridium-next-fleet/ Iridium Next SV 128 Iridium Next 128 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 6/25/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-039J 42811 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/24/iridium-next-mission-2-mission-status-center/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 129 Iridium Next 129 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 10/9/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-061D 42958 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/09/spacex-launch-adds-another-10-satellites-to-iridium-next-fleet/ Iridium Next SV 130 Iridium Next 130 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 12/23/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-083D 43073 JMSatcat5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/23/spacex-launch-dazzles-delivering-10-more-satellites-for-iridium/ Iridium Next SV 131 Iridium Next 131 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 12/23/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-083K 43079 JMSatcat5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/23/spacex-launch-dazzles-delivering-10-more-satellites-for-iridium/ Iridium Next SV 132 Iridium Next 132 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 10/9/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-061G 42961 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/09/spacex-launch-adds-another-10-satellites-to-iridium-next-fleet/ Iridium Next SV 133 Iridium Next 133 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 10/9/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-061A 42955 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/09/spacex-launch-adds-another-10-satellites-to-iridium-next-fleet/ Iridium Next SV 134 Iridium Next 134 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 12/23/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-083F 43075 JMSatcat5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/23/spacex-launch-dazzles-delivering-10-more-satellites-for-iridium/ Iridium Next SV 135 Iridium Next 135 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 12/23/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-083A 43070 JMSatcat5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/23/spacex-launch-dazzles-delivering-10-more-satellites-for-iridium/ Iridium Next SV 136 Iridium Next 136 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 10/9/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-061H 42962 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/09/spacex-launch-adds-another-10-satellites-to-iridium-next-fleet/ Iridium Next SV 137 Iridium Next 137 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 12/23/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-083G 43076 JMSatcat5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/23/spacex-launch-dazzles-delivering-10-more-satellites-for-iridium/ Iridium Next SV 138 Iridium Next 138 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 12/23/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-083B 43071 JMSatcat5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/23/spacex-launch-dazzles-delivering-10-more-satellites-for-iridium/ Iridium Next SV 139 Iridium Next 139 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 10/9/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-061J 42963 Next generation expected to last to 2030 JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/09/spacex-launch-adds-another-10-satellites-to-iridium-next-fleet/ Iridium Next SV 140 Iridium Next 140 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 3/30/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-030D 43252 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/30/iridium-messaging-network-gets-another-boost-from-spacex/ Iridium Next SV 141 Iridium Next 141 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 12/23/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-083H 43077 JMSatcat5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/23/spacex-launch-dazzles-delivering-10-more-satellites-for-iridium/ Iridium Next SV 142 Iridium Next 142 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 3/30/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-030H 43256 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/30/iridium-messaging-network-gets-another-boost-from-spacex/ Iridium Next SV 143 Iridium Next 143 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 3/30/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-030K 43258 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/30/iridium-messaging-network-gets-another-boost-from-spacex/ Iridium Next SV 144 Iridium Next 144 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 3/30/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-030A 43249 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/30/iridium-messaging-network-gets-another-boost-from-spacex/ Iridium Next SV 145 Iridium Next 145 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 3/30/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-030E 43253 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/30/iridium-messaging-network-gets-another-boost-from-spacex/ Iridium Next SV 146 Iridium Next 146 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 3/30/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-030F 43254 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/30/iridium-messaging-network-gets-another-boost-from-spacex/ Iridium Next SV 147 Iridium Next 147 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 5/22/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-047E 43480 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/22/rideshare-launch-by-spacex-serves-commercial-and-scientific-customers/ Iridium Next SV 148 Iriidium Next 148 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 3/30/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-030G 43255 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/30/iridium-messaging-network-gets-another-boost-from-spacex/ Iridium Next SV 149 Iridium Next 149 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 3/30/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-030B 43250 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/30/iridium-messaging-network-gets-another-boost-from-spacex/ Iridium Next SV 150 Iridium Next 150 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 3/30/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-030J 43257 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/30/iridium-messaging-network-gets-another-boost-from-spacex/ Iridium Next SV 151 Iridium Next 151 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 12/23/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-083E 43074 JMSatcat5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/23/spacex-launch-dazzles-delivering-10-more-satellites-for-iridium/ Iridium Next SV 152 Iridium Next 152 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 5/22/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-047D 43479 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/22/rideshare-launch-by-spacex-serves-commercial-and-scientific-customers/ Iridium Next SV 153 Iridium Next 153 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 12/23/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2017-083J 43078 JMSatcat5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/23/spacex-launch-dazzles-delivering-10-more-satellites-for-iridium/ Iridium Next SV 154 Iridium Next 154 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 7/25/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-061F 43574 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/25/spacexs-second-launch-in-three-days-lofts-10-more-iridium-satellites/ Iridium Next SV 155 Iridium Next 155 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 7/25/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-061E 43573 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/25/spacexs-second-launch-in-three-days-lofts-10-more-iridium-satellites/ Iridium Next SV 156 Iridium Next 156 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 7/25/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-061H 43576 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/25/spacexs-second-launch-in-three-days-lofts-10-more-iridium-satellites/ Iridium Next SV 157 Iridium Next 157 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 3/30/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-030C 43251 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/30/iridium-messaging-network-gets-another-boost-from-spacex/ Iridium Next SV 158 Iridium Next 158 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 7/25/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-061C 43571 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/25/spacexs-second-launch-in-three-days-lofts-10-more-iridium-satellites/ Iridium Next SV 159 Iridum Next 159 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 7/25/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-061K 43578 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/25/spacexs-second-launch-in-three-days-lofts-10-more-iridium-satellites/ Iridium Next SV 160 Iridium Next 160 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 7/25/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-061A 43569 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/25/spacexs-second-launch-in-three-days-lofts-10-more-iridium-satellites/ Iridium Next SV 161 Iridium Next 161 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 5/22/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-047C 43478 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/22/rideshare-launch-by-spacex-serves-commercial-and-scientific-customers/ Iridium Next SV 162 Iridium Next 162 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 5/22/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-047G 43482 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/22/rideshare-launch-by-spacex-serves-commercial-and-scientific-customers/ Iridium Next SV 163 Iridium Next 163 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 7/25/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-061G 43575 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/25/spacexs-second-launch-in-three-days-lofts-10-more-iridium-satellites/ Iridium Next SV 164 Iridium Next 164 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 7/25/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-061J 43577 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/25/spacexs-second-launch-in-three-days-lofts-10-more-iridium-satellites/ Iridium Next SV 165 Iridium Next 165 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 7/25/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-061D 43572 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/25/spacexs-second-launch-in-three-days-lofts-10-more-iridium-satellites/ Iridium Next SV 166 Iridium Next 166 USA USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 7/25/2018 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-061B 43570 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/25/spacexs-second-launch-in-three-days-lofts-10-more-iridium-satellites/ Iridium Next SV 167 Iridium Next 167 NR USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/11/2019 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2019-002K 43931 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/11/spacex-begins-2019-with-eighth-and-final-for-upgraded-iridium-network/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 168 Iridium Next 168 NR USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/11/2019 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2019-002C 43924 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/11/spacex-begins-2019-with-eighth-and-final-for-upgraded-iridium-network/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 169 Iridium Next 169 NR USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/11/2019 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2019-002E 43926 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/11/spacex-begins-2019-with-eighth-and-final-for-upgraded-iridium-network/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 170 Iridium Next 170 NR USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/11/2019 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2019-002J 43930 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/11/spacex-begins-2019-with-eighth-and-final-for-upgraded-iridium-network/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 171 Iridium Next 171 NR USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/11/2019 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2019-002H 43929 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/11/spacex-begins-2019-with-eighth-and-final-for-upgraded-iridium-network/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 172 Iridium Next 172 NR USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/11/2019 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2019-002F 43927 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/11/spacex-begins-2019-with-eighth-and-final-for-upgraded-iridium-network/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 173 Iridium Next 173 NR USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/11/2019 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2019-002D 43925 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/11/spacex-begins-2019-with-eighth-and-final-for-upgraded-iridium-network/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 175 Iridium Next 175 NR USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/11/2019 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2019-002G 43928 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/11/spacex-begins-2019-with-eighth-and-final-for-upgraded-iridium-network/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 176 Iridium Next 176 NR USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/11/2019 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2019-002B 43923 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/11/spacex-begins-2019-with-eighth-and-final-for-upgraded-iridium-network/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Iridium Next SV 180 Iridium Next 180 NR USA "Iridium Communications, Inc." Government/Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 776 779 2.10E-04 86.40 100.4 860 678 50 1/11/2019 15 Thales Alenia Space/Orbital ATK France/Italy/USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2019-002A 43922 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/11/spacex-begins-2019-with-eighth-and-final-for-upgraded-iridium-network/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt IRIS (Interface Region Imaging Spectrometer) IRIS USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 620 664 3.14E-03 97.90 97.5 236 678 50 6/28/2013 2 Lockheed Martin Space Systems Advanced Technology Center (ATC) USA Vandenberg AFB L1011 2013-033A 39197 "Investigate the sun's corona, solar wind and atmosphere" ZARYA http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/iris/launch/index.html#.Ujn-PD-5-Ro http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/index.php/launches/14954-iris http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2013/033A.HTM IRNSS-1A (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System) IRNSS-1A India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Navigation/Regional Positioning GEO 55.00 "35,712" "35,872" 1.90E-03 27.10 1436 "1,425" 614 "1,660" 7/1/2013 12 ISRO Satellite Center India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2013-034A 39199 First of a seven-satellite system. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2013/034A.HTM http://www.digplanet.com/wiki/I-1K IRNSS-1B (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System) IRNSS-1B India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Navigation/Regional Positioning GEO 55.00 "35,695" "35,880" 2.19E-03 30.97 1436.14 "1,432" 615 "1,660" 4/4/2014 12 ISRO Satellite Center India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2014-017A 39635 SC - ASCR http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 IRNSS-1C (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System) IRNSS-1C NR India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Navigation/Regional Positioning GEO 83.00 "35,690" "35,871" 2.15E-03 4.96 1435.8 "1,425" 598 "1,660" 10/15/2014 12 ISRO Satellite Center India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-XL 2014-061A 40269 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://gpsworld.com/india-launches-third-navigation-satellite-irnss-1c/ IRNSS-1D (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System) IRNSS-1D NR India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Navigation/Regional Positioning GEO 111.70 "35,699" "35,834" 1.60E-03 30.04 1435.06 "1,425" 598 "1,600" 3/30/2015 12 ISRO Satellite Center India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-C27 2015-018A 40547 JM/8_15 http://www.isro.gov.in/Spacecraft/irnss-1d http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/03/pslv-launch-irnss-1d-indias-2015-campaign/ IRNSS-1E (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System) IRNSS-1E NR India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Navigation/Regional Positioning GEO 111.70 "35,695" "35,874" 2.12E-03 28.09 1436.01 "1,425" 598 "1,600" 1/20/2016 12 ISRO Satellite Center India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-XL 2016-003A 41241 JM/5_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/01/20/pslv-lofts-satellite-for-indias-indigenous-navigation-system/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log IRNSS-1F (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System) IRNSS-1F India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Navigation/Regional Positioning GEO 32.50 "35,700" "35,874" 2.06E-03 5.09 1436.13 "1,425" 598 "1,600" 3/10/2016 12 IRSO Satellite Center India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-XL 2016-015A 41384 Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/03/10/pslv-poised-to-launch-with-indian-navigation-satellite/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-015A&jazyk=pp_en IRNSS-1G (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System) IRNSS-1G India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Navigation/Regional Positioning GEO 129.50 "35,774" "35,797" 2.73E-04 5.06 1436.05 "1,425" 598 "1,600" 4/28/2016 12 IRSO Satellite Center India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2016-027A 41469 Final satellite in the seven-satellite regional system. Space50 https://spaceflightnow.com/2016/04/28/indian-launch-set-to-round-out-domestic-navigation-network/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-027A&jazyk=pp_en IRNSS-1I (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System) IRNSS-1I India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Navigation/Regional Positioning GEO 55.00 "35,702" "35,872" 2.02E-03 28.50 1436.1 "1,425" 598 "1,600" 4/11/2018 10 IRSO Satellite Center India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-035A 43286 JMSatcat/5_2018 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/11/isro-launches-for-second-time-in-two-weeks/ IRS-P6 (Resourcesat-1) IRS-P6 India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 817 823 4.17E-04 98.80 101.3 "1,360" "1,200" 10/17/2003 5 ISRO Satellite Center India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C5 2003-046A 28051 "Monitor agricultural, land, and water resources." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.isro.org/pslvc5/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx600.html www.isro.org Irvine-1 Irvine-1 NR USA Irvine Public Schools Foundation Civil Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 493 506 9.46E-04 85.00 95 2 11/11/2018 "Irvine, CA and Tustin-CA student-built" USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-088D 43693 Student built. JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/11/rocket-lab-delivers-seven-payloads-to-orbit-plans-next-launch-in-december/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html ISARA (Integrated Solar Array & Reflectarray Antenna) ISARA NR (3/20) USA NASA Small Satellite Technology Program Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 421 423 1.11E-04 51.60 93 5 12/7/2017 NASA Small Satellite Technology Program USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-071P 43050 JMSatcat/7_20 https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/cubesat/missions/isara.php https://nanoracks.com/4th-external-cargo-ship-satellite-deployment-mission/ iSat (D-Star ONE iSat) iSat Germany Czech Republic iSky Technology Commercial Communications ADS-B Receiver LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 571 586 1.08E-03 97.70 96.2 4 12/27/2018 German Orbital Systems Germany Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111D 43879 Carries an ADS-B receiver to track aircraft positions. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "ISX (Ionospheric Scintillation Explorer, CP-11)" ISX NR USA NASA/CalPoly Government/Civil Space Science LEO Polar 0.00 489 510 1.53E-03 85.03 94.6 4 12/16/2018 SRI International/CalPoly USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-104H 43856 ISX will study plasma irregularities in the upper atmosphere by measuring its affect on digital TV signals produced on the ground. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/17/nasa-rocket-lab-partner-on-successful-satellite-launch-from-new-zealand/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt ITU-pSAT1 (Istanbul Technical University Picosat-1) ITU-pSAT1 NR Turkey ITU Space Systems Design & Test Laboratory Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 710 721 7.76E-04 98.40 99.1 1 9/23/2009 1 ITU Space Systems Design & Test Laboratory Turkey Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2009-051E 35935 "Turkey's first university satellite; raise experienced staff on satellite systems in our country, and also to serve as a practical ground for the theoretically equipped graduate and undergraduate students of ?TÜ Astronautics Department." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://usl.itu.edu.tr/ http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/satellites/satInfo.php?satID=127&retURL=/satellites/status.php http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2009/051D.HTM JAISAT-1 JAISAT-1 NR (11/19) Thailand Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST) Civil Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 514 547 2.39E-03 97.50 95.2 1 7/5/2019 German Orbital Systems Germany Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038F 44419 Amateur radio for Thailand. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Jason 3 Jason 3 USA USA/France National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)/NOAA/EUMETSAT Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,301" "1,324" 1.50E-03 66.00 111.8 553 510 500 1/17/2016 5 Thales Alenia Space France Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2016-002A 41240 Monitor sea surface level and wave heights. prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/01/18/satellite-launched-to-measure-motions-of-the-oceans/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2016/01/2016-002.html "JCSat 10 (Japan Communications Satellite 10, JCSat 3A)" JCSat 10 Japan Japan Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 127.51 "35,772" "35,801" 3.44E-04 1.19 1436.1 "4,400" "1,858" 8/11/2006 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2006-033A 29272 "30 Ku-band, 12 C-band transponders." JM/12_08 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/033A.HTM http://www.jsat.net/en/release/20060814.html http://www.lockheedmartin.com/wms/findPage.do?dsp=fec&ci=17822&rsbci= http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf "JCSat 110 (N-Sat-110, Superbird-D, Superbird-5, N-Sat-110)" JCSat 110 Japan Japan Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 110.10 "35,784" "35,789" 5.93E-05 0.01 1436.11 "3,531" "1,669" "7,200 (EOL)" 10/7/2000 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 44L 2000-060A 26559 24 Ku-band; voice and video communications to Japan. JM/12_08 http://www.superbird.co.jp/english/superbird/index.html http://www.jsat.net/en/satellite/pop_list.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx564.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://articles.janes.com/articles/Janes-Space-Systems-and-Industry/Space-Communications-Corporation-SCC-Japan.html http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf JCSat 13 (Japan Communications Satellite 13) JCSat 13 Japan Japan Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 124.00 "35,780" "35,791" 1.30E-04 0.05 1436.03 "4,500" 5/15/2012 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2012-023A 38331 44 Ku-band transponders. ZARYA http://www.spaceflight101.com/va-206-ariane-5-mission.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 "JCSat 14 (JCSat 2B, Japan Communications Satellite 14)" JCSat 14 Japan Japan Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 154.00 "35,861" "35,924" 7.45E-04 0.02 1441.5 "4,500" 5/6/2016 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2016-028A 41471 Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/05/06/falcon-9-succeeds-in-middle-of-the-night-launch/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-028A&jazyk=pp_en JCSat 15 JCSat 15 Japan Japan Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 110.00 "35,721" "35,774" 6.29E-04 0.00 1434.1 "3,400" 12/21/2016 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2016-082A 41903 Will replace N-Sat 110. JM/1_17 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/21/brazilian-and-japanese-communications-satellites-launched-by-ariane-5-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log JCSat 16 JCSat 16 Japan Japan Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 162.00 "35,786" "35,801" 1.78E-04 0.00 1436.01 "4,500" 8/14/2016 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2016-050A 41729 JM/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/08/14/falcon-9-rocket-launches-japanese-satellite-then-nails-bullseye-landing/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log JCSat 17 JCSat 17 NR (3/20) Japan Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 136.00 "35,773" "35,800" 3.20E-04 6.97 1436.11 "5,857" 2/18/2020 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2020-013A 45245 JMGEO/4_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/02/18/ariane-5-deploys-communications-and-environmental-monitoring-satellites/ JCSat 18/Kacific 1 JCSat18/Kacific 1 NR (3/20) Japan/Singapore Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation/Kacific Commercial Communications GEO 150.00 "35,779" "35,800" 2.49E-04 0.08 1436.2 "6,956" 12/17/2019 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-091A 44868 "Kacific will take the satellite’s Ka-band capacity, and Sky Perfect JSAT controls the craft’s Ku-band payload." JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/17/startup-launches-broadband-satellite-on-spacex-rocket-to-connect-pacific-islands/ "JCSat 2A (JCSAT 8, Japan Communications Satellite 8)" JCSat 2A Japan Japan Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 154.00 "35,788" "35,794" 7.12E-05 0.01 1436.1 "2,500" "1,460" "3,500" 3/29/2002 11 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 44L 2002-015A 27399 "16 C-band, 16 Ku-band; coverage to Japan< East Asia, Australia and Hawaii." JM/12_08 http://www.jsat.net/en/satellite/jcsat-2a.html http://www.spacenadtech.com/spacedata/logs/2002/2002-015b_jcsat-8_sumpub.shtml http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/601/jcsat_8/jcsat_8.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html "JCSat 4A (JCSAT 6, Japan Communications Satellite 6)" JCSat 4A Japan Japan Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 123.85 "33,782" "37,768" 4.73E-02 0.07 1435.52 "2,900" "1,230" "5,200" 2/15/1999 14.5 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2AS 1999-006A 25630 "32 Ku-band; multimedia and Internet access and voice, data and television signals to Japan." JM/12_08 http://www.jsat.net/en/satellite/jcsat-4a.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx544.html http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/601/jcsat_5_6/jcsat_5_6.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html "JCSat 9 (JCSat 5A, Japanese Communications Satellite 9)" JCSat 9 Japan Japan Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 132.04 "35,776" "35,797" 2.49E-04 0.01 1436.1 "4,400" 4/12/2006 12 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2006-010A 29045 "C-band, Ku-band, and S-band transponders." JM/12_08 http://www.boeing.com/news/releases/2006/q2/060412d_nr.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/010A.HTM http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf http://www.astronautix.com/craft/as2100.htm "JCSat RA (JCSat 12, Japan Communications Satellite 12)" JCSat RA Japan Japan Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 142.49 "35,780" "35,794" 1.66E-04 0.04 1436.12 "4,000" 8/21/2009 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2009-044A 35755 Backup for other JCSATs. JM/10_09 http://www.space-travel.com/reports/Arianespace_To_Launch_Japanese_Satellite_JCSAT_12_999.html http://www.jsati.com/satellite-servicesJCSAT.asp Jiading-1 (OKW-01) Jiading-1 China China Space OK (Shanghai Ok Space Co Ltd.) Commercial Communications Internet of Things (IoT) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 489 504 1.09E-03 97.40 97.3 45 11/19/2018 Shanghai Ok Space Co Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-094D 43713 First in planned Xianyung LEO constellation for Internet of Things connectivity. JM/11_18 https://gbtimes.com/chinas-34th-launch-of-2018-places-five-satellites-in-orbit?cat=business https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/21/chinas-long-march-2d-rocket-launches-five-satellites/ Jilin-1 (High Resolution 03-A) Jilin-1 NR (11/19) China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 555 575 1.44E-03 45.00 96 42 6/5/2019 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Yellow Sea Launch Platform Long March 11 2019-032A 44310 First sea launch for China. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/05/chinas-first-sea-launch-declared-a-success/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Jilin-1 (Lingqiao-A, Lingqiao Video A)" Jilin-1 NR China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging (video) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 639 664 1.78E-03 98.04 97.75 95 10/7/2015 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2015-057B 40959 High resolution video imaging. JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/07/quartet-of-earth-imaging-satellites-launched-from-china/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/10/2015-057.html http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Jilin-1 (Lingqiao-B, Lingqiao Video B)" Jilin-1 NR China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging (video) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 639 663 1.71E-03 98.04 97.74 95 10/7/2015 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2015-057C 40960 High resolution video imaging. JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/07/quartet-of-earth-imaging-satellites-launched-from-china/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/10/2015-057.html http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Jilin-1 Gaofen 02A Jilin-1 Gaofen 02A NR (3/20) China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 537 554 1.23E-03 97.50 95.4 95 11/13/2019 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2019-075A 44777 High resolution multi-spectral imaging. JM/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/13/two-chinese-satellite-launchers-lift-off-three-hours-apart/ Jilin-1 Gaofen 02B Jilin-1 Gaofen 02B NR (3/20) China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 537 553 1.16E-03 97.50 95.4 95 12/7/2019 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2019-086A 44836 High resolution optical imaging. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/07/china-launches-two-kuaizhou-rockets-in-six-hours/ Jilin-1 Kuanfu-1 Jilin-1 Kuanfu-1 NR (3/20) China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 477 492 1.09E-03 97.30 94.3 95 1/15/2020 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2D 2020-003A 45016 "New type of optical camera with a wide field-of-view and high resolution, and is also capable of high-speed data transmission" JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/01/15/argentine-satellites-hitch-ride-with-chinese-payloads-on-long-march-2d-rocket/ "Jilin-1-1 (Optical A, Lingqiao 1)" Jilin-1 NR China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 638 662 1.71E-03 98.05 97.73 400 10/7/2015 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2015-057D 40961 High resolution earth-imaging. First commercial satellite for earth observation in China. JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/07/quartet-of-earth-imaging-satellites-launched-from-china/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/10/2015-057.html http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Jilin-1-10 (Guanpu 2) Jilin-1-10 NR (11/19) China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 521 538 1.23E-03 97.50 95.2 95 1/21/2019 3 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2019-005E 43946 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/22/chinas-long-march-11-rocket-lofts-earth-imaging-and-tech-demo-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Jilin-1-3 (Lingqiao 3) Jilin-1 China China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 531 544 9.41E-04 95.40 97.54 400 1/9/2017 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Kuaizhou 2017-002B 41914 High resolution earth-imaging. First commercial satellite for earth observation in China. JM/9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/09/kuaizhou-rocket-lifts-off-on-first-commercial-mission/ Jilin-1-4 (Shipin 4) Jilin-1-4 China China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 532 545 9.41E-04 97.50 95.4 95 11/21/2017 3 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2017-074A 43022 First of a large all purpose constellation. JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/21/three-video-imaging-satellites-launched-from-china/ https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/11/long-march-6-launches-jilin-1-trio/ Jilin-1-5 (Shipin 5) Jilin-1-5 China China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 531 544 9.41E-04 97.50 95.4 95 11/21/2017 3 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2017-074B 43023 JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/21/three-video-imaging-satellites-launched-from-china/ https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/11/long-march-6-launches-jilin-1-trio/ Jilin-1-6 (Shipin 6) Jilin-1-6 China China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 531 544 9.41E-04 97.50 95.4 95 11/21/2017 3 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2017-074C 43024 JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/21/three-video-imaging-satellites-launched-from-china/ https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/11/long-march-6-launches-jilin-1-trio/ Jilin-1-7 (Shipin 7) Jilin-1-7 China China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 523 546 1.67E-03 97.50 95.3 95 1/18/2018 3 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2018-008E 43159 JMSatcat/5_18 http://spaceflight101.com/china-third-long-march-11-launch/ Jilin-1-8 (Shipin 8) Jilin-1-8 China China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 527 546 1.38E-03 97.50 95.3 95 1/18/2018 3 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2018-008F 43160 JMSatcat/5_18 http://spaceflight101.com/china-third-long-march-11-launch/ Jilin-1-9 (Guanpu 1) Jilin-1-9 NR (11/19) China Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 521 538 1.23E-03 97.50 95.2 95 1/21/2019 3 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2019-005B 43943 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/22/chinas-long-march-11-rocket-lofts-earth-imaging-and-tech-demo-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Jingshi-1 (BNU-1) Jingshi-1 NR (11/19) China Chinese University Corporation for Polar Research Civil Earth Observation Optical Imaging/Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 732 749 1.20E-03 98.60 99.6 16 9/12/2019 Shenzhen Aerospace Dongfanghong Development Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2019-059B 44529 "Study polar ice, also examine by AIS ships traversing polar region." JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/09/12/china-launches-earth-observing-satellites-solar-sail-experiment/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt JYISat (JO 97) JYISat NR (11/19) Jordan Crown Prince Foundation Civil Communications Amateur Radio LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 590 1.22E-03 97.70 93.6 2 12/3/2018 Royal Jordanian Radio Amateur Society Jordan Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AX 43803 Build up space capability related to cubesat development in Jordan. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sso-a https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Kaituo-1A (Xinyan-2) Kaituo-1A NR China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 518 536 1.30E-03 97.46 95.18 130 9/19/2015 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2015-049F 40904 JM 12_15 http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/09/2015-049.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Kanopus-B (Kanopus Vulcan 1)  Canopus-B Russia Russia Scientific Production Corporation (joint stock creation of Russian Space Agency) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 501 505 2.91E-04 97.50 94.7 400 110 300 7/22/2012 5 All-Russia Research Institute of Electromechanics (NPP VNIIEM) Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2012-039A 38707 Will provide users with operational hydro-meteorological information. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://en.is-service.su/news/childs/page/1/spacecraft-canopus-b-ica-fci-zond-pp-bca-tet-1-ads http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Russia_Launches_Soyuz_FG_Rocket_with_Five_Satellites_999.html http://www.tsenki.com/en/launch_services/help_information/launch/2012/?EID=93961 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 Kanopus-V-IK-2 Kanopus-V-IK-2 Russia Russia Roscosmos State Corporation Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 505 508 2.18E-04 97.40 94.7 500 7/14/2017 Roscosmos Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042A 42825 Also carries an infrared sensor to detect and localize the source of wildfires. JMSatcat/10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/07/14/soyuz-rideshare-launch/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Kanopus-V-IK-3 Kanopus-V-IK-3 Russia Russia Roscosmos State Corporation Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 505 509 2.91E-04 97.40 94.7 500 1/31/2018 Roscosmos Russia Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-014A 43180 Will provide multiple Russian government agencies with black-and-white and color observations of Earth. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/31/soyuz-11-satellites/ Kanopus-V-IK-4 Kanopus-V-IK-4 Russia Russia Roscosmos State Corporation Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 509 6.55E-04 97.40 94.7 500 1/31/2018 Roscosmos Russia Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-014B 43181 Will provide multiple Russian government agencies with black-and-white and color observations of Earth. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/31/soyuz-11-satellites/ Kanopus-V-IK-5 Kanopus-V-IK-5 Russia Russia Roscosmos State Corporation Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 503 511 5.82E-04 97.50 94.7 500 12/27/2018 Roscosmos Russia Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111A 43876 Will provide multiple Russian government agencies with black-and-white and color observations of Earth. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Kanopus-V-IK-6 Kanopus-V-IK-6 Russia Russia Roscosmos State Corporation Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 498 511 9.46E-04 97.50 94.7 500 12/27/2018 Roscosmos Russia Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111B 43877 Will provide multiple Russian government agencies with black-and-white and color observations of Earth. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt KazEOSat-1 (Kazcosmos Earth Observation Satellite) KazEOSat-1 NR Kazakhstan Kazcosmos Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 751 754 2.11E-04 98.53 99.87 830 "1,200" 4/30/2014 7.25 Airbus Defence and Space France Guiana Space Center Vega 2014-024A 39731 "High-resolution observation satellite owned by Kazakhstan, tasks including monitoring of natural and agricultural resources, provision of mapping data, and support for rescue operations in the event of a natural disaster." SC - ASCR https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/k/kazeosat-1 http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2014/I024A.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 KazEOSat-2 (kazcosmos Earth Observation Satellite) KazEOSat-2 NR Kazakhstan Kazcosmos Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 612 636 1.72E-03 97.99 97.19 185 55 6/19/2014 7 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033A 40010 Medium-resolution observaton satellite owned by Kazakshstan. ZARYA https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/k/kazeosat-2 http://www.sstl.co.uk/News-and-Events/2014-News-Archive/SSTL-announces-successful-launch-of-KazEOSat-2 KazSat-2 KazSat-2 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan JSC KazSat Commercial Communications GEO 86.50 "35,786" "35,788" 2.37E-05 0.03 1436.13 "1,300" 7/15/2011 12 Khrunichev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2011-035B 37749 Replaced KazSat-1. JM/9_11 http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=AviationWeek.com&id=news/awx/2011/07/18/awx_07_18_2011_p0-348829.xml&headline=Proton%20Orbits%20SES-3%20KazSat-2 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/035B.HTM KazSat-3 KazSat-3 NR Kazakhstan JSC KazSat Commercial Communications GEO 58.50 "35,784" "35,789" 5.93E-05 0.12 1436.08 "5,500" 4/28/2014 15 Thales Alenia Space Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2014-023B 39728 "Communications satellite for Kazakhstan to provide point-to-point links, TV and high-speed Internet." SC - ASCR https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/worldwide/space/press-release/successful-launch-kazsat3-and-loutch-5v-satellites http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2014/I023B.HTM KazSciSat-1 KazSciSat-1 NR (11/19) Kazakhstan Ghalam LLP Commercial Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 588 1.15E-03 97.70 96.3 4 12/3/2018 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Kazakhstan Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AF 43787 Examine the Earth’s ionosphere to identify the effects of natural and man-made impacts on the Earth’s magnetic field. JMSatcat/3_19 https://astanatimes.com/2018/12/kazakh-satellites-hitch-ride-on-spacex-launch-vehicle/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt KazSTSAT (Kazakh Science and Technology Satellite) KazSTSAT NR (11/19) Kazakhstan Ghalam LLP Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 589 1.15E-03 97.70 96.3 100 12/3/2018 5 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AB 43783 Part of Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC). Wide-angle imaging. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/k/kazstsat Kent Ridge 1 Kent Ridge 1 NR Singapore National University of Singapore Civil Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Equatorial 0.00 534 551 1.23E-03 14.98 95.49 78 12/16/2015 National University of Singapore Singapore Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-C29 2015-077B 41167 Medium resolution hyperspectral camera and shortwave infrared hyperspectral camera. Its secondary payload is a real-time high resolution video camera. prehled-druzic http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-077.html http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/16/pslv-set-for-commercial-launch-with-six-singaporean-satellites/ Kepler-2 CASE Kepler-2 CASE NR Canada Kepler Communications Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.40 95 4 11/29/2018 Kepler Communications Canada Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096L 43729 Planned constellation of commercial data relay nanosatellites. Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ KestrelEye IIM KestrelEye IIM USA USA US Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command Military Earth Observation/Technology Development Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 400 407 5.17E-04 51.60 92.6 50 10/24/2017 US Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067NE 42982 "Small, low-cost, visible-imagery satellite designed to provide near real-time images to the tactical-level ground Soldier." JMSatcat/3_18 https://www.army.mil/article/195548/army_deploys_kestrel_eye_satellite "http://bt.e-ditionsbyfry.com/publication/index.php?i=178231&m=&l=&p=13&pre=&ver=html5#{%22page%22:12,%22issue_id%22:178231}" "Keyhole 5 (Advanced KH-11, KH-12-5, Improved Crystal, EIS-3, USA 186)" USA 186 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Elliptical 0.00 264 "1,050" 5.59E-02 97.90 97 "18,000" "10,000" 10/19/2005 5 Lockheed Martin USA Vandenberg AFB Titan IV 2005-042A 28888 $1 billion satellite; last use of Titan IV as launch vehicle. JMSR http://www.nro.gov/PressReleases/prs_rel86.html http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/fl_titan4_preview_010930.html "Keyhole 6 (NRO L49, Advanced KH-11, KH-12-6, Improved Crystal, USA 224)" USA 224 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Elliptical 0.00 200 "1,000" 5.74E-02 97.80 97 "18,000" "10,000" 1/20/2011 5 Lockheed Martin USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 4 Heavy 2011-002A 37348 Believed to be KH-11 class. JMSatcat/2_USA http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2011/01/live-delta-iv-heavy-launch-nro-l-49/ http://www.skyrocket.de/space/doc_sdat/kh-12.htm http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx687.html "Keyhole 7 (NRO L65, Advanced KH-11, Improved Crystal, USA 245)" USA 245 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Elliptical 0.00 257 997 5.29E-02 97.80 97.25 "18,000" "10,000" 8/28/2013 5 Lockheed Martin USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 4 Heavy 2013-043A 39232 Believed to be KH-11 class. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/US/KH11.php http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/09/atlas-v-loft-aehf-3-satellite/ "Keyhole 8 (NRO L71, Advanced KH-11, Improved Crystal Block 5, USA 290)" USA 290 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Polar 0.00 395 419 1.77E-03 74.00 92.7 "18,000" "10,000" 1/19/2019 5 Lockheed Martin USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 4 Heavy 2019-004A 43941 "Believed to be KH-11 class, Improved Crystal Block 5." JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/19/delta-4-heavy-rocket-launches-u-s-spy-satellite-into-unusual-orbit/ http://www.satobs.org/seesat/Dec-2018/0058.html https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt KhalifaSat KhalifaSat United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Emirates Institution for Advanced Science & Technology (EIAST) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 597 616 1.36E-03 97.80 96.8 330 10/29/2018 Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center United Arab Emirates Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2018-084F 43676 First observation satellite built in the UAE. JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/29/japan-launches-satellite-to-study-human-causes-of-climate-change/ KIPP-1 KIPP-1 NR United Kingdom Kepler Communications Commercial Communications Internet of Things (IoT) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 528 547 1.38E-03 97.50 95.3 10 1/18/2018 Clyde Space UK Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2018-008C 43157 "Testbed for projected 130 satellite constellation supporting the ""Internet of Things"" needing low-latency, low-cost communications paths." JMSatcat/5_18 http://spaceflight101.com/china-third-long-march-11-launch/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/22/testbed-for-canadian-data-relay-network-successfully-launched-from-china/ Kirameki 2 (DSN-2) Kirameki-2 Japan Japan Ministry of Defense Military Communications GEO 93.12 "35,764" "35,810" 5.46E-04 0.10 1436.1 1/24/2017 15 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2017-005A 41940 X-Band satellite dedicated to military. JM/9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/24/japan-puts-its-first-military-communications-satellite-into-orbit/ http://indiatoday.intoday.in/education/story/japan-first-military-communications-satellite/1/867898.html http://planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log KJSY-1 (Kongjian Shiyan-1) KJSY-1 NR China Tsinghua University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 520 540 1.45E-03 97.46 95.23 1 9/19/2015 Tsinghua University China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2015-049R 40914 Released from Naxing 2 satellite after insertion into orbit. JM/12_15 http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/09/2015-049.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "KKS-1 (Kouku Kousen Satellite One, Kiseki)" KKS-1 Japan Japan Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 651 667 1.14E-03 98.03 97.92 3 1/23/2009 1 Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2009-002H 33499 "Experiments on micro-thrusters, basic experiments on 3-axis attitude control and take land images with a camera." SC - ASCR http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/satslist.htm http://www.n2yo.com/satellite/?s=33499 KL-Alpha-A KL-Alpha-A NR (3/20) China/Germany Innovation Academy for Microsatellites (CAS)/unnamed German firm Commercial Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 "1,044" "1,056" 8.09E-04 88.90 106.2 11/17/2019 Unknown Unknown Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2019-077A 44785 Technology demonstration in Ka-band communications. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/19/chinas-kuaizhou-launcher-flies-for-second-time-in-four-days/ KL-Alpha-B KL-Alpha-B NR (3/20) China/Germany Innovation Academy for Microsatellites (CAS)/unnamed German firm Commercial Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 "1,045" "1,430" 2.53E-02 88.90 110.2 11/17/2019 Unknown Unknown Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2019-077B 44786 Technology demonstration in Ka-band communications. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/19/chinas-kuaizhou-launcher-flies-for-second-time-in-four-days/ "Kompsat-2 (Arirang 2, Korean planned Multipurpose Satellite-2)" Kompsat-2 South Korea South Korea Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) Government/Commercial Earth Observation/Technology Development Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 676 698 1.56E-03 98.20 98.5 800 955 7/28/2006 3 Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)/ EADS Astrium South Korea/France/UK/Germany Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2006-031A 29268 "High-resolution, multispectral images of Earth's surface." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewaern/spx633.html http://directory.eoportal.org/pres_KOMPSAT2KoreaMultiPurposeSatellite2Arirang2.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/031A.HTM "Kompsat-3 (Arirang 3, Korean Multipurpose Satellite-3)" Kompsat-3 South Korea South Korea Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) Government/Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 679 696 1.20E-03 98.20 98.5 980 "1,300" 5/17/2012 4 Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)/ EADS Astrium South Korea/France/UK/Germany Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2012-025B 38338 "Support Geographical Information Systems, environmental, agricultural and oceanographic monitoring. There may also be a miltary/strategic imaging role." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/k/kompsat-3 http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/feedarticle/10247807 http://database.eohandbook.com/database/missionsummary.aspx?missionID=637 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 http://weebau.com/satellite/K/kompsat3.htm "Kompsat-3A (Arirang 3A, Korean Multipurpose Satellite-3A)" Kompsat-3A South Korea South Korea Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) Government/Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 522 540 1.30E-03 97.50 95.25 980 "1,300" 3/25/2015 4 Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) South Korea Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2015-014A 40536 "Support Geographical Information Systems, environmental, agricultural and oceanographic monitoring. There may also be a miltary/strategic imaging role." JM/8_15 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/kompsat3 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/03/russias-dnepr-rocket-kompsat-3a-mission/ "Kompsat-5 (Arirang 5, Korean Multipurpose Satellite-4)" Kompsat-5 South Korea South Korea Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) Government/Commercial Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 535 552 1.23E-03 97.60 95.5 "1,400" "1,400" 8/22/2013 5 Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) South Korea Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2013-042A 39227 To develop the first Korean SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) Satellite ZARYA http://www.kari.re.kr/data/eng/contents/Space_003.asp?catcode=1010111200&depthno=0 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/08/russian-dnepr-rocket-airang-5/ Kondor (Cosmos 2487) Cosmos 2487 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Polar 0.00 497 501 2.91E-04 74.73 94.6 "1,150" 6/27/2013 NPO Mashinostroyeniya Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Strela 2013-032A 39194 Radar imaging satellite. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://russianforces.org/blog/2013/06/russia_launches_first_kondor_s.shtml Koreasat 5 (Mugungwha 5) Koreasat 5 South Korea South Korea KT Corporation/Korean Agency for Defense Development (ADD) Military/Commercial Communications GEO 113.08 "35,780" "35,792" 1.42E-04 0.02 1436.1 "4,450" 8/22/2006 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2006-034A 29349 "24 Ku-band, 8 SHF-band, and 4 Ka-band transponders for commercial and military use." JM/12_08 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2006/034A.HTM Koreasat 5A (Mugungwha 5A) Koreasat 5A South Korea South Korea KT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 113.00 "35,787" "35,799" 1.42E-04 0.00 1436 "3,700" "6,500" 10/30/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2017-067A 42984 "Carries 36 Ku-band transponders, providing Internet access, television broadcast and other multimedia services in Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Guam, Southeast Asia, and South Asia." JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/30/spacex-launches-and-lands-third-rocket-in-three-weeks/ Koreasat 6 (Mugungwha 6) Koreasat 6 South Korea South Korea KT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 116.00 "35,780" "35,794" 1.66E-04 0.05 1436.12 "2,850" "1,150" 12/29/2010 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2010-070B 37265 Enhanced HD and 3D satellite TV programs. 30 Ku-and transponders. Will replace Koreasat 3. SC - ASCR http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/Communications/KOREASAT6/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/070B.HTM Koreasat 7 (Mugungwha 7) Koreasat 7 South Korea South Korea KT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 116.00 "35,781" "35,791" 1.19E-04 0.00 1436.08 "3,680" 5/4/2017 15 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2017-023A 42691 JMGeo9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/05/04/launches-resume-in-french-guiana-with-dual-payload-ariane-5-flight/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log KX-09 KX-09 NR (11/19) China Chinese Academy of Sciences Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 592 609 1.22E-03 97.80 96.7 8/30/2019 Chinese Academy of Sciences China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2019-058B 44520 Conduct unspecified microgravity technology experiments in orbit JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/09/03/two-satellites-launch-aboard-chinese-kuaizhou-1a-rocket/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Lacrosse/Onyx 3 (Lacrosse-3, USA 133)" USA 133 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 671 675 2.84E-04 57.00 98.2 "14,500" 10/24/1997 5 Lockheed Martin Astronautics USA Vandenberg AFB Titan IV 1997-064A 25017 "$1 billion range; space-based imaging radar, uses radar pulses to see through clouds, fog, haze, darkness and generate images." JMSatcat304 http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htspace/articles/20110411.aspx http://www.wiley.com/legacy/wileychi/maini/supp/Compendium_of_Satellites.pdf http://mt-milcom.blogspot.com/2006/12/nrol-21-launched.html http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/12/atlas-v-launch-nrol-39-vandenberg/ "Lacrosse/Onyx 4 (Lacrosse-4, USA 152)" USA 152 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 574 676 7.29E-03 68.00 97.21 "14,500" 8/17/2000 9 Lockheed Martin Astronautics USA Vandenberg AFB Titan IV 2000-047A 26473 $1 billion range; 3-10 ft. image resolution. JMSatcat304 http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/app3/sat-summary.html http://www.floridatoday.com/space/explore/stories/2000b/081600c.htm http://www.afji.com/ISR/Mags/2002/Issue3/space.html http://membres.lycos.fr/filterman/duncan-campbell.htm http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/12/atlas-v-launch-nrol-39-vandenberg/ http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2000/20August2000.html#Launches "Lacrosse/Onyx 5 (Lacrosse-5, NROL 16, USA 182)" USA 182 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 713 716 2.12E-04 57.01 99.08 "14,500" 4/30/2005 9 Lockheed Martin Astronautics USA Cape Canaveral Titan 4B 2005-016A 28646 $1 billion range. SC - ASCR http://www.aus-city.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=4;t=001169;p=0 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/016A.HTM http://www.iee.org/oncomms/circuit/members/Paper_J%20Doonan.doc http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3509.htm http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/12/atlas-v-launch-nrol-39-vandenberg/ Ladybird 1 (Piao chong 1) Ladybird 1 NR (11/19) China Beijing Commsat Technology Development Co. Ltd. Commercial Technology Development Internet of Things (IoT) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 531 549 1.30E-03 97.60 95.4 100 12/7/2018 Beijing Commsat Technology Development Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-102F 43836 IoT data relay. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/07/china-launches-satellites-for-saudi-arabia/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Ladybird 2 (Piao chong 2) Ladybird 2 NR (11/19) China Beijing Commsat Technology Development Co. Ltd. Commercial Technology Development Internet of Things (IoT) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 530 549 1.37E-03 97.60 95.4 8 12/7/2018 Beijing Commsat Technology Development Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-102G 43837 IoT data relay. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/07/china-launches-satellites-for-saudi-arabia/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Ladybird 3 (Piao chong 3) Ladybird 3 NR (11/19) China Beijing Commsat Technology Development Co. Ltd. Commercial Technology Development Internet of Things (IoT) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 529 550 1.52E-03 97.60 95.4 8 12/7/2018 Beijing Commsat Technology Development Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-102H 43838 IoT data relay. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/07/china-launches-satellites-for-saudi-arabia/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Ladybird 4 (Piao chong 4) Ladybird 4 NR (11/19) China Beijing Commsat Technology Development Co. Ltd. Commercial Technology Development Internet of Things (IoT) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 529 549 1.45E-03 97.60 95.4 8 12/7/2018 Beijing Commsat Technology Development Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-102J 43839 IoT data relay. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/07/china-launches-satellites-for-saudi-arabia/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Ladybird 5 (Piao chong 5) Ladybird 5 NR (11/19) China Beijing Commsat Technology Development Co. Ltd. Commercial Technology Development Internet of Things (IoT) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 528 549 1.52E-03 97.60 95.4 4 12/7/2018 Beijing Commsat Technology Development Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-102K 43840 IoT data relay. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/07/china-launches-satellites-for-saudi-arabia/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Ladybird 6 (Piao chong 6) Ladybird 6 NR (11/19) China Beijing Commsat Technology Development Co. Ltd. Commercial Technology Development Internet of Things (IoT) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 528 549 1.52E-03 97.60 95.4 4 12/7/2018 Beijing Commsat Technology Development Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-102L 43841 IoT data relay. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/07/china-launches-satellites-for-saudi-arabia/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Ladybird 7 (Piao chong 7) Ladybird 7 NR (11/19) China Beijing Commsat Technology Development Co. Ltd. Commercial Technology Development Internet of Things (IoT) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 529 549 1.45E-03 97.60 95.4 4 12/7/2018 Beijing Commsat Technology Development Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-102M 43842 IoT data relay. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/07/china-launches-satellites-for-saudi-arabia/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Landmapper BC3.v2 Landmapper BC3.v2 USA USA Astro Digital Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 502 4.37E-04 97.50 94.5 11 1/11/2018 5 Astro Digital USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004H 43118 Color and infrared cameras for wide-area imaging. 10 satellite fleet planned. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/12/pslv-c-40-coverage/ Landmapper BC4 Landmapper BC4 NR (11/19) USA Astro Digital Commercial Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 575 590 1.08E-03 97.70 96.3 11 12/3/2018 5 Astro Digital USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099K 43767 Planned constellation of EO satellite using multispectral imaging. JMSatcat/3_19 https://astrodigital.com/satellites/systems https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Landsat 7 Landsat 7 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/US Geological Survey Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 702 703 7.07E-05 98.20 98.8 "2,744" "2,200" "1,500" 4/15/1999 15 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 1999-020A 25682 Remote sensing; polar orbit. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.ga.gov.au/acres/prod_ser/landdata.htm http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx546.html http://www.floridatoday.com/space/explore/stories/1999/041599ai.htm http://landsat.usgs.gov/about.html http://www.sciencemaster.com/jump/space/landsat.php http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Landsat 8 Landsat 8 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/US Geological Survey Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 700 705 3.53E-04 98.20 98.8 "2,780" "1,512" "4,300" 2/11/2013 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2013-008A 39084 Replacement for Landsat 5. SC - ASCR http://science.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/05/06/18090996-three-months-after-launch-landsat-8-appears-to-be-working-flawlessly?lite https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/l/landsat-8-ldcm http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/INDEX1.HTM LaoSat-1 LaoSat-1 Laos Laos Laos National Authority for Science and Technology Government Communications GEO 128.50 "35,788" "35,800" 1.42E-04 0.10 "1,436.10" "3,800" 11/20/2015 15 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2015-067A 41034 First satellite for Laos - co-owned with the China Asia-Pacific Mobile Telecommunications Satellite Co. SC - ASCR http://gbtimes.com/china/laosat-1-china-launches-first-satellite-laos-long-march-3b http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/11/2015-067.html#2015067A LAPAN A2 LAPAN A2 Indonesia Indonesia Indonesian National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional - LAPAN) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Equatorial 0.00 631 650 1.36E-03 6.00 97.53 68 32 9/24/2015 Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space Indonesia Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C-30 2015-052B 40931 "Disaster mitigation monitoring by Earth observation, also for land use, natural resources and environment monitoring." JM/12_15 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/l/lapan-a2 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt LAPAN A3 LAPAN A3 Indonesia Indonesia Indonesian National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional - LAPAN) Government Earth Observation Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 501 517 1.16E-03 97.50 94.8 115 37 6/22/2016 Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space Indonesia Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2016-040E 41603 Experimental remote sensing mission. Carries AIS and amateur radio. ZARYA http://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c34/lapan-a3/ http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/22/pslv-c34/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 LAPAN-Tubsat (LAPAN A1) LAPAN-Tubsat Indonesia Indonesia Indonesian National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional - LAPAN) Government Earth Observation/Technology Development Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 617 637 1.43E-03 97.70 97.2 60 14 1/10/2007 Technical University Berlin Germany Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C7 2007-001A 29709 Video camera surveillance microsatellite; based on German DLR-Tubsat; will perform experiments in attitude control and earth observation. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.n2yo.com/satellite.php?s=29709 http://www.ilr.tu-berlin.de/RFA/sat/lapan/paper/triharj1.pdf http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/First_Indonesian_Developed_Satellite_To_Be_Launched_In_October_999.html LatinSat A LatinSat A NR Argentina Aprize Satellite Argentina Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 610 668 4.14E-03 64.60 97.5 12 12/20/2002 SpaceQuest USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2002-058H 27612 "Nanosatellite; planned constellation of 48 satellites, little LEO; asset tracking and monitoring services." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx590.html http://www.aprizesat.com/faqs.asp LatinSat B LatinSat B NR Argentina Aprize Satellite Argentina Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 603 717 8.11E-03 64.60 97.9 12 12/20/2002 SpaceQuest USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2002-058B 27606 "Nanosatellite; planned constellation of 48 satellites, little LEO; asset tracking and monitoring services." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx590.html http://www.aprizesat.com/faqs.asp Lemur-1 Lemur-1 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 612 697 6.05E-03 97.98 97.82 4 6/19/2014 NanoSatisfi Inc. USA Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033AL 40044 Prototype. Earth imaging constellation. ZARYA http://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/CRSRA/files/LEMUR-1_Publishable_Description.pdf Lemur-2-Alexander (Lemur 2F80) Lemur 2F80 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 480 486 4.38E-04 51.60 94.2 4 7/16/2018 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2018-046F 43559 JMSatcat/3_19 http://nanoracks.com/fifth-external-cygnus-deployment/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/21/antares-rocket-launch-kicks-off-space-stations-next-commercial-cargo-delivery/ Lemur-2-Chris (Lemur 2F4) Lemur 2F4 NR USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Equatorial 0.00 635 649 9.98E-04 6.00 97.57 4 9/28/2015 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C-30 2015-052D 40933 JM/12_15 http://www.satellitetoday.com/technology/2015/01/29/spire-to-launch-20-satellite-weather-constellation-this-year/ http://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c30/lemur-2/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Jeroen (Lemur 2F3) Lemur 2F3 NR USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Equatorial 0.00 635 649 9.98E-04 6.01 97.57 4 9/28/2015 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C-30 2015-052E 40934 JM/12_15 http://www.satellitetoday.com/technology/2015/01/29/spire-to-launch-20-satellite-weather-constellation-this-year/ http://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c30/lemur-2/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Joel (Lemur 2F1) Lemur 2F1 NR USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Equatorial 0.00 629 649 1.43E-03 6.00 97.49 4 9/28/2015 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C-30 2015-052C 40932 Start of a 100-satellite constellation for full worldwide weather and other data every five minutes. JM/12_15 http://www.satellitetoday.com/technology/2015/01/29/spire-to-launch-20-satellite-weather-constellation-this-year/ http://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c30/lemur-2/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Peter (Lemur 2F2) Lemur 2F2 NR USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Equatorial 0.00 634 650 1.14E-03 6.01 97.56 4 9/28/2015 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C-30 2015-052F 40935 JM/12_15 http://www.satellitetoday.com/technology/2015/01/29/spire-to-launch-20-satellite-weather-constellation-this-year/ http://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c30/lemur-2/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Alex-Maddy (Lemur 2FM106) Lemur 2FM106 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 514 546 2.32E-03 97.50 95.2 4 7/5/2019 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038X 44407 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-AndiS (Lemur 2F47) Lemur 2F47 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 586 598 8.62E-04 97.60 96.5 4 7/14/2017 Spire Global USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042P 42838 JMSatcat/5_NR Lemur-2-Angela (Lemur 2F31) Lemur 2F31 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 476 490 1.02E-03 51.64 94.2 4 4/18/2017 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-019B 42752 JMSatcat/4_NR Lemur-2-Anubhavthakur (Lemur 2F16) Lemur 2F16 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 498 507 6.55E-04 51.60 94.6 4 10/17/2016 Spire Global USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Antares 230 2016-062E 41873 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-ArtFischer (Lemur 2F43) Lemur 2F43 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 585 601 1.15E-03 97.60 96.5 4 7/14/2017 Spire Global USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042BJ 42881 JMSatcat/5_NR Lemur-2-Beaudacious (Lemur 2FM98) Lemur 2FM98 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 510 1.24E-03 97.50 96.5 4 4/1/2019 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018H 44085 JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-BrianDavie (Lemur 2F52) Lemur 2F52 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 449 454 3.66E-04 51.60 93.6 4 12/8/2017 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-071L 43047 JMSatcat/3-18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/12/space-station-cargo-shipment-blasts-off-aboard-antares-rocket/ Lemur-2-BrownCow (Lemur 2F71) Lemur 2F71 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 504 8.01E-04 97.50 94.5 4 1/11/2018 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004Q 43125 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/12/pslv-c-40-coverage/ Lemur-2-Chanusiak (Lemur 2F83) Lemur 2F83 NR USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Polar 0.00 495 515 1.45E-03 85.00 94.7 4 11/10/2018 Spire Global USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-088H 43697 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/11/rocket-lab-delivers-seven-payloads-to-orbit-plans-next-launch-in-december/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html Lemur-2-ChristinaHolt (Lemur 2F90) Lemur 2F90 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 570 585 1.08E-03 97.70 96.2 4 12/27/2018 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111G 43882 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-DaisyHarper (Lemur 2F95) Lemur 2F95 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 569 587 1.30E-03 97.70 96.2 4 12/27/2018 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111P 43889 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-DaveWilson (Lemur 2F69) Lemur2F69 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 502 5.10E-04 97.50 94.5 4 1/11/2018 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004R 43126 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/12/pslv-c-40-coverage/ Lemur-2-Dembitz (Lemur 2F49) Lemur 2F49 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 586 596 7.18E-04 97.60 96.5 4 7/14/2017 Spire Global USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042T 42842 JMSatcat/5_NR Lemur-2-Duly (Lemur 2F87) Lemur 2F87 NR USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 479 506 1.97E-03 97.50 94.3 4 11/29/2018 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096AC 43745 One of two Lemur satellites sponsored by ESA. Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Lemur-2-Dunlop (Lemur 2F57) Lemur 2F57 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 451 452 7.33E-05 51.60 93.6 4 12/10/2017 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-071S 43053 JMSatcat/3-18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/12/space-station-cargo-shipment-blasts-off-aboard-antares-rocket/ Lemur-2-DustInTheWind (Lemur 2FM105) Lemur 2FM105 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 515 546 2.25E-03 97.50 95.2 4 7/5/2019 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038V 44405 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Ejatta (Lemur 2FM104) Lemur2FM104 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 515 546 2.25E-03 97.50 95.2 4 7/5/2019 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038Z 44409 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Elham (Lemur 2FM99) Lemur 2FM99 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 510 1.24E-03 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018J 44086 JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Furiaus (Lemur 2F45) Lemur 2F45 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 584 601 1.22E-03 97.60 96.5 4 7/14/2017 Spire Global USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042R 42840 JMSatcat/5_NR Lemur-2-Greenberg (Lemur 2F42) Lemur 2F42 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 585 602 1.22E-03 97.60 96.5 4 7/14/2017 Spire Global USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042N 42837 JMSatcat/5_NR Lemur-2-GregRobinson (Lemur 2FM108) Lemur 2FM108 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 515 543 2.03E-03 97.50 95.2 4 7/5/2019 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038AB 44411 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Gustavo (Lemur 2F89) Lemur 2F89 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 570 585 1.08E-03 97.70 96.2 4 12/27/2018 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111K 43885 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-HiMomAndDad (Lemur 2FM109) Lemur 2FM109 NR (3/20) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 566 576 7.20E-04 36.90 96.1 4 12/11/2019 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-089J 44860 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/11/indias-50th-pslv-lifts-off-with-satellites-from-five-nations/ Lemur-2-JennnyBarna (Lemur 2F30) Lemur 2F30 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 476 490 1.02E-03 51.64 94.2 4 4/18/2017 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-019C 42753 JMSatcat/4_NR Lemur-2-Jin-Luen (Lemur 2F76) Lemur2F76 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 571 589 1.29E-03 97.30 96.2 4 1/31/2018 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-014C 43182 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/31/soyuz-11-satellites/ Lemur-2-Jobanputra (Lemur 2-F22) Lemur 2F22 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 507 8.00E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/15/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-XL 2017-008BB 41997 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-JohanLoran (Lemur FM97) Lemur 2FM97 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 510 1.24E-03 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018G 44084 JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-JPSquared (Lemur 2FMf110) Lemur 2FM110 NR (3/20) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 568 579 7.92E-04 36.90 96.1 4 12/11/2019 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-089D 44855 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/11/indias-50th-pslv-lifts-off-with-satellites-from-five-nations/ Lemur-2-Kadi (Lemur 2F74) Lemur2F74 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 571 588 1.22E-03 97.30 96.2 4 1/31/2018 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-014E 43184 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/31/soyuz-11-satellites/ Lemur-2-Kevin (Lemur 2F51) Lemur 2F51 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 450 455 3.66E-04 51.60 93.6 4 12/8/2017 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-071K 43046 JMSatcat/3-18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/12/space-station-cargo-shipment-blasts-off-aboard-antares-rocket/ Lemur-2-Kobyszcze (Lemur 2F86) Lemur 2F86 NR USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 95 4 11/29/2018 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096P 43732 Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Lemur-2-KungFoo (Lemur 2F37) Lemur 2F37 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 510 1.02E-03 97.45 94.6 4 6/23/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036K 42774 JMSatcat/4_NR Lemur-2-LillyJo (Lemur 2FM107) Lemur 2FM107 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 514 547 2.39E-03 97.50 95.2 4 7/5/2019 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038L 44396 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Lisasaurus (Lemur 2F40) Lemur 2F40 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 508 8.73E-04 97.45 94.6 4 6/23/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036R 42780 JMSatcat/4_NR Lemur-2-Liu-Poh-Chun (Lemur 2F55) Lemur 2F55 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 451 454 2.20E-04 51.60 93.6 4 12/8/2017 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-071T 43054 JMSatcat/3-18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/12/space-station-cargo-shipment-blasts-off-aboard-antares-rocket/ Lemur-2-LucyBryce (Lemur 2F36) Lemur 2F36 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 511 1.09E-03 97.45 94.6 4 6/23/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036J 42773 JMSatcat/4_NR Lemur-2-Lynsey-Symo (Lemur 2F41) Lemur 2F41 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 508 8.73E-04 97.45 94.6 4 6/23/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036Q 42779 JMSatcat/4_NR Lemur-2-Marshall (Lemur 2F73) Lemur 2F73 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Polar 0.00 494 534 2.91E-03 82.90 94.9 4 1/21/2018 Spire Global USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-010C 43165 First launch by Rocket Labs. