Lawmakers Urged to Quickly Reschedule McCarthy Vote

Statement by Kevin Knobloch, Union of Concerned Scientists President

Published May 9, 2013


WASHINGTON (May 9, 2013) – Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee are boycotting a committee voting session on President Barack Obama's choice to head the Environmental Protection Agency. The boycott may delay a confirmation vote by the full Senate.

Below is a statement by Kevin Knobloch, president of the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).

“I’m disappointed that the vote has been delayed. The EPA has important work to do and needs a leader at the helm. Americans have made it clear they’d like to see Congress working together. I hope the committee reschedules the vote quickly.

“From a science perspective, Gina McCarthy is a very strong choice. That’s why past presidents of the American Association for the Advancement of Science sent a letter to Committee Chair Barbara Boxer and Ranking Minority Member David Vitter endorsing her nomination.

“Ms. McCarthy has repeatedly demonstrated her commitment to science. She also has shown she is willing to address valid concerns raised by industry.  She is the kind of nominee -- a person of rigor and integrity -- that Americans will be proud to have heading up one of our most important agencies.”

Read Knobloch’s letter to senators supporting McCarthy. 

Read a blog by Alden Meyer, director of strategy and policy at UCS, supporting the president’s nominee.

Read a letter that past American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) presidents, including UCS Board Chair Jim McCarthy (no relation to Gina McCarthy), sent to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee chair and ranking minority member in support of McCarthy.