House Tax Bill Fails to Preserve Electric Vehicle Incentives—Senate Must Protect Them

Statement by Don Anair, Union of Concerned Scientists

Published Nov 9, 2017

WASHINGTON (November 9, 2017)—The House Ways and Means Committee today advanced an amended version of their tax bill. This new version, like the first version introduced, would fully end the tax incentives for electric vehicles at the end of this year. That’s a shortsighted policy that will increase pollution and undermine an important and growing industry, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).

Below is a statement by Don Anair, deputy director of the Clean Vehicles program at UCS.

“The U.S. House’s tax plan takes us in the wrong direction in a number of ways, including by abruptly cutting off support for electric vehicles. The electric vehicle tax credit has spurred innovation in the auto industry, creating jobs and allowing America’s drivers access to the benefits of driving electric. If this bill becomes law, the progress of our growing electric vehicle market would stall, and America will fall behind other countries that recognize how critical this technology is to the future of transportation.  

“Where the U.S. House has failed, the U.S. Senate should step up to mend the damage. Senators need to take a different approach and protect our investments in the future—including keeping the electric vehicle tax credit in place.”