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/21/rocket-lab-delivers-nanosatellites-to-orbit-on-first-successful-test-launch/ Lemur-2-McCafferty (Lemur 2F70) Lemur 2F70 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 504 8.01E-04 97.50 94.5 4 1/11/2018 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004N 43123 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/12/pslv-c-40-coverage/ Lemur-2-McCullagh (Lemur 2F56) Lemur 2F56 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 451 454 2.20E-04 51.60 93.6 4 12/8/2017 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-071Q 43051 JMSatcat/3-18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/12/space-station-cargo-shipment-blasts-off-aboard-antares-rocket/ Lemur-2-McPeake (Lemur 2F38) Lemur 2F38 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 510 1.02E-03 97.45 94.6 4 6/23/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036T 42782 JMSatcat/4_NR Lemur-2-Mia-Grace (Lemur 2F27) Lemur 2F27 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 507 8.00E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/15/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-XL 2017-008AW 41992 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Monson (Lemur 2F44) Lemur 2F44 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 585 601 1.15E-03 97.60 96.5 4 7/14/2017 Spire Global USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042Q 42839 JMSatcat/5_NR Lemur-2-Morag (Lemur 2FM101) Lemur 2FM101 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 516 545 2.10E-03 97.50 95.2 4 7/5/2019 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038T 44403 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-NatalieMurray (Lemur 2F94) Lemur 2F94 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 570 585 1.08E-03 97.70 96.2 4 12/27/2018 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111M 43887 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-NoguesCorreig (Lemur 2F28) Lemur 2F28 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 507 8.00E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/15/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-XL 2017-008BA 41996 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Orzulak (Lemur 2F84) Lemur 2F84 NR USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 95 4 11/29/2018 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096N 43731 Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Lemur-2-Pappy (Lemur 2FM108) Lemur 2FM108 NR (3/20) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 566 576 7.20E-04 36.90 96.1 4 12/11/2019 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-089K 44861 JMSatcat/3-20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/11/indias-50th-pslv-lifts-off-with-satellites-from-five-nations/ Lemur-2-PeterG (Lemur 2F48) Lemur 2F48 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 586 596 7.18E-04 97.60 96.5 4 7/14/2017 Spire Global USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042S 42841 JMSatcat/5_NR Lemur-2-PeterWebster (Lemur 2F68) Lemur 2F68 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 504 8.01E-04 97.50 94.5 4 1/11/2018 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004P 43124 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/12/pslv-c-40-coverage/ Lemur-2-Rdeaton (Lemur 2-F25) Lemur 2F25 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 507 8.00E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/15/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-XL 2017-008AZ 41995 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-RemyColton (Lemur 2F88) Lemur 2F88 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 570 585 1.08E-03 97.70 96.2 4 12/27/2018 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111J 43884 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-RobMoore (Lemur 2F33) Lemur 2F33 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 477 489 8.76E-04 51.64 94.2 4 4/18/2017 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-019D 42754 JMSatcat/4_NR Lemur-2-RocketJonah (Lemur 2F54) Lemur 2F54 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 451 454 2.20E-04 51.60 93.6 4 12/8/2017 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-071E 43041 JMSatcat/3-18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/12/space-station-cargo-shipment-blasts-off-aboard-antares-rocket/ Lemur-2-RomaCoste (Lemur 2F53) Lemur 2F53 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 451 455 2.93E-04 51.60 93.6 4 12/8/2017 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-071M 43048 JMSatcat/3-18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/12/space-station-cargo-shipment-blasts-off-aboard-antares-rocket/ Lemur-2-Sam-Amelia (Lemur 2F39) Lemur 2F39 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 509 9.46E-04 97.45 94.6 4 6/23/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036S 42781 JMSatcat/4_NR Lemur-2-SarahBettyBoo (Lemur 2F93) Lemur 2F93 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 569 584 1.08E-03 97.70 96.2 4 12/27/2018 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111N 43888 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Satchmo (Lemur 2-F24) Lemur 2F24 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 507 8.00E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/15/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-XL 2017-008AV 41991 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-ShainaJohl (Lemur 2F34) Lemur 2F34 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 511 1.09E-03 97.45 94.6 4 6/23/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036G 42771 JMSatcat/4_NR Lemur-2-Smita-Sharad (Lemur 2-F26) Lemur 2F26 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 507 8.00E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/15/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-XL 2017-008AX 41993 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Sokolsky (Lemur 2-F14) Lemur 2F14 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 498 507 6.55E-04 51.60 94.6 4 10/17/2016 Spire Global USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Antares 230 2016-062D 41872 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Spire-Minions (Lemur 2F23) Lemur 2F23 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 507 8.00E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/15/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-XL 2017-008AY 41994 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-SpiroVision (Lemur 2F32) Lemur 2F32 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 476 490 1.02E-03 51.64 94.2 4 4/18/2017 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-019E 42755 JMSatcat/4_NR Lemur-2-Tachikoma (Lemur 2F29) Lemur 2F29 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 507 8.00E-04 97.50 94.6 4 2/15/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-XL 2017-008BC 41998 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx540.html Lemur-2-Tallhamn-ATC (Lemur 2F72) Lemur 2F72 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Polar 0.00 492 532 2.91E-03 82.90 94.8 4 1/21/2018 Spire Global USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-010E 43167 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/21/rocket-lab-delivers-nanosatellites-to-orbit-on-first-successful-test-launch/ Lemur-2-TheNickMolo (Lemur 2F75) Lemur 2F75 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 571 588 1.22E-03 97.30 96.2 4 1/31/2018 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-014F 43185 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/31/soyuz-11-satellites/ Lemur-2-Theodosia (Lemur 2FM111) Lemur 2FM111 NR (3/20) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 568 576 5.76E-04 36.90 96.1 4 12/11/2019 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-089M 44863 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/11/indias-50th-pslv-lifts-off-with-satellites-from-five-nations/ Lemur-2-TinyKev (Lemur 2F92) Lemur 2F92 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 569 584 1.08E-03 97.70 96.2 4 12/27/2018 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111H 43883 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-TomHenderson (Lemur 2F78) Lemur 2F78 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 480 486 4.38E-04 51.60 94.2 4 7/16/2018 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2018-046H 43561 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/21/antares-rocket-launch-kicks-off-space-stations-next-commercial-cargo-delivery/ http://nanoracks.com/fifth-external-cygnus-deployment/ Lemur-2-UramChanSol (Lemur 2F77) Lemur 2F77 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 571 589 1.29E-03 97.30 96.2 4 1/31/2018 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-014D 43183 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/31/soyuz-11-satellites/ Lemur-2-Victor-Andrew (Lemur 2FM100) Lemur 2FM100 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 508 1.09E-03 97.50 94.6 4 4/1/2019 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018K 44087 JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Vladimir (Lemur 2F85) Lemur 2F85 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 95 4 11/29/2018 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096AD 43746 One of two Lemur satellites sponsored by ESA. Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Lemur-2-Vu (Lemur 2F81) Lemur 2F81 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 480 486 4.38E-04 51.60 94.2 4 7/16/2018 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2018-046E 43558 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/05/21/antares-rocket-launch-kicks-off-space-stations-next-commercial-cargo-delivery/ http://nanoracks.com/fifth-external-cygnus-deployment/ Lemur-2-Wanli (Lemur 2FM102) Lemur 2FM102 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 513 547 2.46E-03 97.50 95.2 4 7/5/2019 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038S 44402 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Wingo (Lemur 2-F17) Lemur 2F17 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 498 507 6.55E-04 51.60 94.6 4 10/17/2016 Spire Global USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Antares 230 2016-062F 41874 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Xiaoqing (Lemur 2F15) Lemur 2F15 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 498 507 6.55E-04 51.60 94.6 4 10/17/2016 Spire Global USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Antares 230 2016-062C 41871 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-XueniTerence (Lemur 2F35) Lemur 2F35 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 511 1.09E-03 97.45 94.6 4 6/23/2017 Spire Global USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036H 42772 JMSatcat/4_NR Lemur-2-Yndrd (Lemur 2FM103) Lemur 2FM103 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 515 544 2.10E-03 97.50 95.2 4 7/5/2019 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038AE 44414 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-YongLin (Lemur 2F50) Lemur 2F50 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 450 452 1.47E-04 51.60 93.6 4 12/9/2017 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-071J 43045 JMSatcat/3-18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/12/space-station-cargo-shipment-blasts-off-aboard-antares-rocket/ Lemur-2-Yuasa (Lemur 2F79) Lemur 2F79 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 480 486 4.38E-04 51.60 94.2 4 7/16/2018 Spire Global USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2018-046G 43560 JMSatcat/3_19 http://nanoracks.com/fifth-external-cygnus-deployment/ Lemur-2-Zachary (Lemur 2F46) Lemur 2F46 USA USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 587 597 7.18E-04 97.60 96.5 4 7/14/2017 Spire Global USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042W 42845 JMSatcat/5_NR Lemur-2-Zo (Lemur 2F91) Lemur 2F91 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 569 584 1.08E-03 97.70 96.2 4 12/27/2018 Spire Global USA Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111L 43886 JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lemur-2-Zupanski (Lemur 2F82) Lemur 2F82 NR (11/19) USA Spire Global Inc. Commercial Earth Observation "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Polar 0.00 495 595 7.23E-03 85.00 94.7 4 11/10/2018 Spire Global USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-088F 43695 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/11/rocket-lab-delivers-seven-payloads-to-orbit-plans-next-launch-in-december/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html LEO CP9 (Launch Environment Observer) LEO CP9 NR (11/19) USA California Polytechnic State University Civil Technology Development Elliptical Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 301 846 3.92E-02 28.50 96.1 6 6/25/2019 California Polytechnic State University USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036X 44360 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/25/falcon-heavy-launches-on-military-led-rideshare-mission-boat-catches-fairing/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt LEO Vantage 1 LEO Vantage 1 NR Canada "Telesat Canada Ltd. (BCE, Inc.)" Commercial Communications "Meteorology, Automatic Identification System (AIS)" LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 506 8.73E-04 97.50 94.6 100 1/11/2018 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004C 43113 Prototype for low earth constellation - TeleSat Canada JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c40/leo-vantage-1/ Lightsail-2 Lightsail-2 NR (3/20) USA The Planetary Society Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 696 715 1.34E-03 24.00 98.9 1 6/25/2019 The Planetary Society USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036AC 44420 Second from the Planetary Society. JMSatcat/7_20 https://www.planetary.org/sci-tech/lightsail LightSat (D-Star One) LightSat Germany Germany German Orbital Systems Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 514 547 2.39E-03 97.50 95.2 1 7/5/2019 German Orbital Systems Germany Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038H 44393 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "LilacSat-2 (CAS-3H, Zidingxiang-2)" LilacSat-2 NR China Harbin Institute/China Amateur Satellite - CAMSAT Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 520 541 1.52E-03 97.47 95.24 11 9/19/2015 Harbin Institute of Technology China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2015-049K 40908 Technology demonstration and carries amateur radio. JM 12_15 http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/09/2015-049.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Ling Qiao Ling Qiao China China Xinwei Telecom Technology Company Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 779 808 2.02E-03 98.47 100.73 100 9/4/2014 Xinwei Telecom Technology Co/Tsinghua University China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2014-051A 40136 Test satellite for multimedial communications. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.spaceflight101.com/chinese-long-march-2d-successfully-launches-two-satellites---ling-qiao--cx-1-04.html Lingque 1A Lingque 1A NR (11/19) China Beijing ZeroG Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 516 539 1.67E-03 97.50 95.2 3 1/21/2019 Beijing ZeroG Technology Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2019-005A 43942 Planned constellation of Earth observation and data relay satellites. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/22/chinas-long-march-11-rocket-lofts-earth-imaging-and-tech-demo-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lithuanicasat-2 Lithuanicasat-2 (QB50 LT01) NR (3/20) Lithuania Vilnius University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 482 504 1.60E-03 97.00 94.5 4 6/23/2017 Vilnius University Lithuania Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLX-XL 2017-036D 42768 QB50 science satellite. JMSatcat/7_20 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/l/lituanicasat-2 LKW-1 (Land Exploration Satellite 1) LKW-1 NR China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 489 502 9.47E-04 97.40 94.5 12/4/2017 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2017-077A 43034 Suspected to be part of the Yaogan system. JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/04/chinese-military-imaging-satellite-lifts-off-from-jiuquan-space-base/ https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/12/long-march-2d-lofts-latest-yaogan-weixing/ LKW-2 (Land Exploration Satellite 2) LKW-2 NR China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 489 502 9.47E-04 97.40 94.5 12/22/2017 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2017-084A 43080 Suspected to be part of the Yaogan system. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/23/land-imaging-craft-launched-for-chinese-military/ LKW-3 (Land Exploration Satellite 3) LKW-3 NR China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 488 503 1.09E-03 97.30 94.5 1/13/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-006A 43146 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/15/sharp-eyed-surveillance-satellite-launched-by-china/ LKW-4 (Land Exploration Satellite 4) LKW-4 NR China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 489 502 9.47E-04 97.30 94.5 3/17/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-025A 43236 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/18/fourth-satellite-in-new-chinese-reconnaissance-fleet-successfully-launched/ "Long Xia Yan (Lobster Eye, NJU-HKU No.1 ) " Long Xi Yan NR (7/20) China Nanjing and Hong Kong Universities Civil Space Science X-ray Astronomy LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 481 500 1.38E-03 97.50 94.4 50 7/25/2020 "Shanghai ASES Spaceflight Technology Co. Ltd., NJU/HKU" China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2020-051B 54940 X-ray astronomy. ZARYA https://spacenews.com/china-launches-ziyuan-earth-observation-and-lobster-eye-x-ray-astronomy-satellites/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/07/25/china-launches-high-resolution-mapping-satellite/ Lotos-S1 (Cosmos 2455) Cosmos 2455 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 900 911 7.56E-04 67.20 103.1 "5,000" 11/20/2009 TsSKB-Progress Samara Space Center and KB Arsenal Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz U 2009-063A 36095 "New generation electronic reconnaissance satellite, possibly will work as part of the Liana electronic reconnaissance system. " www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://russianforces.org/blog/2009/11/cosmos-2455_-_a_new_generation.shtml http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/063A.HTM http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.618 Lotos-S1 (Cosmos 2524) Cosmos 2524 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 908 916 5.49E-04 67.10 101 "5,000" 12/3/2017 TsSKB-Progress Samara Space Center and KB Arsenal Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2017-076A 43032 Electronic intelligence gathering (ELINT). JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/03/intelligence-gathering-satellite-deployed-in-orbit-for-russian-military/ Lotos-S1 (Cosmos 2528) Cosmos 2528 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 244 900 4.72E-02 67.10 96.1 "5,000" 10/24/2018 TsSKB-Progress Samara Space Center and KB Arsenal Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2018-082A 43657 Electronic intelligence gathering (ELINT). JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/25/russia-launches-first-soyuz-rocket-since-oct-11-accident/ http://russianforces.org/blog/2018/10/cosmos-2458_-_new_lotus-s1_ele.shtml Lotos-S2 (Cosmos 2502) Cosmos 2502 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 901 910 6.19E-04 67.15 103.11 "5,000" 12/23/2014 TsSKB-Progress Samara Space Center and KB Arsenal Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2014-086A 40358 Electronic intelligence gathering (ELINT). ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://russianforces.org/blog/2014/12/launch_of_a_lotos-s_electronic.shtml "LQSat (Lingqiao Satellite, Jilian 1A)" LQSat NR China Changchun Institute of Optics Commercial Earth Observation Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 640 663 1.64E-03 98.04 97.77 55 10/7/2015 Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2015-057A 40958 Technology development in earth imaging. JM /12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/07/quartet-of-earth-imaging-satellites-launched-from-china/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/10/2015-057.html http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Luch 5A Luch 5A Russia Russia Russian Federal Space Agency Government Communications GEO 166.99 "35,778" "35,793" 1.78E-04 4.85 1436.8 950 12/11/2011 ISS Reshetnev/Thales Alenia Space Russia/France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2011-074B 37951 "Seven S-band and Ku-band channels. The 1,148-kg spacecraft will provide TV and data communications links between the International Space Station and the ground, as well as orbital control of spacecraft in low Earth orbit." JM/1_12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/074B.HTM "http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_generic.jsp?channel=space&id=news/asd/2011/12/13/13.xml&headline=Russia%20Launches%20Amos%205,%20Luch-5A%20Sat" Luch 5B Luch 5B Russia Russia Russian Federal Space Agency Government Communications GEO -16.00 "35,772" "35,801" 3.44E-04 0.22 1436.09 "1,282" 950 11/2/2012 OAO ISS Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2012-061A 38977 "Relay commands and data. Provide secure communication links, command relay to spacecraft, and communication with ISS. Time correction for GLONASS." SC - ASCR http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I061A.HTM Luch 5V Luch 5V Russia Russia Russian Federal Space Agency Government Communications GEO 95.00 "35,767" "35,802" 4.15E-04 4.76 1435.99 "1,148" 950 "2,200" 4/28/2014 10 OAO Resetneva Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2014-023A 39727 "Relay commands and data. Provide secure communication links, command relay to spacecraft, and communication with ISS. Time correction for GLONASS." SC - ASCR http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2014/I023A.HTM http://www.tsenki.com/en/launch_services/help_information/launch/2014/?EID=109828 Luch/Olympus Luch/Olympus Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications GEO 95.00 "35,781" "35,793" 1.42E-04 0.05 1436.12 9/27/2014 15 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2014-058A 40258 Likely serve as a data relay station for military satellites when they are orbiting the Earth beyond the range of ground stations. ZARYA http://www.russianspaceweb.com/olymp.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Lucky-7 Lucky-7 NR (11/19) Czech Republic SkyFox Labs Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 515 545 2.17E-03 97.50 95.2 1 7/5/2019 SkyFox Labs Czech Republic Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038W 44406 Test first space-friendly electronic systems. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Lume-1 Lume-1 NR (11/19) Spain University of Vigo/Alén Space Commercial/Civil Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 480 513 2.40E-03 97.30 94.5 2 12/27/2018 University of Vigo/Alén Space Spain Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111AJ 43908 Will receive transmissions from ground stations for fighting wildfires. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Luojia 1 Luojia 1 China China Wuhan University Civil Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 634 647 9.27E-04 98.00 97.5 5 6/3/2018 Wuhan University China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-048B 43485 Experimental remote sensing of night light. JMSatcat/10_18 http://www.cgwic.com/News/2018/0604.html https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/06/03/earth-observers-delivered-to-space-by-long-march-2d-rocket/ M3MSat (Maritime Monitoring and Messaging Microsatellite) M3MSat Canada Canada Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)/Canadian Space Agency Government Earth Observation Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 501 515 1.02E-03 97.50 94.7 85 6/22/2016 Com Dev International (Honeywell Canada) Canada Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2016-040G 41605 "Automatic Identification System (AIS) satellite; real-time data on the locations, speeds and routes of vessels through Canadian oceans." ZARYA http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/satellites/m3msat/ http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/22/pslv-c34/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 MakerSat-1 MakerSat-1 NR (3/20) USA Northwest Nazarene University Commercial/Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 459 473 1.02E-03 51.60 93.9 2 1/31/2020 Northwest Nazarene University/Globalstar USA Cygnus SEOPS Slingshot Deployer 2019-071N 45123 A 1U cubesat designed to be 3D printed and then snapped together for use. Maroc Tubsat Maroc Tubsat NR Morocco/Germany CTRS Morocco/Institut für Luft-und Raumfahrttechnik (Berlin) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 984 "1,014" 2.04E-03 99.20 105.1 47 56 12/10/2001 3 CRTS Morocco/Institut für Luft-und Raumfahrttechnik Morocco/Germany Baikonur Cosmodrome Zenit 2001-056D 27004 Test three-dimensional attitude control system for future remote sensing; currently used for ice observation in Arctic. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.vectronic-aerospace.com/html/body_maroc-tubsat.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx578.html http://www.ilr.tu-berlin.de/RFA/MAROC-TUBSAT/MAROC-TUBSAT.htm http://www.vectronic-aerospace.com/html/maroc-tubsat.html Max Valier Max Valier NR Italy "Max Valier school Bolzano, Italy, Oskar von Miller school, Merano, Italy" Civil Space Science/Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 516 1.45E-03 97.45 94.7 16 6/23/2017 Two high schools and OHB System AG Italy/Germany Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036P 42778 Carries a mini x-ray telescope added to the mission by the Max Planck Institute of Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE). JMSatcat/10_17 https://www.ohb.de/press-releases-details/max-valier-nano-satellite-successfully-launched.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Maya-1 (Birds-2) Maya-1 NR Philippines Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) Civil Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 398 409 8.12E-04 51.60 94.7 1 8/10/2018 Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) Japan International Space Station J-SSOD Deployer 1998-067PE 43590 Will supplement information supplied by Diwata-1. JM/11_18 https://technology.inquirer.net/77081/maya-1-cube-satellite-latest-pinoy-venture-space http://www.spacetechasia.com/cubesats-from-malaysia-bhutan-the-philippines-on-spacexs-dragon-launch/ M-Cubed/E1P-U2 (Michigan Multipurpose Minisat; Explorer 1 Prime - Unit 2 - HRBE [William A. Hiscock Radiation Belt Explorer]) M-Cubed/E1P-U2 USA USA University of Michigan/Montana University Civil Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 442 724 2.03E-02 101.70 97.45 2 10/28/2011 University of Michigan/Montana University/Montana Space Grant Consortium USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 7920 2011-061F 37855 M-Cubed is as a technology demonstrator platform for high resolution imaging technology intended for use in a future Nasa mission; E1P-U2 mission is to detect the Van Allen radiation belts. WT http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/satslist.htm http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/061F.HTM https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/m/m3-mcubed Measat 3 (Malaysia East Asia Sat 3) Measat 3 Malaysia Malaysia MEASAT Satellite Systems Sdn. Bhd. Commercial Communications GEO 91.54 "35,778" "35,794" 1.90E-04 0.00 1436.1 "4,900" "3,220" "10,800" 12/11/2006 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2006-056A 29648 "24 C-band, 24 Ku-band" JM/12_08 http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/601/measat3/measat3.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/INDEX1.HTM Measat 3A (Malaysia East Asia Sat 3A) Measat 3A Malaysia Malaysia MEASAT Satellite Systems Sdn. Bhd. Commercial Communications GEO 91.50 "35,728" "35,788" 7.12E-04 0.04 1434.6 "2,417" 6/21/2009 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Zenit 3SLB 2009-032A 35362 "12 C-band, 12 Ku-band transponders, Asia-Pacific region, Middle East, and Africa." SC - ASCR http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx668.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/032A.HTM Measat 3B (Malaysia East Asia Sat 3B) Measat 3B Malaysia Malaysia MEASAT Satellite Systems Sdn. Bhd. Commercial Communications GEO 91.50 "35,772" "35,802" 3.56E-04 0.05 1436.11 "5,800" "16,000" 9/11/2014 15 Airbus Defence and Space Germany/France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2014-054B 40147 48 Ku-band transponders. ZARYA http://www.arianespace.com/news-mission-update/2014/1156.asp http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.space-airbusds.com/en/programme/-measat-3b.html Megha-Tropiques Megha-Tropiques India India/France Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)/Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 853 868 1.04E-03 20.00 102.2 "1,000" 10/12/2011 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2011-058A 37838 The data collected by the satellite will allow improvement in knowledge on the water cycle contribution to the climate dynamic in the tropical atmosphere and our understanding of the processes linked to the tropical convection. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://smsc.cnes.fr/MEGHAT/ http://smsc.cnes.fr/MEGHAT/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/058A.HTM http://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/article2531801.ece Merah Putih (Telkom 4) Merah Putih NR Indonesia PT Telkomunikasi Commercial Communications GEO 107.00 "35,789" "35,797" 9.49E-05 0.00 1436.1 "5,800" 8/7/2018 16 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2018-064A 43587 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/08/07/indonesian-communications-satellite-deployed-in-orbit-by-spacex/ http://www.spacetechasia.com/spacex-launches-indonesian-communications-satellite-merah-putih/ "Mercury 1 (Advanced Vortex 1, USA 105)" USA 105 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Air Force Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence GEO -27.95 "35,598" "35,976" 4.48E-03 5.10 1436.13 "8,000" "4,000" 8/27/1994 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Titan IVA 1994-054A 23223 In the $1 billion range; ELINT; signals intelligence. JM/12_08 http://reseau.echelon.free.fr/reseau.echelon/satellites.htm http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/systems/vortex2.htm http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx491.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/1994/054A.HTM "Mercury 2 (Advanced Vortex 2, USA 118)" USA 118 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Air Force Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence GEO -23.51 "33,674" "37,900" 5.01E-02 7.33 1436.12 "8,000" "4,000" 4/24/1996 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Titan IVA 1996-026A 23855 In the $1 billion range; ELINT; signals intelligence. JM/12_08 http://reseau.echelon.free.fr/reseau.echelon/satellites.htm http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/systems/vortex2.htm http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx511.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/1996/026A.HTM "Mercury 3 (NROL 67, USA 250)" USA 250 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Air Force Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence GEO 0.00 "35,500" "35,500" 0.00E+00 7.00 1436 "3,900" 4/10/2014 Unknown USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2014-020A 39652 Speculated to be a new SIGINT satellite - not verified. Approximate http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/04/atlas-v-nrol-67-military-mission/ Meridian-3 Meridian-3 Russia Russia Military Space Forces (VKS) Military Communications Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "2,253" "38,105" 6.75E-01 62.85 645.98 "2,500" 11/2/2010 PO Polyot Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2010-058A 37212 "Military communications - designed to replace Molniya and Parus spacecraft; this is the third of the series, first success." WT http://www.russianspaceweb.com/meridian.html http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/058A.HTM Meridian-4 Meridian-4 Russia Russia Military Space Forces (VKS) Military Communications Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "1,722" "38,637" 6.95E-01 64.47 717.88 "2,500" 5/4/2011 PO Polyot Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2011-018A 37398 Military communications - designed to replace Molniya and Parus spacecraft; this is the fourth of the series. WT http://en.rian.ru/russia/20110505/163862104.html http://www.satelliteonthenet.co.uk/index.php/launch-history http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx691.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/018A.HTM Meridian-6 (Meridian 16L) Meridian-6 Russia Russia Military Space Forces (VKS) Military Communications Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "1,494" "38,860" 7.04E-01 63.77 718.04 "2,500" 11/14/2012 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2012-063A 38995 Military communications - designed to replace Molniya and Parus spacecraft; this is the sixth of the series. WT http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1211/14soyuz/#.UOXk3nfitK1 http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I063A.HTM Meridian-7 (Meridian 17L) Meridian-7 Russia Russia Military Space Forces (VKS) Military Communications Elliptical Molniya 0.00 962 "39,398" 7.24E-01 62.82 717.88 "2,500" 10/30/2014 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2014-069A 40296 Military communications - designed to replace Molniya and Parus spacecraft; this is the seventh of the series. ZARYA http://www.spaceflight101.com/meridian-7-launch-updates.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Meridian-8 (Meridian 18L) Meridian-8 Russia Russia Military Space Forces (VKS) Military Communications Elliptical Molniya 0.00 986 "39,735" 7.25E-01 62.80 725.21 "2,500" 7/30/2019 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2019-046A 44453 Military communications - designed to replace Molniya and Parus spacecraft. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/30/russia-launches-military-communications-satellite/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Meridian-9 (Meridian 19L) Meridian-9 NR (4/19) Russia Military Space Forces (VKS) Military Communications Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "1,036" "39,308" 7.21E-01 62.84 717.56 "2,500" 2/20/2020 7 ISS Reshetnev Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2020-015A 45254 Military communicatdions. ZARYA https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/02/20/soyuz-rocket-launches-russian-military-satellite-after-one-month-delay/ Meshbed Meshbed NR (3/20) USA Analytical Space Government Technology Development LEO 0.00 499 517 1.31E-03 97.50 94.8 5 11/27/2019 Analytical Space USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-081C 44806 Will test an experimental phased array antenna developed by MITRE. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/27/pslv-delivers-indias-highest-resolution-earth-observation-satellite-to-orbit/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Meteor-M 2.2 Meteor-M 2.2 Russia Russia Russian Federal Service For Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (ROSHYDROMET) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 812 815 2.09E-04 98.50 101.1 "2,900" 7/5/2019 5 VNIIEM Russia Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038A 44387 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Meteor-M N-2 Meteor-M N-2 Russia Russia Russian Federal Service For Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (ROSHYDROMET) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 819 828 6.26E-04 98.81 101.3 "2,778" 7/8/2014 5 VNIIEM Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2014-037A 40069 Imaging meteorological satellite carrying a range of weather and climate sensors ZARYA http://space50.kosmo.cz/objekt.php?mot=2014-037A&jazyk=pp_cz http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 "Meteosat 10 (MSGalaxy-3,MSG 3)" Meteosat 10 EUMETSAT Multinational EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Government/Civil Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology GEO 0.00 "35,784" "35,791" 8.30E-05 1.80 1436.15 "2,000" 7/5/2012 7 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2012-035B 38552 ZARYA http://www.spacenews.com/launch/120706-echostar17-healthy.html http://www.eumetsat.int/Home/Main/News/CorporateNews/817025?l=en http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 http://www.space.com/16461-rocket-launches-weather-satellite-echostar-17.html Meteosat 11 (MSG 4) Meteosat 11 EUMETSAT Multinational EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Government/Civil Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology GEO 0.00 "35,791" "35,795" 4.74E-05 3.10 1436.1 "2,000" "1,200" 7/15/2015 12 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2015-034A 40732 JM/8_15 http://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/Satellites/CurrentSatellites/Meteosat/index.html http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/07/ariane-5-msg-4-star-one-c4-dual-launch/ "Meteosat 8 (MSGalaxy-1, MSG-1)" Meteosat 8 EUMETSAT/ESA Multinational EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Government/Civil Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology GEO 41.50 "35,781" "35,793" 1.42E-04 0.46 1436.1 "2,000" "1,000" 700 8/21/2002 12 Alcatel Space Industries France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2002-040B 27509 Meteorological spacecraft; intended primarily to support the National Meteorological Services (NMS) of Member States; planned system of 3 satellites JM/12_08 http://www.cospas-sarsat.org/DocumentsSystemDataDocument/SD30-NOV04.pdf http://www.eumetsat.de/en/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx586.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.esa.int/export/esaEO/SEMLFM2VQUD_index_0_m.html "Meteosat 9 (MSGalaxy-2, MSG 2)" Meteosat 9 EUMETSAT Multinational EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Government/Civil Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology GEO -0.02 "35,775" "35,795" 2.37E-04 0.29 1436 "2,000" "1,000" 700 12/21/2005 12 Alcatel Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5G 2005-049B 28912 Meteorological spacecraft; intended primarily to support the National Meteorologicla Services (NMS) of Member States; planned system of 3 satellites. JM/12_08 http://www.eumetsat.int/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=114&l=en http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx626.html MetOp-A (Meteorological Operational satellite) MetOp-A EUMETSAT Multinational ESA/EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meterological Satellites) Government/Civil Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 820 821 6.95E-05 98.70 101.3 "4,193" "3,750" 10/19/2006 5 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat(Soyuz 2) 2006-044A 29499 First polar-orbiting European meteorological satellite. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.esa.int/esaLP/ESAGJ1094UC_LPmetop_0.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2006/044A.HTM MetOp-B (Meteorological Operational satellite) MetOp-B EUMETSAT Multinational ESA/EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meterological Satellites) Government/Civil Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 819 822 2.09E-04 98.70 101.3 "4,085" 9/17/2012 5 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2012-049A 38771 SC - ASCR http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/1049A.HTM http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2012/sep/17/european-weather-satellite-launched MetOp-C (Meteorological Operational satellite) MetOp-C EUMETSAT Multinational ESA/EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meterological Satellites) Government/Civil Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 825 829 2.78E-04 98.70 101.2 "4,084" 11/6/2018 5 Airbus Defence and Space France/UK/Germany/Spain Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2.1b 2018-087A 43689 Last of EUMETSAT's meteorological satellites in low-earth orbit. JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/07/european-weather-satellite-blasts-off-from-french-guiana/ MEV-1 (Mission Extension Vehicle-1) MEV-1 NR (2/20) USA Space Logistics LLC Commercial Mission Extension Technology GEO -27.50 "36,000" "36,000" 0.00E+00 1.50 "1,450.10" 10/9/2019 Northrup Grumman Innovation Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2019-067B 44625 Will dock with the Intelsat 901 communications satellite and provide propulsion and attitude control functions to extend the spacecraft’s mission. Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/launch-log/ Mexsat-3 (Mexsat Bicentenario) Mexsat-3 Mexico Mexico Mexico Telecomm Government/Military Communications GEO -114.90 "35,784" "35,791" 8.30E-05 0.07 1436.16 "2,900" "3,500" 12/19/2012 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Atlas 5 ECA 2012-075B 39035 Start of 3-satellite constellation. SC - ASCR http://www.boeing.com/assets/pdf/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/702/mexsat/MEXSAT_product_card.pdf http://boeing.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=2540 http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I075B.HTM Mexsat3 (Morelos-3) Mexsat-2 Mexico Mexico Mexico Telecomm Government Communications GEO -116.80 "35,767" "35,805" 4.51E-04 7.12 "1,436" "5,325" 10/2/2015 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-056A 40946 JM/12_15 http://www.americaspace.com/?p=86772 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://finance.yahoo.com/news/mexicos-morelos-3-satellite-successfully-140400205.html;_ylt=A0LEVjGrcF9WrqoA4OwnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBzdWd2cWI5BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxMAR2dGlkAwRzZWMDc3I- MicroDragon MicroDragon NR (11/19) Vietnam Vietnam National Space Center Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 490 511 1.53E-03 97.30 95 51 1/18/2019 Built by Vietnamese engineers studying in Japan. Vietnam Uchinoura Space Center Epsilon 2019-003D 43935 "Will monitor the world’s oceans to examine fishing grounds and search for disasters such as oil spills; will also measure aerosols, microscopic particles suspended in Earth’s atmosphere." JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/18/japans-epsilon-rocket-launches-seven-tech-demo-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt MicroMAS-2A (Micro-sized Microwave Atmospheric Satellite) MicroMAS-2A USA USA MIT/Lincoln Laboratory-University of Massachusetts Amherst Civil/Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 505 8.73E-04 97.50 95 4 1/11/2018 MIT/LL-UM Amherst USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004W 43131 "Foundation for a 12-satellite, three-plane constellation known as TROPICS-CubeSats deployed into 600-Kilometer orbits at a 30-degree inclination to deliver high-revisit coverage of the tropical regions" JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c40/micromas-2/ Microsat-TD Microsat-TD India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 327 368 3.05E-03 97.20 91 120 1/11/2018 ISRO Satellite Center India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004T 43128 "Panchromatic, color and near-infrared imagery" JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c40/microsat-td/ Mikhailo Lomonosov (MVL-300) MVL-300 Russia Russia Moscow State University Civil/Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 469 487 1.31E-03 97.27 94 645 4/27/2016 3 Roscosmos Russia Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2016-026A 41464 Pinpoint the origin of mysterious brilliant flashes of light in the upper atmosphere called transient luminous events. Space50 https://spaceflightnow.com/2016/04/28/first-launch-from-russias-new-cosmodrome-declared-a-success/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-026A&jazyk=pp_en "Milstar DFS-1 (USA 99, Milstar 1-F1) (Military Strategic and Tactical Relay)" USA 99 USA USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO -38.90 "35,754" "35,819" 7.71E-04 5.99 1436.13 "4,536" "8,000" 2/7/1994 10 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Titan 4A 1994-009A 22988 "Voice communication, data, imagery and video; survivable global military communication system. ""World's most secure, nuclear survivable, space-based communication system.""" JM/12_08 http://www.losangeles.af.mil.SMC/MC/mcm.html http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=118 http://www.yenra.com/milstar/ http://www.fas.org/spp/military/program/com/milstar2.htm http://www.ast.lmco.com/milstar/satellite.shtml http://www.asd-network.com/press_detail/19399/1st_LM-Built_Milstar_Satellite_Marks_15_Years_On_Orbit.htm "Milstar DFS-4 (USA 157, Milstar 2-F2) (Military Strategic and Tactical Relay)" USA 157 USA USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO -67.90 "35,764" "35,768" 4.75E-05 4.50 1435.04 "4,536" "8,000" 2/27/2001 12 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Titan 4B 2001-009A 26715 "Voice communication, data, imagery and video; survivable global military communication system. ""World's most secure, nuclear survivable, space-based communication system.""" JMSatcat10_06 http://www.losangeles.af.mil.SMC/MC/mcm.html http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=118 http://www.yenra.com/milstar/ http://www.fas.org/spp/military/program/com/milstar2.htm http://www.ast.lmco.com/milstar/satellite.shtml "Milstar DFS-5 (USA 164, Milstar 2-F3) (Military Strategic and Tactical Relay)" USA 164 USA USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO 3.92 "35,753" "35,820" 7.95E-04 3.45 1436.12 "4,536" "8,000" 1/16/2002 12 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Titan 4B 2002-001A 27168 "Voice communication, data, imagery and video; survivable global military communication system. ""World's most secure, nuclear survivable, space-based communication system.""" JM/304 http://www.losangeles.af.mil.SMC/MC/mcm.html http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=118 http://www.yenra.com/milstar/ http://www.fas.org/spp/military/program/com/milstar2.htm http://www.ast.lmco.com/milstar/satellite.shtml Milstar DFS-6 (USA 169) (Military Strategic and Tactical Relay) USA 169 USA USA US Air Force Military Communications GEO -89.98 "35,768" "35,806" 4.51E-04 0.82 1436.13 "4,536" "8,000" 4/8/2003 12 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Titan 4B 2003-012A 27711 "Voice communication, data, imagery and video; survivable global military communication system. ""World's most secure, nuclear survivable, space-based communication system.""" JM/12_08 http://www.losangeles.af.mil.SMC/MC/mcm.html http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=118 http://www.yenra.com/milstar/ http://www.fas.org/spp/military/program/com/milstar2.htm http://www.ast.lmco.com/milstar/satellite.shtml MINXSS-2 (Miniature X-Ray Solar Spectrometer-2) MINXSS-2 NR (11/19) USA "University of Colorado, Boulder" Government/Civil Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 589 1.15E-03 97.70 96.3 4 12/3/2018 5 Student-built USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099A 43758 Student built. Study solar flare soft x-ray (SXR) emissions and other space science. JMSatcat/3_19 http://lasp.colorado.edu/home/minxss/2016/09/21/minxss-2-is-ready-for-flight/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt MMS-1 (Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission) MMS-1 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Space Science Elliptical 0.00 "1,375" "70,009" 8.16E-01 28.90 "1,433" "1,360" 3/13/2015 3 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-011A 40482 "4 satellites in a tetrahedral formation - gather information about the microphysics of magnetic reconnection, energetic particle acceleration, and turbulence, processes that occur in many astrophysical plasmas" JM/8_15 http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ MMS-2 (Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission) MMS-2 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Space Science Elliptical 0.00 "1,357" "70,117" 8.16E-01 29.00 "1,433" "1,360" 3/13/2015 3 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-011B 40483 JM/8_15 MMS-3 (Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission) MMS-3 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Space Science Elliptical 0.00 "1,429" "70,045" 8.15E-01 29.00 "1,433" "1,360" 3/13/2015 3 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-011C 40484 JM/8_15 MMS-4 (Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission) MMS-4 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Space Science Elliptical 0.00 "1,317" "70,157" 8.17E-01 29.00 "1,433" "1,360" 3/13/2015 3 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-011D 40485 JM/8_15 Mohammed VI-A Mohammed VI-A NR Morocco Kingdom of Morocco Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 636 638 1.43E-04 97.90 97 "1,110" 11/8/2017 Thales/Alenia Space and Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany/Spain/Italy Guiana Space Center Vega 2017-070A 43005 Morocco's first earth observation satellite. JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/08/moroccos-first-high-resolution-surveillance-satellite-launched-aboard-vega-rocket/ http://spaceflight101.com/vega-vv11/mohammed-vi-a/ Mohammed VI-B Mohammed VI-B NR Morocco Kingdom of Morocco Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 601 606 3.59E-04 98.00 97 "1,110" 11/21/2018 Thales/Alenia Space and Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany/Spain/Italy Guiana Space Center Vega 2018-095A 43717 Second earth observation satellite for Morocco. JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/21/moroccan-spy-satellite-launched-aboard-vega-rocket/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html MOST (Microvariability & Oscillations of STars) Microvariability & Oscillations of Stars (MOST) Canada Canada Canadian Space Agency Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 817 832 1.04E-03 98.70 101.4 53 53 35 6/30/2003 1 Dynacon Inc./University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies/University of British Columbia Canada Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2003-031D 27843 "Canada's space telescope, dubbed the ""Humble Telescope""; minisatellite; monitor brightness variations in stars." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.utias-sfl.net/microsatellites/MOST/MOSTDesign.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx597.html http://wombat.astro.ubc.ca/MOST/overview.html MOVE II (Munich Orbital Verification Experiment II) MOVE II Germany Germany Technical University of Munich Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 590 1.29E-03 97.70 96.3 2 12/3/2018 Technical University of Munich Germany Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099Y 43780 Project for training engineers and students in satellite technology. JMSatcat/3_19 https://www.move2space.de/MOVE-II/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt MOVE IIb (Munich Orbital Verification Experiment MOVE Iib NR (11/19) Germany Technical University of Munich Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 512 550 2.75E-03 97.50 95.2 1 7/5/2019 Technical University of Munich Germany Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038N 44398 "Student built, technology development." JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Mozhayets 4 (RS-22) Mozhayets 4 Russia Russia Mozhaisky Space Engineering Academy Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 669 690 1.49E-03 97.80 98.3 64 9/27/2003 Mozhaiskiy Space Engineering Academy Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2003-042A 27939 Training satellite; carries an amateur radio payload. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/satellites/status.php http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=10958 MP6 MP6 Lithuania Lithuania NanoAvionics Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 434 514 5.84E-03 97.50 94 7 4/1/2019 NanoAvionics Lithuania Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-018AF 44109 "Hosts two commercial payloads for SpaceWorks Orbital and Lacuna Space, two companies designing communications and tracking networks using nanosatellites as relay nodes to collect and retransmit data from devices and sensors around the world." JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/01/indian-military-satellite-20-more-planet-imaging-cubesats-aboard-successful-pslv-launch/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/e/emisat https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt MSAT 1 MSAT 1 Canada USA/Canada Mobile Satellite Ventures Commercial Communications GEO -106.43 "35,763" "35,809" 5.46E-04 1.37 1436.09 "2,850" "1,330" "3,300" 4/20/1996 12 Spar Aerospace Canada Guiana Space Center Ariane 42P 1996-022A 23846 Wireless network for North America JM/12_08 http://planet4589.org/space/log/geobus0902.ok.lis http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx510.html http://www.msvlp.com/about/space_segment.cfm "MSAT 2 (AMSC-1, ACTel-1)" MSAT 2 USA USA/Canada Mobile Satellite Ventures Commercial Communications GEO -101.21 "35,776" "35,796" 2.37E-04 4.02 1436.09 "2,850" "1,330" "3,300" 4/7/1995 10 Hughes Space and Communications Co. USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2A 1995-019A 23553 Wireless network for North America JM/12_08 www.heavens.above.com http:/sat.nd.com/geo http://www.analsis.com/satellite/profiles/motient.htm http://www.rolfisoft.de/html/satdb_1995_eng.html http://www.msvlp.com/about/space_segment.cfm http://planet4589.org/space/log/geobus0902.ok.lis MTI (Multispectral Thermal Imager) Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI) USA USA US Department of Energy/Office of Nonproliferation and National Security Government/Military Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 461 478 1.24E-03 97.47 94.9 587 575 3/12/2000 3 Ball Aerospace/TRW/Raytheon USA Vandenberg AFB Taurus 2000-014A 26102 "Primary objective is to demonstrate advanced multispectral and thermal imaging, image processing, and associated technologies that could be used in future systems for detecting and characterizing facilities producing weapons of mass destruction." WT http://directory.eoportal.org/get_announce.php?an_id=7362 MTSAT-2 (Multi-Functional Transport Satellite) MTSAT-2 Japan Japan Japan Meteorological Agency/Meteorological Satellite Center (MSC) Government Earth Observation Meteorology GEO 145.06 "35,776" "35,797" 2.49E-04 0.01 1436.1 "2,900" "1,250" "2,700" 2/18/2006 5 Mitsubishi Electric/Boeing/Alcatel Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2006-004A 28937 Meteorological satellite; will also relay ground weather data to the Meteorological Satellite Center; in standby mode until 2010. JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx628.html http://www.bom.gov.au/sat/MTSAT/MTSAT.shtml MUOS-1 (Mobile User Objective System 1) MUOS-1 USA USA DoD/US Navy Military Communications GEO -176.96 "35,569" "36,006" 5.18E-03 3.73 1436.1 "6,804" 2/24/2012 12 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2012-009A 38093 Four primary satellites and one orbiting spare will comprise the MUOS system as it is fielded over the next few years to augment and then replace the Navy's aging Ultra High Frequency spacecraft constellation. Orbital parameters estimated. JM/6_16 http://www.upi.com/Business_News/Security-Industry/2012/02/27/First-MUOS-satellite-launched/UPI-56501330359834/ http://www.spaceflightnow.com/atlas/av030/geo.html http://www.gdc4s.com/content/detail.cfm?item=2c63816d-67d1-4de2-a33f-59a2285aa0cd http://www.agi.com/media-center/launch-notifications/view-launch-notification.aspx?id=78 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log MUOS-2 (Mobile User Objective System 2) MUOS-2 USA USA DoD/US Navy Military Communications GEO -100.10 "35,550" "36,023" 5.61E-03 4.11 1436.1 "6,804" 7/19/2013 12 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2013-036A 39206 Second of four. JM/6_16 http://www.spacenews.com/article/military-space/36357atlas-5-launches-navys-muos-2-satellite-into-orbit http://www.dote.osd.mil/pub/reports/FY2012/pdf/navy/2012muos.pdf http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log MUOS-3 (Mobile User Objective System 3) MUOS-3 USA USA DoD/US Navy Military Communications GEO -15.48 "35,576" "35,998" 5.01E-03 4.57 1436.1 "6,804" "3,812" 1/21/2015 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-002A 40374 Next-generation narrowband tactical satellite communications system designed to significantly improve ground communications for U.S. forces on the move. JM/6_16 http://www.ulalaunch.com/atlas-v-to-launch-MUOS-3.aspx http://www.space50.org/objekt.php?rok=M&mot=2015-002A&jazyk=pp_en http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log MUOS-4 (Mobile User Objective System 4) MUOS-4 USA USA DoD/US Navy Military Communications GEO 74.80 "35,576" "35,997" 4.99E-03 4.80 1436.1 "6,804" 9/2/2015 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-044A 40887 JM/6_16 https://www.shephardmedia.com/news/digital-battlespace/us-navys-muos-4-moves-toward-2015-launch-date/ http://www.lockheedmartin.com/us/products/mobile-user-objective-system--muos-.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log MUOS-5 (Mobile User Objective System 5) MUOS-5 USA USA DoD/US Navy Military Communications GEO -104.13 "35,576" "35,998" 5.01E-03 4.50 1436.1 "6,804" 6/24/2016 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2016-041A 41622 "Main engine failed during initial orbit-raising. Planned for 75 E, but is located at 105 W. Slightly more inclined than normal but can function. Spare. Completes the five-satellite constellation." Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/24/navy-satellite-sails-to-orbit-atop-atlas-5-rocket-for-communications-grid/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/03/navy-satellite-claws-its-way-to-usable-orbit-after-propulsion-system-problem/ Mycroft (USA 285) USA 285 NR (3/20) USA Air Force Research Laboratory Military Technology Development GEO 51.00 "35,246" "35,309" 7.56E-04 1.94 1410.17 4/14/2018 Air Force Research Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2018-036E 43445 Released from USA 284. The Air Force describes Mycroft as a “fourth-generation space situational awareness experiment.” JMGEO/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/15/multi-satellite-stack-hoisted-into-high-altitude-orbit-by-atlas-5-rocket/ NanoACE NanoACE USA USA "Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems, Inc." Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 486 602 8.39E-03 97.60 96.6 6 7/14/2017 Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042V 42844 Strictly for internal development testing. JMSatcat/10_17 http://spaceflight101.com/soyuz-kanopus-v-ik/nanoace/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Nanosat-1 Nanosat-1 Spain Spain Instituto Nacional de Técnia Aeroespacial (INTA) Government Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 654 659 3.56E-04 98.40 97.9 20 15 20 12/18/2004 Instituto Nacional de Técnia Aeroespacial (INTA) Spain Guiana Space Center Ariane 5G 2004-049B 28493 Will maintain contact with Spanish zone in Antarctica; extremely small magnetic and solar sensors. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/19December2004_27.html http://www.satnews.com/stories11/873.htm http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2004/049B.HTM Nanosat-1B Nanosat-1B NR Spain Instituto Nacional de Técnia Aeroespacial (INTA) Government Communications/Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 583 672 6.36E-03 98.10 97.3 20 15 20 7/29/2009 Instituto Nacional de Técnia Aeroespacial (INTA) Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2009-041E 35685 Technology demonstration and communication. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx669.html NARSSCUBE-1 (National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences) NARSSCUBE-1 NR (3/20) Egypt National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 400 407 5.17E-04 51.60 92.6 1 11/20/2019 1 National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences Egypt International Space Station J-SSOD Deployer 1998-067QX 44792 JMSatcat/7_20 https://blogs.nasa.gov/stationreport/2019/11/19/ NARSSCUBE-2 ((National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences) NARSSCUBE-2 NR (3/20) Egypt National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 468 483 1.10E-03 51.60 92.6 1 7/25/2019 1 National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences Egypt Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-022E 44415 JMSatcat/7_20 https://africanews.space/egypt-launch-narsscube-1-november-third-satellite-q3-2020/ "Navstar GPS IIF-1 (Navstar SVN 62, PRN 25, USA 213)" USA 213 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,188" "20,224" 6.77E-04 55.00 718.94 "1,630" 5/28/2010 12 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2010-022A 36585 First in the IIF series. SC - ASCR http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/gpscurr.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/022A.HTM "Navstar GPS IIF-10 (Navstar SVN 72, PRN 8, USA 262)" USA 262 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,446" "20,459" 2.42E-04 54.90 728.96 "1,630" "1,136" 7/15/2015 12 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-033A 40730 JM/8_15 http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/?Do=constellationStatus http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/07/ula-atlas-v-gps-iif10-launch/ "Navstar GPS IIF-11 (Navstar SVN 73, PRN 10, USA 265)" USA 265 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,426" "20,486" 1.12E-03 55.00 97.7 "1,630" 10/31/2015 12 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-062A 41019 SC - ASCR http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/10/2015-062.html ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpsb2.txt "Navstar GPS IIF-12 (Navstar SVN 70, PRN 32, USA 266)" USA 266 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,175" "20,188" 2.45E-04 55.00 717.9 "1,630" 2/5/2016 12 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2016-007A 41328 Space50 http://www.space.com/31847-air-force-launches-gps-military-satellite.html http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-007A "Navstar GPS IIF-2 (Navstar SVN 63, PRN 01, USA 232)" USA 232 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,451" "20,464" 2.42E-04 55.03 729.18 "1,630" 7/16/2011 12 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2011-036A 37753 SC - ASCR http://gge.unb.ca/Resources/GPSConstellationStatus.txt http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/INDEX1.HTM "Navstar GPS IIF-3 (Navstar SVN 65, PRN 24, USA 239)" USA 239 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,174" "20,191" 3.20E-04 54.95 718 "1,630" "1,136" 10/4/2012 10 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2012-053A 38833 Will replace 2A-21. SC - ASCR http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/1053A.HTM http://www.cbsnews.com/network/news/space/home/spacenews/files/100412_gps.html "Navstar GPS IIF-4 (Navstar SVN 66, PRN 27, USA 242)" USA 242 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,184" "20,247" 1.18E-03 55.09 719.32 "1,630" "1,136" 5/15/2013 10 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2013-023A 39166 SC - ASCR http://www.gps.gov/ http://www.space.com/19794-navstar.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I023A.HTM "Navstar GPS IIF-5 (Navstar SVN 64, PRN 30, USA 248)" USA 248 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,457" "20,469" 2.24E-04 54.98 729.39 "1,630" "1,136" 2/21/2014 10 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2014-008A 39533 ZARYA http://www.space.com/24767-gps-satellite-launch-success-delta4-rocket.html http://www.gps.gov/systems/gps/space/ "Navstar GPS IIF-6 (Navstar SVN 67, PRN 06, USA 251)" USA 251 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,174" "20,188" 2.64E-04 55.05 717.92 "1,630" "1,136" 5/17/2014 10 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2014-026A 39741 SC - ASCR http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2014/I026A.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt "Navstar GPS IIF-7 (Navstar SVN 68, PRN 09, USA 256)" USA 256 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,471" "20,476" 9.31E-05 54.92 729 "1,630" "1,136" 8/2/2014 10 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2014-045A 40105 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 "Navstar GPS IIF-8 (Navstar SVN 69, PRN 03, USA 258)" USA 258 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,155" "20,211" 1.05E-03 54.97 718.02 "1,630" "1,136" 10/29/2014 10 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2014-068A 40294 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 "Navstar GPS IIF-9 (Navstar SVN 71, PRN 26, USA 260)" USA 260 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,445" "20,469" 4.47E-04 55.00 729.14 "1,630" "1,136" 3/25/2015 12 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4M 2015-013A 40534 JM/8_15 "Navstar GPS III-1 (Navstar SVN 74, PRN 04, USA 289)" USA 289 NR (11/19) USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,171" "20,189" 3.39E-04 54.90 717.88 "2,300" 12/23/2018 15 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2018-109A 43873 First of third generation. JMSatcat/3_19 ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/23/spacex-closes-out-year-with-successful-gps-satellite-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Navstar GPS III-2 (Navstar SVN 75, PRN 18, USA 293)" USA 293 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,188" "20,203" 2.82E-04 55.10 718.01 "2,300" "1,136" 8/22/2019 15 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2019-056A 44506 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/22/five-more-delta-4-heavy-flights-in-ula-backlog-after-final-single-stick-launch/ https://www.gpsworld.com/gps-constellation-changes-with-addition-of-second-gps-iii-satellite/ "Navstar GPS III-3 (Navstar SVN 76, PRN 23, USA 304)" USA 304 NR (7/20) USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,165" "20,199" 6.40E-04 55.06 717.9 "2,300" "1,136" 6/30/2020 15 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-041A 45854 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/30/spacex-launches-its-first-mission-for-u-s-space-force/ "Navstar GPS IIR-10 (Navstar SVN 47, PRN 22, USA 175)" USA 175 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,963" "20,327" 6.86E-03 55.10 716.47 "2,217" 980 "1,136" 12/21/2003 10 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2003-058A 28129 JMSatcat304 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx602.html http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/gpscurr.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.430 http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/enviro/MLV2REA.pdf "Navstar GPS IIR-11 (Navstar SVN 59, PRN 19, USA 177)" USA 177 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,089" "20,276" 3.52E-03 55.00 717.98 "2,217" 980 "1,136" 3/20/2004 10 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2004-009A 28190 "Precise position data (accurate to within 16 m) to military and civilian users worldwide; constellation of 28 operational satellites; 6 orbit planes; corporate vehicle fleet tracking, surveying, recreational use; nuclear detonation detection sensors." JMSatcat304 ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt http://gauss.gge.unb.ca/NavstarGPSConstelStatus.html http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=119 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.430 http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/enviro/MLV2REA.pdf http://www.losangeles.af.mil/smc/pa/fact_sheets/gps_fs.htm "Navstar GPS IIR-13 (Navstar SVN 61, PRN 02, USA 180)" USA 180 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "19,938" "20,426" 9.19E-03 54.80 718 "2,217" 980 "1,136" 11/6/2004 10 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2004-045A 28474 GS ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.430 "Navstar GPS IIR-2 (Navstar SVN 43, PRN 13, USA 132)" USA 132 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,123" "20,247" 2.33E-03 54.90 718.09 "2,217" 980 "1,136" 7/23/1997 10 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 1997-035A 24876 JMSatcat304 ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt http://gauss.gge.unb.ca/NavstarGPSConstelStatus.html http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=119 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.430 http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/enviro/MLV2REA.pdf "Navstar GPS IIR-3 (Navstar SVN 46, PRN 11, USA 145)" USA 145 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,096" "20,268" 3.24E-03 53.00 717.97 "2,217" 980 "1,136" 10/7/1999 10 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 1999-055A 25933 JMSatcat304 ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt http://gauss.gge.unb.ca/NavstarGPSConstelStatus.html http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=119 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.430 http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/enviro/MLV2REA.pdf "Navstar GPS IIR-4 (Navstar SVN 51, PRN 20, USA 150)" USA 150 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,133" "20,234" 1.90E-03 54.90 718.03 "2,217" 980 "1,136" 5/11/2000 10 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2000-025A 26360 JMSatcat304 ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt http://gauss.gge.unb.ca/NavstarGPSConstelStatus.html http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=119 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.430 http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/enviro/MLV2REA.pdf "Navstar GPS IIR-5 (Navstar SVN 44, PRN 28, USA 151)" USA 151 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,184" "20,427" 4.55E-03 55.00 722.98 "2,217" 980 "1,136" 7/16/2000 10 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2000-040A 26407 JMSatcat304 ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt http://gauss.gge.unb.ca/NavstarGPSConstelStatus.html http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=119 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.430 http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/enviro/MLV2REA.pdf "Navstar GPS IIR-6 (Navstar SVN 41, PRN 14, USA 154)" USA 154 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,177" "20,498" 6.01E-03 55.00 724.28 "2,217" 980 "1,136" 11/10/2000 10 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2000-071A 26605 JMSatcat304 ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt http://gauss.gge.unb.ca/NavstarGPSConstelStatus.html http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=119 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.430 http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/enviro/MLV2REA.pdf http://www.losangeles.af.mil/smc/pa/fact_sheets/gps_fs.htm "Navstar GPS IIR-7 (Navstar SVN 54, PRN 18, USA 156)" USA 156 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,104" "20,266" 3.05E-03 55.00 718.09 "2,217" 980 "1,136" 1/30/2001 10 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2001-004A 26690 JMSatcat304 ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt http://gauss.gge.unb.ca/NavstarGPSConstelStatus.html http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=119 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.430 http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/enviro/MLV2REA.pdf "Navstar GPS IIR-8 (Navstar SVN 56, PRN 16, USA 166)" USA 166 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,155" "20,344" 3.55E-03 55.00 720.71 "2,217" 980 "1,136" 1/29/2003 10 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2003-005A 27663 JMSatcat304 ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=119 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.430 http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/enviro/MLV2REA.pdf "Navstar GPS IIR-9 (Navstar SVN 45, PRN 21, USA 168)" USA 168 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,063" "20,433" 6.95E-03 54.90 720.65 "2,217" 980 "1,136" 3/31/2003 10 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2003-010A 27704 JMSatcat304 ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=119 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.430 http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/enviro/MLV2REA.pdf "Navstar GPS IIR-M-1 (Navstar SVN 53, PRN 17, USA 183)" USA 183 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,142" "20,221" 1.49E-03 55.08 717.95 "2,217" 980 "1,136" 9/26/2005 10 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2005-038A 28874 Two more military and one civilian channels that earlier versions. SC - ASCR http://www.spaceflightnow.com/delta/d313a/ http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/gps.html http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2005/038A.HTM http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/038A.HTM http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/enviro/MLV2REA.pdf http://www.losangeles.af.mil/smc/pa/fact_sheets/gps_fs.htm "Navstar GPS IIR-M-2 (Navstar SVN 52, PRN 31, USA 190)" USA 190 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,020" "20,342" 6.06E-03 54.94 717.93 "2,060" 9/25/2006 10 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2006-042A 29486 SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2006/I042A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx635.html ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt "Navstar GPS IIR-M-3 (Navstar SVN 58, PRN 12, USA 192)" USA 192 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,206" "20,366" 3.00E-03 55.02 722.19 "2,060" 11/17/2006 10 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2006-052A 29601 SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2006/I042A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx637.html ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt "Navstar GPS IIR-M-4 (Navstar SVN 55, PRN 15, USA 196)" USA 196 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,149" "20,213" 1.21E-03 54.80 717.93 "2,217" 980 "1,136" 10/17/2007 10 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2007-047A 32260 JMSatcat/2_USA http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/gpsinfo.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/047A.HTM "Navstar GPS IIR-M-5 (Navstar SVN 57, PRN 29, USA 199)" USA 199 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,150" "20,311" 3.03E-03 54.96 719.92 "2,060" 12/20/2007 10 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2007-062A 32384 SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/062A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx650.html ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt "Navstar GPS IIR-M-6 (Navstar SVN 48, PRN 07, USA 201)" USA 201 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,135" "20,152" 3.21E-04 55.10 716.4 "2,217" 980 "1,136" 3/15/2008 10 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2008-012A 32711 SC - ASCR ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/gps/gpstd.txt http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx653.html "Navstar GPS IIR-M-8 (Navstar SVN 50, PRN 05, USA 206)" USA 206 USA USA DoD/US Air Force Military/Commercial Navigation/Global Positioning MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "20,160" "20,209" 9.23E-04 55.12 718.07 "2,059" 980 "1,136" 8/17/2009 10 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2009-043A 35752 SC - ASCR http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/gpscurr.html Naxing 2 Naxing 2 NR China Tsinghua University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 519 540 1.52E-03 97.45 95.22 20 9/19/2015 Tsinghua University China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2015-049G 40905 JM/12_15 http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/09/2015-049.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Nayif-1 (Emirates Oscar 88, EO88)" Nayif-1 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre/American University of Sharjah Civil Communications/Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 507 8.00E-04 97.50 94.6 2 2/15/2017 Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre/American University of Sharjah United Arab Emirates Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2017-008BX 42017 "Student project, amateur radio." JMSatCat9_17 http://www.arrl.org/news/nayif-1-amateur-radio-satellite-transmits-message-from-dubai-s-ruler https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt NEOSSat (Near Earth Object Surveillance Satellite) NEOSSat NR Canada Canadian Space Agency Government Space Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 772 786 9.79E-04 98.60 100.4 74 2/25/2013 Microsat Systems Canada Inc. Canada Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2013-009D 39089 World's first space telescope dedicated to detecting and tracking asteroids and satellites SC - ASCR http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/satellites/neossat/Default.asp http://neossat.ca/ NepaliSat-1 NepaliSat-1 NR (11/19) Nepal National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 405 415 7.37E-04 52.00 92.7 1 6/17/2019 Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan International Space Station J-SSOD Deployer 1998-067QE 44329 "Nepal's first satellite, developed by two Nepali scientists at Kyushu Institute." JMSatcat/11_19 https://www.businesstoday.in/current/world/nepal-launches-its-first-satellite-nepalisat-1-from-us/story/338295.html?_ga=2.200606894.1484857841.1573247074-785104307.1573247074 https://www.space.com/space-station-deploys-birds-3-cubesats-video.html NextSat-1 NextSat-1 NR (11/19) South Korea Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 588 1.15E-03 97.70 96.3 100 12/3/2018 SaTReC (Satellite Technology Research Center) of KAIST South Korea Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099BF 43811 Conduct scientific missions such as star formation and space storm measurements and also technology demonstration in space. JMSatcat/3_19 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262997411_Operational_Concept_of_the_NEXTSat-1_for_Science_Mission_and_Space_Core_Technology_Verification https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/b/blacksky-constellation https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Nexus (Fuji-Oscar-99) Nexus NR (11/19) Japan Nihon University Civil Communications Amateur Radio LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 480 512 2.33E-03 97.30 94.5 4 1/18/2019 Nahon University Japan Uchinoura Space Center Epsilon 2019-003F 43937 Will test next-generation amateur satellite communications technology. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/18/japans-epsilon-rocket-launches-seven-tech-demo-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt NigComSat-1R NigComSat-1R China Nigeria NigComSat Commercial Communications GEO 42.50 "35,793" "35,795" 2.37E-05 0.20 1436.1 "5,150" 12/17/2011 15 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2011-077A 38014 "4 C-band, 14 Ku-band, 8 Ka-band, 2 L-band. Footprint centered on African continent." JMSatcat/3_China http://www.nigcomsat.com/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/I076F.HTM NigeriaSat-2 NigeriaSat-2 Nigeria Nigeria National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 691 705 9.90E-04 98.20 98.7 300 8/17/2011 7 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2011-044B 37789 "Development of NigeriaSat-2 involves also on-the-job training of NASRDA engineers at SSTL. Earth observation, also carries DMC equipment." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://events.eoportal.org/get_announce.php?an_id=10000874 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/044B.HTM Nigeriasat-X Nigeriasat-X Nigeria Nigeria National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) Government Earth Observation/Technology Development Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 661 696 2.48E-03 98.20 98.3 100 8/17/2011 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2011-044C 37790 Nigerian engineers will completely manage the total lifecycle of the NX and will be responsible for the delivery of the satellite to full flight specification. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://events.eoportal.org/get_announce.php?an_id=10002846 Nilesat 201 Nilesat 201 NR Egypt Egyptian Radio and TV Union Government Communications GEO -7.00 "35,795" "35,813" 2.13E-04 0.05 1436.23 "3,200" "1,700" "3,700 (EOL)" 8/4/2010 15 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2010-037A 36830 "Direct-to-home, radio, and bradoband internet services to Africa and the Middle East; 24 Ku-band and 4 Ka-band transponders." SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/037A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx682.html Nimiq 2 Nimiq 2 Canada Canada "Telesat Canada Ltd. (BCE, Inc.)" Commercial Communications GEO -91.25 "35,779" "35,793" 1.66E-04 0.01 1436.08 "3,600" "1,700" "8,600" 12/29/2002 12 Lockheed Martin USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2002-062A 27632 "Television broadcast; 32 Ku-band, 2 Ka-band." JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.sapenewsfeed.co.uk/2003/5January2003.html#Nimiq2 http://www.telesat.ca/satellites/photos/satellites_gallery6.htm http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf Nimiq 4 Nimiq 4 Canada Canada "Telesat Canada Ltd. (BCE, Inc.)" Commercial Communications GEO -81.96 "35,779" "35,794" 1.78E-04 0.01 1436.1 "4,850" "12,000" 9/19/2008 15 EADS Astrium France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2008-044A 33373 "Television broadcast; 32 Ku-band, 8 Ka-band." JM/12_08 http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/telesat-successfully-launches-nimiq-4/story.aspx?guid=%7B059C58A1-F7A1-4F96-9CB3-0C70C9CA9288%7D&dist=hppr http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I042A.HTM Nimiq 5 Nimiq 5 Canada Canada Echostar Corporation (entire payload leased from Telesat Canada Ltd.) Commercial Communications GEO -72.70 "35,700" "35,700" 0.00E+00 0.01 1436.1 "4,745" 9/17/2009 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Breeze M 2009-050A 35873 32 Ku-band transponders. Full capacity leased to Echostar Corporation for life of satellite. JMSatcat/3_NR http://www.telesat.ca/File/6F7DA3A310794500B142A895F265C3BB http://www.satnews.com/cgi-bin/story.cgi?number=1541457838 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/050A.HTM http://www.satelliteguys.us/dish-network-forum/135248-nimiq-5-agreement.html Nimiq 6 Nimiq 6 Canada Canada "Telesat Canada Ltd. (BCE, Inc.)" Commercial Communications GEO -91.10 "35,764" "35,809" 5.34E-04 0.04 1436.09 "4,745" 5/18/2012 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Breeze M 2012-026A 38342 Entirely contracted to Bell TV for 15 years. ZARYA http://www.istockanalyst.com/finance/story/5899258/telesat-begins-commercial-service-on-nimiq-6-satellite-for-bell-tv http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 Ningxia-1 01 Ningxia-1 01 NR (3/20) China Ningxia Jingui Information Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 887 898 7.57E-04 45.00 102.8 11/13/2019 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2019-076A 44779 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/13/two-chinese-satellite-launchers-lift-off-three-hours-apart/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Ningxia-1 02 Ningxia-1 02 NR (3/20) China Ningxia Jingui Information Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 886 897 7.57E-04 45.00 102.8 11/13/2019 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2019-076B 44780 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/13/two-chinese-satellite-launchers-lift-off-three-hours-apart/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Ningxia-1 03 Ningxia-1 03 NR (3/20) China Ningxia Jingui Information Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 886 897 7.57E-04 45.00 102.8 11/13/2019 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2019-076C 44781 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/13/two-chinese-satellite-launchers-lift-off-three-hours-apart/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Ningxia-1 04 Ningxia-1 04 NR (3/20) China Ningxia Jingui Information Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 884 898 9.64E-04 45.00 102.8 11/13/2019 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2019-076D 44782 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/13/two-chinese-satellite-launchers-lift-off-three-hours-apart/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Ningxia-1 05 Ningxia-1 05 NR (3/20) China Ningxia Jingui Information Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 884 897 8.95E-04 45.00 102.8 11/13/2019 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2019-076E 44783 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/13/two-chinese-satellite-launchers-lift-off-three-hours-apart/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt NIUSat (Noorul Islam University Satellite) NIUSat India India Noorul Islam University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 517 1.53E-03 97.40 94.5 15 6/22/2017 2 Noorul Islam University India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036B 42766 Agricultural monitoring. JMSatcat10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/23/40th-flight-of-indias-pslv-declared-a-success/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt NOAA-15 (NOAA-K) NOAA-15 USA USA National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (part of international program) Government Earth Observation Earth Science/Meterology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 800 816 1.11E-03 98.70 101 "2,223" "1,500" 830 5/13/1998 3 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space USA Vandenberg AFB Titan 2 1998-030A 25338 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.oso.noaa.gov/poesstatus/ www.wmo.ch/web/www/OSY/Meetings/ICT-IOS3/Doc2-3(1).doc http://poes.gsfc.nasa.gov/ http://www.stvincent.ac.uk/Resources/Weather/NOAA/systeminfo.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html "NOAA-18 (NOAA-N, COSPAS-SARSAT)" NOAA-18 USA USA National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (part of international program) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 843 864 1.45E-03 99.10 102 "2,223" "1,500" 830 5/20/2005 3 Lockheed Martin Space Systems USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2005-018A 28654 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.oso.noaa.gov/poesstatus/spacecraftStatusSummary.asp?spacecraft=18 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/018A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx619.html http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2005/22May2005_16.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/018A.HTM "NOAA-19 (NOAA-N Prime, COSPAS-SARSAT)" NOAA-19 USA USA National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (part of international program) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 845 864 1.31E-03 98.90 102 "1,420" 2/6/2009 3 Lockheed Martin Space Systems USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2009-005A 33591 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx664.html http://www.earthtoday.net/news/viewpr.html?pid=27810 http://www.spacemart.com/reports/Advanced_Polar_Operational_Environmental_Satellite_Completes_On_Orbit_Verification_999.html NOAA-20 (JPSS-1) NOAA-20 USA USA National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (part of international program) Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 817 819 1.39E-04 98.70 101.2 "2,294" 11/18/2017 7 Ball Aerospace USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2017-073A 43013 First in NOAA's Joint Polar Satellite System JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/18/penultimate-delta-2-rocket-launch-lofts-advanced-polar-orbiting-weather-satellite/ https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/JPSS-1 NOOR NOOR NR (7/20) Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 419 440 1.54E-03 59.80 93.1 10 4/21/2020 Unknown Iran Shahroud Missile Base Qased 2020-024A 45529 First Iranian military satellite. JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/04/22/iran-places-military-satellite-in-orbit/ NOOR-1A NOOR-1A NR (3/20) USA Stara Space Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 333 380 3.47E-03 97.00 92.01 1 12/6/2019 Stara Space USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-084D 44827 5 cm by 5 cm picosat. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/06/rocket-labs-10th-launch-tests-booster-recovery-technology/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt NorSat-1 NorSat-1 Norway Norway Norwegian Space Center Government Earth Science/Earth Observation Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 586 605 1.36E-03 97.60 96.5 30 40 7/14/2017 Norwegian Space Center Norway Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042B 42826 "Mission of solar radiation measurement, AIS development." JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/norsat-1 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt NorSat-2 NorSat-2 Norway Norway Norwegian Space Center Government Earth Observation Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 586 605 1.36E-03 97.60 96.5 16 7/14/2017 Norwegian Space Center Norway Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042D 42828 AIS and transmission development. JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/norsat-1 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt NovaSAR-1 NovaSAR-1 United Kingdom United Kingdom UK Government/Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Government/Commercial Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 586 600 1.01E-03 97.80 96 430 9/16/2018 7 Surrey Satellite Technologies Ltd./Airbus Defense and Space UK Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-071B 43619 "Product of a public-private partnership between the British government, UK satellite-builder Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd., and Airbus Defense and Space, which supplied the mission’s radar imaging payload from its facility in Portsmouth, England." JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/09/17/british-earth-imaging-satellites-ride-indian-rocket-into-orbit/ https://www.sstl.co.uk/space-portfolio/launched-missions https://eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/n/novasar-1 NPP (National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System [NPOESS]) NPP USA USA National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/NASA Government Earth Observation Meteorology LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 827 827 0.00E+00 98.70 101.4 "2,128" 10/28/2011 Ball Aerospace USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2011-061A 37849 Continues key data records that are critical for climate change science. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://npp.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacecraft_inst.html http://www.earthtimes.org/climate/new-horizon-polar-satellites/1558/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/061A.HTM NPSat-1 (Naval Postgraduate Satellite 1) NPSat-1 NR (11/19) USA USAF Space Test Office Civil/Military Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 710 720 7.06E-04 24.00 99 85 6/25/2019 Naval Postgraduate School USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036B 44340 "Measure electron cloud densities in Earth’s ionosphere, a layer high above Earth that affects long-range radio communications." JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/25/falcon-heavy-launches-on-military-led-rideshare-mission-boat-catches-fairing/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/npsat-1 NROL RASR Smallsat-2 (USA 301) USA 301 NR (7/20) USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Unknown LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 585 600 1.08E-03 97.70 96.5 6/13/2020 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2020-037A 45723 "NRO secured the launch of the three satellites on a Rocket Lab Electron rocket through the NRO’s Rapid Acquisition of a Small Rocket, or RASR, contract vehicle." JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/university-built-cubesat-launched-with-swarm-of-auroral-science-nodes/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt NROL RASR Smallsat-3 (USA 302) USA 302 NR (7/20) USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Unknown LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 585 600 1.08E-03 97.70 96.5 6/13/2020 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2020-037B 45724 JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/university-built-cubesat-launched-with-swarm-of-auroral-science-nodes/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt NROL RASR Smallsat-4 (USA 303) USA 303 NR (7/20) USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Unknown LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 585 600 1.08E-03 97.70 96.5 6/13/2020 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2020-037C 45725 JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/university-built-cubesat-launched-with-swarm-of-auroral-science-nodes/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt NROL-129 (USA 305) USA 305 NR (7/20) USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 569 579 7.20E-04 54.00 96.15 7/15/2020 National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Minotaur 4 2020-046A 45873 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/07/15/minotaur-rocket-successfully-deploys-four-nro-satellites-in-orbit/ NROL-129 (USA 306) USA 306 NR (7/20) USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 569 579 7.20E-04 54.00 96.15 7/15/2020 Unknown USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Minotaur 4 2020-046B 45874 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/07/15/minotaur-rocket-successfully-deploys-four-nro-satellites-in-orbit/ NROL-129 (USA 307) USA 307 NR (7/20) USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 572 579 3.81E-04 54.00 95.15 7/15/2020 Unknown USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Minotaur 4 2020-046C 45875 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/07/15/minotaur-rocket-successfully-deploys-four-nro-satellites-in-orbit/ NROL-129 (USA 308) USA 308 NR (7/20) USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 572 579 3.81E-04 54.00 96.15 7/15/2020 Unknown USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Minotaur 4 2020-046D 45876 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/07/15/minotaur-rocket-successfully-deploys-four-nro-satellites-in-orbit/ NROL-151 (USA 294) USA 294 NR (3/20) USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 586 588 1.44E-04 70.00 96.4 1/31/2020 Unknown USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2020-007A 45110 Technology development. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/01/31/rocket-lab-successfully-launches-nro-satellite/ NROL-76 (USA 276) USA 276 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 300 300 0.00E+00 51.00 90.52 5/1/2017 Ball Aerospace USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2017-022A 42689 Believed to be a technology demonstration satellite for a future project. JMSatcat/9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/05/01/spacex-successfully-boosts-top-secret-u-s-government-into-space/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt NSLSat-1 NSLSat-1 UK Israel NSLComm Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 515 543 2.03E-03 97.50 95.2 8 7/5/2019 NSLComm Israel Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038E 44391 "Test an expandable, reconfigurable antenna." JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "NSS-10 (Star One C-12, AMC-12, Americom 12, Worldsat 2)" NSS-10 USA Netherlands SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -37.37 "35,778" "35,795" 2.02E-04 0.02 1436.1 "5,396" 2/3/2005 16 Alcatel Space Industries France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton/Breeze M 2005-003A 28526 72 C-band transponders. JM/12_08 http://www.spaceflightnow.com/proton/amc12/status.html http://www.ses-americom.com/media/2005/02_03_05.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/003A.HTM http://www.sat-index.com/geo/28526.htm "NSS-11 (Worldsat-1, AAP-1, GE-1A) " NSS-11 USA Netherlands SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 108.21 "35,776" "35,798" 2.61E-04 0.07 1436.15 "3,582" "2,000" 10/2/2000 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 2000-059A 26554 "Direct-to-home voice, video and data transmission in India, China and Philippines; 24 C-band, 24 Ku-band transponders." JM/12_08 http://www.worldsat.net/610.html www.americom-ap.com/satelliteinfo_cover.asp http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html NSS-12 NSS-12 United Kingdom Netherlands SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 57.00 "35,779" "35,793" 1.66E-04 0.06 1436.08 "5,624" 10/29/2009 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2009-058A 36032 "48 Ku-band, 40 C-band transponders." JM/12_09 http://www.ses-worldskies.com/worldskies/news_and_events/press_releases/index.php?pressRelease=/pressReleases/pressReleaseList/09-10-29-1/index.php http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx672.html NSS-5 (Intelsat 803) NSS-5 NR Netherlands SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 50.50 "35,776" "35,796" 2.37E-04 0.00 1436.08 "3,412" "2,000" 9/23/1997 14 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 42L 1997-053A 24957 "38 C-band, 6 Ku-band; Pacific Ocean region; shared capacity with Intelset. In 2012 moved by NSS to secure orbital slot 50.5 for Thaicom under future plan agreement." JM/12_08 http://www.newskies.com.au/fleet/nss5.htm http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html https://spacenews.com/ses-moves-satellite-help-thaicom-secure-orbital-slot/ NSS-6 NSS-6 NR Netherlands SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 95.04 "35,776" "35,797" 2.49E-04 0.02 1436.12 "4,575" "2,600" 0 12/17/2002 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 4 2002-057A 27603 "Asia, Australia, Africa, Middle East; 50 Ku-band." JM/12_08 http://www.newskies.com.au/fleet/nss6.htm http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf NSS-7 NSS-7 NR Netherlands SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -21.00 "35,775" "35,798" 2.73E-04 0.08 1436.12 "4,500" "2,500" "3,900" 4/16/2002 14 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 42L 2002-019A 27414 "36 C-band, 36 Ku-band; broadcasting, business services; Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Americas." JM/12_08 http://www.newskies.com.au/fleet/nss7.htm http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf NSS-9 NSS-9 United Kingdom Netherlands SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -180.00 "35,784" "35,792" 9.49E-05 0.02 1436.17 "2,238" "1,014" "2,300" 2/11/2009 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2009-008A 33749 28 C-band transponders for voice and video communication. SC - ASCR http://www.ses.com/ses/PDFs/MediaRoom/Satellites/NSS-9_Fact.pdf http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/008B.HTM http:/nssdc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx664.html http://www.astrium.eads.net/en/press-center/launch-kits/2009/vol-187-ariane-5-2013-satellites-hot-birdtm-10-nss-9-spirale-a-b-1/vol-187-ariane-5-2013-satellites-hot-birdtm-10-nss-9-spirale-a-b N-Star C N-Star C Japan Japan Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation Commercial Communications GEO 135.08 "35,772" "35,799" 3.20E-04 0.06 1436.08 "1,625" 800 "2,600 (BOL)" 7/5/2002 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems/Orbital Sciences USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2002-035B 27461 Multimedia services. JM/12_08 http://www.orbital.com/NewsInfo/Publications/NSTAR.pdf http://media13.fastclick.net/w/safepop.cgi?mid=22029&sid=8288&id=107067&len=719&c=51&nfcp=1 http://lmms.external.lmco.com/newsbureau/pressreleases/2002/02.39.html http://www.arianespace.com/site/news/espace/e.space176.fr.pdf "NUDTSat (National University of Defense Satellite, QB50-CN06/BE06)" NUDTSat Belgium China National University of Defense Technology Military Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 497 515 1.31E-03 97.45 94.7 5 6/23/2017 National University of Defense Technology China Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036Y 42787 "Science unit is a Ion/Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS), for sampling particles in the upper atmosphere." JMSatcat/10_17 https://gbtimes.com/chinese-cubesat-takes-ride-indias-pslv-c38-launch http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Nusantara Satu Nusantara Satu (PSN-6) NR (11/19) Indonesia PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara Commercial Communications GEO 146.00 "35,777" "35,798" 2.49E-04 0.03 1436.1 "4,100" 2/21/2019 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-009A 44048 "First Indonesian High Throughput Satellite, to provide broadband services across the vast archipelago of Indonesia." Celestrak https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/02/22/israeli-moon-lander-hitches-ride-on-spacex-launch-with-indonesian-comsat/ ÑuSat-1 (Fresco) ÑuSat-1 Uruguay Argentina Satellogic S.A. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 481 499 1.31E-03 97.50 94.41 35 5/29/2016 Satellogic Uruguay Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2016-033B 41557 Start-up for new earth observation company in Argentina. Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/05/31/long-march-4b-lofts-earth-viewing-satellites-for-china-argentina/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-033B&jazyk=pp_en ÑuSat-2 (Batata) ÑuSat-2 Uruguay Argentina Satellogic S.A. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 482 500 1.31E-03 97.50 94.41 35 5/29/2016 Satellogic Uruguay Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2016-033C 41558 Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/05/31/long-march-4b-lofts-earth-viewing-satellites-for-china-argentina/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-033C&jazyk=pp_en ÑuSat-3 (Milanesat) ÑuSat-3 Uruguay Argentina Satellogic S.A. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 535 545 7.24E-04 43.02 95.44 35 6/15/2017 Satellogic Uruguay Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4B 2017-034C 42760 Third satellite in the Aleph-1 Earth Observation Satellite Constellation operated by Satellogic to collect multi-band imagery of Earth for the commercial market. JMSatcat/10_17 http://spaceflight101.com/long-march-4b-launches-hxmt-space-telescope/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt ÑuSat-4 (Ada) ÑuSat-4 Uruguay Argentina Satellogic S.A. Commercial Earth Observation Hyperspectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 503 7.28E-04 97.20 94.5 35 2/2/2018 Satellogic Argentina Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-015D 43195 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/02/02/china-lofts-earthquake-research-craft-with-cluster-of-smaller-satellites/ ÑuSat-5 (Maryam) ÑuSat-5 Uruguay Argentina Satellogic S.A. Commercial Earth Observation Hyperspectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 487 507 1.46E-03 97.20 94.5 35 2/2/2018 Satellogic Argentina Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-015K 43204 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/02/02/china-lofts-earthquake-research-craft-with-cluster-of-smaller-satellites/ ÑuSat-7 (Sophie) ÑuSat 7 NR (3/20) Argentina Satellogic S.A. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 490 1.02E-03 97.30 94.2 45 1/15/2020 Satellogic Argentina Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2D 2020-003B 45017 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/01/15/argentine-satellites-hitch-ride-with-chinese-payloads-on-long-march-2d-rocket/ ÑuSat-8 (Marie) ÑuSat 8 NR (3/20) Argentina Satellogic S.A. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 475 492 1.24E-03 97.30 94.2 45 1/15/2020 Satellogic Argentina Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2D 2020-003C 45018 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/01/15/argentine-satellites-hitch-ride-with-chinese-payloads-on-long-march-2d-rocket/ NuSTAR (Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array) NuSTAR USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Space Science LEO Equatorial 0.00 613 632 1.36E-03 6.00 97.2 360 6/13/2012 2 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Kwajalein Island Pegasus XL 2012-031A 38358 Read more at http://spaceflight101.com/long-march-4b-launches-hxmt-space-telescope/#AdEp4bOgoXGMgbtu.99 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/ScienceTechnology/NuSTAR/ http://www.nustar.caltech.edu/about-nustar/science http://www.aerospaceguide.net/telescope/nustar.html "O/OREOS (Organism/Organic Exposure to Orbital Stresses, USA 219)" USA 219 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)-Ames Research Center/Stanford University Government/Civil Space Science LEO Polar 0.00 624 654 2.14E-03 71.97 97.48 6 11/20/2010 0.5 NASA/Ames Research Center USA Kodiak Launch Complex Minotaur 4 2010-062C 37224 "Carries two biological experiments - one will test live microorganisms, the other inanimate organic samples, to see how they react to conditions in space for six months." SC - ASCR http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/smallsats/ooreos/main/ http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/062C.HTM O3b FM02 O3b FM02 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "8,063" "8,069" 2.08E-04 0.03 287.93 700 "1,500" 6/25/2013 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST 2013-031C 39190 First of a new constellation in MEO. Provide links between ground stations lying in the range ±45° latitude. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.o3bnetworks.com/o3b-launch http://www.gmv.com/en/Company/Communication/News/2013/07/03b.html O3b FM03 O3b FM03 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "8,060" "8,071" 3.81E-04 0.09 287.92 650 "1,500" 7/10/2014 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST-B 2014-038A 40079 ZARYA http://www.o3bnetworks.com/additional-pages/blog/next-satellites-arrive http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://space50.kosmo.cz/objekt.php?mot=2014-038A&jazyk=pp_cz O3b FM04 O3b FM04 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "8,062" "8,069" 2.42E-04 0.04 287.93 700 "1,500" 6/25/2013 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST 2013-031B 39189 First of a new constellation in MEO. Provide links between ground stations lying in the range ±45° latitude. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.o3bnetworks.com/o3b-launch http://www.gmv.com/en/Company/Communication/News/2013/07/03b.html O3b FM05 (Other 3 Billion) O3b FM05 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "8,064" "8,068" 1.39E-04 0.03 287.94 700 "1,500" 6/25/2013 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST 2013-031A 39188 First of a new constellation in MEO. Provide links between ground stations lying in the range ±45° latitude. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.o3bnetworks.com/o3b-launch http://www.gmv.com/en/Company/Communication/News/2013/07/03b.html O3b FM06 O3b FM06 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "7,831" "7,845" 4.93E-04 0.12 281.15 650 "1,500" 7/10/2014 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST-B 2014-038B 40080 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 O3b FM07 O3b FM07 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "7,827" "7,844" 5.98E-04 0.12 281.08 650 "1,500" 7/10/2014 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST-B 2014-038C 40081 JMSatcat/7_Kingdom http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 O3b FM08 O3b FM08 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "7,815" "7,842" 9.51E-04 0.12 280.87 650 "1,500" 7/10/2014 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST-B 2014-038D 40082 JMSatcat/7_Kingdom http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 O3b FM09 O3b FM09 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "8,063" "8,068" 1.73E-04 0.04 287.93 650 "1,500" 12/18/2014 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST-B 2014-083D 40351 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 O3b FM10 O3b FM10 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "8,063" "8,069" 2.08E-04 0.04 287.93 650 "1,500" 12/18/2014 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST-B 2014-083A 40348 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 O3b FM11 O3b FM11 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "8,063" "8,069" 2.08E-04 0.04 287.93 650 "1,500" 12/18/2014 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST-B 2014-083B 40349 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 O3b FM12 O3b FM12 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "8,063" "8,069" 2.08E-04 0.04 287.93 650 "1,500" 12/18/2014 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST-B 2014-083C 40350 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 O3b FM13 O3b FM13 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "8,062" "8,069" 2.42E-04 0.05 287.92 650 "1,500" 3/9/2018 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-2.1b 2018-024D 43234 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/09/four-o3b-satellites-launched-to-beam-internet-to-developing-world/ O3b FM14 O3b FM14 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "8,062" "8,069" 2.42E-04 0.05 287.92 650 "1,500" 3/9/2018 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-2.1b 2018-024C 43233 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/09/four-o3b-satellites-launched-to-beam-internet-to-developing-world/ O3b FM15 O3b FM15 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "8,062" "8,069" 2.42E-04 0.05 287.92 650 "1,500" 3/9/2018 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-2.1b 2018-024A 43231 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/09/four-o3b-satellites-launched-to-beam-internet-to-developing-world/ O3b FM16 O3b FM16 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "8,062" "8,069" 2.42E-04 0.05 287.92 650 "1,500" 3/9/2018 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-2.1b 2018-024B 43232 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/09/four-o3b-satellites-launched-to-beam-internet-to-developing-world/ O3b FM17 O3b FM17 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "7,838" "7,840" 7.04E-05 0.04 281.17 700 "1,500" 4/4/2019 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST-B 2019-020C 44114 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/04/soyuz-launch-deploys-last-of-o3bs-first-generation-broadband-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt O3b FM18 O3b FM18 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "7,829" "7,839" 3.52E-04 0.04 281.02 700 "1,500" 4/4/2019 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST-B 2019-020D 44115 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/04/soyuz-launch-deploys-last-of-o3bs-first-generation-broadband-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt O3b FM19 O3b FM19 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "7,818" "7,839" 7.40E-04 0.04 280.86 700 "1,500" 4/4/2019 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST-B 2019-020B 44113 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/04/soyuz-launch-deploys-last-of-o3bs-first-generation-broadband-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt O3b FM20 O3b FM20 United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "7,809" "7,839" 1.06E-03 0.04 280.73 700 "1,500" 4/4/2019 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST-B 2019-020A 44112 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/04/soyuz-launch-deploys-last-of-o3bs-first-generation-broadband-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt O3b PFM O3b PFM United Kingdom United Kingdom O3b Networks Ltd. Commercial Communications MEO Equatorial 0.00 "8,063" "8,069" 2.08E-04 0.03 287.93 700 "1,500" 6/25/2013 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz-ST 2013-031D 39191 First of a new constellation in MEO. Provide links between ground stations lying in the range ±45° latitude. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.o3bnetworks.com/o3b-launch http://www.gmv.com/en/Company/Communication/News/2013/07/03b.html OCO 2  (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) OCO 2 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 701 704 2.12E-04 98.20 98.83 454 7/2/2014 2 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2014-035A 40059 Measures carbon dioxide. ZARYA http://oco.jpl.nasa.gov/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Oculus ASR Oculus ASR NR (11/19) USA Michigan Technological University/Air Force Research Laboratory Military Technology Development Elliptical 0.00 306 853 3.94E-02 28.50 96.2 70 6/25/2019 Michigan Technological University/Air Force Research Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036T 44356 Will serve as a cooperative imaging target for ground-based telescopes. Ground controllers at MTU will command the vehicle to perform various attitude maneuvers during overflights of these telescopes. JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/o/oculus-asr https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/25/falcon-heavy-launches-on-military-led-rideshare-mission-boat-catches-fairing/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Odin Odin Sweden Sweden Swedish National Space Board Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 569 573 2.88E-04 97.60 96.1 250 170 340 2/20/2001 2 Swedish Space Corporation/Canadian Space Agency/National Technology Agency of Finland/Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales Sweden/Canada/Finland/France Svobodny Cosmodrome Start 1 2001-007A 26702 Originally two scientific disciplines on a single spacecraft in studies of star formation/early solar system (astronomy) and of the mechanisms behind the depletion of the ozone layer in the earth atmosphere and the effects of global warming (aeronomy); astronomy mission has ended. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx568.html http://www.space-technology.com/projects/odin/ http://www.snsb.se/eng_odin_intro.shtml http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://eu.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=27609 Ofeq 10 Ofeq 10 NR Israel Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 385 601 1.57E-02 140.94 94.47 300 4/9/2014 5 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Israel Palmachim Launch Complex Shavit 2014-019A 39650 Reconnaissance satellite Mideast area; especially Syria and Iran. JMSatcat/3_NR http://www.spaceflight101.com/israel-successfully-launches-ofeq-10-reconnaissance-satellite.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Ofeq 11 Ofeq 11 NR Israel Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 386 608 1.62E-02 142.00 94.4 300 9/13/2016 5 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Israel Palmachim Launch Complex Shavit 2016-056A 41759 Likely carries a high-resolution optical camera system to obtain detailed images of Israel’s neighbors from orbit. JM/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/09/13/israels-new-spy-satellite-reportedly-encounters-trouble-after-launch/ Ofeq 16 Ofeq 16 NR (7/20) Israel Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 352 603 1.83E-02 141.12 93.9 300 7/6/2020 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Israel Palmachim Launch Complex Shavit 2 2020-044A 45860 Highly retrograde orbit for observation of Middle East. ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/07/06/israel-successfully-places-surveillance-satellite-into-orbit/ http://zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2020/07/israel-conducts-surprise-launch-ofek-16/ Ofeq 5 Ofeq 5 NR Israel Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 367 764 2.86E-02 143.40 95.97 300 5/28/2002 4 "Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), Missiles and Space Group" Israel Palmachim Launch Complex Shavit 2002-025A 27434 High resolution observation missions. JMSatcat304 http://www.sciencepresse.qc.ca/clafleur/Spacecrafts-2002.html#Ofeq-5 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/database/MasterCatalog?sc=2002-025A http://www.israeli-weapons.com/weapons/space/ofeq/OFEQ.html Ofeq 7 Ofeq 7 NR Israel Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 340 576 1.73E-02 141.76 93.75 300 6/10/2007 5 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Israel Palmachim Launch Complex Shavit 2007-025A 31601 Reconnaissance satellite Mideast area; especially Syria and Iran. SC - ASCR http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/869771.html http://www.debka.com/headline.php?hid=4296 http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2007/025A.HTM Ofeq 9 Ofeq 9 NR Israel Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 343 589 1.80E-02 141.78 93.91 300 6/22/2010 5 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Israel Palmachim Launch Complex Shavit 2010-031A 36608 Reconnaissance satellite Mideast area; especially Syria and Iran. SC - ASCR http://defense-update.com/newscast/0610/ofeq9_launch_23062010.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/031A.HTM OneWeb-0006 OneWeb-0006 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 995 1019 1.63E-03 87.80 105.2 148 2/27/2019 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz ST-B 2019-010A 44057 First in a constellation of more than 600 satellites for global broadband coverage. In the Sky https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/02/27/first-six-oneweb-satellites-launched-from-french-guiana/ OneWeb-0007 OneWeb-0007 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 995 1020 1.69E-03 87.80 105.2 148 2/27/2019 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz ST-B 2019-010D 44058 In the Sky https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/02/27/first-six-oneweb-satellites-launched-from-french-guiana/ OneWeb-0008 OneWeb-0008 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 995 1021 1.76E-03 87.80 105.2 148 2/27/2019 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz ST-B 2019-010C 44059 In the Sky https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/02/27/first-six-oneweb-satellites-launched-from-french-guiana/ OneWeb-0010 OneWeb-0010 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 995 1021 1.76E-03 87.80 105.2 148 2/27/2019 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz ST-B 2019-010B 44060 In the Sky https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/02/27/first-six-oneweb-satellites-launched-from-french-guiana/ OneWeb-0011 OneWeb-0011 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 995 1017 1.49E-03 87.80 105.2 148 2/27/2019 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz ST-B 2019-010E 44061 In the Sky https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/02/27/first-six-oneweb-satellites-launched-from-french-guiana/ OneWeb-0012 OneWeb-0012 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 995 1023 1.90E-03 87.80 105.2 148 2/27/2019 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Guiana Space Center Soyuz ST-B 2019-010F 44062 In the Sky https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/02/27/first-six-oneweb-satellites-launched-from-french-guiana/ OneWeb-0013 OneWeb-0013 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 439 460 1.54E-03 87.40 93.5 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008A 45131 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/02/07/successful-soyuz-launch-deploys-34-satellites-for-oneweb-network/ OneWeb-0017 OneWeb-0017 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 448 474 1.90E-03 87.40 93.8 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008B 45132 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0018 OneWeb-0018 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 455 490 2.56E-03 87.40 94 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020L 45434 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0019 OneWeb-0019 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 543 582 2.81E-03 87.40 95.9 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020AB 45449 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0020 OneWeb-0020 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 439 465 1.91E-03 87.40 93.6 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008C 45133 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0021 OneWeb-0021 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 439 460 1.54E-03 87.40 93.5 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008D 45134 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0022 OneWeb-0022 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 445 467 1.61E-03 87.40 93.7 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008E 45135 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0023 OneWeb-0023 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 448 471 1.68E-03 87.40 93.7 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008F 45136 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0024 OneWeb-0024 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 446 467 1.54E-03 87.40 93.7 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008G 45137 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0025 OneWeb-0025 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 450 476 1.90E-03 87.40 93.7 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008H 45138 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0026 OneWeb-0026 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 439 465 1.91E-03 87.40 93.6 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008J 45139 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0027 OneWeb-0027 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 448 484 2.63E-03 87.40 93.8 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020J 45432 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0028 OneWeb-0028 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 439 465 1.91E-03 87.40 93.6 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008K 45140 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0029 OneWeb-0029 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 480 520 2.91E-03 87.40 94.6 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020X 45445 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0031 OneWeb-0031 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 444 480 2.63E-03 87.40 93.8 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020H 45431 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0032 OneWeb-0032 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 443 467 1.76E-03 87.40 93.6 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008L 45141 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0033 OneWeb-0033 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 453 476 1.68E-03 87.40 93.8 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008M 45142 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0034 OneWeb-0034 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 498 534 2.61E-03 87.40 94.9 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020AG 45454 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0035 OneWeb-0035 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 448 474 1.90E-03 87.40 93.8 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008N 45143 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0036 OneWeb-0036 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 442 466 1.76E-03 87.40 93.6 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008P 45144 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0037 OneWeb-0037 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 466 500 2.48E-03 87.40 94.2 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020S 45440 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0038 OneWeb-0038 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 448 473 1.83E-03 87.40 93.8 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008Q 45145 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0039 OneWeb-0039 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 447 468 1.54E-03 87.40 93.7 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008R 45146 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0040 OneWeb-0040 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 452 475 1.68E-03 87.40 93.8 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008S 45147 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0041 OneWeb-0041 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 447 467 1.46E-03 87.40 93.7 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008T 45148 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0042 OneWeb-0042 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 472 507 2.55E-03 87.40 94.4 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020T 45441 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0043 OneWeb-0043 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 455 476 1.54E-03 87.40 93.9 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008U 45149 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0044 OneWeb-0044 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 447 467 1.46E-03 87.40 93.7 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008V 45150 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0045 OneWeb-0045 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 454 476 1.61E-03 87.40 93.8 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008W 45151 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0046 OneWeb-0046 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 488 528 2.91E-03 87.40 94.7 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020Z 45447 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0047 OneWeb-0047 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 448 468 1.46E-03 87.40 93.7 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008X 45152 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0048 OneWeb-0048 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 453 476 1.68E-03 87.40 93.8 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008Y 45153 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0049 OneWeb-0049 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 448 474 1.90E-03 87.40 93.8 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008Z 45154 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0050 OneWeb-0050 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 476 512 2.62E-03 87.40 94.4 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020AF 45453 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0051 OneWeb-0051 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 440 466 1.91E-03 87.40 93.6 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008AA 45155 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0052 OneWeb-0052 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 451 476 1.83E-03 87.40 93.8 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008AB 45156 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0053 OneWeb-0053 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 451 476 1.83E-03 87.40 93.8 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008AC 45157 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0054 OneWeb-0054 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 448 473 1.83E-03 87.40 93.8 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008AD 45158 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0055 OneWeb-0055 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 473 510 2.70E-03 87.40 94.4 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020V 45443 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0056 OneWeb-0056 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 448 469 1.54E-03 87.40 93.7 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008AE 45159 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0057 OneWeb-0057 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 448 471 1.68E-03 87.40 93.7 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008AF 45160 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0058 OneWeb-0058 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 443 467 1.76E-03 87.40 93.6 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008AG 45161 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0059 OneWeb-0059 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 441 467 1.91E-03 87.40 93.6 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008AH 45162 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0060 OneWeb-0060 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 576 610 2.44E-03 87.40 96.5 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020AH 45455 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0061 OneWeb-0061 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 474 512 2.77E-03 87.40 94.4 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020E 45428 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0062 OneWeb-0062 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 448 469 1.54E-03 87.40 93.7 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008AJ 45163 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0063 OneWeb-0063 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 478 517 2.84E-03 87.40 94.6 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020AA 45448 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0064 OneWeb-0064 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 448 484 2.63E-03 87.40 93.9 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020K 45433 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0065 OneWeb-0065 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 449 475 1.90E-03 87.40 93.8 148 2/6/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-008AK 45164 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0066 OneWeb-0066 R * United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 430 466 2.64E-03 87.30 93.5 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020A 45424 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/03/21/soyuz-rocket-successfully-launches-34-more-oneweb-satellites/ OneWeb-0067 OneWeb-0067 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 432 468 2.64E-03 87.40 93.6 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020B 45425 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0068 OneWeb-0068 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 484 524 2.91E-03 87.40 94.7 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020Y 45446 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0069 OneWeb-0069 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 441 480 2.85E-03 87.40 93.8 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020G 45430 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0080 OneWeb-0080 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 433 472 2.86E-03 87.40 93.6 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020C 45426 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0081 OneWeb-0081 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 440 479 2.86E-03 87.40 93.7 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020F 45429 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0082 OneWeb-0082 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 493 531 2.76E-03 87.40 94.8 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020AE 45452 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0083 OneWeb-0083 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 456 490 2.48E-03 87.40 94 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020M 45435 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0085 OneWeb-0085 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 455 489 2.48E-03 87.40 94 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020Q 45438 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0086 OneWeb-0086 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 564 598 2.45E-03 87.40 96.2 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020AJ 45456 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0087 OneWeb-0087 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 543 580 2.67E-03 87.40 95.8 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020AD 45451 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0088 OneWeb-0088 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 582 615 2.37E-03 87.40 96.6 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020AK 45457 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0090 OneWeb-0090 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 437 475 2.78E-03 87.40 93.7 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020D 45427 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0092 OneWeb-0092 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 460 493 2.41E-03 87.40 94.1 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020P 45437 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0093 OneWeb-0093 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 455 493 2.78E-03 87.40 94 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020W 45444 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0094 OneWeb-0094 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 493 531 2.76E-03 87.40 94.8 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020AC 45450 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0095 OneWeb-0095 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 457 490 2.41E-03 87.40 94 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020N 45436 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0096 OneWeb-0096 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 466 500 2.48E-03 87.40 94.2 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020R 45439 JMSatcat/3_20 OneWeb-0098 OneWeb-0098 United Kingdom United Kingdom OneWeb Satellites Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 466 503 2.70E-03 87.40 94.3 148 3/21/2020 OneWeb Satellites/Airbus UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2020-020U 45442 JMSatcat/3_20 OPS-Sat OPS-Sat NR (3/20) ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 511 529 1.31E-03 97.40 95.02 5 12/18/2019 European Space Agency ESA Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2019-092F 44878 Demonstrate ground-breaking satellite and ground control software under real flight conditions. JMSatcat/3_20 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY/viwrecgNj5pECsxOs/recvH0p823an4x6Me?blocks=hide https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/18/soyuz-launches-italian-radar-satellite-esa-exoplanet-telescope/ OPTOS OPTOS NR Spain Spanish Space Agency Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 594 797 1.44E-02 97.80 98.7 3 11/21/2013 Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aerospacial (INTA) Spain Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2013-066E 39420 "Study degradation of lenses in space environment by imaging the same region repeatedly under the same light conditions, FIBOS (Fiber Bragg Gratings for Optical Sensing) to measure temperature, and the GMR (Giant Magneto-Resistance) system to study magnetic fluxes in the Earth's magnetic field." ZARYA https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/o/optos Optsat-3000 Optsat-3000 Italy Italy Italian Defense Ministry Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 452 453 7.33E-05 97.20 93.5 368 8/1/2017 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Israel Guiana Space Center Vega 2017-044A 42900 High resolution electro-optical images. JMSatcat/10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/08/02/vega-launcher-achieves-on-target-deployment-of-earth-imaging-satellites/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Optus 10 Optus 10 Australia Australia Optus Communications (Parent: Singapore Telecom) Commercial Communications GEO 164.00 "35,772" "35,802" 3.56E-04 0.05 1436.11 "3,270" 9/11/2014 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2014-054A 40146 24 Ku-band transponders. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://au.ibtimes.com/optus-successfully-launches-optus-10-satellite-will-improve-tv-internet-phone-data-transmission Optus and Defence C1 Optus and Defence C1 Australia Australia Optus Communications (Parent: Singapore Telecom)/Australian Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Communications GEO 156.06 "35,773" "35,799" 3.08E-04 0.02 1436.08 "4,800" "2,000" "10,600" 6/12/2003 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5G 2003-028B 27831 "50% owned by Defence Ministry; largest hybrid communications and military satellite launched to date; 24 Ku-band, coverage for Australia, New Zealand and East Asia; commercial services in Ku-band (24), military (8) in X-, UHF- and Ka-bands." JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa/gov/spacewarn/sp596.html "http://ww.woptus.com.au/Vign/ViewMgmt/display/0,627,1031_32948-3_31346--View_303,00.html" http://www.loral.com/inthenews/030611.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Optus D1 Optus D1 Australia Australia Optus Communications (Parent: Singapore Telecom) Commercial Communications GEO 160.06 "35,774" "35,797" 2.73E-04 0.02 1436.08 "2,300" "4,800" 10/13/2006 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2006-043B 29495 24 Ku-band transponders; voice and video for Australia and New Zealand; will replace Optus B1. JM/12_08 http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/GEO/Optus/index.html http://www.orbital.com/NewsInfo/Publications/Optus_Fact.pdf http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/043B.HTM https://www.orbitalatk.com/space-systems/science-national-security-satellites/national-security-systems/docs/GEOStar2_Fact_Sheet.pdf Optus D2 Optus D2 Australia Australia Optus Communications (Parent: Singapore Telecom) Commercial Communications GEO 152.05 "35,774" "35,799" 2.97E-04 0.03 1436.1 "2,400" "3,800" 10/5/2007 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2007-044A 32252 Direct-to-home tv services to Australia and New Zealand; 24 Ku-band transponders. JM/12_08 http/nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx648.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/044B.HTM https://www.orbitalatk.com/space-systems/science-national-security-satellites/national-security-systems/docs/GEOStar2_Fact_Sheet.pdf Optus D3 Optus D3 Australia Australia Optus Communications (Parent: Singapore Telecom) Commercial Communications GEO 155.98 "35,775" "35,795" 2.37E-04 0.04 1436.04 "2,501" "5,000" 8/21/2009 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2009-044B 35756 Direct-to-home tv services to Australia and New Zealand; 24 Ku-band transponders. JM/10_09 http://www.orbital.com/NewsInfo/Publications/OptusD3_Fact.pdf http://www.itwire.com/content/view/27156/1231/ https://www.orbitalatk.com/space-systems/science-national-security-satellites/national-security-systems/docs/GEOStar2_Fact_Sheet.pdf ORBCOMM FM-10 (ORBCOMM A2) ORBCOMM FM-10 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 770 776 4.20E-04 45.00 100.3 45 22 160 12/23/1997 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus 1997-084B 25113 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx530.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-11 (ORBCOMM A3) ORBCOMM FM-11 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 769 777 5.60E-04 45.00 100.3 45 22 160 12/23/1997 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus 1997-084C 25114 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx530.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-12 (ORBCOMM A4) ORBCOMM FM-12 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 770 776 4.20E-04 45.00 100.3 45 22 160 12/23/1997 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus 1997-084D 25115 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx530.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-13 (ORBCOMM B1) ORBCOMM FM-13 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 788 795 4.89E-04 45.00 100.7 45 22 160 8/2/1998 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus XL 1998-046H 25420 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx538.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-14 (ORBCOMM B2) ORBCOMM FM-14 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 789 794 3.49E-04 45.00 100.7 45 22 160 8/2/1998 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus XL 1998-046G 25419 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 www://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx538.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-15 (ORBCOMM B3) ORBCOMM FM-15 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 788 795 4.89E-04 45.00 100.7 45 22 160 8/2/1998 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus XL 1998-046F 25418 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx538.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-18 (ORBCOMM B6) ORBCOMM FM-18 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 787 796 6.28E-04 45.00 100.7 45 22 160 8/2/1998 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus XL 1998-046B 25414 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx538.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-19 (ORBCOMM B7) ORBCOMM FM-19 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 788 795 4.89E-04 45.00 100.7 45 22 160 8/2/1998 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus XL 1998-046C 25415 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx538.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-20 (ORBCOMM B8) ORBCOMM FM-20 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 791 792 6.98E-05 45.00 100.7 45 22 160 8/2/1998 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus XL 1998-046D 25416 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx538.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-21 (ORBCOMM C1) ORBCOMM FM-21 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 810 822 8.35E-04 45.00 101.21 45 22 160 9/23/1998 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus 1998-053A 25475 JMSatcat803 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx539.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-23 (ORBCOMM C3) ORBCOMM FM-23 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 788 794 4.19E-04 45.00 100.7 45 22 160 9/23/1998 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus 1998-053C 25477 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx539.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-27 (ORBCOMM C7) ORBCOMM FM-27 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 790 792 1.40E-04 45.00 100.7 45 22 160 9/23/1998 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus 1998-053G 25481 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx539.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-30 (ORBCOMM D2) ORBCOMM FM-30 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 788 796 5.59E-04 45.00 100.7 45 22 160 12/4/1999 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus XL 1999-065A 25980 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx554.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-31 (ORBCOMM D3) ORBCOMM FM-31 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 788 795 4.89E-04 45.00 100.7 45 22 160 12/4/1999 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus XL 1999-065B 25981 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com ORBCOMM FM-32 (ORBCOMM D4) ORBCOMM FM-32 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 786 796 6.98E-04 45.00 100.7 45 22 160 12/4/1999 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus XL 1999-065C 25982 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com ORBCOMM FM-35 (ORBCOMM D7) ORBCOMM FM-35 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 788 795 4.89E-04 45.00 100.7 45 22 160 12/4/1999 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus XL 1999-065F 25985 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx554.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-36 (ORBCOMM D8) ORBCOMM FM-36 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 788 795 4.89E-04 45.00 100.7 45 22 160 12/4/1999 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus XL 1999-065E 25984 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx554.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-4 (ORBCOMM G2) ORBCOMM FM-4 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 768 838 4.88E-03 108.00 100.9 45 22 160 2/10/1998 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Vandenberg AFB Taurus 1998-007C 25159 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx532.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-5 (ORBCOMM A6) ORBCOMM FM-5 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 772 774 1.40E-04 45.00 100.3 45 22 160 12/23/1997 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus 1997-084F 25117 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx530.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-6 (ORBCOMM A7) ORBCOMM FM-6 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 772 774 1.40E-04 45.00 100.3 45 22 160 12/23/1997 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus 1997-084G 25118 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx530.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-7 (ORBCOMM A8) ORBCOMM FM-7 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 771 774 2.10E-04 45.00 100.3 45 22 160 12/23/1997 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus 1997-084H 25119 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx530.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-8 (ORBCOMM A1) ORBCOMM FM-8 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 768 778 7.00E-04 45.00 100.3 45 22 160 12/23/1997 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus 1997-084A 25112 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx530.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM FM-9 (ORBCOMM A5) ORBCOMM FM-9 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 769 777 5.60E-04 45.00 100.3 45 22 160 12/23/1997 5 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Pegasus 1997-084E 25116 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx530.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html ORBCOMM OG2 FM-103 ORBCOMM FM-103 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 620 741 8.58E-03 47.00 98.36 172 400 7/14/2014 5 Boeing Corp./Sierra Nevada Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2014-040F 40091 Next generation of Orbcomm satellites. ZARYA http://www.orbcomm.com/networks/og2-launch http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/07/spacex-falcon-9-v1-1-orbcomm-og2-mission/ ORBCOMM OG2 FM-107 ORBCOMM FM-107 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 620 739 8.44E-03 47.00 98.34 172 400 7/14/2014 5 Boeing Corp./Sierra Nevada Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2014-040B 40087 ZARYA http://www.orbcomm.com/networks/og2-launch http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/07/spacex-falcon-9-v1-1-orbcomm-og2-mission/ ORBCOMM OG2 FM-108 ORBCOMM FM-108 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 614 657 3.07E-03 47.00 97.42 172 400 12/22/2015 5 Boeing Corp./Sierra Nevada Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2015-081J 41187 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/22/round-trip-rocket-flight-gives-spacex-a-trifecta-of-successes/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-081.html ORBCOMM OG2 FM-109 ORBCOMM FM-109 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 620 739 8.44E-03 47.00 98.34 172 400 7/14/2014 5 Boeing Corp./Sierra Nevada Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2014-040A 40086 ZARYA http://www.orbcomm.com/networks/og2-launch http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/07/spacex-falcon-9-v1-1-orbcomm-og2-mission/ ORBCOMM OG2 FM-110 ORBCOMM FM-110 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 615 658 3.07E-03 47.00 97.44 172 400 12/22/2015 5 Boeing Corp./Sierra Nevada Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2015-081D 41182 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/22/round-trip-rocket-flight-gives-spacex-a-trifecta-of-successes/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-081.html ORBCOMM OG2 FM-112 ORBCOMM FM-112 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 614 657 3.07E-03 47.00 97.43 172 400 12/22/2015 5 Boeing Corp./Sierra Nevada Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2015-081F 41184 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/22/round-trip-rocket-flight-gives-spacex-a-trifecta-of-successes/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-081.html ORBCOMM OG2 FM-113 ORBCOMM FM-113 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 614 656 3.00E-03 47.00 97.41 172 400 12/22/2015 5 Boeing Corp./Sierra Nevada Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2015-081G 41185 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/22/round-trip-rocket-flight-gives-spacex-a-trifecta-of-successes/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-081.html ORBCOMM OG2 FM-114 ORBCOMM FM-114 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 614 658 3.14E-03 47.00 97.43 172 400 12/22/2015 5 Boeing Corp./Sierra Nevada Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2015-081A 41179 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/22/round-trip-rocket-flight-gives-spacex-a-trifecta-of-successes/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-081.html ORBCOMM OG2 FM-115 ORBCOMM FM-115 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 613 655 3.00E-03 47.00 97.39 172 400 12/22/2015 5 Boeing Corp./Sierra Nevada Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2015-081H 41186 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/22/round-trip-rocket-flight-gives-spacex-a-trifecta-of-successes/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-081.html ORBCOMM OG2 FM-116 ORBCOMM FM-116 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 614 654 2.86E-03 47.00 97.4 172 400 12/22/2015 5 Boeing Corp./Sierra Nevada Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2015-081L 41189 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/22/round-trip-rocket-flight-gives-spacex-a-trifecta-of-successes/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-081.html ORBCOMM OG2 FM-117 ORBCOMM FM-117 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 614 656 3.00E-03 47.00 97.42 172 400 12/22/2015 5 Boeing Corp./Sierra Nevada Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2015-081K 41188 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/22/round-trip-rocket-flight-gives-spacex-a-trifecta-of-successes/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-081.html ORBCOMM OG2 FM-118 ORBCOMM FM-118 USA USA ORBCOMM Inc. Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 615 658 3.07E-03 47.00 97.44 172 400 12/22/2015 5 Boeing Corp./Sierra Nevada Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2015-081E 41183 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/22/round-trip-rocket-flight-gives-spacex-a-trifecta-of-successes/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-081.html Orbital Factory-2 Orbital Factory-2 NR (3/20) USA University of Texas at El Paso Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 459 474 1.10E-03 51.60 93.9 2 1/31/2020 University of Texas at El Paso USA Cygnus Nanoracks Deployer 2019-071J 45119 Test additive manufacturing -- or 3D printing -- utilizing conductive polymers to perform the simulated repair of a solar array junction in orbit. JMSatcat/3_20 http://spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=55212 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide Orbweaver-1 Orbweaver-1 NR (11/19) USA DARPA/Tethers Unlimited Military Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 587 1.08E-03 97.70 96.3 12/3/2018 Firmamentum USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AP 43795 Technology demonstration mission. JMSatcat/3_19 http://www.tethers.com/SpiderFab.html https://www.leonarddavid.com/orbweaver-building-small-satellites-in-orbit/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Orbweaver-2 Orbweaver-2 NR (11/19) USA DARPA/Tethers Unlimited Military Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 592 1.44E-03 97.70 96.3 12/3/2018 Firmamentum USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AD 43785 Technology demonstration mission. JMSatcat/3_19 http://www.tethers.com/SpiderFab.html https://www.leonarddavid.com/orbweaver-building-small-satellites-in-orbit/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt ORCA-1 ORCA-1 NR (3/20) USA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 465 480 1.10E-03 51.60 93.9 9 8/8/2019 "SEOPS, Blue Canyon" USA Cygnus SEOPS Slingshot deployer 2019-071K 45120 Technology development. JMSatcat/3_20 https://epic.org/privacy/cybersecurity/EPIC-15-09-23-DARPA-FOIA-20170921-Production-FY2016-Budget2.pdf "ORS-5 (Operationally Responsive Space-5, SensorSat)" ORS-5 USA USA USAF /ORSO (Operationally Responsive Space Office) Military Technology Demonstration LEO Equatorial 0.00 599 604 3.59E-04 0.00 96.7 140 8/26/2017 3 MIT Lincoln Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Minotaur 4 2017-050A 42921 Space situational awareness. Tracking debris and other objects in space. JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/o/ors-5 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/08/26/u-s-military-sleuth-launched-to-track-satellite-and-space-debris-movements/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt OTB-1 (Orbital Test Bed 1) OTB-1 NR (11/19) USA General Atomics - Electromagnetic Systems Group Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 706 723 1.20E-03 24.00 99 138 6/25/2019 25 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036C 44341 "One of the payloads is NASA's DSAC (Deep Space Atomic Clock), a technology demonstration mission to validate a miniaturized, ultra-precise mercury-ion atomic clock that is 100 times more stable than today’s best navigation clocks." JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/npsat-1 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/25/falcon-heavy-launches-on-military-led-rideshare-mission-boat-catches-fairing/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Painani-1 Painani-1 NR (11/19) Mexico Mexico Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 447 460 9.53E-04 45.00 93.6 4 6/29/2019 AIVT by Mexican University of the Army and Air Force Mexico Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-037A 44365 Low resolution earth observation. JMSatcat/11_19 https://www.nanosats.eu/sat/painani-1 https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Paksat-1R Paksat-1R Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO)/PakSat International Government/Commercial Communications GEO 38.00 "35,786" "35,800" 1.66E-04 0.10 1436.1 "5,120" "2,100" 8/11/2011 15 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2011-042A 37779 "12 C-band, 18 Ku-band." SC - ASCR http://www.paksat.com.pk/ http://www.cgwic.com/In-OrbitDelivery/CommunicationsSatellite/Program/PakSat-1R.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/042A.HTM PakTES-1a PakTES-1a Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 594 628 2.44E-03 98.00 96.9 285 7/9/2018 3 CAST/DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2018-056B 43530 JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/09/china-successfully-launches-two-satellites-for-pakistan/ https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/355128-pakistans-first-ever-remote-sensing-satellite-prss-1-becomes-operational-today Palapa D1 Palapa D1 China Indonesia PT Indosat Commercial Communications GEO 150.97 "35,780" "35,792" 1.42E-04 0.07 1436.09 "4,100" "6,000" 8/31/2009 15 Thales Alenia Space France Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2009-046A 35812 "Third stage of rocket put it in a low transfer orbit, but was able to maneuver; reduced service life." JM/10_09 http://www.spacemart.com/reports/Thales_Alenia_Space_To_Build_Palapa_D_Satellite_For_Indosat_999.html http://www.satnews.com/cgi-bin/story.cgi?number=2144986119 Palisade Palisade NR (3/20) USA Astro Digital Commercial Technology Demonstration LEO Polar 0.00 "1,207" "1,223" 1.05E-03 87.90 109.8 20 10/17/2019 Astro Digital USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-069A 44634 Technology demonstration mission. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/17/rocket-lab-delivers-on-dedicated-launch-for-astro-digital/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "PAN-1 (Nemesis, Palladium at Night, P360, USA 207)" USA 207 USA USA Unknown US intelligence agency Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence GEO 47.70 "35,786" "35,787" 1.19E-05 0.03 1436.12 9/8/2009 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2009-047A 35815 Thought to be a new generation military communications satellite. The operating agency was not announced; appears to be related to the U. S. Navy’s Ultra-High Frequency (UFO) Follow-On program constellation of geosynchronous communications spacecraft because of the monitored frequencies emanating from the spacecraft launched in earth orbit. JM/10_09 http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/systems/pan-gapfiller.htm http://www.thespacereview.com/article/1450/1 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx671.html http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/systems/pan-gapfiller.htm http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/09/ula-atlas-v-secretive-clio-mission/ http://www.thespacereview.com/article/3095/1 ParkinsonSat-2 (Navy-Oscar-104) ParkinsonSat-2 NR (11/19) USA US Naval Academy Military Technology Development Elliptical 0.00 306 848 3.90E-02 28.50 96.2 6 6/25/2019 US Naval Academy USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036R 44354 "Employs a two-way communications transponder to relay remote telemetry, sensor and user data from remote environmental experiments (in the ground segment) or other data sources back to experimenters via a global network of Internet linked volunteer ground stations." JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/p/parkinsonsat https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/25/falcon-heavy-launches-on-military-led-rideshare-mission-boat-catches-fairing/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Parus-95 (Cosmos 2407) Cosmos 2407 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 949 "1,008" 4.01E-03 83.00 104.7 825 7/22/2004 3 NPO-PM Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2004-028A 28380 Normally part of a six-satellite constellation. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.aus-city.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=4;t=001097;p=0 http://www.iquebec.ifrance.com/laryzidance/l'espace/ http://russianforces.org/eng/news/archive/000031.shtml http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Parus-96 (Cosmos 2414) Cosmos 2414 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 907 968 4.17E-03 83.00 103.8 825 1/20/2005 3 NPO-PM Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2005-002A 28521 Normally part of a six-satellite constellation. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://russianforces.org/eng/news/archive/000235.shtml http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx615.html http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2005/23January2005_27.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/002A.HTM Parus-99 (Cosmos 2463) Cosmos 2463 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 968 "1,022" 3.67E-03 83.00 105 820 4/27/2010 3 Information Satellite Systems (formerly NPO-PM) Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2010-017A 36519 Normally part of a six-satellite constellation. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://russianforces.org/blog/2010/04/cosmos-2463_joins_parus_conste.shtml http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx678.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/017A.HTM "Pathfinder II (Sirion, Helios)" Pathfinder II Australia USA Helios Wire/Echostar Global Australia Commercial Communications Internet of Things (IoT) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 574 592 1.29E-03 97.70 96.3 20 12/3/2018 Astro Digital USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099B 43759 Part of a planned constellation of 20 satellites to serve the Internet of Things connectivity market. Helios Wire acquired by Echostar at the end of 2019. JMSatcat/3_19 http://spaceq.ca/helios-wire-and-exactearth-small-satellites-set-for-launch-on-smallsat-express/ https://spacenews.com/echostar-fresh-off-helios-wire-acquisition-orders-s-band-smallsats-from-tyvak/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sso-a https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ Paz Paz NR (11/19) Spain Hisdesat Military/Commercial Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 503 518 1.09E-03 97.40 94.8 "1,450" 2/22/2018 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Spain Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-020A 43215 X-band radar imaging. Will share orbit with 2 German radar satellites -- TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X and coordinate with them. Part of ESA's Copernicus mission. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/02/22/recycled-spacex-rocket-boosts-paz-radar-satellite-first-starlink-testbeds-into-orbit/ "PCSat (Prototype Communications SATellite, Navy-Oscar 44, NO-44)" Prototype Communications SATellite (PCSat) USA USA US Naval Academy Government Communications/Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 789 796 4.89E-04 67.00 100.7 10 10 6 9/30/2001 5 US Naval Academy USA Kodiak Launch Complex Athena 1 2001-043C 26931 Built by midshipmen to learn technology and operation; will be part of Amateur Radio Reporting System (APRS); only operates fully for a few weeks a year (when in full sun). www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx575.html www.spaceandtech.com/digest/ flash2001/flash2001-083.shtml US Naval Academy Satellite Lab (email) Pearl White 1 Pearl White 1 USA USA Tiger Innovations Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 533 550 1.23E-03 45.01 95.5 8 8/19/2019 Tiger Innovations USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-054C 44497 Technology demonstration for Air Force Space Command JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/19/rocket-lab-launch-fulfills-initial-block-of-blacksky-earth-imaging-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Pearl White 2 Pearl White 2 USA USA Tiger Innovations Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 532 549 1.23E-03 45.01 95.5 8 8/19/2019 Tiger Innovations USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-054D 44498 Technology demonstration for Air Force Space Command JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/19/rocket-lab-launch-fulfills-initial-block-of-blacksky-earth-imaging-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt PEASSS (PiezoElectric Assisted Small Satellite) PEASSS NR Netherlands Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (NTO) consortium Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 504 7.28E-04 97.50 94.6 10 2/15/2017 1 Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (NTO) consortium Netherlands Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2017-008BV 42015 "NTO-led consortium to develop ""smart structures"" for space." JMSatCat9_17 https://www.tno.nl/en/focus-areas/industry/space-scientific-instrumentation/mission-critical-components/peasss-in-space-piezoelectric-assisted-smart-satellite/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Pegasus (QB 50) Pegasus NR (7/20) Austria Technical University Vienna/University of Applied Sciences (FHWN) Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 487 505 1.31E-03 97.30 94.5 3 6/23/2017 University of Applied Sciences/Technical University Vienna Austria Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036V 42784 First 2U cubesat built by Austria. JMSatcat/7_20 https://cubesat.fhwn.ac.at/pegasus/ Perseus M1 Perseus M1 NR Russia/USA Dauria Aerospace Commercial Communications Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 607 625 1.29E-03 97.99 96.99 6 6/19/2014 Dauria Aerospace/Canopus Systems Russia/USA Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033AF 40039 Carry an AIS payload. ZARYA http://www.spaceflight101.com/dnepr-launch-updates---2014-cluster-launch.html Perseus M2 Perseus M2 NR Russia/USA Dauria Aerospace Commercial Communications Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 606 624 1.29E-03 97.99 96.99 6 6/19/2014 Dauria Aerospace/Canopus Systems Russia/USA Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033AD 40037 Carry an AIS payload. ZARYA http://www.spaceflight101.com/dnepr-launch-updates---2014-cluster-launch.html Persona-2 (Cosmos 2486) Cosmos 2486 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 714 733 1.34E-03 98.30 99.2 "7,000" 6/7/2013 5 TsSKB Progress Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2013-028A 39177 "New class of optical reconnaissance satellites. First one, Persona-1, failed soon after launch in 2008." SC - ASCR http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://russianforces.org/blog/2013/06/launch_of_cosmos-2486_-_person.shtml http://www.russianspaceweb.com/persona.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I028A.HTM Persona-3 (Cosmos 2506) Cosmos 2506 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 706 725 1.34E-03 98.50 99 "7,000" 6/23/2015 5 TsSKB Progress Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2015-029A 40699 "New class of optical reconnaissance satellites. First one, Persona-1, failed soon after launch in 2008." JM/8_15 http://russianforces.org/blog/2015/06/cosmos-2506_-_new_persona_reco.shtml PeruSat-1 PeruSat-1 Peru Peru Peruvian SpaceAgency Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 704 705 7.07E-05 98.20 98.7 430 9/16/2016 10 Airbus Defense and Space France Guiana Space Center Vega 2016-058A 41770 "Monitor agricultural growth, support urban planning, help enforce Peru’s borders, respond to natural disasters, and combat drug trafficking and detect illegal mining and logging damaging the delicate rainforest ecosystem in remote parts of the country." JMSatcat/7_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/09/16/vega-rocket-hauls-up-quintet-of-earth-observation-satellites/ PISAT PISAT India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Technology Development Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 661 704 3.05E-03 98.20 94.8 6 9/26/2016 "PES University, Bengaluru" India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2016-059B 41784 Student-built satellite for remote sensing. JMSatcat/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/09/26/india-declares-success-on-pslvs-most-complex-mission/ http://www.isro.gov.in/Spacecraft/pisat Pléiades HR1A Pléiades HR1A France France/Italy "Ministry of Defense/Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) - cooperation with Austria, Belgium, Spain, Sweden" Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 697 699 1.41E-04 98.20 98.7 "1,000" "1,500" 12/17/2011 5 Astrium France Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2/Fregat 2011-076F 38012 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://smsc.cnes.fr/PLEIADES/GP_mission.htm http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/I076F.HTM Pléiades HR1B Pléiades HR1B France France "Ministry of Defense/Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) - cooperation with Austria, Belgium, Spain, Sweden" Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 678 691 9.21E-04 98.50 98.45 970 12/2/2012 5 Astrium France Guiana Space Center Soyuz STA/Fregat 2012-068A 39019 Both government and military. SC - ASCR http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I068A.HTM http://www.satimagingcorp.com/satellite-sensors/pleiades-1b.html https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/p/pleiades "Polar Scout A (Polar Scout 1, ORS-7, Yukon)" Polar Scout A NR (11/19) USA US Coast Guard Military Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 591 1.29E-03 97.70 96.3 6 12/3/2018 Raytheon USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099BC 43808 "Built in cooperation with Homeland Security, US Air Force, NOAA. Able to receive signals from rescue beacons on ships in distress in Arctic region." JMSatcat/3_19 https://www.dcms.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Acquisitions-CG-9/Newsroom/rdte121417/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Polar Scout B (Polar Scout 2, ORS-7, Kodiak)" Polar Scout B NR (11/19) USA US Coast Guard Military Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 575 591 1.15E-03 97.70 96.3 6 12/3/2018 Raytheon USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099G 43764 "Built in cooperation with Homeland Security, US Air Force, NOAA. Able to receive signals from rescue beacons on ships in distress in Arctic region." JMSatcat/3_19 https://www.dcms.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Acquisitions-CG-9/Newsroom/rdte121417/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt PolyITAN-1 PolyITAN-1 NR Ukraine National Technical University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 606 626 1.43E-03 97.99 97.03 1 6/19/2014 National Technical University Ukraine Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033AJ 40042 Perform test and demonstration objectives in space. ZARYA http://www.spaceflight101.com/dnepr-launch-updates---2014-cluster-launch.html PRISMA (PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa) PRISMA NR (11/19) Italy Italian Space Agency Government Earth Observation Hyperspectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 623 625 1.43E-04 97.90 97 550 3/22/2019 5 OHB Italia Italy Guiana Space Center Vega 2019-015A 44072 "Totally Italian mission. Combines the hyperspectral sensor, with sensitivity in 239 bands, with a medium-resolution panchromatic, or black-and-white, camera providing context views." In the Sky https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/03/22/all-italian-launch-from-french-guiana-lofts-innovative-environmental-satellite/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/p/prisma-hyperspectral Proba 1 (Project for On-Board Autonomy) Proba 1 ESA ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Government Technology Demonstration LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 553 676 8.81E-03 97.90 96.98 100 100 10/22/2001 2 Verhaert Design and Development NV (leading a European consortium) Belgium Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C3 2001-049B 26958 "First a technology demonstration, then extended for one year for remote sensing; looks like a washing machine." JMSatcat304 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx576.html http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Proba_web_site/ESAQ9KTHN6D_0.html Proba 2 (Project for On-Board Autonomy) Proba 2 ESA ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Government Technology Demonstration LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 708 728 1.41E-03 98.30 99.2 130 86 11/2/2009 2 Verhaert Design and Development NV (leading a European consortium) Belgium Plesetsk Cosmodrome Breeze KM 2009-059B 36037 Technology demonstration of 17 advanced satellite technologies; will perform 4 experiments. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.esa.int/esaMI/Proba/index.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/059B.HTM Proba 5 (Project for On-Board Autonomy) Proba 5 ESA ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 813 820 4.87E-04 98.73 101.21 140 5/7/2013 2.5 QinetiQ Space Belgium Belgium Guiana Space Center Vega 2013-021A 39159 Map land cover and vegetation growth. ZARYA http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Technology/Proba_Missions/About_Proba-V http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/p/proba-v Prometheus 2.1 Prometheus 2.1 USA USA Los Alamos National Laboratory Military Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 574 586 8.63E-04 97.99 96.27 1 11/11/2016 4 Los Alamos National Laboratory USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2016-067G 41854 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/11/commercial-satellite-launched-to-image-the-earth-in-high-resolution/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2016/11/2016-067.html#yA Prometheus 2.3 Prometheus 2.3 USA USA Los Alamos National Laboratory Military Technology Development LEO Equatorial 0.00 388 601 1.55E-02 24.50 94.5 1 8/26/2017 2 Los Alamos National Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Minotaur 4 2016-067H 41855 Demonstration of low-cost satellites in a feasibility study of CubeSat applications in communications between remote field sites and ground station terminals in a store-and-forward environment. JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/p/prometheus https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/08/26/u-s-military-sleuth-launched-to-track-satellite-and-space-debris-movements/ Prometheus 2.6 Prometheus 2.6 NR (11/19) USA Los Alamos National Laboratory Military Technology Development LEO Elliptical 0.00 300 847 3.94E-02 28.50 96.1 1 6/25/2019 2 Los Alamos National Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036AB 44386 JMSatcat/11_19 https://www.nanosats.eu/sat/prometheus-2 https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Prometheus 2.7 Prometheus 2.7 NR (11/19) USA Los Alamos National Laboratory Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 437 460 1.69E-03 45.00 93.5 1 6/29/2019 Los Alamos National Laboratory USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-037K 44374 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/29/rocket-lab-flies-again-from-new-zealand-as-construction-advances-at-virginia-launch-pad/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Prometheus 2.9 Prometheus 2.9 NR (11/19) USA Los Alamos National Laboratory Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 437 460 1.69E-03 45.00 93.5 1 6/29/2019 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-037B 44366 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/29/rocket-lab-flies-again-from-new-zealand-as-construction-advances-at-virginia-launch-pad/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt PropCube-1 (PropCube Merryweather) PropCube-1 NR USA Naval Post-Graduate School Military Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 494 800 2.18E-02 64.78 97.66 1 10/8/2015 Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-058N 40976 Dual frequency ionospheric calibration measurements. JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/08/recap-story-second-atlas-5-rocket-launched-in-span-of-six-days/ http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt PropCube-2 (Fauna) PropCube-2 NR (3/20) USA Naval Post-Graduate School Military Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 432 434 1.47E-04 51.60 93.2 1 12/7/2017 Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2017-071R 43052 JMSatcat/7_20 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY PropCube-3 (PropCube Flora) PropCube-3 NR USA Naval Post-Graduate School Military Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 493 800 2.19E-02 64.78 97.65 1 10/8/2015 Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-058K 40973 Dual frequency ionospheric calibration measurements. JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/08/recap-story-second-atlas-5-rocket-launched-in-span-of-six-days/ http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Prox-1 (Nanosat 7) Prox-1 NR (11/19) USA Georgia Institute of Technology Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 705 725 1.41E-03 24.00 99 70 6/25/2019 0.25 Georgia Institute of Technology USA Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy 2019-036A 44339 Air Force Research Lab grant. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/25/falcon-heavy-launches-on-military-led-rideshare-mission-boat-catches-fairing/ https://prox-1.gatech.edu/index.html https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Proxima-1 Proxima-1 Australia Australia Fleet Space Technologies Commercial Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 495 515 1.45E-03 85.00 95 1 11/10/2018 Fleet Space Technologies Australia Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-088E 43694 Test satellites for network of tiny tracking and data relay satellites. JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/11/rocket-lab-delivers-seven-payloads-to-orbit-plans-next-launch-in-december/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html Proxima-2 Proxima-2 Australia Australia Fleet Space Technologies Commercial Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 495 515 1.45E-03 85.00 95 1 11/10/2018 Fleet Space Technologies Australia Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-088G 43696 Test satellites for network of tiny tracking and data relay satellites. JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/11/rocket-lab-delivers-seven-payloads-to-orbit-plans-next-launch-in-december/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html PRSS-1 (Pakistan Remote Sensing Satellite-1) PRSS-1 Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 588 624 2.58E-03 98.00 96.8 "1,200" 7/9/2018 7 CAST/DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2018-056A 43529 "Support monitoring of natural resources, environmental protection, disaster management and emergency response, crop yield estimation, and urban planning. Also provide remote sensing information for the establishment of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor." JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/09/china-successfully-launches-two-satellites-for-pakistan/ https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/355128-pakistans-first-ever-remote-sensing-satellite-prss-1-becomes-operational-today Pujiang-1 Pujiang-1 NR China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 468 486 1.31E-03 97.31 94.14 9/24/2015 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2015-051A 40925 Satellite to help China plan smart cities; first satellite launched using 3D-printed parts. JM/12_15 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://inside3dprinting.com/first-chinese-satellite-with-3d-printed-parts-is-launched/ PWSat-2 PWSat-2 Poland Poland Warsaw University of Technology Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 591 1.37E-03 97.70 96.3 3 12/3/2018 0.5 Warsaw University of Technology Poland Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099BJ 43814 "Various tests, including deorbitation devices." JMSatcat/3_19 https://pw-sat.pl/en/home-page/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/b/blacksky-constellation https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "QARMAN (Qubesat for Aerothermodynamic Research and Measurements on AblatioN, QB50 BE05)" QARMAN NR (4/20) Belgium Von Karman Institute (VKI) Civil Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 411 422 8.10E-04 51.60 92.9 5 2/19/2020 Von Karman Institiute (VKI) Belgium International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067RG 45263 Cubesat designed to survive entry into Earth's atmosphere. Purpose is to demonstrate the use of a cubesat as a re-entry vehicle for future materials testing experiments. ZARYA https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide Qiancheng-01 Qiancheng-01 NR (11/19) China Qiansheng Exploration Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 529 560 2.24E-03 97.60 95.5 65 8/17/2019 Qiansheng Exploration Technology Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Jielong 1 2019-052A 44486 Possible constellation of earth observing satellites. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/17/chinas-jielong-1-smallsat-launcher-successful-on-first-flight/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt QPS-SAR 1 (Izanagi) QPS-SAR 1 NR (3/20) Japan iQPS Commercial Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 564 573 6.49E-04 36.90 96.04 100 12/11/2019 iQPS Japan Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-089E 44856 First of a planned 35-satellite constellation - real time earth observation. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/11/indias-50th-pslv-lifts-off-with-satellites-from-five-nations/ Qsat-EOS (KYUshu SATellite - Earth Observation System) Qsat-EOS NR Japan Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) Civil Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 506 553 3.41E-03 97.47 95.23 49 11/6/2014 Kyushu University Japan Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-070D 40301 "Range of sensors for disaster monitoring, observing magnetic field, detection of space micro-debris, water vapor." ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/h/hodoyoshi-1 "Quantum Science Satellite (QSS, Micius, Mozi)" QSS China China University of Science and Technology Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 509 1.16E-03 97.30 95.1 700 8/15/2016 2 Chinese Academy of Sciences/Austrian Academy of Sciences China/Austria Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2016-051A 41731 Will test out quantum communications over great distances. Will establish quantum link between China and Austria. JM/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/08/15/chinese-satellite-to-begin-quantum-communications-experiments/ http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/2016/aug/16/china-launches-world-s-first-quantum-science-satellite Quetzal-1 Quetzal-1 NR (7/20) Japan Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG) Civil Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 415 419 2.95E-04 51.60 92.9 1 4/28/2020 "KiboCUBE program, collaboration btwn UNOOSA, JAXA, Univ. del Valle de Guatemala, UK Space Agency, Univ. of Colorado, Univ. of Chile, TEC Costa Rica, Univ. of Würzburg, others. " Japan International Space Station J-SSOD Deployer 1998-057RK 45598 Primary objective is to test a multispectral sensor to acquire remote sensing data for natural resource management. JMSatcat/7_20 https://www.satellitetoday.com/launch/2020/04/28/guatemalas-first-satellite-quetzal-1-deploys-from-iss/ https://amsat-uk.org/2020/04/30/guatemala-quetzal-1-cubesat/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt QuetzSat-1 QueztSat-1 United Kingdom USA SES S.A. -- total capacity leased to subsidiary of EchoStar Corp. Commercial Communications GEO -77.01 "35,774" "35,798" 2.85E-04 0.02 1436.09 "5,514" 9/29/2011 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2011-054A 37826 "High-power communications satellite; coverage of Mexico, North America, and Central America; fully contracted to a subsidiary of EchoStar Corp.; will be used in part by Dish Mexico for Direct-To-Home (DTH) services in Mexico." JM/1_12 http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20111114005821/en/SES%E2%80%99-QuetzSat-1-Satellite-Operational http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40//2011/054A.HTM http://www.ssloral.com/html/satexp/quetzsat1.html "QZS-1 (Quazi-Zenith Satellite System, Michibiki-1)" QZS-1 Japan Japan Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Government Navigation/Regional Positioning GEO 126.99 "32,618" "38,950" 7.51E-02 40.00 1436 "4,000" 9/11/2010 15 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2010-045A 37158 First in four-satellite constellation for navigation. SC - ASCR http://www.jaxa.jp/projects/sat/qzss/index_e.html http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/045A.HTM&act=print http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html "QZS-2 (Quazi-Zenith Satellite System, Michibiki-2)" QZS-2 Japan Japan Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Government Navigation/Regional Positioning GEO 146.94 "32,663" "38,910" 7.41E-02 44.00 1436.12 "4,000" 5/31/2017 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2017-028A 42738 JMGEO/9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/01/japanese-navigation-craft-successfully-delivered-to-orbit/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log "QZS-3 (Quazi-Zenith Satellite System, Michibiki-3)" QZS-3 Japan Japan Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Government Navigation/Regional Positioning GEO 127.00 "35,784" "35,802" 2.13E-04 0.00 1436.1 "4,000" 8/19/2017 15 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2017-048A 42917 JMGEO/9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/08/19/japan-launches-navigation-satellite-after-week-long-delay/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log "QZS-4 (Quazi-Zenith Satellite System, Michibiki-4)" QZS-4 Japan Japan Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Government Navigation/Regional Positioning GEO 130.00 "32,622" "38,943" 7.50E-02 40.50 1435.9 "4,000" 10/9/2017 15 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2017-062A 42965 4 L-band beams. JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/09/successful-h-2a-rocket-launch-rounds-out-japanese-navigation-network/ R3D2 (Radio Frequency Risk Reduction Deployment Demonstration) R3D2 USA USA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 428 437 6.62E-04 40.00 93.2 150 3/29/2019 Norhrup Grumman/Blue Canyon Technologies USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-016A 44073 "Will demonstrate a new type of membrane reflect array antenna that can be packed into a tight volume for launch on a small rocket, then unfurl once in space." In the Sky https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/03/29/rocket-lab-launches-darpa-research-satellite/ RAAF M2 Pathfinder RAAF M2 Pathfinder NR (7/20) Australia University of New South Wales/Department of Defence Civil/Military Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 586 602 1.15E-03 97.70 96.5 6/13/2020 University of New South Wales Australia Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2020-037E 45727 Work with Australian military to test communications and software-based radio technology in space. JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/university-built-cubesat-launched-with-swarm-of-auroral-science-nodes/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Raavana-1 Raavana-1 NR (11/19) Sri Lanka Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) Civil Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 405 415 7.37E-04 51.60 92.7 1 6/17/2019 1.5 Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan International Space Station J-SSOD Deployer 1998-067QF 44330 Sri Lanka's first satellite. JMSatcat/11_19 https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/south-asia/sri-lanka-successfully-launches-its-first-satellite-ravana-1-into-orbit/articleshow/69858285.cms https://www.space.com/space-station-deploys-birds-3-cubesats-video.html Radarsat-2 Radarsat-2 Canada Canada MDA Corporation Commercial Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 791 793 1.40E-04 98.60 100.7 "2,924" 12/14/2007 7 "MacDonald, Dettwiler/Thales Alenia Spazio" Canada/Italy Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2007-061A 32382 Use of radar sensors to provide remote sensing through all weather and darkness. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/061A.HTM http://www.radarsat2.info/about/index.asp http://directory.eoportal.org/pres_RADARSAT1.html RadFxSat RadFxSat USA USA Vanderbilt University/AMSAT Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 454 817 2.59E-02 97.60 97.4 4 11/18/2017 Vanderbilt University/AMSAT USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2017-073E 43017 Monitor ionizing radiation effects in a memory integrated circuit. JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/18/penultimate-delta-2-rocket-launch-lofts-advanced-polar-orbiting-weather-satellite/ "Radio-ROSTO (RS-15, Radio Sputnik 15, Russian Defence, Sports and Technical Organization - ROSTO)" Radio-ROSTO Russia Russia RS3A Control Station Civil Communications Amateur Radio MEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,885" "2,165" 1.67E-02 64.59 127.45 12/26/1994 Nilakt Posto and radio amateurs Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Rokot 1994-085A 23439 "Amateur radio, designed by group of radio amateurs from the town of Kaluga." JMSatcat1104 http://www.sciencepresse.qc.ca/clafleur/Spacecrafts-1994.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx495.html Radsat-U (Radiation Satellite) Radsat-U NR (4/20) USA Montana State University Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 412 422 7.37E-04 51.60 92.9 5 2/19/2020 Montana State University/NASA USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067RF 45262 Demonstrate computer architecture designed to mitigate radiation induced faults. ZARYA https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide Raduga 1-M2 (Raduga 1-9) Raduga 1-M2 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications GEO 70.00 "35,784" "35,788" 4.74E-05 0.01 1436.06 "2,500" 1/28/2010 5 Applied Mechanics (NPO) Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2010-002A 36358 Military communication. SC - ASCR 4/10 http://russianforces.org/blog/2010/01/new_raduga-class_communication.shtml http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa/gov/spacewarn/spx675.html Raduga 1-M3 Raduga 1-M3 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications GEO 70.04 "35,777" "35,797" 2.37E-04 0.10 1436.13 "2,400" 11/11/2013 5 OAO Resetneva Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2013-062A 39375 Military communication. SC - ASCR 12/13 http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I062A.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 "RainCube (Radar In a Cubesat, RainSat)" RainCube USA USA "Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems, Inc." Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 399 407 5.91E-04 51.60 92.6 10 7/13/2018 Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067NW 43548 Proposing a nanosatellite constellation architecture capable of flying a miniaturized profiling radar instrument. The overall goal is to observe the short-time evolution of weather processes JMSatcat/11_18 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/r/raincube RANGE-A (Ranging and Nanosatellite Guidance Experiment) RANGE-A NR (11/19) USA Georgia Institute of Technology Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 590 1.29E-03 97.70 96.3 2 12/3/2018 Georgia Institute of Technology USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099Q 43772 Ranging experiment with GPS and tiny atomic clocks. UHF and VHF communication with ground station. Two satellite work together. JMSatcat/3_19 https://ae.gatech.edu/news/2018/12/its-space-georgia-techs-range-cubesat-launched-december-3 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt RANGE-B (Ranging and Nanosatellite Guidance Experiment) RANGE-B USA USA Georgia Institute of Technology Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 574 588 1.01E-03 97.70 96.3 2 12/3/2018 Georgia Institute of Technology USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099R 43773 https://ae.gatech.edu/news/2018/12/its-space-georgia-techs-range-cubesat-launched-december-3 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Rapid Pathfinder Program (NROL-66, USA 225)" USA 225 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 "1,199" "1,202" 1.98E-04 90.00 109.42 350 2/6/2011 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur 4 2011-006A 37364 ZARYA http://www.spaceflightnow.com/minotaur/nrol66/index.html http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.rss.spacewire.html?pid=36232 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2011#080 RAPIS-1 (RAPid Innovative payload demonstration Satellite 1) RAPIS-1 Japan Japan Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 498 510 8.73E-04 97.30 94.7 200 1/17/2019 2 Axelspace Japan Uchinoura Space Center Epsilon 2019-003A 43932 "Test performance of new thin membrane solar panel design, “green” propulsion system using non-toxic fuel, high-speed X-band comms system, low-cost, miniaturized terminal to receive signals from navigation satellites, and a camera suite for Earth observation and to monitor deployment of the solar array." JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/18/japans-epsilon-rocket-launches-seven-tech-demo-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt RASAT RASAT Turkey Turkey Space Technologies Research Institute Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 667 697 2.13E-03 98.20 98.4 113 8/17/2011 3 Space Technologies Research Institute Turkey Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2011-044D 37791 "Primary objectives are to advance Turkish space technology and know-how and observe natural and manmade disasters, monitor coastline changes and pollution, detect illegal settlements and urban land changes, and update existing maps." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.asmmag.com/201108192003/rasat-earth-observation-satellite-puts-turkey-in-space.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/044D.HTM Rascom-QAF 1R Rascom-QAF 1R NR Multinational Regional African Satellite Communications Organization (RASCOM) Commercial Communications GEO 2.85 "35,786" "35,787" 1.19E-05 0.01 1436.1 "3,050" "1,390" 8/4/2010 15 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2010-037B 36831 Low cost communications for sub-Saharan Africa; multinational organization. SC - ASCR http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx682.html RAVAN (Radiometer Assessment using Vertically Aligned Nanotubes) RAVAN USA USA Applied Physics Laboratory/NASA Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 570 583 9.36E-04 97.96 96.2 5 11/11/2016 0.5 Blue Canyon Technologies USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2016-067B 41849 "Demonstrate a radiometer that is compact, low cost, and absolutely accurate to traceable standards." prehled-druzic https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/r/ravan http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/11/commercial-satellite-launched-to-image-the-earth-in-high-resolution/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2016/11/2016-067.html#yG RCM-1 (Radar Constellation Mission 1) RCM-1 Canada Canada Canadian Space Agency Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 584 604 1.44E-03 97.70 96.6 "1,430" 6/12/2019 7 MDA Corporation Canada Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2019-033A 44322 "Three-satellite constellation, $900 million mission surveying the Arctic, maritime waters, forests and farmland for the Canadian government." JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/12/three-canadian-radar-surveillance-satellites-ride-spacex-rocket-into-orbit/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/r/rcm RCM-2 (Radar Constellation Mission 2) RCM-2 Canada Canada Canadian Space Agency Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 584 603 1.36E-03 97.70 96.6 "1,430" 6/12/2019 7 MDA Corporation Canada Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2019-033B 44323 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/12/three-canadian-radar-surveillance-satellites-ride-spacex-rocket-into-orbit/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/r/rcm RCM-3 (Radar Constellation Mission 3) RCM-3 Canada Canada Canadian Space Agency Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 584 603 1.36E-03 97.70 96.6 "1,430" 6/12/2019 7 MDA Corporation Canada Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2019-033C 44324 JMSatcat?11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/12/three-canadian-radar-surveillance-satellites-ride-spacex-rocket-into-orbit/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/r/rcm Reaktor Hello World Reaktor Hello World NR Finland Reaktor Space Lab Commercial Earth Observation Hyperspectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 476 500 1.75E-03 97.50 96 4 11/29/2018 Reaktor Space Labs Finland Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-096AA 43743 Smallest satellite to carry a hyperspectral imager. JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/29/indian-rocket-launches-31-satellites/ Red-Eye 1 (Pinot) Red-Eye 1 NR (11/19) USA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Military Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 407 418 8.11E-04 51.60 92.8 100 6/27/2019 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) USA Dragon CRS-17 Kaber Microsatellite Deployer 1998-067QJ 44364 Demonstrate usefulness of microsatellites. JMSatcat/11_19 http://spaceref.com/international-space-station/nasa-space-station-on-orbit-status-28-june-2019---red-eye-microsatellite-deployed.html https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Red-Eye 2 (Merlot) Red-Eye 2 NR (7/20) USA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 417 419 1.47E-04 51.60 92.9 100 6/17/2020 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) USA International Space Station Dextre Arm + Kaber Microsatellite Deployer 1998-067RM 45800 Technology Development ZARYA https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 Red-Eye 3 (Cabernet) Red-Eye 3 NR (7/20) USA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 416 419 2.21E-04 51.60 92.9 100 6/23/2020 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) USA International Space Station Dextre Arm + Kaber Microsatellite Deployer 1998-067RN 45809 Technology Development ZARYA https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 Reimei (Innovative Technology Demonstration Experiment Satellite - INDEX) Reimei Japan Japan Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS)/Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 595 638 3.08E-03 98.00 97 70 8/23/2005 Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) Japan Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2005-031B 28810 Aurora observations and in-orbit verification of new technologies. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacetoday.net/Summary/3053 http://host.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.553 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/031B.HTM Relek (ICA-FC1) Relek Russia Russia Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 623 819 1.38E-02 98.38 99.22 253 55 7/8/2014 NPO Lavochkin Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2014-037B 40070 Study charged particles in the Earth's radiation belts. ZARYA http://space50.kosmo.cz/objekt.php?mot=2014-037B&jazyk=pp_cz http://www.russianspaceweb.com/karat2_relek.html http://www.sinp.msu.ru/en RemoveDebris (RemDeb) RemoveDebris United Kingdom United Kingdom Surrey Space Center Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 404 410 4.43E-04 51.60 92.6 100 6/20/2018 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK International Space Station Kaber Microsatellite Deployer 1998-067NT 43510 Proof of concept mission - cleanup of space can be relatively inexpensive. JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/06/26/space-junk-clean-up-demonstrator-deployed-from-space-station/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/r/removedebris Resourcesat 2 (exactView-2) Resourcesat 2 India India/Canada Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)/exactEarth Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 817 823 4.17E-04 98.70 101.3 "1,206" 4/20/2011 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C16 2011-015A 37387 Follow-on to Resourcesat 1; will provide data with enhanced multispectral and spatial coverage as well. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.isro.org/satellites/resourcesat-2.aspx http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/015A.HTM Resourcesat-2A Resourcesat-2A India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 814 831 1.18E-03 98.70 101.3 "1,235" 12/7/2016 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2016-074A 41877 "Track agriculture, water resources, soil contamination, and the growth of Indian cities." JM/Satcat http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/07/pslv-c36-launch/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Resurs-P1 Resurs-P1 Russia Russia Russian Federal Space Agency Government/Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 459 472 9.51E-04 97.20 93.9 "5,900" 6/25/2013 3 TsSKB Progress (State Research & Production Space Rocket Center) Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2013-030A 39186 To replace first Resurs. SC - ASCR http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I030A.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 Resurs-P2 Resurs-P2 Russia Russia Russian Federal Space Agency Government/Commercial Earth Observation/Communications/Space Science Optical Imaging/Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 461 472 8.05E-04 97.29 93.93 "5,900" 12/26/2014 3 TsSKB Progress (State Research & Production Space Rocket Center) Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2014-087A 40360 "Carries an AIS receiver to caputre position and movement from ships at sea. Also instruments to study antimatter, dark matter and strange matter." ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/r/resurs-dk1 Resurs-P3 Resurs-P3 Russia Russia Russian Federal Space Agency Government/Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 469 472 2.19E-04 97.28 94.01 "5,900" 3/13/2016 5 TsSKB Progress (State Research & Production Space Rocket Center) Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2016-016A 41386 Space50 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/r/resurs-p#resurs-p3 http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-016A&jazyk=pp_en http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/03/13/russian-earth-observing-satellite-delivered-to-orbit/ RISat-1 (Radar Imaging Satellite 1) RISat-1 India India Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 538 541 2.17E-04 97.60 95.4 "1,858" 4/25/2012 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2012-017A 38248 The country's first indigenous radar observation satellite. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1204/25pslv/ http://planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.658 RISat-2 (Radar Imaging Satellite 2) RISat-2 India India Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 415 427 8.84E-04 41.22 94 93 4/20/2009 Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) Israel Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C12 2009-019A 34807 First dedicated military surveillance satellite; rushed out after terrorist attack on Mumbai. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Health--Science/Science/RISAT-2-not-a-spy-satellite-ISRO-chief/articleshow/4422951.cms http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=4047490 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2009/019A.HTM RISat-2B (Radar Imaging Satellite 2B) RISat-2B India India Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 550 557 5.06E-04 37.00 96 615 5/22/2019 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-028A 44233 "X-band radar imaging instrument capable of resolving structures and features on Earth’s surface, regardless of daylight or weather conditions." JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/22/indian-rocket-successfully-delivers-radar-observation-satellite-to-orbit/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt RISat-2BR1 (Radar Imaging Satellite 2BR1) RISat-2BR1 India India Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 563 573 7.21E-04 36.90 96.02 628 12/11/2019 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-089F 44857 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/11/indias-50th-pslv-lifts-off-with-satellites-from-five-nations/ RISESAT (Rapid International Scientific Experiment Satellite) RISESAT NR (11/19) Japan Tohoku University Civil Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 490 513 1.67E-03 97.30 94.6 59 1/18/2019 Tohoku University Japan Uchinoura Space Center Epsilon 2019-003C 43934 "Carries a color Earth observation camera, and experiments to investigate new attitude control and laser communications technologies." JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/18/japans-epsilon-rocket-launches-seven-tech-demo-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Rising-2 Rising-2 Japan Japan Tohoku University/Hokkaido University Civil Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 625 630 3.57E-04 97.88 97.27 41 42 5/24/2014 Tohoku University/Hokkaido University Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2014-029D 39769 "Earth observation with a resolution of ~ 5 m. In particular, high-resolution cumulonimbus scenes will be observed using the LCTF (Liquid Tunable Multispectral Filter) technique." ZARYA https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/r/rising-2 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/07/140716090908.htm Robusta-1B (Radiation on Bipolar Test for University Satellite Application) Robusta-1B France France University of Montpellier Civil Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 512 1.16E-03 97.45 94.7 5 6/23/2017 University of Montpellier France Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036AD 42792 Carries scientific experiment. JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/a/aalto-1 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Rodnik (Cosmos 2416, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2416 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,436" "1,448" 7.68E-04 82.50 114.7 225 12/21/2005 NPO-PM Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2005-048B 28908 Believed to be replacement system for Strela-3 store and dump communications. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx626.html http://russianforces.org/eng/news/archive/000661.shtml "Rodnik (Cosmos 2437, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2437 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,480" "1,511" 1.97E-03 82.50 115.9 280 300 5/23/2008 5 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2008-025B 32954 Rodnik communications satellite. Believed to replace the Strela system. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx655.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I024A.HTM http://russianforces.org/blog/2008/05/launch_of_three_gonetsm_spacec.shtml http://russianforces.org/blog/2005/11/strela3_is_now_rodnik.shtml "Rodnik (Cosmos 2438, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2438 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,477" "1,509" 2.03E-03 82.50 115.8 280 300 5/23/2008 5 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2008-025C 32955 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx655.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I024A.HTM http://russianforces.org/blog/2008/05/launch_of_three_gonetsm_spacec.shtml http://russianforces.org/blog/2005/11/strela3_is_now_rodnik.shtml "Rodnik (Cosmos 2439, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2439 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,478" "1,510" 2.03E-03 82.50 115.8 280 300 5/23/2008 5 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2008-025D 32956 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx655.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I024A.HTM http://russianforces.org/blog/2008/05/launch_of_three_gonetsm_spacec.shtml http://russianforces.org/blog/2005/11/strela3_is_now_rodnik.shtml "Rodnik (Cosmos 2451, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2451 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,498" "1,509" 6.99E-04 82.50 116 280 300 7/6/2009 5 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2009-036A 35498 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://russianforces.org/blog/2009/07/rockot_launched_three_communic.shtml http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx669.html "Rodnik (Cosmos 2453, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2453 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,495" "1,506" 6.99E-04 82.50 116 280 300 7/6/2009 5 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2009-036C 35500 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://russianforces.org/blog/2009/07/rockot_launched_three_communic.shtml http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx669.html "Rodnik (Cosmos 2467, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2467 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,493" "1,496" 1.91E-04 82.50 115.9 225 9/8/2010 3 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2010-043A 37152 Store-dump communications for Russian government and military. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/043A.HTM&act=print http://russianforces.org/blog/2010/09/gonets-m_strela-3_and_strela-3.shtml "Rodnik (Cosmos 2468, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2468 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,484" "1,505" 1.34E-03 82.50 115.9 225 9/8/2010 3 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2010-043C 37154 Store-dump communications for Russian government and military. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/043B.HTM&act=print http://russianforces.org/blog/2010/09/gonets-m_strela-3_and_strela-3.shtml "Rodnik (Cosmos 2481, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2481 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,481" "1,512" 1.97E-03 82.50 115.9 280 300 7/28/2012 5 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2012-041A 38733 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://russianforces.org/blog/2012/07/successful_launch_of_strela-3.shtml http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 "Rodnik (Cosmos 2482, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2482 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,473" "1,516" 2.73E-03 82.50 115.86 250 300 1/15/2013 5 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2013-001A 39057 SC - ASCR http://russianforces.org/blog/2013/01/three_military_communication_s.shtml http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 "Rodnik (Cosmos 2483, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2483 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,473" "1,516" 2.73E-03 82.50 115.86 250 300 1/15/2013 5 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2013-001B 39058 SC - ASCR "Rodnik (Cosmos 2484, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2484 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,475" "1,514" 2.48E-03 82.50 115.86 250 300 1/15/2013 5 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2013-001C 39059 SC - ASCR http://russianforces.org/blog/2013/01/three_military_communication_s.shtml http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 "Rodnik (Cosmos 2488, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2488 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,478" "1,509" 1.97E-03 82.50 115.9 280 300 12/25/2013 5 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2013-076A 39483 SC - ASCR http://russianforces.org/blog/2013/12/rockot_launches_three_communic.shtml http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.russianspaceweb.com/rodnik.html "Rodnik (Cosmos 2489, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2489 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,477" "1,507" 1.91E-03 82.50 115.8 280 300 12/25/2013 5 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2013-076B 39484 SC - ASCR http://russianforces.org/blog/2013/12/rockot_launches_three_communic.shtml http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.russianspaceweb.com/rodnik.html "Rodnik (Cosmos 2490, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2490 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,482" "1,511" 1.84E-03 82.50 115.8 280 300 12/25/2013 5 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2013-076C 39485 SC - ASCR http://russianforces.org/blog/2013/12/rockot_launches_three_communic.shtml http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.russianspaceweb.com/rodnik.html "Rodnik (Cosmos 2496, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2496 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,480" "1,511" 1.97E-03 82.44 115.88 280 300 5/23/2014 5 OAS ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2014-028A 39761 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 "Rodnik (Cosmos 2497, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2497 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,478" "1,510" 2.03E-03 82.45 115.85 280 300 5/23/2014 5 OAS ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2014-028B 39762 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 "Rodnik (Cosmos 2498, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2498 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,477" "1,509" 2.03E-03 82.44 115.82 280 300 5/23/2014 5 OAS ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2014-028C 39763 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 "Rodnik (Cosmos 2507, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2507 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,497" "1,506" 5.72E-04 82.50 116.01 280 300 9/23/2015 5 OAS ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2015-050A 40920 JM/12_15 http://russianforces.org/blog/2015/09/rockot_launches_three_rodnik_c.shtml http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Rodnik (Cosmos 2508, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2508 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,496" "1,504" 5.08E-04 82.49 115.99 280 300 9/23/2015 5 OAS ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2015-050B 40921 JM/12_15 http://russianforces.org/blog/2015/09/rockot_launches_three_rodnik_c.shtml http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Rodnik (Cosmos 2509, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2509 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,498" "1,508" 6.35E-04 82.49 116.04 280 300 9/23/2015 5 OAS ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2015-050C 40922 JM/12_15 http://russianforces.org/blog/2015/09/rockot_launches_three_rodnik_c.shtml http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Rodnik (Cosmos 2530, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2530 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,485" "1,508" 1.46E-03 82.50 116.04 280 300 10/30/2018 5 OAS ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2018-097A 43751 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/30/rockot-launches-russian-military-satellites/ "Rodnik (Cosmos 2531, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2531 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,485" "1,508" 1.46E-03 82.50 116.04 280 300 10/30/2018 5 OAS ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2018-097B 43752 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/30/rockot-launches-russian-military-satellites/ "Rodnik (Cosmos 2532, Strela 3M)" Cosmos 2532 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,485" "1,508" 1.46E-03 82.50 116.04 280 300 10/30/2018 5 OAS ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2018-097C 43753 JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/30/rockot-launches-russian-military-satellites/ RS-47 (Cosmos 2499) Cosmos 2499 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 "1,152" "1,503" 2.28E-02 82.46 112.19 5/23/2014 Roskosmos/Russian Academy of Sciences Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2014-028E 39765 "Small satellite with orbit changing capability. Possibly, but speculatively, an inspector satellite with its own Briz-KM rocket body (2014-028D/39764) as a target." ZARYA http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-30097643 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.russianspaceweb.com/Cosmos-2499.html RSat-P (Repair Satellite-Prototype) RSat-P NR USA US Naval Academy Civil Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 510 589 5.71E-03 85.03 94.6 4 12/16/2018 US Naval Academy USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-104F 43854 Demonstrate capabilities for in-orbit repair systems (manipulation of robotic arms). JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/17/nasa-rocket-lab-partner-on-successful-satellite-launch-from-new-zealand/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Rumba (part of Cluster quartet, Cluster 2 FM5)" Rumba ESA ESA European Space Agency (ESA) (and 250 international scientific investigators) Government Space Science Elliptical Deep Highly Eccentric 0.00 "17,240" "120,715" 6.87E-01 90.80 3431.1 "1,200" 478 224 8/9/2000 4 Dornier Systems (Astrium) and 35 subcontractors International Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2000-045A 26463 "Collection of four spacecraft flying in formation around the earth, relaying detailed information about solar wind's affect on our planet in three dimensions." JMSatcat304 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2000/045A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx562.html http://www.esa.int/esaSC/SEMYN5T1VED_index_0.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ "Salsa (part of Cluster quartet, Cluster 2 FM6)" Salsa ESA ESA European Space Agency (ESA) (and 250 international scientific investigators) Government Space Science Elliptical Deep Highly Eccentric 0.00 "21,998" "110,256" 6.09E-01 90.70 "3,418" "1,200" 478 220 7/16/2000 4 Dornier Systems (Astrium) and 35 subcontractors International Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2000-041A 26410 "Collection of four spacecraft flying in formation around the earth, relaying detailed information about solar wind's affect on our planet in three dimensions." WT http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2000/041B.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx561.html http://www.esa.int/esaSC/SEMYN5T1VED_index_0.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ "Samba (part of Cluster quartet, Cluster 2 FM7)" Samba ESA ESA European Space Agency (ESA) (and 250 international scientific investigators) Government Space Science Elliptical Deep Highly Eccentric 0.00 "22,017" "110,791" 6.10E-01 132.98 "3,430.28" "1,200" 478 220 7/16/2000 4 Dornier Systems (Astrium) and 35 subcontractors International Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2000-041B 26411 "Collection of four spacecraft flying in formation around the earth, relaying detailed information about solar wind's affect on our planet in three dimensions." WT http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2000/041B.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx561.html http://www.esa.int/esaSC/SEMYN5T1VED_index_0.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ SAOCOM-1A (Satélite Argentino de Observación Con Microondas) SAOCOM-1A Argentina Argentina National Space Activities Commission (CONAE) Government Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 626 633 5.00E-04 98.00 97.20 "1,650" 10/7/2018 5 INVAP Argentina Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-076A 43641 Radar imaging satellite. Can measure moisture in soil to 2 meters. JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/08/spacex-aces-first-rocket-landing-in-california-after-launching-argentine-satellite/ Sapphire (Space Surveillance Mission of Canada) Sapphire Canada Canada Department of National Defense Military Space Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 772 787 1.05E-03 132.98 100.40 148 2/25/2013 5 "Surrey Satellite Technology, Ltd/MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates" UK/Canada Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2013-009C 39088 Space observation of manmade objects - debris. WT https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sapphire-space-surveillance http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I009C.HTM http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/25/idUSnCCNq7tKwa+1c4+MKW20130225 http://www.spacenews.com/article/canada-prepares-to-launch-first-dedicated-military-satellite#.UaY04px0nm0 SARAL (Satellite with ARGOS and ALTIKA) SARAL NR India/France Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)/Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 782 785 2.10E-04 98.50 100.53 407 906 2/25/2013 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2013-009A 39086 "Joint effort, ISRO and CNES." SC - ASCR http://www.isro.org/satellites/saral.aspx http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/INDEX1.HTM SAR-Lupe 1 SAR-Lupe 1 Germany Germany Armed Forces Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 468 505 2.70E-03 98.20 94.30 770 12/19/2006 10 OHB System-AG Germany Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2006-060A 29658 First of five Germany surveillance satellites; 1-m resolution images. SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/INDEX1.HTM http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2006/24December2006_58.html http://directory.eoportal.org/pres_SARLupeConstellation.html SAR-Lupe 2 SAR-Lupe 2 Germany Germany Armed Forces Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 470 503 2.41E-03 98.19 94.34 770 7/2/2007 10 OHB-System AG Germany Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2007-030A 31797 JMSatcat/4_Germany http://www.telematicsolutions.de/gb/News/presse/2004_07.html http://directory.eoportal.org/pres_SARLupeConstellation.html SAR-Lupe 3 SAR-Lupe 3 Germany Germany Armed Forces Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 473 496 1.68E-03 98.17 94.30 770 11/1/2007 10 OHB-System AG Germany Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2007-053A 32283 JMSatcat/4_Germany http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx649.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/053A.HTM SAR-Lupe 4 SAR-Lupe 4 Germany Germany Armed Forces Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 448 486 2.78E-03 98.16 94.40 770 3/27/2008 10 OHB-System AG Germany Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2008-014A 32750 "Synthetic Aperture Radar, 4th in a five-satellite fleet. Will be shared with the French military." SC - ASCR http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx653.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/014A.HTM SAR-Lupe 5 SAR-Lupe 5 Germany Germany Armed Forces Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 474 502 2.04E-03 98.16 94.37 770 7/22/2008 10 OHB-System AG Germany Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2008-036A 33244 SC - ASCR http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx657.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I037A.HTM http://directory.eoportal.org/pres_SARLupeConstellation.html Saudicomsat-1 Saudicomsat-1 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Riyadh Space Research Institute Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 697 747 3.53E-03 98.00 99.2 12 6/29/2004 "Space Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology" Saudi Arabia Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2004-025D 28369 Communications services; part of planned 24-satellite constellation. First commercial satellites. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.kacst.edu.sa/en/institutes/sri/index.asp http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx608.html http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/4July2004_11.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ Saudicomsat-2 Saudicomsat-2 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Riyadh Space Research Institute Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 696 780 5.91E-03 98.10 99.6 12 6/29/2004 "Space Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology" Saudi Arabia Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2004-025E 28370 Communications services; part of planned 24-satellite constellation. First commercial satellites. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.kacst.edu.sa/en/institutes/sri/index.asp http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx608.html http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/4July2004_11.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ Saudicomsat-3 Saudicomsat-3 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Riyadh Space Research Institute Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 652 714 4.40E-03 97.80 98.4 12 4/17/2007 "Space Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology" Saudi Arabia Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2007-012J 31125 Communications services; part of planned 24-satellite constellation. First commercial satellites. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.579 Saudicomsat-4 Saudicomsat-4 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Riyadh Space Research Institute Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 649 746 6.86E-03 97.80 98.7 12 4/17/2007 "Space Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology" Saudi Arabia Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2007-012L 31127 Communications services; part of planned 24-satellite constellation. First commercial satellites. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.579 Saudicomsat-5 Saudicomsat-5 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Riyadh Space Research Institute Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 651 725 5.24E-03 97.80 98.5 12 4/17/2007 "Space Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology" Saudi Arabia Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2007-012H 31124 Communications services; part of planned 24-satellite constellation. First commercial satellites. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.579 Saudicomsat-6 Saudicomsat-6 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Riyadh Space Research Institute Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 648 758 7.78E-03 97.80 98.8 12 4/17/2007 "Space Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology" Saudi Arabia Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2007-012E 31121 Communications services; part of planned 24-satellite constellation. First commercial satellites. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.579 Saudicomsat-7 Saudicomsat-7 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Riyadh Space Research Institute Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 650 736 6.09E-03 97.80 98.6 12 4/17/2007 "Space Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology" Saudi Arabia Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2007-012C 31119 Communications services; part of planned 24-satellite constellation. First commercial satellites. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.579 "Saudisat 1C (Oscar 50, SO 50)" Saudisat 1C Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia "Space Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology" Government Communications Amateur Radio LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 603 702 7.05E-03 64.60 97.8 10 12/20/2002 "Space Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology" Saudi Arabia Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2002-058C 27607 "Microsatellite; carries several experiments, available to amateurs as power permits." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.amsat.org/amsat/sats/n7hpr/so50.html http://www.kacst.edu.sa/en/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx590.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ Saudisat-2 Saudisat-2 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Riyadh Space Research Institute Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 696 734 2.68E-03 97.90 99.1 35 35 6/29/2004 Riyadh Space Research Institute Saudi Arabia Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2004-025F 28371 www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.kacst.edu.sa/en/institutes/sri/index.asp http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx608.html http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/4July2004_11.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ Saudisat-3 Saudisat-3 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Riyadh Space Research Institute Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 656 677 1.49E-03 97.80 98.1 200 4/17/2007 King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology Saudi Arabia Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2007-012B 31118 Carries a high resolution imager; telecommunications. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n0704/17dnepr/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2007/012B.HTM Saudisat-4 Saudisat-4 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia "Space Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology" Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 613 682 4.92E-03 97.98 97.68 100 6/19/2014 King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology/Stanford University Saudi Arabia Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033G 40016 Scientific experiment using ultraviolet radiation in space. ZARYA http://english.alarabiya.net/en/business/technology/2014/06/21/SaudiSat-4-launched-into-space.html http://www.saudigazette.com.sa/index.cfm?method=home.regcon&contentid=20140621209091 Saudisat-5A Saudisat-5A NR (11/19) Saudi Arabia "Space Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology" Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 533 551 1.30E-03 97.60 95.4 425 12/7/2018 5 King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology Saudi Arabia Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-102A 43831 Optical imaging. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/07/china-launches-satellites-for-saudi-arabia/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Saudisat-5B Saudisat-5B NR (11/19) Saudi Arabia "Space Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology" Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 532 551 1.37E-03 97.60 95.4 425 12/7/2018 5 King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology Saudi Arabia Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-102C 43833 Optical imaging. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/07/china-launches-satellites-for-saudi-arabia/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "SBIRS GEO 1 (Space Based Infrared System Geosynchronous 1, USA 230)" USA 230 USA USA US Air Force Military Earth Observation Infrared Imaging GEO -96.84 "35,778" "35,795" 2.02E-04 6.45 1436.11 "4,500" 5/7/2011 12 Lockheed Martin Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2011-019A 37481 Defect in communications system; still has not entered service as of 2013. Uses infrared sensors to detect and track missile launches; equipped with both scanning and staring instruments. Will eventually replace DSP system. SC - ASCR http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=defense&id=news/awx/2011/05/07/awx_05_07_2011_p0-320100.xml http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/019A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx691.html http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/03/ula-atlas-v-launch-sbirsgeo/ "SBIRS GEO 2 (Space Based Infrared System Geosynchronous 2, USA 241)" USA 241 USA USA US Air Force Military Earth Observation Infrared Imaging GEO 20.60 "35,770" "35,790" 2.37E-04 6.45 1436.11 "4,500" 3/19/2013 12 Lockheed Martin Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2013-011A 39120 Expected to be operational before GEO 1. Estimated http://www.afspc.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123341934 http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/SBIRS_GEO_2_launches_improves_space_based_capabilities_999.html http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/03/ula-atlas-v-launch-sbirsgeo/ "SBIRS GEO 3 (Space Based Infrared System Geosynchronous 3, USA 273)" USA 273 USA USA US Air Force Military Earth Observation Infrared Imaging GEO -159.60 "35,779" "35,785" 7.12E-05 5.90 1436.11 "4,500" 1/20/2017 12 Lockheed Martin Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2017-004A 41937 JM9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/21/atlas-5-rocket-successfully-delivers-vital-national-asset-into-space/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log "SBIRS GEO 4 (Space Based Infrared System Geosynchronous 4, USA 282)" USA 282 USA USA US Air Force Military Earth Observation Infrared Imaging GEO -159.00 "35,758" "35,815" 6.76E-04 6.30 1436.1 "4,500" 1/19/2018 12 Lockheed Martin Space Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2018-009A 43162 JMGEO/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/20/u-s-military-satellite-launched-to-fortify-against-missile-attacks/ https://spaceflight101.com/events/atlas-v-sbirs-geo-4/ "SBSS-1 (Space Based Space Surveillance Satellite, SBSS Block 10 SV1, USA 216)" USA 216 USA USA Strategic Space Command/Space Surveillance Network Military Space Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 631 634 2.14E-04 98.02 97.36 "1,031" 9/26/2010 Boeing/Ball Aerospace USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur 4 2010-048A 37168 Designed to track and detect other spacecraft in orbit. SC - ASCR http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/048A.HTM&act=print http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/048A.HTM&act=print http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/systems/sbss.htm http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2010/09/live-minotaur-first-space-based-space-surveillance-satellite/ "SB-WASS 3-3 (Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System) (NOSS 3-3, USA 181, NRO L23, Intruder) " USA 181 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Navy Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,017" "1,203" 1.24E-02 63.40 107.4 "5,000" 2/3/2005 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 3B 2005-004A 28537 "ELINT system; wide area ocean surveillance, primarily for the Navy." SC - ASCR http://www.sciencepresse.qc.ca/clafleur/Spacecrafts-2005.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx616.html http://satobs.org/noss.html http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2005/6February2005_25.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/004A.HTM "SB-WASS 3-3 (Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System) (NOSS 3-3, USA 181, NRO L23, Intruder) " USA 181 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Navy Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,016" "1,203" 1.25E-02 63.40 107.4 "5,000" 2/3/2005 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 3B 2005-004B 28541 "ELINT system; wide area ocean surveillance, primarily for the Navy." SC - ASCR http://www.sciencepresse.qc.ca/clafleur/Spacecrafts-2005.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx616.html http://satobs.org/noss.html http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2005/6February2005_25.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/004C.HTM "SB-WASS 3-4 (Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System) NOSS 3-4, USA 194, NRO L30, Intruder)" USA 194 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Navy Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,015" "1,200" 1.24E-02 63.40 107.4 "5,000" 6/15/2007 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2007-027A 31701 "ELINT system; wide area ocean surveillance, primarily for the Navy and surveillance of shipping." JMSatcat/1_USA http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/027A.HTM "SB-WASS 3-4 (Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System) NOSS 3-4, USA 194, NRO L30, Intruder)" USA 194 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Navy Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,016" "1,201" 1.24E-02 63.40 107.4 "5,000" 6/15/2007 Lockheed Martin USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2007-027B 31708 "ELINT system; wide area ocean surveillance, primarily for the Navy and surveillance of shipping." JMSatcat/1_USA http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/027C.HTM "SB-WASS 3-5 (Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System) NOSS 3-5, USA 229, NRO L34, Intruder)" USA 229 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Navy Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,019" "1,205" 1.24E-02 63.40 107.5 4/15/2011 Lockheed Martin USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2011-014A 37386 "ELINT system; wide area ocean surveillance, primarily for the Navy and surveillance of shipping." SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/I009A.HTM "SB-WASS 3-5 (Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System) NOSS 3-5, USA 229, NRO L34, Intruder)" USA 229 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Navy Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,014" "1,201" 1.25E-02 63.40 107.4 "5,000" 4/15/2011 Lockheed Martin USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2011-014B 37391 "ELINT system; wide area ocean surveillance, primarily for the Navy and surveillance of shipping." SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/I009A.HTM "SB-WASS 3-6 (Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System) NOSS 3-6, USA 238, NRO L36, Intruder)" USA 238 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Navy Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,012" "1,203" 1.28E-02 63.40 107.4 "6,500" 9/13/2012 National Reconnaissance Laboratory (NRL) USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2012-048A 38758 "ELINT system; wide area ocean surveillance, primarily for the Navy and surveillance of shipping." ZARYA http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/14/us-spy-satellite-nrol-36-launches-vandenberg_n_1885095.html http://www.spaceflight101.com/nrol-36-launch.updates.html http://www.zarya/info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012#end "SB-WASS 3-6 (Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System) NOSS 3-6, USA 238, NRO L36, Intruder)" USA 238 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Navy Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,012" "1,203" 1.28E-02 63.40 107.4 "6,500" 9/13/2012 National Reconnaissance Laboratory (NRL) USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2012-048P 38773 "ELINT system; wide area ocean surveillance, primarily for the Navy and surveillance of shipping." ZARYA "SB-WASS 3-7 (Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System) NOSS 3-7, USA 264, NRO L55, Intruder)" USA 264 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Navy Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,014" "1,099" 5.72E-03 63.40 107.4 "6,500" 10/8/2015 National Reconnaissance Laboratory (NRL) USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2015-058A 40964 "ELINT system; wide area ocean surveillance, primarily for the Navy and surveillance of shipping." JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/08/recap-story-second-atlas-5-rocket-launched-in-span-of-six-days/ http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.satobs.org/noss.html "SB-WASS 3-7 (Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System) NOSS 3-7, USA 264, NRO L55, Intruder)" USA 264 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Navy Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,014" "1,099" 5.72E-03 63.40 107.4 "6,500" 10/8/2015 National Reconnaissance Laboratory (NRL) USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2015-058R 40981 "ELINT system; wide area ocean surveillance, primarily for the Navy and surveillance of shipping." JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/08/recap-story-second-atlas-5-rocket-launched-in-span-of-six-days/ http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.satobs.org/noss.html "SB-WASS 3-8 (Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System) NOSS 3-8, USA 274, NRO L79, Intruder)" USA 274 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Navy Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,009" "1,204" 1.30E-02 63.40 107.4 "6,500" 3/1/2017 National Reconnaissance Laboratory (NRL) USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2017-011A 42058 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/03/01/atlas-5-powers-covert-reconnaissance-payload-to-orbit-on-its-70th-mission/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "SB-WASS 3-8 (Space Based Wide Area Surveillance System) NOSS 3-8, USA 274, NRO L79, Intruder)" USA 274 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Navy Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,009" "1,204" 1.30E-02 63.40 107.4 "6,500" 3/1/2017 National Reconnaissance Laboratory (NRL) USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2017-011B 42065 JMSatCat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/03/01/atlas-5-powers-covert-reconnaissance-payload-to-orbit-on-its-70th-mission/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt ScatSat-1 ScatSat-1 India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Earth Observation Meteorology/Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 717 731 9.87E-04 98.10 99.3 371 9/26/2016 5 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2016-059H 41790 "Funded and built in India to join an international fleet of orbiting radars designed to track hurricanes, typhoons and other tropical cyclones." JMSatcat/12_16 http://isro.gov.in/Spacecraft/scatsat-1 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/09/26/india-declares-success-on-pslvs-most-complex-mission/ SCD-1 (Satélite de Coleta de Dados) SCD-1 Brazil Brazil Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) Government Earth Observation Meteorology/Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 716 776 4.22E-03 25.00 99.7 110 70 2/9/1993 3 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) Brazil Cape Canaveral Pegasus 1993-009B 22491 Collects meteorological and environmental data on the Amazon region; barely functioning. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/1993/I009B.HTM http://www.oosa.unvienna.org/oosa/search.do?cur=221& SCD-2 (Satélite de Coleta de Dados) SCD-2 NR Brazil Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) Government Earth Observation Meteorology/Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 735 760 1.76E-03 25.00 99.8 110 70 10/23/1998 3 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) Brazil Cape Canaveral Pegasus 1998-060A 25504 Collects meteorological and environmental data on the Amazon region www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx540.html Scisat-1 (Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment) Scisat-1 Canada Canada Canadian Space Agency Government Space Science LEO Polar 0.00 638 649 7.84E-04 73.90 97.6 150 80 8/12/2003 Bristol Aerospace Ltd. Canada Vandenberg AFB Pegasus XL 2003-036A 27858 ACE experiments in space. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2003/036A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx598.html http://www.space.gc.ca/asc/eng/csa_sectors/space_science/atmospheric/scisat/scisat.asp SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory) SDO USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Space Science GEO -102.00 "35,779" "35,791" 1.42E-04 28.00 1436.03 "3,100" "1,650" "1,500" 2/11/2010 5 Goddard Space Flight Center USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2010-005A 36395 "Carries three instruments to study the Sun at high time and spatial resolution: HMI, AIA, and EVE." JMSatcat/3_USA http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/INDEXA.HTM http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/mission/about.php http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx676.html "SDS III-4 (Satellite Data System) (NRO L-1, USA 179, Quasar) " USA 179 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Air Force Military Communications Data Relay Elliptical Molniya 0.00 500 "39,850" 7.41E-01 63.40 717.7 8/31/2004 10 Hughes Space and Communications Co. USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2AS 2004-034A 28384 Real-time data relay from reconnaissance satellites. GS http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/5September2004_25.html http://www.ilslaunch.com/launches/cbin/Mission_Overview/atlas/NRO1_2nd_MO.pdf http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.535 http://globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/2005/satellitetables2004.htm "SDS III-5 (Satellite Data System) (NRO L-24, USA 198, Quasar) " USA 198 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Air Force Military Communications Data Relay Elliptical Molniya 0.00 400 "39,966" 7.45E-01 60.00 718 12/10/2007 10 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2007-060A 32378 Real-time data relay from reconnaissance satellites. GS http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/060A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx650.html "SDS III-6 (Satellite Data System) NRO L-27, USA 227, Quasar)" USA 227 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Air Force Military Communications Data Relay GEO 131.06 "35,770" "35,803" 3.91E-04 4.70 1436.1 3/2/2011 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2011-011A 37377 Real-time data relay from reconnaissance satellites. JM/5_11 http://sattrackcam.blogspot.com/2011/04/on-nrol-27-mission-patch-and-satellites.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/I011A.HTM http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log "SDS III-7 (Satellite Data System) NRO L-38, USA 236, Quasar)" USA 236 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Air Force Military Communications Data Relay GEO -10.11 "35,771" "35,805" 4.03E-04 3.80 1436.1 6/20/2012 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2012-033A 38466 Real-time data relay from reconnissance satellites. ZARYA http://www.spaceflight101.com/nrol-38-launch-updates.html http://www.calsky.com/observer//tle.cgi?satid=12033A&tdt=2456146.41756944 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log "SDS III-8 (Satellite Data System) NRO L-33, USA 252, Quasar)" USA 252 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Air Force Military Communications Data Relay GEO 170.09 "35,500" "35,500" 0.00E+00 4.00 1436.1 5/22/2014 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2014-027A 39751 Real-time data relay from reconnissance satellites. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/05/ula-atlas-v-nrol-33-launch/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log "SDS IV-1 (Satellite Data System, NRO L-61, USA 269, Quasar)" USA 269 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Air Force Military Communications Data Relay GEO 92.01 "35,777" "35,796" 2.25E-04 4.92 1436.1 7/28/2016 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2016-047A 41724 Possible 4th generation of data relay satellites. JMSatcat/3_16 https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2016/07/atlas-v-launch-nrol-61-reconnaissance-satellite/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2016/08/2016-047.html http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/07/28/spy-satellite-infrastructure-supported-by-atlas-5-rocket-launch/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log "SDS IV-2 (Satellite Data System, NRO L-62, USA 279, Quasar)" USA 279 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Air Force Military Communications Data Relay GEO 91.07 "35,786" "35,802" 1.90E-04 4.90 1436.1 10/15/2017 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2017-066A 42949 Second of 4th generation. JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/15/atlas-5-pierces-the-night-to-boost-national-security-satellite-into-space/ SDS-4 (Small Demonstration Satellite-4) SDS-4 Japan Japan Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 661 673 8.53E-04 98.20 98.1 50 48 120 5/17/2012 2 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2012-025C 38339 Several technology demonstration experiments and including an experiment to monitor AIS (Automatic Information System) messages transmitted from ships at sea. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sds-4 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 Seahawk-1 Seahawk-1 NR (11/19) USA University of North Carolina - Wilmington Civil Earth Observation Multispectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 587 1.01E-03 97.70 96.3 4 12/3/2018 University of North Carolina/Clyde USA/UK Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099BQ 43820 Will image the world's ocean for color (SOCON: Sustained Ocean Color Observations with Nanosatellites) to assess health. Prototype for a larger constellation. JMSatcat/3_19 https://uncw.edu/socon/mission.html https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SEEDS 2 SEEDS 2 Japan Japan Nihon University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 607 627 1.43E-03 97.80 97 3 4/28/2008 Nihon University Japan Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C9 2008-021J 32791 Will download telemetry in Morse code and 1200-baud FM. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I021A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx654.html SeeMe (Space Enabled Effects for Military Engagements satellite) SeeMe NR USA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 590 1.22E-03 97.80 96.3 25 12/3/2018 Ratheon Corporation USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099BS 43822 Real time situational awareness for troops on the ground with handheld devices. Possible constellation consisting of about 24 satellites. JMSatcat/3_19 https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/raytheon-delivers-first-seeme-satellite-to-darpa-300723635.html https://www.raytheon.com/news/feature/small_satellites https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Sentinel 3B Sentinel 3B ESA ESA EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 802 815 9.05E-04 98.60 101.1 "2,300" 4/25/2018 7 Thales Alenia Space France Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2018-039A 43437 JM/5_18 https://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/News/DAT_3898547.html Sentinel 1A Sentinel 1A ESA ESA EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 691 693 1.42E-04 98.16 98.61 "2,300" "2,146" 4/3/2014 7 Thales Alenia Space Italia Italy Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2014-016A 39634 "Part of ESA's Copernicus constellation, the EU contribution to GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems)." SC - ASCR http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2014/I016A.HTM www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Observing_the_Earth/Copernicus/Sentinel-1http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2014/I016A.HTM Sentinel 1B Sentinel 1B ESA ESA EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 695 697 1.42E-04 98.10 98.7 "2,300" "2,146" 4/25/2016 7 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2.1a 2016-025A 41456 Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/04/26/soyuz-blasts-off-with-environmental-satellite-general-relativity-probe/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-025A&jazyk=pp_en Sentinel 2A Sentinel 2A ESA ESA EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 787 788 6.99E-05 98.50 100.62 "1,130" "2,146" 6/23/2015 7 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany Guiana Space Center Vega 2015-028A 40697 "Part of ESA's Copernicus constellation, the EU contribution to GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems)." JM/8_15 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/06/vega-fifth-sentinel-2a/ Sentinel 2B Sentinel 2B ESA ESA EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 777 779 1.40E-04 98.50 100.4 "1,130" 3/6/2017 7 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany Guiana Space Center Vega 2017-013A 42063 JMSatcat/7_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/03/07/environmental-sentinel-launched-from-french-guiana/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Sentinel 3A Sentinel 3A ESA ESA EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 802 804 1.39E-04 98.60 100.9 "2,300" "2,146" 2/16/2016 7 Thales Alenia Space France Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2016-011A 41335 Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/02/16/european-oceanography-satellite-rides-russian-rocket-into-orbit/ http://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/Sentinel3/Status/index.html http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-011A Sentinel 5P (Sentinel 5 Precursor) Sentinel 5P ESA ESA EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 816 819 2.09E-04 98.70 101.2 820 10/13/2017 7 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2017-064A 42969 First Copernicus satellite dedicated to tracking changes in Earth’s atmosphere. Tropomi spectrometer will detect atmospheric composition at a scale of 4.3 miles by 2.2 miles (7 kilometers by 3.5 kilometers). JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/13/modified-russian-missile-boosts-europes-newest-environmental-sentinel-to-space/ https://earth.esa.int/web/guest/missions/esa-eo-missions/sentinel-5p SES-1 (AMC-4R) SES-1 USA Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -101.00 "35,781" "35,793" 1.42E-04 0.05 1436.1 "2,561" "5,000" 4/24/2010 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2010-016A 36516 "24 C-band; 24 Ku-band, CONUS." SC - ASCR http://www.ses-worldskies.com/worldskies/satellites/025_ses-1/index.php http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/016A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx678.html SES-10 SES-10 USA Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -67.00 "35,777" "35,799" 2.61E-04 0.00 1436.1 "5,271" "2,835" 3/30/2017 15 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2017-017A 42432 Primarily for video and the development of Ultra HD. JMGEO/9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/03/31/spacex-flies-rocket-for-second-time-in-historic-test-of-cost-cutting-technology/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log SES-11/EchoStar 105 SES-11/EchoStar 105 NR Luxembourg "SES S.A./EchoStar Satellite Services, LLC" Commercial Communications GEO -105.00 "35,785" "35,801" 1.90E-04 0.00 1436 "5,200" 10/11/2017 15 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2017-063A 42967 SES will control the 24 C-band transponders; EchoStar the 24 Ku-band transponders. JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/12/spacex-launches-its-15th-mission-of-the-year/ SES-12 SES-12 NR Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 95.00 "35,785" "35,785" 0.00E+00 0.00 1436 "5,300" "15,000" 6/4/2018 15 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2018-049A 43488 "Carries plasma thrusters mounted to articulating robotic arms for nearly all its in-orbit maneuvers, eliminating the need for large conventional liquid propellant tanks." JM/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/06/04/multi-mission-telecom-craft-launched-by-spacex-for-ses/ SES-14 SES-14 Brazil Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -100.70 "35,785" "35,785" 0.00E+00 0.00 1436 "4,423" 1/25/2018 15 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2018-012B 43175 Placed into the wrong transfer orbit; working its way up and should be totally operational. JMGEO/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/26/ariane-5-va241-status-1/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/26/probe-into-off-target-ariane-5-launch-begins-ses-and-yahsat-payloads-declared-healthy/ SES-15 SES-15 United Kingdom Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -129.00 "35,777" "35,777" 0.00E+00 0.00 1436.1 5/18/2017 18 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2017-026A 42709 Powered exclusively by xenon-fed electric thrusters JMGEO/9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/05/18/soyuz-rocket-orbits-satellite-for-airborne-navigation-and-connectivity/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log SES-2 SES-2 USA Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -87.00 "35,778" "35,798" 2.37E-04 0.01 1436.19 "3,200" "5,000" 9/21/2011 18 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2011-049A 37809 24 active C-band and 24 Ku-band transponders; provides comprehensive coverage of North America and the Caribbean. Also features the Commercially Hosted InfraRed Payload (CHIRP) for U.S. Air Force--wide-field of view sensor to validate space-based infrared technologies from geosynchronous orbit. JM/1_12 http://www.orbital.com/NewsInfo/MissionUpdates/SES-2/ http://www.ses.com/4628194/ses-2 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40//2011/049B.HTM SES-3 SES-3 NR Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -103.00 "35,850" "35,852" 2.37E-05 0.05 1439.41 "3,112" 7/15/2011 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2011-035A 37748 "24 C-band; 24 Ku-band, CONUS." SC - ASCR http://en.ses.com/4628131/ses-3 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/035A.HTM http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log SES-4 SES-4 NR Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -22.00 "35,781" "35,792" 1.30E-04 0.05 1436.1 "20,000" 2/14/2012 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2012-007A 38087 "52 C-band; 72 Ku-band, Americas, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. " ZARYA http://www.ses.com/4233325/news/2012/11352914 http://www.spaceflightnow.com/proton/ses4/status.html "SES-5 (Sirius 5, Astra 4B)" SES-5 United Kingdom Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 5.00 "35,783" "35,791" 9.49E-05 0.13 1436.12 "6,007" 7/9/2012 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2012-036A 38652 24 C-band transponders and 36 Ku-band transponders. Also carries hosted L-band payload for the European Commission’s European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS). ZARYA http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/07/ils-proton-m-launch-ses-5/ http://www.spacenews.com/launch/120710-ils-proton-lofts-ses-5-telecommunication-satellite.html http://www.ses.com/11724498/2012-15-06-ses-5 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 SES-6 SES-6 NR Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO -40.50 "35,757" "35,816" 7.00E-04 0.13 1436.09 "6,140" 6/3/2013 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2013-026A 39172 Direct-to home broadcasts and VSat terminal services - Atlantic Ocean region. SC - ASCR http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.ses.com/4628404/ses-6 http://www.space-airbusds.com/en/programmes/astra-2e-astra-2f-astra-2g-and-astra-5b-added-flexibility-and-improved.html "SES-7 (Protostar 2, Indostar 2)" SES-7 NR Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 108.02 "35,783" "35,790" 8.30E-05 0.03 1436.1 "4,007" 5/16/2009 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Breeze M 2009-027A 34941 "13 S-band, 27 Ku-band transponders, covers Indonesia, india, Taiwan and the Philippines. Purchased at auction in Dec. 2009 for $185 million." JM/7_09 http://pacificsatellitenews.com.au/2009/06/protostar-2-launch-new-life-for-indovision/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/027A.HTM http://www.ses-worldskies.com/worldskies/news_and_events/press_releases/index.php?pressRelease=/pressReleases/pressReleaseList/09-12-17/index.php http://www.satnews.com/cgi-bin/story.cgi?number=1709512168 SES-8 SES-8 NR Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 95.00 "35,777" "35,795" 2.13E-04 0.02 1436.07 "3,138" 12/3/2013 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2013-071A 39460 Direct broadcast TV and communications network services to India and south-east Asia. SC - ASCR http://www.ses.com/4629034/ses-8 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2013/071A.HTM SES-9 SES-9 United Kingdom Luxembourg SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 108.02 "35,787" "35,791" 4.74E-05 0.05 1436.2 "5,271" "2,835" "12,700" 3/4/2016 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2016-013A 41380 "All Ku-band, 57 transponders. Asia-Pacific region" Space50 http://spaceflight101.com/falcon-9-ses-9/ses-9-satellite/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-013A http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/03/05/tv-broadcasting-satellite-finally-launched-on-falcon-9/ SGDC (Geostationary Satellite for Communications and Defense) SGDC NR Brazil Telebras/Brazilian Air Force Commercial/Military Communications GEO -74.85 "35,775" "35,798" 2.73E-04 0.00 1436.11 "5,735" 5/4/2017 18 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2017-023B 42692 "Joint venture, commercial and Brazilian Air Force. 57 Ka-band and X-band transponders." JMGEO/9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/05/04/launches-resume-in-french-guiana-with-dual-payload-ariane-5-flight/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Shaonian Xing (Youth Star) Shaonian Xing China China Teen Satellite Project Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 483 507 1.75E-03 97.30 94.5 3 2/2/2018 Teen Satellite Project China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-015H 43199 "First satellite developed by teenagers as part of an outreach project to engage youth in thinking about space, STEAM education, and even satellite development." JMSatcat/5_18 https://gbtimes.com/chinas-first-satellite-developed-teenagers-launch-august https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/02/02/china-lofts-earthquake-research-craft-with-cluster-of-smaller-satellites/ "SHFT (Space-based High Frequency Testbed, Georgen)" SHFT NR (11/19) USA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Military Space Science LEO Polar 0.00 495 511 1.16E-03 85.04 94.7 5 12/16/2018 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-104M 43860 "Study variations in the plasma density of the ionosphere by collecting high-frequency radio signals, including those from natural galactic background emissions, from Jupiter, and from transmitters on Earth." Shields 1 Shields 1 NR (11/19) USA NASA Langley Research Center Government Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 514 594 5.78E-03 85.03 94.7 4 12/16/2018 NASA Langley Research Center USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-104B 43850 Technology demonstration of environmentally durable space hardware JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/albus https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/17/nasa-rocket-lab-partner-on-successful-satellite-launch-from-new-zealand/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Shijian 11-01 (SJ-11-01) Shijian 11 01 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 686 703 1.20E-03 98.10 98.7 11/12/2009 3 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)/ DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2009-061A 36088 Monitor space environment; conduct several experiments. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.618 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/061A.HTM http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n0911/12longmarch/ Shijian 11-02 (SJ-11-02) Shijian 11 02 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 686 704 1.27E-03 98.20 98.7 7/29/2011 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST/DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2011-039A 37765 Conduct various technology and environmental experiments. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/world/china/sj-12.htm http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=2011-039A http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/039A.HTM Shijian 11-03 (SJ-11-03) Shijian 11 03 NR China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 688 703 1.06E-03 98.20 98.7 7/6/2011 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)/DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2011-030A 37730 Conduct various technology and environmental experiments. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/030A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=2011-030A Shijian 11-05 (SJ-11-05) Shijian 11 05 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 689 704 1.06E-03 98.10 98.7 7/15/2013 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2013-035A 39202 Replacement for 11-04. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 Shijian 11-06 (SJ-11-06) Shijian 11 06 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 688 704 1.13E-03 98.26 98.69 3/31/2014 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2014-014A 39624 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Shijian 11-07 (SJ-11-07) Shijian 11 07 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 687 705 1.27E-03 98.12 98.69 9/28/2014 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2014-059A 40261 Orbit suggests an earth observation role. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.spaceflight101.com/long-march-2c---shijian-11-07-launch.html Shijian 11-08 (SJ-11-08) Shijian 11 08 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 690 705 1.06E-03 98.20 98.6 10/27/2014 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2014-066A 40286 Orbit suggests an earth observation role. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Shijian 12 (SJ-12) Shijian 12 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 583 601 1.29E-03 97.70 96.5 6/15/2010 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2010-027A 36596 Conduct various technology and environmental experiments. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/027A.HTM http://www.spacetoday.net/China/ Shijian 13 (SJ-13) Shijian 13 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development GEO 110.50 "35,756" "35,816" 7.12E-04 0.00 1436.1 "4,600" 4/12/2017 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2017-018A 42662 "First Chinese GEO satellite to use electric thrusters. 26 user beams covering China and offshore areas, and will service for distance learning, medicine, internet access, airborne and maritime communications and emergency communications." JMGEO/9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/04/12/chinas-highest-capacity-communications-satellite-launched-into-orbit/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Shijian 15 (SJ-15) Shijian 15 NR China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 661 673 8.53E-04 98.06 98.08 7/19/2013 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 3C 2013-037C 39210 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.spaceflight101.com/long-march-4c-taiyuan-launch-july-19-2013.html Shijian 16-01 (SJ-16) Shijian 16 01 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 599 616 1.22E-03 74.98 96.85 10/25/2013 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4B 2013-057A 39358 Conducting space environment exploration and technological experiments. SC - ASCR http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I057A.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/China_launches_experimental_satellite_Shijian_16_999.html Shijian 16-02 Shijian 16 02 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 338 594 1.87E-02 75.00 96.81 6/29/2016 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4B 2016-043A 41634 Conducting space environment exploration and technological experiments. ZARYA http://gbtimes.com/china/chinas-secretive-launch-shijian-16-02-research-satellite-follows-long-march-7-success http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 Shijian 17 Shijian 17 China China China Satellite Communication Corp. (China Satcom) Government Technology Development GEO 162.90 "35,777" "35,796" 2.25E-04 0.80 1435.8 "3,800" 11/3/2016 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Wenchang Satellite Launch Center Long March 5 2016-065A 41838 "Communications, demonstration of navigation, a demonstration of an optical-sensing payload to observe space debris at high altitude. The optical sensor can also be used for Space Situational Awareness." JM/12_16 http://spaceflight101.com/shijian-17-settles-in-geostationary-orbit/ http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/03/china-launches-long-march-5-one-of-the-worlds-most-powerful-rockets/ Shijian 20 Shijian 20 NR (3/20) China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) Government Technology Development GEO 125.00 "35,751" "35,824" 8.66E-04 0.01 1436.1 "7,600" 12/27/2019 20 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) China Wenchang Satellite Launch Center Long March 5 2019-097A 44910 Biggest Chinese communications satellite built. Huge capacity. JM Satcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/27/successful-long-march-5-launch-paves-way-for-new-chinese-space-missions/ "Shijian 6A (SJ-6A, Dong Fang Hong 60)" Shijian 6A China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 579 606 1.94E-03 97.80 96.5 9/8/2004 2 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology/Dongfanghong Satellite Co. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2004-035A 28413 Monitor space radiation. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2004/035A.HTM http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.535 http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/12September2004_34.html http://www.hearsat.org/content/shi-jian-s-band-downlinks http://books.google.com/books?id=qqqylOsynbkC&pg=PA103&lpg=PA103&dq=Shijian+satellites+operational&source=bl&ots=cayJAG1gcT&sig=rVnpXKqL73nuqT1bpAKb77hXEmo&hl=en&sa=X&ei=inLVUqLbI87LsAS09ILgCg&ved=0CFgQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=Shijian%20satellites%20operational&f=false Shijian 6B (SJ-6B) Shijian 6B China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 587 598 7.90E-04 97.80 96.5 9/8/2004 2 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology/Dongfanghong Satellite Co. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2004-035B 28414 Monitor space radiation. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2004/035B.HTM http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.535 http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/12September2004_34.html http://www.hearsat.org/content/shi-jian-s-band-downlinks Shijian 6C (SJ-6-02A) Shijian 6C China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 591 594 2.15E-04 97.70 96.5 10/23/2006 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)/DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2006-046A 29505 Radiation detectors and other space environment-related instruments. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2006/046A.HTM http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.636 http://www.hearsat.org/content/shi-jian-s-band-downlinks Shijian 6D (SJ-6-02B) Shijian 6D China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 594 595 7.18E-05 97.70 96.6 10/23/2006 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology/Dongfanghong Satellite Co. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2006-046B 29506 Radiation detectors and other space environment-related instruments. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2006/046B.HTM http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.636 http://www.hearsat.org/content/shi-jian-s-band-downlinks "Shijian 6E (SJ6-03A, SJ-6E)" Shijian 6E China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 581 607 1.87E-03 97.60 96.6 10/25/2008 3 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology/Dongfanghong Satellite Co. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2008-053A 33408 Monitor space environment; conduct several experiments. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2008/2_11_2008/2November2008_a.html http://www.hearsat.org/content/shi-jian-s-band-downlinks "Shijian 6F (SJ6-03B, SJ-6F)" Shijian 6F China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 578 603 1.80E-03 97.60 96.5 10/25/2008 3 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology/Dongfanghong Satellite Co. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2008-053B 33409 Monitor space environment; conduct several experiments. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I065B.HTM http://www.hearsat.org/content/shi-jian-s-band-downlinks Shijian 6G (SJ6-04A) Shijian 6G China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 584 603 1.36E-03 97.70 96.6 10/6/2010 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)/DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2010-051A 37179 Possible reconnaissance function. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/051A.HTM http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html Shijian 6H (SJ6_04B) Shijian 6H China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 586 602 1.15E-03 97.70 96.6 10/6/2010 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)/DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2010-051B 37180 Possible reconnaissance function. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/051B.HTM http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html "Shijian 7 (SJ7, Dong Fang Hong 65)" Shijian 7 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 534 591 4.11E-03 97.70 95.9 7/5/2005 3 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology/Dongfanghong Satellite Co. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2005-024A 28737 Monitor space environment; conduct several experiments. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2005/10July2005_28.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx621.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/024A.HTM Shijian 9A (SJ 9A) Shijian 9A China China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 623 650 1.93E-03 97.99 97.44 10/14/2012 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology/Dongfanghong Satellite Co. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 2012-056A 38860 Focus on satellite reliability demonstrations and validating high-performance Chinese-made technologies. SC - ASCR http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1210/14longmarch/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I056A.HTM Shijian 9B (SJ 9B) Shijian 9B China China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 624 651 1.93E-03 97.99 97.46 10/14/2012 Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology/Dongfanghong Satellite Co. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 2012-056B 38861 Focus on satellite reliability demonstrations and validating high-performance Chinese-made technologies. SC - ASCR http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1210/14longmarch/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/1056B.HTM "Shiyan 1 (SY 1, Tansuo 1, Experimental Satellite 1)" Shiyan 1 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 586 601 1.08E-03 97.50 96.6 204 4/18/2004 Chinese Research Institute of Space Technology/Changchun Photomechanical Institute (CAS) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2004-012A 28220 "Stereo mapping; photographic surveys of China's land resources, monitor environment, mapping." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/25April2004_19.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx606.html http://www.spacedaily.com/news/china-04w.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2004/012A.HTM "Shiyan 3 (SY3, Experimental Satellite 3)" Shiyan 3 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 785 803 1.26E-03 98.50 100.8 300 11/5/2008 Harbin Institute of Technology China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2008-056A 33433 Experiments on new technologies in atmospheric exploration. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I065B.HTM "Shiyan 4 (SY4, Experimental Satellite 4)" Shiyan 4 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 784 802 1.26E-03 98.40 100.7 300 11/20/2011 CAST/DFH Satellite Co. Ltd./HIT China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2011-068B 37931 Study the environment and test new space technologies. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n1111/19longmarch/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/068B.HTM "Shiyan 5 (SY5, Experimental Satellite 5)" Shiyan 5 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 739 755 1.12E-03 97.90 99.7 204 11/25/2013 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2013-068A 39455 Remote sensing and research. ZARYA/ASCR http://www.spaceflight101.com/chinese-long-march-2d-launches-shiyan-5-satellite.html http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2013/068A.HTM "Shiyan 6-01 (SY6-01, Experimental Satellite 6-01)" Shiyan 6-01 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 488 504 1.17E-03 97.40 99.6 11/19/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-094A 43710 """Space environment exploration experiments.""" JMSatcat/11_18 https://gbtimes.com/chinas-34th-launch-of-2018-places-five-satellites-in-orbit?cat=business https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/21/chinas-long-march-2d-rocket-launches-five-satellites/ "Shiyan 6-02 (SY6-02, Experimental Satellite 6-02)" Shiyan 6-02 NR (7/20) China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 686 706 1.42E-03 98.20 98.6 7/4/2020 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2020-043A 45859 Experimental satellite - space science. ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/07/06/chinese-launches-loft-satellites-to-study-space-environment-and-observe-earth/ http://zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 "Shiyan 7 (SY7, Experimental Satellite 7)" Shiyan 7 NR China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Military Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 668 672 2.84E-04 98.06 98.15 7/19/2013 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2013-037A 39208 Possibly testing systems for detection of orbiting space debris or tracking missile launches. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://www.spaceflight101.com/long-march-4c-taiyuan-launch-july-19-2013.html Sicral 1A Sicral 1A Italy Italy Italian Defense Ministry Military Communications GEO 16.25 "35,769" "35,802" 3.91E-04 1.01 1436.06 "2,596" "1,263" "3,300" 2/7/2001 12 Alenia Spazio Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 44L 2001-005A 26694 "Italy's first military satellite; communications to fixed and mobile terminals. Extremely High Frequency (EHF), SHF, UHF broadcast frequencies. On-board failure in 2006, but operations recovered." JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ http://www.space-technology.com/projects/skynet/ http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/ariane_sicral_010207.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2001/005A.HTM Sicral 1B Sicral 1B Italy Italy Italian Defense Ministry/Telespazio Military/Commercial Communications GEO 11.80 "35,788" "35,802" 1.66E-04 0.04 1436.52 "3,038" 4/20/2009 12 Thales Alenia Space Italia Italy Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2009-020A 34810 One third paid for by Telespazio; will use some transponders for approved government customers. SC - ASCR http://www.space-travel.com/reports/Sea_Launch_Prepares_For_Launch_Of_SICRAL_1B_999.html http://www.space.com/spacenews/archive07/sicral_0702.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/020A.HTM Sicral 2/Syracuse 3C Sicral 2/Syracuse 3C Italy France/Italy Italian Defense Ministry/French Defense Ministry Military Communications GEO 37.00 "35,770" "35,800" 3.56E-04 0.00 1436 "4,400" "7,700" 4/26/2015 15 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2015-022B 40614 "Military communications payloads from both Italy and France, shared satellite bus." JM/8_15 http://spacenews.com/ariane-5-launches-sicral-2-and-thor-7-telecommunications-satellites/ "Sinah-1 (Sina 1, ZS1)" Sinah-1 NR Iran Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST) Government Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 681 703 1.56E-03 97.90 98.6 170 10/27/2005 3 Polyot Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2005-043D 28893 """Telecommunications and research."" ""Take pictures of Iran and to monitor natural disasters in the earthquake-prone nation.""" www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.iranian.ws/iran_news/publish/printer_10508.shtml http://www.iranfocus.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4451 http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2005/I043D.HTM http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2005/I043D.HTM http://www.siliconiran.com/company_profiles/top_companies/comp_iran/IROST/index.shtml SINOD D-1 SINOD D-1 USA USA SRI International Commercial Technology Demonstration LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 494 800 2.18E-02 64.78 97.67 2 10/8/2015 SRI International USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-058L 40974 Demonstration of software defined radio communications. JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/08/recap-story-second-atlas-5-rocket-launched-in-span-of-six-days/ http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SINOD D-3 SINOD D-3 USA USA SRI International Commercial Technology Demonstration LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 494 800 2.18E-02 64.78 97.66 2 10/8/2015 SRI International USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-058P 40977 Demonstration of software defined radio communications. JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/08/recap-story-second-atlas-5-rocket-launched-in-span-of-six-days/ http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Sinosat-6 (Chinasat-6A, XN-6)" Sinosat-6 China China China Satellite Communication Corp. (China Satcom) Commercial Communications GEO 0.00 "35,794" "35,796" 2.37E-05 0.30 1436.1 "5,000" 9/4/2010 15 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2010-042A 37150 "Television and radio across China. 1 S-band, 24 C-band, and 8 Ku-band transponders. Backup for Sinosat 3." SC - ASCR http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/042A.HTM&act=print http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/042A.HTM&act=print Sirius 1 (SD Radio 1) Sirius-1 (SD Radio 1) USA USA Sirius XM Holdings Commercial Communications Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "23,783" "47,100" 2.79E-01 63.30 1418.5 "3,727" "1,570" 6/30/2000 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 2000-035A 26390 "Relay music, news, entertainment directly to motorists in the USA; a fourth satellite is stored on the ground for rapid replacement, if necessary." JMSatcat304 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx560.html http://www.spaceflightnow.com/proton/sirius2/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2000/035A.HTM Sirius 2 (SD Radio 2) Sirius 2 (SD Radio 2) USA USA Sirius XM Holdings Commercial Communications Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "12,849" "47,048" 4.71E-01 63.30 1148.43 "3,792" "1,570" 9/5/2000 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 2000-051A 26483 "Relay music, news, entertainment directly to motorists in the USA." JMSatcat304 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx563.html http://www.spaceflightnow.com/proton/sirius2/ Sirius 3 (SD Radio 3) Sirius 3 (SD Radio 3) USA USA Sirius XM Holdings Commercial Communications Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "6,179" "47,086" 6.20E-01 63.40 994.83 "3,727" "1,570" 11/30/2000 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 2000-077A 26626 "Relay music, news, entertainment directly to motorists in the USA." JMSatcat304 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx565.html Sirius 4 (Astra 4A) Sirius 4 Sweden Sweden SES S.A. Commercial Communications GEO 4.85 "35,776" "35,795" 2.25E-04 0.04 1436.1 "4,400" 11/17/2007 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2007-057A 32299 52 Ku-band and 2 Ka-band transponders; service to Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. JM/12_08 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/057A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx649.html http://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/space/documents/a2100/A2100brochure.pdf Sirius FM-5 Sirius FM-5 USA USA Sirius XM Holdings Commercial Communications GEO -96.00 "35,774" "35,798" 2.85E-04 0.00 1436 "5,800" "20,000" 6/30/2009 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2009-034A 35493 First in geostationary orbit. SC - ASCR http://spaceflightnow.com/proton/siriusfm5/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/034A.HTM Sirius FM-6 Sirius FM-6 USA USA Sirius XM Holdings Commercial Communications GEO -115.20 "35,785" "35,791" 7.12E-05 0.08 1436.16 "6,020" "2,975" "20,000" 10/25/2013 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2013-058A 39360 "Provide service the continental USA including digital audio radio broadcast directly to cars, homes and portable radios." SC - ASCR http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/10/proton-m-launches-sirius-fm-6-satellite/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I058A.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 Sirius XM-5 Sirius XM-5 USA USA Sirius XM Holdings Commercial Communications GEO -85.20 "35,779" "35,795" 1.90E-04 0.03 1436.12 "5,983" "18,000" 10/14/2010 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2010-053A 37185 Direct radio broadcasting. SC - ASCR http://www.ilslaunch.com/sirius-xm-5-mission-control http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/053A.HTM SiriusSat-1 SiriusSat-1 Russia Russia SPUTNIX Ltd. Civil Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 402 404 1.48E-04 51.60 92.6 1 8/15/2018 SPUTNIX Ltd. Sirius Education Center Russia International Space Station Manual Deployment 1998-067PG 43595 Built by Russian school children under supervision at SPUTNIX education center. Also carries amateur radio package. JM/11_18 https://amsat-uk.org/2018/06/01/russian-siriussat-cubesats-to-be-deployed-during-spacewalk/ https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/08/russian-duo-iss-spacewalk-designated-vkd-45/ SiriusSat-2 SiriusSat-2 Russia Russia SPUTNIX Ltd. Civil Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 400 408 5.90E-04 51.60 92.6 1 8/15/2018 SPUTNIX Ltd. Sirius Education Center Russia International Space Station Manual Deployment 1998-067PH 43596 JM/11_18 https://amsat-uk.org/2018/06/01/russian-siriussat-cubesats-to-be-deployed-during-spacewalk/ https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/08/russian-duo-iss-spacewalk-designated-vkd-45/ Sky Mexico-1 Sky Mexico-1 NR Mexico Sky Mexico Commercial Communications GEO -79.00 "35,788" "35,800" 1.42E-04 0.00 1436 "3,180" 5/27/2015 18 Orbital ATK USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2015-026B 40664 First satellite for Sky Mexico. JM/8_15 http://investor.directv.com/press-releases/press-release-details/2015/DIRECTV-Successfully-Launches-Two-Satellites-Significantly-Increasing-HD-and-4K-Capacity/default.aspx Sky Muster 1 (NBN-1A) Sky Muster 1 Australia Australia NBN Co (operated by Optus) Commercial Communications GEO 150.00 "35,744" "35,777" 3.92E-04 0.07 1434.76 "6,440" "16,400" 9/30/2015 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2015-054A 40940 NBN is a government-owned corporation created to provide broadband to remote areas of Australia. JM/12_15 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=36156 http://www.zdnet.com/article/optus-to-operate-nbn-co-satellites/#! Sky Muster 2 (NBN-1B) Sky Muster 2 Australia Australia NBN Co (operated by Optus) Commercial Communications GEO 145.00 "35,790" "35,798" 9.49E-05 0.00 1436.1 "6,405" "16,400" 10/5/2016 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2016-060B 41794 Secone satellite built to guarantee internet to all Australians. JMSatcat/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/10/05/ariane-5-goes-on-test-run-after-launching-two-satellites/ SkyBrasil-1 (Intelsat 32E) SkyBrasil-1 (Intelsat 32E) NR Brazil DirecTV Latin America/Intelsat Commercial Communications GEO 43.10 "35,785" "35,787" 2.37E-05 0.00 1436 "6,000" "16,000" 2/14/2017 15 Airbus Defense and Space Germany/UK/France/Spain Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2017-007B 41945 High definition television broadcast capacity. Intelsat is a minority owner. JM/GEO9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/14/brazilian-and-indonesian-telecom-satellites-healthy-after-ariane-5-launch/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2017/02/2017-007.html#yA http://planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Skynet 4C Skynet 4C United Kingdom United Kingdom Intelsat/Paradigm Secure Communications (wholly owned by EADS Astrium) Military Communications GEO -1.30 "35,775" "35,797" 2.61E-04 13.60 1436.07 "1,474" 850 "1,200" 8/30/1990 7 Astrium France/UK/Germany Guiana Space Center Ariane 44LP 1990-079A 20776 Spare. In March 2010 it was announced that the satellite would supplement communications at Antarctica. Provides 5 hrs of communication to the National Science Foundation each day. JM/12_08 www.intelsatgeneral.com/docs/news/2010-03-15_South_Pole.pdf http://www.space-technology.com/projects/skynet/ http://users.ox.ac.uk/~daveh/Space/Military/milspace_comsat.html#skynet http://airbus-ds-gs.com/productservice/skynet-4/ Skynet 4E Skynet 4E United Kingdom United Kingdom Ministry of Defense Military Communications GEO 35.58 "35,774" "35,797" 2.73E-04 4.99 1436.06 "1,510" 759 "1,200" 2/26/1999 7 Astrium France/UK/Germany Guiana Space Center Ariane 44L 1999-009B 25639 "Used primarily by UK's armed forces, government departments, agencies and other organizations that require secure communications." JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ http://www.space-technology.com/projects/skynet/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/1999/009B.HTM http://users.ox.ac.uk/~daveh/Space/Military/milspace_comsat.html#skynet Skynet 5A Skynet 5A United Kingdom United Kingdom Ministry of Defense/Paradigm Secure Communications (wholly owned by EADS Astrium) Military Communications GEO -1.12 "35,771" "35,802" 3.68E-04 0.07 1436.1 "4,700" "2,170" "6,000" 3/11/2007 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2007-007B 30794 New generation of Skynet communications. JM/12_08 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2007/007B.HTM http://www.n2yo.com/satellite.php?s=30793 http://www.tpn.bg/files/Bulgaria_Jun%2005.pdf http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2007/007B.HTM Skynet 5B Skynet 5B United Kingdom United Kingdom Ministry of Defense/Paradigm Secure Communications (wholly owned by EADS Astrium) Military Communications GEO 52.80 "35,700" "35,803" 1.22E-03 0.07 1436.1 "4,635" "2,170" "6,000" 11/14/2007 15 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2007-056B 32294 JM/12_08 http://www.arianespace.com/site/news/kit/Skynet5B_StarOneC1_GB.pdf http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/056B.HTM Skynet 5C Skynet 5C United Kingdom United Kingdom Ministry of Defense/Paradigm Secure Communications (wholly owned by EADS Astrium) Military Communications GEO -17.83 "35,770" "35,803" 3.91E-04 0.53 1436.1 "4,600" 6/12/2008 EADS Astrium UK Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2008-030A 33055 24 super-high-frequency and UHF channels; provide secure communications services to British and NATO forces. JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx656.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/INDEX1.HTM http://www.deagel.com/news/Skynet-5C-Communications-Satellite-Launched-Successfully-from-Korou_n000004399.aspx Skynet 5D Skynet 5D United Kingdom United Kingdom Ministry of Defense/Paradigm Secure Communications (wholly owned by EADS Astrium) Military Communications GEO 25.00 "35,786" "35,793" 8.30E-05 0.07 1436.24 "4,638" 12/19/2012 15 EADS Astrium UK Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2012-075A 39034 SC - ASCR http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/12/ariane-5-eca-skynet-5d-mexsat-3bicentenario/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I075A.HTM SkySat-1 (S1) SkySat-1 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 567 599 2.30E-03 97.81 96.34 11/21/2013 Skybox Imaging USA Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2013-066C 39418 "Planned 24-satellite constellation for imaging. Previously owned by Google, but acquired by Planet in 2/17." SC - ASCR http://www.skyboximaging.com/news/SkySat1FirstLight http://www.satellitetoday.com/technology/2013/12/27/skybox-imaging-releases-first-hd-high-resolution-images-from-skysat-1/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/15/india-lofts-a-record-104-spacecraft-on-a-single-rocket/ "SkySat-10 (SkySat C8, S108)" SkySat-10 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 526 1.89E-03 97.30 94.8 110 10/31/2017 Space Systems/Loral USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur-C 2017-068D 42990 JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/31/ten-commercial-earth-observing-satellites-launched-aboard-minotaur-c-rocket/ "SkySat-11 (SkySat C9, S109)" SkySat-11 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 528 2.03E-03 97.30 94.9 110 10/31/2017 Space Systems/Loral USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur-C 2017-068C 42989 JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/31/ten-commercial-earth-observing-satellites-launched-aboard-minotaur-c-rocket/ "SkySat-12 (SkySat C10, S110)" SkySat-12 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 528 2.03E-03 97.30 94.9 110 10/31/2017 Space Systems/Loral USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur-C 2017-068B 42988 JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/31/ten-commercial-earth-observing-satellites-launched-aboard-minotaur-c-rocket/ "SkySat-13 (SkySat C11, S111)" SkySat-13 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 528 2.03E-03 97.30 94.9 110 10/31/2017 Space Systems/Loral USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur-C 2017-068A 42987 JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/31/ten-commercial-earth-observing-satellites-launched-aboard-minotaur-c-rocket/ "SkySat-14 (SkySat C12, S112)" SkySat-14 NR (11/19) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 588 1.15E-03 97.70 96.3 100 12/3/2018 Space Systems/Loral USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AR 43797 JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sso-a https://www.planet.com/pulse/tag/skysat/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "SkySat-15 (SkySat C13, S113)" SkySat-15 NR (11/19) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 590 1.22E-03 97.70 96.3 100 12/3/2018 Space Systems/Loral USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AW 43802 JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sso-a https://www.planet.com/pulse/tag/skysat/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "SkySat-16 (SkySat C14, S" SkySat-16 NR (7/20) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 398 401 2.22E-04 53.00 92.5 100 6/13/2020 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038BL 45788 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ "SkySat-17 (SkySat C15, S" SkySat-17 NR (7/20) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 395 403 5.91E-04 53.00 92.5 100 6/13/2020 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038BN 45790 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ "SkySat-18 (SkySat C16, S" SkySat-18 NR (7/20) USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 387 398 8.13E-04 53.00 92.5 100 6/13/2020 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038BM 45789 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ "SkySat-2 (B, S2)" SkySat-2 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 626 634 5.71E-04 98.40 97.31 90 7/8/2014 Skybox Imaging USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2014-037D 40072 Will collect high resolution panchromatic and multispectral images of the Earth. ZARYA http://www.skyboximaging.com/blog/SkySat-2-Launched! http://www.satimagingcorp.com/satellite-sensors/skysat-2/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 "SkySat-3 (SkySat Gen 2-1, Skysat C1, S3)" SkySat-3 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 515 1.09E-03 97.50 94.78 110 6/22/2016 Space Systems/Loral USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2016-040C 41601 Terra Bella is owned by Google. ZARYA http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/22/pslv-c34/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 "SkySat-4 (SkySat C4, S104)" SkySat-4 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 501 502 7.28E-05 97.60 94.64 110 9/16/2016 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Vega 2016-058B 41771 JMSatcat/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/09/16/vega-rocket-hauls-up-quintet-of-earth-observation-satellites/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "SkySat-5 (SkySat C5, S105)" SkySat-5 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 501 502 7.28E-05 97.42 94.64 110 9/16/2016 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Vega 2016-058C 41772 JMSatcat/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/09/16/vega-rocket-hauls-up-quintet-of-earth-observation-satellites/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "SkySat-6 (SkySat C2, S4)" SkySat-6 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 497 506 6.55E-04 97.43 94.64 110 9/16/2016 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Vega 2016-058D 41773 JMSatcat/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/09/16/vega-rocket-hauls-up-quintet-of-earth-observation-satellites/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "SkySat-7 (SkySat C3, S103)" SkySat-7 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 501 502 7.28E-05 97.42 94.65 110 9/16/2016 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Vega 2016-058E 41774 JMSatcat/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/09/16/vega-rocket-hauls-up-quintet-of-earth-observation-satellites/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "SkySat-8 (SkySat C6, S106)" SkySat-8 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 526 1.89E-03 97.30 94.8 110 10/31/2017 Space Systems/Loral USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur-C 2017-068F 42992 JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/31/ten-commercial-earth-observing-satellites-launched-aboard-minotaur-c-rocket/ "SkySat-9 (SkySat C7, S107)" SkySat-9 USA USA "Planet Labs, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 526 1.89E-03 97.30 94.8 110 10/31/2017 Space Systems/Loral USA Vandenberg AFB Minotaur-C 2017-068E 42991 JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/31/ten-commercial-earth-observing-satellites-launched-aboard-minotaur-c-rocket/ SkyTerra 1 SkyTerra 1 USA USA LightSquared Commercial Communications GEO -101.30 "35,782" "35,791" 1.07E-04 6.06 1436.09 "5,360" "3,200" 11/14/2010 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Breeze M 2010-061A 37218 "Part of a fourth generation, or 4G, wireless system designed to reach nearly every American by the end of 2016. 22-m diameter L-band antenna; 2 m Ku-band antenna." SC - ASCR http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/061A.HTM http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/geomobile/msv/msv.html SLDCOM-3 (Satellite Launch Dispenser Communications System) (USA 119) USA 119 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Military Communications Elliptical Molniya 0.00 "1,200" "11,600" 4.07E-01 63.40 240 5/12/1996 National Reconnaissance Laboratory USA Vandenberg AFB Titan IV 1996-029A 23893 Provides tactical intelligence focused support to broad community of users consisting of uniformed military services and government agencies for both exercises and operations. GS http://host.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.461 www.globalsecurity.org/space/systems.sldcom.html http://satobs.org/satintro.html http://globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/2005/satellitetables2004.htm SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive Satellite) SMAP USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 660 686 1.85E-03 98.13 98.21 1/31/2015 3 Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA) USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2015-003A 40376 "SMAP provide the most accurate, highest-resolution global measurements of soil moisture ever obtained from space and will detect whether the ground is frozen or thawed. " SC - ASCR http://www.space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2015-003A&jazyk=pp_en http://claudelafleur.qc.ca/Spacecrafts-2015.html#SMAP https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/smap SMDC-ONE 1.1 (Techsat) SMDC-ONE 1.1 USA USA US Army Space and Missile Defense Command Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 495 791 2.11E-02 64.60 97.5 5 9/13/2012 Miltec USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2012-048J 38766 Technology experiments under the STP (Space Test Program). ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012#end SMDC-ONE 1.2 (ORSES [Operationally Responsive Space Enabler Satellite]) SMDC-ONE 1.2 USA USA US Army Space and Missile Defense Command Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 483 789 2.18E-02 64.60 97.4 3 9/13/2012 Miltec USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2012-048B 38759 Mission unknown. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012#end http://www.spaceflight101.com/nrol-36-launch.updates.html SMDC-ONE 2.3 SMDC-ONE 2.3 NR USA US Army Space and Missile Defense Command Military Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 443 886 3.15E-02 120.30 98 5 12/6/2013 Miltec USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2013-072N 39474 Possibly testing use for tactical 'Beyond Line of Sight' communications. ZARYA estimated http://www.spaceflight101.com/atlas-v-nrol-39-launch-updates.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 SMDC-ONE 2.4 SMDC-ONE 2.4 NR USA US Army Space and Missile Defense Command Military Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 443 886 3.15E-02 120.30 98 5 12/6/2013 Miltec USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2013-072L 39472 Possibly testing use for tactical 'Beyond Line of Sight' communications. ZARYA estimated http://www.spaceflight101.com/atlas-v-nrol-39-launch-updates.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 "SMOG-P (SMOG-1, BME-1, Magyar-OSCAR 105, MO-105)" SMOG-P NR (3/20) Hungary Budapest University of Technology and Economics Civil Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 326 370 3.27E-03 97.00 92 1 12/6/2019 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Hungary Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-084J 44832 5 cm by 5 cm picosat. Spectrum analyzer to measure man-made electromagnetic pollution (elextrosmog). Novel spectrum monitoring payload to make a global map of spectrum usage. Will undertake DVB-T band spectrum monitoring. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/06/rocket-labs-10th-launch-tests-booster-recovery-technology/ https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY/viwrecgNj5pECsxOs/recQNSYK6yebPnybD?blocks=hide SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite) SMOS ESA ESA Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)/European Space Agency (ESA) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 759 760 7.01E-05 98.40 100 658 630 "1,065" 11/2/2009 3 Thales Alenia Space France Plesetsk Cosmodrome Breeze KM 2009-059A 36036 Mission to measure sea surface salinity and soil moisture on a global scale. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.esa.int/esaLP/ESAMBA2VMOC_LPsmos_0.html http://directory.eoportal.org/get_announce.php?an_id=7316 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/059A.HTM SNaP-3 Alice SNaP-3 Alice USA USA US Army Space and Missile Defense Command Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 495 801 2.18E-02 64.78 97.68 5 10/8/2015 US Army Space and Missile Defense Command USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-058G 40970 Technology development for user software-defined radios for beyond-line-of-sight communication in remote areas. JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/08/recap-story-second-atlas-5-rocket-launched-in-span-of-six-days/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/10/2015-058.html http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SNaP-3 Eddie SNaP-3 Eddie USA USA US Army Space and Missile Defense Command Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 496 801 2.17E-02 64.78 97.69 5 10/8/2015 US Army Space and Missile Defense Command USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-058J 40972 Technology development for user software-defined radios for beyond-line-of-sight communication in remote areas. JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/08/recap-story-second-atlas-5-rocket-launched-in-span-of-six-days/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/10/2015-058.html http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SNaP-3 Jimi SNaP-3 Jimi USA USA US Army Space and Missile Defense Command Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 495 801 2.18E-02 64.78 97.67 5 10/8/2015 US Army Space and Missile Defense Command USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2015-058M 40975 Technology development for user software-defined radios for beyond-line-of-sight communication in remote areas. JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/08/recap-story-second-atlas-5-rocket-launched-in-span-of-six-days/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/10/2015-058.html http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SNaP-3-1  (Space and Missile Defense Command NanoSat Program) SNaP-3-1 NR USA US Southern Command Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 443 886 3.15E-02 120.30 98 12/6/2013 Naval Post-Graduate School USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2013-072G 39468 Communications experiments. ZARYA estimated http://www.nps.edu/About/News/Southcom-Turns-to-NPS-to-Evaluate-CubeSats-for-Communications-Support.html http://www.spaceflight101.com/atlas-v-nrol-39-launch-updates.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 S-Net-1 S-Net-1 Germany Germany Technical University Berlin Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 588 1.15E-03 97.70 96.2 9 1/31/2018 1 Technical University Berlin Germany Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-014G 43186 Demonstrate an S-band inter-satellite communications package that could allow future constellations of spacecraft to conduct autonomous missions. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/31/soyuz-11-satellites/ S-Net-2 S-Net-2 Germany Germany Technical University Berlin Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 571 588 1.22E-03 97.70 96.2 9 1/31/2018 1 Technical University Berlin Germany Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-014H 43187 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/31/soyuz-11-satellites/ S-Net-3 S-Net-3 Germany Germany Technical University Berlin Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 571 588 1.22E-03 97.70 96.2 9 1/31/2018 1 Technical University Berlin Germany Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-014J 43188 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/31/soyuz-11-satellites/ S-Net-4 S-Net-4 Germany Germany Technical University Berlin Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 571 588 1.22E-03 97.70 96.2 9 1/31/2018 1 Technical University Berlin Germany Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-014K 43189 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/31/soyuz-11-satellites/ SNUGLITE SNUGLITE NR (11/19) South Korea Seoul National University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 591 1.37E-03 97.70 96.3 3 12/3/2018 Seoul National University South Korea Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AC 43784 Technology developmen and amateur radio. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sso-a https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SNUSat-2 SNUSat-2 NR (11/19) South Korea Seoul National University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 588 1.15E-03 97.70 96.3 4 12/3/2018 Seoul National University South Korea Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AA 43782 Development mission for disaster monitoring using wide-angle and high resolution cameras. Also carries other experiments. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SOCRATES  (Space Optical Communications Research Advanced TEchnology Satellite) SOCRATES Japan Japan National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (JPN) Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 618 629 7.86E-04 97.87 97.17 48 100 5/24/2014 "Advanced Engineering Services Company, Ltd." Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2014-029C 39768 Development of new satellite bus. ZARYA http://www.aes.co.jp/product/pdf/socrates_hp_e.pdf https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/socrates "SOHLA 1 (Space Oriented Higashiosaka Leading Association, Maido 1)" SOHLA 1 Japan Japan Astrotech SOHLA Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 657 665 5.69E-04 98.10 98 50 1/23/2009 Space Oriented Higashiosaka Leading Association Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2009-002E 33496 Observe lightening. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa/gov/spacewarn/spx663.html SOKRAT SOKRAT NR (11/19) Russia Moscow State University Civil Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 515 546 2.25E-03 97.50 95.2 4 7/5/2019 Moscow State University Russia Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038U 44404 Foton-Amur instrument consisting of charged particle and gamma ray detectors to study space weather phenomena. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SONATE (SOlutus NAno satteliTE) SONATE NR (11/19) Germany University of Würzburg Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 514 546 2.32E-03 97.50 95.2 1 7/5/2019 University of Würzburg Germany Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038Q 44400 Technology demonstrator for highly autonomous payloads. JMSatcat/11_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sonate https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SORCE (SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment) SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) USA USA "National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth Science Office/Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Univ. of Colorado" Government/Civil Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 600 633 2.36E-03 40.00 97 315 290 348 1/25/2003 6 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Pegasus XL 2003-004A 27651 Monitor Sun; improve accuracy of measurement of solar energy. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx591.html http://www.orbital.com/NewsInfo/Publications/SORCEfact.pdf http://lasp.colorado.edu/sorce/pdf/sorce_quick_facts.pdf http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2003/004A.HTM http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html SORTIE (Scintillation Observations and Response of the Ionosphere to Electrodynamics) SORTIE NR (3/20) USA COSMIAC (Configurable Space Microsystems Innovations & Applications Center) Government Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 409 419 7.37E-04 51.60 92.8 9 2/19/2020 COSMIAC and ASTRA LLC USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067RH 45264 Studies in the ionosphere on plasma densities and waves. JMSatcat/7_20 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/sortie https://nanoracks.com/nanoracks-completes-17th-commercial-space-station-cubesat-deployment-mission/ South Asia Satellite (GSAT 9) South Asia Satellite India India South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Government Communications GEO 48.00 "35,775" "35,798" 2.73E-04 0.00 1436.11 "2,230" 5/6/2017 12 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre GSLV 2017-024A 42695 "Will give free access to users in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan and Afghanistan" JMGEO/9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/05/06/india-launches-satellite-linking-its-south-asian-neighbors/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log SpaceBEE-1 SpaceBEE-1 USA USA Swarm Technologies Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 505 8.73E-04 97.50 94.5 1 1/11/2018 Swarm Technologies USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004AH 43142 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c40/pslv-c40-other-secondary-payloads/ https://www.space.com/40001-four-cubesats-unauthorized-launch-fcc.html SpaceBEE-2 SpaceBEE-2 USA USA Swarm Technologies Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 505 8.73E-04 97.50 94.5 1 1/11/2018 Swarm Technologies USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004AG 43141 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c40/pslv-c40-other-secondary-payloads/ https://www.space.com/40001-four-cubesats-unauthorized-launch-fcc.html SpaceBEE-3 SpaceBEE-3 USA USA Swarm Technologies Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 505 8.73E-04 97.50 94.5 1 1/11/2018 Swarm Technologies USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004AF 43140 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c40/pslv-c40-other-secondary-payloads/ https://www.space.com/40001-four-cubesats-unauthorized-launch-fcc.html SpaceBEE-4 SpaceBEE-4 USA USA Swarm Technologies Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 505 8.73E-04 97.50 94.5 1 1/11/2018 Swarm Technologies USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004AE 43139 "A quarter of the size of a one unit cubesat--4"" x 4"" x 1"". Reportedly launched without FCC permission. Concerns about space junk and untrackability. " JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c40/pslv-c40-other-secondary-payloads/ https://www.space.com/40001-four-cubesats-unauthorized-launch-fcc.html SpaceBEE-5 SpaceBEE-5 NR (11/19) USA Swarm Technologies Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 590 1.22E-03 97.70 96.3 2 12/3/2018 Swarm Technologies USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099BM 43817 Test the satellites for low-rate Internet of Things (IoT) network connectivity. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SpaceBEE-6 SpaceBEE-6 NR (11/19) USA Swarm Technologies Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 589 1.15E-03 97.70 96.3 2 12/3/2018 Swarm Technologies USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099BN 43818 Test the satellites for low-rate Internet of Things (IoT) network connectivity. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SpaceBEE-7 SpaceBEE-7 NR (11/19) USA Swarm Technologies Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 589 1.15E-03 97.70 96.3 2 12/3/2018 Swarm Technologies USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099BL 43816 Test the satellites for low-rate Internet of Things (IoT) network connectivity. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SpaceBEE-8 SpaceBEE-8 NR (11/19) USA Swarm Technologies Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 447 460 9.53E-04 45.00 93.6 2 6/29/2019 Swarm Technologies USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-037G 44371 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/29/rocket-lab-flies-again-from-new-zealand-as-construction-advances-at-virginia-launch-pad/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SpaceBEE-9 SpaceBEE-9 NR (11/19) USA Swarm Technologies Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 446 460 1.03E-03 45.00 93.6 2 6/29/2019 Swarm Technologies USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-037F 44370 JMSatcat?11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/29/rocket-lab-flies-again-from-new-zealand-as-construction-advances-at-virginia-launch-pad/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Spaceway 3 Spaceway 3 USA USA Hughes Space and Communications Co. Commercial Communications GEO -94.93 "35,785" "35,787" 2.37E-05 0.06 1436.1 "6,100" "3,655" 8/14/2007 12 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2007-036A 32018 JM/12_08 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/036A.HTM Spaceway F2 Spaceway F2 USA USA "DirecTV, Inc." Commercial Communications GEO -99.08 "35,785" "35,787" 2.37E-05 0.04 1436.1 "5,993" "3,691" "12,300" 11/16/2005 12.5 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2005-046B 28903 17 Ku-band transponders; high definition. JM/12_08 http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/702/spaceway/spaceway.html http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20051116006130&newsLang=en http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/046A.HTM Spainsat Spainsat NR Spain Hisdesat/Ministry of Defense Military Communications GEO -30.00 "35,745" "35,826" 9.61E-04 0.06 1436.1 "3,680" "1,467" 3/11/2006 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2006-007A 28946 Secure communications satellite for Spanish Ministry of Defense; both X and Ku-band. JM/12_08 http://www.space.eads.net/ http://www.defenseworld.net/eurosatory2006/news.asp/var/10280-DefenseAerospacePressnews-1 http://mek.kosmo.cz/novinky/starty/current.htm http://www.satnews.com/stories2006/2084.htm http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/007A.HTM SPARC-1 (Space Plug and Play Architecture Research CubeSat-1) SPARC-1 NR (11/19) USA/Sweden Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)/Swedish Defense Materiel Administration Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 493 511 1.31E-03 40.02 94.7 8 5/5/2019 ÅAC Microtecs Sweden Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-026B 44226 "Test miniaturized avionics, a software-defined radio system, and a visible camera." JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/05/rocket-labs-deploys-experimental-u-s-military-smallsats-on-first-night-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Spark-1 Spark-1 China China Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites Government Earth Observation Hyperspectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 690 725 2.47E-03 98.15 98.94 50 12/21/2016 Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2016-081C 41900 Hyperspectral imaging JMSatcat http://host.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.733 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Spark-2 Spark-2 China China Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites Government Earth Observation Hyperspectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 690 727 2.61E-03 98.15 98.96 50 12/21/2016 Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2016-081D 41901 Hyperspectral imaging JM Satcat http://host.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.733 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SPATIUM-I SPATIUM-I NR Japan/Singapore Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT)/Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 400 406 4.43E-04 51.60 92.6 3 10/6/2018 Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech)/Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Japan/Singapore International Space Station Manual Deployment 1998-067PN 43638 Demonstrate a new technique for ionosphere mapping JMSatcat/3_19 http://www.kyutech.ac.jp/english/en-news/topics/entry-5953.html https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Spektr-R/RadioAstron Spektr-R/RadioAstron Russia Multinational Astro Space Center of Moscow/Russian Academy of Sciences Government Space Science Elliptical Cislunar 0.00 "1,000" "330,000" 9.57E-01 51.46 "11,520" "3,660" 7/18/2011 5 Lavochkin Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Zenit 3SLBF/Fregat SB 2011-037A 37755 "Featuring a 30-foot (10-meter) wide antenna, ""The aim is to use the space telescope to conduct interferometer observations to obtain images, coordinates, motions and evolution of angular structure of different radio emitting objects in the universe.""" SC - ASCR http://www.space.com/12329-russia-launches-deep-space-giant-radio-telescope.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/INDEX1.HTM SPIRALE-A (Système Préparatoire Infra-Rouge pour l'Alerte) SPIRALE-A France France Ministry of Defense/General Delegation for Ordnance (DGA) Military Technology Development Infrared Imaging Elliptical 0.00 240 "31,342" 7.02E-01 2.00 547 117 2/11/2009 EADS Astrium France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2009-008C 33751 Demonstration program designed to collect infrared images of terrestrial backgrounds and analyze them to assess the detectability of ballistic missiles during their powered phase. It will pave the way for a future ballistic missile warning system. SC - ASCR http://www.spacemart.com/reports/HOT_BIRD_10_NSS_9_SPIRALE_A_And_B_In_orbit_999.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx664.html SPIRALE-B (Système Préparatoire Infra-Rouge pour l'Alerte) SPIRALE-B France France Ministry of Defense/General Delegation for Ordnance (DGA) Military Technology Development Infrared Imaging Elliptical 0.00 389 "17,480" 5.58E-01 2.10 314 117 2/11/2009 EADS Astrium France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2009-008D 33752 Demonstration program designed to collect infrared images of terrestrial backgrounds and analyze them to assess the detectability of ballistic missiles during their powered phase. It will pave the way for a future ballistic missile warning system. SC - ASCR http://www.spacemart.com/reports/HOT_BIRD_10_NSS_9_SPIRALE_A_And_B_In_orbit_999.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx664.html SpooQy-1 SpooQy-1 NR (11/19) Singapore National University of Singapore Civil Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 405 415 7.37E-04 51.60 92.7 4 6/17/2019 "National University of Singapore, Center for Quantum Technologies" Singapore International Space Station Japanese Experiment Module 1998-067QH 44332 "Will attempt to demonstrate quantum entanglement using a CubeSat in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), something that has never been done before." JMSatcat/11_19 https://www.spacetechasia.com/spooqy-1-singapores-experimental-quantum-cubesat-and-its-jaxa-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Spot 6 (Système Probatoire d’Observation de la Terre) Spot 6 France France/Belgium/Sweden Spot Image Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 696 699 2.12E-04 98.20 98.73 720 9/9/2012 10 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2012-047A 38755 Privately financed to complement the Pleiades 1A and 1B imaging spacecraft owned by French government. SC - ASCR http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1209/09pslv/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/1047A.HTM Spot 7 (Système Probatoire d’Observation de la Terre) Spot 7 France France/Belgium/Sweden Spot Image Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 643 660 1.21E-03 98.20 97.77 714 6/30/2014 10 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-CA 2014-034A 40053 ZARYA http://www.astrium-geo.com/en/147-spot-6-7-satellite-imagery https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/spot-6-7 SPROUT  (SPace Research On Unique Technology) SPROUT Japan Japan Nihon University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 614 629 1.07E-03 97.87 97.13 7 5/24/2014 Nihon University Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2014-029E 39770 ZARYA http://sat.aero.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp/sprout-e/1-Mission-e.html http://amsat-uk.org/2014/05/21/sprout-amateur-radio-slow-scan-tv-satellite/ SRMSat (Sri Ramaswamy Memorial Satellite) SRMSat India India SRM University Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 850 868 1.24E-03 20.00 102.1 11 10/12/2011 1 SRM University India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2011-058D 37841 To build a nanosatellite with a mass less than 10kg; to be launched by PSLV and to estimate the amount for atmospheric greenhouse gases; to provide hands on experience to the student and the faculty of SRM University in building small satellite; to develop a nanosatellite bus. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://srmsat.in/ http://www.uk.amsat.org/2184 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/058D.HTM http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/index.php SRSS-1 (Sudan Remote Sensing Satellite 1) SSRS-1 NR (3/20) Sudan Government of Sudan Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 485 505 1.46E-03 97.50 94.5 50 11/3/2019 Shenzhen Aerospace Oriental Red Sea Satellite Co. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2019-072B 44704 Sudan's first satellite. Both government and military purposes. JMSatcat/3_20 https://africanews.space/sudan-has-launched-its-first-satellite-a-remote-sensing-satellite/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt SSOT (Sistema Satelital para la Observación de la Tierra) SSOT Chile Chile Chilean Air Force Government/Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 622 624 1.43E-04 98.00 97.2 117 12/17/2011 Astrium France Guiana Space Center Soyuz 2/Fregat 2011-076E 38011 "Extremely high-quality satellite images with applications such as mapping, agriculture, town planning, and natural resource, risk and disaster management." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.arianespace.com/news-mission-update/2011/vs02-success.asp http://www.astrium.eads.net/en/programme/ssto-high-resolution-earth-observation-for-chile.html SSTL-S1-4 SSTL-S1-4 United Kingdom United Kingdom Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 574 591 1.22E-03 97.80 96.3 440 9/16/2018 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. UK Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-071A 43618 "Will supply high-resolution imagery from the new satellite to 21AT, a company founded in China and now based in Singapore." JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/09/17/british-earth-imaging-satellites-ride-indian-rocket-into-orbit/ https://www.sstl.co.uk/space-portfolio/launched-missions/2010-2018/sstl-s1-4 ST-2 (Singapore-Taiwan 2) ST-2 NR Singapore/Taiwan Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. (SingTel)/Chunghwa Telecom Co. Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 87.99 "35,783" "35,791" 9.49E-05 0.02 1436.12 "5,090" 5/20/2011 15 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2011-022B 37606 "Will replace ST1. Six antennas, 41 Ku-band tarnsponders and 10 C-band transponders." JM/9_11 http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?id=20110519000123&cid=1204&MainCatID=12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/022B.HTM http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx691.html Star One C1 Star 1 C1 Brazil Brazil Embratel Star One Commercial Communications GEO -64.98 "35,703" "35,778" 8.91E-04 0.03 1436 "4,100" "1,750" "10,500" 11/14/2007 15 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2007-056A 32293 "Has one X-band transponder for military use. 28 C-band and 16 Ku-band transponders, services to Brazil and neighboring countries." JM/12_08 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/056A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx649.html http://www.arianespace.com/site/news/kit/Skynet5B_StarOneC1_GB.pdf Star One C2 Star 1 C2 Brazil Brazil Embratel Star One Commercial Communications GEO -69.93 "35,776" "35,796" 2.37E-04 0.06 1436.1 "4,100" "1,750" 4/18/2008 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2008-018B 32768 "Has one X-band transponder for military use. 28 C-band and 16 Ku-band transponders, services to Brazil and neighboring countries." JM/12_08 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I017A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx654.html Star One C3 Star 1 C3 Brazil Brazil Embratel Star One Commercial Communications GEO -75.00 "35,791" "35,848" 6.76E-04 0.02 1437.78 "3,225" "1,402" 11/10/2012 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2012-062A 38991 "28 C-band, 16 Ku-band, entire South American region." SC - ASCR http://www.space-travel.com/reports/Ariane_5_orbits_Eutelsat_21B_and_Star_One_C3_satellites_999.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I062A.HTM Star One C4 Star 1 C4 Brazil Brazil Embratel Star One Commercial Communications GEO -70.00 "35,786" "35,801" 1.78E-04 0.00 1436.1 "5,634" "15,600" 7/15/2015 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2015-034B 40733 48 transponders. JM/8_15 http://www.starone.com.br/en/internas/satelite_c4/ Star One D1 Star 1 D1 Brazil Brazil Embratel Star One Commercial Communications GEO -84.00 "35,741" "35,777" 4.27E-04 0.00 1434.7 "6,433" 12/21/2016 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2016-082B 41904 "Video and radio broadcasters, Internet service providers and direct-to-home television programming, satellite telephone calls, and high-speed data transmissions over Brazil, Mexico and other parts of Latin America." JM/1_17 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/21/brazilian-and-japanese-communications-satellites-launched-by-ariane-5-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Starlilnk-1240 Starlink-1240 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012S 45194 JMSatcat/3_20 "StarLink Demo 1 (Microsat-2a, Tintin-A)" StarLink Demo 1 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 516 1.16E-03 97.40 94.7 20 2/22/2018 2 SpaceX USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-020B 43216 "Testbeds for SpaceX's StarLink Internet broadband fleet - possibly over 7,000 satellites in constellation." JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/02/22/recycled-spacex-rocket-boosts-paz-radar-satellite-first-starlink-testbeds-into-orbit/ Starlink-1007 Starlink-1007 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 559 561 1.44E-04 53.00 95.9 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074A 44713 Second launch of 60 satellites for SpaceX constellation. Celestrak https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/11/successful-launch-continues-deployment-of-spacexs-starlink-network/ Starlink-1008 Starlink-1008 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074B 44714 Starlink-1009 Starlink-1009 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.5 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074C 44715 Starlink-1010 Starlink-1010 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 533 535 1.45E-04 53.00 95.3 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074D 44716 Starlink-1011 Starlink-1011 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074E 44717 Starlink-1012 Starlink-1012 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074F 44718 Starlink-1013 Starlink-1013 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074G 44719 Starlink-1014 Starlink-1014 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 496 506 7.28E-04 53.00 94.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074H 44720 Starlink-1015 Starlink-1015 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074J 44721 Starlink-1016 Starlink-1016 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074K 44722 Starlink-1017 Starlink-1017 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074L 44723 Starlink-1019 Starlink-1019 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074M 44724 Starlink-1020 Starlink-1020 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074N 44725 Starlink-1021 Starlink-1021 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074P 44726 Starlink-1022 Starlink-1022 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074Q 44727 Starlink-1023 Starlink-1023 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 559 561 1.44E-04 53.00 95.8 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074R 44728 Starlink-1024 Starlink-1024 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074S 44729 Starlink-1025 Starlink-1025 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074T 44730 Starlink-1026 Starlink-1026 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074U 44731 Starlink-1027 Starlink-1027 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 569 571 1.44E-04 53.00 96 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074V 44732 Starlink-1028 Starlink-1028 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074W 44733 Starlink-1029 Starlink-1029 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 383 390 5.18E-04 53.00 92.3 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074X 44734 Starlink-1030 Starlink-1030 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074Y 44735 Starlink-1031 Starlink-1031 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 554 556 1.44E-04 53.00 95.7 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074Z 44736 Starlink-1032 Starlink-1032 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AA 44737 Starlink-1033 Starlink-1033 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AB 44738 Starlink-1034 Starlink-1034 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AW 44757 Starlink-1035 Starlink-1035 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 569 571 1.44E-04 53.00 96 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AD 44740 Starlink-1036 Starlink-1036 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AE 44741 Starlink-1037 Starlink-1037 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AF 44742 Starlink-1038 Starlink-1038 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AG 44743 Starlink-1039 Starlink-1039 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AH 44744 Starlink-1041 Starlink-1041 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AK 44746 Starlink-1042 Starlink-1042 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AL 44747 Starlink-1043 Starlink-1043 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AM 44748 Starlink-1044 Starlink-1044 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AN 44749 Starlink-1045 Starlink-1045 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AP 44750 Starlink-1046 Starlink-1046 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AQ 44751 Starlink-1047 Starlink-1047 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 553 556 2.17E-04 53.00 95.7 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AR 44752 Starlink-1048 Starlink-1048 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AS 44753 Starlink-1049 Starlink-1049 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AT 44754 Starlink-1050 Starlink-1050 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AU 44755 Starlink-1051 Starlink-1051 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AV 44756 Starlink-1052 Starlink-1052 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AC 44739 Starlink-1053 Starlink-1053 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AX 44758 Starlink-1054 Starlink-1054 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074Y 44759 Starlink-1055 Starlink-1055 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074AZ 44760 Starlink-1056 Starlink-1056 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074BA 44761 Starlink-1057 Starlink-1057 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074BB 44762 Starlink-1058 Starlink-1058 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074BC 44763 Starlink-1059 Starlink-1059 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074BD 44764 Starlink-1060 Starlink-1060 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074BE 44765 Starlink-1061 Starlink-1061 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074BF 44766 Starlink-1062 Starlink-1062 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074BG 44767 Starlink-1063 Starlink-1063 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074BH 44768 Starlink-1064 Starlink-1064 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074BJ 44769 Starlink-1065 Starlink-1065 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 547 551 2.89E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074BK 44770 Starlink-1066 Starlink-1066 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AS 44954 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1067 Starlink-1067 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074BL 44771 Starlink-1068 Starlink-1068 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 11/11/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-074BM 44772 Starlink-1069 Starlink-1069 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AT 44955 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1070 Starlink-1070 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.6 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AU 44956 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1071 Starlink-1071 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001W 44934 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1072 Starlink-1072 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001X 44935 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1073 Starlink-1073 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001A 44914 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/01/07/spacex-launches-more-starlink-satellites-tests-design-change-for-astronomers/ Starlink-1074 Starlink-1074 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.6 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AV 44957 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1075 Starlink-1075 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AW 44958 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1076 Starlink-1076 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AX 44959 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1077 Starlink1077 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 320 321 7.47E-05 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AY 44960 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1078 Starlink-1078 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001Y 44936 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1079 Starlink-1079 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001Z 44937 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1080 Starlink-1080 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AZ 44961 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1081 Starlink-1081 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001BA 44962 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1082 Starlink-1082 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AA 44938 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1083 Starlink-1083 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AB 44939 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1084 Starlink-1084 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001B 44915 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1085 Starlink-1085 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001BB 44963 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1086 Starlink-1086 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001BC 44964 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1088 Starlink-1088 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001BE 44966 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1089 Starlink-1089 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001BF 44967 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1090 Starlink-1090 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001BG 44968 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1091 Starlink-1091 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AC 44940 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1092 Starlink-1092 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001BH 44969 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1093 Starlink-1093 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001BJ 44970 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1094 Starlink-1094 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AD 44941 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1095 Starlink-1095 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001BK 44971 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1096 Starlink-1096 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AE 44942 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1097 Starlink-1097 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001C 44916 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1098 Starlink-1098 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001D 44917 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1099 Starlink-1099 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001E 44918 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1100 Starlink-1100 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AF 44943 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1101 Starlink-1101 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.6 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001F 44919 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1102 Starlink-1102 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001G 44920 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1103 Starlink-1103 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001H 44921 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1104 Starlink-1104 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001J 44922 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1105 Starlink-1105 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.2 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AS 45218 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/02/17/spacex-delivers-more-starlink-satellites-to-orbit-booster-misses-drone-ship-landing/ Starlink-1106 Starlink-1106 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001K 44923 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1107 Starlink-1107 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001BL 44972 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1108 Starlink-1108 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AG 44944 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1109 Starlink-1109 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AH 44945 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1110 Starlink-1110 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 550 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AJ 44946 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1111 Starlink-1111 BR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001L 44924 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1112 Starlink-1112 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001M 44925 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1113 Starlink-1113 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001N 44926 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1114 Starlink-1114 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001P 44927 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1115 Starlink-1115 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.6 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001BM 44973 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1116 Starlink-1116 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.6 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AK 44947 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1117 Starlink-1117 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AQ 44952 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1119 Starlink-1119 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001Q 44928 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1120 Starlink-1120 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006B 45045 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1121 Starlink-1121 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001R 44929 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1122 Starlink-1122 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AM 44949 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1123 Starlink-1123 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001S 44930 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1124 Starlink-1124 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AR 44953 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1125 Starlink-1125 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AN 44950 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1126 Starlink-1126 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 90.6 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001AP 44951 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1127 Starlink-1127 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AZ 45091 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1128 Starlink-1128 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001T 44931 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1129 Starlink-1129 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006C 45046 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1130 (Darksat) Starlink-1130 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001U 44932 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1131 Starlink-1131 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006D 45047 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1132 Starlink-1132 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006A 45044 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/01/29/spacex-boosts-60-more-starlink-satellites-into-orbit-after-weather-delays/ Starlink-1133 Starlink-1133 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006W 45064 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1134 Starlink-1134 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006E 45048 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1135 Starlink-1135 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006F 45049 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1136 Starlink-1136 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AX 45089 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1137 Starlink-1137 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006BA 45092 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1138 Starlink-1138 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.2 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012A 45178 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1139 Starlink-1139 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006X 45065 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1140 Starlink-1140 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006G 45050 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1141 Starlink-1141 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006H 45051 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1142 Starlink-1142 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006BB 45093 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1143 Starlink-1143 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.2 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012B 45179 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1144 Starlink-1144 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.4 227 1/7/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-001V 44933 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1145 Starlink-1145 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006Y 45066 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1146 Starlink-1146 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006BC 45094 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1147 Starlink-1147 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006BD 45095 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1148 Starlink-1148 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006J 45052 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1149 Starlink-1149 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AM 45079 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1150 Starlink-1150 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006Z 45067 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1151 Starlink-1151 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AP 45081 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1152 Starlink-1152 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006BE 45096 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1153 Starlink-1153 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AN 45080 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1154 Starlink-1154 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.2 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012W 45198 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1155 Starlink-1155 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006K 45053 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1156 Starlink-1156 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006L 45054 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1157 Starlink-1157 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 301 313 8.99E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006M 45055 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1158 Starlink-1158 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006N 45056 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1159 Starlink-1159 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006P 45057 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1160 Starlink-1160 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AQ 45082 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1161 Starlink-1161 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AA 45068 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1162 Starlink-1162 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006Q 45058 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1163 Starlink-1163 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AB 45069 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1164 Starlink-1164 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AC 45070 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1165 Starlink-1165 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006R 45059 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1166 Starlink-1166 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006S 45060 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1167 Starlink-1167 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AD 45071 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1168 Starlink-1168 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AE 45072 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1169 Starlink-1169 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006T 45061 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1170 Starlink-1170 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AF 45073 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1171 Starlink-1171 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006U 45062 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1172 Starlink-1172 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AG 45074 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1173 Starlink-1173 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AS 45084 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1174 Starlink-1174 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AH 45075 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1175 Starlink-1175 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 309 311 1.50E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006BF 45097 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1176 Starlink-1176 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AY 45090 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1177 Starlink-1177 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AL 45078 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1178 Starlink-1178 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006V 45063 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1179 Starlink-1179 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AT 45085 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1180 Starlink-1180 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AJ 45076 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1181 Starlink-1181 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AU 45086 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1182 Starlink-1182 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AK 45077 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1183 Starlink-1183 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AW 45088 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1184 Starlink-1184 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006BG 45098 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1185 Starlink-1185 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AV 45087 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1186 Starlink-1186 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006BH 45099 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1187 Starlink-1187 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AT 45219 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1188 Starlink-1188 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.1 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AU 45220 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1189 Starlink-1189 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.2 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AV 45221 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1190 Starlink-1190 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006AR 45083 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1191 Starlink-1191 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.1 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AW 45222 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1192 Starlink-1192 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.1 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012C 45180 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1193 Starlink-1193 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006BJ 45100 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1194 Starlink-1194 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006BK 45101 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1195 Starlink-1195 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006BL 45102 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1196 Starlink-1196 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 90.5 227 1/29/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-006BM 45103 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1197 Starlink-1197 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.09E-04 53.00 91.1 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012X 45199 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1198 Starlink-1198 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.2 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012Y 45200 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1199 Starlink-1199 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.1 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012Z 45201 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1200 Starlink-1200 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.2 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012D 45181 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1201 Starlink-1201 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.2 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012E 45182 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1202 Starlink-1202 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.1 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012F 45183 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1203 Starlink-1203 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 550 1.45E-04 53.00 91.1 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AA 45202 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1204 Starlink-1204 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.1 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AB 45203 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1205 Starlink-1205 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.1 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012G 45184 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1206 Starlink-1206 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.2 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AC 45204 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1207 Starlink-1207 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019W 45380 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1208 Starlink-1208 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.2 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AD 45205 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1209 Starlink-1209 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AE 45206 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1210 Starlink-1210 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AF 45207 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1211 Starlink-1211 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AG 45208 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1212 Starlink-1212 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AX 45223 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1213 Starlink-1213 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AS 45400 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1214 Starlink-1214 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 90.8 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AY 45224 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1215 Starlink-1215 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AZ 45225 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1216 Starlink-1216 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012H 45185 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1217 Starlink-1217 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012BA 45226 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1218 Starlink-1218 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AH 45209 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1219 Starlink-1219 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AJ 45210 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1221 Starlink-1221 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012BB 45227 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1222 Starlink-1222 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012BC 45228 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1224 Starlink-1224 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012J 45186 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1225 Starlink-1225 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012K 45187 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1226 Starlink-1226 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012BD 45229 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1227 Starlink-1227 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012BE 45230 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1228 Starlink-1228 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012L 45188 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1229 Starlink-1229 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012BF 45231 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1230 Starlink-1230 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012M 45189 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1231 Starlink-1231 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AL 45212 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1232 Starlink-1232 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AM 45213 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1233 Starlink-1233 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AN 45214 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1234 Starlink-1234 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012N 45190 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1235 Starlink-1235 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012BG 45232 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1236 Starlink-1236 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012P 45191 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1237 Starlink-1237 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012Q 45192 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1238 Starlink-1238 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012BH 45233 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1239 Starlink-1239 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012R 45123 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1241 Starlink-1241 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012T 45195 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1243 Starlink-1243 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012BJ 45234 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1244 Starlink-1244 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012U 45196 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1245 Starlink-1245 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AP 45215 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1246 Starlink-1246 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 89.9 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012BK 45235 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1247 Starlink-1247 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012BL 45236 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1254 Starlink-1254 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91.2 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AQ 45216 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1255 Starlink-1255 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.2 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AR 45399 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1256 Starlink-1256 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AT 45401 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1257 Starlink-1257 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AU 45402 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1258 Starlink-1258 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019X 45381 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1259 Starlink-1259 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AV 45403 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1260 Starlink-1260 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AW 45404 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1261 Starlink-1261 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 526 528 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AS 45571 Starlink-1262 Starlink-1262 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.6 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019G 45366 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1263 Starlink-1263 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AX 45405 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1264 Starlink-1264 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019Y 45382 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1265 Starlink-1265 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AY 45406 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1266 Starlink-1266 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019Z 45383 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1267 Starlink-1267 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AA 45384 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1269 Starlink-1269 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 91 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012V 45197 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1270 Starlink-1270 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012BM 45237 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1271 Starlink-1271 NR (3/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 90.3 227 2/17/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-012AR 45217 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1272 Starlink-1272 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AC 45386 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1273 Starlink-1273 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.6 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019H 45367 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1274 Starlink-1274 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 569 571 1.44E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AD 45387 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1275 Starlink-1275 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AZ 45407 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1276 Starlink-1276 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.5 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019J 45368 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1277 Starlink-1277 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.5 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019K 45369 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1278 Starlink-1278 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019BA 45408 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1279 Starlink-1279 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019A 45360 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/03/18/falcon-9-rocket-overcomes-engine-failure-to-deploy-starlink-satellites/ Starlink-1280 Starlink-1280 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AE 45388 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1281 Starlink-1281 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 94.6 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019L 45370 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1282 Starlink-1282 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019BB 45409 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1283 Starlink-1283 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AF 45389 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1284 Starlink-1284 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AG 45390 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1285 Starlink-1285 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019BC 45410 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1286 Starlink-1286 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 3.64E-04 53.00 94.5 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020--019BK 45417 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1287 Starlink-1287 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.4 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019M 45371 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1288 Starlink-1288 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.6 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019N 45372 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1289 Starlink-1289 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AH 45391 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1290 Starlink-1290 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AJ 45392 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1291 Starlink-1291 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020--019AK 45393 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1292 Starlink-1292 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AL 45394 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1293 Starlink-1293 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019BD 45411 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1294 Starlink-1294 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025W 45551 Starlink-1295 Starlink-1295 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.4 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019P 45373 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1296 Starlink-1296 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019BE 45412 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1297 Starlink-1297 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AM 45395 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1298 Starlink-1298 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019BF 45413 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1299 Starlink-1299 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 569 570 7.21E-05 53.00 94 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019BL 45418 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1300 Starlink-1300 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.6 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019Q 45374 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1301 Starlink-1301 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019B 45361 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1302 Starlink-1302 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.6 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019R 45375 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1303 Starlink-1303 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AN 45396 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1304 Starlink-1304 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.6 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019S 45376 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1305 Starlink-1305 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.5 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019T 45377 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1306 Starlink-1306 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.3 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019C 45362 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1307 Starlink-1307 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AP 45397 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1308 Starlink-1308 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 94.5 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019BM 45419 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1309 Starlink-1309 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019BG 45414 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1310 Starlink-1310 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.5 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019U 45378 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1312 Starlink-1312 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019AQ 45398 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1313 Starlink-1313 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019E 45364 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1316 Starlink-1316 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019BH 45415 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1317 Starlink-1317 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019F 45365 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1318 Starlink-1318 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 92.1 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019BJ 45416 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1319 Starlink-1319 NR (4/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 94.6 227 3/18/2020 SpaceX SpaceX Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-019V 45379 JMSatcat/3_20 Starlink-1320 Starlink-1320 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AT 45572 Starlink-1321 Starlink-1321 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AU 45573 Starlink-1322 Starlink-1322 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025X 45552 Starlink-1323 Starlink-1323 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025Y 45553 Starlink-1324 Starlink-1324 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 526 528 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AV 45574 Starlink-1325 Starlink-1325 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025Z 45554 Starlink-1326 Starlink-1326 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 527 529 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AW 45575 Starlink-1327 Starlink-1327 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AA 45555 Starlink-1328 Starlink-1328 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AX 45576 Starlink-1329 Starlink-1329 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025A 45531 Starlink-1330 Starlink-1330 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 550 551 7.22E-05 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AY 45577 Starlink-1331 Starlink-1331 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 528 530 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AZ 45578 Starlink-1332 Starlink-1332 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 392 397 3.70E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025BA 45579 Starlink-1333 Starlink-1333 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025BB 45580 Starlink-1334 Starlink-1334 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AB 45556 Starlink-1335 Starlink-1335 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025BC 45581 Starlink-1336 Starlink-1336 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AC 45557 Starlink-1337 Starlink-1337 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025BD 45582 Starlink-1338 Starlink-1338 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025B 45532 Starlink-1339 Starlink-1339 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025C 45533 Starlink-1340 Starlink-1340 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025BE 45583 Starlink-1341 Starlink-1341 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025D 45534 Starlink-1342 Starlink-1342 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AD 45558 Starlink-1343 Starlink-1343 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 550 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025BF 45584 Starlink-1344 Starlink-1344 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AE 45559 Starlink-1345 Starlink-1345 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025BG 45585 Starlink-1346 Starlink-1346 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 526 528 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AF 45560 Starlink-1347 Starlink-1347 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 510 512 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025BH 45586 Starlink-1348 Starlink-1348 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 384 396 8.88E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AG 45561 Starlink-1349 Starlink-1349 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 528 529 7.25E-05 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025BJ 45587 Starlink-1350 Starlink-1350 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025E 45535 Starlink-1351 Starlink-1351 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AS 45697 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1352 Starlink-1352 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025F 45536 Starlink-1353 Starlink-1353 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 531 534 2.17E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025G 45537 Starlink-1354 Starlink-1354 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AH 45562 Starlink-1355 Starlink-1355 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 559 561 1.44E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AJ 45563 Starlink-1356 Starlink-1356 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AK 45564 Starlink-1357 Starlink-1357 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AL 45565 Starlink-1358 Starlink-1358 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AM 45566 Starlink-1360 Starlink-1360 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025BK 45588 Starlink-1361 Starlink-1361 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AN 45567 Starlink-1362 Starlink-1362 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025H 45538 Starlink-1363 Starlink-1363 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AP 45568 Starlink-1364 Starlink-1364 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025BL 45589 Starlink-1365 Starlink-1365 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025BM 45590 Starlink-1366 Starlink-1366 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AQ 45569 Starlink-1368 Starlink-1368 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025K 45540 Starlink-1369 Starlink-1369 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025L 45541 Starlink-1370 Starlink-1370 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AT 45698 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1371 Starlink-1371 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025M 45542 Starlink-1372 Starlink-1372 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025N 45543 Starlink-1373 Starlink-1373 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025P 45544 Starlink-1374 Starlink-1374 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025Q 45545 Starlink-1375 Starlink-1375 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025R 45546 Starlink-1376 Starlink-1376 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025AR 45570 Starlink-1377 Starlink-1377 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025S 45547 Starlink-1378 Starlink-1378 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025T 45548 Starlink-1379 Starlink-1379 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025U 45549 Starlink-1390 Starlink-1390 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025V 45550 Starlink-1391 Starlink-1391 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038W 45750 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1392 Starlink-1392 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035W 45677 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1393 Starlink-1393 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035X 45678 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1394 Starlink-1394 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035Y 45679 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1395 Starlink-1395 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035Z 45680 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1396 Starlink-1396 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AA 45681 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1397 Starlink-1397 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AB 45682 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1398 Starlink-1398 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AU 45699 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1399 Starlink-1399 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AC 45683 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1400 Starlink-1400 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AV 45700 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1401 Starlink-1401 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AD 45684 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1402 Starlink-1402 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AE 45685 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1403 Starlink-1403 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AW 45701 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1404 Starlink-1404 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AF 45686 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1405 Starlink-1405 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 436 437 7.35E-05 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AX 45702 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1406 Starlink-1406 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 441 443 1.47E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AG 45687 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1407 Starlink-1407 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AY 45703 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1408 Starlink-1408 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AH 45688 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1409 Starlink-1409 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AZ 45704 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1410 Starlink-1410 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035BA 45705 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1411 Starlink-1411 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 376 383 5.19E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035BB 45706 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1412 Starlink-1412 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 377 382 3.70E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035BC 45707 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1413 Starlink-1413 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AJ 45689 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1414 Starlink-1414 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AK 45690 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1415 Starlink-1415 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AL 45691 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1416 Starlink-1416 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AM 45692 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1417 Starlink-1417 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AN 45693 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1418 Starlink-1418 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035BD 45708 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1419 Starlink-1419 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AP 45694 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1420 Starlink-1420 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AQ 45695 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1421 Starlink-1421 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035BE 45709 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1422 Starlink-1422 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035AR 45696 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1423 Starlink-1423 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035BF 45710 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1433 Starlink-1433 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035BG 45711 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1434 Starlink-1434 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 374 385 8.15E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035BH 45712 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1436 (VisorSat) Starlink-1436 (VisorSat) NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035BJ 45713 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1437 Starlink-1437 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035BK 45714 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1438 Starlink-1438 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 349 351 1.49E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035BL 45715 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1439 Starlink-1439 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 374 385 8.15E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035BM 45716 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1441 Starlink-1441 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035B 45658 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1442 Starlink-1442 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035C 45659 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1443 Starlink-1443 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035D 45660 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1444 Starlink-1444 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035E 45661 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1445 Starlink-1445 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035F 45662 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1446 Starlink-1446 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035G 45663 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1447 Starlink-1447 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 387 391 2.96E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035H 45664 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1448 Starlink-1448 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035J 45665 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1449 Starlink-1449 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035K 45666 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1450 Starlink-1450 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035L 45667 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1451 Starlink-1451 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035M 45668 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1452 Starlink-1452 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035N 45669 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1453 Starlink-1453 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 380 7.41E-05 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035P 45670 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1454 Starlink-1454 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035Q 45671 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1455 Starlink-1455 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035R 45672 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1456 Starlink-1456 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 544 555 7.95E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035S 45673 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1457 Starlink-1457 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035T 45674 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1458 Starlink-1458 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035U 45675 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1459 Starlink-1459 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AR 45769 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1460 Starlink-1460 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.6 227 6/3/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-035V 45676 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/04/spacex-sets-new-mark-in-rocket-reuse-10-years-after-first-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1461 Starlink-1461 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038A 45730 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1462 Starlink-1462 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AS 45770 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1463 Starlink-1463 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AT 45771 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1464 Starlink-1464 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038X 45751 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1465 Starlink-1465 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038B 45731 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1466 Starlink-1466 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038C 45732 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1467 Starlink-1467 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 564 566 1.44E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038D 45733 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1468 Starlink-1468 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038E 45734 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1469 Starlink-1469 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 355 359 2.97E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038Y 45752 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1470 Starlink-1470 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AU 45772 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1471 Starlink-1471 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038F 45735 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1472 Starlink-1472 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038G 45736 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1473 Starlink-1473 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 349 351 1.49E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038H 45737 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1474 Starlink-1474 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038J 45738 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1475 Starlink-1475 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038K 45739 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1476 Starlink-1476 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038Z 45753 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1477 Starlink-1477 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AA 45754 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1478 Starlink-1478 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 382 384 1.48E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AB 45755 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1479 Starlink-1479 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038L 45740 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1480 Starlink-1480 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038M 45741 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1481 Starlink-1481 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038N 45742 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1482 Starlink-1482 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AV 45773 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1483 Starlink-1483 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038P 45743 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1484 Starlink-1484 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 382 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AC 45756 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1485 Starlink-1485 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AW 45774 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1486 Starlink-1486 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 383 386 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AD 45757 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1487 Starlink-1487 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 383 385 1.48E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AE 45758 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1488 Starlink-1488 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AX 45775 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1489 Starlink-1489 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AY 45776 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1490 Starlink-1490 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AZ 45777 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1491 Starlink-1491 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038BA 45778 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1492 Starlink-1492 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038BB 45779 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1493 Starlink-1493 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 383 391 5.92E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AF 45759 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1494 Starlink-1494 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AG 45760 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1495 Starlink-1495 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AH 45761 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1496 Starlink-1496 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038BC 45780 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1497 Starlink-1497 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038BD 45781 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1498 Starlink-1498 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038BE 45782 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1499 Starlink-1499 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AJ 45762 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1500 Starlink-1500 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038Q 45744 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1501 Starlink-1501 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AK 45763 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1502 Starlink-1502 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AL 45764 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1503 Starlink-1503 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038R 45745 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1504 Starlink-1504 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038S 45746 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1505 Starlink-1505 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038BF 45783 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1506 Starlink-1506 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038T 45747 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1507 Starlink-1507 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 550 7.23E-05 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038U 45748 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1508 Starlink-1508 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AM 45765 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1509 Starlink-1509 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 383 386 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AN 45766 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1510 Starlink-1510 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038BG 45784 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1511 Starlink-1511 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 382 385 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AP 45767 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1512 Starlink-1512 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038BH 45785 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1513 Starlink-1513 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 381 2.22E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038BJ 45786 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1516 Starlink-1516 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 377 378 7.41E-05 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038V 45749 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1517 Starlink-1517 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 381 1.48E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038BK 45787 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-1521 Starlink-1521 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 378 380 1.48E-04 53.00 96.5 227 6/13/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-038AQ 45768 ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/13/starlink-satellite-deployments-continue-with-successful-falcon-9-launch/ Starlink-21 Starlink-21 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029L 44245 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-23 Starlink-23 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029C 44237 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-24 Starlink-24 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029D 44238 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-25 Starlink-25 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029E 44239 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-26 Starlink-26 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 538 541 2.17E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029F 44240 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-27 Starlink-27 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029G 44241 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-29 Starlink-29 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 438 449 8.07E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029J 44243 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-30 Starlink-30 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029K 44244 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-31 Starlink-31 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029A 44235 "First deployment of constellation which may include 12,000 satellites." JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-32 Starlink-32 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029V 44254 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-33 Starlink-33 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029N 44247 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-34 Starlink-34 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029P 44248 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-35 Starlink-35 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AF 44264 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-36 Starlink-36 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029R 44250 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-37 Starlink-37 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029S 44251 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-38 Starlink-38 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AX 44280 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-39 Starlink-39 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029U 44253 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-40 Starlink-40 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029Z 44258 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-42 Starlink-42 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029X 44256 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-43 Starlink-43 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 478 481 2.19E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029Y 44257 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-44 Starlink-44 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AC 44261 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-45 Starlink-45 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 547 552 3.61E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AB 44260 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-48 Starlink-48 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 506 508 1.45E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029BG 44289 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-49 Starlink-49 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AD 44262 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-50 Starlink-50 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029BC 44285 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-51 Starlink-51 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AP 44272 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-53 Starlink-53 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029BM 44294 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-54 Starlink-54 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AH 44266 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-55 Starlink-55 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AK 44268 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-56 Starlink-56 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029BA 44283 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-57 Starlink-57 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AL 44269 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-58 Starlink-58 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 552 2.17E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AM 44270 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-59 Starlink-59 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AN 44271 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-61 Starlink-61 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 530 533 2.17E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029Q 44249 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-63 Starlink-63 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AG 44265 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-64 Starlink-64 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 546 554 5.78E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AS 44275 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-65 Starlink-65 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AT 44276 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-66 Starlink-66 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029W 44255 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-68 Starlink-68 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AW 44279 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-69 Starlink-69 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AJ 44267 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-70 Starlink-70 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AY 44281 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-71 Starlink-71 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029T 44252 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-72 Starlink-72 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029AE 44263 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-73 Starlink-73 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029BB 44284 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-74 Starlink-74 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029BL 44293 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-75 Starlink-75 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 546 551 3.61E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029BD 44286 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-76 Starlink-76 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029BE 44287 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-77 Starlink-77 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029BJ 44291 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-78 Starlink-78 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029BH 44290 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-79 Starlink-79 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 552 2.89E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029BF 44288 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlink-81 Starlink-81 USA USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 548 551 2.17E-04 53.00 95.7 227 5/24/2019 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2019-029BK 44292 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/24/spacexs-first-60-starlink-broadband-satellites-deployed-in-Orbit/ https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-mission-loses-deorbiting-some-experimental-satellites-2019-6 Starlinlk-1367 Starlink-1367 NR (7/20) USA SpaceX Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 549 551 1.45E-04 53.10 95.6 227 4/22/2020 SpaceX USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2020-025J 45539 Step Cube Lab (Space Technology Experimental Project CubeSat Laboratory) Step Cube Lab South Korea South Korea Chosun University Civil Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 492 505 9.46E-04 97.5 94.50 1 1/11/2018 Chosun University South Korea Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004AD 43138 Fundamental technology demonstration of space technologies designed at domestic universities for risk retirement before operational use. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c40/step-cube-lab/ STF-1 (Simulation-to-Flight-1) STF-1 NR (11/19) USA West Virginia University Civil Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 494 512 1.31E-03 85.04 94.60 4 12/16/2018 West Virginia University USA Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2018-104D 43852 Demonstrate how established simulation technologies may be adapted for flexible and effective use on missions using the CubeSat Platform. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/albus https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/17/nasa-rocket-lab-partner-on-successful-satellite-launch-from-new-zealand/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt STPSat-3 (Space Test Program Satellite-3) STPSat-3 USA USA USAF Space Test Program Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 497 507 7.28E-04 40.51 94.66 137 11/19/2013 3 Ball Aerospace USA Wallops Island Flight Facility Minotaur 1 2013-064A 39380 "Carries 5 packages for Air Force, Army, Navy NASA/NOAA." SC - ASCR http://www.onlineamd.com/ball-aerospace-satellite-usaf-transfer-011414.aspx http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I064A.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 STPSat-4 (Space Test Program Satellite-4) STPSat-4 NR (3/20) USA USAF Space Test Program Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 415 422 5.16E-04 51.6 92.90 10 1/28/2020 1 USAFSpace Force Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC)NASA USA International Space Station Manual Deployment 1998-067QY 45043 "Test-bed with five experimental payloads to study advanced spacecraft communications, navigation, power systems, as well as space weather and improved small-satellite tracking capability. " JMSatcat/3_20 http://www.parabolicarc.com/2020/02/05/smc-nasa-deploy-dods-stpsat-4-from-iss/#more-72239 STPSat-5 (Space Test Program Satellite-5) STPSat-5 NR (11/19) USA USAF Space Test Program Military Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 591 1.29E-03 97.7 96.30 50 12/3/2018 Sierra Nevada Corp. USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099E 43762 Carries 5 science and technology packages for the Air Force and other agencies. JMSatcat/3_19 https://www.sncorp.com/press-releases/snc-stpsat-5-set-to-launch/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "STRaND-1 (Surrey Training, Research and Nanosatellite Demonstrator 1)" STRaND-1 United Kingdom United Kingdom Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 772 783 7.69E-04 98.60 100.4 4 2/25/2013 Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) UK Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2013-009E 39090 "Will demonstrate the feasibility of using cheap smartphone electronics to control a spacecraft. Shut down in March after launch, but started up again in July, 2013." ZARYA http://www.sstl.co.uk/Missions/STRaND-1--Launched-2013/STRaND-1/STRaND-1--Smartphone-nanosatellite http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 Strela 3 (Cosmos 2385) Cosmos 2385 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,417" "1,425" 5.13E-04 82.50 114.2 225 12/27/2001 3 NPO/PM - Scientific Research Institute for Precision Instruments (NII-TP) Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Tsyklon 3 2001-058B 27056 Satellites have a single simultaneous earth-space and space-earth channel. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 www.astronautix.com/craft/strela3.htm http://www.russianspaceweb.com/spacecraft_military.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Strela 3 (Cosmos 2386) Cosmos 2386 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,415" "1,419" 2.57E-04 82.50 114.2 225 12/27/2001 3 NPO/PM - Scientific Research Institute for Precision Instruments (NII-TP) Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Tsyklon 3 2001-058C 27057 Satellites have a single simultaneous earth-space and space-earth channel. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 www.astronautix.com/craft/strela3.htm http://www.russianspaceweb.com/spacecraft_military.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Strela 3 (Cosmos 2390) Cosmos 2390 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Equatorial 0.00 "1,468" "1,506" 2.42E-03 8.50 115.7 225 7/8/2002 3 NPO/PM - Scientific Research Institute for Precision Instruments (NII-TP) Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2002-036A 27464 Store-dump communications for Russian government and military. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Strela 3 (Cosmos 2391) Cosmos 2391 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,466" "1,506" 2.55E-03 82.50 115.7 225 7/8/2002 3 NPO/PM - Scientific Research Institute for Precision Instruments (NII-TP) Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2002-036B 27465 Store-dump communications for Russian government and military. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Strela 3 (Cosmos 2400) Cosmos 2400 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,467" "1,503" 2.29E-03 82.50 115.7 225 8/19/2003 3 NPO/PM - Scientific Research Institute for Precision Instruments (NII-TP) Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2003-037A 27868 Store-dump communications for Russian government and military. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Strela 3 (Cosmos 2401) Cosmos 2401 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,465" "1,502" 2.36E-03 82.50 115.6 225 8/19/2003 3 NPO/PM - Scientific Research Institute for Precision Instruments (NII-TP) Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2003-037B 27869 Store-dump communications for Russian government and military. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Strela 3 (Cosmos 2408) Cosmos 2408 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications LEO Polar 0.00 "1,471" "1,495" 1.53E-03 82.50 115.5 225 9/23/2004 3 NPO/PM - Scientific Research Institute for Precision Instruments (NII-TP) Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2004-037A 28419 Store-dump communications for Russian government and military. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/26September2004_27.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx585.html http://russianforces.org/eng/news/archive/000093.shtml http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2004/037A.HTM Strela 3 (Cosmos 2409) Cosmos 2409 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Communications Optical Imaging LEO Polar 0.00 "1,474" "1,495" 1.34E-03 82.50 115.6 225 9/23/2004 3 NPO/PM - Scientific Research Institute for Precision Instruments (NII-TP) Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kosmos 3M 2004-037B 28420 Store-dump communications for Russian government and military. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/26September2004_27.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx585.html http://russianforces.org/eng/news/archive/000093.shtml http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html STSat-2C STSat-2C South Korea South Korea Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) Government Technology Development Optical Imaging LEO Polar 0.00 298 "1,482" 8.15E-02 80.28 102.77 93 160 1/30/2013 2 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) South Korea Naro Space Center Naro-1 2013-003A 39068 Demonstration satellite for solar observation. SC - ASCR http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/01/south-korea-stsat-2c-via-kslv-1/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx598.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/INDEX1.HTM "STSS ATRR (Space Tracking and Surveillance System Advanced Technology Risk Reduction Satellite, USA 205)" USA 205 USA USA Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Military Technology Development Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 867 879 8.28E-04 98.93 102.41 5/5/2009 Northrop Grumman USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2009-023A 34903 Detect and track missile flights. SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/023A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx598.html STSS Demo-1 (Space Tracking and Surveillance System Demonstrator) USA 208 USA USA Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Military Technology Development Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,347" "1,352" 3.24E-04 58.00 112.68 "2,240" "1,100" 9/25/2009 4 Northrop Grumman USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2009-052A 35937 Use sensors on the two spacecraft to track ballistic missiles. SC - ASCR http://spaceflightnow.com/delta/d344/090919stss.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx611.html STSS Demo-2 (Space Tracking and Surveillance System Demonstrator) USA 209 USA USA Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Military Technology Development Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,339" "1,351" 7.78E-04 58.00 112.58 "2,240" "1,100" 9/25/2009 4 Northrop Grumman USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2009-052B 35938 Dathfinusrs for Missile Defense Ggency's 200 Capellite LEO minstellation. SC - ASCR http://spaceflightnow.com/delta/d344/090919stss.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx611.html Suomi-100 Suomi-100 Finland Finland Aalto University Civil Technology Development Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 573 589 1.15E-03 97.70 96.3 1 12/3/2018 Aalto University Finland Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AY 43804 Wide view high detail camera and low frequency receiver. Test new cubesat instrument technology. JMSatcat/3_19 http://suomi100satelliitti.fi/eng http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Superbird 7 (Superbird C2) Superbird 7 Japan Japan Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation Commercial Communications Earth Science GEO 143.77 "35,778" "35,794" 1.90E-04 0.12 1436.1 "5,000" 8/14/2008 15 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2008-038A 33274 "28 Ku-band transponders to provide internet and television services to Japan, East Asia, and the Pacific region." JM/12_08 http://global.mitsubishielectric.com/bu/space/satellite/communication/superbird_c2_7.html http://www.satprnews.com/2009/05/11/satellite-launched-by-missile-defense-agency/ Superbird 8/DSN-1 (Kirameki 1) Superbird 8/DSN 1 Japan Japan Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation/DSN Corp. Commercial/Military Communications GEO 158.00 "35,774" "35,799" 2.97E-04 0.00 1436.1 "5,348" 4/5/2018 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2018-033A 43271 Ku- and Ka-band for Sky Perfect; X-band for Japanese Ministry of Defenses. JMGEO/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/05/ariane-5-returns-to-service-with-dual-satellite-launch/ http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2009/052A.HTM Superview 1-01 (GaoJing 1-01) Superview 1-01 China China Beijing Space View Technology Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 352 525 1.27E-02 97.60 93.3 560 12/28/2016 8 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2D 2016-083A 41907 China's first commecial earth imaging satellites. JMSatcat http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/28/chinese-earth-observation-satellites-launched-into-lower-than-planned-orbit/ http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2009/052B.HTM Superview 1-02 (GaoJing 1-02) Superview 1-02 China China Beijing Space View Technology Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 343 548 1.50E-02 97.60 93.4 560 12/28/2016 8 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2D 2016-083B 41908 JMSatcat/3_17 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/28/chinese-earth-observation-satellites-launched-into-lower-than-planned-orbit/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ Superview 1-03 (GaoJing 1-03) Superview 1-03 China China Beijing Space View Technology Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 517 535 1.31E-03 97.50 95.1 560 1/8/2018 8 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-002A 43099 JMSatcat 5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/09/second-superview-satellite-pair-launched-from-china/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/038A.HTM Superview 1-04 (GaoJing 1-04) Superview 1-04 China China Beijing Space View Technology Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 515 534 1.38E-03 97.50 95 560 1/8/2018 8 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-002B 43100 JMSatcat 5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/09/second-superview-satellite-pair-launched-from-china/ Swampsat-2 Swampsat-II NR (3/20) USA University of Florida Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 459 476 1.24E-03 51.60 93.9 5 1/31/2020 University of Florida USA Cygnus Nanorack Deployer 2019-071E 45115 JMSatcact/3_20 http://spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=55212 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide SWARM-A SWARM-A ESA ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Government Earth Observation LEO Polar 0.00 473 476 2.19E-04 87.30 93.9 468 369 608 11/22/2013 4 Astrium France Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2013-067B 39452 "Survey the Earth's geomagnetic field, and measure changes over time, in order to improve understanding the Earth's interior and the physics of the magnetosphere." ZARYA http://news.yahoo.com/european-satellites-launched-eye-earths-magnetic-field-155613703--sector.html https://chinaspacereport.com/2017/01/12/superview-1-duo-produce-first-hd-images-after-problematic-launch/ SWARM-B SWARM-B ESA ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Government Earth Observation LEO Polar 0.00 473 476 2.19E-04 87.30 93.9 468 369 608 11/22/2013 4 Astrium France Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2013-067A 39451 "Survey the Earth's geomagnetic field, and measure changes over time, in order to improve understanding the Earth's interior and the physics of the magnetosphere." ZARYA http://news.yahoo.com/european-satellites-launched-eye-earths-magnetic-field-155613703--sector.html https://chinaspacereport.com/2017/01/12/superview-1-duo-produce-first-hd-images-after-problematic-launch/ SWARM-C SWARM-C ESA ESA European Space Agency (ESA) Government Earth Observation LEO Polar 0.00 486 496 7.29E-04 87.50 94 468 369 608 11/22/2013 4 Astrium France Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2013-067C 39453 "Survey the Earth's geomagnetic field, and measure changes over time, in order to improve understanding the Earth's interior and the physics of the magnetosphere." ZARYA http://news.yahoo.com/european-satellites-launched-eye-earths-magnetic-field-155613703--sector.html Swayam Swayam NR India "College of Engineering, Pune" Civil Technology Development Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 518 1.31E-03 97.50 94.7 1 6/22/2016 "College of Engineering, Pune" India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV XL 2016-040J 41607 Development of two-way communication system. ZARYA http://www.coep.org.in/csat/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2016 Swiatowid Swiatowid NR (11/19) Poland SatRevolution Commercial Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 409 415 4.42E-04 51.60 92.8 3 7/12/2019 SatRevolution Poland International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067QM 44427 Satellite totally 3d-printed. First commercial and private satellite for Poland. JMSatcat/11_19 http://www.poland.gov.pl/science/achievements-science/polish-satellite-swiatowid/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Swift Swift USA USA/United Kingdom/Italy Goddard Space Flight Center/Penn State University Government/Civil Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 571 590 1.37E-03 20.60 96.3 "1,463" "1,040" 11/20/2004 7 Spectrum Astro (General Dynamics) USA Cape Canaveral Delta 7320 2004-047A 28485 Multi-wavelength observatory for study of gamma-ray burst (GRB) science; mission life 2 yrs. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2004/21November2004_30.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2004/047A.HTM SwissCube SwissCube NR Switzerland Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Civil Technology Development Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 710 720 7.06E-04 98.30 99.1 1 9/23/2009 1 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Switzerland Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2009-051B 35932 Overall SwissCube project development is primarily to educate students in space technologies and space system engineering. Official mission completed; satellite turned over to amateur community. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://swisscube.epfl.ch/ http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/satellites/status.php https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/swisscube Syracuse 3A (Systeme de Radio Communications Utilisant un Satellite) Syracuse 3A France France Defense Ministry Military Communications GEO 47.05 "35,778" "35,792" 1.66E-04 0.00 1436.06 "3,725" "1,650" "5,640" 10/13/2005 12 Alcatel Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2005-041B 28885 Military communications; designed to integrate with UK's Skynet and Italy's Sicral. JM/12_08 http://www.alcatel.com/lead/syracuse3A_launch.htm http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/06/22/pslv-c34/ http://www.satnews.com/stories2005/1501.htm http://www.france-science.org/home/page.asp?target=nfo-let&PUBLID=9&LIVRID=8438&LNG=us#21086 http://www.arianespace.com/site/news/kit/Vol_168_GB.pdf http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/041B.HTM Syracuse 3B (Systeme de Radio Communications Utilisant un Satellite) Syracuse 3B France France Defense Ministry Military Communications GEO -5.17 "35,772" "35,801" 3.44E-04 0.03 1436.09 "3,750" "1,658" 8/11/2006 12 Alcatel Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2006-033B 29273 Completes Syracuse III system; voice communication and secure data transmission; can be integrated with NATO and German military satellites. JM/12_08 http://www.home.alcatel.com/vpr/vpr.nsf/DateKey/07072006uk https://satrevolution.com/projects/swiatowid/ TacSat 4 TacSat 4 USA USA Naval Research Laboratory Military Technology Development Elliptical Molniya 0.00 658 "11,836" 4.43E-01 63.64 235.16 450 "1,000" 9/27/2011 Naval Research Laboratory/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory USA Kodiak Launch Complex Minotaur 4 2011-052A 37818 10 Ultra High Frequency (UHF) channels; allows forward deployed troops to communicate using existing hand-held radios without the need to stop and point an antenna towards the satellite JMSatcat/6_USA http://www.nrl.navy.mil/media/news-releases/2011/nrl-tacsat4-launches-to-augment-communications-needs http://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/swift/swiftsc.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40//2011/052A.HTM TacSat 6 TacSat 6 NR USA Operational Responsive Space (ORS) Office Military Technology Development LEO Polar 0.00 443 886 3.15E-02 120.30 98 12/5/2013 Air Force Research Laboratory USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2013-072M 39473 ZARYA estimated http://www.spaceflight101.com/atlas-v-nrol-39-launch-updates.html http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2009/051E.HTM TanDEM-X (TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurement) TanDEM-X Germany Germany German Aerospace Center (DLR)/Astrium Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 507 510 2.18E-04 97.40 94.8 "1,350" 6/21/2010 5 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2010-030A 36605 Will survey all 150 million square kilometers of earth surface. Works with TerraSAR-X for first three years. www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/030A.HTM http://www.spacedaily.com/news/launchers-05zzzn.html Tangguo Guan (Candy Can) Tangguo Guan NR China Alibaba Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 640 940 2.09E-02 99.40 100.60 25 10/24/2018 Unknown China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2018-081B 43656 "Owned by Alibaba, beems advertising to cell phones on Earth." JMSatcat/11_18 https://www.seradata.com/china-launches-hai-yang-2b-ocean-monitoring-satellite/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2006/033B.HTM "Tango (part of Cluster quartet, Cluster 2 FM8)" Tango ESA ESA European Space Agency (ESA) (and 250 international scientific investigators) Government Space Science Elliptical Deep Highly Eccentric 0.00 "17,313" "120,961" 6.86E-01 90.70 "3,442.00" "1,200" 478 220 8/9/2000 4 Dornier Systems (Astrium) and 35 subcontractors International Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2000-045B 26464 "Collection of four spacecraft flying in formation around the earth, relaying detailed information about solar wind's affect on our planet in three dimensions." JMSatcat304 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/ http://www.onr.navy.mil/Media-Center/Fact-Sheets/TacSat-Tactical-Microsatellite.aspx http://www.esa.int/esaSC/SEMYN5T1VED_index_0.html "TanSat (Tan Weixing, Carbon Satellite)" TanSat China China China Meteorological Administration Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 690 718 1.98E-03 98.10 98.86 620 12/21/2016 3 Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2016-081A 41898 Carbon dioxide monitoring satellite. JMSatcat http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/22/china-sends-carbon-monitoring-satellite-into-orbit/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 Tanyusha No. 3 (Radioskaf 8) Tanyusha No. 3 NR Russia Southwestern State University Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 401 407 4.43E-04 51.60 92.60 5 8/15/2018 Southwestern State University Russia International Space Station Manual Deployment 1998-067PJ 43597 Technology experiments. JM/11_18 https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/08/russian-duo-iss-spacewalk-designated-vkd-45/ http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2010/06/live-germanys-tandem-x-launch-via-dnepr/ Tanyusha No. 4 (Radioskaf 9) Tanyusha No. 4 NR Russia Southwestern State University Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 401 408 5.17E-04 51.60 92.60 5 8/15/2018 Southwestern State University Russia International Space Station Manual Deployment 1998-067PK 43598 Technology experiments. JM/11_18 https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/08/russian-duo-iss-spacewalk-designated-vkd-45/ TDO TDO USA USA US Air Force Military Technology Development Elliptical 0.00 216 "35,224" 7.27E-01 25.90 620.20 20 8/8/2019 Unknown USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2019-051B 44482 """Testing orbital debris tracking capabilities.""" JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/08/atlas-5-launch-adds-to-u-s-militarys-secure-communications-satellite-network/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx562.html "TDRS-10 (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS-J)" TDRS-10 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Communications GEO -40.75 "35,768" "35,802" 4.03E-04 1.64 1436.04 "3,180" "1,600" "2,300 (EOL)" 12/4/2002 11 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2A 2002-055A 27566 "Tracking and communications with space shuttle, other missions." JM/12_08 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.spaceflightnow.com/atlas/ac144/021201tdrss.html http://nmsp.gsfc.nasa.gov/tdrss/tconst.html "TDRS-11 (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS K)" TDRS-11 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/Goddard Space Flight Center Government Communications GEO -171.00 "35,732" "35,844" 1.33E-03 7.00 1436.18 "3,454" "1,600" "2,300 (EOL)" 1/31/2013 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2013-004A 39070 New generation of tracking and commmunication satellites. SC - ASCR http://www.space.com/19559-nasa-launches-relay-satellite-tdrs-k.html http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/INDEX1.HTM "TDRS-12 (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS L)" TDRS-12 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Communications GEO -40.95 "35,780" "35,785" 5.93E-05 6.99 1435.88 "3,454" "1,600" "3,500 (EOL)" 1/23/2014 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2014-004A 39504 New generation of tracking and commmunication satellites. SC - ASCR http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/01/ula-atlas-v-launch-tdrs-l/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2014/I004A.HTM "TDRS-13 (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS M)" TDRS-13 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Communications Radar Imaging GEO -149.75 "35,755" "35,813" 6.88E-04 0.00 1436 "3,452" "1,600" "3,500 (EOL)" 8/18/2017 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2017-047A 42915 JMGeolog/10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/08/18/atlas-5-rocket-delivers-nasa-data-router-into-space-for-astronauts-and-satellites/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "TDRS-3 (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS-C) " TDRS-3 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Communications Optical Imaging GEO 84.41 "35,693" "35,878" 2.19E-03 11.53 1436.06 "3,180" "1,600" "1,800" 9/29/1988 10 TRW Defense and Space Systems Group USA Cape Canaveral Space Shuttle (STS 26) 1988-091B 19548 Backup; still partially operational. JM/12_08 http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/601/tdrs_hij/tdrs_hij.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/database/MasterCatalog?sc=1988-091B http://nmsp.gsfc.nasa.gov/tdrss/tconst.html "TDRS-5 (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS-E)" TDRS-5 USA USA SES S.A. Government/Commercial Communications GEO -167.14 "35,773" "35,796" 2.73E-04 9.40 1436.99 "3,180" "1,600" "1,800" 8/2/1991 10 TRW Defense and Space Systems Group USA Cape Canaveral Space Shuttle (STS 43) 1991-054B 21639 Used by South Pole station. JM/12_08 http://www.friends-partners.ru/partners/mwade/craft/tdrs.htm http://www.spaceflight101.com/tdrs-k-launch-upates.html http://www.spaceflightnow.com/atlas/ac144/021201tdrss.html http://nmsp.gsfc.nasa.gov/tdrss/tconst.html "TDRS-6 (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS-F)" TDRS-6 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/SES Americom (SES [Société Européenne des Satellites (SES)]) Government/Commercial Communications GEO -171.35 "35,773" "35,787" 1.66E-04 8.74 1435.7 "3,180" "1,600" "1,800" 1/13/1993 10 TRW Defense and Space Systems Group USA Cape Canaveral Space Shuttle (STS 54) 1993-003B 22314 "Tracking and communications with space shuttle, other missions; leased access to C-band by Americom." JM/12_08 http://www.worldsat.net/610.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.spaceflightnow.com/atlas/ac144/021201tdrss.html http://nmsp.gsfc.nasa.gov/tdrss/tconst.html "TDRS-7 (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS-G)" TDRS-7 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Communications GEO -150.53 "35,767" "35,803" 4.27E-04 10.60 1436.04 "3,180" "1,600" "1,800" 7/13/1995 10 TRW Defense and Space Systems Group USA Cape Canaveral Space Shuttle (STS 70) 1995-035B 23613 "Tracking and communications with space shuttle, other missions." JM/12_08 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log http://www.spaceflightnow.com/atlas/ac144/021201tdrss.html http://nmsp.gsfc.nasa.gov/tdrss/tconst.html "TDRS-8 (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS-H)" TDRS-8 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Communications GEO 88.76 "35,768" "35,808" 4.74E-04 0.90 1436.2 "3,180" "1,600" "2,300 (EOL)" 6/30/2000 11 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2A 2000-034A 26388 "Tracking and communications with space shuttle, other missions; not fully functional." JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx560.html http://amanda.physics.wisc.edu/data/comms-summary.shtml http://www.spaceflightnow.com/atlas/ac144/021201tdrss.html http://nmsp.gsfc.nasa.gov/tdrss/tconst.html http://www.spaceandtech.com/digest/flash-articles/flash2000-035.shtml "TDRS-9 (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS-I)" TDRS-9 USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Communications GEO -62.43 "35,768" "35,809" 4.86E-04 0.02 1436.11 "3,180" "1,600" "2,300 (EOL)" 3/8/2002 11 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2A 2002-011A 27389 "Tracking and communications with space shuttle, other missions. In storage." JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx581.html http://ses-americom.com/satellites/tdrs_5.html http://www.spaceflightnow.com/atlas/ac144/021201tdrss.html http://nmsp.gsfc.nasa.gov/tdrss/tconst.html TechEdSat 10 (Technical Education Satellite 10) TechEdSat 10 NR (7/20) USA NASA Ames Research Center Government/Civil Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 413 419 4.42E-04 51.60 92.8 9 7/13/2020 NASA Ames Research Center/San Jose State USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067RQ 45917 Various experiments including a deorbiting technology. ZARYA https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/cubesat-launch-initiative-deploys-109th-cubesat https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 Technosat Technosat Germany Germany Technical University Berlin Civil Technology Demonstration LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 586 605 1.36E-03 97.60 96.6 18 7/14/2017 2 Technical University Berlin Germany Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042E 42829 Demonstrate a number of newly developed components in an operational setting. JMSatcat/10_17 http://spaceflight101.com/soyuz-kanopus-v-ik/technosat/ http://ses-americom.com/satellites/tdrs_6.html "TecSAR (Ofeq 8, Polaris)" TecSAR NR Israel Defense Ministry Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 405 580 1.28E-02 41.03 94.5 300 260 1/21/2008 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Israel Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C10 2008-002A 32476 Radar reconnaissance; one meter resolution. Said to carry a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). JMSatcat/4_NR http://www.iai.co.il/Default.aspx?docID=32812&FolderID=15911&lang=en&res=0&pos=0 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx501.html http://www.williambowles.info/isrl-pal/vtjp/2008/0108/vtjp_210108.html TeLEOS 1 TeLEOS 1 NR Singapore AgilSpace Commercial Earth Observation LEO Equatorial 0.00 535 550 1.08E-03 15.00 95.5 400 12/16/2015 5 ST Electronics Ltd. Singapore Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C29 2015-077D 41169 Offers 1 m high-resolution satellite imagery with an average revisit time of 12 to 16 hours. prehled-druzic https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/teleos-1 http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/601/tdrs_hij/tdrs_hij.html http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/16/pslv-set-for-commercial-launch-with-six-singaporean-satellites/ Telkom 2 Telkom 2 Indonesia Indonesia PT Telkomunikasi Commercial Communications GEO 118.02 "35,781" "35,793" 1.42E-04 0.04 1436.1 "1,930" 899 11/16/2005 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2005-046A 28902 "24 C-band transponders; internet, data, voice and video services to Indonesia." JM/12_08 http://english.people.com.cn/200511/18/eng20051118_222343.html http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/601/tdrs_hij/tdrs_hij.html http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/GEO/TELKOM/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/046B.HTM Telkom 3S Telkom 3S Indonesia Indonesia PT Telkomunikasi Commercial Communications GEO 117.97 "35,780" "35,795" 1.78E-04 0.00 1436.1 "3,550" "6,400" 2/14/2017 18 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2017-007A 41944 Will replace Telkom 2. JMGeo9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/14/brazilian-and-indonesian-telecom-satellites-healthy-after-ariane-5-launch/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Telstar 11N Telstar 11N NR Canada "Telesat Canada Ltd. (BCE, Inc.)" Commercial Communications GEO -37.05 "35,774" "35,801" 3.20E-04 0.04 1436.13 "4,010" 2/26/2009 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SLB 2009-009A 34111 "39 Ku-band transponders; North America, Europe, Africa, across Atlantic." SC - ASCR http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx664.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa/gov/spacewarn/spx651.html http://www.orbcomm.com http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx554.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/S1119.html JMSatcat803 Telstar 12 (Orion 2) Telstar 12 USA Multinational EUTELSAT S.A. -- leased from Loral Skynet Satellite Services (Loral Global Alliance) Commercial Communications Radar Imaging GEO -14.99 "35,773" "35,799" 3.08E-04 0.05 1436.09 "3,878" "1,900" "10,600" 10/19/1999 13 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 44LP 1999-059A 25949 "Voice and video communications to the Americas, Europe, and Africa" JM/12_08 http://www.eutelsat.com/satellites/4_1.html http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-077.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx552.html Telstar 12V (Telstar 12 Vantage) Telstar 12V NR Canada "Telesat Canada Ltd. (BCE, Inc.)" Commercial Communications GEO -15.00 "35,645" "35,727" 9.75E-04 0.10 1436.1 "4,900" 11/24/2015 15 Airbus Defense and Space France/UK/Germany/Spain Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2015-068A 41036 Only second time Japan has successfully launched a commercial geosynchronous satellite into orbit. SC - ASCR http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/11/japanese-h-iia-telstar-12v-launch/ http://www.orbital.com/Template.php?Section=News&NavMenuID=32&template=PressReleaseDisplay.php&PressReleaseID=533 Telstar 14R (Estrela do Sul 2) Telstar 14R Brazil Canada "Telesat Canada Ltd. (BCE, Inc.)" Commercial Communications GEO -63.00 "35,783" "35,791" 9.49E-05 0.02 1436.1 "4,970" "2,150" "12,000" 5/20/2011 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2011-021A 37602 Five communications antennas and 46 Ku-band transponders -- 19 switchable and 27 fixed. Will also serve Brazil. Failed to fully deploy one of its solar panels. SC - ASCR http://www.spacenews.com/launch/110523-proton-lofts-telstar-14r.html http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2017/02/2017-007.html#yA http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/021A.HTM Telstar 18 VANTAGE (Apstar 5C) Telstar 18 Vantage NR Canada "Telesat Canada Ltd. (BCE, Inc.)/APT Satellite Holdings Ltd." Commercial Communications GEO 138.00 "35,777" "35,795" 2.13E-04 0.04 1436.09 "7,060" 9/10/2018 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2018-069A 43611 APT Satellite will use 57.5 percent of capacity. JM/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/09/10/spacex-telesat-achieve-repeat-success-with-midnight-hour-launch/ http://www.telesat.ca/File/B594215A79394AD69A24FA7A237275E7 Telstar 19 Vantage Telstar 19 Vantage NR Canada "Telesat Canada Ltd. (BCE, Inc.)" Commercial Communications GEO -63.00 "35,780" "35,792" 1.42E-04 0.05 1436.1 "7,075" 7/22/2018 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2018-059A 43562 Mix of Ka- and Ku-band capacity. Will serve the far north of Canada as well as other regions. JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/07/22/spacex-delivers-for-telesat-with-successful-early-morning-launch/ http://www.loralglobalalliance.com/fleet/loral_skynet/lor_foot_us.asp.html TEMPEST-D TEMPEST-D NR USA Colorado State University Civil Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 399 407 5.91E-04 51.63 92.6 10 7/13/2018 1 "Colorado State University, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Blue Canyon Technologies, Inc." USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067NV 43547 Validate the performance of a CubeSat microwave radiometer designed to study precipitation events on a global scale. JMSatcat/11_18 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/t/tempest-d http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/11/2015-068.html#2015068A Ten-Koh Ten-Koh NR Japan Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) Civil Space Science LEO 0.00 595 613 1.29E-03 97.80 96.7 23 10/29/2018 1 Kyushu Technical University Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2018-084G 43677 "Will measure radiation, magnetic flux density and electron density for a mission lasting at least six months." JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/29/japan-launches-satellite-to-study-human-causes-of-climate-change/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log TerraSAR-X 1 (Terra Synthetic Aperture Radar X-Band) TerraSAR X 1 Germany Germany German Aerospace Center (DLR)/Infoterra Government/Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 507 509 1.45E-04 97.50 94.8 "1,230" 6/15/2007 5 EADS Astrium France/UK/Germany/Spain Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2007-026A 31698 "X-band radar system; monitor vegetation and crops across the globe, and special emphasis will be placed on keeping tabs on environmental changes. Commercial sale to business and military clients as well." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n0706/15terrasarx/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TerraSAR-X TerraStar 1 TerraStar 1 USA USA TerraStar Corporation Commercial Communications GEO -111.00 "35,783" "35,791" 9.49E-05 5.94 1436.11 "6,910" 7/1/2009 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2009-035A 35496 Largest commercial satellite ever built; 18-meter-diameter unfurlable S-band antenna; provide mobile voice and data communications in North America to smartphone-size handsets. SC - ASCR http://www.spacenews.com/satellite_telecom/ariane-rocket-puts-terrestar-1-into-orbit.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx669.html TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) TESS USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Government Space Science Elliptical 0.00 258 "268,488" 9.53E-01 29.60 "8,758" 362 4/18/2018 20 NASA/MIT USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2018-038A 43435 Built to find planets around other stars that are close enough for detailed follow-ups by future telescopes. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/19/all-sky-surveyor-launched-from-cape-canaveral-on-the-hunt-for-exoplanets/ "TET-1 (Technologieerprobungsträger 1, Technology Experiment Carrier)" TET-1 Germany Germany German Aerospace Center (DLR) Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 501 505 2.91E-04 97.50 94.7 120 20 7/22/2012 1 Kayser-Threde GmbH Germany Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-Fregat 2012-039D 38710 "Center of the OOV (On Orbit Verification) Program, initiated to offer on-orbit verification possibilities to the German industrial and scientific aerospace community." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.kayser-threde.de/tet/index.html https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/25/falcon-heavy-launches-on-military-led-rideshare-mission-boat-catches-fairing/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 http://www.tsenki.com/en/launch_services/help_information/launch/2012/?EID=93961 "Thaicom-4 (Ipstar 1, Measat 5)" Thaicom-4 NR Thailand Thaicom Public Company Ltd. Commercial Communications Optical Imaging GEO 119.50 "35,775" "35,798" 2.73E-04 0.00 1436.1 "6,505" "14,000" 8/11/2005 12 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5G 2005-028A 28786 "84 Ku-band and 18-Ka band transponders, voice, video and broadband to 14 countries. Deal signed with Measat in 2011 - capacity on Thaicom 4 to be marketed in Malaysia as Measat 5." JM/12_08 http://www.thaicom.net/enGalaxy-press/news-press.html http://www.linca.cas.cz/www/space.40/2007/026A.HTM http://www.ipstar.com/en/ipstar_desc.asp http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/028A.HTM http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/2011/05/30/measat-seals-10-year-broadband-deal-with-thaicom/ Thaicom-6 Thaicom-6 NR Thailand Thaicom Public Company Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 78.50 "35,786" "35,796" 1.19E-04 0.05 1436.3 "3,325" 1/6/2014 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2014-002A 39500 "Comsat to serve the mainland of south east Asia, particularly Thailand. Some services will be provided to east Africa, including Madagascar." SC - ASCR http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2014/002A.HTM Thaicom-8 Thaicom-8 NR Thailand Thaicom Public Company Ltd. Commercial Communications GEO 78.50 "35,843" "35,890" 5.56E-04 0.03 1440.09 "3,025" 5/27/2016 15 Orbital ATK USA Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2016-031A 41552 Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/05/27/spacex-logs-successful-late-afternoon-launch-for-thaicom/ http://www.dlr.de/sc/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-5139/8653_read-11878/ THEA THEA NR (11/19) USA SpaceQuest Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 571 589 1.29E-03 97.70 96.3 4 12/3/2018 "SpaceQuest, Ltd." USA Vandenberg AFB Falcon 9 2018-099AQ 43796 Test a spectrum survey payload developed by Aurora Insight. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/s/sso-a http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa/gov/spacewarn/spx622.html https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt THEMIS A (Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms) THEMIS A USA Multinational "National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/University of California, Berkeley (in partnership with Germany, France, Austria, Canada)" Government/Civil Space Science Elliptical 0.00 461 "87,304" 8.64E-01 15.70 1868.98 126 77 40 2/17/2007 2 Swales Aerospace USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2007-004A 30580 Five phase mission to study earth's auroras; mission extended to 2012. Themis B and C retasked as Artemis mission to L1 and L2. SC - ASCR http://www.swales.com/spacecraft/themis.html http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=17335 http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NasaNews/2007/2007021724505.html http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/themis/mission/index.html THEMIS D (Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms) THEMIS D USA Multinational "National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/University of California, Berkeley (in partnership with Germany, France, Austria, Canada)" Government/Civil Space Science Optical Imaging Elliptical 0.00 467 "87,260" 8.64E-01 15.70 1867.91 126 77 40 2/17/2007 2 Swales Aerospace USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2007-004D 30797 Five phase mission to study earth's auroras; mission extended to 2012. Themis B and C retasked as Artemis mission to L1 and L2. SC - ASCR http://www.swales.com/spacecraft/themis.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NasaNews/2007/2007021724505.html http://news.discovery.com/space/solar-spacecraft-moon-themis.html THEMIS E (Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms) THEMIS E USA Multinational "National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/University of California, Berkeley (in partnership with Germany, France, Austria, Canada)" Government/Civil Space Science Optical Imaging Elliptical 0.00 474 "87,526" 8.64E-01 15.70 1875.53 126 77 40 2/17/2007 2 Swales Aerospace USA Cape Canaveral Delta 2 2007-004E 30798 Five phase mission to study earth's auroras; mission extended to 2012. Themis B and C retasked as Artemis mission to L1 and L2. SC - ASCR http://www.swales.com/spacecraft/themis.html http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-031A&jazyk=pp_en http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NasaNews/2007/2007021724505.html http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/themis/mission/index.html THEOS (Thailand Earth Observation System) Theos Thailand Thailand Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 824 826 1.39E-04 98.70 101.4 750 670 840 10/1/2008 5 EADS Astrium France Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2008-049A 33396 "Panchromatic imager with 2M resolution; applications in cartography, land use, agricultural monitoring, forestry management, coastal zone monitoring and flood risk management." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.astrium.eads.net/en/families/satellite-navigation-sensing-gps-meteorology/remote-sensing/theos https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/03/spacex-launches-swarm-of-satellites-re-flies-rocket-for-third-time/ http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=article&sid=1174&mode=thread&order=0 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I065B.HTM Thor-5 (Thor 2R) Thor-5 Norway Norway Telenor Satellite Broadcasting Commercial Communications Optical Imaging GEO -0.72 "35,773" "35,798" 2.97E-04 0.01 1436.1 "2,024" 2/11/2008 15 Orbital Sciences Corp. USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2008-006A 32487 "25 Ku-band transponders; direct-to-home and Internet to Scandinavia, eastern Europe, Middle East." JM/12_08 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/006A.HTM http://ds9.ssl.berkeley.edu/themis/no_flash.html http://www.telenorsbc.com/templates/Page.aspx?id=601 Thor-6 Thor-6 Norway Norway Telenor Satellite Broadcasting Commercial Communications Optical Imaging GEO -1.00 "35,779" "35,794" 1.78E-04 0.02 1436.1 "3,050" "5,900" 10/29/2009 15 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2009-058B 36033 36 Ku-band transponders; Central and eastern Europe and Nordic region. JM/12_09 http://www.telenorsbc.com/templates/Page.aspx?id=649 http://ds9.ssl.berkeley.edu/themis/no_flash.html Thor-7 Thor-7 Norway Norway Telenor Satellite Broadcasting Commercial Communications GEO -1.00 "35,727" "35,741" 1.66E-04 0.00 1433.4 "4,600" 4/26/2015 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2015-022A 40613 "21 Ku-band transponders and the equivalent of 25 Ka-band transponders. Oslo-based Telenor is using the satellite to break into the market for Ka-band broadband maritime communications, with the focus on the North Atlantic. - See more at: http://spacenews.com/ariane-5-launches-sicral-2-and-thor-7-telecommunications-satellites/#sthash.DdDKvkj6.dpuf" JM/8_15 http://www.telenorsat.com/satellites-teleports/satellite-fleet/thor-7-ku-band/ http://ds9.ssl.berkeley.edu/themis/no_flash.html Thuraya 2 Thuraya 2 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Thuraya Satellite Communications Commercial Communications GEO 44.13 "35,764" "35,807" 5.10E-04 2.99 1436.07 "5,250" "3,200" "11,000" 6/10/2003 12 Hughes Space and Communications Co. USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2003-026A 27825 "Capacity for 13,750 simultaneous calls; voice, fax, data transmissions from/to mobile telephones; Middle East, North and Central Africa, Europe, Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent." JM/12_08 http://www.thuraya.com/corporate/newsroom/2003/thuraya2-launched.htm http://www.thuraya.com/tech/ http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html Thuraya 3 Thuraya 3 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Thuraya Satellite Communications Commercial Communications GEO 98.60 "35,766" "35,807" 4.86E-04 5.84 1436.1 "5,180" 1/15/2008 12 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2008-001A 32404 "Mobile phone communication in eastern Asia, Middle East, Australia." JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx651.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa/gov/spacewarn/spx652.html Tianhui 1-01 Tianhui 1-01 China China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 488 504 1.17E-03 97.40 94.5 "2,500" 8/24/2010 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2010-040A 36985 "Mapping and land resource sruveys to promote economic development; 3-D survey camera, ground resolution of 5m; multi-spectrum at 10m." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n1008/24longmarch/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa/gov/spacewarn/spx672.html http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/040A.HTM Tianhui 1-02 Tianhui 1-02 China China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 485 505 1.46E-03 97.40 94.5 "2,500" 5/6/2012 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2012-020A 38256 "Cartographic imaging satellite capable of stereoscopic Earth photography, equipped with orbit adjustment engine to maintain height against air drag." www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://spacenews.com/ariane-5-launches-sicral-2-and-thor-7-telecommunications-satellites/ Tianhui 1-03 Tianhui 1-03 China China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 489 500 8.01E-04 97.36 94.5 "2,500" 10/26/2015 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2015-061A 40988 "Cartographic imaging satellite capable of stereoscopic Earth photography, equipped with orbit adjustment engine to maintain height against air drag." JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/26/chinese-rocket-deploys-third-tianhui-mapping-satellite/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx596.html Tianhui 2-01 Tianhui 2-01 China China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 516 1.16E-03 97.40 94.8 "2,500" 4/29/2019 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2019-024A 44207 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/30/china-launches-mapping-satellites/ http://www.thuraya.com/content/mission-profile-4.html Tianhui 2-02 Tianhui 2-02 China China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 504 517 9.45E-04 97.40 94.8 "2,500" 4/29/2019 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2019-024B 44209 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/30/china-launches-mapping-satellites/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx682.html Tiankun-1 Tiankun-1 China China Chinese Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CASIC) Government Earth Observation/Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 384 406 1.63E-03 96.90 92.4 3/2/2017 China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CASIC) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center KT-2 2017-012A 42061 Test of new rocket KT-1 and small satellite into orbit. JMSatcat9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/03/03/small-experimental-satellite-launched-by-new-chinese-rocket/ "TianLian 1 (TL-1-01, CTDRS)" TianLian 1 China China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) Government Communications Technology Development GEO 77.08 "35,769" "35,813" 5.22E-04 0.06 1436.08 "3,750" 4/25/2008 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3C 2008-019A 32779 "China's first data relay satellite, will cover Shenzhou missions.Supports near real-time communication." JM/12_08 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I017A.HTM http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.bjreview.com.cn/science/txt/2008-05/12/content_116255.htm "TianLian 2 (TL-1-02, CTDRS)" TianLian 2 China China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) Government Communications Technology Development GEO 176.72 "37,778" "37,794" 1.81E-04 1.00 1436.1 "2,250" 7/11/2011 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3C 2011-032A 37737 Data relay satellite. Will cover Shenzhou missions and China's space station. SC - ASCR http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=2011-032A https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "TianLian 2-01 (TL-2-01, CTDRS)" TianLian 2.01 NR (11/19) China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) Government Communications GEO 0.00 "35,778" "35,795" 2.02E-04 3.00 1436.1 3/31/2019 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2019-017A 44076 "Second series for China's data relay satellites, used in manned space missions including space station." In the Sky https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/03/31/china-launches-tracking-and-data-relay-satellite/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "TianLian 3 (TL-1-03, CTDRS)" TianLian 3 China China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) Government Communications GEO 16.86 "35,768" "35,802" 4.03E-04 2.04 1436 "2,200" 7/25/2012 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3C 2012-040A 38730 Data relay satellite. Will cover Shenzhou missions and China's space station. JM/8_12 http://www.spaceflight101.com/tianlian-1-3-launch.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 "TianLian 4 (TL-1-04, CTDRS)" TianLian 4 China China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) Government Communications Automatic Identification System (AIS) GEO 76.95 "35,778" "35,793" 1.78E-04 3.06 1436.1 "2,200" 11/22/2016 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3C 2016-072A 41869 Fourth in a series of data relay satellites for upcoming Chinese space station. JM/12_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/22/china-launches-data-relay-satellite-for-future-space-station-crews/ http://www.sinodefence.com/strategic/spacecraft/tianlian1.asp Tianqi-1 Tianqi-1 NR China Guodian Gaoke Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 510 522 8.71E-04 97.50 94.9 8 10/29/2018 Guodian Gaoke China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2018-083G 43668 JMSatcat/11_19 https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/032A.HTM Tianqi-2 Tianqi-2 NR (11/19) China Guodian Gaoke Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 529 558 2.10E-03 97.60 95.5 8 8/17/2019 Guodian Gaoke China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Jielong 1 2019-052B 44487 Provides Internet-of-Things (IoT) communications. JMSatcat/11_19 https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/08/china-first-launch-smart-dragon-1-small-satellite-vehicle/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Tianqi-3 Tianqi-3 NR (11/19) China Guodian Gaoke Commercial Communications LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 557 576 1.37E-03 45.00 96 8 6/5/2019 Guodian Gaoke China Yellow Sea Launch Platform Long March 11 2019-032B 44311 Development of satellite technology for IoT Communications JMSatcat/11_19 https://spacenews.com/china-gains-new-flexible-launch-capabilities-with-first-sea-launch/ http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2011/07/china-launches-tian-lian-1b-bolster-manned-space-network/ Tianqi-4A Tianqi-4A NR (3/20) China Guodian Gaoke Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 509 1.02E-03 97.30 94.6 9 12/7/2019 Guodian Gaoke China Taiyuan Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2019-087C 44840 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/07/china-launches-two-kuaizhou-rockets-in-six-hours/ https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Tianqi-4B Tianqi-4B NR (3/20) China Guodian Gaoke Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 495 508 9.46E-04 97.30 94.6 9 12/7/2019 Guodian Gaoke China Taiyuan Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2019-087D 44841 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/07/china-launches-two-kuaizhou-rockets-in-six-hours/ https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide Tianqi-5 Tianqi-5 NR (3/20) China Guodian Gaoke Commercial Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 475 490 1.09E-03 97.30 94.3 9 1/15/2020 Guodian Gaoke China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2D 2020-003D 45019 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/01/15/argentine-satellites-hitch-ride-with-chinese-payloads-on-long-march-2d-rocket/ Tianqi-6 Tianqi-6 NR (7/20) China Guodian Gaoke Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 482 500 1.31E-03 97.50 94.4 9 7/25/2020 Shanghai ASES Spaceflight Technology Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2020-051C 45941 Technology verification tests for the narrow-band Internet of Things constellation. ZARYA https://spacenews.com/china-launches-ziyuan-earth-observation-and-lobster-eye-x-ray-astronomy-satellites/ Tianqin-1 Tianqin-1 NR (3/20) China Sun Yat-sen University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 614 633 1.36E-03 97.90 97.1 12/21/2019 Sun Yat-sen University/CAST China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2019-093C 44881 "Experiments in micro propulsion technology, which could be used in future space-based gravitational wave detection." JMSatcat/3_20 http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-01/03/c_138676475.htm https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/21/china-launches-environmental-satellite-built-in-cooperation-with-brazil/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/17/chinas-jielong-1-smallsat-launcher-successful-on-first-flight/ Tiantong-1-01 Tiantong-1 NR China China Telecom Government Communications GEO 101.43 "35,765" "35,805" 4.74E-04 4.89 1436.05 8/5/2016 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2016-048A 41725 First satellite in China's mobile telecom network. JM/11_16 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/08/08/chinas-first-mobile-telecom-satellite-successfully-launched/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Tiantuo-2 Tiantuo-2 NR China National University of Defense Technology Government Earth Observation/Communications Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 477 493 1.17E-03 97.42 94.31 67 9/8/2014 National University of Defense Technology China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2014-053B 40144 Carries real-time video Earth imaging system and an AIS receive for relaying ship location information. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Tiantuo-3 (Luliang 1) Tiantuo-3 NR China National University of Defense Technology Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 392 522 9.52E-03 97.42 93.73 20 9/19/2015 National University of Defense Technology China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2015-049A 40899 JM/12_15 http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/09/2015-049.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Tianwang 1A (TW-1A, SECM-1, Shangkeda-2)" TW-1A NR China Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 466 484 1.31E-03 97.31 94.1 3 9/24/2015 Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics/Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2015-051D 40928 Carries amateur radio platform. JM/12_15 http://www.arrl.org/news/more-chinese-amateur-radio-satellites-are-aloft Tianwang 1C (TW-1C; NJFA-1) TW-1C NR China Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 466 486 1.46E-03 97.31 94.12 5 9/24/2015 Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics/Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2015-051B 40926 Carries amateur radio platform. JM/12_15 http://www.arrl.org/news/more-chinese-amateur-radio-satellites-are-aloft http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Tianxiang-1 Tianxiang-1 NR (11/19) China China Electronic Technology Group Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 551 575 1.73E-03 45.00 96 6/5/2019 China Electronic Techology Group China Yellow Sea Launch Platform Long March 11 2019-032F 44315 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spacenews.com/china-gains-new-flexible-launch-capabilities-with-first-sea-launch/ http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2014-09/08/c_133627945.htm Tianxiang-2 Tianxiang-2 NR (11/19) China China Electronic Technology Group Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 557 575 1.30E-03 45.00 96 6/5/2019 China Electronic Techology Group China Yellow Sea Launch Platform Long March 11 2019-032G 44316 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spacenews.com/china-gains-new-flexible-launch-capabilities-with-first-sea-launch/ http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=36519.120 TianYi-1 (Xiaoxiang-1) Xiaoxiang-1 NR (11/19) China Spacety Aerospace Co. Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 523 538 1.09E-03 97.50 95.30 3 1/21/2019 Spacety Aerospace Co. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2019-005C 43944 Verify radio communication and small remote sensing experiments. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/22/chinas-long-march-11-rocket-lofts-earth-imaging-and-tech-demo-satellites/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spaceewarn/spx672.html "TianYi-15 (Xiaoxiang 1-08, Dianfeng)" Xiaoxiang 1-08 NR (3/20) China/France Spacety Aerospace Co./ThrustMe Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 484 505 1.53E-03 97.50 94.50 9 11/3/2019 Spacety Aerospace Co. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2019-072D 44706 Testing an iodine-based propulsion system. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/03/chinese-mapping-satellite-launches-on-long-march-4b-rocket/ http://www.digitalglobe.com/about/worldview1.html TianYi-16 TianYi-16 NR (3/20) China Spacety Aerospace Co. Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 509 1.09E-03 97.30 94.6 9 12/7/2019 Spacety Aerospace Co. China Taiyuan Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2019-087E 44842 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/07/china-launches-two-kuaizhou-rockets-in-six-hours/ https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt TianYi-17 TianYi-17 NR (3/20) China Spacety Aerospace Co. Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 509 1.09E-03 97.30 94.6 9 12/7/2019 Spacety Aerospace Co. China Taiyuan Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2019-087F 44843 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/07/china-launches-two-kuaizhou-rockets-in-six-hours/ https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide https://spacenews.com/china-gains-new-flexible-launch-capabilities-with-first-sea-launch/ TianYi-2 (Xiaoxiang 2) TianYi-2 China China Spacety Aerospace Co./Changsha Gaoxinqu Tianyi Research Institute Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 527 547 1.45E-03 97.50 95.3 8 1/18/2018 Spacety Aerospace Co. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2018-008A 43155 Demonstrate a small satellite stabilization system. JMSatcat/5_18 http://spaceflight101.com/china-third-long-march-11-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt TianYi-6 (Quantutong 1) TianYi-6 China China Spacety Aerospace Co./Changsha Gaoxinqu Tianyi Research Institute Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 528 545 1.23E-03 97.50 95.3 8 1/18/2018 Spacety Aerospace Co. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2018-008D 43158 Demonstration of a future constellation concept for an integrated navigation and communications system JMSatcat/5_18 http://spaceflight101.com/china-third-long-march-11-launch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Tianzhi-1 Tianzhi-1 China China Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)/China Academy of Space Technology Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 488 504 1.17E-03 97.40 95.2 27 11/19/2018 Innovation Academy for Microsatellites (CAS) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-094C 43712 Test satellite to be used to verify the key technologies of software-defined satellites. JM/11_18 https://gbtimes.com/chinas-34th-launch-of-2018-places-five-satellites-in-orbit?cat=business http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt TIBA-1 TIBA-1 NR (3/20) Egypt Ministry of Defense Military/Commercial Communications GEO 35.50 "35,732" "35,790" 6.88E-04 0.07 1434.8 "5,600" 11/26/2019 15 Airbus Defense and Space/Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2019-080A 44800 Egypt's first dedicated military communications satellite. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/11/26/launch-of-250th-ariane-rocket-marks-new-era-for-inmarsat-broadband-fleet/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt TIGRISat TIGRISat Iraq Iraq La Sapienza University of Rome Civil Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 611 698 6.19E-03 97.98 97.82 1 6/19/2014 La Sapienza University of Rome Italy Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-033AK 40043 "The satellite carries an RGB imaging system using a dust detection algorithm to detect, monitor and study dust storm events over Iraq." ZARYA http://www.spaceflight101.com/dnepr-launch-updates---2014-cluster-launch.html TIMED (Thermosphere • Ionosphere • Mesosphere • Energetics and Dynamics) TIMED USA USA "National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins" Government/Civil Space Science Electronic Intelligence LEO Polar 0.00 612 613 7.16E-05 74.10 97 587 406 12/7/2001 2 "Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins" USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2001-055B 26998 Study influences of the sun and humans on the least explored and understood region of Earth's atmosphere – the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere/Ionosphere (MLTI). www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.timed.jhuapl.edu/mission2/index.html TJS-1 (Tongxin Jishu Shiyan 1) TJS-1 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development Electronic Intelligence GEO 155.07 "35,776" "35,795" 2.25E-04 0.00 1436.03 9/12/2015 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2015-046A 40892 Communications technology test satellite. JM/12_15 http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/09/2015-046.html https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/11/21/chinas-long-march-2d-rocket-launches-five-satellites/ TJS-2 (Tongxin Jishu Shiyan 2) TJS-2 China China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) Government Technology Development GEO 107.42 "35,783" "35,793" 1.19E-04 0.50 1436.19 1/5/2017 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2017-001A 41911 Communications technology test satellite. JM/9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/01/06/long-march-rocket-blasts-off-on-first-launch-of-the-year/ TJS-3 (Tongxin Jishu Shiyan 3) TJS-3 China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development Earth Science GEO 59.00 "35,779" "35,794" 1.78E-04 0.07 1436.1 12/25/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3C 2018-110A 43874 Stated to be a communications technology test satellite. Thought by some to be military in nature. JMGEO/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/28/china-launches-two-more-long-march-rockets-another-possible-before-end-of-year/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 TJS-3 Subsatellite TJS-3 subsatellite NR China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development GEO 59.13 "35,779" "35,794" 1.78E-04 0.08 1436.1 12/25/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3C 2018-110C 43917 Separated from TJS-3 in orbit. Nothing known about it. JM GEO/3_19 https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx578.html TJS-4 (Tongxin Jishu Shiyan 4) TJS-4 NR (3/20) China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Government Technology Development GEO 83.53 "35,761" "35,813" 6.17E-04 0.02 1436.1 10/18/2019 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2019-070A 44637 Suspected by western analysts to be a satellite for collecting signals intelligence. JM GEO/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/18/china-launches-mysterious-geostationary-satellite/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt TJS-5 (Tongxin Jishu Shiyan 5) TJS-5 NR (3/20) China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) Government Communications GEO 178.00 "35,782" "35,790" 9.49E-05 0.08 1436 1/7/2020 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2020-002A 44978 "Both TJS 2 and 5 are suspected to have other purposes than communications, perhaps early warning function." JMGEO/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/01/07/chinas-first-launch-of-2020-lofts-mystery-payload/ TKSat-1 (Túpac Katari Satellite 1) TKSat-1 Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Aerospace Bureau Government Communications GEO -87.24 "35,773" "35,799" 3.08E-04 0.27 1436.07 "5,000" 12/20/2013 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2013-075A 39481 Bolivia's first communications satellite. SC - ASCR http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/12/long-march-3b-tksat-1-boliva/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/075A.HTM TRSI-Sat TRSI-Sat NR (3/20) Germany ACME AtronOmatic (MyRadar) Commercial Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 328 373 3.35E-03 97.00 92.1 1 12/6/2019 ACME AtronOmatic (MyRadar) Germany Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 Electron 2019-084G 44831 5 cm by 5 cm picosat. JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/06/rocket-labs-10th-launch-tests-booster-recovery-technology/ https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY/viwrecgNj5pECsxOs/recUe4vKEQUWcxWaF?blocks=hide https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log "Trumpet 3 (NROL-4, National Reconnaissance Office Launch-4, USA 136)" USA 136 USA USA National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)/US Air Force Military Earth Observation Elliptical 0.00 "1,210" "38,740" 7.12E-01 64.70 709.61 "8,000" 11/8/1997 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Titan IVA 1997-068A 25034 Signals intelligence; surveillance of cellular phones. JMSatcat304 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/1997/068A.HTM https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1084534372475256832 http://www.msnbc.com/news/185953.asp#BODY http://www.fas.org/irp/news/1998/06/980606-sigint.htm Tselina-2 (Cosmos 2428) Cosmos 2428 Russia Russia Ministry of Defense Military Earth Observation LEO Polar 0.00 844 858 9.69E-04 71.00 102 "3,200" 6/29/2007 KB Yuznoye Ukraine Baikonur Cosmodrome Zenit 2M 2007-029A 31792 ELINT; likely the last satellite of this class; to be replaced by Liana system. www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://russianforces.org/blog/2007/06/launch_of_cosmos2428_the_last.shtml https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.txt TSUBAME TSUBAME Japan Japan "Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo University of Science and JAXA" Civil Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 505 569 4.63E-03 97.47 95.38 49 11/6/2014 "Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo University of Science and JAXA" Japan Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2014-070E 40302 Earth observation and observation of gamma ray bursts from the sky. ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 "TUGSat-1  (Technische Universität Graz Satellit, CanX-3b, BRITE-Austria)" TUGSat-1 Austria Austria Technical University of Graz Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 770 784 9.79E-04 98.60 100.3 14 7 5.4 2/25/2013 University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS) Canada Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2013-009F 39091 "Austria's first satellite. Part of the international BRIght-star Target Explorer program -- The satellite will be used, along with five other spacecraft, to conduct photometric observations of stars with apparent magnitude of greater than 4.0 as seen from Earth." SC - ASCR http://www.tugsat.tugraz.at/project http://www.drumbeat.mlaterz.net/October%202002/Tracking%20Saddam%20100102a.htm Turkmen Alem 52E/MonacoSAT Turkmen Alem 52E/MonacoSAT NR Turkmenistan/Monaco Turkmenistan Ministry of Communications/SSI-Monaco Government/Commercial Communications GEO 52.00 "35,655" "35,784" 1.53E-03 0.00 1432.69 "4,700" "1,850" 4/27/2015 15 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Cape Canaveral Falcon 9 2015-023A 40617 "Joint ownership - Turkmenistan 26 transponders, Monaco 12 transponders. Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa." JM/8_15 http://ssi-monaco.com/?page_id=3237 http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.582 Turksat 3A Turksat 3A Turkey Turkey Turksat Commercial Communications GEO 42.04 "35,778" "35,793" 1.78E-04 0.01 1436.06 "3,100" "1,272" "8,100" 6/12/2008 Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2008-030B 33056 24 Ku-band transponders; television service to Turkey. JM/12_08 http://www.turksat.com.tr/english/index.php/News/Announcements/Turksat-3A-transferred-to-launch-site-in-Kourou.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I030B.HTM Turksat 4A Turksat 4A Turkey Turkey Turksat Commercial Communications GEO 50.00 "35,776" "35,797" 2.49E-04 0.01 1436.08 "4,869" 2/14/2014 15 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2014-007A 39522 Will move to 42 East when joined by Turksat 4B. ZARYA http://www.spaceflight101.com/proton-m-turksat-4a-launch-updates.html https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/h/hodoyoshi-1 Turksat 4B Turksat 4B NR Turkey Turksat Commercial Communications Optical Imaging GEO 50.00 "35,787" "35,805" 2.13E-04 0.03 1436.57 "5,000" 10/16/2015 15 Mitsubishi Electric Japan Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2015-060A 40984 JM/12_15 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/10/16/turkish-telecommunications-satellite-lifts-off-from-baikonur/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I009F.HTM "Tyvak 0092 (Commtrail, NANOVA)" Tyvak 0092 NR (3/20) Israel Elbit Systems Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 563 576 9.37E-04 36.90 96.1 5 12/11/2019 Elbit Systems Israel Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-089A 44852 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/11/indias-50th-pslv-lifts-off-with-satellites-from-five-nations/ https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY?blocks=hide Tyvak 0129 Tyvak 0129 NR (3/20) Israel Elbit Systems Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 566 575 6.48E-04 36.90 96.1 5 12/11/2019 Elbit Systems Israel Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2019-089G 44853 JMSatcat/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/11/indias-50th-pslv-lifts-off-with-satellites-from-five-nations/ Tyvak-53b Tyvak-53b NR USA "Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems, Inc." Commercial Technology Demonstration Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 497 516 1.38E-03 97.45 94.7 5 6/23/2017 Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036AG 42795 Validate technology aimed at helping to deorbit small satellites. JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/a/aalto-1 http://en.mediasat.info/2015/06/11/turkmenistan-3/ Tyvak-61c Tyvak-61c NR USA "Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems, Inc." Commercial Technology Demonstration Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 504 8.01E-04 97.50 94.5 10 1/11/2018 Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems USA Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2018-004AK 43144 Technology demonstration and astronomy mission with the primary objective of cataloging the variability of luminous stars. JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflight101.com/pslv-c40/pslv-c40-other-secondary-payloads/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx656.html "UFO-10 (USA 146, UHF F/O F10) ""UHF Follow-On""" USA 146 USA USA US Navy Military Communications GEO 72.67 "35,738" "35,834" 1.14E-03 1.97 1436.1 "3,200" "1,540" "3,800 (EOL)" 11/24/1999 4 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2 1999-063A 25967 Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) communications and Super-High Frequency (SHF) antijam command and broadcast capabilities through four pairs of geosynchronous satellites and one spare; tactical application. JM/12_08 http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/601/uhf_followon/uhf_followon.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/1999/063A.HTM http://users.ox.ac.uk/~daveh/Space/Military/milspace_comsat.html#ufo "UFO-11 (USA 174) ""UHF Follow-On""" USA 174 USA USA US Navy Military Communications Optical Imaging GEO 71.44 "35,786" "35,787" 1.19E-05 2.16 1436.1 "3,200" "1,545" "2,800 (EOL)" 12/18/2003 4 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 3 2003-057A 28117 Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) communications and Super-High Frequency (SHF) antijam command and broadcast capabilities through four pairs of geosynchronous satellites and one spare; tactical application. JM/12_08 http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/601/uhf_followon/uhf_followon.html http://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx602.html http://users.ox.ac.uk/~daveh/Space/Military/milspace_comsat.html#ufo "UFO-2 (USA 95) ""UHF Follow-On""" USA 95 USA USA US Navy Military Communications GEO 28.79 "35,766" "35,807" 4.86E-04 8.27 1436.12 "3,200" "1,545" "2,800 (EOL)" 9/3/1993 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2 1993-056A 22787 Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) communications and Super-High Frequency (SHF) antijam command and broadcast capabilities through four pairs of geosynchronous satellites and one spare; tactical application. Inclined. JM/1_12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/1993/I056A.HTM http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "UFO-4 (USA 108, UFO F4 EHF) ""UHF Follow-On""" USA 108 USA USA US Navy Military Communications GEO -177.12 "35,763" "35,775" 1.42E-04 3.34 1435.22 "3,200" "1,545" "2,800 (EOL)" 1/29/1995 4 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2 1995-003A 23467 Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) communications and Super-High Frequency (SHF) antijam command and broadcast capabilities through four pairs of geosynchronous satellites and one spare; tactical application. JM/12_08 http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/601/uhf_followon/uhf_followon.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://planet4589.org/space/log/geobus0902.ok.lis http://users.ox.ac.uk/~daveh/Space/Military/milspace_comsat.html#ufo "UFO-8 (USA 138, UHF F/O F8) ""UHF Follow-On""" USA 138 USA USA US Navy Military Communications GEO 172.28 "35,772" "35,794" 2.61E-04 5.24 1435.94 "3,206" "1,545" "3,800 (EOL)" 3/16/1998 4 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 2 1998-016A 25258 Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) communications and Super-High Frequency (SHF) antijam command and broadcast capabilities through four pairs of geosynchronous satellites and one spare; tactical application. JM/12_08 http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/601/uhf_followon/uhf_followon.html http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://users.ox.ac.uk/~daveh/Space/Military/milspace_comsat.html#ufo Uguisu Uguisu NR (11/19) Japan Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) Civil Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 405 415 7.37E-04 51.60 92.7 1 6/17/2019 1.5 Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) Japan International Space Station J-SSOD Deployer 1998-067QG 44331 Part of Birds-3 program. JMSatcat/11_19 https://birds-project.com/birds1/files/BIRDS-3_Link_Budget.pdf http://www.spaceflightnow.com/atlas/ac203/031211uhfprogram.html UiTMSAT-1 (Birds-2) UiTMSAT-1 NR Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Civil Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 398 408 7.38E-04 51.60 92.6 1 8/10/2018 2 Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) Japan International Space Station J-SSOD Deployer 1998-067PD 43589 "Developed under Birds-2 program of JAXA and Kyushu Institute of Technology, teaching other countries how to development satellite technology." JM/11_18 https://www.nst.com.my/education/2018/07/391936/uitmsat-1-puts-malaysia-final-frontier http://planet4589.org/space/log/geobus0902.ok.lis "UK-DMC-2 (BNSCSat-2, British National Science Center Satellite 2)" UK-DMC-2 United Kingdom United Kingdom UK/DMC International Imaging (DMCII) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 660 662 1.42E-04 98.00 98 97 7/29/2009 5 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. (SSTL) UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Dnepr 2009-041C 35683 Part of Disaster Monitoring Constellation second generation; five countries share all data. www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx669.html http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library UKube-1 (UK Cubesat 1) Ukube-1 United Kingdom United Kingdom UK Space Agency Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 626 631 3.57E-04 98.40 97.27 3 7/8/2014 Clyde Space UK Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz-2.1b 2014-037F 40074 Technology demonstrator to show how impacts from cosmic particles can be used to increase the security of satellite communications. ZARYA http://www.clyde-space.com/ukube-1 http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 UNIFORM 1  (UNiversity International FORmation Mission 1) UNIFORM 1 Japan Japan Wakayama University (UNIFORM consortium) Civil Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 622 629 5.00E-04 97.87 97.2 50 140 5/24/2014 Wakayama University and other Japanese universities Japan Tanegashima Space Center H2A 2014-029B 39767 Forest fire monitoring as part of a small constellation. ZARYA https://eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/u/uniform-1 https://www.space.com/space-station-deploys-birds-3-cubesats-video.html UNITE (Undergraduate Nano Ionospheric Temperature Explorer) UNITE NR (11/19) USA University of Southern Indiana/NASA Civil Space Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 403 407 2.95E-04 51.60 92.7 5 1/31/2019 University of Southern Indiana/NASA USA International Space Station Nanorack Deployer 1998-067PX 44031 "Main goal of the mission is to measure plasma in the lower ionosphere, a relatively unexplored region of space." JMSatcat/3_19 http://wp.usispace.com/wp/ "Ursa Maior ((University of Rome la SApienza MicroAttitude In ORbit testing, QB50 IT02)" Ursa Maior Belgium Italy University of Rome Civil Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 496 512 1.16E-03 97.45 94.7 5 6/23/2017 University of Rome - La Sapienza Italy Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036M 42776 Study lower earth atmosphere. JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/a/aalto-1 http://www.sstl.co.uk/Missions/Current_Projects UWE-3 (University of Würzburg Experimental Satellite 3) UWE-3 Germany Germany University of Würzburg Civil Communications Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 593 700 7.62E-03 97.80 97.6 1 11/21/2013 University of Würzburg Germany Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2013-066AG 39446 Amateur radio. ZARYA http://www7.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/forschung/space_exploration/projects/uwe_3/ https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/u/ukube-1 UWE-4 (University of Würzburg Experimental Satellite 4) UWE-4 Germany Germany University of Würzburg Civil Technology Development/Education LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 572 585 9.35E-04 97.70 96.2 2 12/27/2018 University of Würzburg Germany Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111E 43880 Demonstrate miniaturized electric propulsion system/student education. JMSatcat/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ http://japanspacepolicy.com/category/uniform/ "Van Allen Probe A (RBSP-A, Radiation Belt Storm Probes)" RBSP-A USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Government Earth Observation Elliptical 0.00 591 "30,534" 6.83E-01 10.03 539.06 648 8/30/2012 Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2012-046A 38752 Study the Earth's radiation belts on various scales of space and time. SC - ASCR http://science.nasa.gov/missions/rbsp/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://space.50.ksomo.cz/s40/2012/1046A.HTM "Van Allen Probe B (RBSP-B, Radiation Belt Storm Probes)" RBSP-B USA USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Government Earth Observation Elliptical 0.00 595 "30,657" 6.83E-01 10.04 541.4 666 8/30/2012 Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2012-046B 38753 Study the Earth's radiation belts on various scales of space and time. SC - ASCR http://science.nasa.gov/missions/rbsp/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://space.50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/1046B.HTM VDNH-80 VDNH-80 Russia Russia Moscow State University Civil Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 514 545 2.25E-03 97.50 95.2 4 7/5/2019 Moscow State University Russia Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1b 2019-038G 44392 Foton-Amur instrument consisting of charged particle and gamma ray detectors to study space weather phenomena. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/05/soyuz-rocket-and-fregat-upper-stage-deliver-33-satellites-to-three-different-orbits/ Velox 1 Velox 1 NR Singapore Nanyang Technological University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 642 655 9.26E-04 98.25 97.7 4 6/30/2014 Nanyang Technological University Singapore Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-CA 2014-034E 40057 Purpose was to give students experience in mounting a satellite building and launch campaign. It carries a high resolution camera for Earth imaging. ZARYA http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/singapore-s-first-nano/1232324.html https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Velox 2 Velox 2 NR Singapore Nanyang Technological University Civil Technology Development LEO Equatorial 0.00 537 550 9.40E-04 14.98 95.48 13 12/16/2015 Nanyang Technological University Singapore Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-C29 2015-077F 41171 "Communications Payload, GPS Experimental Payload and Fault Tolerant Payload." prehled-druzic http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-077.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 Velox C1 Velox C1 NR Singapore Nanyang Technological University Civil Technology Development Optical Imaging LEO Equatorial 0.00 533 550 1.23E-03 14.98 95.48 123 12/16/2015 Nanyang Technological University Singapore Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV-C29 2015-077A 41166 Microsatellite for research in tropical environmental monitoring using radio occultation techniques. prehled-druzic http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-077.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 Venµs Venµs Israel France/Israel Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)/Israel Space Agency Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 719 724 3.53E-04 98.30 99.2 264 8/1/2017 4.5 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Israel Guiana Space Center Vega 2017-044B 42901 "Resolution of 5 meters (16 feet), the spectral richness of the camera in 12 bands, and the third is revisit — two days. USA has 24 percent of mission targets." JMSatcat/10_17 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/v-w-x-y-z/venus https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt ViaSat-1 ViaSat-1 USA USA "ViaSat, Inc." Commercial Communications GEO -115.00 "35,775" "35,796" 2.49E-04 0.04 1436.09 "6,740" 10/19/2011 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2011-059A 37843 "Provide much faster Internet service to more than 1 million customers outside the reach of cable or DSL services at similar prices to existing satellite broadband; also using capacity to power in-flight Internet service by JetBlue, as well as defense and other uses." JM/1_12 http://www.viasat.com/broadband-satellite-networks/viasat-1 http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/16/pslv-set-for-commercial-launch-with-six-singaporean-satellites/ http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2011/oct/19/viasat-1-blasts-orbit/?print&page=all ViaSat-2 ViaSat-2 United Kingdom USA "ViaSat, Inc." Commercial Communications GEO -69.90 "35,785" "35,787" 2.37E-05 0.00 1436.1 "6,418" 6/1/2017 14 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2017-029A 42740 "Powered mostly by xenon ions, so slowly working its way to GEO as of 10/15/2017. Large insurance claim filed in 2018 for damage to antenna." JMGEO10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/02/ariane-5-succeeds-in-launch-of-two-high-value-communications-satellites/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/08/02/vega-launcher-achieves-on-target-deployment-of-earth-imaging-satellites/ https://spacenews.com/viasat-preps-big-insurance-claim-for-viasat-2-antenna-anomaly/ Vinasat 1 Vinasat 1 NR Vietnam Vietnamese Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) Government Communications GEO 131.97 "35,782" "35,791" 1.07E-04 0.02 1436.1 "2,600" 4/18/2008 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2008-018A 32767 "Provide voice, video and internet service; Asia, India, Australia, Japan, Hawaii. 12 Ku-band, 8 C-band transponders." JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx654.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7356010.stm http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/080416/aqw502.html?.v=5 http://www.vinasat.com.vn/52/104/391/1477.html Vinasat 2 Vinasat 2 NR Vietnam Vietnamese Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) Government Communications GEO 131.80 "35,742" "35,776" 4.04E-04 0.08 1434.69 "2,970" 5/15/2012 15 Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2012-023B 38332 24 ku-band transponders; provide independence in satellite communications. ZARYA http://www.spaceflight101.com/va-206-ariane-5-mission.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt VNREDSat 1A  (Vietnam Natural Resources Environment and Disaster monitoring small Satellite) VNREDSat 1A NR Vietnam Space Technology Institute-Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (STI-VAST) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 682 685 2.13E-04 98.13 98.43 115 5/7/2013 5 EADS Astrium France Guiana Space Center Vega 2013-021B 39160 "Better monitor and study the effects of climate change, predict and take measures to prevent natural disasters, and optimize the management of its natural resources." SC - ASCR http://www.astrium.eads.net/en/programme/vnredsat-1.html http://www.viasat.com/viasat-1-launch http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I021B.HTM "VRSS-1 (Venezuelan Remote Sensing Satellite, Francisco Miranda)" VRSS-1 Venezuela Venezuela Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 622 654 2.28E-03 98.03 97.48 880 9/28/2012 5 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2012-052A 38782 "Sensors can resolve objects 2.5 meters across. Will return 350 images per day for urban planning, monitor illegal mining and drug activities, national defense." SC - ASCR http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/09/chinese-long-march-2d-launches-vrss-1 https://www.exede.com/blog/status-update-viasat-2-newest-satellite/ VRSS-2 (Antonio Jose de Sucre) VRSS-2 NR Venezuela Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 629 654 1.78E-03 98.02 97.55 "1,000" 10/9/2017 5 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2017-060A 42954 Second earth observing satellite for Venezuela. Cooperative agreement with China. JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/09/china-successfully-launches-earth-imaging-satellite-for-venezuela/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I017A.HTM VZLUSat-1 (QB50 CZ02) VZLUSat-1 Belgium Czech Republic Czech Aerospace Research Center (VZLU) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 497 515 1.31E-03 97.45 94.7 3 6/23/2017 Czech Aerospace Research Center (VZLU) and partners Czech Republic Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV 2017-036AB 42790 "Primary objective of the project VZLUSAT-1 is the development, manufacturing, qualification and experimental verification of products and technologies on Earth orbit. " JMSatcat/10_17 http://vzlusat1.cz/en/about-vzlusat-1/6/a/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Weina-1A Weina-1A China China Shanghai Micro Satellite Engineering Center Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 594 601 5.02E-04 35.00 96.3 1 1/25/2018 Shanghai Micro Satellite Engineering Center China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2018-011A 43169 Unknown purpose. JMSatcat/5_18 https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=2018-011A https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/v-w-x-y-z/vnredsat-1 Weina-1B Weina-1B NR (3/20) China Shanghai Micro Satellite Engineering Center Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,027" "1,153" 8.45E-03 63.40 107 5 4/10/2018 Shanghai Micro Satellite Engineering Center China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2018-034E 43279 Unknown purpose. JMSatcat/7_20 https://airtable.com/shrafcwXODMMKeRgU/tbldJoOBP5wlNOJQY "Wideband Global Satcom 1 (WGS-1, USA 195)" USA 195 USA USA Military Satellite Communications - US Air Force Military Communications GEO 179.88 "35,783" "35,790" 8.30E-05 0.00 1436.1 "5,900" "3,450" "13,000" 10/11/2007 14 Boeing Integrated Defense Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2007-046A 32258 First of five; will provide services to the US Department of Defense and the Ministry of Defense for Canada as well as other Government and Allied users under unstressed conditions. Estimated http://www.spacenewsfeed.co.uk/2007/14October2007_68.html http://space50.kosmos.cz/s40/2012/I052A.HTM http://boeing.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=20295&item=2103 "Wideband Global Satcom 10 (WGS-10, USA 291)" USA 291 USA USA Military Satellite Communications - US Air Force Military Communications GEO -52.00 "35,765" "35,795" 3.56E-04 0.00 1436.1 "5,990" "3,450" "13,000" 3/16/2019 14 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2019-014A 44071 Estimated https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/03/16/delta-4-rocket-launches-air-forces-10th-wgs-broadband-satellite/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Wideband Global Satcom 2 (WGS-2, USA 204)" USA 204 USA USA Military Satellite Communications - US Air Force Military Communications GEO 60.18 "35,786" "35,787" 1.19E-05 0.03 1436.12 "5,987" "3,450" "13,000" 4/4/2009 14 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2009-017A 34713 X and Ka-band transponders. Will replace DSCS system. JM/7_09 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/017A.HTM https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/a/aalto-1 http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bss/factsheets/702/wgs/wgs_factsheet.html "Wideband Global Satcom 3 (WGS-3, USA 211)" USA 211 USA USA Military Satellite Communications - US Air Force Military Communications Optical Imaging GEO -12.00 "35,785" "35,786" 1.19E-05 0.00 1436.1 "5,990" "3,450" "13,000" 12/6/2009 14 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2009-068A 36108 X and Ka-band transponders. Will replace DSCS system. SC - ASCR http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Boeing+awarded+contract+to+build+third+Wideband+Gapfiller+Satellite.-a095828568 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/28/china-launches-fourth-trio-of-yaogan-military-satellites-since-september/ "Wideband Global Satcom 4 (WGS-4, USA 233)" USA 233 USA USA Military Satellite Communications - US Air Force Military Communications Optical Imaging GEO -124.50 "35,785" "35,786" 1.19E-05 0.01 1436.1 "5,990" "3,450" "13,000" 1/20/2012 14 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2012-003A 38070 X and Ka-band transponders. Will replace DSCS system. JM/5_12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/046A.HTM "Wideband Global Satcom 5 (WGS-5, USA 243)" USA 243 USA USA Military Satellite Communications - US Air Force Military Communications Optical Imaging GEO -52.50 "35,739" "35,784" 5.34E-04 0.00 1436.1 "5,990" "3,450" "13,000" 5/25/2013 14 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2013-024A 39168 Surveillance and reconnaissance imagery at approximately three times the data rate available through the Block I satellites; the Australian Defence Force will have global access to the WGS on-orbit constellation. Estimated http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 "Wideband Global Satcom 6 (WGS-6, USA 244)" USA 244 USA USA Military Satellite Communications - US Air Force Military Communications Optical Imaging GEO -135.22 "35,772" "35,801" 3.44E-04 0.00 1436.1 "5,990" "3,450" "13,000" 8/8/2013 14 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2013-041A 39222 Australia supported the cost of the sixth spacecraft under a partnership agreement with U.S. Estimated http://www.losangeles.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123358991 http://www.afspc.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=5582 "Wideband Global Satcom 7 (WGS-7, USA 263)" USA 263 USA USA Military Satellite Communications - US Air Force Military Communications Optical Imaging/Infrared Imaging GEO 174.96 "35,772" "35,801" 3.44E-04 0.00 1436.1 "5,990" "3,450" "13,000" 7/24/2015 14 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2015-036A 40746 Estimated http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/07/ula-delta-iv-launch-wgs-7/ http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/systems/wgs.htm "Wideband Global Satcom 8 (WGS-8, USA 272)" USA 272 USA USA Military Satellite Communications - US Air Force Military Communications GEO -150.00 "35,770" "35,770" 0.00E+00 0.00 1436.1 "5,990" "3,450" "13,000" 12/7/2016 14 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2016-075A 41879 "International funding from Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and New Zealand under partnershp for access to constellation network." JM/3_19 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/12/08/u-s-launches-its-highest-capacity-military-communications-satellite/ "Wideband Global Satcom 9 (WGS-9, USA 275)" USA 275 USA USA Military Satellite Communications - US Air Force Military Communications GEO 149.81 "35,772" "35,801" 3.44E-04 0.00 1436.1 "5,990" "3,450" "13,000" 3/17/2017 14 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Cape Canaveral Delta 4 2017-016A 42075 JMGeo9_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/03/19/internationally-backed-military-satellite-successfully-launched-atop-delta-4-rocket/ http://boeing.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=2680 WildBlue 1 WildBlue 1 USA USA WildBlue Communications Commercial Communications GEO -111.09 "35,776" "35,796" 2.37E-04 0.01 1436.1 "4,735" "1,995" "10,000" 12/8/2006 12 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2006-054A 29643 Totally dedicated to broadband internet services; total CONUS coverage. JM/12_08 http://www.nabble.com/WildBlue1-delivers-internet-to-anywhere-in-USA---Ariane-5-5-out-of-5-for-2006-t2817499.html WNISat-1 (Weather News Inc. Satellite 1) WNISat-1 Japan Japan "Weathernews, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 594 849 1.80E-02 97.80 99.2 10 11/21/2013 2 Axelspace Japan Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2013-066H 39423 Provide data to shipping lines who are interested in the Arctic Sea ice state. ZARYA https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/v-w-x-y-z/wnisat-1 WNISat-1R (Weather News Inc. Satellite 1R) WNISat-1R Japan Japan "Weathernews, Inc." Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 586 606 1.44E-03 97.60 96.6 43 7/14/2017 Axelspace Japan Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2017-042L 42835 Collecting monitoring data for shipping lane customers operating in the Arctic Sea. JMSatcat/10_17 http://spaceflight101.com/soyuz-kanopus-v-ik/wnisat-1r/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Worldview 1 Worldview 1 USA USA Maxar Technologies Inc. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 491 494 2.19E-04 97.30 94.50 "4,500" "3,200" 9/18/2007 7.25 Ball Aerospace USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2007-041A 32060 Provides earth imaging in eight color bands. www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2007/041A.HTM http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log http://www.spacetoday.net/Summary/3909 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/v-w-x-y-z/worldview-4 Worldview 2 Worldview 2 USA USA Maxar Technologies Inc. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 765 767 1.40E-04 98.50 100.20 "2,800" 10/8/2009 Ball Aerospace USA Vandenberg AFB Delta 2 2009-055A 35946 Will provide earth imaging in eight color bands; 0.5 m resolution for panchromatic images and 1.8 m for multi-spectral. www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://worldview2.digitalglobe.com/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/INDEX1.HTM http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/055A.HTM https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/v-w-x-y-z/worldview-4 Worldview 3 Worldview 3 USA USA Maxar Technologies Inc. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 612 614 1.43E-04 97.99 96.96 "2,800" "3,100" 8/13/2014 12 Ball Aerospace USA Vandenberg AFB Atlas 5 2014-048A 40115 "WorldView-3 provides 31 cm panchromatic resolution, 1.24 m MS (Multispectral) resolution, 3.7 m SWIR (Short-Wave Infrared) resolution, and 30 m CAVIS ( Clouds, Aerosols, Vapors, Ice, and Snow) resolution." ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 https://www.digitalglobe.com/resources/satellite-information https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/v-w-x-y-z/worldview-3 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/v-w-x-y-z/worldview-4 "X37-B OTV-6 (AFSPC 7, USA 299)" USA 299 USA USA US Space Force Military Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 379 398 1.41E-03 45 92.30 "4,990" 5/17/2020 Boeing Corp. USA Cape Canaveral Atlas 5 2020-029A 45606 Sixth flight of OSB. JM/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/05/17/upgraded-x-37b-spaceplane-rockets-into-orbit-aboard-atlas-5-launcher/ Xiaoxiang 1-04 Xiaoxiang 1-04 NR (11/19) China Spacety Aerospace Co. Commercial Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 556 575 1.37E-03 45.00 96.00 8 6/5/2019 Spacety Aerospace Co. China Yellow Sea Launch Platform Long March 11 2019-032D 44313 Earth imaging technology development. JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/05/chinas-first-sea-launch-declared-a-success/ http://www.spaceimagingme.com/downloads/sensors/datasheets/DG_WorldView3_DS_2014.pdf Xiaoxiang 1-07 Xiaoxiang 1-07 NR (11/19) China Spacety Aerospace Co. Commercial Technology Development Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 592 607 1.08E-03 97.70 96.70 10 8/30/2019 Spacety Aerospace Co. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2019-058A 44519 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/09/03/two-satellites-launch-aboard-chinese-kuaizhou-1a-rocket/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Xingshidai 5 Xingshidai 5 NR (11/19) China Chengdu Guoxing Aerospace Technology Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 529 560 2.24E-03 97.60 95.50 10 8/17/2019 MinoSpace Technology China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Jielong 1 2019-052C 44488 JMSatcat/11_19 https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/08/china-first-launch-smart-dragon-1-small-satellite-vehicle/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Xingyun 2-01 Xingyun 2-01 NR (7/20) China Xingyun Satellite Co. Government Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 556 572 1.15E-03 97.50 95.90 93 5/11/2020 Unknown China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2020-028A 45602 First of a planned 80-satellite constellation for Internet-of-Things communications and data relay. JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/05/12/first-two-smallsats-launched-for-chinese-data-relay-constellation/ https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2020/05/kuhaizhou-1a-satellites-tribute-wuhan/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Xingyun 2-02 Xingyun 2-02 NR (7/20) China Xingyun Satellite Co. Government Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 556 572 1.15E-03 97.50 95.90 93 5/11/2020 Unknown China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2020-028B 45603 JMSatcat/7_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/05/12/first-two-smallsats-launched-for-chinese-data-relay-constellation/ https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2020/05/kuhaizhou-1a-satellites-tribute-wuhan/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Xinyan 1 (XY-1) Xinyan 1 NR China DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 489 501 8.74E-04 97.35 94.51 11/18/2012 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 2012-064C 38999 ZARYA http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I064C.HTM XJS-A (New Technology Test Satellite-A) XJS-A China China Unknown Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 477 486 6.57E-04 35.00 94.23 6/27/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2018-054A 43518 Unknown operator. Will conduct tests of inter-satellite networking links and Earth observation technology. JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/06/27/chinese-rocket-lifts-off-with-two-tech-demo-satellites/ XJS-B (New Technology Test Satellite-B) XJS-B China China Unknown Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 477 486 6.57E-04 35.00 94.23 6/27/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2018-054B 43519 Unknown operator. Will conduct tests of inter-satellite networking links and Earth observation technology. JMSatcat/10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/06/27/chinese-rocket-lifts-off-with-two-tech-demo-satellites/ XJS-C (New Technology Test Satellite-C) XJS-C NR (4/20) China Unknown Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 476 483 5.11E-04 35.01 94.19 2/19/2020 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2020-014A 45249 ZARYA https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/02/19/china-launches-four-technology-experiment-satellites/ XJS-D (New Technology Test Satellite-D) XJS-D NR (4/20) China Unknown Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 476 481 3.65E-04 35.01 94.19 2/19/2020 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2020-014B 45250 ZARYA https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/02/19/china-launches-four-technology-experiment-satellites/ XJS-E (New Technology Test Satellite-E) XJS-E NR (4/20) China Unknown Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 474 483 6.57E-04 35.01 94.17 2/19/2020 Harbin Institute of Technology/DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2020-014C 45251 ZARYA https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/02/19/china-launches-four-technology-experiment-satellites/ XJS-F (New Technology Test Satellite-F) XJS-F NR (4/20) China Unknown Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 475 481 4.38E-04 35.01 94.16 2/19/2020 Harbin Institute of Technology/DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2020-014D 45253 ZARYA https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/02/19/china-launches-four-technology-experiment-satellites/ XJS-G (New Technology Test Satellite-G) XJS-G NR (7/20) China Unknown Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 467 485 1.31E-03 35.03 94.10 5/29/2020 China Academy of Sciences (CAS)/National Space Science Center China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2020-032A 45611 JMSatcat/7_20 https://www.seradata.com/china-launches-two-satellites-on-long-march-11-using-xichang-for-first-time/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/01/two-chinese-launches-deploy-satellites-for-earth-imaging-tech-demonstrations/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt XJS-H (New Technology Test Satellite H) XJS-H NR (7/20) China Unknown Government Technology Development LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 466 485 1.39E-03 35.03 94.10 5/29/2020 National University of Defence Technology (NUDT) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2020-032B 45611 JMSatcat/7_20 https://www.seradata.com/china-launches-two-satellites-on-long-march-11-using-xichang-for-first-time/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/01/two-chinese-launches-deploy-satellites-for-earth-imaging-tech-demonstrations/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt XM Radio 3 (Rhythm) XM 3 USA USA XM Satellite Radio USA Commercial Communications GEO -85.04 "35,782" "35,790" 9.49E-05 0.01 1436.1 "4,703" "18,000" 3/1/2005 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2005-008A 28626 130 channels of digital music uplinked in the X-band from one or more ground stations. JM/12_08 http://www.boeing.com/news/releases/2005/q1/nr_050228s.html https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/17/chinas-jielong-1-smallsat-launcher-successful-on-first-flight/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/008A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx617.html XM Radio 4 (Blues) XM 4 USA USA XM Satellite Radio USA Commercial Communications GEO -114.96 "35,784" "35,787" 3.56E-05 0.01 1436.09 "5,193" "18,000" 10/30/2006 15 Boeing Satellite Systems USA Sea Launch Odyssey Zenit 3SL 2006-049A 29520 S-band Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to homes and automobiles in Noth America. JM/12_08 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spaceewarn/spx636.html http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 XMM Newton (High Throughput X-ray Spectroscopy Mission) XMM Newton ESA ESA European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) Government Space Science Elliptical Deep Highly Eccentric 0.00 "7,079" "114,027" 7.99E-01 38.40 "2,872.15" "3,764" "3,233" 12/10/1999 10 Dornier Systems (and 46 subcontractors) International Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 1999-066A 25989 Detect and study celestial x-ray sources. JMSatcat304 http://orbits.esa.int/orbits/ http://sci.esa.int/science-e/www/object/index.cfm?fobjectid=31250 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/1999/066A.HTM XPNav-1 XPNav-1 China China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 513 1.45E-03 97.40 94.68 240 11/9/2016 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2016-066A 41841 Experimental pulsar navigation mission carries two sensors tuned to pick up incoming X-rays from objects scattered across the galaxy prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/10/china-lofts-pulsar-navigation-demo-satellite/ X-Sat X-Sat NR Singapore Centre for Research in Satellite Technology (CREST) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 801 823 1.53E-03 98.70 101.1 91 175 4/20/2011 3 Centre for Research in Satellite Technology (CREST) Singapore Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C16 2011-015C 37389 "Signapore's first national satellite; multi-spectral camera, will demonstrate space-based remote sensing and image processing technologies." www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/015C.HTM http://www.xmradio.com/newsroom/screen/pr_2005_03_01.html XTAR-EUR XTAR-EUR USA Spain Ministry of Defense/XTAR Military/Government Communications GEO 29.03 "35,778" "35,792" 1.66E-04 0.10 1436.06 "3,631" "1,412" 2/12/2005 15 Space Systems/Loral USA Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 ECA 2005-005A 28542 X-band; designed to be compatible with U.S. and NATO SATCOM systems. Contract with US Department of State. JM/12_08 http://www.sciencepresse.qc.ca/clafleur/Spacecrafts-2005.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2006/049A.HTM http://www.spacewar.com/news/milspace-comms-05n.html http://investor.loral.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=183881 http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/2005/005A.HTM "XW-1 (Hope Oscar 68, HO-68, Xi Wang 1, Hope-1, CAS-1)" XW-1 China China DFH Satellite Co. Ltd./AMSAT-China Civil Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 "1,193" "1,205" 7.93E-04 100.30 109.40 60 12/15/2009 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2009-072B 36122 China's first amateur satellite. www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://hamchatforum.lefora.com/2009/12/17/amsat-china-say-xw-1-has-been-launched/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx554.html http://www.camsat.cn/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/072B.HTM XW-2A (CAS-3A) XW-2A China China Chinese Amateur Satellite (CAMSAT) Civil Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 518 535 1.23E-03 97.46 95.17 25 9/19/2015 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd./CAMSAT China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2015-049E 40903 Amateur radio. JM/12_15 http://www.arrl.org/files/media/News/XW-2CAS-3%20Sats.pdf http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2016/11/2016-066.html#yA XW-2B (CAS-3B) XW-2B China China Chinese Amateur Satellite (CAMSAT) Civil Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 520 539 1.38E-03 97.46 95.22 10 9/19/2015 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd./CAMSAT China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2015-049N 40911 Amateur radio. JM 12_15 http://www.arrl.org/files/media/News/XW-2CAS-3%20Sats.pdf http://events.eoportal.org/get_announce.php?an_id=8557 XW-2C (CAS-3C) XW-2C China China Chinese Amateur Satellite (CAMSAT) Civil Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 519 538 1.38E-03 97.46 95.21 10 9/19/2015 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd./CAMSAT China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2015-049H 40906 Amateur radio. JM 12_15 http://www.arrl.org/files/media/News/XW-2CAS-3%20Sats.pdf http://www.xtarllc.com/systems/index.htm XW-2D (CAS-3D) XW-2D China China Chinese Amateur Satellite (CAMSAT) Civil Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 520 539 1.38E-03 97.46 95.22 10 9/19/2015 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd./CAMSAT China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2015-049J 40907 Amateur radio. JM 12_15 http://www.arrl.org/files/media/News/XW-2CAS-3%20Sats.pdf http://www.uk.amsat.org/content/view/701/86/ XW-2F (CAS-3F) XW-2F China China Chinese Amateur Satellite (CAMSAT) Civil Communications LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 520 540 1.45E-03 97.46 95.23 2 9/19/2015 DFH Satellite Co. Ltd./CAMSAT China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2015-049M 40910 Amateur radio. JM 12_15 http://www.arrl.org/files/media/News/XW-2CAS-3%20Sats.pdf http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt XY-S1 (Xingyun Shiyan-1) XY-S1 China China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) Government Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 529 541 8.69E-04 97.54 95.33 2 1/9/2017 Ninth Academy of CASIC China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Kuaizhou 2017-002A 41913 Test technologies of low-orbit narrow-band communication and VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) JMSatcat9/17 test technologies of low-orbit narrow-band communication and VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Yahsat-1A (Y1A) Yahsat-1A United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Al Yah Satellite Communications Co. (YAHSAT) Military/Commercial Communications GEO 52.50 "35,743" "35,823" 9.49E-04 0.04 1435.92 "5,953" 4/22/2011 15 Astrium/Thales Alenia Space France Guiana Space Center Ariane 5 2011-016B 37393 "First of two identical satellites; Ku, Ka, and C-band transponders. Direct-to-home television programming, secure Ka-band communications for military and government in UAE." SC - ASCR http://www.yahsat.ae/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx690.html Yahsat-1B (Y1B) Yahsat-1B United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Al Yah Satellite Communications Co. (YAHSAT) Military/Commercial Communications GEO 47.60 "35,780" "35,791" 1.30E-04 0.00 1436.07 "6,000" 4/23/2012 Astrium/Thales Alenia Space France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2012-016A 38245 "Second of two identical satellites; Ku, Ka, and C-band transponders. Direct-to-home television programming, secure Ka-band communications for military and government in UAE." JM/7_12 http://www.spaceflightnow.com/proton/y1b/status.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Yamal-202 Yamal-202 Russia Russia Gazprom Space Systems Commercial Communications GEO 49.03 "35,774" "35,796" 2.61E-04 0.04 1436.06 "1,320" "2,000" 11/24/2003 12 Rocket-Space Corporation Energia/Alcatel Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton K 2003-053A 28089 18 C-band; provide communications for gas corporation operations throughout Eurasian continent. JM/12_08 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eurospace/espdatabase/index.html http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.gascom.ru/english/communication-satellites/yamal-200-90.html Yamal-300K Yamal-300K Russia Russia Gazprom Space Systems Commercial Communications GEO 90.00 "35,694" "35,866" 2.04E-03 0.14 1435.76 "1,640" 11/2/2012 OAO Resetneva Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2012-061B 38978 Telecommunications. SC - ASCR http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I061B.HTM http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2017/01/2017-002.html Yamal-401 Yamal-401 Russia Russia Gazprom Space Systems Commercial Communications GEO 90.00 "35,761" "35,822" 7.23E-04 0.03 1436.33 "2,976" 12/15/2014 15 ISS Reshetnev Russia Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2014-082A 40345 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/016B.HTM http://www.russianspaceweb.com/yamal401.html Yamal-402 Yamal-402 Russia Russia Gazprom Space Systems Commercial Communications Electronic Intelligence GEO 55.00 "35,784" "35,789" 5.93E-05 0.06 1436.11 "4,463" 12/8/2012 11 Thales France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton M 2012-070A 39022 Left in low orbit; raised itself with fuel. Shortened on-orbit life to approximately 11 years. SC - ASCR http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I070A.HTM Yamal-601 Yamal-601 Russia Russia Gazprom Space Systems Commercial Communications Electronic Intelligence GEO 49.00 "35,778" "35,793" 1.78E-04 0.03 1436.06 "5,400" 5/30/2019 15 Thales Alenia Space France Baikonur Cosmodrome Proton 2019-031A 44307 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/30/proton-yamal-601-launch/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx602.html Yaogan 10 (Remote Sensing Satellite 10) Yaogan 10 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 625 628 2.14E-04 97.80 97.2 8/9/2010 Shanghai Academy of Satellite Technology (SAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2010-038A 36834 Carries Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensor www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx682.html http://www.sinodefence.com/space/military/yaogan.asp http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf Yaogan 11 (Remote Sensing Satellite 11) Yaogan 11 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 626 668 2.99E-03 97.90 97.7 9/22/2010 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2010-047A 37165 www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx683.html https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/worldwide/space/press-release/yamal-401-orbit http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf Yaogan 12 (Remote Sensing Satellite 12) Yaogan 12 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 487 496 6.56E-04 97.40 94.4 11/9/2011 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2011-066B 37875 www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2011/11/long-march-4b-launches-yaogan-weixing-12/ http://www.gazprom.com/about/subsidiaries/news/2013/january/article155299/ Yaogan 13 (Remote Sensing Satellite 13) Yaogan 13 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 506 507 7.27E-05 97.40 94.8 11/29/2011 Shanghai Academy of Satellite Technology (SAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 2011-072A 37941 www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n1111/29longmarch/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/072A.HTM Yaogan 14 (Remote Sensing Satellite 14) Yaogan 14 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 469 481 8.77E-04 97.30 94.1 5/10/2012 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2012-021A 38257 Carries Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensor www.satellitedebris.net 12/12 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/038A.HTM http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/05/china-pace-long-march-4b-spy-satellite-launch/ http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf Yaogan 15 (Remote Sensing Satellite 15) Yaogan 15 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Polar 0.00 "1,201" "1,207" 3.96E-04 100.20 109.5 "1,040" 5/29/2012 Shanghai Academy of Satellite Technology (SAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2012-029A 38354 Optical imaging satellites with medium resolution (3 to 10 m) capabilities www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/05/china-launches-yaogan-15-long-march-4c-short-notice/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/047A.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf "Yaogan 16A (Remote Sensing Satellite 16A, Yaogan Weixing 16)" Yaogan 16A China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,080" "1,089" 6.04E-04 63.38 106.93 11/25/2012 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2012-066A 39011 Equivalent of U.S. NOSS system - three satellite cluster SC - ASCR http://www.spaceflightnow.co/news/n1211/25longmarch/#.UOXlr3fjtK1 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/066B.HTM http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf Yaogan 16B (Remote Sensing Satellite 16B) Yaogan 16B NR China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,079" "1,090" 7.38E-04 63.38 106.93 11/25/2012 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2012-066B 39012 SC - ASCR http://www.spaceflightnow.co/news/n1211/25longmarch/#.UOXlr3fjtK1 Yaogan 16C (Remote Sensing Satlelite 16C) Yaogan 16C NR China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,032" "1,081" 3.30E-03 63.38 106.33 11/25/2012 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2012-066C 39013 SC - ASCR http://www.spaceflightnow.co/news/n1211/25longmarch/#.UOXlr3fjtK1 http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1205/10longmarch/ "Yaogan 17A (Remote Sensing Satellite 17A, Yaogan Weixing 17)" Yaogan 17A China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,076" "1,111" 2.34E-03 63.41 107.12 9/1/2013 Shanghai Academy of Satellite Technology (SAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2013-046A 39239 Equivalent of U.S. NOSS system - three satellite cluster ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://weebau.com/satellite/Y/yaogan15.htm http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf Yaogan 17B (Remote Sensing Satellite 17B) Yaogan 17B NR China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,080" "1,111" 2.08E-03 63.42 107.13 9/1/2013 Shanghai Academy of Satellite Technology (SAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2013-046B 39240 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I066A.HTM Yaogan 17C (Remote Sensing Satellite 17C) Yaogan 17C NR China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 890 "1,112" 1.51E-02 63.47 105.14 9/1/2013 Shanghai Academy of Satellite Technology (SAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2013-046C 39241 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I066B.HTM Yaogan 18 (Remote Sensing Satellite 18) Yaogan 18 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 509 513 2.91E-04 97.54 94.84 10/29/2013 Shanghai Academy of Satellite Technology (SAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 2013-059A 39363 Carries Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensor SC - ASCR http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/10/chinese-long-march-2c-wg-18/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I066C.HTM http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf Yaogan 19 (Remote Sensing Satellite 19) Yaogan 19 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 "1,201" "1,207" 3.96E-04 100.48 109.51 11/20/2013 Shanghai Academy of Satellite Technology (SAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2013-065A 39410 Optical imaging satellites with medium resolution (3 to 10 m) capabilities SC - ASCR http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/11/long-march-4c-yg-19/ http://www.spaceflight101.com/long-march-4c-yaogan-17-launch.html http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf Yaogan 20A (Remote Sensing Satellite 20A) Yaogan 20A China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,085" "1,095" 6.70E-04 63.40 107.05 8/9/2014 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2014-047A 40109 Equivalent of U.S. NOSS system - three satellite cluster ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.spaceflight101.com/long-march-4c-yaogan-17-launch.html http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf Yaogan 20B (Remote Sensing Satellite 20B) Yaogan 20B China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,087" "1,093" 4.02E-04 63.40 107.05 8/9/2014 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2014-047B 40110 ZARYA http://www.spaceflight101.com/long-march-4c-yaogan-17-launch.html Yaogan 20C (Remote Sensing Satellite 20C) Yaogan 20C China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,087" "1,094" 4.69E-04 63.40 107.05 8/9/2014 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2014-047C 40111 ZARYA http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2013/I059A.HTM Yaogan 21 (Remote Sensing Satellite 21) Yaogan 21 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 480 494 1.02E-03 97.42 94.35 9/8/2014 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2014-053A 40143 Carries Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensor ZARYA http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/09/spacex-falcon-9-asiasat-6-mission/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2013 http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf Yaogan 22 (Remote Sensing Satellite 22) Yaogan 22 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 "1,196" "1,209" 8.58E-04 100.32 109.48 10/20/2014 Shanghai Academy of Satellite Technology (SAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2014-063A 40275 Optical imaging satellites with medium resolution (3 to 10 m) capabilities ZARYA http://www.spaceflight101.com/long-march-4c---yaogan-22-launch.html http://www.spaceflight101.com/long-march-4c---yaogan-20-launch.html http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf Yaogan 23 (Remote Sensing Satellite 23) Yaogan 23 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Radar Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 492 513 1.53E-03 97.33 94.67 11/14/2014 Shanghai Academy of Satellite Technology (SAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 2014-071A 40305 Carries Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensor ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Yaogan 24 (Remote Sensing Satellite 24) Yaogan 24 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 630 653 1.64E-03 97.91 97.55 11/20/2014 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2014-072A 40310 High resolution optical satellite ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf Yaogan 25A (Remote Sensing Satellite 25A) Yaogan 25A China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,089" "1,097" 5.36E-04 63.41 107.12 12/10/2014 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2014-080A 40338 Equivalent of U.S. NOSS system - three satellite cluster ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.spaceflight101.com/long-march-4b---yaogan-21-launch.html http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf Yaogan 25B (Remote Sensing Satellite 25B) Yaogan 25B China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,083" "1,093" 6.70E-04 63.42 107.01 12/10/2014 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2014-080B 40339 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 Yaogan 25C (Remote Sensing Satellite 25C) Yaogan 25C China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,092" "1,113" 1.41E-03 63.40 107.31 12/10/2014 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2014-080C 40340 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.latestgktoday.com/yaogan-23-china-launched-remote-sensing-satellite/ Yaogan 26 (Remote Sensing Satellite 26) Yaogan 26 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 487 491 2.92E-04 97.44 94.39 12/27/2014 China Academy of Space Tecnology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2014-088A 40362 ZARYA http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2014 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/11/long-march-2d-yaogan-weixing-24-china/ Yaogan 27 (Remote Sensing Satellite 27) Yaogan 27 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 "1,201" "1,213" 7.92E-04 100.50 109.4 8/27/2015 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2015-040A 40878 JM/8_15 http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/08/ariane-5-dual-launch-eutelsat-8-west-b-intelsat-34/ http://seradata.com/SSI/2014/12/china-launches-yaogan-25-plus-two-subsats-on-suspected-elint-mission/ Yaogan 28 (Remote Sensing Satellite 28) Yaogan 28 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 460 482 1.61E-03 97.24 94.02 "1,040" 11/8/2015 CAST/Changchun Light Technology Institute China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2015-064A 41026 SC - ASCR http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/11/2015-064.html#2015064A http://seradata.com/SSI/2014/12/china-launches-yaogan-25-plus-two-subsats-on-suspected-elint-mission/ Yaogan 29 (Remote Sensing Satellite 29) Yaogan 29 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 628 629 7.14E-05 97.85 97.28 "1,040" 11/26/2015 CAST/Changchun Light Technology Institute China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2015-069A 41038 SC - ASCR http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/11/2015-069.html#2015069A http://seradata.com/SSI/2014/12/china-launches-yaogan-25-plus-two-subsats-on-suspected-elint-mission/ Yaogan 30 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30) Yaogan 30 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 628 656 2.00E-03 98.07 97.57 "2,700" 5/15/2016 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2016-029A 41473 Space50 http://www.spaceflightinsider.com/missions/earth-science/long-march-2d-successfully-launches-yaogan-30-remote-sensing-satellite/ http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-029A&jazyk=pp_en Yaogan 30-1-1 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30-1-1) Yaogan 30-1-1 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 592 599 5.02E-04 35.00 96.6 9/29/2017 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2017-058A 42945 Thought to be for intelligence gathering. JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/04/china-resumes-launch-campaigns-after-string-of-failures-but-delays-lunar-mission/ Yaogan 30-1-2 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30-1-2) Yaogan 30-1-2 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 592 599 5.02E-04 35.00 96.6 9/29/2017 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2017-058B 42946 Thought to be for intelligence gathering. JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/04/china-resumes-launch-campaigns-after-string-of-failures-but-delays-lunar-mission/ http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/11/09/intelligence-gathering-satellite-launched-by-china/ Yaogan 30-1-3 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30-1-3) Yaogan 30-1-3 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 592 599 5.02E-04 35.00 96.6 9/29/2017 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2017-058C 42947 Thought to be for intelligence gathering. JM/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/04/china-resumes-launch-campaigns-after-string-of-failures-but-delays-lunar-mission/ http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/11/27/radar-spy-satellite-launched-by-china/ Yaogan 30-16 Yaogan 30-16 NR (4/20) China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 595 602 5.02E-04 35.00 96.66 3/24/2020 Innovation Academy for Microsatellites (CAS) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2020-021A 45460 Zarya https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/03/24/china-launches-three-military-satellites/ Yaogan 30-17 Yaogan 30-17 NR (4/20) China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 597 601 2.87E-04 35.00 96.67 3/24/2020 Innovation Academy for Microsatellites (CAS) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2020-021B 45461 Zarya https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/03/24/china-launches-three-military-satellites/ Yaogan 30-2-1 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30-2-1) Yaogan 30-2-1 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 590 603 9.33E-04 35.00 96.6 11/26/2017 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2017-075A 43028 Thought to be for intelligence gathering. JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/26/three-chinese-military-surveillance-satellites-successfully-launched/ http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/05/15/chinese-rocket-lofts-government-surveillance-satellite/ Yaogan 30-2-2 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30-2-2) Yaogan 30-2-2 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 589 603 1.00E-03 35.00 96.6 11/26/2017 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2017-075B 43029 Thought to be for intelligence gathering. JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/26/three-chinese-military-surveillance-satellites-successfully-launched/ Yaogan 30-2-3 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30-2-3) Yaogan 30-2-3 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 589 603 1.00E-03 35.00 96.6 11/26/2017 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2017-075C 43030 Thought to be for intelligence gathering. JMSatcat/3_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/11/26/three-chinese-military-surveillance-satellites-successfully-launched/ Yaogan 30-3-1 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30-3-1) Yaogan 30-3-1 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 590 602 8.61E-04 35.00 96.6 12/25/2017 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2017-085A 43081 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/28/another-trio-of-yaogan-military-satellites-launched-by-china/ Yaogan 30-3-2 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30-3-2) Yaogan 30-3-2 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 590 602 8.61E-04 35.00 96.6 12/25/2017 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2017-085B 43082 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/28/another-trio-of-yaogan-military-satellites-launched-by-china/ Yaogan 30-3-3 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30-3-3) Yaogan 30-3-3 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 591 602 7.89E-04 35.00 96.6 12/25/2017 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2017-085C 43083 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/28/another-trio-of-yaogan-military-satellites-launched-by-china/ Yaogan 30-4-1 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30-4-1) Yaogan 30-4-1 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 591 601 7.18E-04 35.00 96.6 1/25/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2018-011B 43170 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/28/china-launches-fourth-trio-of-yaogan-military-satellites-since-september/ Yaogan 30-4-2 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30-4-2) Yaogan 30-4-2 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 591 601 7.18E-04 35.00 96.6 1/25/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2018-011C 43171 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/28/china-launches-fourth-trio-of-yaogan-military-satellites-since-september/ Yaogan 30-4-3 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30-4-3) Yaogan 30-4-3 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 591 602 7.89E-04 35.00 96.6 1/25/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2018-011D 43172 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/01/28/china-launches-fourth-trio-of-yaogan-military-satellites-since-september/ Yaogan 30-5-1 (Remote Sensnig Satellite 30-5-1) Yaogan 30-5-1 NR (11/19) China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 589 604 1.08E-03 35.00 96.6 7/26/2019 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2019-045A 44449 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/26/china-launches-three-military-satellites-tests-new-rocket-steering-fins/ Yaogan 30-5-2 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30-5-2) Yaogan 30-5-2 NR (11/19) China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 588 605 1.22E-03 35.00 96.6 7/26/2019 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2019-045B 44450 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/26/china-launches-three-military-satellites-tests-new-rocket-steering-fins/ Yaogan 30-5-3 (Remote Sensing Satellite 30-5-3) Yaogan 30-5-3 NR (11/19) China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 587 603 1.15E-03 35.00 96.6 7/26/2019 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2019-045C 44451 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/07/26/china-launches-three-military-satellites-tests-new-rocket-steering-fins/ Yaogan 31-1-1 (Remote Sensing Satellite 31-1-1) Yaogan 31-1-1 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,086" "1,099" 8.71E-04 63.40 107.1 4/10/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2018-034A 43275 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/10/chinese-long-march-4c-rocket-deploys-four-satellites-in-orbit/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/072A.HTM Yaogan 31-1-2 (Remote Sensing Satellite 31-1-2) Yaogan 31-1-2 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,088" "1,099" 7.37E-04 63.40 107.1 4/10/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2018-034B 43276 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/10/chinese-long-march-4c-rocket-deploys-four-satellites-in-orbit/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx677.html Yaogan 31-1-3 (Remote Sensing Satellite 31-1-3) Yaogan 31-1-3 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,087" "1,098" 7.37E-04 63.40 107.1 4/10/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2018-034C 43277 JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/10/chinese-long-march-4c-rocket-deploys-four-satellites-in-orbit/ Yaogan 32-1-1 (Remote Sensing Satellite 32-1-1) Yaogan 32-1-1 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 689 704 1.06E-03 98.20 98.7 10/8/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2018-077A 43642 JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/12/two-satellites-with-secretive-missions-launched-by-china/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx677.html Yaogan 4 (Remote Sensing Satellite 4) Yaogan 4 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Government Earth Observation Electronic Intelligence LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 635 658 1.64E-03 97.80 97.7 "2,700" 12/1/2008 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2008-061A 33446 High resolution optical satellite www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I065B.HTM http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf "Yaogan 6 (Remote Sensing Satellite 6, Jian Bing 7-A)" Yaogan 6 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 511 512 7.27E-05 97.30 94.9 "1,800" 4/22/2009 Shanghai Academy of Satellite Technology (SAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 2C 2009-021A 34839 "Land resources surveys, etc. (see Yaogan 5). But western military believes it to be a reconnaissance satellite." www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/021A.HTM http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n0904/23china/ http://www.sinodefence.com/space/military/yaogan.asp Yaogan 7 (Remote Sensing Satellite 7) Yaogan 7 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 628 665 2.64E-03 98.00 97.7 "2,700" 12/9/2009 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2009-069A 36110 High resolution optical satellite www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacetoday.net/China/ http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf Yaogan 8 (Remote Sensing Satellite 8) Yaogan 8 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 "1,192" "1,205" 8.59E-04 100.30 109.4 12/15/2009 Shanghai Academy of Satellite Technology (SAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4C 2009-072A 36121 Optical imaging satellites with medium resolution (3 to 10 m) capabilities www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spacelaunchreport.com/ http://www.sinodefence.com/space/military/yaogan.asp http://isssp.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Yaogan-and-ASBM-January-2015-Report.pdf Yaogan 9A (Remote Sensing Satellite 9A) Yaogan 9A China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Government Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,017" "1,164" 9.85E-03 63.40 107.1 3/5/2010 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2010-009A 36413 Thought to be for intelligence gathering. www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n1003/05longmarch/index.html http://www.asmmag.com/news/china-launches-yaogan-4-satellite http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/I009A.HTM Yaogan 9B (Remote Sensing Satellite 9B) Yaogan 9B NR China People's Liberation Army (C41) Government Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,017" "1,164" 9.85E-03 63.40 107.1 3/5/2010 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2010-009B 36414 Thought to be for intelligence gathering. www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n1003/05longmarch/index.html http://www.asmmag.com/news/yaogan-6-launched http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/I009B.HTM Yaogan 9C (Remote Sensing Satellite 9C) Yaogan 9C NR China People's Liberation Army (C41) Government Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,017" "1,164" 9.85E-03 63.40 107.1 3/5/2010 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4C 2010-009C 36415 Thought to be for intelligence gathering. www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n1003/05longmarch/index.html http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2009/069A.HTM http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/I009C.HTM Yaogan-30-18 Yaogan 30-18 NR (4/20) China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 591 602 7.89E-04 35.00 96.61 3/24/2020 Innovation Academy for Microsatellites (CAS) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2020-021C 45462 Zarya https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2020 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/03/24/china-launches-three-military-satellites/ Yaogan-32-1-2 (Remote Sensing Satellite 32-1-2) Yaogan 32-1-2 China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Earth Observation Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 681 698 1.20E-03 98.20 98.7 10/8/2018 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2C 2018-077B 43643 JMSatcat/11_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/12/two-satellites-with-secretive-missions-launched-by-china/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx677.html "Yinhe 1 (Galaxy 1, GS-SparkSat-03) " Yinhe 1 NR (3/20) China GalaxySpace Commercial Communications LEO Polar 0.00 621 637 1.14E-03 86.40 97.3 227 1/16/2020 GalaxySpace China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Kuaizhou 1A 2020-004A 45024 "Plan to deploy up to 144 satellites in low Earth orbit to provide Q-band, V-band and Ka-band broadband services" JMSatcact/3_20 https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/01/16/kuaizhou-1a-rocket-lofts-chinese-broadband-test-satellite/ Youthsat Youthsat India India Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Government Space Science Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 802 824 1.53E-03 98.70 101.2 92 4/20/2011 2 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) India Satish Dhawan Space Centre PSLV C16 2011-015B 37388 "Payloads a collaboration between Indian and Russian students, carries three science instruments." www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://www.isro.org/satellites/youthsat.aspx "Yubileiny (Jubilejnyj, Radio Sputnik 30 (RS-30))" Yubileiny Russia Russia Research Laboratory of Aerospace Technology (NILAKT ROSTO) Civil Technology Development Earth Science LEO Polar 0.00 "1,479" "1,508" 1.84E-03 82.50 115.8 45 5/23/2008 OAO ISS Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Rokot 2008-025A 32953 "Commemorates Sputnik flight of 1957; will broadcast audio and video about the history of the Soviet and Russian space programs, as well as signals imitating those broadcast by Sputnik in 1957." www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://www.n1ics.net/node/62 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx655.html Yunhai-1 Yunhai-1 China China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 747 798 3.57E-03 98.35 100.2 11/11/2016 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2016-068A 41857 Operator not known at this time. prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/11/13/mysterious-weather-satellite-launched-from-china/ Yunhai-1 2 Yunhai-1 2 NR (11/19) China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 782 785 2.10E-04 98.60 100.5 9/25/2019 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2019-063A 44547 Zarya 2019 https://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2019 Yunhai-2 01 Yunhai-2 01 China China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging/Automatic Identification System (AIS) LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 516 524 5.81E-04 50.00 95.02 12/29/2018 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-112A 43909 "Measure atmospheric environmental factors and the space environment, and help in disaster prevention and mitigation." JMSatcat/3_19 http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-12/29/c_137707281_2.htm http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/015B.HTM https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Yunhai-2 02 Yunhai-2 02 China China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) Government Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 514 523 6.53E-04 50.00 95.02 12/29/2018 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-112B 43910 JMSatcat/3_19 http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-12/29/c_137707281_2.htm http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/I024A.HTM https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Yunhai-2 03 Yunhai-2 03 China China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) Government Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 512 524 8.71E-04 50.00 95 12/29/2018 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-112C 43911 JMSatcat/3_19 http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-12/29/c_137707281_2.htm http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2016/11/2016-068.html#yG https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Yunhai-2 04 Yunhai-2 04 China China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) Government Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,088" "1,097" 6.03E-04 50.00 107.1 12/29/2018 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-112D 43912 JMSatcat/3_19 http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-12/29/c_137707281_2.htm https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/09/25/china-launches-environmental-monitoring-satellite/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Yunhai-2 05 Yunhai-2 05 China China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) Government Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,090" "1,098" 5.36E-04 50.00 107.1 12/29/2018 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-112E 43913 JMSatcat/3_19 http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-12/29/c_137707281_2.htm https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/30/china-debuts-new-upper-stage-in-final-launch-of-the-year/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Yunhai-2 06 Yunhai-2 06 China China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) Government Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 "1,092" "1,098" 4.02E-04 50.00 107.2 12/29/2018 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-112G 43915 JMSatcat/3_19 http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-12/29/c_137707281_2.htm https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/30/china-debuts-new-upper-stage-in-final-launch-of-the-year/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt ZACUBE-1 (TshepisoSAT) ZACUBE-1 South Africa South Africa French South African Institute of Technology/Cape Peninsula University of Technology Civil Technology Development/Education LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 592 633 2.94E-03 97.60 97.2 2 11/21/2013 French South African Institute of Technology/Cape Peninsula University of Technology South Africa Dombarovsky Air Base Dnepr 2013-066B 39417 Student education and technology demonstration. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/v-w-x-y-z/zacube-2 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/30/china-debuts-new-upper-stage-in-final-launch-of-the-year/ ZACUBE-2 ZACUBE-2 South Africa South Africa French South African Institute of Technology/Cape Peninsula University of Technology Civil Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 480 508 2.04E-03 97.30 94.5 4 11/27/2018 French South African Institute of Technology/Cape Peninsula University of Technology South Africa Vostochny Cosmodrome Soyuz 2.1a 2018-111AH 43907 Student education and precursor to possible constellation. Carries an AIS receiver and near-infrared camera for detection of wildfires. JMSatcat/3_19 https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/v-w-x-y-z/zacube-2 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/30/china-debuts-new-upper-stage-in-final-launch-of-the-year/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt "Zhangguo Ziyuan 2C (ZY-2C, JB-3C)" Ziyuan 2C China China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Military Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 555 606 3.67E-03 97.20 96.3 11/4/2004 5 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2004-044A 28470 Third digital imaging spacecraft launched by Chinese government for reconnaissance purposes. www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://www.lib.cas.cz/knav/space.40/2004/044A.HTM https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/30/china-debuts-new-upper-stage-in-final-launch-of-the-year/ http://www.sciencepresse.qc.ca/clafleur "Zhangheng 1 (CSES, China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite)" Zhangheng 1 China China/Italy China Earthquake Administration/Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics Government Earth Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 488 509 1.53E-03 97.30 94.5 730 2/2/2018 5 China Earthquake Administration/Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics China/Italy Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2018-015C 43194 "Measure Earth’s magnetic field, plasma and other particles to search for disturbances triggered in the early stages of underground seismic events." JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/02/02/china-lofts-earthquake-research-craft-with-cluster-of-smaller-satellites/ https://www.cubespace.co.za/projectsaerosat "Zheda Pixing 1B (ZP-1B, Zhejiang University-1B)" ZP-1B China China Zhejiang University Civil Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 619 653 2.43E-03 97.90 97.4 4 9/22/2010 Zhejiang University China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2010-047B 37166 Picosat for scientific research - MEMS. www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/2010.php https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/047B.HTM "Zheda Pixing 1C (ZP-1C, Zhejiang University-1B" ZP-1C China China Zhejiang University Civil Space Science LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 620 653 2.35E-03 97.90 97.5 4 9/22/2010 Zhejiang University China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2010-047C 37167 Picosat for scientific research - MEMS. www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/2010.php https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/12/27/soyuz-28-satellite-cluster-launch/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2010/047C.HTM "Zheda Pixing 2A (ZP-2A, ZDP-2A)" ZP-2A China China Zhejiang University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 517 534 1.23E-03 97.46 95.15 12 9/19/2015 Zhejiang University China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2015-049C 40901 Thought to iv for intelligence gathering. JM 12_15 http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/09/2015-049.html "Zheda Pixing 2B (ZP-2B, ZDP-2B)" ZP-2B NR China Zhejiang University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 517 535 1.31E-03 97.45 95.16 12 9/19/2015 Zhejiang University China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 6 2015-049D 40902 Thought to iv for intelligence gathering. JM 12_15 http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/09/2015-049.html "Zheda Pixing 3A (ZP-3A, ZDP-3A)" ZP-3A NR (7/20) China Zhejiang University Civil Technology Development LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 486 503 1.24E-03 97.30 94.5 12 6/17/2020 Zhejiang University China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 2D 2020-039B 45795 Described as technology development. ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/06/17/china-launches-earth-observation-satellite/ "Zhongxing 10 (XZ-10, Chinasat 10)" Zhongxing 10 China China China Satellite Communication Corp. (China Satcom) Government Communications GEO 110.50 "35,775" "35,797" 2.61E-04 0.17 1436.05 "5,000" 6/20/2011 15 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2011-026A 37677 Thought to li for intelligence gathering. SC - ASCR http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/026A.HTM http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx683.html Zhongxing 11 (ChinaSat 11) Zhongxing 11 China China China Satellite Communication Corp. (China Satcom) Commercial Communications GEO 98.00 "35,781" "35,793" 1.42E-04 0.02 1436.14 "5,100" 5/1/2013 15 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2013-020A 39157 "19 Ku-band and 26 C-band transponders to provide commercial communications to China, East Asia, China Sea, South Asia, Indian Ocean, the Middle East, Africa and Australia." JM/8_15 http://www.spaceflight101.com/chinasat-11-launch-long-march-3be.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx683.html "Zhongxing 12 (Chinasat 12, SupremeSat-1, Apstar 7B, ZX-12)" Zhongxing 12 China/Sri Lanka China China Satellite Communication Corp. (China Satcom) Government Communications GEO 87.50 "35,759" "35,807" 5.69E-04 0.04 1435.92 "5,500" 11/27/2012 Thales Alenia Space France Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2012-067A 39017 "Part of the satellite’s communications payload has been leased to Sri Lanka, co-branded as SupremeSat-I." SC - ASCR http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1211/27longmarch/#.UOXI7nfjtKI http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/05/long-march-3be-chinasat-11/ "Zhongxing 1A (Chinasat 1A, Fenghuo 2)" Zhongxing 1A China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Communications GEO 129.84 "35,778" "35,796" 2.13E-04 0.30 1436.13 "5,200" 9/18/2011 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2011-047A 37804 Possible replacement for Zhongxing 22A. JM/1_12 http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n1109/18longmarch/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40//2011/047A.HTM Zhongxing 1C (ChinaSat 1C) Zhongxing 1C China China China Satellite Communication Corp. (China Satcom) Commercial Communications GEO 81.00 "35,778" "35,796" 2.13E-04 0.01 1436.12 "5,200" "8,000" 12/9/2015 15 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2015-073A 41103 prehled-druzic http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/09/long-march-lofts-communications-craft-for-chinese-government/ http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/12/long-march-3b-chinasat-1c/ Zhongxing 20A Zhongxing 20A China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military Communications Hyperspectral Imaging GEO 130.00 "35,773" "35,799" 3.08E-04 0.55 1436.05 "2,300" 11/24/2010 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2010-064A 37234 "Announced as commercial communications satellite, but believed by many to be military." SC - ASCR http://www.kosmo.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=kosmo&file=index&fil=/s/2010/064A.HTM http://sky-brokers.com/uploads/c6/ba/c6baa92bd1bc848b3a050ed0f7b401d7/ChinaSat-11-Satellite-Footprint.pdf Zhongxing 2A (Chinasat 2A) Zhongxing 2A China China People's Liberation Army (C41) Military/Government Communications Hyperspectral Imaging GEO 98.00 "35,781" "35,792" 1.30E-04 0.19 1436.09 "5,200" 5/26/2012 China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2012-028A 38352 Operated by the Army and their aim is to provide secured voice and data communications services for ground users using Ku-band. ZARYA http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/05/long-march-3b-launches-chinasat-2a/ http://space50.kosmo.cz/s40/2012/I067A.HTM Zhongxing 2C (ChinaSat 2C) Zhongxing 2C China China China Satellite Communication Corp. (China Satcom) Government/Commercial Communications Hyperspectral Imaging GEO 103.43 "35,787" "35,801" 1.66E-04 0.50 1436.1 "5,200" 11/3/2015 15 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2015-063A 41021 SC - ASCR http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/11/03/military-communications-craft-likely-aboard-chinese-launch/ http://sinodefence.wordpress.com/2011/09/18/new-military-communications-satellite-to-be-launched/ Zhongxing 2D (Chinasat 2D) Zhongxing 2D NR (11/19) China China Government/Commercial Communications Hyperspectral Imaging GEO 130.00 "35,781" "35,793" 1.42E-04 0.02 1436.12 "5,200" 1/10/2019 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2019-001A 43920 "Will provide transmission service for the country’s radio, television stations and cable television networks.”" JMGEO/3_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/01/10/china-begins-2019-launch-campaign-with-a-success/ http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.com/2015/12/2015-073.html Zhongxing 6B (ChinaSat 6B) Zhongxing 6B China China China Satellite Communication Corp. (China Satcom) Government/Commercial Communications Hyperspectral Imaging GEO 115.58 "35,777" "35,797" 2.37E-04 0.05 1436.1 "4,600" "9,500" 7/6/2007 15 Thales Alenia Space France/Italy Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2007-031A 31800 38 C-band; voice and video services to Asia-Pacific and Oceania. JM/12_08 http://www.space-travel.com/reports/China_Launches_Thales_built_Chinasat_6B_Telecommunication_Satellite_999.html nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx685.html Zhongxing 6C (ChinaSat 6C) Zhongxing 6C NR (11/19) China China Satellite Communication Corp. (China Satcom) Government/Commercial Communications Hyperspectral Imaging GEO 130.00 "35,777" "35,792" 1.78E-04 0.06 1436.1 "4,600" 3/11/2019 15 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2019-012A 44067 "25 C-band transponders covering China, Southeast Asia, Australia and islands in the South Pacific" In the Sky https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/03/china-returns-spring-break-zhongxing-6c-launch/ http://www.zarya.info/Diaries/Launches/Launches.php?year=2012 "Zhongxing 9 (Chinasat 9, Chinastar 9)" Zhongxing 9 China China China Satellite Communication Corp. (China Satcom) Government Communications Hyperspectral Imaging GEO 92.22 "35,759" "35,812" 6.29E-04 0.03 1436.1 6/9/2008 Thales Alenia Space France Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2008-028A 33051 "Voice and video transmissions, especially during Beijing Olympics in 2008." JM/12_08 http://blog.reallyrocketscience.com/node/989 http://prehled-druzic.blogspot.cz/2015/11/2015-063.html#2015063A http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2008/INDEX1.HTM Zhongxing 9A (ChinaSat 9A) Zhongxing 9A China China China Satellite Communication Corp. (China Satcom) Government/Commercial Communications Hyperspectral Imaging GEO 101.40 "35,773" "35,800" 3.20E-04 0.00 1436.1 "5,000" 6/18/2017 15 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Xichang Satellite Launch Center Long March 3B 2017-035A 42763 "Initially put into wrong orbit, but was able to correct." JM/10_17 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/06/19/chinese-broadcasting-satellite-ends-up-in-wrong-orbit-after-rocket-failure/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Zhuhai 1-04 (OHS-1) OHS-1 China China Zhuhai Orbita Aerospace Science and Technology Co. Commercial Earth Observation Video LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 511 1.24E-03 97.40 94.6 90 4/26/2018 Zhuhai Orbita Aerospace Science and Technology Co. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2018-040A 43439 "Survey natural resources, cities, crops and forests, and other environmental features." JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/26/long-march-11-rocket-delivers-five-commercial-satellites-to-orbit/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2007/031A.HTM Zhuhai 1-05 (OHS-2) OHS-2 China China Zhuhai Orbita Aerospace Science and Technology Co. Commercial Earth Observation Video LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 512 1.38E-03 97.40 94.6 90 4/26/2018 Zhuhai Orbita Aerospace Science and Technology Co. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2018-040C 43441 "Survey natural resources, cities, crops and forests, and other environmental features." JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/26/long-march-11-rocket-delivers-five-commercial-satellites-to-orbit/ https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/03/11/chinese-tv-broadcasting-satellite-launched-on-300th-long-march-rocket/ Zhuhai 1-06 (OHS-3) OHS-3 China China Zhuhai Orbita Aerospace Science and Technology Co. Commercial Earth Observation Video LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 493 512 1.38E-03 97.40 94.6 90 4/26/2018 Zhuhai Orbita Aerospace Science and Technology Co. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2018-040D 43442 "Survey natural resources, cities, crops and forests, and other environmental features." JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/26/long-march-11-rocket-delivers-five-commercial-satellites-to-orbit/ Zhuhai 1-07 (OHS-4) OHS-4 China China Zhuhai Orbita Aerospace Science and Technology Co. Commercial Earth Observation Video LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 491 511 1.46E-03 97.40 94.6 90 4/26/2018 Zhuhai Orbita Aerospace Science and Technology Co. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2018-040E 43443 "Survey natural resources, cities, crops and forests, and other environmental features." JMSatcat/5_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/26/long-march-11-rocket-delivers-five-commercial-satellites-to-orbit/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/geo.log Zhuhai-1 (OHS 5) OHS-5 NR (11/19) China Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 511 1.24E-03 97.40 94.6 55 9/19/2019 Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2019-060C 44536 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/09/19/five-chinese-smallsats-launched-by-long-march-11-rocket/ Zhuhai-1 (OHS 6) OHS-6 NR (11/19) China Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Hyperspectral Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 511 1.24E-03 97.40 94.6 55 9/19/2019 Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2019-060D 44537 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/09/19/five-chinese-smallsats-launched-by-long-march-11-rocket/ Zhuhai-1 (OHS 7) OHS-7 NR (11/19) China Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 492 511 1.38E-03 97.40 94.6 55 9/19/2019 Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2019-060E 44538 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/09/19/five-chinese-smallsats-launched-by-long-march-11-rocket/ Zhuhai-1 (OHS 8) OHS-8 NR (11/19) China Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation Optical Imaging LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 491 511 1.46E-03 97.40 94.6 55 9/19/2019 Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2019-060F 44539 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/09/19/five-chinese-smallsats-launched-by-long-march-11-rocket/ Zhuhai-1-01 (OVS-1A) OVS-1A China China Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 533 545 8.68E-04 43.02 95.42 55 6/15/2017 Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4B 2017-034D 42761 "Will record high-resolution video from orbit, and future spacecraft in the Zhuhai 1 fleet will collect hyperspectral and radar imagery" JMSatcat10_17 http://spaceflight101.com/long-march-4b-launches-hxmt-space-telescope/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Zhuhai-1-02 (OVS-1B) OVS-1B China China Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Non-Polar Inclined 0.00 533 545 8.68E-04 43.02 95.42 55 6/15/2017 Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 4B 2017-034B 42759 "Will record high-resolution video from orbit, and future spacecraft in the Zhuhai 1 fleet will collect hyperspectral and radar imagery" JMSatcat10_17 http://spaceflight101.com/long-march-4b-launches-hxmt-space-telescope/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Zhuhai-1-03 (OVS-2A) OVS-2A NR China Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 511 1.24E-03 97.40 94.6 55 4/26/2018 Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2018-040B 43440 "Will record high-resolution video from orbit, and future spacecraft in the Zhuhai 1 fleet will collect hyperspectral and radar imagery" JMSatcat10_18 https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/26/long-march-11-rocket-delivers-five-commercial-satellites-to-orbit/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Zhuhai-1-03 (OVS-3) OVS-3 NR (11/19) China Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. Commercial Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 494 511 1.24E-03 97.40 94.6 55 9/19/2019 Zhuhai Orbita Control Engineering Co. Ltd. China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Long March 11 2019-060A 44534 JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/09/19/five-chinese-smallsats-launched-by-long-march-11-rocket/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Ziyuan 1-02C Ziyuan 1-02C China China China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and Application (CRESDA) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 763 773 7.00E-04 98.56 100.2 "1,500" 12/22/2011 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2011-079A 38038 "Can acquire high-resolution data through remote-sensing; can conduct land resources surveys, reduce natural disasters, aid agriculture development and manage water resources. " SC - ASCR http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/2011/12/22/6013393.htm http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Ziyuan 1-2D Ziyuan 1-2D NR (11/19) China China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and Application (CRESDA) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 748 758 7.02E-04 98.50 99.8 "2,650" 9/14/2019 5 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2019-059A 44528 Hyperspectral imaging JMSatcat/11_19 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/09/12/china-launches-earth-observing-satellites-solar-sail-experiment/ http://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt Ziyuan 3 (ZY-3) Ziyuan 3 China China China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and Application (CRESDA) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 500 504 2.91E-04 97.50 94.7 "2,650" 1/9/2012 4 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2012-001A 38046 Land survey satellite. www.spacedebris.net 12/12 http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1201/09longmarch/ https://spacenews.com/china-launches-five-commercial-remote-sensing-satellites-via-long-march-11/ Ziyuan 3-2 Ziyuan 3-2 China China China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and Application (CRESDA) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 487 500 9.47E-04 97.50 94.49 "2,630" 5/29/2016 4 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2016-033A 41556 Thought to be for intelligence gathering. Space50 http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/05/31/long-march-4b-lofts-earth-viewing-satellites-for-china-argentina/ https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://space50.org/objekt.php?mot=2016-033A&jazyk=pp_en Ziyuan 3-3 Ziyuan 3-3 NR (7/20) China China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and Application (CRESDA) Government Earth Observation LEO Sun-Synchronous 0.00 487 499 8.74E-04 97.50 94.5 "2,630" 7/25/2020 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) China Taiyuan Launch Center Long March 4B 2020-051A 45939 "Land survey satellite. Provide data for the country’s land resources investigation, natural disaster prevention, agriculture development, water resource management, environmental survey and urban planning." ZARYA https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/07/25/china-launches-high-resolution-mapping-satellite/ http://www.lib.cas.cz/space.40/2011/079A.HTM https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/01/china-opens-2012-ziyuan-3-launch-long-march-4b/ http://spaceflights.news/?p=35647